Back in college, my roommates and I once bought a used, black naugahyde couch, despite the bizarrely sleazy pitch from the aging salesman, who amongst other things, offensively described the couch as a “pussy magnet.”
I guess this is what he was talking about.
Oh… and as for the headline: “Woman finds cat in $27 used couch.”
I’m just trying to figure out how the price of the couch makes this story any more or less newsworthy.
I suspect with your lack of looks, screechy voice & irritating demeanor…despite the couch, never got any “pussy”.
And still don’t!
Am I right?
Goldy posts a funny comment and story and cynical has to make a derogatory comment.
Cynical – Why are you so obsessed over Goldys sex life?
there really is something very wrong with you….are you genetically required to be a jerk?
CYNCYN isn’t interested in pussy – he only rapes young boys. Like most Publicans – he likes it in the ass and prefers teens to adults.
Meanwhile, as Rome burns (sorry, only tangentially pussy-related comment here), an interesting discussion of the militarization of the drug war in Mexico on Democracy Now today. I had never understood the role of military weapons imported from the US.
I was sharing with Mrs. C your struggles with female relationships and intimacy.
Her 1st thought was to stop using words like “pussy”, c*nt and other derogatory references to the female anatomy. And to stop swearing all together!
Her 2nd recommendation is for you to read a book written in the early 80’s called “LOVE MUST BE TOUGH” by Dr. Dobson. It really hits on the nuts & bolts of how to build an intimate relationship with a woman. It may seem simplistic to an intellectual like you…and you’ll probably pooh-pooh it because it is written by a Christian…but seriously, read it!
I read it again the other night.
For those of us who love our wives, we can relate to what Dobson says.
Good luck Goldy
BTW, @1, LOL. It’s the ST’s appeal to the youngster set. Look for the ST on MySpace, coming soon, in 2013–Newspaper 2.0!!!
Naugahyde was a very attractive and durable fabric. It’s ease of cleanability made it the pussy-magnet of choice for those of us who did not have parents prosperous enough to afford to give us a Mustang, Firebird, Camaro, or ‘vette.
The scarcity of Naugas has made the Naugahyde couch as rare as the Dodohyde couch. The Bush administration was about to take the Nauga off the protected species list, but that damn Obama reversed the decision.
re 6: Maybe Goldy needs to be more bombastic and prejudiced, cultivate some boils on his ass, and take vacations to Haiti fully stocked with Viagra, rubbers, and kiddie porn.
re 9: OK…. I made up the part about kiddie porn.
@9, you mean like Rush did?
Cynical@2, Goldy does have a daughter so I think a “miracle” did occur.
YellowPup, just think any terraist who is caught cummin across da border will no longer be called an enemy combatant. They won’t be called that when they are caught in the battle field.
There are no longer enemies of the US.
Maybe they are freedom fighters
Puddy guesses we can call them friends we haven’t made yet.
How about comrades.
How about worshippers of the “messiah”?
12. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Wow, with a limpdick like Goldy, she must have been a result of Immaculate Conception!
Limpdick is better than none, Yes? Hide the penis envy, guys, er…, folks!
Goldy was circumcized….but alas, there was nothing left.
Goldy is “Dickless in Seattle”!
Goldy couldn’t get laid in a whore-house with a $100 bill. Even overseas. He now is left flaccid, shriveled dick in hand like a wilted flower over the second loss of his beloved Ditzy…I mean Darcy “oohh shiney!” Burner. Pathetic.