I guess I did kinda sorta okay before getting bogged down in his bullshit, but mostly O’Reilly just wanted to call Gov. Gregoire names, and that’s what he did. We’ll see how it comes out in the edit. (And yes, unlike almost every other show, O’Reilly pre-tapes, and edits out the truly unflattering—or boring—stuff.)
The thing is, it’s hard to imagine folks getting riled up once again about the so-called War on Christmas, when they’re more worried about how their going to pay for any Christmas celebration at all. This sort of divisive rhetoric is a luxury I’m not sure many Americans can afford during these tough economic times.
This sort of divisive rhetoric is a luxury I’m not sure many Americans can afford during these tough economic times.
Many Americans may not be able to afford it but it doesn’t mean that some won’t respond to it.
Straw men and culture wars is how cable “news” channels pay their bills now. O’Reilly has his war on Christmas. Lou Dobbs has his war on poor Mexicans. If political correctness didn’t forbid it, I’m sure some bozo would be raging about how “international financiers” are responsible for the current recession.
Its about making the world into a simple morality tale. And each day, the hosts debate “the bad guys” on air and thousands of people across the nation sit on their couches and angrily mutter stuff about godless liberals under their breath.
If political correctness didn’t forbid it, I’m sure some bozo would be raging about how “international financiers” are responsible for the current recession.
You must have missed all the bozos pinning the responsibility on poor folks, irresponsible folks who couldn’t afford their mortgages and union members for the plights of the various industries.
I dunno. Is it progress or retrogress that the irrational blame has shifted from
international financiersteh jooz to the unions andpoor folksteh n*****s?what a joke, a jew trying to destroy christmas. on oreilly you said “merry war on christmas”, how about happy war on passover
“Kinda, sorta OK?” You were pathetic.
And Just when I thought nobody could whine more than Darcy Burner.
Not bad, dude. I thought you were on point and made your point when you were able to talk. I do think O’Reilly has a case and I wish he would have talked more about the observation you made: “the last sentence was the most provocative and over the top.” I agree.
Goldy, you rock. You had Billo harumphing in less than a minute. It was hilarious, especially when the lawyer Billo brought in to help defend his War on Christmas, ended up saying it was probably just better on the West Coast to consider it a freedom of speech matter and let it go.
hah! Can’t wait to see Christine laugh at him.
Christmas was doing fine until the Wingnut Warriors showed up. Christmas has been celebrated for 2,007 consecutive years! It didn’t need defending by the neocon ilk.
by the ivan. do you call what the networks spew “news”? idiot
You should of started quoting Keith Olbermann that would have gotten BillO riled up.
Sounds like GOLDIE IS another brother to owhampy!
FYI, I haven’t seen it yet, as I don’t have cable. But I’ll watch it at DL tonight.
“I guess I did kinda sorta okay”
I think you were perfect for representing the bigoted view that wanted their hatred given a platform at the expense of Washington State citizens .
That was fucking hilarious. Are you typing standing up? Does your ass hurt after getting it kicked?
You looked like the fucking idiot you are in front of a national audience.
After you watch it, let us know what was cut. I liked what I saw, because obviously all the cutting in the world was not able to prevent him from still looking stoopid.
Hey Goldy… do tell what the fuck were you talking about with the “Lemon Law” or “Lemon Rule” or whatever the fuck you said.
Are you aware that the lemon law has to do with cars that don’t work? has nothing at all to do with free speech or whatever muddled kook “point” you were trying to make.
Can you “educate” me on what the fuck you were talking about?
That whole thing was fucking priceless. Clearly your finest hour. Congratulations. Fucking idiot…
another thing moron, you’re contributing to antisemetism. when people see someone with a jewish name denoucing christmas. if i was jewish i’d be pissed at you.
It must have been a pretty good show, Goldy, for the trolls to get their undies all tied up in knots over it. I’ll check it out later.
@16 STFU until you pay your gambling debt, welsher!
Mark the Redneck Asshole,
“Can you “educate” me on what the fuck you were talking about?”
Hey Squirt…here’s an idea. Make good on your $100 bet with Goldy, and then ask him to tutor you!
First Returns In Georgia’s Senate Run-Off
Unpatriotic Georgia farmers have given an early lead to the Republican draft dodger., but none of the urban precincts — where the Real Americans live — have reported yet.
Redneck @16,
It’s the Lemon Test, and it comes from Lemon v Kurtzman, the precedent setting case on the Establishment Clause. Look it up.
Yup, looks like Mark the Goatfucker is all worked up into a lather. It must have been a good show.
Goldy, you need an “A team” for these knock-down-drag-out brawls on Fox News.
Washington moonbats outdid themselves today. Great stuff, so herewith today’s MTR Moonbat Poll:
Who looked like the biggest fucking idiot today:
1) McDermott for his disgraceful christmas tree ornament.
2) “artist” Deborah Lawrence for claiming to be “nauseated” over the mere idea that we’re a Christian country and making mcdermott’s POS ornament. Shove it up your ass debbie
3) Goldy for getting his ass kicked before a national audience by Bill O’Reilley
4) Mrs. gregoire for letting this shit happen while she’s out there panhandling for “free” money.
Geez, Mark, do you feel stupid? Maybe just a wee bit dumbfuck dumber than usual?
@25 How about Mark the Redneck Idiot making a complete ass of himself over the Lemon Law? I’d vote for that for damned sure.
What the fuck does the establishment clause have to do with this? I thought you were making a free speech argument. Which is it?
OK Redneck, pay attention, because you’re gonna get an edjimacation here:
“The Court’s decision in this case established the ‘Lemon test’, which details the requirements for legislation concerning religion. It consists of three prongs:
“The government’s action must have a secular legislative purpose;
“The government’s action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion;
“The government’s action must not result in an ‘excessive government entanglement’ with religion.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia under fair use.)
Now pay your fucking gambling debt or I’ll send the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit to kick yer redneck ass with her powerful hind feet! This is constitutional as long as the government doesn’t send Her to do it.
If this is any indication, the next few years are going to be VERY entertaining.
Keep it up goldy. Thanks for the entertainment. Fucking loser…
You guys go wallow in your filth. Have fun…
Your many hours of Internet preparation for The Factor ended up making you look stupid. An obscure reference to the Establishment Clause (Lemon Test) would take longer to define and explain than the entire segment lasted. Didn’t you think about that before trying to slip it in at an inappropriate moment? Stick to blogging, amateur. TV just isn’t your medium…
@28 Er, the Free Speech Clause is about free speech, and the Establishment Clause is about religion. We expected we wouldn’t need to explain that to you.
@31 Yes, constitutional law is complicated, and takes longer to explain than the average wingnut’s attention span.
What’s really out of sync here is that O’Reilly makes $10 million a year while Goldy makes a little over $10 thousand a year. It should be the other way around. Another fucking market failure.
@32 As long as you’re educating the fool, you might as well give him a few tips on what to do if he buys a lemon.
We have another Mark on the Billo thread warning of the threat of godless “suclarists”. What’s with these trolls named Mark? Does one need an overdose of the stupid to earn that name?
With 44% of the precincts reporting, the draft dodger leads 69% to 31%. Why do Georgia voters hate the military? Turnout is only 15%-20%, compared to 65% on Nov. 4.
@35 He sure as hell bought a lemon when he bet Goldy $100 the gas tax repeal initiative would win by 10 points.
hey roger, when you said “georgia farmers” i kind of thought that was racist of you, but then i thought hmmm, new york lawyers schleped to georgia to convince the farmers how to vote, it didnt work.
If it were up to me, that ornament-making, hate-filled, intolerant leftist nut would do 25 years in prison.
Pulllllease tell us the idiot on O’Reilly was your retarded twin brother and not you!
hey troll, he might do the 25 years. when the crash comes, apparently congress has secret hiding locations, but i dont think they’re going to take members of the pinko media.
@42 and @17: william driscoll, resident troll and moron.
I hope that is not your real name because with your series of idiotic posts, I would be embarassed to be walking around in public.
I guess, according to your infinite wisdom, you think anyone with a “Jewish” sounding name better not exercise their free spech and criticize any government entity from illegally flaunting the constitution and promoting state sponsored religion, if it is Christian. But if it is Jewish, they are free to criticize.
Boy, are you as dumb as you sound and do you hate American and the constitution THAT much?
Where is Seattle Jew when we need him? Probably drinking it up at DL. Somebody wake him from his somnolence!
It’s simple really. O’Reilly earns his paycheck…and Goldy earns his. 10K to run a waste treatment facility like HA isn’t all that bad is it?
look who’s talking about respecting the constitution. what a joke
what kind of names did he call her
Was Goldy confused about the venue? It was the O’Reilly factor not the “Johnny Cash impersonator” night.
@ 46 ~ O’Reilly called Queen Christine “weak and confused”…… which I couldn’t agree with him more.
Christmas is a religous holiday celebrated by the vast majority of Americans, who by a large majority agree with the tenets of Christianity to some degree. Atheists, Mulsims, etc. ought to leave this holiday alone and have their display some other day of the year.
We should be able to celebrate a nationally recognized holiday without every little side group wanted to bust in with their 2 cents. DO your Atheist thing it in January nistead of trying to stick it in our face.
I saw David Goldstein on O’Reilly and he really came off like a smarmy dooshbag. Somebody buy this man a shave and throw out his black clothing, YUCK! The man has date rape drug written all over him.
As for the story, wouldn’t it be refreshing for a liberal to react to something outrageous just once with common sense? Government has no place displaying attacks on religion and religious belief. Even if they were given equal time to all religious celebrations of the season, ATHEISM IS NOT A F*CKING RELIGION!
Next time David is on TV, tell him to stop smiling on one side of his face like a convict and have a strong position where the situation demands it.
Hmmm…David Date-Rape-Drug Goldstein…good nickname.
@45 Driscoll
Is that the best you have? No excuse for your pathetically childish views?
hahaha – you need to go back to troll school. At least Puddy has the troll act down. You can’t even change the topic when are clearly a fool.
So, Mark the Traitorous Belt Welsher climbs out of his shed to squawk his particular brand of Constitution despising idiocy!
How’d you like Nov. 4th, traitor! Your ass still red from the whooping the Real Patriotic Americans gave you and your whole filthy America-hating republican party?
Yes, and the US Constitution is atheistic towards religion. Get used to it, unless you hate America.
What are you Jenny Ling Po, some kind of democracy destroying terrorist?
@49: Jenny would fit in real good with the Taliban. They have the same religious philosophy.
Jenny – we have something called the constitution. I know you want to ignore it – but some very wise men wrote it. Not the three wise men – but none-the-less wise.
Good job, Goldy, but you have to realize that the 0.3% of Americans that actually watches Billo Bumbly will never have their world view changed even if their lives depended on it.
They could catch on fire, and if Billo Bumbly told them that they were not on fire, they would sit down and say “Damn right, I am not on fire!”
Sheep to the slaughter. Fucking mindless sheep.
We should probably be kinder to Jenny. She sounds like she has deep seated issues.
She was probably raped by a White Republican Christian. It sadly happens far too often.
Sometimes the White Republican Christian rape victim is actually a female. Really, I am sure it is not always a young boy or farm animal.
52. Real American spews:
Show me specifically where in the CONSTITUTION it is ATHEISTIC towards religion??
Petition Fox: The O’Goldy Show
This struck me as an audition. Metro sressed, sparkly eyed, Seattle liberal, plays verbal tennis with the Bear.
BillO, his usual Armani tailored fly open so we could all see his erection, displayed his usual bluster and boviation. Goldy, came off like the knowing adult, reassuring the two year old that he still loved Billo despite the problems with the toilet but making the rules and facts clear. Did Goldy win? I dunno, but it was very entertaining in a way that few Billo encounters are.
Is Rupert watching?
Round One: Clarabelle Defeates Howdy Doody … OK too many of you are to young to remember this pairing, but Clarablee was the clown whol playes strait man to the puppet Howdy Doody. Only the clown, aka Bob Keesham was the real talent and went on to be … Catyain Knagaroo!
Round Two: Hannity and Combs History repeats itself only this time the lead, played by Hannity wins and the clown, playing a librul dullard, looses. Woulkd anyone hire Combs to do anything? If ge gas aq show on his own that will fie more qyuuckly that Fox’s attempt at a poilitical comedy show.
Round Three: Imagine these sort of pairing:
Coulter — Goldy
Hannitty — Goldy
Rove — Goldy
Huckabee — Goldy?
@48 Bill C
OK by me .. lets limit Xmas public dispausys t thise who really commemorate that day!
As a Jew we can mourn the millions killed in Xmas Pogroms.
The Druids will have public services for their solstice!
The satanists of course fet to celebrate Saturnaia.
Your open was good and solid – and, hopefully put things into perspective for viewers out there.
@ 56 Mr. C., his mouth in an ignorant lather, spewed
It is in the first amendment, my shit-fer-brains fellow!
This is what Jefferson called a “wall of separation between church and state”.
Very intelligent and wise fellows, these founding fathers. They would, of course, be appalled at the traitorous ignorance of a fool like you.
correctnotright, where do you get off comparing me to the Taliban? What do you know of them? Is your mommy a member or are you simply one of their sex slaves? We all await the uninteresting story of your life, attempted suicides, etc.
Real American, it is ironic you mentioned rape in your rant, because you sound like the kind of guy who knows all about it. I suppose you started with your little brother and worked your way up the family tree. Sorry to burst your bubble sweetie, but that is incest, not rape. Better luck next time though!
BTW atheism is not a religion or a school of philosophy. It is simply a disbelief in God. Just as no state or local government has an obligation to recognize religion, they have none to recognize those who hate religion either.
Whether they had the symbols of the holidays alongside the atheists sign is not an issue. Posting this sign is an endorsement of atheism and is neither appropriate nor within the requirements of any law. In fact, the sign could be construed as an impediment to the free exercise of religion, which is against the law.
@ 61 Jenny ironically said
No, Jenny I mentioned it because you accused Goldy of it in your first post @ 49… TWICE!
You truly are a moron, aren’t you Jenny.
Almost correct, Jenny-poo, but you confuse “disbelief” with “hate”. It is a common mistake that soft headed people often make.
That statement is so riddled with irrationality, non sequiturs, and ironic nonsense, that I will let it stand, Jenny.
Let others be astounded by your rambling idiocy!
we cannot allow goldstein and his one world governement brethren to succeed in their takeover
@ 63 for you and your followers tin foil hats at reasonable prices will be issued!
i am so fucking sick of the christian religion being attacked in this country.