When The Seattle Times headlines an editorial “Timing off for Seattle’s mandatory paid-sick-leave law” perhaps they might hint as to when they’d come out in favor of mandatory paid sick leave. Seems like timing is an issue for them on a lot of issues recently. Their opposition to health care reform was because it’s time to put it on the back burner and focus on jobs. Their opposition to tax increases no matter what is because it’s the wrong time to increase taxes.
I can’t wait until the economy improves and The Seattle Times demands more workplace rules. And they demand tax increases. And they demand even more comprehensive health care reform. I mean unless you think they’re being cynical about the whole thing, and just using the bad economy as an excuse not to do things they don’t want to do.
i believe that the Times, as part of the Mainstream Media must have a leftist bent. Right? That must be true, isn’t it, even if the Times never takes a leftist position on any issue (unless, of course, the outcome is foreordained)?
When you get right down to it, the best time to expand worker rights or benefits, according to the Republican Times, is never.
@1 Right! The Republican Times is part of the “liberal biased media.”
It’s an old tactic. If you can’t think of any other good reason for squashing something, you just say the “timing isn’t right”, or “we have other, more important priorities right now”, or “we don’t have time to deal with this – put it off until next year”. The parlimentary equivilent is to table a motion indefinately, or to allow a bill to die quietly in committee.
By the way, as far as the Seattle Times is concerned, we have never had a good economy. According to them, the economy is always terrible, bad, or on the edge, just about to go bad. So if you wait for the economy to improve enough for the Seattle Times to decide that the economy is sufficiently improved to the point where the Seattle Times considered higher taxes or worker benefits are possible, you will have a very long wait – until hell freezes over.