From the HA comment threads:
Stefan Sharkansky says:
The Democrat whom you’ll eventually support for Congress in the 8th District, Rodney Tom, also opposes the state death tax.
Stefan Sharkansky says:
I don’t care who wins the Democrat primary in this race. But I will have a bit of smug satisfaction in fall 2008 when all of you Darcy fans have to eat sh*t and campaign for a formerly nominal Republican turned nominal Democrat who supports photo ID at the polls, opposes the death tax and supports charter schools. tee-hee.
Stefan Sharkansky says:
Yes, but you’ll still be supporting disgruntled former Republican legislator Tommy Rod after he cleans Darcy’s clock in next year’s primary
Goldy says:
Thanks for the prediction, Stefan. I’ll be sure to quote this back at you when Darcy wins the nomination (or perhaps, when Tom withdraws next spring.)
Consider it done.
I LOVE IT!!!!!
When a wingnut makes a prediction and falls flat on his face, there’s no sweeter moment.
Are you listening DOOFUS, Gassy Sh*thead (GS), Puddywhackjob?
What have we learned people? What is the surest kiss of death to a politician or measure?
Stefan “The Waitress Killer” Sharkansky endorsement.
Thank you Stefan.
PS. How come here you will use the word “shit” but anyone who uses that word on your sucky blog gets banned?
I’m just sayin’.
Stankansky has a string going. . .
How’s that Election Challenge workin’ for ya, Stephan?
1 Oh, Dear Lord! Please, Lord! Let Stephan keep backing Rossi the Magnificent!
But you were WRONG, Goldy. WRONG, WRONG, WROOOOOONG!!1!!eleven!! He didn’t drop out next spring; he dropped out this summer. So, you guys were equally wrong! So, um, SUCK ON THAT!1!
Ouch, channeling wingnuts hurts.
For once I’m left speechless! Stefan’s eloquence is so breathtaking, I can think of nothing to add. (smirk)
Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog! (Which is not surprising; yours sucks.) So how’s the lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCRE coming along? Have you gotten past summary judgment yet? Did you impress the judge with your argument that the 600,000 pages of documents they gave you access to wasn’t enough, that he should fine county taxpayers because they overlooked a few? Have you, on top of free use of a room in a county building and the full-time wait-staff services of a county employee for two weeks, gotten money from the county? If so, did you share any of these funds with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who helped pay for the lawsuit? If not, do you plan to use these taxpayer-derived funds for public benefit? For example, by making sure pollworkers like me don’t leave any ballots in the voting machine bases? Even though you can’t personally handle a pollworker job yourself, do to your inability to follow the simple instructions in the manual, and the fact you’re not amendable to supervision? Why have you been so quiet about this lawsuit for the last year? Just wondering.
amenable not amendable (although I’m pretty sure that Stefan not only is not amendable but also is not amendable, he being entrenched in ideological rigidity and troglodyte stasis)
@2 Ah, but you didn’t give him credit for using the asterisk … that’s so little kiddies won’t know he’s using a naughty word!
“Mommy, what does sh*t mean? I read it on the internet.”
Woo-hoo!!!! LOL.
Give Stefan his own radio show? Yeah, sure, go ahead.
“Mommy, does sh*t mean the same thing as when Daddy says, ‘oh shit’ when he’s taking me to daycare and the car behind us turn on a flashing blue light?”
@7 due not do
OK, I’m (sort of)(relatively) new here, evidently. What is this:
“!!1!!eleven!!” that you speak of?
@14: it’s an indicator of the (spoofed) passion of the writer that s/he is hitting the exclamation point key a lot but sometimes lets go of the shift key, as in:
“The tinfoil hat is protecting me from the black helicopters!!!!!!1111”
which is then further twisted to:
…because it’s funny.
More than you wanted to know (wikipedia)
chadt @ 14,
It’s an intentional malapropism. When people on the internets get a little… emotional, they sometimes accidentally don’t hit the shift button for each exclamation point, and you get things like !!1!!!11!. So, making fun of that, you can just write “one” or “eleven” in between exclamation points.
It’s one of those internet things that don’t make much sense to normal people. That you didn’t know is a good thing.
Or, what OM said.
Another TJ is t3h 1337!!!11!!
OY! Tengs.
Oh noez! He published teh 1337 c0dez! A TJ is teh sux0rz!!!elventy!111
OK, lets get back to ripping Sharkansky’s considerable ass. I mean it is such a big target. Larry Craig could’t miss it.
OK, lets get back to ripping Sharkansky’s considerable ass. I mean it is such a big target. Larry Craig couldn’t miss it.
Reichert is going down this time….. It is what he deserves for voting against the people time after time after time…..
Zero Republicans!
Hey Stefan,
Could you please, one at time of course, endorse a Republican candidate for president? As each of your endorsements drops out, would you please endorse another? Culminating of course with your final endorsement of the last man left standing.
Thank you for you help in this matter.
you help should be “your help”
Clueless YLB @1: You mean your Merry Fitzmas or was it your Tom DeLay rants too?
You mean the ‘former’ Tom DeLay. He’s toast, WaxMan.
26 – C’mon Puddybud – let’s hear your predictions.
You’ve been on a losing streak a long, long, time PWhacko.
Yes, Pudwhacker, as a black man in today’s society, who do you think is prepared to lead us now that Rodney Tom has resigned, Sen Warner has retired and Sen Craig has sucked one pipe too many?
Too much fun!
Hey Marvin,
As the dumbest poster here, what do you think? Now that Tom has quit, Warner retired and Craig has sucked the big one, who is prepared to take their places?
(side note) if you will notice, I don’t cut and paste. I also don’t need 15 minutes to bang out a post. Not everyone suffers from your disability. Stupidity.
Again, thanks for playing along.
Give Stefan a break.
It’s hard enough having minority views all the time. Gotta give him credit for fighting for his beliefs even though he has only a smattering of similar-minded folks to support him.
Stefan was just offering a little political-insider tip when he said “The Democrat whom you’ll eventually support for Congress in the 8th District, Rodney Tom….”
Yeah…I guess he really is a lousy tipper.
There is a new rumor that Stefan will announce as a democrat and run against Sunny Jim.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Stefan was just offering a little political-insider tip when he said “The Democrat whom you’ll eventually support for Congress in the 8th District, Rodney Tom….”
Yeah…I guess he really is a lousy tipper.
Harsh, dude. Hilarious – don’t get me wrong – but harsh.
Has anyone noted that the Darcymeter keeps exceeding its max number. By the time I finish typing it could well break 130k.
We need a new graphic folks.
@32 “It’s hard enough having minority views all the time. Gotta give him credit for fighting for his beliefs even though he has only a smattering of similar-minded folks to support him.”
We’re giving him the same break he gave that waitress. Oh wait! That’s impossible — Stefan wasn’t employed to begin with. He’s living off his lawyer wife’s income. I believe people call such men “gigolos.”
Isn’t a story about the minnow being wrong sort of like posting a story about it raining in Seattle? Sure it is accurate, but when it happens so often, is it really news?
“Gotta give him credit for fighting for his beliefs even though he has only a smattering of similar-minded folks to support him.”
While his dedication might seem admirable, it’s really borne of malice toward the overwhelming majority of his neighbors, who disagree with him on almost everything. Hence his name-calling, “nutroots”, to describe dedicated citizens who work towards a better world — and whose grip on reality is far more solid than Sound Politics’.
“Sure it is accurate, but when it happens so often, is it really news?”
If he was just a poor fellow, ranting on a street-corner in the rain, we might then show him some brief pity, and move on. But he’s got some cachet with our local mainstream media (Joel Connelly and employer) and he’s not an isolated example. For years now, our political discourse — not to mention our country — have been run by equally foolish white men. Although completely and disastrously wrong about virtually everything almost all of the time, they continue to have supporters. Furthermore, the unapologetic malice with which the right-wing noise machine (to coin a phrase) assaults the rest of us requires our forceful response. Luckily for us, the ridiculous has no defense against ridicule, and thus we pour it on, like firefighters lavishing water on a malignant blaze.
I don’t care who wins the Democrat primary in this race. But I will have a bit of smug satisfaction in fall 2008 when all of you Darcy fans have to eat sh*t and campaign for a formerly nominal Republican turned nominal Democrat who supports photo ID at the polls, opposes the death tax and supports charter schools. tee-hee.
Kiss your momma (Irene) with that mouth? Tee-hee indeed.