John McCain is coming to Bellevue tomorrow for a $33,100 per plate dinner. No, that’s not one of my frequent typos… it’s $33,100 per plate. For that kind of money, I expect to eat my dinner off of John McCain’s naked body (or preferably, his daughter Meghan’s.)
$33,100. Yet the federal contribution limit for 2008 remains $2,300 per person in each of the primary and general elections. So how does McCain get around this? According to the invitation:
• For Individuals—The first $2,300 to JM 2008, the next $2,300 to the Compliance Fund, the
next $28,500 to the RNC, and the balance of up to $37,000 will be divided evenly between the
Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Wisconsin state parties’ federal accounts.
• For Couples—The first $4,600 to JM 2008, the next $4,600 to the Compliance Fund, the
next $57,000 to the RNC, and the balance of up to $74,000 will be divided evenly between the
Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Wisconsin state parties’ federal accounts.
Of course the RNC as well as the state parties’ federal committees can raise and spend unlimited funds in support of McCain, and at $76,200 per couple, that is exactly what McCain is coming to town to do. So in the end, there really aren’t any federal limits all.
It’s not like the Democrats don’t play by the same the rules, but when you have the guy with his name on the campaign finance laws so blatantly violating the spirit of them, you’d think it would earn him a little cynicism from the press. But no, McCain drives the Straight Talk Express, so if he says he’s for campaign finance reform, I suppose we just have to trust him.
Meanwhile, if folks in Bellevue want to put their money to good work in district, I suggest they drop a little cash in Darcy Burner’s pockets
John McCain, “straight shooter.”
Republicans seem irretrievably split this election. In contrast, Democrats are more united (and more numerous) than ever before. Heck, more Democrats voted in the primaries in NC and IN than voted for John Kerry in 2004 in the general election.
This one won’t be close.
In the general election, will Barack Obama carry West Virginia?
The Piper
Democrats, united?!?!?! hahahahahahah
What fucking planet are you from. Are you telling me you haven’t seen the polls about democrats NOT VOTING for the other candidate depending on who wins the dem primary?
With a name like ‘Daddy love’ I guess the question is rhetorical.
What a delusional prick
3 Who cares?
Because no Democrat has won without it in the memory of any man or woman alive today.
You’re going to have to learn to love those folks instead of dismissing and demeaning them.
The Piper
5 I’m not dis- or de- anything to the people in West Virginia, Pipes. I actually didn’t know that particular state has been such a bellweather indicator for Democratic candidates, and I wonder why that is. I’d have to think, however, that winning the electoral votes of states like Florida, Texas, New York and California is rather more important. The last few outings, the GOP has shown a certain amount of strategic wisdom in directing its efforts at populous states where the demographic showed a large bloc of voters sympathetic to their side of the argument.
When BO goes to San Francisco and talks about how misguided those kind of folks are – guns and religion comments that they took to be both dis- and de- – then are clearly alienates them.
Pennsylvania is clearly in play for Republicans because a lot of those same folks live there. Texas has a near 98% population of them.
Will BO be able to demonstrate to average Americans who punch time clocks or drive trucks that his Harvard style with his Harvard wife and his venomous preacher can relate to them? Tough sell that, eh what?
The Piper
They are misguided, if they think McCain can offer them anything better than the last 7 years have offered. Let them not vote for Obama, then they can live another 4 years stickin to their guns and religion, belly aching like the hogs that they are. Uneducated racists, they are their own demise. Like Hillary is less of an elitist, like hubby Bill the fuckwad would say “Giveeee Meeeee a Breaaaaaak”. Piper you and the rest of the West Virginians can’t see through politics.
The Tommy
@ 8
“Tough sell that, eh what?”
Perhaps. It all depends on whether or not Obama is capable of convincing these voters that the same demagogues who toss around pejoratives like “liberal elite” and “latte liberal” are the same folks who’ve been lying and cheating these voters with snake-oil politics (you know, like promising to deliver a balanced budget, yet going on wild-assed spending sprees). Bush’s record might just be enough to make this task easy.
Earth to daddy love.
What about all the talk of riots in denver from hosts on air america? When air america hosts are talking rioting you know there’s a divide in the party.
So, about your name change. Why?
What will the 25% of Republican Voters that are not voting for McCain in the Primaries going to do in November?
What about all the talk of riots in denver from hosts on air america?
He didn’t say that the Democrats are united in some absolute sense. He merely noted that the Democrats are more united than the Republican are.
When right-wing talk-show hosts are urging wingers to vote for Democrats, you know things aren’t going particularly well within the Republican party.
What will the 25% of Republican Voters that are not voting for McCain in the Primaries going to do in November?
05/12/2008 at 6:28 pm
Probably the same thing that the 60% of the Hillary supporters who will never vote for Obama. hehehe
When right-wing talk-show hosts are urging wingers to vote for Democrats, you know things aren’t going particularly well within the Republican party.
05/12/2008 at 6:34 pm
I call it great strategy. It’s a great way to expose dems for who they really are since their campaigns are all lies. You don’t actually believe those repubs are going to vote for your party come November???? Wait maybe you do. In that case
In the new WaPo/ABC news poll, Obama beats McCain 51%-44% and Clinton beats him 49%-44%.
West Virginia, Schmest Virginia.
11 MS
No one is talking about “riots in Denver” but El Rushbo.
Oh, and same poll:
You don’t actually believe those repubs are going to vote for your party come November?
‘Course not. I’m just laughing at Limbaugh’s inability to figure out whether it’s better to go up against Obama or Clinton.
He has, however, figured out a way to make everything go “according to plan”–revise the plan so that it matches actual outcomes, not the original objectives.
Sorry, guys, but your boy is toast.
Sheesh…didn’t you read my posting of earlier today that elaborated on an article out of today’s Finanacial Times?
Here’s a link to the article showing how litle support BO has among West Virginians – and these are West Virginians who are Democrats.
Don’t go poll shopping to get results that bolster your POV. Instead, deal with realities you might wish were otherwise, which is a true hallmark of mental health.
Is therapy covered by your health insurance? Or do you have to ask your state case worker for a referral?
The Piper
The thing about this tht I found disturbing was how much money was going towards funding other states’ Rs. If you want to support your candidate, that’s well and good. But why cough up the dough to nosh with McCain when 90-plus percent of that money isn’t even going to that candidate’s fund, or even to local candidates that you care about, but instead to other states? Isn’t that at least a little disturbing? I think that if I was an R in that position, I’d want that 90-plus percent to go to candidates that I might actually be able to vote for.
@8, This is shop worn stuff you’re offering. Are O’Reilly & Limbaugh still beating on the Wright “controversy”? You sound like you’re trying harder to convince yourself rather than us. It has a strong hint of desperation in it.
“Sheesh…didn’t you read my posting of earlier today that elaborated on an article out of today’s Finanacial Times?”
Yea, everyone waits on pins and needles for your posts. Have you checked your ego lately?
Disturbing? Hardly…it’s a national election, and Republicans here are interested in supporting the effort in other parts of the country if that’s what it takes to get the job done.
The Piper
Piper @ 21:
But to be totally honest, West By-God has about as many EC votes as it does teeth. Not tremendously important in the grand scheme of things, but attention needs to be paid to their ignorance of Obama. I’ve read what many West Virginian D supporters have said about him, and you’d think that they were still living in the 19th century.
21 SP
Yes, I read it. Here’s my answer: West Virginia, Schmest Virginia.
This election is about fundamentaLS. And the economy is in the shitter, and we’re spending 412 billion a month to prop up the Iranian-backed government in Iraq that won’t even provide the electricity, santitation, and water that the most powerful nation on earth also cannot provide bacause it hires corrupt contractors. Well over 80% of Americans believe that we are on the “wrong track” and even though Bush isn’t on the ballot his policies sure as hell are, and they are going to lose.
Sure as fuck your boy is a fucking loser.
Read the Financial Times article I linked. All the stuff you dismiss is taken quite seriously by a lot of people. Don’t assume that your priorities or values are shared by anyone. See things through their eyes, not just your own.
Understanding and acknowledging your own weaknesses is a key to overcoming them. Doesn’t sound as though you have the key.
The Piper
Fair enough, but wouldn’t you want at least some of your money (if you were planning on attending) going to candidates you could actually vote for?
@ 21
Oh, most of us read it. I’ve heard the same article discussed on the radio. My favorite quote comes early on:
Obama isn’t bothering to campaign there for the primary, because he doesn’t need it for the nomination. By the time November rolls around, however, Mr. Simpson will likely hear that Obama is not a Muslim and that his wife is not an atheist.
If he doesn’t, well, you all can pat yourselves on the back for having won yet another election through lies.
I don’t know. Apparently I missed the politics exception to “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
Oh, and Obama has the money to run in every state of the fucking union and McCain doesn’t even if Cindy sells some more of the drugs she steals. Suck on that, pal.
If lies are being told, they’re being told by Democrats to Democrats…but there’s nothing new in that.
The Piper
Here’s another interesting report from Rasmussen Reports:
“Rasmussen Markets data shows that Republicans are currently given a 63.9% chance of winning Missouri’s Eleven Electoral College Votes this fall. George W. Bush won the state twice by double digits. Missouri is a classic swing state that almost always votes for the winning Presidential candidate. At the time this poll was released, Missouri is ranked as ‘Leans Republican’ in the Rasmussen Reports Balance of Power Calculator.”
Not every voter in America thinks like the HA Happy Hooligans.
It’s OK to be a Happy Hooligan – though for the life of me, I cannot fathom the attraction – but it’s equally necessary to understand that the HAHH POV is in a distinct minority even among Democrats. We’ve ssen that exacerbated by the way so many HAHH’ers chased HRC supporters out then tossed them under a bus…for kicks.
All these Klown Kar Kapers serve to do is provide us wingnuts with rollicking entertainment much in the same way roller derby or pro ‘rasslin’ does.
Oh, you krazy kids!
The Piper
How much do these Republicans charge us to lick the garbage off their plates?
I’ll bet they’re not expecting a proletarian crowd to show up.
Let me guess — these people can’t relate to the working and middle classes.
@32 How do you feel about voting for a guy whose rubber chicken you can’t afford to snack on, crackpiper?
(Bagpipes grinding in the background)
Way I figure it, if I can’t afford to attend a candidate’s fundraiser, I can’t afford to vote for him.
Of course, it’s not their money. They stole it from someone. Probably us. Bet the local no-bid contractors will all be there.
@ 31
If lies are being told, they’re being told by Democrats to Democrats…
I’ve just quoted a lie told to an independent by a Republican.
This wasn’t written by any Democrat. It was written by this guy.
How many other examples do you want me to find?
@ 31
If lies are being told, they’re being told by Democrats to Democrats…
I’ve just quoted a lie told to an independent by a Republican.
This wasn’t written by any Democrat. It was written by this guy.
How many other examples do you want me to find?
So, Goldy, what’s with the double-postings?
@13 I’m going to get a little religious.
Jesus fucking christ you are stupid.
Jesus fucking christ you are stupid.
Now, why would you go and offend all the Christians among us?
@29 Obama was a muslim and will be a prime target if elected President. Jesus you
fucktards are entertaining especially that
fag daddy love, what a FUCKING loser.
I completely understand why you would say that… rush has an audience. air america has only the parents of the radio hosts listening.
Besides, the liberal biased media doesn’t want the uninformed to know the truth and who says it so it doesn’t get circulated and posted on the democrat talking points.
Air America radio host april 28 on what was randi rhodes old show.
I love this quote- I’ll even put some of my own money into it because I’m like committed.
She’s also been pushing this website.
If you believe this website is part of the vast right wing conspiracy, check the whois and google the person.
I hope this clears things up for you that it’s not only rush calling for riots. No need to thank me.
Democrats always do good in their polls. Too bad they can’t win the one poll that really counts on election night even with a couple million illegal vote lead. It will be fun this November. hehehe
@45 “Obama was a muslim”
He isn’t even nominated yet and the lying has already started.
Not that being a Christian is such a hot deal. Republicans give Christianity a bad name.
Republican “Christian” values:
Stole. Past tense. Unless you have some proof she’s still stealing…
@46 “It will be fun this November.”
See you there, mutt! I can hardly wait!
How much you offering?
@50 So tell us, Marvin, what’s the difference between a past-tense thief and a present-tense thief? A thief is a thief.
How much time do you spend on billionaires row?
over $3 million in contributions for this one day alone
@52 I’ll let you suck my bunny dick if you pay me $200 and promise not to bite! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
Do you believe if someone does their time they shouldn’t get a second chance?
Would this apply to all criminals or only republicans?
@54 You mean those guys who shovel taxpayer cash into duffel bags from the back of pickup trucks?
A Republican is someone who pays a mercenary $150,000 a year and a soldier $15,000 a year for doing the same thing in the same place at the same time.
George W. Bush will go down in history as the man responsible for making possible the election of America’s first black president.
This sounds more like the standard operating procedure for Bubba Clinton. Especially the RAPE and ADULTERY part. With Hillary out we all know what his legacy will be. Suck on it dems. heheheehe
@56 What time did she do, Marvin?
From Wikipedia:
“McCain’s defense team … secured an agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s office that limited her punishment to financial restitution and enrollment in a diversion program, without any public disclosure.”
Let’s see: No jail time. Punishment limited to paying for the drugs she stole. All her dirty laundry kept under wraps. Sounds like special treatment to me. How many Average Joes get a deal like that? None. We have 2 kinds of justice in this country, 1 kind for the rich and well-connected, another for the rest of us.
No, Marvin, she hasn’t done her time. She hasn’t paid squat for her crimes. The rich and powerful always get a free pass.
In case you didn’t know, Marvin, the whole point of being rich and powerful is so you don’t have to follow the rules that apply to everyone else.
No, Marvin, she hasn’t done her time. She hasn’t paid squat for her crimes. The rich and powerful always get a free pass.
05/12/2008 at 9:24 pm
That nothing compared to Hillary.
Roger Rabbit Riddle
Question: How come the Republicans who criticized Kerry for marrying a rich woman don’t criticize McSame for marrying a rich woman?
Answer: Because they’re hypocrites.
@63 What crimes did Hillary commit, dog? P.S., don’t try to answer, you’ll look like a fool.
Anyway, aren’t all you wingnuts supposed to vote for Hillary now? Rush told you to. You’re supposed to do what Rush says.
@47 Obama was a muslim and he admits it. Not right for America.
@47 Obama was a muslim and he admits it. Not right for America.
What I read earlier when I posted it is that she had to pay restitution, pay a fine, perform community service and enter narcotics anonymous.
Isn’t that paying her debt to society?
And who makes the decisions? Government judges. You know how I feel about inept and corrupt government employees.
And why is that, maybe because high priced lawyers know all the loopholes and technicalities to get their clients off.
Sandy burglar got how much time for stealing documents and destroying them to protect clinton??
Let’s see: No jail time. Punishment limited to paying for the drugs she stole. All her dirty laundry kept under wraps. Sounds like special treatment to me. How many Average Joes get a deal like that?
She should have gotten the Hillary treatment…. you know where all she says is that she couldn’t recall what happened and then mysteriously found the misplace drugs in her closet. No harm no foul. Ala Hillary.
Question: How come the Republicans who criticized Kerry for marrying a rich woman don’t criticize McSame for marrying a rich woman?
Answer: Because they’re hypocrites.
No there not. Republicans don’t care where you get your money from just as long as you get to keep it where the dems engage in class envy. The repubs have every right to call Kerry on this.
The jealously drips from your posts like saliva from a rabid dog’s mouth. But I digress…
How do you define rich? $100,000? $500,000? $1 million?
$4.2 million like obama?
If you consider that $4.2 million is “rich,” does that mean that you believe that obama wants to be rich so he doesn’t have to follow the rules that apply to us?
Speaking of Kerry, I wonder how many times we will hear the democrat presidential nominee this year say they “served in Vietnam”. Wait, nevermind. hehehehe
A democrat with money is by definition an “elitist ” by their own philosophy. That is why it is so easy to peg the hypocrite label on a liberal dem. You dems only have yourselves to blame. roof roof.
Right wing cur –
Here’s your fantasy:
And here’s reality:
Eat shit cur!
one thing kerry and obama have in common is there wifes are butt uguly.
Wow, the wingnuts are restless. The sense of certain death for the GOP is beginning to linger in the air. The future is bleeding into the present. McCain is the lead lemming, and he’s headed for the chasm.
45 MS
Oh, well, if professional comedian Roseanne Barr talks about “riots in Denver” then you know you should take it seriously. Sometimes you guys can still surprise me with the lack of depth perception you evidence.
76 D
Oh, good one. “Their wives are ugly.” This is why you will lose. You’ve got nothing.
I think a lot of people agree with you. Air america hosts are not to be believed. After all those mishaps by randi rhodes one would have a problem disagreeing with you.
Do also feel the same way about former host al “don’t pay my taxes” franken. He’s a professional comedian, and he’s running for office.
He’s a professional comedian, and he’s running for office.
How is that any different from a grade-B movie star running for political office?
And when, for that matter, did Air America start setting the liberal agenda? When it was sold to Green Family Media?
80 MS
No, Al Franken is a politician who used to be a comedian. Right now he is the Democrat with the best chance of defeating Norm Coleman for his Senate seat.
So in teh vein of what I said, the fact that you expect that the world or the country will pay attention to what Roseanne Barr thinks, or that you think that anyone will assume that this is serious political analysis (on her part or yours) still floors me.
@69 “Isn’t that paying her debt to society?”
No, not when you consider that our jails and prisons are full of people who are there for possession. And when they get out, they’ll have criminal records that will hound them for the rest of their lives. Cindy McCain suffered negligible consequences compared to most drug offenders in this country. Her wealth and position shielded her from the weight of the law. She is a prime example of how the rich and powerful get preferential treatment from our (in)justice system.
@71 “Republicans don’t care where you get your money from …”
No, they don’t, do they? To Republicans, it’s all the same color of green, regardless of whether you got it from building a business or robbing a bank. One of the endearing traits of the Republican crowd is that they judge you only by how much money you have, making it possible for crooks, spammers, and porn kings to rise to the party’s highest social levels.
@72 “The jealously drips from your posts like saliva …”
Jealousy? Once again, your stupidity reeks on the page like rotting onion peels. No, Marvin, jealousy has nothing to do with it; it’s about respect for law and everyone being equal in the eyes of the law.
Unfortunately, such concepts fly way over the head of a sophomoric moron like you, forcing you to rationalize them away by banal resort to gut emotions.
MS @ 80 wrote:
Either you are so misinformed that you have no idea what you are talking about, or, you’re a pathetic liar.
Explain how I’m misinformed.
Are you saying al franken isn’t a comedian?
Or he wasn’t an air america host?
Maybe he’s not running for office?
The fact he didn’t pay taxes isn’t debatable.
(taxes in 17 states and workmens comp he didn’t pay if you’re too lazy to follow all those links)
Explain how I’m misinformed.
Are you saying al franken isn’t a comedian?
Or he wasn’t an air america host?
Maybe he’s not running for office?
The fact he didn’t pay taxes isn’t debatable.
(taxes in 17 states and workmens comp he didn’t pay if you’re too lazy to follow the link)
Like I asked, how much do you consider rich?
Obama reported $4.5 million on his income taxes.
Is he rich?
Did she enact the 3 strike laws, or mandatory sentencing, or the clinton crime bill? Unless she didn’t obey the law by following the orders of the court I’m not sure why you are complaining.
So, what about Patrick kennedy? Is he one of those rich and privileged that gets away with any and everything?
“Because no Democrat has won without it [West Virginia] in the memory of any man or woman alive today.”
Close, Piper. No ‘Crat has won without Bobby’s Country-Road home since 1916.
“No one is talking about “riots in Denver” but El Rushbo.”
And the Reverend Sharpton of the Religious Left.
And Bob Barr’s twin brother, Roseann.
And, that venerates the golden age of police-state liberalism, 1968 Chicago.
MS @ 88:
You’ve made it very clear: You are a liar and intellectually lazy.
Read on
One of us is stupid. Explain why you think I lied.
Considering the headline off the link you provided says-
Franken To Pay $70K In Back Taxes
sounds like my assertion in #80 he didn’t pay his taxes.
…will be paying $70,000 in back taxes and penalties in 17 states…
Wow, 17 states just like I said in #88
My link or your link, he didn’t pay taxes. Worse yet, he got caught by minnesota democrats exposed
Okay, prove you’re not stupid and I’m a liar.
Good luck.