If they’d made this up on The Wire, critics would have laughed at how unrealistic it was:
The Department of Justice is seeking to hire linguists fluent in Ebonics to help monitor, translate, and transcribe the secretly recorded conversations of subjects of narcotics investigations, according to federal records.
A maximum of nine Ebonics experts will work with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Atlanta field division, where the linguists, after obtaining a “DEA Sensitive” security clearance, will help investigators decipher the results of “telephonic monitoring of court ordered nonconsensual intercepts, consensual listening devices, and other media”
And it just made me think of this:
Surely you can’t be serious!
Gosh ..
next they will be hiring experts in J(apane)anglish, Scots English, and hill billy.
errr ahhh .. why not? How fluent are you in the black dialect?
‘ The Department of Justice is seeking to hire linguists fluent in Ebonics to help monitor, translate, and transcribe the secretly recorded conversations of subjects of narcotics investigations, according to federal records.
A maximum of nine Ebonics experts will work with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Atlanta field division, where the linguists, after obtaining a “DEA Sensitive” security clearance, will help investigators decipher the results of “telephonic monitoring of court ordered nonconsensual intercepts, consensual listening devices, and other media”’
This is an “outrage” again how? Stoner Lee mad! Huff! Huff! Waaahhhhaaa! Laws bad, weed good! LOL. Sniveling little pussy as usual. No shocker here. Too bad tyrant douche bag little fanatical Lee somehow is fertile. :)
I wonder how many votes this tea bagger will get?
Here is some really weird news:
A Seattle biotech firm, AVM Biotrech, with roots in the UW is working with the radical religious right to block stem cell research.
A federal judge has recognized AVM’s standing in court because, the Seattle firm claimed such research could hurt their business interests.
The result is an injunction blocking research using human embryonic stem cell lines!
May God help us all!
More details and links at The Ave:
@4 This is America! Any jackass can run for any office he wants. That doesn’t mean he’ll be elected.
@5 Yeah, some people have a vested financial interest in the continuation of disease and death. I can see why heavily-invested purveyors of traditional therapies and medicines, for example, would feel threatened by a stem-cell breakthrough that might eliminate the need for whatever those guys sell. It’s sort of like buggy-whip manufacturers lobbying against automobiles.
I speak rabbit! Anyone need a rabbit translator? Rabbits eat lots of vegetable matter!
Lee, when I saw this story I immediately came here to see if you would have a comment, and you did not disappoint.
This is an example of why the war on drugs is not going away. Nine Ebonics translators=9 otherwise unemployed people now making $75K, and nine families worth of voters, now utterly persuaded that fighting the drug war is the right thing for the country to do.
# 1: “I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley!”
Dang it, rhp6033; you beat me to it.
This is an example of why the war on drugs is not going away. Nine Ebonics translators=9 otherwise unemployed people now making $75K, and nine families worth of voters, now utterly persuaded that fighting the drug war is the right thing for the country to do.
An excellent point. Although perhaps they could get jobs working in a marijuana production facility after their jobs become obsolete. :)
looks like the Seattle Times did another hit piece on public school teachers and Senator Murray today.
Making shit up and misconstruing facts and calling it news –
It is sort of funny that the Times is sucking up on the Tea Baggers.
Note to the Times moronic editors – the Baggers hate you too, maybe even more than they hate black presidents. But it is very funny watching you guys destroy your base readership.
Hey, did you know every time you watch Fox News you DIRECTLY support funding terrorism against America!? Who said that? Fox News!
They were making the point that the “ground zero mosque” (which isn’t at ground zero, or a mosque) “might” be “partially” funded from the Kingdom Foundation…a fund that “might” support radical Islam. Guess what wingnut anti-fact nutballs…that foundation is funded by Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal…the co-owner of Newscorp (Fox News). Your co-owner is the guy you’re accusing of funding terrorism and using that mere link of his personal charity to smear the “ground zero mosque” (which isn’t at ground zero or a mosque). The co-owner of Fox News also has ties to the Carlyle Group, which is linked to the Bin Laden family, who’s son (Osama) was the mastermind behind 9/11.
Fox News…when you watch, you kill Americans.
Let’s just start with the obvious fact that school budgets are written based on both current funding and projected funding. But you already knew that Editors, didn’t you, and you left that out on purpose just to be assholes.
Mr. Klynical on home defense for goatfuckers:
Their preparatory training assignment is to watch episodes of Fat Albert.
Gee…where’s hwere’s our Puddyduddybuddy with his “P-bonics”…that’s just the ticket!
I can only imagine what a field day a good defense attorney would have disecting the testimony of a DEA agent on the stand testifying about Ebonics and bugged phone conversations.
I saw that too.
I read the article in the NYT, who named the plaintiffs, two adult stem cell scientists, complaining that the money going to ESC work is taking maoney away from them! (Novel grantsmanship strategy!) (The original suit included “embryos” as plaintiffs and was dismissed for lack of standing!)
Anyway – her bio at the AVM website is written in a really weird, kinda grandiose manner, though she has worked at all the local big biotechs – Zymo, Immunex/Amgen – though she’s gone off and started AVM for people morally opposed to ESC work. I’d be very interested in what her former co-workers had to say.
The other plaintiff held a hunger strike after he didn’t get tenure at MIT. (OMG!) He does seem to have an impressive resume, at least he worked at impressive institutions – I don’t know what sort of scientist he is. Also, a number of other people quit their affiliations with MIT when he was denied tenure; George Church also spoke in support of him (per Wikipedia).
So…whak jobs, or serious scientists? Whatever, they’ve adopted a strategy that I think is very damaging to important research, and see to be doing it as much out of personal/professional gain as moral position.
Just say, Yo!!
I just realized what this article (the main post) reminded me of….
Remember when the FBI conducted a multi-year investigation of the lyrics of the song Louie Louie?
The conclusion was a short report which said that the song was “endecypherable, in any language, at any speed, whether played forward or in reverse”.
“Louie, Louie” (take me to your leader).
“Oh Baby”, (you are powerless, and under our command).
“Said we gotta go”, (resistance is futile).