You can go with complete idiocy:
AJC columnist Jay Bookman noticed that in the latest Investors Business Daily editorial about how the ‘death panel’ will condemn all handicapped or disabled people to death on some horrid wind-swept mountain, it notes that …
People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.
Needless to say, Hawking, who is recognized as one of the great theoretical physicists of the 20th and 21st century, was born in the UK and has lived his entire life there.
I hear he’s moving to Canada soon, too.
Oh, he’s a goner now! :)
Hey, they did use the word “legendary” when talking about the health consequences of controlling costs in countries like the UK, though perhaps “mythical” might have been a better word.
Ow, the stupid, it burns!
For the first time in my life I’m afraid of what is happening in America. The left is destroying America, and is beginning what I fear is the eradication of all opposition.
– If you are against Obama, you are labeled a racist.
– If you are against the health care proposal, you are labeled un-American.
– If you speak out against any Democratic member of Congress, you are called a Nazi.
Something sinister is going on. A plot of some sort. I have always been able to sense evil. And I’m sensing it now. Some devious plan is in the works.
I’m honestly scared for my safety, and the future of America.
LOL! Why would anyone want to eradicate you? Your stupidity is hilarious! We’d miss it.
All I know is, keep your governement hands off my Medicare!!!!!!!!!
% T
Yes, I guess if the standard is usefulness, you’d better keep looking over your shoulder.
Look out! Here comes the big scary black president!
Troll @ 5,
“I’m honestly scared for my safety, and the future of America.”
I recommend that you provision the space under your bed with plenty of food and water rations.
And binkies…lots of binkies.
It’s called a “democracy”; so odds are that your party won’t be in control all the time. Get over it.
@5 Have you considered the option of merely shutting the fuck up?
You’re a lefty, and I’m sure you’ve been sworn to secrecy, but be honest, you people are planning to turn the USA into a Cuba or Venezuela, aren’t you?
@12 No. We’re planning to turn the USA back into…..(drum roll)….The USA!
@12 Of course, if you really want, you can go ahead and turn your bathroom into Albania. We really won’t mind.
Well, those of us who questioned the wisdom and necessity of the war with Iraq, or opposed Bush and his policies, or opposed the Patriot Act and other legislation which had the effect of abbrogating long-held Constitutional rights, were labelled by the right as being traitors, accused of “hating America”, being lovers of terrorists and terrorism, etc.
Personally, I’m feeling that the country is just beginning to head in the correct direction again, after a long period of heading straight for a cliff.
@5 “For the first time in my life I’m afraid of what is happening in America.”
What took you so long? You should’ve been concerned the day Nixon was elected.
“The left is destroying America, and is beginning what I fear is the eradication of all opposition.”
Substitute the word “right” for “left” and you’re there.
Troll @ 12,
Are you really that much of a dimwitted coward? Or are you enjoying all the attention you are getting today?
So, it appears our friend Troll wasn’t concerned:
When Nixon assembled his enemies list, spied on dissenters, and ordered burglaries;
When Reagan traded weapons to Iranian revolutionaries for hostages, or armed Central American nun-killers, all in secret and in violation of the Constitution;
When Bush slept while OBL prepared his terrorist attacks, and kept reading “My Pet Goat” to kindergartners as planes slammed into the WTC and Pentagon …
But he’s scared of health reform that would cover everyone, lower costs for business and consumers, and protect consumers from health care bankruptcy.
No wonder Republicans have no credibility with voters. This isn’t Dwight Eisenhower’s GOP anymore.
@17 Yes, he is.
I gotta admit this blog would be boring as hell without screwballs like Troll, Puddlehead, and Klynikal to keep us entertained. Thanks, klowns!
I just want the inside scoop as to what you people are doing to my country. What’s the end game? 100% tax? Concentration camps for non-Democrats? A caliphate? Sharia law? Total unilateral disarmament?
IBC… An old Stupes/Pooper favorite…
Investors Business Daily’s editorial reasoning goes like this: Old people die waiting for medical care in Britain, and Obama’s health reform proposal has a provision offering “living will” counseling to seniors, therefore Obama is fixin’ to euthanize old people.
This would be funny if so many pathetic numbskulls weren’t taking it seriously. It’s hard to believe any editorial board could be more dishonest and disingenuous than the Seattle Times’, but I do believe you’ve found one.
I don’t suppose it occurs to the IBD editors that health care is already being rationed to the 50 million Americans who don’t have health coverage.
@21 “I just want the inside scoop as to what you people are doing to my country.”
Saving it from Republicans. Got any more stupid questions?
@25 “Got any more stupid questions?”
I’m afraid we all know the answer to that one.
@26 It’s not that simple. Clearly, Troll is chock-a-block full of stupid ideas and stupid comments; but he may be too stupid to ask questions, even stupid ones.
Well don’t worry, Troll. If you don’t like it you can always follow the advice you and people like you have been giving us for years…
I’m sure there’s a few countries who’s philosophies follow you own. China and Iran come to mind.
Don’t forget Somalia. Troll can do anything he want in Somalia. No rules, you know. That should make him very happy.
21 T
Think of it this way—anything you can deduce to be a logical consequence of events…is wrong.
Republican logic:
Old people die, therefore Obama is killing them!
why dont you all just move to tel aviv
From “You know you’re a wingnut when…”
From the AZ Star
The wingnut says she’s lying, but the police say HE’S lying. Who to believe, who to believe? If there were only some way to determine who’s the crazy one…
Socialist logic:
Old people die; let’s seize their assets to pay for bigger, more intrusive government.
Troll, in case you haven’t noticed, both the left (Democrats and “progressives”) and the right (Republicans and Neo-Cons) are doing their best the destroy America. It really doesnt matter which group is the first one to be successful.
@33….and of course, Arizona cops are so widely known to be radical leftist sympathizers.
USA Today Editorializes Against ‘Lies and Rumors’
USA Today, Gannett Corp.’s conservative-leaning national daily newspaper, editorialized today against the rightwing fearmongers:
“There’s an old proverb that says a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still getting its boots on. That’s surely true when the lie instills deep personal fears, and lies appear to be in full sprint as the nation’s health care debate goes local.”
The editorial goes on to decry the fact that town hall meetings around the country “have degenerated into furious shouting matches driven by outrageous misinformation” and says the internet “spreads anonymous chain e-mails” to a “vulnerable and gullible” public.
USA Today isn’t wishy-washy about who is provoking the mobs by spreading disinformation: “Groups with a financial or ideological interest … talk radio … political leaders who know better[.]”
The paper says “the distortions have become so numerous … they’ve … won’s ‘pants on fire’ award (as in ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’). So in the interest of correcting some of the misinformation, here are a few truths that need to get moving:
“– Euthanasia. Critics have mastered the art of plucking a single piece of bill language and wildly distorting it. In this case it’s a section of a House bill inserted by members of both parties to allow Medicare to pay doctors for optional end-of-life counseling, something that’s already covered in a new patient’s first Medicare visit. Anyone who has struggled with the decisions patients and family members must make as death approaches knows the value of having thought this through ahead of time and having made their wishes clear. Millions already do that. But critics have twisted this into a sinister, cost-saving plot by the government to force seniors to end their lives early. … Neutral arbiters have rightly demolished this. labels the claim ‘nonsense’ and says calling this … euthanasia is like saying ‘a bill making retirement planning easier would force Americans to quit their jobs.’ Terrifying seniors over this provision is shameless.
“– Socialism. It’s hard not to smile when critics warn darkly that health care reform means ‘socialism’ or a ‘government takeover’ of health care, since these same critics are usually staunch supporters of government-run Medicare, one of the closest things to socialism in the USA. Despite charges that President Obama and the Democrats … want the sort of … systems in Canada or Britain, nothing in the legislation even comes close. In fact, to the disgust of single-payer advocates, Obama and Democrats have all but frozen them out of the debate …
“– Keep what you’ve got. The president says that if you like your health coverage, you can keep it. … Nothing in the bills would force people to give up their coverage ….
“– Illegal immigrants will be covered. In fact, no bill says this …. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, claims that the Congressional Budget Office says 5.6 million illegal immigrants would be covered. says King is distorting CBO’s findings, which say no such thing.
The editorial concludes by saying people concerned about how health care reform might affect them should do research instead of believing hyperbole:
“The Internet can spread misinformation like wildfire, but it can also be a powerful tool for discovering the truth, as fact-checking sites are proving. It might help dial down the fear and anger if Americans reacted to claims about health reform from either side by logging on and looking them up.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Politicians must be expected to manipulate information for partisan advantage, but even in the rough-and-tumble of politics there’s a minimum standard of public responsibility that all office holders should be expected to meet when debating contentious public policy issues. This time around, GOP leaders have thoroughly abrogated their responsibility to the people by picking up and disseminating some of the most outrageous lies circulating out there, providing further evidence that the GOP is finished as a serious political party.
@34 “Old people die; let’s seize their assets to pay for bigger, more intrusive government.”
Which wingnut ass did you pull this bullshit out of?
Obama must be winning, because the Shrieking Right is getting more and more shrill.
There is no Republican Party anymore, just a rightwing mob.
Birthers and Deathers
There’s a weird symmetry to the Republican Noise Machine these days as a result of their working both ends of the life continuum. They’re not just “birthers” anymore, now they’re “birthers and deathers” …
The Birthers And Deathers are bitching about the $3 billion cost of the “Cash For Clunkers” program. That’s roughly how much they spent every 3 days on their recreational war in Iraq.
Factoid: R. L. Polk & Co. says Americans own 250 million cars with a median age of 9.4 years.,00.html
re 5: Not to mention that you are a self-pitying, paranoid loser. But don’t worry. You’ll get counseling under Obama’s plan.
@36 Even if the most gutless, vacuous rag in America that still purports to be a legitimate newspaper comes down this hard on the neocon astroturfers, you know someone’s really gone beyond the pale.
Re: this “euthanasia” nonsense…
Last month, I had my gall bladder removed. Prior to that a member of the surgeon’s staff made sure I was aware of the advisability of executing a durable power of attorney and a living will, to make sure that in the unlikely event that something should go horribly wrong, someone who loves me would have the authority to make decisions in my behalf, and that should I not make it, my wishes would be followed concerning disposition of my remains. Group Health, as standard policy, does this with anyone undergoing general anesthesia, and I daresay so does every other hospital in Seattle, and probably the nation.
If you want to call that “promoting euthanasia”, go right ahead…but you’re a lying sack of shit.
@37 Don’t expect him to answer. He’s too busy licking his fingers.
@21 Troll
Er, it’s not YOUR country. It’s OUR country. You and your lunatic fringe magical belief anti-science crowd don’t get to run everything just because you “want”. We have a democracy, as much as you may not like it. The majority of Americans elected Obama and wanted his policies to be put in place. The majority of Americans also picked Democratic House and Senate members. The majority of Americans have picked Democratic governors.
And in someday in the future, a Republican (or other) party will re-take the White House and Congress, then a Democrat will win it back, then lose it, then win it back. It’s how our country works. Stop hating America you commie! Elected governments are good. I don’t want the religious nut ball theocracy you and your party want in place of our democracy. :)
Hmm… I wonder how many of the un-insured in America have died prematurely do to lake of medical care?
Why don’t you?
@49 Er….do you mean they drowned?
Yeah, ’cause no one would rescue them because they didn’t have health insurance.
LOL… Great catch.
I just got new glasses and am getting used to the distance I now must sit to see clearly the computer screen.
I read that as “Cube of venison” initially. Thanks for both the laughs, the one where I read it wrong and the one where I read what you actually wrote.
I’m hoping some wingnut gives us something that’s not only Ironic, but Ribald.
Oh, It’ll be a long walk in the Appalachians before that happens.
Yes, now the wingnuts are morphing from birthers to deathers.
Here’s a little report on Palin’s “death panel”:
Yep, Sarah was Governor during the period in question.
Harry @54, start walking pul-lease
@56 Why?
I had not read this blog for a month or so, and there is something comforting and entertaining about the continued insanity of Troll and his friends. At least they will talk and then have to kind of listen, unlike the mobs out on health care.
So Dan Balz, whom I never liked much anyway, said yesterday on “Meet the Press” that the Democrats let the “death panel” discussion go on too long with the public before they responded.
Huh? Thats like saying NASA should have taken on the moon landing doubters sooner with the public. If that is truly where public debate is in America, Troll is actually right about one thing, although its only one thing. That is, that we are big trouble in this country. If that passes for serious debate and serious talking heads, we are in deep shit.
@55 Beeeeee-yootiful. In California, the courts declared the horrendously overcrowded state prison system to be a massive violation of the Constitutional prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.
In Alaska, it’s the freekin’ public health system…on Caribou Barbie’s watch, no less.
“Where do you train your nurses, Mrs. Christie……DACHAU????“
@58 “Thats like saying NASA should have taken on the moon landing doubters sooner with the public.”
Well, Buzz Aldrin pretty much ended that conversation. Very quickly.
39 years isn’t “quickly”, unless you’re a sequoia.
@61 Not that I’m about encouraging more widespread use of his chosen method, either.