I spent most of the past couple days mucking around with WordPress 2.0, building a new template so that I could finally upgrade my cranky old copy of 1.2 and deal with comment spam assault I’m under. And things went pretty darn well… until I ran the 1.2 to 1.5 upgrade script late last night, and the mySQL server crashed. And then crashed again.
And I think, it’s all your fault. I’m guessing the problem is that my database is just plain huge… over 100 MB of comments alone.
So if anybody has a solution short of jettisoning the comment threads, please let me know.
In the meanwhile, I’ll delete the comment spam when I get around to deleting the comment spam. If people have a problem with that, don’t read the comments. But if I keep getting complaints about the spam via email or comment, I might as well just turn off comments altogether.
you are amazing…all that computer work , plus able to help sew together some new voter bags for the last minute “stuffing”
Righton is a multi-tasker. Not only is he one of the jackasses braying about “Democrats stuffing the ballot box” over on the pro-terrorism blog, whose webmaster got fired from his pollworker job after 1/2 day for insubordination and violating state law, he’s doing it here too.
Lest anyone forget, this is the kind of anti-American shit you find on Stefan’s crappy blog:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Don’t get me wrong — I’m not for censorship. I’ll defend to the death Stefan’s right to broadcast pro-terrorism messages on his blog. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t an unpatriotic, America-hating, terrorist-hugging jerk.
Goldy I would probibly del the comments threads that are over a year old. or put them on a CD if you want to save them for future generation or something.
The wingnuts are going berserk over a report in today’s Seattle Times that so many people dropped off absentee ballots at polling places the sealed ballot bags split open.
The lying wingnuts instantly transformed this into “the Democrats are stuffing the ballot box.”
What will happen is the final tally in the Reichert-Burner race will be delayed until after Tuesday, when the county canvassing board decides at its regular meeting what to do about 100 ballot bags containing 20,000 ballots whose zippers or seals split open as a result of being overstuffed with ballots.
What the hell were pollworkers or county election officials supposed to do about this? In any case, it doesn’t matter because the ballot bags were always in the custody of pollworkers or county election staffers, and there isn’t a scintilla of evidence that anybody “stuffed” them.
Point #1 – it would be impossible to put late ballots in these bags because they were locked up by 10:30 PM on election night.
Point #2 – for someone to “stuff” phony ballots into these bags, they would have to (1) steal a quantity of unused ballots, (2) alter pollbooks and other records to make it look like these ballots were issued, (3) somehow get the signatures of voters who didn’t vote, and (4) forge a signature for each phony ballot that would pass inspection by election workers.
Didn’t happen, folks. These assholes are blowing smoke. This time, they’re spewing they’re canned lies in a race where their candidate has a commanding lead and is almost certain to win. The pointless lying of these people convinces me they just like to hear themselves lie.
For the Seattle Times story, see http://tinyurl.com/ychl7m
After the Florida and Ohio fiascos, Republicans are in no position to tell anyone else how to run an election.
Hey guys,
So what day does your machine announce that Darcy now is close enuf for recall (2000 vote diff)..?
Then i guess, phase 2 would be when you inject some more found ballots so that during recount, she magically comes over the top….
must be your bank-like accuracy again. Hmmm , Seattle Dems behind this, also want failed bank exec Norm Rice to come back…hmmm….lots of dimbulbs in charge of math around here…
Then i guess, phase 2 would be when you inject some more found ballots so that during recount, she magically comes over the top….
god I hope so
I think we should take those 20,000 ballots and shove them up righton’s ass to give him a good case of constipation. That’s a better and higher use of the ballots than counting them.
Would that satisfy you, righton?
Even though King County’s partisan-hack prosecutor was unopposed on Tuesday’s ballots, an incredible number of voters refused to vote for him, in the wake of his shameful granting of a “Get Out of Jail Free” card to voting-law violator Lori Sotelo.
Compare the numbers in the Senate and prosecutor races:
In the Cantwell-McGavick race, over 99% of voters cast a ballot for a candidate:
# of Ballots: 498,529
Undervotes: 3,219
Write-Ins: 378
But in Maleng’s uncontested race, there’s an incredible number of undervotes and write-ins:
# of Ballots: 498,529
Undervotes: 155,570
Write-Ins: 9,990
(Based on incomplete returns)
Goldy: Is it possible to close a “comment” thread after 24 hours? Most of the people who are going to contribute anything useful to it have done so by then, it seems like the only comments which appear after that are someone trying to say “gotcha” (making a challenge, then claiming victory when no one responds), or the spammers.
Personally, I don’t think there’s much you can do about the spammers other than to delete the spam as it occurs. The “tech” fixes usually cause more problems than they solve. The quicker you delete it, the less benefit they get from it. If you are only having to delete them from a couple of threads (because the others are closed), then it isn’t as much work.
The inescapable conclusion is that almost a third (31.2%) of King County voters are so disgusted with Maleng they refuse to vote for him even though he was the only name on the ballot! Not exactly a vote of confidence in the job he’s doing.
righton is such an ignorant fuck he doesn’t even know the difference between a recount and a recall.
The reason that wrongon (righton) does not want this ballots counted is that there are absentee ballots that people brought into the polls so that they would make sure that they where counted. Not wanting to trust the US post office with them. These are people that went through an extra effort to vote. These are the type of people that will vote to throw out a do nothing rubberstamp congressman. And the about 10,000 provisional ballots left to be counted are from people who lost or no received their absentee ballots and went and voted any way.
So the reason that the Republican do not want these legal vote to count is not because they think that they are illegal or incorrectly cast vote. But because they think that the votes in them are for the Democrats.
Good point, BigGlen. Don’t let these assholes get away with declaring “victory” before all the votes are counted, then claiming the election was “stolen” if it flips in the late count. That’s their sleazy game.
Memo to King County Democrats: Please, please, please find a credible candidate to run against Norm Maleng if he doesn’t retire in 2010. We don’t need any more Sotelo fiascos in our county. Maleng wants to turn King County into Ohio.
It’s not the size of your database. 100MB is nothing. If that was a typo and you meant 100GB, then maybe – but I’ve seen bigger MySQL databases than that.
I’d suggest you pony up for some professional tech help (not me either).
I want to remind everyone that Stefan is running a pro-terrorism blog:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Hmmm. Looking at the article about ‘turd-blossom’ in todays PI, I’d say the disconnect between the real world and inside the beltway is still alive and well.
Nothing Rove says acknowledges the enormous alternate conduit for passing information and participation through the internet.
Part of the strength of mass-marketing and direct mailing (his field of expertise) is having a captive audience. Just not the case anymore.
Props to Bev Harris and her crew of active volunteers. Hopefully we will put paid to this stupid idea of trackless electronic voting.
We also have to assure ourselves that this new Congress gets on board with Net Neutrality.
Why not solve all the problems in one swoop by declaring Rove an “enemy combatant?”
Roger Rabbit @ 13
There were a similar number of undervotes for King County Prosecuting Attorney in November 2002. And even more undervotes for Justice Bobbe Bridge — even though she hadn’t gotten her DUI yet.
General Election 2002 Official Final Results KING COUNTY 11/20/02 12:30:34 PM
Nov 20, 2002
November 5, 2002 Page 1 of 16
Ballots Cast/Registered Voters: 548353 / 1221474 44.89%
Precincts Counted/Total Precincts: 2635 / 2635 100.00%
King County Prosecuting Attorney
Norm Maleng R 372367 100.00%
State Supreme Court Justice Pos. No. 07
Bobbe J. Bridge 309056 100.00%
It’s ok with me if you jettison the comments.
Richard Pope @29
Yep, you’re right, Maleng’s popularity is right down there with the drunk-driving judge!
29 (continued)
The KCE archive doesn’t tell us how many write-ins were cast against Maleng in 2002 but I’ll bet it was nowhere near 10 grand.
We won! Hurray for us!!! Before election night was over all the media people and the Republicans were gibbering about thr importance of “Bi-partisanship”.
BipartiBULLshit!!! We’ll play along so as not to give righties an issue, but when Bush vetoes things that are clearly for the good of the people (like higher education) and claims that he’s doing it because of his “principles”, that will be a hard sell in “08.
Your principles, righties, will stand in stark contrast to what is good and what is right.
Oh Dear Lord in Heaven, please give me a window into Chimpy’s breakfast nook when he sees the cover of this magazine!
Hey Goldy!
I read your blog all the time. It’s extremely valuable — stuff you cover, like the hearing over the mass voter-registration challenges a few months ago — this is stuff that can’t be gotten anywhere else.
The comments aren’t worth more than five or six minutes of your time, in my estimation. To the extent they take more time than this, they’re a waste.
re 39: Like yours.
Oh Dear Lord in Heaven, please give me a window into Chimpy’s breakfast nook when he sees the cover of this magazine!
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3720360/site/newsweek/ Commentby vancouver sucks— 11/12/06@ 1:44 pm
D’ya think the old man will give him another black eye? :D
The comments are extremely valuable. They give freedom-loving patriotic Americans (liberals) a rare opportunity to engage fascist traitors (Republicans) in direct verbal combat. We can’t do that anywhere else because all the yellowback wingnut blogs ban liberal posters because they’re fucking cowards. So the nutjobs who want to joust come over here looking for liberals, and we make sure they find us.
I was a registered user on Free Republic for only 25 seconds before being banned for life.
Being banished from Freep is a badge of honor. Being a Freeper is like being a Klansman.
re: 4
Goldy, I think I’d do a two-step process. First off, any comments older than a particular cutoff date — say, six months or a year — should go into an archive. Those threads should become static, no longer able to be commented on, and possibly even handled by a different instance of your LAMP installation (e.g. served from static.horsesass.org rather than http://www.horsesass.org).
Anything newer should have the spam expunged and then do the migration to your new software.
Turn off all the comments Goldy. That way, the more retarded of the inbred right wingers won’t have anyplace to go.
“Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name! Hey Y’o, where ya been – just get out on parole?
P.S. — Which of my 5,719 sons are you referring to? One of them is working at Salad Barn and trying to get the rest of them on there.
Maybe upgrade MySql? Does WordPress have support for PostgreSQL?
Some posts on the wordpress site indicate that upgrading PHP may solve this problem.
Wow, 344k ballots statewide left to count. The top counties look like this on the sec of states table.
Benton: 12,000 of 49,015 not counted 24%
Clallam: 8,276 of 30,691 not counted 27%
Cowlitz: 5,000 of 30,300 not counted 16.5%
Harbor: 7,200 of 22,376 not counted 32%
Island: 9,500 of 28,697 not counted 33%
King: 86,000 of 584,528 not counted 14.7%
Kitsap: 13,000 of 90,567 not counted 14.3%
Pierce: 64,000 of 209,859 not counted 30.5%
Skagit: 7,500 of 38,663 not counted 19.4%
Snohomish: 54,000 of 205,637 not counted 26%
Spokane: 30,500 of 155,338 not counted 19.6%
Stevens: 6,000 of 15,920 not counted 37.7%
WallaWalla: 6,000 of 15,932 not counted 37.7%
Yakima: 10,000 of 55,567 not counted 18%
Now we all know these are estimates, but I think we should be proud of the job that our election workers are doing.
They have a lot of votes to count.
Goldie: I’d suggest the use of BLOB (Binary Large Object) columns.
But because Furball is in his usual FUCKHEAD state of mind, you’ll need to call 1-800 SUCKROG to get help. It’s not that hard to Perl script it but the donk scumbag lefty comments cost you your help this morning. I was in a great mood this morning until I read the STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID comments from libruls. Hey Furball, your worthless attacks cost Goldie the configuration scripts. Yeah, it’s simple someone whom is CLUELESS could implement it!
In fact most Moonbats! whom post here are BLOBs!
Commentby Mike Webb SUUUUUUCKS— 11/13/06@ 6:51 am
“Hey Furball, your worthless attacks cost Goldie the configuration scripts. Yeah, it’s simple someone whom is CLUELESS could implement it!”
Let me get this straight. You were willing to help Goldy get the spam off this board until you found out that Roger Rabbit is a liberal, and that he tends to be a bit rude to right-wing posters?
What? There are liberals here? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you! And that anyone could be rude to you, who is always so polite to us “donk scumbag lefty” types is beyond comprehension.
Especially when you have gone to such lengths to get us accurate information about such things as Senator-elect Webb’s campaign rally where nobody would even politely clap when he praised the service of outgoing Senator Allen (Commentby Mike Web SUUUUUUCKS— 11/11/06@ 6:29 am). (They must have dubbed in the applause on the version I saw.)
In closing, Mr. Sucks, (you’ve really got to get that vowel key fixed) I truly cannot find words to express my feelings about the treatment you have endured while striving so diligently to bring us poor, blighted “moonbats” the views that you and your prophets, Ann Coulter, Michael Savage and (from the left) Rush Limbaugh so eloquently post here.
There is, however, a short lesson that I and my fellow moonbats can take that will allow all of us to properly express our gratitude for all that you have done for us.
how many MBs are of Roger Rabbit’s ranting? I think you may find your answer there.
– Eric
p.s. can you do something about all the comment spam please?
Why don’t you ask for volutneers and set up a small committee to “weed”?