It’s the first day of the Washington legislature. And that means it’s the what-do-you-want-from-the-legislature thread:
Mostly for me it’s playing defense against some of Trump’s excesses. It’s making sure that don’t tangle ourselves up in any attempt to deport people. It means making sure that the people kicked off Obamacare get health care in Washington; Maybe it means keeping up the exchange. Maybe it means universal health care from the state. But it can’t mean we let people die for want of health care.
But I don’t think we can just be stuck in react to Trump mode. I was kind of inspired by California’s we’ll launch our own satellites thing (a reaction to Trump, sure, but would also be pretty cool if Clinton had won the election). I’d like Washington State to build a space elevator. It seems like with Boeing and the universities and some good places to build it East of the mountains, it’s the sort of thing the whole state could be involved in.
Every year I say I’d like the reproductive parity act, or whatever we’re calling it. Every year, it doesn’t pass, but it’s still a good idea.
Anyway, those are the things I’m hoping and maybe dreaming will happen in the legislature. What do you want to see?
This may be a good time for our Democratic legislators to bone up on states’ rights.
4 years ago the democrats hated the thought of states rights…
Now they are embracing it….
The one thing about politics you can count on, is that nobody stays consistent to their ideals.
@ 2
I see I’m not the only one who did a spit-take reading @ 1.
But it can’t mean we let people die for want of health care.
What, not even the veterans? It didn’t seem to be a problem for you libbies over the past eight years.
What, not even the veterans? It didn’t seem to be a problem for you libbies over the past eight years.
The Senate on Thursday passed a bill that would prohibit the Department of Veterans Affairs from cutting off services to homeless veterans who left the military with disciplinary discharges.
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., wrote the bill last summer …
You’re welcome.
Oh, sure, you’ll go all-out for Bergdahl.
How about a bill to protect trans-gendered traitors with suicidal tendencies next? Then you can cheer helping another half-dozen while ignoring thousands.
Fund it,hillbilly.
Its your shitshow. You bloated perverts got moonshine drunk and put down your dicks and your biker-porn long enough to invade a half dozen countries just for fun. Now your kids are home missing a limb or two and strung out on Oxy. Its your white trash revolution. So quit complaining to us elites and fund it already.
“…us elites..”
@2 If states’ rights is good enough for conservatives, it’s good enough for liberals, too.
@6 So here we have Boob smearing homeless veterans with mental problems (repetitive deployments to a combat zone tend to do that to mere mortals) by comparing them to Bergdahl and Manning.
@8 Ever head of “sarcasm”? Have any idea what it means?
One man’s irony is another man’s sarcasm…
Then you can cheer helping another half-dozen while ignoring thousands.
Aw, someone got caught and humiliated by not knowing how much Senator Patty Murray has done for veterans over her long legislative career, and so revealed how bogus the supposed conservative concern for veterans really is. A toxic combination of vapid ignorance and smug arrogance will tend to produce nasty surprises in the host.
Too bad that last bit of news always comes as a nasty surprise for you, hm?
I think a space elevator would be cool, only you cannot build one in Washington state. Even if technically possible it cannot be built anywhere in the US. To build one we will have to take a number from our building of the Panama canal only we would need to pick a place near the equator. And the trip up is going to be about 5 days, and 5 days down. And if the cable breaks…
Yes we can have single payer right here in Washington.
I think the whole sanctuary city is a losing proposition. If push comes to shove the Feds have the reasonable expectation of state and local government cooperation, and they can hire more Marshalls to arrest local government officials who are interfering in Federal government matters. Same is true about pot, but I’d like to see the legislature pass a statement that the state will fight the good fight in supporting what the voters in Washington voted for. I think a show down is coming and if Congress does not change the federal law there is going to be a real conflict starting in the next three months. Republicans and southern Dixie crats are real good at this states rights stuff, but our politicians in Olympia have not figured out the tune, or words. And the Governor don’t have the character of Dixie Ray, but is going to get some character building exercises real quick.
High speed trains.
A hemp paper factory, and cloth factory.
@7 No you fucking elites can put some meaning behind the “Thank you for your service” and do the right things, and show you fucking man what your saying. Might start by telling your elite children to do their bit and put their hands up and do their time in that shit hole Iraq. When your children come home no arm or leg or insides turned half way to jelly or brain concussed maybe you will take a harder look at our nations military, war making, ect because you will have skin in the game.
You elites got the money and the power. So put your money down and you go over and sit in the fox hole. You will find real quick just how special an enemy sniper things you are. And you don’t change your attitude it ain’t the sniper you need to worry about, but getting fragged.
@10 What you saying here RR? Berghdahl has not been convicted, under the UCMJ. The army might should have done the right thing and given him his honorable, back pay, and VA medical, but some Republican Senator who got the Prisoner of War medal and others started a political shit storm, and get along Obama didn’t even know how to put his foot down as Commander in Chief in support of his own actions. When you do a Prisoner swap your Generals have better damn well give the one a ticker tape parade, medals and speaking tour before retiring him with a medical discharge as he’s never recover physically from his ordeal to be a front line soldier.
As far as Manning is concerned he’s as guilty as the guy who got the Pentagon papers. Some liberals think the man should have gotten a medal. He exposed some bad shit and he didn’t give the stuff to the enemy he gave it to WIKI leaks who are doing journalism. So he gets 35 years for being a whistleblower. So it’s pretty obvious how the military feels about whistleblowers, or even guys who write to their Congressman or woman
Since the homeless veterans got less than honorable discharges they aren’t in Bergh dahls or Mannings class. No comparison.