When I first moved to Seattle from the suburbs, Will, who used to write here, and I took the bus somewhere. We caught the bus in Westlake Park. This was pre-ORCA Card and he took some cash out of his wallet and counted it out to make sure it was right before the bus came while we continued to talk. Someone must have saw him with his money out, because they came up to us and asked, “You buying?”
Up until a few weeks ago, that’s more or less the feel of Westlake Park whenever I go through it after dark. Now, it’s my city, and I’ve never avoided the park because of the people selling drugs there. It’s certainly safe enough for me as an able bodied fairly young man to walk through. But, it’s not exactly the best part of town. But now, every night it’s glorious, and vibrant. And the drug dealing has left.
So whatever the value of City Hall Park versus Westlake versus other potential occupy sites going forward, Westlake Park is better for the occupation.
I’ll be headed back to Westlake tomorrow, to lend whatever support I can to the righteous. As a DFH, I can’t believe I’ve never been asked if I was buying there. It’s a freaking safe place, as is the whole of Seattle. Occupy Seattle makes us all safer.
Carl, point me to your pro-tea party protest posts. Especially the one’s where you say they make a place more vibrant.
Um, they didn’t. Did you miss the pictures of the gun-toning at the Teahaddist rallies. Kinda puts people off.
Well shit, maybe they should go occupy Belltown and the Rainier district then!
Like the pictures of the violent fleabaggers in Italy?
I don’t know anyone who defines ‘vibrant’ as a bunch of pasty old farts yelling at clouds from the comfort of their Hover-Rounds ™.
I just heard on the local news that Democrat Mayor McGinn is sending in his police force this morning to destroy people’s tent-homes in Westlake park.
Tom Tomorrow…does a conservative die – *POOF* – a la Tinkerbell – when someone says, “I don’t believe in trickle-down economics!”?
How in the world can Westlake Park be better off because of the occupation by a bunch of whining loser FleaBaggers? No average WORKING folks would bring their families to this drug-infested, urine & crap smelling compound.
Better off? That’s a stretch that simply doesn’t come close to reaching.
Obama continues to plummet in the polls.
The Independents are repelled by Obama’s desperate tactics.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
I heard they were closing off streets and re routing bus traffic this morning.
@9. So in shorter words, “the 99%ers scare me so I’m going to ridicule them and hope they don’t upset the status quo.”
Blue John, I doubt seriously if the fleabaggers represent 20% of the people, much less 99%. They have an incoherent message that lacks any solutions. Wearing knit caps and alpaca sweaters that wreak of urine, dope and poop and babbling ridiculous messages when interviewed isn’t going to endure them to the independents and even moderate democrats. It’s a costly joke and hardly a movement. Watch, Obama will end up throwing them off the bus.
The CEO’s of Black Rock Investments and PIMCO disagree with you.
No evidence of that here:
And please look here:
There are far too many protests going on for this to be a fringe thing.
The Occupy movement is doing something right – scaring the bejeezus out of right wing degenerates like the Montana friendo.
Bull shit, the pics and videos of the fleabaggers are horrendous. Here are just a few of some of the dirtbags.
How can anyone think this is a serious movement?
some fleabagger crapping on a PUBLIC cop car is hardly scaring anyone dumbass.
Um… By taking a look it the map.
OMG, people sleeping. Yeah, that’s just awful! Sleeping, the nerve. Had the city sent a trash truck around the protestors would have helped load up the garbage.
These look like normal enough folks.
HAHAHA – you’re an idiot.
Wow. You’re link shows a few young people catching some ZZZ’s, and a couple cuddling – terrifying. Those nubile, body-painted firebrands must scare the bejesus out of you.
I think that does really terrify you fools – you’d rather have violence than affection. You’d rather hang out with this asshole, while we on the left would prefer to discuss political theory with this citizen.
I fell very very sorry for you.
Normal enough looking people occupying Columbus Ohio.
I think he’s afraid of vaginas. I think a lot of the fear we always here coming from the right stems from a fear of vaginas. The righties need to relax and learn the vagina’s aren’t scary, they’re fun!
O’ hey, the story I posted is about Columbus, but the woman in the photo’s a normal looking person in NYC.
I think that that has a HUGE part to do with the psychopathology on the right.
One could write a dissertation.
I don’t think it’s just vaginas – though the ‘feminine’ is highly alien/frightening concept, except in the barefoot-and-pregnant, submissive, strangulated gender role that they expect from women.
They’re anti-sex in general – just take a closer look at the anti-abortion terrorist industry on the right – and they are all about punishment for sex, and anti-sex education, (and anti-education in general.)
We have to come up with ways to establish societal institutions that are resistant to being co-opted by these stunted sociopaths, these twisted, fearful, greedy, perverted, destructive, ignorant, violent, conformist nihilists.
So, whatever that twisted, loathsome troll has to say, the good people of NYC, per Quinippiac, via Kos, say this:
been listening to some interviews on television an and on the radio of the fleabaggers…
good god they sound like the biggest bunch of pussified morons…oh, and a wee bit on the anti-semitic side.
check out this winner/tool….
What a complete tool. The guy on camera, and you too.
Seems…inauthentic, and more than a little bit convenient. Given all the desperate attempts to discredit the action, and the excellent image quality, and the rather caricatured roles being played – I suspect street theater of the agent provocateur type, like this tool engaged in.
Moreover, your tag is typical violent reich-wing ‘manliness’
LMAO!!! The right wing tools are totally turned on by occupiers!
First they ignored them.. Now they can’t do that anymore because of the nubile women among them.
They been doing a lot of ridicule – that’s for damn sure.. Degrading others that don’t tow the Limbaugh line is a prime specialty..
Now see the latest ugly handle of the violent, hateful asshat troll – they’re ready to do violence. They will seed the occupiers with provocateurs and do what they can to provoke ugliness..
But numbers are totally against them… We will win.
By the way I believe it’s not against the law for women to be out in public topless in New York City..
22, 24
Indeed, Chronic Vaginaphobia. The condition afflicts 90% of all wingnuts. Of course, wingnut women become bitter, angry, and resentful because their men are loathe to treat their vaginas with the care and concern that make vaginas happy. I don’t know what the solution is for this sad, sad cycle.
shorter liberal scientist(insert laughter here):
when a few crazies show up at teabagger rallies, it means all teabaggers are TEH CRAZEE!
when the crazies show up at the fleabagger occupy rallies, its a set up and its fake.
nice world you live in, “scientist”..LMFAO…does it rain gumdrops and skittles too?
“nubile women”???? LMFAO
well, if you consider the Ellen Degeneres and Rachel Madcow types “nubile”, then I suppose your are correct.
and of course our fat little latino basement dweller would immediately start screeching, “see! look at his blog handle! he is TEH VIOLET!”.
you big pussy, grow a set of balls why dont you…..and go borrow Steve’s sense of humor while you are at it, you god damned fat ass wimp.
yo proud communitst, how did stalin or Mao treat da poontang?
did they get all up in it before, or after it the gal executed for not being a party member? I know, its how you guys roll…..
next stop, Gulag City!
I just want to know what the emperor max-minidick has against real people wanting real jobs that they can support real families on?
What the fuck is this heartless, clueless asshole’s problem?
The last 10-15 years have been a paradise of lax regulation, low low low taxes, give-aways to big business…al the things…
…every last god-damned one of them…
…that these big business magnates lie the emperor max-minidick TRUMPETED as the golden road to unlimited prosperity for EVERYONE!!!!
So where the fuck is it asshole?
Where ARE the fucking jobs, shithead? Just tell me that one thing. Go ahead!
Maxie @ 33
Man, the way your mind makes connections could keep a team of psychologists busy for quite a long time. In the event you haven’t noticed, no one around here has anything but complete disdain for Stalin or Mao.
then you’ve got to be the right wing asshat troll demographic.
Yeas WeSlace shud aways be filld wit aemles wirdos lice me!
sorry chump, fake boobs are a big turnoff, I gotsta have the real deal smacking me in the face….
you on the other hand, probably have seen a set of real tits in person since you peaked at ole mamma-san when you were 14
keep it real…
well if it makes you feel better, we can throw that murderous(and thank god, dead) asshole known as Che in that group too.
This seems like an, um, unstable, posture. Seems like you might fall on your ass, dimwit.
Unless of course you’re in some sort of sling, or something – pretty kinky – but behind closed doors, who know what you twisted, repressed conservatives are up to.
I am finding it hilarious just how in a twist the local Teahaddists are – these organic, authentic outpourings of pent up rage and new-found political voice – the world-wide Occupy actions – are very rapidly creating seismic change in the political landscape. Why, even that narcissistic pool-boy for the plutocrats, Eric Cantor, is going to give a speech at the Wharton School about income disparity (presumably he’s in favor of plutocracy, or else he’s engaging in transparent and venal political posturing)
Viva Ernesto!
From Wikipedia:
Viva La Revolucion!
lMAO! @39 – That all you got??? Shit I thought anything with a price tag appeals to your miserable ass.
Of course I’m right…
LMAO!! So all this violent posturing is just a joke???
Notice that I’m laughing at YOU the miserable self-important right wing dope and NEVER the stupid joke which only a fellow right wing sycophant would find the least bit funny.
Keep being an idiot..
LibSci @ 42
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Seriously, this brand of righties vying for control of this country apparently does not believe that wealth disparity is a real issue. If any of them paid any attention to history, and particularly to the history of revolution over the past couple hundred years, they just might recognize that the issue of income/wealth disparity is the primary cause of revolution. They don’t even pay attention to recent events like the Arab Spring. The Randian/Koch view is that the lower classes just don’t matter, that all that matters is the “producers.” Let’s see how well that ignorance plays out for them in the next few years.
how big are mancrush john edwards’ boobs? you of all people should know that answer.
“fail”…yes, that is the story of your life. Sounds like you are finally realizing it. If you need an understanding shoulder to cry on, I suggest you call up Lee Rujax Rosenberg…
you are small time…and always will be.
LMFAO @ “the arab spring”
hmmm, have you kept up with recent events in Egypt? the torture rooms are open for business there, just like they always have been. nothing changed, other than the fact that you dopes got roped and fooled by it all…just a new bunch of thugs and criminals in power..
meet the new boss, same as the old boss….
you chumps ate that shit up…hook, line, and sinker.
This is what our local plutocrat wannabes – in reality, lap-dogs – are so terrified of:
Pool-boys of the plutocrats, little fluffy lap-dogs, whining and sneering and yipping at all the bad bad people, the dirty fucking hippies, who dare to make Master angry.
Your response is not totally unreasonable. You linked to a video, and I dismissed it, on suspicions only – I admit that.
But you draw a false equivalence between your video of a single, poorly-behaved individual at the OWS action, and the repeatedly documented behavior of the Tea Party. Here is a video of many, many Tea Partiers who don’t at all seem fabricated – maybe they’re all actors – but I doubt it, and they’ve got some pretty wild and whacky things to say.
Moreover, the Tea Party people have been polled and studied up the wazzoo – way out of proportion to their numbers or influence – and they are a conservative white older male slice of the Republican Party – many of whom support Sarah Palin, and many of whom don’t believe that Obama was born in the US. The left doesn’t really need agents provocateur at Teahaddists rallies – you guys are the gifts that keep on giving.
AND, it smacks very reminiscently of James O’Keefe, relentless asshole – like I said, this wasn’t some grainy or shaky phone video, it was very caricatured, it was SO on message for the Breitbart machine – just color me suspicious. And it was a single anecdote – the plural of which is NOT data.
Maybe it is real – I don’t have direct evidence that it is not – and maybe it is another of a long line of lies from your side – like the guy at the Air and Space Museum – who was a righty agent provocateur, as I linked to above – this sort of lie is the MO of dickwads like yourself.
Regardless, the message of Occupy Wall Street is not diminished – you really do need to do better.
So where is the emperor max-minidick and his two-fisted exposition of the fabulous wealth and prosperity we al have enjoyed under complete and total capitulation to the demands of big business and financial intereszts?
What a chickenshit bastard.
Dude can’t throw down and represent for his posse…
…what you got, pussy? Anything…’cause your ass is geting drilled here.
46 – LMAO! zzzZZZZzzzzzz.. Such a flailing right wing jerk.. Keep it up stupid.. Fortify yourself with some more sauce while you’re at it…
And how many people did your hero che rape and murder? I know you don’t care about that because rape and murder is a part of any good lefty revolution….
Anytime you wanna run your mouth in person, you just let me know…..we will see how tough you talk then…right lee rosenberg?