So the conservative lumpenproletariat had lots of fun during the 2008 campaign claiming liberals are all robots, ie “Obamatrons,” and such. They got a hard on over some idiot bimbo on their ticket, celebrated a mindless liar who claimed to be a plumber, and basically acted like douchebags on a daily basis. But we’re the mindless robots who act on orders.
Yeah, um, okay.
These are the stupid fucks willing to show up at meetings and act like assholes on behalf of giant insurance corporations. These are the stupid birther fucks who insist on spreading absolute bullshit about Barack Obama, as if everyone else in the country is some kind of two year old that will believe any old thing.
Nobody will ever catch on that the whole show is orchestrated through the noise machine.
These are the stupid fucks who bought high while listening to right wing AM radio. You know the type. They never could resist the multi-level greed pitch and the arousing lure of screwing someone over. Now that their greed bubble has been burst, they lash out at anyone and anything they can.
What I want to know is: when are we going to act in kind? This bullshit right wing temper tantrum needs to be answered in Republican Congressional district offices all over the state. We’ll march, shout, make signs, act like douchebags, hang people in effigy and generally be stupid. You know, like them.
Now quick, someone find out where the fuck there are any Republican district offices.
we love it when you talk dirty, jon.
you could get mad and shout with signs about 22,000 more soldiers to afghanistan and general mchrystal meth asking to double down. or about bush and obama’s shared secdef gates pushing for billions and billions more from the pliant democratically controlled houses of congress including the entire wash dlegation with the sometimes exception of mcdermott. or about domestic spying on anti-war activists in washington state. or immunity for the corporate spymasters. but i suppose a republican vs, democrats paradigm is easier to deal with.
“celebrated a mindless liar who claimed to be a plumber”
Not to mention a traffic ticket scofflaw; the GOP’s grassroots figurehead couldn’t even go to Arizona to campaign for the party’s candidates because he’s a wanted man there.
Which raises an interesting question … is there a single Republican in the entire country who isn’t a criminal? At some point, the GOP will go down to defeat simply because none of its supporters have voting rights — they’re either under the age of 14 (most of the trolls here) or convicted felons.
“Now quick, someone find out where the fuck there are any Republican district offices.”
I think there’s one somewhere in Bellevue, but I can’t find the guy because he has an unlisted number.
The coward in Bellevue is out hiding in an office supply store pretending to shop for pens.
I agree that the republican noise machine has a large “stupid” faction.
but we DON’T want to be like them. why settle for the simplistic, mindless explanations? Why ignore the relevant facts on health care and bring up petty anecdotes or biased right wing crap?
Instead, let’s confront them with facts. Let ehm be the screaming idiots that are inpired by their coporate sponsors and lobbying interests.
I don’t want to be at their level. they will overplay their hand and be ridiculed for the idiots they are (see “birthers”, for instance).
@2: Why should I be mad about more soldiers to Afghanistan – Obama did not lie to us about that – he said that is what he would do.
He also pointed out that bin Laden is still on the loose and that the Taliban destabilized that country because we were in the wrong place…Iraq.
PS: did anyone listen to John Bolton the other day saying that Clinton screwed up ….becuase ., well, we should not talk to the North Koreans….because, well….ummmm
Hard to believe that idiot was the UN ambassador for our country – what a complete idiot and embarassment. How can anyone that stupid and incoherent represent us?
Oh yeah, Bush.
Well if this is just par for the corse. Desent is a patriot’s duty when Republicans are in power. But when Obama the chosen one is in office well everyone must line up and drink the Kool-aie. Well I am sorry. I feel that goverment health care is a violation of the constitution. I feel it is wrong. I and all oters like me have every right to voice our opinion. I defended the rights protesters against the Iraq war even though I supported the war and never stop supporting it. I defended what our troops are fighting for. I now see that the favor will not be returned
Reichert Healthcare Town Hall:
TOMORROW, Thursday, August 6, 2009
12:00 p.m. – 1 p.m. pacific
Call toll-free: (877) 269-7289
Code: 12428
Obama and his health care fiasco are going down in flames. Have you checked the polls lately? Everyday they get lower and lower because the average joe is starting to find out what is actually in the bills.
And the liberals look more and more pathetic especially when they are unwilling to be covered by Obamas government medical option.
The only thing they can do is lie.
The best tactic is to lump the Red Republicans withg their kin … the Brownshirts, the Blackshirts sure … buy also the Weathermen, the antiWar protestors, John Brown, Sam Adams, … the Red flag waves over them all .. the Red flag of rage.
How to respond? Dr. King gave us the answer, quiet protest, arms locked. Use shame against hate. Go to town halls, when they yell … recite the Pledge f Allegiance or sing Woody Allen back at them. Sing … WE SHALL OVERCOME. When they grab the microphone DEMAND quiet in the room, make the idiots behave like idiots.
It worked before.
Hey, John, have you looked at the Republican numbers lately? They’re totally in the toilet and they aren’t recovering. I think Obama’s numbers are slipping because HE HASN’T BEEN AGGRESSIVE ENOUGH!
I’m glad you’re happy with your health care. $1.4 million per day of your premiums are going to lobby Congressmen to kill real health care reform. You’re a sucker.
The weathermen? Like Obamas friend Bill Ayers? Sounds like a great plan!
Go for it!
Pale Rider
Have I looked at the republican numbers lately?
Yes I have and obviously you have not.
Support for Republican congressional candidates has risen to its highest level in recent years, giving the GOP a five-point lead over Democrats in the latest Congressional Ballot
Take a look if you have the guts
re 15: Rasmussen is to scientific polling like Bill Nye the Science Guy is to six-dimensional physics.
In some Republican gerrymandered district is where these candidates get their support.
Face it. You guys are the political gurus of the idiot underclass. And you know what? You are perfectly suited to representing them.
Erich von Lustbader
What the fuck are you talking about?
You are as dumb as you sound
Gallup and may others count registered voters while Rasmussen polls likely voters. You go ahead and take your numbers from people who don’t intend on voting and then wonder why you did so poorly
Erich von Lustbader #16
So what did the Daily Kos say about Rasmussen polling?
As usual you have no idea what you are talking about! No wonder your poll numbers continue to fall.
I know that you get your marching orders from the Daily Kos. So you are going to now tell me that they don’t know what they are talking about?
You are pathetic!
Amen! Personally, I’m hoping for a local health care town hall meeting where my liberal friends and I can address the teabagging astroturf health care disruption campaign up close and personal – and in a language I suspect they will plainly understand.
is rassmuseen as bad as zogby, who polled kerry the presidential winner? you guys are worse than stupid.
I have a fairly good medical plan through the military, but I have friends and family who don’t, so I want a One Payee plan now! Plus the high cost of health insurance and care is a national security threat.
I am getting real tired of the health industry’s hired guns who are disrupting meetings and spreading out and out lies. At one time I was an indepentant voter that leaned toward Republicans. Now because of these hired guns, swift boaters, tea-baggers, birthers, sexual hypocrites, traitorous losers who want to break their state away from the nation now that they are not in power, and murderous crimials found in the Republican party I am now a strong supporter of the Democratic party. Thank you very much for doing such a great job of swelling the ranks of the Democratic party by your behavior.
John reminds me of the rulers in Iran. Protests by people that are on his political side are good. Protests by people who don’t think like him are bad for the country.
It is blog posts like this that will turn the tide.
“What I want to know is: when are we going to act in kind? This bullshit right wing temper tantrum needs to be answered in Republican Congressional district offices all over the state.” Hmm, Acorn, Cindy Sheehan, etc ring a bell? Funny how they are only OK when they are against a republican. When, hell, you’ve been doing it since Bush2 got elected.
“Now that their greed bubble has been burst, they lash out at anyone and anything they can.” Obama did inherit a huge deficit, and an economy due (and in) a recession due to mistakes over the last 15 years. Are we better off now? If he blamed Bush, I can just see what the R majority congress in 2/4 years will be saying “we inherited a deficit from our Democrat predecessor’s that is 300% (or more) higher than it was in 2006”.
Funny how you know (not this particular blog subject) slam your own “blue dog” D’s, when they are a big reason for your success in 06 and 08. The R’s will gladly take back these positions since you obviously disdain them.
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred
“We’ll march, shout, make signs, act like douchebags, hang people in effigy and generally be stupid. You know, like them.”
You’ve been doing that for decades. Turnabout is fair play.
Hey wingnuts,
Get the DVD!
Townhalls gone wild! Birther madness!
Stupes can breathe a sigh of relief.
Murdoch will only charge for “news” – like the news of a Republican being sent up the river for corruption or over the top sex perversion or a birthers/tea baggers gone wild event.
The rest – 99% – will remain free. Now that’s a low ball estimate of the right wing bullshit in a Murdoch publication if I’ve ever seen one.
Poor Glenn Beck. It would appear that calling our president a “racist” didn’t go over so well with his advertisers.
Well done,
Calling George W. Bush a racist = A-Okay
Calling Barack Obama a racist = Almost criminal.
@28 Oh, how I love the cries and tears of deranged wingnuts. Shall I play my violin for you as you weep?
Retired Chief,
Take a hard look at it. The only difference between the right and left in America is the flavor and style of the corrupt lives they lead. The Democrats and Republicans are different sides to the same corrupt coin.
rich von Lustbader farts:
What a dunce. Rasmussen was the most correct polling service last year fool. You mean your other persona Headless Lucy didn’t share that information with this persona?
Once again you can see why clueless wondermoron is aptly named. Look where the fool@25 gets his “news”.
LMAO @ the moron @ 32!!!!
See the latest number for News Corp fool? Got stock in them?
203 million dollar loss? Awwwwww poor Papa Murdoch. Chimponomics treated him just great!!!! Well I hope his tax cuts are seeing him through the rough times.
But OH NO! He’s going to charge your dumb ass for news! I can see it:
Stupes: Please Papa Murdoch please. I need the free news to use against teh moonbats at!! Please I beg you!
PM: Show me the money idiot! I’m not running a charity here. The free lunch is FINISHED! Fork it over. I’m expecting you to keep me in penthouses, yachts, private planes and fancy offices.
Stupes; Yes Papa Rupert Yes. Your wish is my command!
LMAO!!! This is just too much fun!
Farmer Fred @ 23
You practiced socialized agriculture much?
Ever take a subsidy check?
How about your neighbors? You know the website to check on them I’m sure..
Happy Harvest.
Man clueless wondermoron is stupid stupid stupid. Gets his information from KOS TV and now uses HuffPo to make another silly point? Puddy wonders why he sticks thumb up ASS and then sucks it. You, after rudeASS, are the number 2 densest and dumbest on the HA Libtardo block.
CNN’s ratings have gone down the drain. CNN has lost 22% of its total primetime audience. MSNBC was down 2% (well they didn’t have much to start with), while FoxNews was up 24%. In the key advertising demographic (25-54) that includes peeps of your ilk clueless wondermoron, FoxNews is up 31%, CNN was down 37% and MSNBC was down 26%. Your heroes Keith and Chris suck used toilet water. In hard numbers, Fox averages 109,000 more viewers per night while CNN lost 113,000 viewers. CNN is averaging fewer than 200,000 25-54 viewers in it’s prime time programming lineup. Puddy wonders why with Anderson Cooper Rick Sanchez Roland Martin Donna Brazile as part of their Libtardo line-up. MSNBC averaged better viewership than CNN.
Libtardo New York Times losing money – Borrows mucho denero from Mexican tycoon. Got stock in them?
Libtardo LA Times lost money. Got stock in them?
Libtardo Chicago Tribune lost money. Got stock in them?
Fox News made money while CNN and MSNBC lost money. Got stock in those losers?
And 41 companies in the S&P 500 have cut their dividend payouts in 2009. Got stock in them?
The Libtardo city Los Angeles is down to a mere 29 billionaires. Got stock in their companies fool?
Another insipid comment from the Vile one clueless wondermoron.
Steve powerful commentary from MediaBistro.
“A Fox News spokesperson told TVNewser that the advertisers simply moved their spots from Beck to other programs on the network, “so there has been no revenue lost.”
Only two advertisers left his show? Wow that’s really calling them out.
YLB @ 34
1) Nope; 2)Don’t grow a lot of program crops; 3)Sure, I have neighbors on the list; You probably have neighbors and relatives on the permanent welfare list.
What the heck is your point pertinent to the discussion? Or is it your point to change the rules when you can’t win the discussion?
Have a nice day,
Farmer Fred