You know, watching this video, I just couldn’t help but be reminded that Italian mobsters are secretive too. I sure hope nobody is offended by that obvious connection.
YouTube’s pulled the video, I assume due to some copyright complaint concerning the music. Gee, that was fast. Shows you just how secretive the Rossi folks are, that they don’t even want you to see how secretive they are.
Speaking of hiding… Now we know why Obama had Jesse Jackson hidden in Dick Cheney’s “undisclosed location.” Today’s headline:
And what will Obama’s reaction be? Perhaps we’re hearing the familiar Queen melody…
Dun-dun-dun… another one under the bus!
Man, whoever does maintenance on Obama’s bus is getting a workout. Let’s see who has seen the underside: Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Obama’s white grandmother, Obama’s dad, Gen. “Weasley” Clark… and now JESSE! Who will he abandon, sell out or denounce next??!! Almost forgot… his integrity (see: FISA & others).
My company attends “public” events monthly, but we aren’t allowed in without an invitation or by RSVP’ing since they can’t allow every joe in to over capacity. Sorry this is just satire to accuse the opponent of hiding when this vid clearly shows events where invites and RSVP’s were required.
If I try to go see CG at her dinner and I get told “sorry you can’t go in”, would you say she is “hiding something”?
I don’t care for Dino, but for Christs sakes, let’s focus on the real issues with him rather than satire!
Wow Fake Mark – you know the cunt who won’t say why he’s ashamed of Bush being compared with McCain spent 01 seconds trying to change the subject. I would try to change the subject too if my candidate for Governor was a proven liar who doesn’t want video of him available because he knows he will have to account for what he says if there’s a record. How pathetic.
So Hannah the GOP shill would have you believe this was all about privacy…how’s that jive with the librarian kicked off city property at a PUBLIC town hall meeting because she had a sign that merely said McCain = Bush?
Man you right wingers are full of shit.
Another lame, fact free ad from my beloved Democratic party.
Just what is Dino hiding from the people of our state who he intends to lead. Barring event recorders from making a record of Dino’s campaign rhetoric is a tactic we are used to from the likes of Bush junior and Carl Rove. Still, it is Dino’s refusal to open records relative to his income and his partnership with BIAW lobbyists that we should be greatly concerned about.
Dino like anyone who seeks public office should willingly subject themselves to public scrutiny. Throughout his political career Dino had been given a pass and like a young child, this has only resulted in more strident ethical lapses on his part.
HorsesAss should be yelling from the highest of the Issaquah Alps for Dino to release not only his full tax returns but also all of the real-estate transaction and partnership records from the Windsor Court Apartments scam. The questions these documents raise must be answered and delay must not be tolerated.
The tax returns will show just how much BIAW cash reached Dino’s pockets from his Forward WA scam and I am sure will also yield some new and sleazy surprises. The papers of this state and the Gregoire campaign let us all down last time when Rossi was given a pass in regard to his BIAW lobbyist apartment “investment” scam which laundered between $150,000 and $200,000 in bribes paid directly to Dino. Leadership from this influential blog is essential!
I posted much of this in a prior thread but did so after it fell below the fold. The issue remains and folks should be demanding that Dino “release those records!!!”
Um… #1 No it didn’t.
Um… #2 I do believe that is innuendo, not satire.
Note to video editor: trying to push some ‘secret agenda’ message in a video is greatly diminished by showing a soccer mom with her baby freely coming and going from the event.
I’m just sayin’…
If you can find some reason to support the release of of tax records (like Windsor Court) I’m all for it, but it smacks of guilty till proven innocent and voyeurism to ask someone to release their tax records just because they are running for office.
You’re absolutely right about yelling about all of Dino’s dirt. The Democratic Party needs to be doing it too.
Goldy, if any of your readers are manipulated into falling for this blatantly misleading video, you have some of the dumbest blog readers around.
Has Gov. Gregoire ever once uttered some statement about being open and honest, but at the same time has a policy about not allowing video cameras into certain events or meetings? Sure she has, and sure she does.
Stupid video.
Stupid post.
Michael @9:
This may all seem odd to you. I can accept that. You have never run for higher public office. In fact you may never have thought much about the laws and even the political customs which exist in our democratic process in order to avoid electing someone who does not bring the right character to the job.
Running for office is a test Michael. Not of what you can get away with but of how well your professed integrity measures up when under the spot light.
As voters we should demand that our candidates for Governor willingly subject themselves to this high level of scrutiny and when they refuse, this should stand as a huge red flag.
Man this one has the right wing turds spinning like crazy. They know it looks as bad as it is. Dino is not only a crybaby but a coward with something to hide. This is a great ad!
If they refuse it is a huge red flag and people should start digging and asking questions. And if in the digging they find something that looks fishy they should demand to see records. You don’t have to dig real far on Rossi to smell fetid fish. The stranger already did the digging back in ’04. In Rossi’s case we already have enough to make what I’d call a legitimate claim to see the books.
I love it.
Dino can run but can’t hide the fact:
The Dem’s are slinging innuendo when they could be slinging cold, hard facts. This puzzles me.
The dems must be desperate if they are sending their cronies in to get kicked out of republican events. ehheehehhe
Do you think Dino is hiding a tax increase? We all know that Queen Chrissy was in 2004.
::yawn:: Goldy’s clown act is getting old.
No wonder gainful employment eludes the boy, he’s got no imagination.
How about an expose on a how a drunken Darcy Burner fell asleep, dropped a cigarette in the couch and burnt down the House O’Burner last week? Tragically poetic.
I guess this would make her a big fan of the band talking heads
So I figured it out. Dino was talking about how he and Big Hair conspired to set Darcy’s house on fire since there’s no way a republican can beat her this year. That’s something worth hiding.
And if Rossi were able to somehow steal this election like he tried to do last time, can we assume that he would only serve as Governor for those without video cameras?
What a loooooooooser.
Hey everyone, check out the website “”!!
@2 If Dino doesn’t want his public remarks to be quoted, he shouldn’t run for a public office.
@18 “Do you think Dino is hiding a tax increase? We all know that Queen Chrissy was in 2004.”
It’s well known that Republicans think only the “little people” should pay taxes and like to spend public money as much … or more … than any Democrat ever born!
Hey Tommy here. Remember me? I the cocksucking Republican who lies, cheats, and steals while being a family man. I don’t know if anyone has missed me – probably not. PudddyFart, maybe you? We’ll I found a new fondness for posting comments on Republican Conservative blogs in lieu of Liberal Blogs. I let them know how much a fucking looser, lier and cheat that I am. Boy, it’s like self therapy, really gets it out of the system and makes me feel real good.
The Tommy
Rickie Dickless @19 – Peeling cat shit off your kitchen wall again, I see.
You ever here of the old saying that “Southerners aren’t smart”, well now you know why they vote for me.
Wow Pelletizer: That virtual air tank not working. Some lame posts today.
Tommygunner: Finally left bybygoober’s butt and came back to regale us with nothingness again!
It’s well known that Republicans think only the “little people” should pay taxes and like to spend public money as much … or more … than any Democrat ever born!
07/09/2008 at 7:22 pm
The only thing you get when a democrat spends taxes is more failing schools, worse transportation, a police force and judicial system more interested in picking the pockets of law biding citizens then throwing criminals in jails…. you know the usual.
What’s Dino got to hide?
His income apparently.
Perhaps Dino didn’t want a recording made since that’s how we found out about his lie last time claiming he was a Real Estate Broker when in fact he was just an Agent. And yes – if you or I made that claim, we’d be prosecuted.
…so let me get this straight, some pimple-faced, 3rd rate blogger with a camcorder wanted to infiltrate a private Rossi event and is in turn denied access….then Goldy posts it squealing about some secretive cover-up? Really Goldy, you need to get a life.
Maybe you need to have a personal fundraiser like “Will” aka “thehim” did a week or so ago cyber-panhandling the HA crowd to fill his piggy bank. I don’t care for bums in general, but at least they have the cajones to actually face the person they’re bumming money from while rotting at the off-ramp of life.
The same can’t be said for “Will”, nor Goldy for that matter.
If anyone has anything to hide about it is Gregoire for having a big Deficit at $2.7 Billion dollars. The Fact that Gregoire told us no new tax’s. She added a new gas tax. Gregoire is the worse Governor Washington has ever had!
I think “The Him” is Lee.
Other than that you’re pretty much on track. And I’m a big old, bike-ridin’, tree-huggin’, gun-hatin’ liberal.
Do the names Larry Seaqusit and Peter Goldmark ring a bell? Could we maybe promote more and better Democrats?
And dear lord, please stop encouraging the Democratic Party in making this retarded crap.
@ 34 ~ Right you are, Sir.
My apologies to “thehim” for inadvertently linking him to the shameful act of cyber-begging.
It’s against the law in Washington state for the budget to run at a deficit so the next time some ass-licking republican lies to you and spews shit about a deficit in Washington tell em to suck dick and ask why they aren’t so concerned about the fact that Monkeyface Bush created the largest federal budget deficit in recorded history!
What’s Dino got to hide?
His income apparently.
No one cares what’s on a republican’s tax return since they are not the ones who want to raise everyones taxes. The reason why it’s a big issue with democrats is because they never pay the tax rate they propose everyone else should pay; therefore they are hypocites. Get it.
You mean republicans don’t care because they presume corrupt livelihood of anyone with income.
Seriously, lets hear the nitty gritty. Just how much was Dino paid for the “Forward Washington” stealth campaign tour?
It’s a mistake for Obama to try to placate the middle-of-the-roaders by entering their world of confusion and trying to show them that he is just like they are –craven and wishy-washy.
They won’t respect that.
You have to LEAD them somewhere. Republicans don’t mind being the Judas-goat to the centrists. Offer them a progressive vision and stick to your guns, Obama.
Lead the political center. Don’t try to pander to a group that has no direction or firm ideas.
re 32: Is ‘the shark’ still collecting money for his ‘lawsuit’? Glass houses, you know.
michael @ 34
You used to make sense. Now, you’re encouraging illiterates like Ricky D? What the hell happened to you?
The reality is that an ad like this is what is required to win in contemporary politics. And, frankly, there is nothing wrong with this ad. Dino Rossi is an empty-headed Manchurian candidate who is totally wrong for this state. He stands for nothing but Bushite corporate crap, and doesn’t know the truth from an open sore. This ad doesn’t begin to show how duplicitous he is. Ricky D can’t remember whether to wipe his ass with his hand or his foot, yet you give him credit? C’mon, man, have you been drinking?
Let’s see…
The Democrat’s are in-charge of the House, Senate & Governor’s Office.
Here’s a novel idea–
If you don’t like the current PDC laws on Financial Disclosure, why not Lobby your A$$hole buddies to change the law!!
Gregoire’s income is already public record.
You might ask her about why she owns 3 houses though….and what her Carbon Footprint is.
I’m wondering where Gregoire hid the $2.7 BILLION that is now the next bienium projected deficit.
And lay off will.
He’s is such a successful begger he got enough $$ to buy a full cup of gas!
Mr. “Cynical”
Cynicism is generally a wonderful thing (though not quite as wonderful as skepticism). I wish we had more cynicism in our body politic. Cynicism requires questioning, doubt, forcing others to defend their positions. You don’t do that. You are simply a shill for the Republican Party. Your support for Dino Rossi, an academic kindergartner, makes plain where you come from. You are a partisan whore, and nothing less. Sorry, babe, but truth hurts.
Plowed Leftist @ 42 ~
Care for some cheese with that Whine?
Michael is merely showing maturity that is in very limited supply on the left these days. Rossi’s event was a private one and some jackhole like yourself that shows up with a camcorder your mummy and pappy bought you doesn’t warrant your getting an invitation to the event.
Sorry kid…that’s life.
The reason Republicans don’t want to release their tax records is because they’re getting paid off by someone. Same for Dino Rossi; same for Cindy McCain.
If you think Chris Gregoire has something to hide, go look at the tax records she released.
Dino Rossi has something to hide: his positions.
Yes RickyD (aka Puddylicker) you claim it was a private event – no doubt the way you’d like the government run – privately – by big corporations where the simple excuse – “sorry you don’t work here so we don’t have to tell you what we’re doing or why we’re doing it” excuse could rule the day.
In case you don’t realize it, and as an ass-sucking republican you surely don’t becuase you’re simply a moron, what I just described is a fascist. While your side likes to incorrectly use that term every time you mention something Islamic in nature – it actually refers to corporate run governments which is exactly what we’d have if Rossi ever stole the Governor’s seat.
Ain’t gonna happen bitch.
He’s got plenty to hide. And this ad points that out to all but the usual right wing turds who’d vote republican if Charlie Manson were running with an R next to his name.
If Chris Gregoire is holding events from which someone with a camera would be barred, why don’t you Republicans get off your fat asses and film your rejection?
Until such time, I think we can reasonably assume this is confined to Dino and Bush. They’re the same, right? Secretive, dimwitted right-wing boobs posing as moderates who try to get the courts to appoint them into office.
I think Goldy needs to supply his marionettes with crying towels.
So much whine, so little time. Right Goldy?
Well it’s off to work….not that Goldy would know anything about gainful employment.
@51: Thanks for picking up my garbage Rick – I am glad you are “gainfully employed” so some underpaid imigrant doesn’t have to do it – especially since you are eminently qualified due to your large intellect and thoughtful comments (NOT).
Speaking of whining – apparrently Phil Gramm thinks the recession is all in our heads and Americans whine too much. Another great McCain advisor – denying reality is now an art form for McLame. Just like the timetables the Iraqis and Obama want…but McCain says they don’t want.
Dino won’t release his tax returns – Gregoire has. Now we really know who is for openess and who runs and hides like a little boy.
RickyD how is life cleaning toilets? Did you train for that? Now that you’re making minimum wage, how will you survive in the Bush/McCain recession?
Yes let’s watch the right wing turds spin this. Dino not only hides from video cameras like the cowardly cunt he is, he won’t release his tax returns. I love watching republicans try to turn day into night and white into black. They sure are cute when they spin like that.
There must be another link to the video? Perhaps we can add our own copyright free music and link it here?
@56: How about the theme song to the sopranos as the background music?
Just kidding….