Part 1
Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-Conn.) decision to support full marriage equality means that embattled statewide politicians can finally run toward marriage equality rather than away from it.
With his op-ed in the Meriden (Conn.) Record-Journal on Sunday, Dodd became the second U.S. Senator to change his mind in recent weeks, joining Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) who announced in May.
Nor should it be ignored that Rhode Island’s former Republican-turned independent Senator Lincoln Chafee also cast his vote for marriage equality with an op-ed in Bay Windows last week. Chafee was voted out of office in 2006–after a 16-point victory in his 2000 election–because Rhode Island voters couldn’t stomach the notion of having anyone associated with the Republican Party representing them in Washington. Now Chafee is positioning himself for a gubernatorial run.
It starts with a few states.
Part 2
Chris Dodd, with a strict emission standards and carbon tax proposal that won over the likes of Al Gore, had arguably the best energy plan out of the entire 2008 Democratic presidential field.
He was an early and forceful voice on FISA and has since discussed the idea of Bush administration torture trials. Plus he had the balls to endorse Ned Lamont over his long time colleague and King Rat Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2006.
Now Dodd stands up for marriage equality in the middle of a re-election race that the Republicans are salivating all over.
He deserves more love from the left. If you know someone in Connecticut, where Dodd’s polling has been dismal all year, I suggest you call them.
I hadn’t realized that Lincoln Chafee had gone independent. So, I guess that means moderate Republican’s really are dead and gone and there will be no push back against the crazies on the far-right.
I guess the only questions left are how much damage will the far-right do as it flames out and how the moderates plan to regroup.
Of course, there’s a reason Dodd’s numbers have been dismal: he’s been in bed with both the financial and health insurance industries who run his state, and some serious conflicts of interest came to light. Those industries are, respectfully, getting trillions in bailout money (thanks in part to Dodd) and fighting tooth and nail against meaningful health care reform. Not that Dodd’s R opponent would be better, but this demonstrates the danger of pegging one’s vote on a single issue, in this case marriage equality.
Note that Dodd, Harkin, and Chaffee all come from states where gay marriage has already been legalized, and they’re all taking positions after the fact. So to me the real lesson is that when equality finally comes, a lot of people realize that contrary to the hysterics of the far right, it was no big deal all along and far from collapsing, society gets by just fine. That — more than the changed positions of a few electorally challenged senators — is what we oughtta be telling certain spineless local politicians.
Are you sure that both CT and RI have legalized it? I recall seeing somewhere that there was still one state in New England that hadn’t, and that has to be one of these two.
Yes, I know it’s a small point.
What we oughtta (it’s a great word, oughtta) be telling spineless local politicians is, thanks but no thanks, we’ve found four people we’d rather have your seat than you and they’re all running against you in the primary.
A six way primary might just scare some spine into a few electeds. Hell, there might be a three way tie for the top two!
Ummm Geov, you are another of the HA swineflu weasel flipping idiots:
You skip over “the messiah” and “the big mouth” and “madam secretary” all support DOMA.
It’s from CBS News, Bill Burkett’s favrit news station, and the NY Slimes full of lefties just last Wednesday:
Butt as always HA swineflu weasels miss the fact boat every day. Looks like some Dummocraps just joined “the hysterics of the far right”.
What a tool!
i think BTB hits this one just right. Dodd has been taking a lot of flak lately, but is it really deserved? Sure i would have liked to see him take a stronger stand against the financial and health industries, but it is ridiculous to single him out for fault. everybody has been in bed with those groups too and Dodd can actually claim legitimate constituent ties to them (unlike Baucus or Nelson or a lot of other folks). and Dodd’s leadership on other issues is commendable. Big Ups BTB!
to clarify: CT, NH, MA, ME and VT HAVE legalized same sex marriage. RI has NOT. So it would appear that Chaffee is ahead of the curve in his state…my question: when will WA catch up with new england?
Accepting gay marriage is kind of like our great-grandfathers’ decision to stop killing Indians and kidnapping their children — you wonder why a simple and harmless idea like “live and let live” takes so fucking long to sink in with some people.
Of all the irrational bullshit coming from the right, one of the most incomprehensible is why these bozos believe that what two total strangers do in Massachusetts threatens their marriages in Kansas or Idaho or Washington.
Maybe the answer is some of these hillbillies treat their wives so badly, their wives would run off with a woman (or a girl, or a dog, or a fencepost) if they got the chance.
He;s at least the third to switch to full support for gay marriage this year, Chuck Schumer also changed his position.
Thanks, Doc. The wording has been changed as a result.
I’d rather see state sponsored marriages as they exist today just go away. If a couple wants to will certain rights/benefits to their partner, that can be done legally without state sponsorship. (i know there’s a lot more minutia of marriage benefits here, but let’s say we can figure it out)
Straights and gays could then go on their happy way, loving each other and taking care of each other as they wish.
If there is a child, there should be some legal rights/benefits to the guardians of the child and the child – regardless if the parents are natural or adoptive, straight or gay.
IMO, in today’s world, unless a child is involved, state-sponsored marriage as it exists today isn’t necessary.
9 What’s really being threatened here is t he last vestige of civil authority of the churches (or in a more historical sense, “The Church”). At one time in most of the world, either the prevailing church was joined at the hip with the government, or it was the government.
There are still a few theocracies left, like…oh, over where they held that absurdly phony election last week. For the most part, though, the trend is to cut churches and governments loose from each other. Naturally, some church leaders (and their authority-conditioned followers), find this a little hard to cope with. Instead of coercing people to participate by threat of denying them the right to do this and that, they have to get by doing things like….nurturing their faith in a benevolent and loving God, or something like that.
@6 Hey Puddy – sure, plenty of Dems have signed on to fear-mongering legislation like DOMA, as well as plenty of Republicans who don’t really believe the rhetoric. But I was referring to the “gay marriage threatens the union between a man and a woman which is the very BEDROCK of civilization!” crowd, which is almost all far-right and evangelical. As you surely know.
Note that I called out, both in my original comment and this one, the Democrats I disagree with. You never do the same on your side — just use every opportunity to call people names. Which is why, despite your occasional good points, so few people here take you seriously.
Hey Kommodore of the Yacht Klub and Kountry Klubber steve–
Yer guy is making progress!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Why do you believe that states that voted for the obama also voted down gay marriage?
Would you consider all those blacks in kalifornia that voted down gay marriage “bozos” or do you only call republicans that voted against gay marriage bozos?
Strange that both the obama and biden are against gay marriage for religious reasons yet cheney is for gay marriage.
I see that our beloved president’s approval rating in Mr. Klynical’s wingnut tracking poll is at 55% today, um, the same as it was over three months ago.
What is the reason that democrats are against gay marriage if not because of the far-right BEDROCK of civilization excuse?
Are democrats more bigoted?
Never mind, steve answered my question about democrats and bigots.
Geov, short memory moron
Who called out Mark Foley first on HA swineflu weasels from us whom thing right?
Who when challenged by Steve to prove he called out other conservatives such as Larry Craig produced the links? – Puddy did. Steve went on record saying Puddy did.
Geov, moronic to the core, memory missing in action.
Even lee admits that this blog doesn’t call out democrats…
Is it really considered “calling out” a democrat if you’re complaining they aren’t left enough?
Heh- Marvin is the self-appointed HA comment thread hatred, bigotry and racism patrol officer.
I wrongly called the goatfucking, America-hating Marvin a “faggot” and apologized for it. What our wingnut Mark unapologetically spews is real bigotry, spewed by someone on the right against LGBT, women, those with special needs and challenges, and, what the hell, he throws in a little eliminationist rhetoric for good measure. This is the company Marvin keeps. Mark and Marvin are brethren in politics and hate. Unapologetic hate.
The goatfucking Marvin has his priorities, his HA mission, and confronting real hatred, bigotry and racism isn’t what it’s about.
Heh- and the asswipe so obviously fucks goats.
@19 “Who when challenged by Steve to prove he called out other conservatives such as Larry Craig produced the links? – Puddy did. Steve went on record saying Puddy did.”
Indeed. Always ready to apologize when wrong, Steve even went so far as to apologize to Puddy for the horrible things he had written about Puddy’s character. In this arena, Steve stands with Puddy. Alas, Steve does wonder if Puddy will ever see fit to stand with him when his character is under assault.
Yuck, I’ll leave that third person stuff to you, Puddy, not my style.
That’s the title you are anointing me, I NEVER called myself that. If you ignorantly believe otherwise, post the link.
That was a lame ass apology. ylb was the only person that actually believed you.
Your bigotry was worse. You went out of your way to make clear that you were trying to insult me.
Can you provide the link where you apologized for the use of the “cunt” word? Why are you calling mark out for using the exact same words you use?
Considering how similar YOUR words are with those of mark I’m surprised you are bothered by it. It didn’t bother you one bit about using the exact same language against me. Oh yeah, you have a double standard. Typical bigot behavior.
If mark is my brethren, why don’t my words match his like your words do?
Here are your words to remind you how bigots express their feelings.
Feel free to post MY words that prove mark is my brethren.
Sucks for you that I so easily proved you’re a bigot and the best you can do is whine about someone else.
Steve, you go on these goatfucking rants Puddy can’t support your character because you don’t let it die. Other than that and when you stay off of the Stupid Solution you are ok!
But thanks for proving Geov wrong AGAIN. It’s the HA swinwflu weasel libtardos who have issues with anything not progressive or those who do wrong acts and are Dummocraptic. The Fremont Troll oops… Jim McDimWitt cums to mind.
Good grief, get a grip, Marvin, before you go off the deep end again.
@24 “Steve, you go on these goatfucking rants Puddy can’t support your character because you don’t let it die.”
I can let go of that level of attack, as I’ve shown with you. And I’m hardly alone as someone who can’t “let it die”, my dear and long time purveyor of “Steve’s Stupid Solution”, not to mention your “Steve’s a bigot” spewing little buddy.
“Other than that and when you stay off of the Stupid Solution you are ok!”
Though always wrong about everything, you’re not so bad yourself.
Geov is my buddy. While we disagree on lots of stuff, I regard him as a principled and honest purveyor of intellectual ideas and opinions, which is why his comment about the convenient foxhole-like conversion of Chris Dodd, D-Influence Peddling, should be accorded respect.
Infrequent though his posts may be, when they’re up, they’re worth reading and considering. And he takes shots at those who need to be shot at irrespective of which side of the partisan aisle they park their butts.
I’ll disagree with him on the merits of the issue when it comes to DOMA and same-sex marriage, but I won’t question his intellectual honesty or integrity, both of which have been amply proven to me in times past.
Besides…it’s his turn to buy lunch.
The Piper
Don’t worry, no one takes him serious except mark.
Stop your whining!!!!!
Once again, like a 5 year old child you are pointing the finger at someone else to justify your own behavior.
You’ve been calling me a goatfucker waaaay before I let you out yourself as a homophobic bigot. If you don’t like me pointing out you’re a bigot, well, maybe that’s a valuable life lesson for you. mark/kikekille/manocrap probably don’t like you pointing out their bigotry but that doesn’t stop you. Why are you holding me to a higher standard than you hold yourself. That was one of those rhetorical questions, I’m not a bigot like you so of course you hold me to a higher standard.
Oh, shut up, you fucking loon. Get a fucking grip already. And quit fucking those goats!
Is whining the best you’ve got?
You’ve never explained why the words of mark sound so much like yours.
Do you think mark is mocking you?
Maybe he idolizes you and wants to be like you.
Good Lord, are you obsessed or something? Get a life, get a grip, fuck the goat, whatever it takes for you to get your mind set right, you stupid goatfucking wingnut.
I dunno, Marvin, it’s like all this goatfucking you do has dumbed you down or something. Hmm, maybe the first step for you to take in getting well would be to simply admit to everybody that you fuck goats.
Oh, wait a minute, Marvin already admitted to fucking goats. My bad.
Yup, I figured all that goatfucking would be bad for you, Marvin. It sure did dumb you down, alright.
Can’t get me off your mind? Can’t wait for me to reply to you so you can write your junior high school insults?
And to think in #32 you actually had the audacity to project-
It must REALLY REALLY suck for you that I proved you are a bigot.
Doesn’t anyone care about those unfortunate goats?
Can you imagine being fucked by Marvin???
It’s obviously animal torture.
Where is PETA when you actually NEED them?
I was in Okanogan County last weekend and visited a friend who has a couple goats on 160 acres. I described to him the plight of goats given the nature of today’s Republicans. He responded as I hoped he would–he has room and is willing to board abused goats until safe homes can be found for them. I can’t share the precise location, or any other information, for that matter, because too many Republicans would make the pilgrimage to the proposed goat haven. If you know, however, of goats needing protection, please contact me.
Dude, you need a wakeup call or something. You’ve got your mind all fucked up. You have never posted anything I’ve ever written that demonstrates hatred and intolerance spewed in the direction of gays or any GLBT, only towards you, a hate-spewing wingnut goatfucker. Simply said, my calling you a name does not make me a bigot towards gays, no matter how many times you drag out that quote. Further, unless you care to emerge from a closet, your own opinion of what constitutes bigotry against gays means absolutely fucking nothing to me and probably means nothing to anybody else. When a gay commenter here calls me a bigot, I’ll pay attention. You? heh- You fuck goats. Accuse me of bigotry against goatfuckers and then we can talk.
As for your pathetic attempt to project your bullshit on me, you and your pathological stalking friend, Mr. Klynical, now follow me everywhere on this blog. Fine, you hate me. That’s just the way I’ve wanted it. I want you insane with fucking hate. Just look at how now, in your crazy, fucked up, inside-out, upside-down universe, it is me that has long posted Rasmussen polls, not the mind-fucked Klynical Klown clinging to tracking poll indexes in a losing effort to save his mind from going bye-bye. You guys have become damned near as batshit crazy as I’ve hoped for. Of course, with an admitted goatfucker such as yourself, Marvin, what’s one to expect? It’s really just too easy.
Marvin – heh – an admitted goatfucker.
Let’s get down to it, Marvin. I’ve called you out as a goatfucker from the get go. I was right, tricked you into admitting it, and that pisses you off to no end. The question now is, are you pissed off enough yet to want to do something about it?
@37 “too many Republicans would make the pilgrimage to the proposed goat haven”
I know what you mean. Republicans came from as far away as Wyoming to fuck, and be fucked by (!!), that poor horse in Enumclaw.
Proud Leftist requested:
Puddy is suggesting you visit Steve and get his goats. They need protecting.
Ah, Puddy,
Let’s not deflect or project here. There is a serious problem within your ranks, and you should address your attention toward cleaning it up.
Sorry, but I only have a cat, Puddy. You might try contacting Marvin or Mr. Klynical. They’ve got a couple of goats. Or maybe Mr. Klynical has two goats and pimps one out to Marvin. Er, I admit that I haven’t quite figured out their exact arrangement yet. Hell, it was only a week ago that Marvin finally admitted to fucking the poor beasts.
Anyways, I’m sure that one day I’ll show up at DL distributing buttons to those who really care to put a stop to the Republican abuse of America’s goats.
I’m sure glad you don’t do that type of stuff, Puddy. You may run with the wrong crowd, but at least you’re not like them that way.
A couple things…
If that’s true, why aren’t you still using the “faggot” word as an insult. Oops, your own actions prove you are lying.
If nothing you said demonstrated hatred & intolerance, why do you keep talking about your lame ass apology? (#21 in this thread)
You mean like you calling mark a bigot?
There you go again pointing the finger at someone else.
I know you would rather talk about rasmussen polls instead of addressing the issue of why the words you and mark write are so similar. If I were you I would also want to change the subject.
Sorry to squash your dreams… Nothing someone like you can say would piss me off. I know you consider yourself important but in my life you are just some bigot I mock on a blog. Maybe it’s not very mature of me, but it’s damn entertaining.
Speaking of entertaining, why don’t you beg Puddy again to stick up for you. I even passed that link along to some of my friends for a laugh.
So remember, if like you said…
“You have never posted anything I’ve ever written that demonstrates hatred and intolerance spewed in the direction of gays or any GLBT,”
simply continue using the “faggot” word to insult me and take back your apology.
Your choice steve, prove what you wrote or prove me right.
@43 “If that’s true, why aren’t you still using the “faggot” word as an insult. Oops, your own actions prove you are lying.”
If it might offend somebody decent for me to call you that, then it’s appropriate that I not do so. On the other hand, what offends you is irrelevant to me.
“You mean like you calling mark a bigot?”
Mark’s hate targeted several groups as well as spewing eliminationist rhetoric(as in kill)towards liberals. When someone stirs the pot towards inciting murder, I have every right, as well as an obligation, to speak out against such talk. You, so utterly lacking a moral compass as you are, let it go and focus your increasingly insane rage towards me. Heh- And you say you don’t hate me.
“If nothing you said demonstrated hatred & intolerance, why do you keep talking about your lame ass apology?”
I dunno. Why do you fuck goats?
“There you go again pointing the finger at someone else.”
You got a problem with my pointing a finger at a Republican goatfucker? Like I give a shit.
“the issue of why the words you and mark write are so similar”
Are you gay? Unless you’re gay, there’s no similarity at all with what I wrote and what Mark wrote. Mark attacked gays and others directly. Unapologetically. In attacking a goatfucker, I used a word I regretted and apologized for doing so. Feign ignorance of the difference if you wish. Nobody buys it. And you’re still nothing but a loon who fuck goats.
“Your choice steve, prove what you wrote or prove me right.”
Hmm, how about I instead prove that you fuck goats?
Heh- An admission of goatfucking. Geez, I wonder what Piper would say about how that’d look in court? Not too good, I imagine.
For the sake of your sanity I hope you aren’t going to start denying you used the “faggot” word in an attempt to insult me.
“These are vulgar anti-gay slurs that feed a climate of hatred and intolerance toward our community,” said Rashad Robinson, Senior Director of Media Programs at GLAAD. “For someone in our own community to use it to attack another person by saying that it is, quote, ‘The worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear,’ is incredibly dangerous. It legitimizes use of a slur that is often linked to violence against our community. And it sends a message that it is OK to attempt to dehumanize people by exploiting anti-gay attitudes.”
If this is how GLAAD views the use of the “faggot” word by a gay man as an insult, how do you feel they would view your use of the word to attempt to insult me.
Did you notice GLAAD even used the exact same words you did, “hatred and intolerance?”
If the words of GLAAD mean anything to you, it’s time to start paying attention.
My goodness, Marvin, you’re been dumbed down so much with all that goatfucking it’s become a struggle to even communicate with you! GLAAD? What the fuck, man, are you insane? Oh geez, there I go, asking a goatfucker if he’s insane. My bad.
Anyways, speaking of exploiting anti-gay attitudes, isn’t that exactly what you’re doing? You ignore the hateful “fags and queers” rants of Mark, Mark the Redneck and your friend, Mr. Klynical, wingnut allies all, that are hurled with venom at gays, all while jumping the shark with your weird and probably pathological fixation on me. Rather situational and exploitive, wouldn’t you say? Oh, what am I saying? I’m sure that a rabid, goatfucking wingnut such as yourself has the best interests of the GLBT community at heart. heh-
Marvin, Puddy thought it curious the ugly Mario Lavandeira AKA Perez Hilton would call someone a faggot. Then he got his ASS handed to him and he cried like a whipped punk.
Butt, this is even funnier
Why Rashad? If a conservative said it you would want it played over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. You would be running to MSNBC and be interviewed by Rachel Maddow. Hope you know why Puddy chose Rachel.
Uhhh Steve, you just stepped in your own manure
Have a great day Steve.
Marvin, remember President Mahmoud Whackminojob said at Columbia University there are no homosexuals in Iran even as Iranian courts condemn gays to death, usually by public hanging.
Amazing, anything to get a vote dodd.
wrong thread
Oh lookie here, HA swineflu weasel’s Carrie Prejean attack dog Mario isn’t gonna stop being a moron.
Gotta luv their actions.
That’s good Steve, where did I call someone a faggot? Keep looking.
I suppose you’re going to go into denial over your sockpuppetry now, Puddy. You’re too much. Just own up to your hate and we’ll move own. Or would you rather we dwell on this subject of wingnut gay-hate and the vile slurs spewed by trolls like yourself throughout the history of this blog?
I just want to make sure you are clear on something…
My name is spelled-
Marvin Stamn
Not a single quote of your contained me calling someone a “faggot” or any other bigoted slur.
I don’t use that kind of language as an insult. But go ahead and keep looking if you believe otherwise.
Why do you believe that of all the left leaning visitors to this blog, only one spoke up about you and none against gbs use of “faggot” as an insult.
“I just want to make sure you are clear on something…”
We already know that you fuck goats. That one’s clear enough, thank you. Bring us something new for a change, like a hearty condemnation of right-wing troll hatred spewed against HA gays.
“My name is spelled-
Marvin Stamn”
WTF? You want points for correctly spelling your own name or something?
“Why do you believe that of all the left leaning visitors to this blog, only one spoke up about you and none against gbs use of “faggot” as an insult.”
I can’t speak for anybody but myself, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they understood that GBS and I had regretably misspoke, that our apologies were sincere, that they have let go of it, and that they understand that your grandstanding is simply situational bullshit. Obviously, nobody’s jumping on your bandwagon except a few trolls who’s very own unapologetic posts reveal them to be the true bigots against gays. It must suck terribly for you to realize that the real bigots around here are your friends and fellow travelers, people like Puddy and Mr. Klynical. Obviously, you should have thought of that and done a search before bringing false charges of bigotry against GBS and myself.
And a search for others would have proven you’re not a bigot? Are you even trying to make sense anymore?
Like the law educated Piper said, would your words be used by the prosecution or the defense. If a right wing troll would have written
steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
how would a jury interpret your words?
@57 I wonder what that pompous ass Piper would have to say about how this admission of your’s that you’ve been dumbed down from fucking goats would play out in court. How would a jury interpret your words?
heh- Guilty as charged. You admitted that you fuck goats.
What say you, Piper?
Since you’re not competent for a whole host of reasons to offer evidence, whatever you say is moot before you utter it.
The Piper
@59 Go ahead and say it, Piper. Try it on for size. “Marvin fucks goats.”
The hypocritical, gay-hating goatfucker admitted it and you know it, you pompous ass.
Sorry steve, Piper knows when you are being mocked.
Say, why aren’t you posting my “admission” I’m on welfare.
It was a post or two before your fellow “faggot” spewing buddy gbs assumed I was black. Obviously in the mind of gbs, a welfare recipient is black.
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
Why didn’t you call gbs out for assuming I was black. Maybe you don’t want to go so far as calling him a racist but far enough to help him understand there are many many more white people on welfare and assuming I’m black because I “admitted” I was on welfare was reenforcing old racist stereotypes.
“Why didn’t you call gbs out for assuming I was black”
Well, for my part, I always figured you as being some dumbfuck white boy who walks like he has a stick up his ass. Oh my, is that racist of me? If that’s the case, my deepest apologies go out to dumbfuck white boys everywhere who walk like they have a stick up their ass.