They aren’t just tear gassing, macing and arresting protesters in Minneapolis Minneapolis/St. Paul, or even dirty, fucking hippy bloggers. They’re arresting credentialed journalists like Amy Goodman.
What are Republicans so afraid of? Everything.
The Stranger’s Brendan Kiley reports first hand for Minneapolis/St. Paul where a police officer dumped a canister of mace on him for daring to flash his media credentials:
… my skin feels like it’s being peeled from my body. Pepper spray: It’s not just crowd control, it’s exfoliation.
A voice behind me said: “Hey! Keep moving!” It was another phalanx of police. Stupidly, I flashed my media credentials and said “You go on without me. I’m just reporting on this.” I felt a cool shower over my head and heard the cop throw the canister on the sidewalk. She dumped the whole damn thing on me.
(She was a lady. I’ve always wanted to be pepper-sprayed by a lady.)
In a couple of seconds, I was a blind, wheezing, snotting, doubled-over wreck of a man, trying to push my bike toward safety while being jabbed in the back with a baton and told to hurry up. I bumped into several small trees along the way.
When the police can brutalize and arrest journalists with impunity, for the simple act of doing their job, democracy ceases to function. This is what fascism looks like folks… but you won’t be watching it on the network TV news, because… well… that’s what fascism looks like too.
Pssst, Goldy. I don’t mean to publicly embarrass you, but the mayor of “Minneapolis” is a Democrat.
Holy shit! This is outrageous.
Pssst, Troll…the RNC convention is in Saint Paul.
Fucking idiot.
Conservatives are supposed to oppose this fascist behavior in government. That’s why they support the second amendment right? So we will have weapons to stand up to state fascism. Why aren’t the Republicans rushing into the streets with their precious assault rifles and defending democracy?
Troll, Puddy, Marvin and all you other wingnuts-what are you going to do about this?
Information about what to do about this is here.
I heard them tell her to get back on the sidewalk. She refused. They gave her a direct order. You do what cops tell you to do or you get arrested. I don’t see the outrage. It doesn’t matter what kind of good excuse she had, when a cop gives you an order, you either comply or realize you may be arrested.
The phone number for the Mayor of St Paul’s office is:
The mailbox is full right now.
See those little quote mark thingies? I put there for a reason. Yeah, I was quoting Goldy.
BTW, the Mayor of St. Paul is Chris Coleman, and he is also a Democrat.*
* Democratic-Farmer-Labor party.
@7 Gee Troll, now you are making excuses for government oppression. Those are the PEOPLE”S sidewalks you stupid fucking loser. Why don’t you go read Malkin’s blog and the excuses she is making for Palin’s knocked up daughter and let those of us who are willing to criticize and oppose government oppression do our thing.
There is absolutely nothing left to the Republican party is there? No ideology. No courage. No values. Just kissing the ass of the oil companies and attacking the civil liberties conferred on us by the founders of this country. You assholes should all be charged with treason for subverting the constitution.
@10 So fucking what-the mayor is a Democrat. So fucking what?
You are right, they are the people’s sidewalks, and that’s where the cops told her to get back to. She was in the street. They told her to move to the sidewalk. She refused. What’s the big deal. It’s not like she was tazed for trying to ask John Kerry a question.
Pssst. The mayor runs the police force.
Well, I guess it isn’t a surprise that an organized and federally-encouraged campaign of police intimidation of activists would only piss people off more:
When more stories of the crackdown on journalists get out, it will only get worse through the week.
From this, the police tactics have succeeded in discouraging non-violent protesters and bringing out the violent ones.
I doubt the Mayor runs the police force. Mayors are not the Commander-in-Chiefs. They must have a police chief, who may or may not report to the Mayor.
And this isn’t just a St. Paul police operation. Several county sheriff’s departments, as well as the FBI and Homeland Security are involved.
Goldy insinuates that Republicans have something to do with the police crackdown. I’d like to see a connection. Both the Mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul are Democrats. I’m not being a troll in this comment. I’m being sincere. I’m willing to learn. I’m open to being taught.
Which Republicans would have control over a police force run by Democrats?
Look at what happened at WTO. Were Republicans to blame for that police crackdown? Again, it was a Democratic Mayor in a Democratic city.
Let’s not be silly here. Every knows the protesters are there to deliberately get themselves arrested by “the pigs”.
It’s just a game lefties always play. You can count on it.
Pssst, Troll…the RNC convention is in Saint Paul.
Pssst, the mayor of St Paul is a Donk also.
Why do donks beat up on donks????? Well you would to if you were confronted by a bunch of thugs.
Look at what happened at WTO. Were Republicans to blame for that police crackdown? Again, it was a Democratic Mayor in a Democratic city.
Actually WTO is another example of liberal ineptitude. Of course liberals are failures in whatever they do.
Actually for those who don’t know it, Troll is a punk and a coward who teaches his kids to lie and who doesn’t have the balls to post here as a republican – which is what he is.
And the police forces of the Twin Cities were under FBI control. Psst Troll – the FBI works for the republican President you shit-eating, lying, scumbag.
I hope your kids die before you do and that you’re there to watch!
A couple more videos from the antiwar protest in St Paul. 50,000 anti-war protesters. How many pro-wear protesters have the Republicans ever been able to put in the street? A couple dozen?
Troll-Please tell us why you are a Republican. What beliefs and values do they have that you support?
Smaller government?
The right to be left alone without personal decisions made by the government?
The rule of law?
Fiscal conservatism?
Pro-life (after birth)?
A better economy for everyone?
Tell us Troll. Why should we be Republicans. Not how fucked up the Democrats are, BUT why we should be Republicans.
Could you show me proof that police forces of the Twin Cities were under FBI control? A link to a new story saying so much, etc., will do. Because I can provide you with a link to a news story saying the County Sheriff’s office was in control.
I don’t like the Republicans. The only reason I would ever vote for one is if I thought it would be in my financial best interest. On most issues I’m a Democrat. I’m honestly just a troll.
Check out Glenn Greenwald’s blog with links here:
The Feds are involved. And, by the way, you undercut your assertions about the Mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul with your comment about it being a County Sheriff operation @24.
More video and a report from Utne reader
@25 You are much more than just a troll.
The feds are involved, but they are not in control of the local police.
Read this story and tell me what you think.
Unless I’m mistaken, those are Minnesota State Police who arrested the journalist Amy Goodman. Amy Goodman was being held at a county–not city–jail before she was released later in the afternoon.
The Constitution of the United States provides for special treatment for members of news-gathering organizations in the execution of their duties.
This was another totalitarian blunder that brings shame to the country, and shame to the political process–regardless of who it is that is finally deemed responsible for it. The police need to be able not to obstruct the press while maintaining order. This is critical to defending the Constitution and maintaining our democracy.
I’m going to have to side with Troll on this one, for his relatively objective comments–except for #7, which I think was due to a misunderstanding of the 1st and 14th amendments.
Of course one could see that the long haired ,dope smokers protesting are trying to interrupt free speech of the RNC so Goldy’s fascism charge is turned right back at him.Amy Goodman is just another run of the mill unwashed hack journalists that can’t do her job objectively.She came from the Jason Blair school of journalism where they’re always pushing their agenda with this filthy crowd.
You liberal fascists want to quell any speech that doesn’t agree with your distorted view of reality.
For once in your pathetic life break a story, Goldy. Joe Biden is a fucking chronic drunk and it’s going to be found out sooner or later. Of course, you won’t due to the combination of your cowardice and your fascist attitude towards anything that is not liberalism. No worries, though…The D.C. by way of Delaware Drunkard Biden will be exposed in plenty of time before voters have to decide in November. I think they’d rather have a VP with a pregnant daughter that is going to marry the father than a VP that can’t put the Scotch down…or is it Bourbon? No matter, a drunk is a drunk.
Empty Suit/Drunkard ….2008 DNC ticket
and you fucking clowns wonder why you get trampled every election…
Goldy has broken stories!
Excuse me for laughing at you, but…
“The Constitution of the United States provides for special treatment for members of news-gathering organizations in the execution of their duties.”
Where is THAT clause?
@33 dilbert: I’m not here to provide you with a free remedial education. This isn’t an obscure one. Go take a class.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
does not equal
“special treatment for members of news-gathering organizations in the execution of their duties.”
And you’re delusional if you think it does…
@ 33
I hate to be the one to educate you about our own Constitution, but the Ist Amendment reads:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” [Emphasis added]
@ 35
Is there something about “freedom … of the press” that don’t understand?
@1 that was my first thought, too. It’s your fault, Goldy.
So if a police officer orders a person to get off the street and back onto a sidewalk, if that person is a member of the press, they legally don’t have to obey that order? That doesn’t sound right to me.
@35 delbert: In this case, the 14th amendment would also need to be applied.
Bottom line: It means that they can’t arrest Amy Goodman for working as a journalist.
And you’re delusional if you think it does. The police themselves concluded that later in the day.
I’m not in the mood for dumbfucks today, so either drop it, or take it up with some idiot who’s willing to provide you with entertainment.
@ 41
Thereby proving that wingnuts don’t give a rat’s ass about the U. S. Constitution when it comes to people who disagree with their politics.
Dave@41, that’s the problem with trolls. Not only are the boors, they commit the sin of being boring.
@40 Troll: We’re talking about a journalist here–with press credentials. It seemed to me that she was requesting to speak with the CO (but I don’t know that).
They detained her and released her (because they couldn’t charge her with anything), so I serious doubt anything can/will be made of it. The arresting officer will probably be reminded of his duty not to obstruct journalists.
This isn’t a terribly controversial issue. Goodman had a right as a journalist to investigate. The police should not have arrested her. That’s why they released her shortly thereafter. The police corrected an error that likely will not be deemed egregious.
This happens all the time. Unfortunately, detaining folks–even journalists–is usually considered “toeing the line” and not crossing it, so it keeps happening. It gets a lot of media attention (usually), so there is some pressure to ensure that it doesn’t happen very often.
This isn’t something anyone should be arguing against–it’s there to ensure that the government doesn’t get to BIG and have too much power over how we run our lives. This comes right from the pages of conservativism.
@Lay off the crack pipe dude. The 14th amendment?!?
Part of “Due process of Law” is getting arrested to begin with.
And when the cop tells you to get back on the sidewalk and out of the street, failure to obey is an arrestable offense.
@ 36 & 37 – Freedom of the press does not confer a “we can do whatever we want” power on journalists, no matter how far left they are. I weep for your teachers, they tried and failed.
@ 45 dumbfuck: Take it up with the arresting police department that released her.
Now go detain yourself.
Yeah, nice argument there bub.
One must really love fascism in order to justify its ever more violent abuses. So for those who feel they must continue to excuse inexcusable law enforcement behaviors (my all time favorite is that police would never do anything that was outside the laws or violate the civil rights of others unless they deserved it), i recommend not reading the following. All else please do so:
Nonviolent demonstrators? Hardly. Smashing windows, slashing tires, attacking the Connecticut delegation and spraying toxic substances in their eyes such that 80 year olds have to be hospitalized. That isn’t freedom of speech you morons, that is assault.
Of course you traitorous bastards believe that Bin Laden was misunderstood as well.
@49 Oh_please: That wasn’t the same group. We’re talking about police actions that were separated by several miles and several hours here.
With respect to the police action against group claiming to be SDS, the police evidently extrapolated to the peaceful demonstration as well.
It is pretty clear, however, that the registered demonstration kept to its peaceful parade route and was not involved. See:
We don’t know yet whether the “SDS” group was indeed a protest group or whether it was an agitator group attempting to initiate a riot to dicredit the registered demonstration.
This will have to be sorted-out by the legal process.
@49 Bin Laden? Why on earth would a Republican want to remind us of their worst failure?
We should understand that the anti-Iraq war protesters that were demonstrating pretty much see the Democrats and Republicans as branches of the same party. They pretty much dislike both of them for their dependence on corporate donors and their commitment to war-mongering (This is their view I’m describing here).
These registered demonstrators were in Denver at the DNC as well. One big difference, as I recall, was that Denver made a special effort to ensure sufficient training and preparation for effective security, whereas St. Paul did not.
I’m relying here on my recollection of a news story I read several weeks back; someone please correct me if I’m wrong.
@51 Steve–Hmm… One of those SDSers was awfully tall… ;-)
@53 Are these SDS types related to the Oregon Anarchists? Similar dress and manners. I don’t think I’d invite those guys over to the house.
That tall guy did look somewhat familiar. What was that he was towing behind him? Dialysis machine maybe? I wonder…
Republican conventions and police riots go together like horse dicks and Republican assholes — you know instinctively they’re a perfect fit.
@1 “Pssst, Goldy. I don’t mean to publicly embarrass you, but the mayor of ‘Minneapolis’ is a Democrat.”
And Sheriff Bob is a Republican.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Who gives marching orders to the Ramsey County cops?
[ ] 1. The mayor of Minneapolis
[ ] 2. The mayor of Yelm, Washington
[ ] 3. The mayor of Podunk, New Jersey
[ ] 4. The mayor of Boise, Idaho
[ ] 5. The Ramsey County sheriff
Caution: There’s a couple of throwaway answers in here!!
If all Republicans are as stupid as “Troll” our country is doomed.
I think it’s great that the G.O.P. Party’s convention is an armed camp hiding from the people behind barbed wire. That really tells you what those folks are all about.
Until Goldy gains actual regular employment—-talk to the hand. Meaningless till then (you included Rodent and YLB). And Goldy: On a personal note: 1. Get a real job, 2. Try Rogaine.
@55 But, but, Roger, the Republican who got fucked by that horse in Enumclaw died! Oh, wait, I see what you’re doing. Er, sorry. I blew it.
Don’t wait up waiting for the MSM to report about this. Fuckers.
Last I checked being a journalist is a real job. You can even get a college degree in it.
So we have to register before exercising our right to free speech and free assembly these days?
@60 “Get a real job”
He’s doing his job. He’s doing it quite well. Both him and Dave Niewart at Orcinus. I’ve already sent Dave money. And now I’m going to write Goldy a check. That’s how it works.
Um, the police in Denver arrested journalists, too. An ABC News reporter was shoved into a busy street, then choked, handcuffed, and arrested … for blocking a sidewalk.
And meanwhile, they stood idly by while Michelle Malkin was assaulted and threatened with murder and kidnapping.
If you’re in the middle of a riot — started by liberal protestors, mind you — then sometimes bad things happen. But in Denver, they went after this reporter on an otherwise completely calm location.
Yes, fascism sucks. Also what sucks? Pretending that the Republicans in Minneapolis are to blame for everything that happens, while giving a pass to the Democrats in Denver for what happens there.
As usual, Goldy, you’re completely full of shit.
@64 michael: For the parade permit.
@ 66
You’re a liar, pudge. First, the person arrested was a producer, not a reporter, and, second, he was arrested because they’d setup their cameras in a location that blocked ingress to and egress from a hotel and had refused a lawful order for them to relocate.
Malkin was assaulted? I don’t believe it. If that cunt were assaulted I assume someone would have finished the job. While crimes and criminals should be punished, I would completely understand someone wanting to kidnap, torture and kill that bitch. I wouldn’t do it because I respect the law. But I’d understand it. She’s the worst of the worst. Like I said, given what she puts out there, if someone had actually gotten their hands on her, I assume they would have finished the job.
I like Sheriff Bob Fletcher. I like his style. Those anarchist-types need to be taught a lesson. I honestly think – and I’m not being a troll here, this is for real – that if I were a police officer, and were macing and beating an anarchist, that would I get a partial erection.
“Yeah, but that lady in that video was a journalist and she was no …,” Stop. Just stop. I’m not talking about her, but yeah, she deserved to be arrested too because she didn’t follow a direct police command to get back on the sidewalk. Rather, I’m talking about those Eugene anarchist-types who were intent on causing mayhem.
By the way, it was a city police officer under Democratic control who arrested her, it was not a Sheriff’s deputy.
Don Joe:
First, the person arrested was a producer, not a reporter
ABC News themselves called him a reporter. (You do know someone can be both a reporter and a producer, right?)
and, second, he was arrested because they’d setup their cameras in a location that blocked ingress to and egress from a hotel and had refused a lawful order for them to relocate.
Um. Like I said, he was blocking a sidewalk. You’re AGREEING WITH ME, you idiot.
Yes, Malkin was assaulted.
There’s a longer video around too.
Like I said, given what she puts out there, if someone had actually gotten their hands on her, I assume they would have finished the job.
Perhaps you do not know what “assault” means. It does not imply anyone touched her. Assault means, essentially, threat of violence through show of force. That is why it is often accompanied with “battery.” “Assault and battery” is first the threat of violence, and then the carrying out of that violence. Simple assault is the mere threat of violence without the carrying out of it.
And what happened in that video is textbook assault.
@ 71
ABC News themselves called him a reporter.
Actually, that was the headline. The text of the ABC News report called him a reporter.
Like I said, he was blocking a sidewalk.
And, like I said, you’re a liar. He was blocking the entrance to a hotel, which is why the police had a signed complaint from the hotel
Don Joe: Actually, that was the headline. The text of the ABC News report called him a reporter.
Is that a clumsy apology to me?
And, like I said, you’re a liar. He was blocking the entrance to a hotel
I’m listening to the Tom Hartman show with an interview with Amy Goodman. It sure sound damning. What I found disturbing was part where the republicans watching the arrests cheered. How do we reach people who think like that?
Pudge you really are a liar aren’t you? There was no assault. Why didn’t the cop arrest someone if there was an assault? I watched the video. You right wingers assume it’s assault if YOU don’t get to control the message. And what this bitch does on the radio every day is assault America.
I will write more exactly – I would understand if someone BATTERED this cunt. She’s asked for it.
You righties are real tough when it’s just you and yours around you. Get into a place where you don’t have body guards and all your friends, and you shut the fuck up. Just like she did. FINALLY!
@75: I’m listening to it too. Very interesting.
Reading back through the cesspool here and there, what difference does it make which political party the mayors of the cities belong to? Wrong is wrong. This kind of suppression/intimidation is wrong, it’s always getting worse, and it needs to stop.
Please look up assault KTHX. It was assault. That you think there was not means you do not know what assault is.
Um. Goldy said it was the Republicans’ fault. That was the case he was trying to make. Pointing out that the the mayor is a Democrat is relevant evidence in showing that Goldy is full of crap.
@78: Goldy writes:
If Republicans agree, let them come forward and denounce the abuse of police power.
@ 74
Is that a clumsy apology to me?
No. That would be a mistake on my part. I’m human. I make them from time to time.
Repeating what you did say, even shouting it in all caps, doesn’t change the fact that you have, three times now, deliberately omitted a material fact. Do that on a witness stand, and you’d be guilty of perjury.
Remind you that she was asked to move and refused.
Just like that ABC reporter in denver that was videotaping the lobbyists and politicians that were in a secret meeting.
I haven’t read all the posts yet, has anyone condemned the protesters throwing bags of cement onto buses?
Remind you that she was asked to move and refused.
Yet another wingnut troll who conveniently forgets the difference between a lawful order and an unlawful order.
Any chance you can cite the law the democrat controlled congress passed??
I hate to be the one to educate you about our own Constitution
Suprise, suprise, suprise…
Dino is getting his marching orders right out of the “R” playbook. whodathunk!
I hate to be the one to educate you about our own Constitution
Thankfully, you wouldn’t be.
What law did congress pass? Sounds like a simple question.
Marvin, Nobody here is going to condone throwing bags of cement onto buses or other property damage. (Where’s the link by way?)
We have a problem with the police beating and arresting credentialed journalists. Don’t you?
Are you unable to see the difference?
Don Joe:
What material fact did I omit? Please explain how blocking a doorway by blocking the sidewalk is materially different from blocking a sidewalk.
In both cases, the reporter was obligated to move, if the cops told him to, just as the reporter in the riot was obligated to do what that cop told them to. It still didn’t justify pushing him into a busy street and choking him, just as dumping a canister of pepper spray on a reporter was not justified.
@72 I’ll leave the issue of assault to those who know the law better than I do. The guy certainly appears to have some, um, anger management issues. I’ll spend no time defending his behavior. I have serious issues with Malkin but screaming at her at the top of my lungs isn’t my idea of how to express this disagreement. Malkin does require major debunking and Dave Niewart over at Orcinus does a splendid job of providing us with what we need to know in order to do that.
@ 86
What law did congress pass?
You assume that the law in question is statutory. Why?
@ 88
Please explain how blocking a doorway by blocking the sidewalk is materially different from blocking a sidewalk.
Is it not at all apparent to you that it’s possible to block a sidewalk without blocking a doorway?
In both cases, the reporter was obligated to move…
Yet another wingnut who either doesn’t understand the difference between a lawful order and an unlawful order or is disingenuously conflating the difference.
Is it not at all apparent to you that it’s possible to block a sidewalk without blocking a doorway?
I asked how it was MATERIALLY different in the context.
Yet another wingnut who either doesn’t understand the difference between a lawful order and an unlawful order
Both were lawful orders, in fact.
@ 92
I asked how it was MATERIALLY different in the context.
I don’t know about your reality, but the reality in which I live blocking ingress and egress to someone’s place of residence is a more egregious imposition on other people’s rights than simply blocking a sidewalk. It also happens to be the basis for the complaint that led to Asa Eslocker’s arrest.
Do you have any other questions with obvious answers? The color of the sky? The fact that you’re a liar?
Both were lawful orders, in fact.
That’s not at all apparent in Amy Goodman’s case. She wasn’t interfering with a police investigation, and, being a credentialed member of the press, had a right to ask the questions she was asking.
Moreover, Goodman was charged with “conspiracy to riot.” She was not arrested for failure to comply with a lawful order.
But, then, you’re a proven liar. Omitting salient facts is your stock-in-trade.
Don Joe:
So you refuse to tell me the material difference in the context of police action. Probably because there isn’t one. The only point that matters is that a lawful order was violated, and I made this clear right up front.
And yes, it is apparent in Goodman’s case. She was lawfully told to do something, and she verbally refused.
And for me to be a proven liar, you’re lying. You’d have to actually provide, you know, proof.
@ 94
So you refuse to tell me the material difference in the context of police action.
I gave the precise reason why the difference matters in the context of a police action back in my comment @ 73. Is there some reason I need to repeat the point?
[Amy Goodman] was lawfully told to do something, and she verbally refused.
If that were, indeed, the case, then why wasn’t she booked for refusing to obey a lawful order?
Not only do you omit material facts, you’re now making up facts in the absence of evidence. That’s two strikes against you, liar.
And for me to be a proven liar
Yup. Twice, now. Of course, no one expects you to overcome the inevitable cognitive dissonance in such a way that you’d accept the proof.
But keep going, squirt. I expect more than a few folks around here are having fun watching you swing from the end of your own rope.
Don Joe:
I gave the precise reason why the difference matters
No, you didn’t. What you said was, in fact, immaterial, as I already proved.
If that were, indeed, the case, then why wasn’t she booked for refusing to obey a lawful order?
I’m sorry, I don’t live in a fantasy world where the police charge people for every single crime they commit, so I can’t answer that question in my reality, which is actual reality.
Yup. Twice, now.
You are, of course, lying.