According to his blog, Mike?™ McGavick held a public event in Puyallup on September 7, in which “the questions ranged from where Mike got his car insurance to far more important topics like Iraq and Social Security,” and according to a source in attendance that evening, McGavick’s answer to that first question was curiously, not Safeco.
Why didn’t Safeco CEO McGavick insure his own car with Safeco? Well, McGavick reportedly explained that he wanted to avoid a “conflict of interest” — that he didn’t want to potentially put an employee in the situation of handling a claim filed by the guy who signs his paychecks.
And I suppose that’s a plausible answer. But…
Current Safeco CEO Paula Reynolds insures her car with Safeco. And so does McGavick’s predecessor, former Safeco CEO Roger Eigsti. They didn’t seem to think it was a conflict of interest to purchase insurance from one’s own company.
But there is another plausible explanation, which I’m sure has already occurred to many of you. See, if McGavick were to have applied for auto insurance from Safeco he would have been asked if he ever had a DUI. And if he had said no, a routine check of his records might have discovered it anyway. That’s not exactly the kind of information a new CEO wants whispered around the company water cooler.
Forgive me for being so cynical, but considering McGavick’s habit of spinning morality tales out of fictionalized anecdotes from his private life, I just can’t help myself.
What a typical dishonest conservative. He’ll fit right in with the Tom Delay, JackAbramoff, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney crowd.
Goldy, it could also be that given McSafeco’s own statements, we know he continues to drink and drive, so it could be he did not want an underwriter pulling up a DMV record on him at renewal time.
Hay, whats with the line at the water cooler????
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Actor Wesley Snipes, indicted by U.S. authorities for tax fraud this week, is filming a movie in the African country of Namibia which has no extradition treaty with Washington, officials said on Friday. [“Gosta run ta dark Africa! Eyes don’t pay no mofo taxes!!! That’s fo white Republicans!! Eyes a black Democrat!!! Eyes a VICTIM!!!”]
The Supreme Court ruled Friday that Arizona may require voters to provide photo IDs when they cast their ballots next month. [………………………………………………………………..The Democrats just lost Arizona. IDs required equals no Democrat voter fraud. Suck on that, GBS!!!!!]
Like that’s going to save your party’s ass from being kicked out of power.
Oh, yeah, Dem’s in charge. We are going to raise YOUR taxes JCH. We’re going to make you pay and pay and pay and pay through the nose.
For decades to come we’re going to tax your ass to the poor house. Get ready to pay!
New tax if you turn right in your car.
Used too much electricity, we’re going to charge an “over usage” tax.
You went surfing, we’re going to charge a “beach tax.”
You have internet, we’re going to create the “white’s only pay cyber tax.”
You belong the KKK, we’re going to charge a “White sheet in Dunce cap” tax.
You’re going to have a cross burning, we’re going to raise your GAS TAX!
Suck on that. If I were a teenage boy you would, wouldn’t you?
We’re the tax man, yeah, yeah, we’re the tax man.
Raise Taxes
Raise Taxes
Nancy Pelosi, please RAISE TAXES. Take more from JCH and squander it by paying down the nationl debt the Republicans ran up.
Please, Ms Pelosi, please take more money from JCH.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Ms Pelosi,
Please abolish the cap on SS tax. Tax everyone 12 months out of the year.
You belong the KKK, we’re going to charge a “White sheet in Dunce cap” tax.
Commentby GBS [………..Would you be referring to SEN Robert “KKK” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV?? Didn’t he wear a white sheet?]
Ms Pelosi,
Please roll back the Bush tax cuts and raise them by as much as he cut them for at least 40 years.
Raise the top tax rate to 90%.
Take, take, take from JCH and MTR.
It’s not enough, never enough, take, take, take it all from them.
@ 16
Yes he did and he’s going to RAISE your TAXES, too.
You’re getting shafted from both ends today, ass hole.
Er…….GBS, I’m retired. No big taxes for me!!! YOU pay!! Atlas has Shrugged………………..
GBS, Perhaps three days in the brig on bread and water might improve your attitude toward superior comissioned officers. But you have been there before, haven’t you, SEAMAN SHITBIRD!!!!
The tax train is leaving Washington DC, next stop every RED state and any where there are rich white people.
Chug-a, chug-a, chug-a Taaaax Taaaax chugh-a, chug-a RAAAAISSE JCH’s taxes, chug-a, chug-a.
Tax him out of his house, tax, tax, tax.
It’s coming and you can’t stop it JCH. Taxes taxes taxes.
Now STFU, Seaman Shitbird GBS, and return to the mess decks!!!! NOW!!!!!
Atlas has Shrugged, GBS. You Democrat libs will need to tax each other!! Cockroaches taxing cockroaches!!! That will be fun to watch!!!
“Where’s ma mother fucking free lunch?” [GBS]
“Eyes a victim! Youse owes me!” [GBS]
“You mofos gosta gives me ma food stamps and guvment check!” [GBS]
Miltiary men like me don’t take orders from Puddle Pirate’s who don’t know the first thing about General Quarters.
Now get your rubber booty’s on, grab your wooden sword, make a paper pirate hat and go outside and play with your imaginary friends.
BTW, there’s a new puddle tax, boot tax, toy tax and imaginary friend tax.
Pay up, shitbird, pay up.
Republicans should pick a fight with Janeists. It’s one they might win. I envision JCH as a Barney Fife type.
7. ”
New tax if you turn right in your car.”
Especially if he happens to be crossing a bridge at the time…
You will be needing your food stamps after we tax your ass to the poor house.
Haaa haaa haaa
You’re going to get the shit taxed out of you by Speaker Pelosi.
I like how that sounds; Speaker Pelosi, thrid in line for the presidency.
Mmmmmmmm. . . get your fork and knife ready, JCH, do you know what dish is best served cold on a plate?
Get ready because you and your ilk are about to get your fill of it.
I love winning.
I love winning.
Commentby GBS [1996, 98, 2000, 2002, 2004……….And you libs will lose AGAIN in 2006!!! Dems: social parasite loooooooosers!!!!]
I’ll make you a be right here and now, and don’t worry it won’t cost you any money, just proof of your integrity.
If the Dem’s don’t win at LEAST one body of congress I’ll never post here again.
If the Dem’s do win at LEAST one body of congress you never post here again.
@33 correction.
Should read:
I’ll make you a BET . . .
@ 28:
“I envision JCH as a Barney Fife type.
Commentby headless lucy— 10/20/06@ 3:43 pm
That’s funny, I envisioned JCH as the Mark Foley type.
Commentby GBS No….The Dems must win both the House and Senate………Now, E# GBS, Step up, or step off!!]
Funny , I envision GBS as the Barney Frank [NAMBLA] type. [Step up, or step off, boy!!!]
Here’s your chance to show you are not a pussy, GBS!!!
[1996, 98, 2000, 2002, 2004……….And you libs will lose AGAIN in 2006!!! Dems: social parasite loooooooosers!!!!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/20/06@ 3:56 pm
If we’re such looooooooosers, as YOU expressed, JCH, take the bet as I posed it. Or, are you too much of a pussy?
You know the Republicans are going to lose control of the House. You’ve already conceded defeat.
Take the bet, JCH, for once have some balls.
You said we’d lose, back up YOUR words, PUSSY>
Good, I hope taxes are raised sky high to a fucking Giraffe. When you do, it will be the last time you are in control of the house.
The Democratic party is supposed to be the champion of the poor, the homeless, the wretched, and the working class. They are already taxed to death!
Oh yeah,
Google Inc.’s removed over 29 thousand video files from its Web site. They received a demand from a group of Japanese media companies over copyright infringement.
YouTube is using the same defense as Napster did long ago by claiming that they don’t know which video’s are copyrighted…… wonder how that will work out?
C’mon, JCH, prove you were once an “officer and a gentleman” by an act of congress. Prove your words have meaning. Prove you have at least a modicum of honor.
Your words, your prediction, your honor, you back them up.
Take the bet of honor, JCH.
What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll fail like flight school?
Mac @ 41:
Put the crack pipe down and stop drinking the kool-aid. When your brain clears up rethink what you just wrote in relation to my tax rant of the “Rich stock broker retired in Hawaii.”
Dumb ass.
Either take my offer, E3 GBS, or eat shit and die!! Winning the House by itself is no big deal. Winning the House and Senate is!!!! Step up, or step off, boy!!!!
Most of the time conservatives are just plain dumb. And the rest of the time they’re just real fucking idiots.
sgmmac, you’re no exception.
Biiiiiiiiiiig Dem victory, but can’t take the Senate!!!! Take the bet, Seaman GBS, and if the Dems take both, I’m out of here!!!! Step up, boy!!!
GBS, You seem to be having a rough time with other posters today. Step up, boy!!!
I see that you’re resorting to what conservatives always do. Cower when confronted by their own words.
You said:
[1996, 98, 2000, 2002, 2004……….And you libs will lose AGAIN in 2006!!! Dems: social parasite loooooooosers!!!!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/20/06@ 3:56 pm
I challenged you to back up your words. You now want to alter your nuanced position.
Your words, my challenge. Either you’re man enough to back up your honor or you’re not, JCH.
Which is it?
Come on, Barney Frank Dem GBS!! Last chance to really show you are not just a big talker!!!
Sorry, GBS…………Dem take the House and Senate……..I’m out of here!!! How bad do you want it?? Are you a quitter?? Ring the bell, GBS!!!
If the Dems win big………I’ll post a “GBS was right post”, and that will be the last of DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ [ESQ is a tribute to non lawyer Harold Fold, Jr, DEMOCRAT, TN]. How badly do you wanyt it, Seaman GBS?
I challenged you JCH based on your words.
You failed yourself, your honor. No wonder you couldn’t cut it in flight school.
Backing up your words are a lot like flying military jets, not for the pussies of this world, are they, JCH?
What do you mean you love winning, GBS? You have always been a loser, and will remain one. It appears that you suffer from JCH Derangement Syndrome as well as BDS.
You aer counting your chickens before they hatch, loser. Watch while you and your ilk lose once again.
I like winning and even more I like you losing!
I never rang the bell, JCH. That’s why I was awarded by Trident.
Where are your wings?
Oh, that’s right, they’re on another MAN’S chest who could cut the mustard.
Honor, JCH, you spouted off, I’m challenging you. Are you man enough or is your honor going to be worn on another man’s chest like your wings?
correction @ 55
should read:
“awarded MY Trident.”
Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Hmmmmmm? What? Did you say something of relevance?
Thought so.
JCH, I’ll need your answer in the next few minutes.
Honor or dishonor?
Which will you choose?
What’s the matter, JCH, was my comment about your naval aviator wings residing on another MAN’S chest a little too harsh of a reality check for you?
Hmmmmm. . . Clarice? Is that it? The memories of your failure too much for you to deal with?
Does it prevent you from being honor bound?
It appears that you suffer from JCH Derangement Syndrome as well as BDS.
Commentby Observer— [………….Yes, Poor GBS. He needs our pity!!!!]
House and the Senate [Congress]. Those are my terms. Step up, or step off, Seaman Shitbird!!!]
Where’s your honor, JCH?
Your words, my challenge. Can you hack it? Can you?
It appears you are truly all talk and no action.
No wonder you washed out of flight school. It takes determination and a winners attitude to make it through such demanding programs.
Obviously, your weak.
All right, JCH.
One of us has to be the man. Clearly, you’ve demonstrated you are not. You are afraid and weak. You cannot and will not accept another man’s challenge.
Clearly, I’m the man with honor, you must be the other guy.
I accept your challenge.
Democrats must control the House of Representatives and the Senate. Independents will count with whichever party the cacus with. For example if Liberman cacuses with the Dems and they get to control the Senate I win.
Deal now? Pussy, JCH?
“It appears that you suffer from JCH Derangement Syndrome as well as BDS.
Commentby Observer— [………….Yes, Poor GBS. He needs our pity!!!!]
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/20/06@ 4:53 pm”
Jesus, JCH you’re fucking stupid. The guy snaps one off in your face and you don’t get it?
My whole life I’ve had BDS. Big Dick Syndrome is something no conservative ever has to worry about.
You guys suffer from LDS (I’m sure you’ll figure it out) and ED (see Bob Dole ads).
You fags.
I’ll check with you Monday, JCH to see if your testicles ever descended from your tummy.
I look forward to booting your ass off this blog. When you lose, I hope Goldy bans your IP address, because we know, like every other conservative you can’t be trusted to keep your word.
Later, you pussy whipped conservative.
OK, we all know it’s really gross for a congressman to send sexy messages to an underage page. But WHY IS IT WORSE for him to send messages than TO ACTUALLY HAVE SEX WITH SAID PAGE???? Will somebody please explain this to me, and tell me why the guy who had sex with the page was welcomed back by the Democrat party instead of sent home?
I raise my hind leg and piss on officers! Now … what are you gonna DO about it?
#67 is in reply to #20
I like PRESIDENT PELOSI better!!! :D
“The Democratic party is supposed to be the champion of the poor, the homeless, the wretched, and the working class. They are already taxed to death!” Commentby sgmmac— 10/20/06@ 4:22 pm
Really? According to your wingnut friends, the RICH pay 95% of the taxes. When did that change?
“House and the Senate [Congress]. Those are my terms.” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ— 10/20/06@ 4:54 pm
Attention JCH and all other unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist trolls … here are MY terms:
1) Unconditional surrender
2) Nuremberg-style trials
3) No mercy for wingnuts
Any questions?
Obviously, “your” weak.
Commentby GBS [……..Did you mean to say “You’re weak?” Sadly, GBS is a prime example of what the public school system puts out today.]
I raise my hind leg and piss on officers! Now … what are you gonna DO about it?
Commentby Roger Rabbit […..Three days in the brig on bread and water should “do it”!!]
All right, JCH.
One of us has to be the man. Clearly, you’ve demonstrated you are not. You are afraid and weak. You cannot and will not accept another man’s challenge.
Clearly, I’m the man with honor, you must be the other guy.
I accept your challenge.
Democrats must control the House of Representatives and the Senate. Independents will count with whichever party the cacus with. For example if Liberman cacuses with the Dems and they get to control the Senate I win.
Deal now? Pussy, JCH?
Commentby GBS— [………………….In less than three weeks, one of us will be gone from HA.ORG. Goldy will ensure NO posts from the loser are printed. You gave in quickly, GBS. Typical Democrat. House and Senate!!! Loser takes a walk!! GBS, as always, you will be defeated!]
Roger Rabbit, would you like a little “taste”, or does GBS stand alone???
The alliteration of “President Pelosi” is just outstanding. And, the spectacle of the irrational right subject to her administration–oh, lord, it’s like a sunset over the Olympics. Such images will bring me such sweet dreams tonight . . .
Ah, those poor palestinians are just innocent victims……….or are they……
PA TV educational program:
Jews have no historical connection
to Western Wall – It’s an Islamic site named for Muhammad’s horse
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Oct. 19, 2006
During the month of Ramadan, Palestinian Authority television programs focus on religious themes. But even within these programs, PA TV inserts political, hate and violence messages directed at Israel. PA TV is run by the office of PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
One significant message that has been strongly emphasized by repeated broadcasting of the same programs is the denial of Israel’s right to exist. One program, which recently appeared on PA TV three times in the course of a single week, features Dr. Hassan Khader, founder of the Al Quds Encyclopedia, who argues that the Jews have no ancient historical connection to the Western Wall of the Temple. He teaches:
“The first connection of the Jews to this site began in the 16th Century… The Jewish connection to this site is a recent connection, not ancient… like the roots of the Islamic connection… Who would have believed that the Israelis would arrive 1400 years [after the beginning of Islam], conquer Jerusalem and would make this wall into their special place of worship, where they worship and pray?”
The true name of the Western Wall of the Temple, according to the PA academic, is really the Al Buraq Wall – named after Muhammad’s horse which was tied to the wall – according to an Islamic tradition that attempts to honor Jerusalem.
Finally, Khader praises all the violence and death the Palestinians have initiated to prevent Jews’ access to the Western Wall and Temple Mount, from the beginning of the 20th century until now, and indicates that it will continue if Jews insist on the right to the Western Wall.
The following are excepts from his interview:
Khader: “The issue of the Al-Buraq Wall [Western Wall – renamed by Muslims “Buraq Wall” after Muhammad’s horse] is one of the wonders which we don’t know why it happened in this order [of historical events]. Who would have believed, back then, when Islam began in the time of the prophet, who would have believed that the Israelis would arrive 1400 years later, conquer Jerusalem and would make this wall into their special place of worship, where they worship and pray? It’s incredible! We did not invent this place, the Al-Buraq Wall. Know that this wall is the only one of the four walls of the Al-Aqsa Mosque – the Mosque has four sides – this wall is the only one that carries an Islamic name since the beginning of Islam. Allah, praise Him, gave Al-Aqsa its name, and the Al-Buraq Wall was named by the Prophet… The Al-Buraq Wall is the station, similar to a space station, where Al-Buraq [Muhammad’s horse] landed. This is the place where Al-Buraq landed and the prophet tied Al-Buraq [to the wall].
[PMW note: The Quran (Sura 17) writes that Muhammad took a Night Journey from the Mosque in Mecca to “The Farthest Mosque” (Al-Aqsa in Arabic) initially understood to indicate heaven. After the Islamic conquest of Jerusalem, Muslims, trying to honor Jerusalem, gave a new interpretation to this words “Al-Aqsa” – meaning it was a Mosque in Jerusalem. — From Studies in the History of the Arabs and Islam, Prof. Hava Lazarus-Yafeh]
“… This is the place from which the prophet entered and exited Al-Aqsa. I always say that from an Islamic perspective, this is the holy gate of Al-Aqsa… This is the only wall that carries an Islamic name since the dawn of Islam…
“This is the single wall from among the Al-Aqsa walls for which a revolution took place in the past century. Everyone knows the Al-Buraq revolution that took place on August 23, 1929. [Editor – Arabs rioted and killed many Jews] This revolution, that took place for this holy site for the Muslims, and we know, all of you know, oh brothers, that the Al-Buraq revolution was a ‘wave’ revolution, all Palestinian people took part in it…”
“The first connection of the Jews to this site began in the 16th Century [and cites a “Hebrew Encyclopedia” as a source]. The Hebrew Encyclopedia says that the Jewish connection is a coincidental connection that began in the Ottoman era. If so, the Jewish connection to this site is a recent connection, not ancient, its roots are not like the roots of the Islamic connection…
“The Jewish connection to this site is a fabricated connection, a coincidental connection… ”
“[Some may argue:] The Al-Buraq Wall is simply a small wall, a few meters long, a number of bricks, what is it worth? What we are interested in is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and we can give it [the Wall] to the Jews, they have no [other] religious sites. This is a highly significant matter! This site currently represents the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This is the most essential point in the Arab-Israeli conflict. No one can ignore it anymore. As we said, revolutions took place for the sake of [Al-Buraq], and for its sake revolutions are still taking place today. The first revolution in the past century was named after Al-Buraq and Al-Aqsa, and the last revolution, the last Intifada, the Al-Aqsa Intifada, we are still living it until today.”
[PA TV, October 13, 2006]
Hey, I like this bet. Either the idiot troll loses or the person who keeps feeding the idiot troll loses, at which point the idiot troll gets bored and starts craping somewhere else. Either way, the rest of us win.
Don Joe, Give GBS credit. He stands for something. What do you stand for?
DSA @ 66:
You might as well ask why a sitting President in 1961 could sleep with hundreds of women and that was OK while one got a blow job in 1996 and that was an impeachable offense.
You can also ask why half the congress drank their lunch through the 70s, and John Tower was pilloried in 1989 because (* gasp *) he drank!
The short (and not very good) answer is that the culture has changed. We are in a world where there is a lot more transparency and accountability of our elected officials. The smoke-filled backroom is gone. Get over it.
JCH is a coward, a draft dodger and a traitor. Perfect – he could be a GOP Presidential candidate!
Gov. Gregoire is the prototype of the new Democrat. You’ll not get away with stealing another election. You guys are like a bad hangover. But once it’s gone — forget about it!
JCH is a coward, a draft dodger and a traitor. Perfect – he could be a GOP Presidential candidate!
Commentby RightEqualsStupid […………………………….Perhaps you are confusing me with Democrat President Bill “Draft Dodger” Clinton? I served. He didn’t. Did you?]
Mike! didn’t insure his car(s) with Safeco because his DUI precluded his eligibility according to company policy. Mike! is a LIAR for stating the BS about “conflict of interest” and typical of his not owning up to the TRUTH on ANYTHING.
By the way, I’d sure like to see his state track title medal or trophy or even T shirt. Maybe his father took a picture of him crossing the finish line around Greenlake or someplace.
What do I stand for? Intelligent discourse. For the most part, I tend to ignore people who post mindless blather–not always, but for the most part.
Tell you what. Read
Don Joe spews:
Richard Pope spews:
Richard Pope spews:
Richard Pope spews:
Richard Pope spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
Mark1 spews:
Mark1 spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
RightEqualsStupid spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
A concerned Democrat spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ spews:
Food for Thought spews:
Mike Webb SUCKS spews:
Mark1 spews:
RepublicansFirst! spews:
Hm… Looks like I screwed up the link. Try this. If that doesn’t work, the url is:
I will NOT take a position on the U.S. Senate race, and this comment should not be construed one way or the other.
However, it doesn’t appear that a 1993 DUI (even a conviction, which Mike McGavick technically didn’t end up with) would have made McGavick ineligible for Safeco insurance.
I just went to and started with their on-line policy application. It asks the relevant question: “Has any driver had any accidents or violations?”
However, there are pop-up windows which explain exactly what Safeco wants to know — and they appear interested only in DUI’s that have taken place in the last three years(!):
Has any driver had any major or minor traffic citations within the past 3 years or any accidents/claims (at-fault, not-at-fault, comprehensive losses) occurring in the past 5 years?
All traffic citations received by any driver listed on this quote need to be disclosed.
Examples of Major Citations include:
Driving Under the Influence or Open Container
Auto Theft/Felony Motor Vehicle
Careless or Reckless Driving
Drag Racing
Driving While License Suspended
Leaving the Scene/Hit and Run
Fleeing from Police
Vehicular Homicide
Driving Without Owner’s Consent
Note: Upon policy purchase, driving records are verified with your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.
Washington state law, RCW 46.52.130(3)(a), apparently limits insurance companies to finding out only about the DUI’s or other traffic matters during the last three years:
“The director, upon proper request, shall furnish a certified abstract covering the period of not more than the last three years to insurance companies”
And if someone has a conviction for negligent driving, the Department of Licensing is prohibited under RCW 46.52.130(8) from telling insurance companies whether the conviction is for first degree (alcohol-related) or second degree (not alcohol related):
“The abstract provided to the insurance company shall include convictions for RCW 46.61.5249 and 46.61.525 except that the abstract shall report them only as negligent driving without reference to whether they are for first or second degree negligent driving.”
DUI convictions (and even reduced charges such as reckless driving, first degree negligent driving, and reckless endangerment) MUST be considered by a district court judge for SEVEN YEARS for providing greater mandatory minimum sentences for persons convicted of DUI.
Nothing prevents a district court judge from exercising his or her discretion and considering DUI or other traffic violations from more than seven years ago in sentencing someone convicted of DUI.
Under RCW 46.61.506(6) (effective 07/01/2007), four or more convictions for DUI (or the reduced charges specified above) during the last TEN YEARS will make a subsequent DUI offense into a Class C felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.
There are certainly arguable public policy reasons why criminal laws and insurance laws are different.
Enhanced criminal penalties are imposed against people convicted of DUI on a subsequent offense. So a period of seven or ten years is seen as appropriate for mandatory enhanced sentences.
On the other hand, insurance risks deal with probabilities. Just because someone had a DUI once doesn’t mean they will have one again. So the legislature has decided to basically prohibit DUI’s more than three years old from being used against someone — even though insurance companies would probably prefer to hold it against someone for a longer period.
Now we see just ONE of the reasons why Dickie shouldn’t be a judge.
Just become someone gets found guilty of a felony doen’t mean they’ll do more crimes, but that didn’t stop right wingers from wasting our tax money with a three strikes law that has nearly bankrupted our children’s future.
The only army JCH served in was the army of child rapists!
RightEqualsStupid, YOUR military service, sir? Yeah…………..I thought so……….Fuck you, you little twerp. Although GBS and I are polar opposites, there is some respect because we BOTH served. You, on the other hand, are a twerp. Nothing more.
Yes, let’s form a support group for JCH and hand him a gun to kill himself with.
Commentby Roger Rabbit […………………………………………………Great idea! Bring me a loaded .45 smith and Wesson, or a good old [counter clockwise bore] Colt. Hollow points, RR!! Just one in the back of your head. Now hold still!! Afterwards, you are shark bait {Issac Hale State Park cliffs] , or boiled in the hot holes [lava flow] down in Kapoho [Kilauea]. Either way, they will NEVER find your body, and you will never voter Democrat again!!! I like the “boiled in lava” idea best!! It is sooooo “local” Aloha!!!! JCH]
Roger Rabbit, Can you imagine what a 4 meter Tiger Shark off Kona Kialua [say, 100 yards off Hapuna Beach ] can do to a Democrat Roger Rabbit? The shark doesn’t just bite you, he EATS you [completely!] No, Jesse “Shakedown” Jackson or Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton cannot help you, as the shark isn’t “politically correct” and could give a shit about “equal rights” and you being a “Democrat victim”. No Democrat Jew lawyer named Rosenstein is going to sue the shark, because the shark has no assets!! One moment…….Roger Rabbit is bitching about Republicans not paying enough taxes………The next, the Tiger Shark tears you apart!!! [A perfect YOUTUBE video!!!]
HONOLULU – The Dog remains unleashed — for now. Attorneys for TV reality star Duane “Dog” Chapman on Friday said the Mexican federal court has granted them an order that halts the criminal case against Chapman until further evidence and witness testimony are gathered. **SNIP** The possible extradition has ignited an uproar among members of Congress and Chapman’s fans, who consider him a hero for capturing a rapist… [………………………………………………………Fuck Mexico. Like they give ashit about our laws. Mexico gives us uneducated illegals, dope, coke, TB, malaria, fat pig women all ready to have free babies at LA General, and sewage. Oh yeah……………a shit load of new Democrat voters. ]
JCH did TRY To get into the army – he heard there were lots of dicks to suck so he tried to join. But his family is full of cowards and people who helped the USSR back in the old days so they wouldn’t let him in.
Jeez Goldy, you’re so reaching on this one; it’s borderline pathetic. Getting nervous about Nov. 7th I suppose is the reason.
FYI: per your whimpy rant; insurance companies in Washington State can only check the last three years of one’s driving history by law. So, hence, you draggin up old scabs from fourteen years ago means absolutely nothing. Check your laws next time before you flail your arms around and spew bullshit.
RightEqualsStupid, YOUR military service, sir? Yeah…………..I thought so……….Fuck you, you little twerp. Although GBS and I are polar opposites, there is some respect because we BOTH served. You, on the other hand, are a twerp. Nothing more.
I keep hoping the FBI will track down JCH since pretending to be a vet is a crime.
@ 96 ”
Halaliejai Honolula!! “Fuck Mexico. Like they give ashit about our laws. Mexico gives us uneducated illegals, dope, coke, TB, malaria, fat pig women all ready to have free babies at LA General, and sewage. Oh yeah……………a shit load of new Democrat voters.”
You are speaking the Republican truth, JCH!!! We have no room for Mexican fornicators and cock smoking, dope suckers! America is for AMERICANS! And Iraq is for AMERICANS! Keep up the fight against the Secular Godless Haters of THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!!
God bless you Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ, you are a prophet of the America that is to come, with God and George W. Bush leading us to the Great American Future!
Mooooooslim terrorists, and spokemen {Democrats] for Moooooooslim terrorists all hate Bush. Gee, what a fucking surprise……………… NVA, Viet Cong, and their spokewomen [Jane Fonda] all hated the USA. History repeats??? Why, yes!! I think it has!!!!
@ 101 “I keep hoping the FBI will track down JCH since pretending to be a vet is a crime.”
Retract that TRAITOR!!! Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ is a veteran of the war against Tolernace, Diversity, and DemocRATS!! The same bile and phlem that tries to pollute our country with lies about equality and “Justice”.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ, is a member of God’s Republican Party in HIGHEST STANDING!! He has served our country by demonizing “minorities”, “Peace Traitors” and the “Sexually diverse/perverse”.
Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ has spent hours explaining God’s Republican Party’s platform and mindset for traitors like you.
You have been given a choice: Accept God, Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ, and the Republican Party’s vision for a New America, or vote DemocRATic.
You are either with us, or against us.
@ 103 “NVA, Viet Cong, and their spokewomen [Jane Fonda] all hated the USA. History repeats??? Why, yes!! I think it has!!!!”
EXACTLY!!! Those who were against the war in Vietnam were TRAITORS!!! We would still be in Vietnam winning that GODLY war if it weren’t for the HEATHENS and Secular Anti-Patriots who opposed it!
Right now we have a choice: we can cut and run from Iraq, or fight for decades, no matter the cost, on GOD’s side winning it!!!
The democrats are the party we need in power to defeat terrorists. We just need to wait them out until they accumalate power,money and arms. As soon as they start making headway in taking over the world that is when we hit them. After a couple billion deaths problem solved. Hey it worked with Hitler.
Absolutely! @ 106 “Hey it worked with Hitler.”
You have reason to be a concerned DemocRAT! WIth DemocRATs in power we would never have abandoned Afghanistan and invaded Iraq! Without invading Iraq we never would have so many new terrorists to fight!!!
Listen people! George W. Bush, with God as his guide and personal confidant, has learned that without creating a definable GODLESS enemy we can never defeat EVIL! We could have sat idly by, creating a workable government in Afghanistan and capturing the Al Queda, Osama Bin KENNEDY and Taliban living there, but the threat of not having a chaotic “fly trap” for terrorist recruitment camps in Iraq would never have come to be!! Where would be then??? No evil Moooooslims to kill, and no evil GODLESS European non-American TRAITORS to hate the ONLY GODLY COUNTRY: US!
Better to create the enemy you can fight, than try to understand the ways of HEATHEN peace lovers and DIPlomats!
Listen friends, as God said:
When they are WHITE They shall be clean.
The same here applies. Afghanistan was easy. Iraq is hard. The NEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush KNOWS what he is doing.
DemocRATs have reason to be concerned.
What’s the difference between GW Bush and Jane Fonda? At least Fonda had the guts to go to Nam!
You have reason to be a concerned DemocRAT! WIth DemocRATs in power we would never have abandoned Afghanistan and invaded Iraq! Without invading Iraq we never would have so many new terrorists to fight!!!
Commentby RepublicansFirst!— 10/20/06@ 10:40 pm
Hell we would have never even gone that far. We would have never invaded Afghanistan. Just lobbed a couple missiles. Again we are not fighting smart. Three thousand American deaths are just not worth invading a country for.
We must learn to listen to terrorists and show them a better way. Yes hundreds of thousands of innocent people will be killed but in the long run we will have a better understanding of each other.
We also need to learn to live with terrorists. Yes they like to blow up buildings but we all have to live together. We should consider putting huge air bags all around buildings in all major cities. Another idea is to issue everyone working or living in tall buildings a parachute. You see there are answers other then war out there waiting to be explored if we just vote democrat.
@ 109 “Hell we would have never even gone that far. We would have never invaded Afghanistan. Just lobbed a couple missiles.”
EXACTLY!! When Bill “Not a WAR TIME PRESIDENT” Clinton attacked AL Queda camps, He was thinking like a DemocRAT! Trying to defeat the people who attacked us rather than creating more HEATHENS to bomb!
We will never win until we can, God and George W. Bush willing, create enough terrorists to make it worthy of a TRUE armageddon.
I despise the TRAITORS that try to defuse the WRATH of the Republican Party by using SECULAR “reality” to defeat the enemies of America.
God is counting on us all!
EXACTLY!! When Bill “Not a WAR TIME PRESIDENT” Clinton attacked AL Queda camps, He was thinking like a DemocRAT!
I hear you. He almost had Osama. He was always thinking with his head while the other head was getting sucked. From North Korea to Somalia Clinton kept us and the world safe.
@ 111 “We should consider putting huge air bags all around buildings in all major cities.”
You are STILL thinking like a DemocRAT!! We can not spend money on defending American cities!! God will protect us as long as we trust him and George W. Bush!!!As part of our trust-offering to God and Bush, we must ignore the whines about deficits (In God We Trust) and GODLY war profiteering! We are fighting the DEVIL!!!! And no amount of blood and deficit spending to the FREEDOM FIGHTING defence contracters of Christ can detour us!!!
Do not succumb to the evil wicked ways of “material reality”.
This is God’s war against the chosen enimies of George W. Bush!!
Trying to defeat the people who attacked us rather than creating more HEATHENS to bomb!
I hear you there. That is what I loved about Clinton. He TRIED. Who cares what he actually did. It is that he tried that counts. We need to get the party that “tries” back into power.
@ 113 “From North Korea to Somalia Clinton kept us and the world safe.”
AAARGGHHH!!! You are being tempted by SATAN!!!
Somalia was WON when George H. W. Bush sent our fine soldiers there in December 1992 as a crippled “lame duck” (as the heathens say) President. It only went wrong when Clinton tried to change the plan from “Invading” a deserving of destruction Moooslum nation to peacekeeping! We lost 80 troops keeping the peace in G H W Bush’s great war, after Clinton screwed it up! Now we have lost thousands of soldiers in G W Bush’s DIVINE WAR!
Do not be tempted to go back to your peace loving DemocRAT ways!
North Korea!!! HA!!!
George W. Bush took the only Godly way of dealing with the Insane Dictator of NK. He ignored the third wheel of the axis of evil!!
Great Move!!! Now we can write them off as a “nucular power” and continue to fight the newly created TERRORIST HEATHENs in Iraq.
The Shiites days are numbered! Long live the FREEDOM loving SUNNI’s!
You are STILL thinking like a DemocRAT!! We can not spend money on defending American cities!!
Amen. Why are we fighting the terrorists over seas when we can fight them here in America. I wonder if that would have worked with Hitler?
North Korea!!! HA!!!
George W. Bush took the only Godly way of dealing with the Insane Dictator of NK. He ignored the third wheel of the axis of evil!!
But the North Koreans promised. Communists always keep their word when negotiating with dems.
@ 115 “We need to get the party that “tries” back into power.”
There is no “trying” in America or George W. Bush’s World!! You
It matters not if it is the right thing! Of COurse it is the RIGHT thing! It is God and George W. Bush’s DECISION!!
You Sick DemocRAT’s always think that what you do matters.
What matters is what God and George W. Bush thinks matters.
And if you have not learned that yet, I pity you. No, I DMAN you!! And do not try any “Habeus Corpus” defence. That dog no longer hunts in George W. Bush’s America.
@ 118 “Communists always keep their word when negotiating with dems.”
You are one sick, deluded puppy. Depraved Dictators only respect American Dollars. “In God We Trust”. What part of that does your depraved homo loving diversity celebrating peace longing for destined for hell soul not understand?
“Concerned democRAT” has been slam Dunked bu RepublicansFirst.
‘Nuff Said
Somalia was WON when George H. W. Bush sent our fine soldiers there in December 1992 as a crippled “lame duck” (as the heathens say) President. It only went wrong when Clinton tried to change the plan from “Invading” a deserving of destruction Moooslum nation to peacekeeping!
Yeah Clinton was handed a recession and is blamed for thousands of American deaths that the killers were planning years in advance right under our noses…. wait that was what Clinton handed GW. My mistake. Well his inaugural speech sure was good.
George W. Bush took the only Godly way of dealing with the Insane Dictator of NK. He ignored the third wheel of the axis of evil!!
We need Carter and Clinton to negotieate with them. Carter did a great job with Iran. Clinton did a great job on the middle east peace treaty. We need the security and safety of the democrats in todays dangerous world.
@ 122 “Yeah Clinton was handed a recession and is blamed for thousands of American deaths that the killers were planning years in advance right under our noses”
Typical ultra-leftwing secular Bullcr@p!!!!
Clinton has blood on his hands for 9/11!!! If he had told the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush to actually read the Presidential Briefings that were prepared for him, Bush would have had someone read them for him!!! Clinton FAILED to tell Bush that he needed to read them!! And if Clinton had explained to the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush that members of Al Queada had previously tried to bomb the WTC (Clinton foolishly had them caught and sent to prison for life), and that Al Queda was the most important threat America faced (Clinton did, but that was a ploy – he knew the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush would rightfully never listen to a “concerned democRAT) 9/11 would never have happened.
Concerned DemocRAT, you are so delusional, I truly hope that they do not allow you to vote, or destroy your ballot as soon as it is cast.
You seem to be woefully misinformed.
Choose GWB!
Choose more of the great GODLY course we have taken!
@ 123 “Carter did a great job with Iran.”
BULLSHIT!!! (God forgive me)
Carter was a fool!! IF he had just known that selling arms to Iran would win the release of the hostage, he STILL would not have.
It took a GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOT like Reagan and G H W Bush to realise that selling arms to our enemies would make them feel safe and release our citizens!! And then they would foolishly fell that Republicans are pussies and fall into the GODLY trap of furthering their “nucular” program (I have that in quotes because God intended Nuclear to be pronounced “Nuular”. Heathen ‘scientists” aside)
And now G W Bush will “allow” Iran to become a nucular state, because we are too busy fighting the newly created terrorists in Iraq.
Chowchilla, Calif. — Health officials are investigating a woman’s claim that she found part of a human finger in a Subway sandwich — an allegation reminiscent of the chili bowl finger hoax at a Wendy’s restaurant last year. Two health inspectors visited the Subway restaurant Thursday in Chowchilla after the woman reported finding what appeared to be a half-inch piece of a finger a day earlier… [Representing the women will be the firm of Rosenblatt, Stein, Goodman, Lowenstein, and Loeb, Inc [A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!]
#80: You’re trying to excuse a grotesque double standard. The dems seem to have NO shame. They even tried to defend a president with his pants down and Monica hooked up to him in places she shouldn’t be while he talked business in the oval office. Of course that’s a disgusting event worth being criticized for. He should have stepped down after that. If Foley is gone for emails/messaging (which is very appropriate in many peoples’ opinion including mine), why did Clinton stay after disgracing the office and himself so hideously?? You would never allow President Bush such behavior and let him stay, and frankly he’d lose my support completely for such. Why are you guys so easy on the sexual misconduct of democrats but insist that all others go home? (and they DO go home!) Please, if you have not stood in support of GETTING RID of the Dem congressman who actually HAD SEX with underage page, then you have zero moral right to criticize Foley. I’m disgusted by BOTH Foley and Bill Clinton’s behavior. But Clinton actually DID the deed with a girl his daughter’s age while a married man, at that.
Really Goldie? I was never asked if I had a DUI? Do you just make this shit up or you were turned down because of your DUI?
Mike @128:
See my post at #99. Goldy apparently dosen’t check his laws and facts before vomiting up his misinformed nonsense, at least on this issue. I wonder just out of sheer curiousity how many whiney Democrats on this site have ever had DUI’s ever in their lives? If we’re having a pure character debate about McGavick and others, how many people have failed marriages in this room?!
@ 126 “A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!”
I say AMEN! for the Godly and truly patriotic REPUBLICAN Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ!!! JEWS ARE NOTING BUT MONEY GRUBBING HARLOTS!!!
Jesus was KILLED by the JEWS! And that is why he created the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!