As a kid, whenever the power was out, I learned how to play the piano. I re-learned during each power outage. We never had a generator, but my father was smart enough to install a wood stove in the center of the first floor of our house. Because of this we were never cold. The house is in rural King County, an area where folks are still a bit tougher than regular suburban people. While outages were never fun, we got through it.
Not everyone has a wood stove. Or a generator. Or, it would seem, a practical understanding of the dangers of carbon monoxide. Folks, if this event had really been serious, we would be in a world of trouble. What if this was an earthquake? I saw one lady walk into a drug store downtown and ask if they had flashlights. They didn’t. Why didn’t she have one? Everyone should. Getting supplies won’t be so easy in a worst-case scenario.
This storm really hurt people in the immigrant community. Of those deaths caused by carbon monoxide, several were immigrants. Perhaps instead of the dull programming on government cable channels, maybe we should be showing programs on the dangers of CO in languages other than English.
People have to stop whining. After listening to Goldy’s show on Sunday, I was irritated by how people have a sense of entitlement during these tough times. There was lots of complaining about Puget Sound Energy and Seattle City Light by folks with little understanding of how the electrical grid works. Amazing. With just a little preparation, you can make life a lot easier on yourself.
You’d all be surprised to find that you can buy a generator for 600 bucks. It’s a small one, but you can run a refrigerator, a heater, and some light bulbs, maybe more. If you own a house, it’s a good investment. Also, you’ll be the neighborhood’s hero as everyone will look to you to save their salmon steaks and buffalo burgers.
A few suggestions:
Listen to this guy. Do this stuff. Don’t panic, complain, or put a generator in your living room. If all else fails and you find yourself in the dark after the next storm, grab a sleeping bag and a duffle. I’ll probably still have power.
Those $600 generators are fine for lights, furance and refrigerator.
But DO NOT use them for running electronic devices such as computer, microwave, entertainment center, etc
Electronic devices require “clean” power… meaning that the frequency and voltage are carefully regulated. There’s a reason that those Honda generators are a couple of thousand bucks. Ya git whacha pay for.
Let’s do a little moonbat engineering. This oughta be fun…
How many of you think it would be a good idea to bury all the lines “from dam to doorstep”?
Here’s an idea for those immigrants. Tell me whatcha think:
How ’bout you LEARN THE FUCKING ENGLISH LANGUAGE? How ’bout you assimilate to our culture? Remember why you moved here: to escape the shithole culture you came from. Don’t pollute Murka with the shit you left.
“What we learned (and should have learned) from The Big Storm of 2006”
The state and local government is going to do abosolutely nothing to help in an emergency, they will not supply ice, batteries, generators or even public service anouncements. If you are lucky enough to find any of these items though, the state and local governments will collect sales tax on them.
Rob – You’re a dumass. It’s not the fucking gummint’s job to take care of you.
Take care of yourself or suffer the consequences.
What amazed me was how shitty the local radio stations were in giving useful information.
KIRO radio ran a thing all fucking day on Saturday from some fucking idiot reporter at a gas station in Kirkland with long lines and dwindling supply. Not a fucking word on where you could go to get gas.
KIRO ran another story where they interviewed a 3 year old girl about her feeeeeelings of being without power. Not a fucking word from PSE on what was going on.
Saturday 8 AM news on KVI was that Qwest was giving away free phones. That was it. No other stories. Then off to traffic and weather. Not a fucking word about where there was power and where you could find gas.
Note to media: When there’s an emergency, drop the human interest stories. Give us information that we can fucking use.
re: 5. That’s odd, I thought all liberals were obsessed with the fact the the National Government didn’t make everything rosey for the people in Louisiana? My mistake.
Here’s something all the right wing hypocrites learned in this storm. They are always claiming they want less government and that they want to privatize services. Well how’s that working for you righties? The private utilities that cut back on infrastructure and manpower in order to make a buck don’t have the capacity to turn your fucking lights back on. And since you fight government regulation every chance you get, there’s no government regulators to see to it that your utility is doing a good job so at the end of the day, you get what you wished for. I hope you all fucking freeze to death!
RES – You prove Limbaugh correct: To be a librul, you have to believe that freedom comes from government and oppression comes from corporations.
FYI… power utilities are what’s called a “regulated monopoly”. Every fucking thing they do has to be approved by gummint regulators. Dumass…
Re: 8. How is that liberal government, who by the way owns Seattle Light working out for you libtards? I happen to have limited solar and a fireplace. I keep 6 bags of ice in my freezers and I had batteries.
Now exactly what did your liberal government provide during this emergency? Uhmm nothing. Was that national guard called out to help clear debris? Uhmm no. Did the liberal government of Washington do anything? uhmm no. Why not? Uhmm because they are libtards!
Rob – You’re right…
While a million people were freezing in the dark and immigrants were dying, Mrs. Gregoire holds a press conference to talk about the fucking viaduct.
Like anybody gave a shit at the time…
re: 11, i assume she had power.
Wow, Mark really went down hill after his first post.
I weathered the storm fine (my power came on mid day Sunday) with about $60.00 worth of camping gear. I’m really glad I have a gas water heater and was able to take showers.
Re; 11, also when is the best time to give a news conference about how you are punting on a major decision you had promised to make? Maybe it is when 75% of the citizens the non decision is going to affect don’t have power and can’t hear you backpedal.
re 14, I did as well, my water heater is electric but the solar panels are enough to heat the water and provide some heat during the day. Saturday night was cold though.
The 13 people that died didn’t do so well though
Mark at #1,
Don’t know about your ‘furance’ but my 11 year old $600 Costco generator did just fine running my microwave, as well as electronics. Ever heard of a surge protector, Costco sells a two pack for less than 20 bucks.
The $600 ones will do just fine, change the oil, run it a few times a year. This comes from a 50 plus year old female on a horse ranch.
Tacoma PUBLIC Utilites and Peninsula Light, the electric co-op that serves the Gig Harbor and Key Peninsula’s, did a fine job of keeping people informed and getting the lights back on.
I’d much rather have an elected board of directors that are part of my local gov’ment or a non-profit making decisions about my power supply than someone like Ken Skilling.
re: 10. “Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire declared a statewide disaster and the state National Guard was mobilized to help get fuel and supplies to hard-hit areas.”
Where I was at the National Guard rolled in with big ass generators and were providing power to keep sewage lift stations operating so people could take a shit…albeit on a cold toilet seat. From what I gathered….local government just had to make a request for assistance….
Today’s letters to the Fish Wrapper are full of whiny complaints from people who, determined to politicize everything, seem to think the “incompetents” running our state and local government are supposed to personally deliver flashlights, blankets, and other amenities to the power-less.
Not so long ago, these same whiny anti’s were complaining about “incompetent” officials spending state money to tell us to buy flashlights, blankets, etc., in case of emergency. Guess they didn’t get that memo.
Note to whiny wingnuts: Buy your own fucking flashlight instead of expecting the state to give you one!
You mean like Seattle light?
re: 20, That’s what I said about Katrina rabbit, we agree again. Of course being the hypicrite you are I am sure you were the first one to whine about the government and Katrina.
Redneck is right about needing “clean” power for computers and electronics. The voltage level from standard home generators fluctuates and can burn out this equipment. “Clean” (i.e., stable voltage) power is delivered by inverter generators. These generators are more expensive, but portable, a heckuvalot quieter, more fuel efficient, and you can run your computer off them. They don’t cost thousands; you can get a 2,000-watter (enough to run a desktop computer with laser printer, or a countertop microwave oven) for under a grand, a 1,000-watter for a little over 600 bucks. The best internet prices I found were at
4 Your point is? You aren’t paying enough taxes to get “free” generators, ice, etc. from the state — so why would you expect to? Typical Republican freeloading mentality.
This storm really hurt people in the immigrant community. Of those deaths caused by carbon monoxide, several were immigrants. Perhaps instead of the dull programming on government cable channels, maybe we should be showing programs on the dangers of CO in languages other than English.
Maybe they should learn English it could save their life someday.
If a nuclear weapon ever explodes in a U.S. city, the military will seal off the devastation area and let no one in or out. There will be no utilities, no food, no rescue, no medical care, no nothing. For survivors, the most essential item of home emergency equipment will be a loaded gun.
re: 24: Yes I am. If I can afford all the other social programs with my taxes that libtards want, surely the utopian liberal government can give me a bag of ice and a couple of batteries in an emergency.
26: I have some of those guns. Your libtard friends won’t approve of you owning them though.
7 See what I mean about idiots politicizing this storm?
29: Can you say Katrina?
10 I didn’t see that debris was much of a problem. The National Guard can’t repair power lines; that requires properly trained linemen. What would the Guard have done? Directed traffic? At most intersections without signals, drivers were doing fine by themselves, simply by treating those intersections as 4-way stops and taking turns. I heard no reports of looting. I don’t see a mission for the Guard in this situation.
Iraqi soldiers eat frogs, rabbit at handover ceremony;rpc=22
How about an all expense vacation on me rabbit.
31: Helping the line crews by removing debris and traffic control would have been a big help. Not to mention helping people get trees out of ther living rooms. You and Gregoire thing alike though, I have to give you that.
15 Gregoire didn’t “punt” the decision. She decided to give city voters the option of choosing a tunnel, with a rebuild the default option. All other options are off the table. She gave the tunnel proponents a deadline, and required them to come up with financing. Viaduct replacement will now go forward on a timetable. How is that a “punt”?
You’re just a wingnut flamethrower, rob. You’re not even creative — and certainly not very intelligent — about your Democrat-bashing. Just blowing smoke out of your ass.
22 Actually I wasn’t, but if you want to defend Bush’s dismantling of FEMA, and the disorganization, waste of taxpayer funds, and unnecessary human suffering that ensued — go right ahead. Maybe someday you’ll have something worthwhile to contribute on this board, but today is not that day.
You haven’t been here very long, rob, but we’ve seen enough of you to realize you’re immature, uninformed, and lack any substantive knowledge of virtually everything you’ve talked about.
34: She punted rodent, get used to it you will be hearing it alot. Maybe the democrat controlled governmnet will finally start construction 8 years after the viaduct was damaged.
The republican governor and mayor of New York celebrated setting the first beam of the replacement for the World Trade Center today. That happened with all the hassles 5 years after the trade center was destroyed and it wasn’t a SAFETY HAZARD.
25 Apart from the screed about forcing English down the throats of people who have the right (under our current laws) to be here, and that our country offered sanctuary to, I agree that’s a good suggestion — using government channels to educate people about (among other things) disaster preparedness. Trouble is, not many people watch those channels. Most immigrants seem to have no problem getting two things within their first 24 hours in-country — a car and a TV — but they (like the rest of us) would rather watch what passes for “entertainment” in this country.
27 No you’re not.
36: Another typical liberal response when the facts don’t suit them. I thought maybe you were better than that, but I was wrong.
27 (continued) The legislature will soon meet to write the state’s 2007-2009 budget. Don’t delay in writing your legislator to ask that they throw in a couple bags of ice for you. Although why in hell anyone needs ice in this weather, escapes me.
28 Too late. I already do. And I’ve been saying on this board long before you showed up,
30 Irrelevant.
30 (continued) But if you want to discuss that topic, Katrina is an issue because there was a failure of government leadership in that instance. Where is the failure in our local storm? What should our state and local political leaders have done, that they didn’t do? Tell people to buy flashlights and blankets? They did that years ago. What were they supposed to do about the power outages? Feeder lines were down out in the woods where crews can’t even drive in. Countless utility poles were snapped off and had to be replaced. Numerous transformers blew out and had to be replaced; substations had to be rebuilt. Parts and equipment had to come in from other parts of the country or from manufacturers. All of this takes time.
We did not have thousands of people huddling in our stadiums without food or water. We did not have chaos in our streets — and no police. We did not have an entire city under water, with tens of thousands of people needing evacuation. This was not a Katrina-scale emergency — nor was a Katrina-style failure of leadership.
32 I already served in a war. It’s someone else’s turn. You?
As a kid, whenever the power was out, I learned how to play the piano. I re-learned during each power outage. We never had a generator, but my father was smart enough to install a wood stove in the center of the first floor of our house. Because of this we were never cold. The house is in rural King County, an area where folks are still a bit tougher than regular suburban people. While outages were never fun, we got through it.
Well sonny we didn’t have power in the house and relied on kerosene lamps for light. The old pot belly stove would burn coal or wood for heat. We cook all out meals on a wood cook stove and didn’t keep foods that required an ice box. The only fresh meat was what you shot when walking home from school. All the water was drawn from a well twenty feet out back of the house and the out house was near the barn. The house had no insulation or double pain windows, but the windows were covered with storm windows. The only entertainment we had was a radio that ran on batteries and we listen to the Grand Ole Opry. At times when we woke up in the morning the temperatures were way below freezing and three feet of snow outside. Yep we were so poor we didn’t have two pennies to rub together, and life was harsh for those who didn’t have any common sense. Yes we did walk three miles to school with are rifles over our shoulders and thick blanket of snow on the ground. The fun coming home was hunting rabbits for dinner, they had a hard time hopping threw the snow. Roasted rabbit was a great meal instead of corn bread and beans. Yep life was great back in those old days.
33 It occurs to me that people who know what they’re doing wouldn’t want amateurs “helping” remove trees on or near downed power lines, or anywhere else, for that matter. That’s a job for professionals.
37 She punted
She didn’t, and all the lying in the world won’t make your bullshit true.
THANKS, WILL, for a thoughtful post. Amazing how many people here seem to be arguing both sides. One minute they’re defending the complainers and the next telling them they should be fending for themselves (hint: furry black lawyers and ego-centric rednecks).
This was not Katrina. This should be a wake-up call for people to get themselves prepared. And all of you should have some respect for the thousands of people who are really spending time and energy in the cold, windy and dangerous environs trying to fix it all for you.
If nothing else, just put lots of blankets in the closet, some extra water in the garage, and stay in bed for the duration. You probably all need to lose some weight anyway.
44: Rodent, I don’t expect the government here or in washington dc to do much of anything in any natural disaster. I have already said what could have helped some people alot, provide ice to keep their food from spoiling, provide food for those who didn’t have it, provide batteries and flashlights for those who didn’t have it and have the national guard help the line crews with debris removal, getting to the places you were talking about, traffic control and flying in parts if you think that was neccessary.
40 You haven’t stated a single fact yet. When you do, I’ll respond to it.
47 When my great-great-granddaddy was alive, we did pretty much the same thing, except we ate roasted humans.
53 Not all that great, tastes kinda like ground rattlesnake past its due date, but when there’s no carrots or lettuce available you do whacha gotta do …
49: Get used to it she did or the state and local government is incompetent. I believe both by the way, if I was wrong we would be noticing construction starting on the replacement already. Kinda like the new Freedom Tower.
All liberals can do is whine and moan, whe you give the leadership you get the viaduct.
50 Can’t disagree with anything you said. More people around here should take up camping as a hobby. At least they’d have everything they need for the winters here. This happens every year. Not this bad, but I can’t remember the last winter here that we didn’t have an outage or three.
51 How long do you think ice will last in a fridge warm enough for food to spoil? And a little food spoilage is not really the problem. Try no lights, no heat, no way to cook, no way to bathe or do laundry, no gasoline for vehicles or generators. Those are problems.
What do you think canned food is for?
Have you ever heard of canned food? It’s a great invention — doesn’t require refrigeration.
Next time somebody tells you a big storm is coming that’s expected to knock out power — we had several days’ warning this time — try eating up the contents of the fridge and not buying more.
51 I expect the government to save lives, maintain civil order, and provide emergency shelter/supplies in a disaster. I don’t expect those services free; I expect to pay taxes for the equipment and personnel necessary to deliver them.
Roger Rabbit says:
50 Can’t disagree with anything you said. More people around here should take up camping as a hobby. At least they’d have everything they need for the winters here. This happens every year. Not this bad, but I can’t remember the last winter here that we didn’t have an outage or three.
Love that global warming, yep can’t wait to try on that new Speedo bathing suit on next month. I hear the temperatures will be in the eighties.
55 Seems kinda pointless to respond further to this nonsense, so I won’t bother.
62 You must be rob’s twin. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
57 through 58: You should tell that to all the poeple at or below the poverty line who had food spoil rodent. If you put ice in a cooler it will keep your food for several days idiot. I believe I read on this post where your fearless leader goldy had to pitch $150.00 in food. He can afford it though with all of you fine liberals supporting him.
Of course from the liberal point of view poor people should only be eating food from cans anyways.
63: Are you a French rabbit? You surrender so quick when confronted with facts. Just sayin.
65 So now you’re the poor people’s advocate?
re: 67, someone has to be, seems like Gregoire punted again.
Thanx, I needed a good laugh!!! :)
turn on the news asshole and go visit someone who cares.
So rob, what do you think of Gregoire deciding to spend money to build a new prison and hire more prison guards to run it?
Klake @ 62
You ignorant, inbred moe-ron. Global warming is much more than heating trends. The polar ice caps are melting, changing sea levels, currents and temperature. Where, genius, do you suppose our weather is manufactured?
Global warming is a changing of the climates all over the world. Colder winters, more severe weather patterns, hotter summers, etc…etc…
Fucking know your subject before you type something here. All you are doing is proving what a jackass you are.
72 There seems to be an epidemic of that here.
71: Don’t know for sure but I would guess it is because of all the liberal crimminals that have migrated here.
I’m waiting for rob to criticize Gregoire for spending money to add another prison … and pay the guards. I’m sure he wants the prison, but expects to get it free.
74 And you’re the guy who nonchalantly tosses around the word “facts”?
74 “Not sure” is an acceptable answer to the question, and is consistent with your knowledge base on all other topics, as well.
75: Nope I will pay and pay to lock you crimminals up rodent.
I think people who rob, rape, and kill have forfeited their right to mingle among us; and that when a judge says “life” it should mean “life.” I don’t want these people around. Ever again.
77: sorry but I can’t read the Queen’s mind, I gave you my best guess on why she does what she does.
We need to do a little more neck stretching in this state, too. We only execute “volunteers,” i.e., killers who would rather be dead than deal with a lifetime of incarceration. The death penalty is no deterrent effect, but eliminates a certain amount of recidivism. I think a few people should be executed simply because they’ve got it coming.
79: More bullshit from a hypocrite. Ever read the liberal hero’s Gary Alexander’s rulings. He let about 200 of them out of jail moonbat.
Gary Alexanders opinion was from memory that if the rapists killed the child he was raping he can’t be charged with first degree murder because he was only intending to rape the child, not kill him.
Mrs. Rabbit once worked in a state work release. Her job required her to call institutions to request files of inmates transferring to work release. She frequently talked to an inmate named Jim Miller in Walla2 who worked in the office there as a trusty. Miller was a lifer who was in for murdering his wife and kids, and setting the house on fire to cover up the murders. Mrs. Rabbit always told me, “Jim Miller will never get out.” But Miller did get out on parole. A year later, he kidnapped a 17-year-old girl in Bellingham, and led police on a high-speed chase down I-5 to an empty field in the Tacoma area, where the cops shot him dead and freed the hostage.
They should’ve killed him the first time.
84: the people liberals elect made the decision to let the animal you were referring to go free.
Rodent, I am outta here. You are one confused rabbit though I must say that. I sometimes wonder if you are more conservative than I am.
1. You are pro gun rights
2. You are for strict penalties for law breakers.
3. You are against taxes.
4. You don’t believe government has any obligation to help in an emergency.
5. You have no compassion for the poor, you believe eveyone lives like you.
What is it that makes you a liberal, are you pro abortion, gay, like hollywood movie stars?
There are pro abortion gay republicans. I am not sure that I have met any republicans that like hollywood movie stars but you could be the first.
Bye rabbit, stay out of Iraq. They are biting the heads off live rabbits there as a sign of courage.
83 As usual, you haven’t research the topic, and don’t know what you’re talking about.
The Washington Supreme Court decided that after the Legislature “changed the wording of the second degree felony murder statute in 1975, … assault could not serve as the predicate felony.” In re Personal Restraint of Andress, 147 Wn.2d 602, 56 P.3d 981 (2002). Although the practical result is unpleasant, the court’s reasoning is sound. It’s the Legislature’s responsibility to enact statutes establishing crimes; and when the Legislature fails to do so, the courts have no power to uphold convictions for things that should be crimes but aren’t.
The court then decided that all the second degree felony murder convictions predicated on assault for acts committed after the Legislature changed the wording of the statute were invalid, and that the Legislature’s enactment of such a statute in 2003 could not retroactively make these acts crimes. In re Personal Restraint of Hinton, 152 Wn.2d 853, 860-861, 100 P.3d 801 (2004)
Again, the court’s reasoning was sound, albeit the result was not what prosecutors, victim families, or the general public would like.
In both cases, the result that inflamed people like you was the fault of the Legislature, not the court. Judge Alexander did not write either opinion, but voted with the majority in Andress — as did the most conservative judge on the court, Richard Sanders. In Andress, the decisive case, four of the court’s most liberal members dissented; once Andress was decided, the retroactivity issue was a slam-dunk, and none of the court’s 9 members dissented in the Hinton case.
Is the Andress decision debatable? Yes, of course; the vote on the court was 5-4. If you’re a strict constructionist who opposes “activist judges” “legislating from the bench,” then you have to go with the majority opinion. The liberal justices were willing to fill in what the Legislature left blank; the court’s more conservative judges were not. The latter philosophy prevailed.
“researched” not “research”
83 Felony murder is not, in any event, first-degree murder. It is a lower degree of homicide that carries lesser penalties because, in felony murder, intent to inflict death was lacking. Such intent is a required element of aggravated, first degree, or second degree murder, and prosecutors charge felony murder when (and because) they can’t prove the intent required to support a murder conviction. Felony murder most commonly is used against other participants in a crime that results in death who did not actually kill the victim; for example, if two men rob a bank, and one of them guns down a teller, the accomplice can be charged with felony murder in order to impose a longer sentence than he would get for robbery.
I had a fun storm. My family was almost ludicrously prepared. All of us had full gas tanks, I’m a flashlightophile, and we had just bought a giant box of nutri grain bars. Constantly having an eye on disaster preparedness helps though. For example: Never have less than half a tank of gas. You never know when you will need it.
I thought the government did an excellent job of clearing the roads. I was driving around just after the worst of the storm at 1 am or so and there was an unbelievable number of trees down on many roads – extremely dangerous since the streetlights were out. Virtually all of them were gone when I ventured out the next afternooon.
For the most part the government isnt actually set up to do shelters. That’s the Red Cross’s job. No, really. The Red Cross, FEMA, and military are pretty much the whole emergency shelter shebang.
85 Nope. That happened when we had a Republican governor.
86 I don’t see how formulating my own positions on issues translates into being “confused.” Au contraire, it indicates that I think for myself. You, on the other hand, are a dolt who is unable to think beyond labels. You don’t even know what a “liberal” is; and the term “conservative” has been twisted beyond all recognition by the current self-described practitioners of “conservatism” in power.
You have also managed to misapprehend my positions on each and every one of the 5 points you enumerated.
1. While I oppose gun registration and banning handguns, I support reasonable regulations such as prohibiting automatic weapons, requiring background checks, and closing the “gun show” loophole.
2. I am for strict penalties for violent criminals, not all lawbreakers. For example, I think our societal policy of locking up drug users (as distinguished from drug dealers) results in unnecessary expense to taxpayers, and is counterproductive. And I differ drastically with rightwingers on requiring adequate due process before packing someone off to prison or the execution chamber.
3. I am not “against taxes.” I support some taxes, and oppose others. I think our patchwork, regressive, unfair state tax system should be replaced by a flat-rate state income tax, coupled with repeal of the B & O tax and reduction or elimination of the state sales tax.
4. I think disaster relief is an appropriate government function, depending on how you define government’s role in disaster relief.
5. I have no idea how you think I live. I have what I need, but my lifestyle is modest, and for the majority of my life, it was spartan. In my youth, I was desperately poor. I spent part of my career working with programs that help the poor. I’ve done far more to help the poor than you can imagine.
rob, you have a gift for getting it wrong. The most constructive thing you can do is go fuck yourself.
On second thought, that might not be a good idea. You might reproduce. One of you is enough.
82 Read the opinions. I linked to them for your benefit. Then report back and tell us WHO WROTE THE OPINIONS.
90 For a really fun storm, go climb Mount Hood while the power is out. Adequately equipped, of course. And stay off the avalanche slopes.
Too bad about those guys. They climbed the route, but underestimate the weather that mountain gets, and had some bad luck. Looks like the injured guy in the snow cave didn’t have enough warm clothing, food, and fuel; and the other two probably couldn’t find the descent route in whiteout conditions and got avalanched off on their way down.
About 30 years ago, a couple guys I knew climbed the north face of the Matterhorn in bad weather but were avalanched off the descent route. They weren’t found until the snow melted in spring.
If you go by Rob’s standard Rabbit isn’t the only confused one I feel about the same way on all those issues. I’m a bit more pro gun control.
Good thing it’s Rob that’s confused.
Roger, you said something on the other thread that I’ve been chastised for saying: he is sociopathic and the fire cracker/frog story is absolutely true and horrific. And he will continue to kill kids until this country finally stops him.
Pulling more nonsense out of his ass:
STUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIID Idiot! Another power utility in another state offered trucks and manpower to Puget Sound Energy and Seattle City Light. They were told no. Why? The UUUUUUUUUNION thugs would be upset if we used you.
NeverRightStillStupid: Why did most power shortages occur in Moonbat! land? Maybe too many of you were hugging those trees in the summer and now they fell on those power lines?
What say you, Moonbat!s, do you make a muslim “woman” show her face? Hey, you never know!,,2-2512361,00.html
When I lived in North Dakota a friend of mine got stuck in a snow bank during a bad blizzard and lasted several days there. He said he never did get cold even though the temperature was 20 or 30 below. He was well prepared and just stayed in his truck and waited. I guess people are different but I always try to be ready and don’t expect help from anyone. I found a group that protects gun rights and is not a bunch of union busting , labor hating , bible thumping republican sons of bitch’s , JPFO , it’s on the web
101: The right wing idiots like MWS never hesitiate to make up stories to try to blame anything that goes wrong on Democrats or Unions (or in MTR’s case, any woman with a job within 50 miles of the accident).
We have line crews from several states, and B.C., working here in the emergency, under mutual assistance agreements. Assistance from other utilities hasn’t been refused, or if it has been refused, it was for a good reason.
MWS probably got this story from some caller into KVI, who made it up as he went along. KVI listeners tend to believe anything that is anti-Union or anti-Democrat, simply because that is what they want to believe.
Either that, or some private electrical contractor who wanted to send in minimum-wage workers with little training and charge them out at “emergency rates”, was properly refused. I can see it now: “Honey, CNN just said some linemen are getting forty bucks an hour for working in Seattle, and they’re working round the clock! Go pick up twenty guys standing outside the Home Depot, promise them six bucks an hour, and head to Seattle! How hard can it be – just cut some trees and plug in the wire, right? I can’t wait to figure out how to spend all the money we will be making!”
I’m not going to try to research whether or not there is any background behind the story. If MWS wants to provide all the pertinate details, that’s his obligation. I’ve wasted too much of my valuable time trying to track down the source of stories such as this, only to find that they don’t exist or that the story that was told has virtually no relationship to the facts. In the meantime, the right-wing idiots spew out ten more lies in the time it takes me to research one of them. It’s just not worth the effort. If they can’t properly authenticate their sources and give sufficient details, then I usually just ignore them.
MarkTheCowardlyRedneck was pissed because when he lost power, he could no longer watch the kiddy port he’s been buying lately.
It’s not a Republican or Democrats fault that the lights went out. What’s interesting, the Libs here somehow think that the righties are complaining about lack of govt services….what a joke.
I’m willing to bet that most conservatives took an honest look at how they could be better prepared, took responsibility for what they weren’t prepared for, and will be better prepared the next time.
It’s the LIb /big Govt / nanny state / entitlement / dope smokers who are making the most noise about lack of services and govt response.
I’m suprised that we haven’t heard more of how this is GWB fault….Or that he doesn’t care about black (coffee drinkin ) folk *
* credit to Kanye West -Katrina relief special.
I’m suprised that we haven’t heard more of how this is GWB fault….
101 STUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIID Idiot! Another power utility in another state offered trucks and manpower to Puget Sound Energy and Seattle City Light. They were told no. Why? The UUUUUUUUUNION thugs would be upset if we used you.
Do you wingnut liars invent bullshit as you go along, or does some wingnut liar post bullshit on a wingnut blog and then the rest of you reading the wingnut blogs swallow it as gospel truth?
Of course, we liberals know you wingnut liars NEVER fact-check ANYTHING. Much less read a newspaper, where for several days I’ve seen news stories that lineman from several states are working on restoring power in our area.
Here, I’ll help you get your head on straight, MWS. This morning, KING 5’s web site reports:
“Line crews from as far away as California worked hard into the night to repair the power grid and tried to keep a positive attitude.”
And as for “union thugs,” IBEW recruited lineman from as far away as IOWA to work here:
“Just before the storm hit, contractors began calling IBEW’s Local 77, headquartered in Seattle, and the union put out an ‘open call’ for any union member in the U.S. Linemen from Iowa and elsewhere responded, said Don Guillot, the union’s business manager. He estimates that half of the crews now working are from out of the area.”
Oh, and one more thing: Those “union thugs” are giving up Christmas with their families to get your power back on, asshole.
@ 108 – oh you mean something like 9/11?
Tell me, why was Sandy Berger dispatched to the National Archive to remove classified documents pertaining to Al Qaeda, Osama, Sudan etc etc etc.
Why did your hero dimantle the US Intelligence services?
Why didn’t Mr. Blue Dress take a daily intelligence briefing? He Rarely even met with his DCI. Woolsey 2 times and Tenet ???? According to media matters only 15 meetings that they both were in attendence….
More importantly, after an initial attack on the trade center, Kobar towers, US Embassy attatcks in Kenya and Tanzania, USS Cole and then in 1998 Osama declaring war on the USA…….Did our president concern himself more with where else he could stick a cigar than taking out Bin Laden?
Who would have expected that big trees would fall over in high winds? C’mon folks – get a life. I’ve never read such drivel.
Great point Will. Why hold utilities accountable? Why hold government accountable? We’re all big boys and girls. We should just take care of ourselves.
Who needs electricity anyway? There are plenty of trees to burn for light and fuel. Public transportation? Walk, fat ass. Or get a horse. Police protection? Buy a gun. Or get an axe handle. Worked well in Walking Tall …
In case people need to be reminded, most people had flashlights, and batteries, and even firewood–if they had a fireplace. I’ll never understand this strange “get in touch with your inner survivalist” mentality that pops up any time someone asks tough questions of those on the receiving end of your tax dollars.
101 (continued) Once again, wingnuts’ pathological ideological hatred of working people takes precedence over truth.
Dave, you’re functionally retarded.
Whining at PSE for not fixing your power after the neighbors refuse to remove diseased trees is not “holding people accountable”.
Rightstuffy at 107: I’m suprised that we haven’t heard more of how this is GWB fault….
Why be surprised. You’ve just proven that all those stupid allegations you make about the left are just plain wrong.
Dave at 112: Three thousand men and women working around the clock won’t satisfy you? Crews coming in from neighboring states? Another spoiled brat. me me me me me me me me me me
@116 yeah, you’re obviously an independent, open minded, dispenser of truth. Please.
right wing canard my a**.
Last time I checked, PBS was not a right wing, neo-con, wingnut entity.
I know that I’m biased. Proud of it.
But I also know the truth.
Bill (blue dress) been hangin round you with his cigar?
Watch you six if he is…
nice story in todays pravda about your beloved Gov’t utility sending workers home early
nice job, Goldy, call up your comrades
I got one from Costco last night. It is supposed to display carbon monoxide readings in parts per million. Decided to test it, using a known carbon monoxide source — i.e. vehicle exhaust pipe. Held it in the exhaust stream. The detector kept reading 000 — which is totally ridiculous. Even held it there for several minutes — still stayed at 000. However, the CO from the exhaust did make me a little dizzy, even though the vehicle and I were outside and my nose was at least an arm’s length away from the exhaust pipe.
Obviously a piece of junk and a fraud. I would propose a better method of testing First Alert products. Rig up a Nazi style “gas van”. Put top executive and directors of the corporation that makes the product into the rear compartment of the “gas van”, along with a randomly selected CO detector, fresh out of its packaging. Start up the engine to circulate CO-rich exhaust in the rear compartment. See whether the CO detector alarm goes off before the management and directors expire from CO poisoning. After their corpses are removed from the “gas van”, see whether the CO detector ever registered any CO level other than 000 parts per million (the detector is supposed to keep the highest CO level in its memory).
119 Hey Richard…do you have any idea whether the same applies to the Kidde Nighthawk? My company bought a couple of ’em to watch for exhaust getting into the building from the two temporary generators we had running outside. Neither read anything but zero. Then I took one in our mini-van that we’re pretty sure has an exhaust manifold leak (you can smell smoke inside the cab and we all get headaches when we use it) and it still read nada.
101/105/109 Roger, it ain’t worth the trouble. Arguing with MWS, MTR, JCH et all is just like it was trying to convince my Mom, in an advanced stage of Alzheimer’s, that the man she woke up next to at 3:00 in the morning was her husband of 40 years and not a total stranger.
Just a few in, and I can’t stand the MTR/Rob BS. The Government repeatedly has told all to be prepared for the first three days. Government workers were on duty before first light. They (including me) have been working since then. Clearing rights of way, coordinating recovery, ensuring wastewater facilities function.
If you truly needed help, it has been available in shelters. If you have an emergency, call the Emergency Coordination Center. You will be helped. You fools do not even understand what the government is. You are sure during normal times there are too many of us not doing enough. You are then sure during disasters there are not enough of us.
You are fools.
K . . . I agree with you. But, do you work for City Light or PSE? I’m not impressed with Jose Carrasco. Article in the paper today didn’t reflect well on him. Also, the other day I heard him give the wrong information out on KIRO. A lineworker called in with the correct information. It was checked out and the lineworker was right.
I’ve been defending you guys . . . but if this Carrasco guy is just collecting a paycheck or sees him job as a political venture that pays well, he should be gone.
Me, County government, not the utilities. I’m sure those folks made errors. I also know that the press is more interested in telling a story than telling what actually happened. I personally have had the experience of reporters omitting facts I have given them in favor of the “story” they are telling.
It may have been wrong to send the workers home. It also may have been a prudent step- a storm is coming in the next 6-8 hours. You will be pulling long shifts come first light. Go home and get some rest and come back prepared to be away from your family a while.
Re: 122, Government at it’s best.
Chain saws can’t cut red tape
K – Carrasco was live and on air during the first mistake.
Also, I think they sent the guys home to avoid paying them which I find unforgivable.