So how much weight does Rep. Dave Reichert carry with his Republican colleagues? Well, you know Rep. Jo Bonner… the guy they gave that coveted Appropriations seat to…?
On Feb. 11, Bonner publicly endorsed Airbus over Boeing for the contract to replace the Air Force’s aging fleet of air refueling tankers.
So not only doesn’t Reichert get the pork seat he needs “now”, they give it to someone who just 3 days before publicly endorsed sucking pork out of Reichert’s district. Um… what was that the Seattle Times wrote in endorsing Reichert in 2006?
His goal should be to expand his influence and be a stronger voice for change.
Hey Frank… how’s that working out for you?
Abraham Lincoln didn’t carry much weight with his colleagues during his time in the House, either.
Bonner’s elevation may not be welcome news to economic-development officials in Washington State.
On Feb. 11, Bonner publicly endorsed Airbus over Boeing for the contract to replace the Air Force’s aging fleet of air refueling tankers.
Airbus and its U.S. partner Northrop Grumman have said they will build tanker frames at a site near Mobile, Ala., if they win the nearly $40 billion contract, which is set to be awarded at the end of February.
Well Goldy that just what you get today for not supporting those who are looking after your best interest. Yes Bonner is from where? Now he shouldn’t support his own state? Now that’s a no brainer and how is you Socialist friends doing with all that new highway funds? Yes we all know they are doing nothing, and will dump the cost on the states middle class to foot the bill. Yep vote for the local Socialist Democrats and everything will be just fine.
Did a wingnut troll just compare Dave Reichert to Abraham Lincoln?
Now I have seen everything.
@ 3
Dave Reichert and Abe are so similar. Both are worth a penny.
1. Will says:
@ 3
Dave Reichert and Abe are so similar. Both are worth a penny.
Great come back Will maybe you and Blatantly Obvious have a lot more in common. Yes brothers from different fathers.
@4, now that was clever!
How’s that unemployment treatin you Goldy? Hope you had a nice “waiting week”, before the state checks started rolling in.
Poor Reichert; poor Boss Esser, and poor McCain. (At least one of these deserves better.)
Bushstinkypoo is attached to every R in the universe. Kind of like when you hit a skunk and the damn truck still stinks months later.
Actually Dave Reichert and Goldy will have something in common soon. Since big hair will be displaced by a GIRL he’ll more than likely not handle it as well as Goldy has.
Itch @8,
Um, I was always officially a part-timer, so I don’t qualify for unemployment.
And while I know the unemployment dig is meant to characterize me as some sort of welfare queen, I should remind you that it is unemployment insurance… only workers who pay into it get to collect out of it. It is no more welfare than making a claim on your auto insurance. (Though god knows the insurance industry is doing its best to vilify customers who make claims.)
Good-bye Dave. I wish I could say we’ll miss you, because that would be a nice thing to say. But it wouldn’t be true, and I just can’t lie to you, Dave. We won’t miss you a bit.
@1 Sheriff Blowdry is no Abe Lincoln.
@11 Save your breath, Goldy. These trolls think wages are welfare.
@14 Of course, as every freeloading Republican knows, the only income worth having is income from capital that you don’t have to work for and which gets preferred tax treatment. Wages are disfavored because they’re the most heavily taxed form of income. Clearly, Congress wants to discourage work. Therefore, I don’t work!! I live by owning stuff. I’m a member of the Owner Class now, so I don’t lift a finger to do anything productive, nor do I produce a fucking thing. Congress rewards me for this with a favorable tax rate. Weird, and makes no sense, but I just go with the flow.
Who cares? I want to know who is 418th most powerful.
but is the 420th too stoned to show up for work or what?