Hi Goldy. That’d be a great video for the next “future of news” conference.
Blue Johnspews:
#2. Wouldn’t that be a poll tax. Wasn’t that used to keep the extremely poor from voting?
Blue Johnspews:
The edit feature is missing. I missed the question mark
“Wouldn’t that be a poll tax?”
Can’t somebody (White House??? Hello????) hold these asswipes (CNN, Faux, Politico, WaPo…) accountable for reporting…
proud leftistspews:
Now, we have proof that CNN reporters have gotten too close to the GOP. They have picked up the goat fucking virus from GOPers. I’ll bet CNN and GOP people all get together to engage in their tawdry behavior with goats. This is a very sad development.
Funny as hell!
Wow, Nobody but Stewart can skewer the newsmedia and make it so darn funny.
Mr Cynical.
I know you’re busy, so here’s a reminder that I asked you to clarify some things about your libertarian utopia:
Should government pay for the administration of our elections?
My best guess is that our general election ballots cost about $4.50 to produce (excluding capital expenses and processing labor).
I’m trying to imagine a democratic election administered on libertarian principles. Should each citizen be charged ~$4.50 per election to vote?
I sincerely would like to learn more about these libertarian beliefs of yours. You have so much to offer. I’m hoping you can help.
Cheers, Jason
Hi Goldy. That’d be a great video for the next “future of news” conference.
#2. Wouldn’t that be a poll tax. Wasn’t that used to keep the extremely poor from voting?
The edit feature is missing. I missed the question mark
“Wouldn’t that be a poll tax?”
Can’t somebody (White House??? Hello????) hold these asswipes (CNN, Faux, Politico, WaPo…) accountable for reporting…
Now, we have proof that CNN reporters have gotten too close to the GOP. They have picked up the goat fucking virus from GOPers. I’ll bet CNN and GOP people all get together to engage in their tawdry behavior with goats. This is a very sad development.
Jon Stewart does it again!
@4 Yes and yes.