When Postman asked his readers “What should Rossi say?” when he officially announces his campaign for governor tomorrow, commenters found it awfully damn hard to take the task seriously. Democrats could barely hold back the snark, while Republicans were at a loss for words.
Personally, I’m not sure what Rossi can or should say at his campaign kickoff, but I’m pretty damn sure what he will say tomorrow… the same thing he said back in 2004, and the same thing he’s been saying over and over again on the non-campaign trail this past year or so:
Yup, it’s hard to argue with 210,000 new jobs, the lowest unemployment rate in state history, and one of the best business climates in the nation… but that doesn’t mean Rossi won’t try. How? Well, just like in 2004, he could just try making shit up:
At pancake breakfasts and candidate forums across the state, Dino Rossi has invoked his nephew’s name as an emblem for what ails Washington.
Rossi blames Washington’s unfriendly business climate for driving his nephew, Kenny, and his business to Arizona. The gubernatorial candidate also has cautioned that the next Microsoft or Boeing founder could leave for Arizona, just as Kenny did.
What Rossi doesn’t say is that Kenny was a self-employed car detailer and that he left for personal reasons as much as business, according to his nephew.
In politics, the truth doesn’t always hurt, but as Rossi is discovering, it doesn’t always much help, either.
Wasn’t Microsoft’s first office in New Mexico, i.e. not Washington?
Looks like Bush’s tax cuts are working after all.
Yes, but they moved to Washington in the late Seventies in the hope that Dino Rossi would be elected governor in 2004.
The truth might not hurt, but it’s got to itch a little.
Phil Condit moved to Chicago only after he went stark raving mad.
I posted a comment (a few, really) on Postman’s thread….
My personal favorite was
He should say, “Hi, I’m Governor-Elect Rossi, and I’d like to have your vote.”
Billionaire Tom Stewart has left for Arizona. He found Washington a convenient place to live (and pay no state income taxes) when he was building his fortune. Now he finds Arizona a convenient place to die (and pay no estate taxes). Yep, Washington is a great place to live in — and Arizona is a good place to die in — if you’re a champion freeloader.
What should Rossi say? How about, “I need a job?” He’s in the same boat as Richard Pope — unemployed, with kids to support! But that’s where the comparisons between Rossi and Pope must end, because Pope is infinitely smarter, more honest, and more public-spirited than Rossi. Rossi isn’t public-spirited, he’s mean-spirited.
@1 Yes. Remember the bulldozer races?
The closest Rossi will ever get to the governor’s mansion is as a tourist.
Washington voters simply aren’t going to trade the most dynamic and productive governor in living memory for a nobody who has accomplished nothing and has no program.
7 Wasn’t Stewart also ducking the prospect of getting in hot water here for some “funny-money” schemes and dicey political contributions?
Betcha there ain’t any rich folks in that (in)famous “tent city” Maricopa County jail…
Rossi will have a new and different ride this time around.
For one thing, the Gov’s latest poll numbers via SurveyUSA on 10/12-14 are 53% positive and 41% negative. Other poll numbers in the same time frame are Bush 27%-70%, Murray 52%-37%and Cantwell 53%-41%. This state has been well run under Gov Chris and Rossi still has no experience running a company or managing people. He is and always has been a flimflam man of little substance.
Dino has a long history of being a say anything do anything candidate and has a dubious ethical past and present. This time around he will be taken to task and will spend much of his air time answering questions and follow up questions related to this pattern of behavior.
What will he say? Oh, as little as possible I expect. He will want to delay having his candidacy defined until after this next session when others will sit him down and tell him why he wants to be governor and what he believes in. Till then it will be a game of now you see me now you don’t with one exception. Rossi will go on and on about the need for civility in this campaign. This is code for, don’t ask me those questions and educate the public about the shameful things I have done while in and out of office.
Cantwell 53%-38%
Bad News For Dinophiles!
“Poll: 53 percent approve of governor Gregoire
“SEATTLE – Fifty-three percent of people who responded to a KING 5 SurveyUSA poll taken between Oct. 12 and Oct. 14 say they approve of the job Christine Gregoire is doing as governor.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://www.king5.com/localnews.....b3082.html
Washington needs Dino Rossi like the Mariners need another Richie Sexson.
Rossi Campaign Logo Unveiled
Click here to see it. http://www.singermemories.com/.....dmills.jpg
Another King 5 poll today shows Prop. 1 (roads and transit) is “a dead heat with many voters saying they’re not sure yet how they’ll vote.”
@15 Oops. I see someone else already posted this.
Dynamic??? DYNAMIC???
Sheesh, Rabbit, you been hangin’ at Lee’s thread on dope?
She’s about the most boring, bland, central casting’s idea of the perfect bureaucratic career politician on the face of the planet!
If she’s so hot to go, how come her approval numbers are at 52% (August Elway Poll per the P-I)? If everything is so hunkey-dorey, why aren’t they above 60? Isn’t 52% within the margin of error of making her disapproved?
And talk about your bloated state government! But I don’t need to, Dino will do it for me.
The Piper
For a sitting incumbent with such a strong economy and low unemployment, all she can muster is a wormy 53%? Still within the margin of error for disapproval.
The Piper
Oops…should be @15…My apologies…
The Piper
If Richard Pope accomplishes nothing else, he will have forced the GOP to spend over $100,000 defending Hague’s seat. According to the fishwrapper, Pope has raised less than $9,000 — mostly loans from himself; he has only 6 contributors — but the Republicans “were worried enough to throw an additional $91,134 into the campaign this month.”
What Won’t Rossi Say?
“It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce that Piper Scott and Klake will be joining my campaign staff after my earnest entrities.”
What Won’t Rossi Say?
“Some have compared me to a cheap jug wine of the 1970’s. While the comparison is fair, neither of us is memorable or worth bringing back, that was Carlo and I’m Dino.”
@20 I’d rather have our side’s 52% than your side’s 41%. As for your assertion that Gregoire is “boring, bland” … can you back that up with anything besides empty rhetoric?
@53 Ummm … your side’s 12% deficit in this race is not within the margin of error. She’s going to be re-elected in ’08. She’s going to be your governor for a long time yet. Get used to it.
One thing ya gotta say for Republicans, they’re optimistic.
Piper @ 21: “For a sitting incumbent with such a strong economy and low unemployment, all she can muster is a wormy 53%? Still within the margin of error for disapproval.”
Her numbers are not higher because of the rotting residue of the Republican lies from the 2004 election. You folks were successful in getting the media to help perpetuate the myth that somehow she wasn’t entitled to her office. Her performance in her office is most laudable, and I think you’re going to see significant business interests switching sides this time around from the empty suit you like to Gregoire. And, by the way, if you’d ever met her, I don’t think you’d characterize her as a bland bureaucrat. Gregoire is very engaging, smart, and open to new ideas. Dino is still learning the rules of how to play properly in the sandbox.
23 Why not? He’s already got Guzzo working for him.
Excuses, excuses, excuses…
Next thing you know you’ll be blaming her deadly boring presentation style on Republicans.
What a joke!
Her numbers are HER numbers, and she has to live with them.
The Piper
53% is just fine for now. The Gov is not even close to getting her campaign up to speed. As she has said, she is focused first on doing the peoples work in this next session. And Rossi, he will never achive favorable polling numbers in excess of 50% once the campaign is up and running.
Even a substantial portion of those in the GOP who recall something shinny and new when they hearken back to Rossi in his last attempt to be governor will see an older, un-evolved and tarnished former senator who lacks any real substance.
And then they will phone it in on election day in high numbers. It will not even be close.
Asshonking Pretender @ infinity
“Next thing you know you’ll be blaming her deadly boring presentation style on Republicans
You’re a Republican, right?
Reminds me of a Ron White skit…have you ever been thrown out of a bar in New York City…not asked to leave but thrown out? I see this taking place…have you ever been thrown out of the Governorship of Washington…not asked to leave…..
Piper @ 30
Gregoire, and her supporters (who include me), were far too complacent in 2004. We believed that Rossi would be recognized as the gnat that he is, and in a D state like this one, thought that being nice would lead to a walkover victory. We were wrong, then. Guess what? Our knives are now sharpened for the slick sonofabitch with who can’t quite fill out his suit from Sammamish. The boy gets no free ride this time. By the way, m’lad, do you honestly believe Dino Rossi is smarter than Christine Gregoire? That question is a yes or no question, no weaseling, now.
Gnat??? Any decent gnat would have been like Bill Clinton and been a sunday ball player, Rossi has been quiet until now who is the gnat?
I used “gnat” to describe Rossi because gnats are mostly insignificant. You can hardly see them, they don’t bite, and you don’t even feel them when they land on your skin. Dino doesn’t amount to much, except in the wet dreams of rightwing true believers like you (and the Piper).
Im still thinking of the Ron White skit…
The word truth does not belong in any sentence with a Republiconvicts name. Ever.
Their whole ideology is smoke and mirrors, fear, saber rattling, and hate mongering.
My god. They all belong in nuthouses. Just listen to ’em.
It is like they open their mouths only to repeat Rush Limpdik’s lies, and hate for “liberals” and dems.
Hey Righties. George Washington called himself a liberal. We supposed to hate him too?
You would bore Ron White.
You mean like lowering taxes to create more income to the government? It works, just like Reagan proved.
Bill Clinton sucked off of the Reagan years for 6 years and they ran out so did his presidency….thank God!!!
Incoherence isn’t pretty, my friend. You, however, are entirely incoherent. Reagan? What the hell does he have to do with this post? Even I would have to acknowledge that, compared to Dino Rossi, Reagan had something going for him. Sadly, Dino doesn’t have anything going for himself. No acting career to fall back on, nothing. Washed up at 40-whatever. So sad. How will he provide for his children?
@34 I see the wingnuts are smoking crack again.
@38 You’re like a deejay with only 1 record to play on his .005 watt station. Click here for photo of the broadcast facilities. http://eroundlake.com/blog/upl.....726651.jpg
@41 “You mean like lowering taxes to create more income to the government? It works, just like Reagan proved.”
You mean like it worked for Bush?
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
2006 – $1,346,019,000,000 (estimate)
(Data from official sources.)
I won’t take the time and space to get into the post-Reagan-tax-cut revenue figures here; suffice to say Reagan and Bush41 followed their tax-cut act by raising taxes FIVE times after running the (until then) biggest deficits in the history of the cosmos.
@43 “How will he provide for his children?”
By doing the only thing he’s ever done — being a slumlord.
I can already see the 2008 gubernatorial campaign taking shape. Taking a cue from the R-67 ads, Gregoire will run TV ads featuring the widows and orphans whom Rossi’s boss robbed …
My personal favorite was
He should say, “Hi, I’m Governor-Elect Rossi, and I’d like to have your vote.”
That was a good one . I loved Goldies intro better , explaining how this state’s economy is so great . Then he will trash it on his radio show when talking about Bush .
Hey, Horsesass: I thought the economy was Bush’s fault? All of a sudden it’s Gregoire’s “achievement”? Gimme a break. I heard that Gregoire soiled herself upon hearing Rossi’s actual declaration this morning.