– Alfred McCoy explains how the history of Afghanistan’s opium problem is not only the heart of what’s so difficult about our mission there – but that it’s also a problem of our own making.
– After likely saving his own life by having a firearm in his home, medical marijuana patient and activist Steve Sarich can no longer legally purchase a firearm because of his medical marijuana use.
– The AARP is asking Idaho Governor Butch Otter to veto a bill that would allow health care workers in the state to ignore people’s advanced directives.
– The case of a medical marijuana patient who was fired from TeleTech Customer Care Management solely for being a medical marijuana user will be heard by the Washington State Supreme Court.
– New Mexico is the first state to explicitly list PTSD as a condition that medical marijuana can be recommended for, intensifying the conflict with the federally run VA system, which does not allow it (but allows other drugs that might be killing people).
– The Census Bureau will be releasing the 2010 population data in a way so that individual states can decline to count prisoners as residents of the (usually more rural) counties that they are imprisoned in. This has historically skewed the amount of representation that rural areas have had when it comes time to draw up legislative district boundaries.
– If there’s a meaningful difference between The Catholic Church and NAMBLA, I can’t seem to figure it out.
– The Drug War Chronicle covers the I-1068 campaign, which when compared to the California effort, is way smaller. But there are now well over 1,000 volunteers across the state collecting the necessary signatures to get marijuana legalization on the ballot here too.
– Teabonics!
Love the teabonics!
– If there’s a meaningful difference between The Catholic Church and NAMBLA, I can’t seem to figure it out
One could take Bill Donohue’s tack and assert that the Church’s pedophiles are somehow ‘better’ than pedophiles in other institutions, but Boys Town and Spencer Tracy will never be the same for me.
One could take Bill Donohue’s tack and assert that the Church’s pedophiles are somehow ‘better’ than pedophiles in other institutions, but Boys Town and Spencer Tracy will never be the same for me.
I thought Bill Donohue’s tack was to claim that the Catholic Church is just a victim of homosexuality. Either way, that guy is an ass.
If there’s a meaningful difference between The Catholic Church and NAMBLA, I can’t seem to figure it out.
Let me help. NAMBLA advocates its positions openly. The Ratzinger Church lies about its activities while hiding behind a cloud of holiness.
Of course, the RatChurch has its own cast of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes so I understand the confusion.
@3, Lee: Donohue has argued that the church pedophiles are “better” because they only took advantage of post-pubescent laddies, thus making it a “homosexual” problem. It has to be seen to be believed.
Lee said:
“- If there’s a meaningful difference between The Catholic Church and NAMBLA, I can’t seem to figure it out.”
I think the Catholic Church has a dress code for the priests, NAMBLA doesn’t.
They should have kicked out the pedophiles and the conservatives and kept the The Dorothy Day/Catholic Worker/Liberation Theology wing of the church strong.
The only real difference is that the NA in NAMBLA means North America. Whereas the Catholic Church operates world wide.
– If there’s a meaningful difference between The Catholic Church and NAMBLA, I can’t seem to figure it out.
Money, scale, and what everybody else has said.
I was thinking of saying that. I was going to word that bullet point more like this:
Some other answers to that question I thought of:
And if I really wanted to stir up the shit:
Damn, now I said it. Let the fun begin.
(looking back, it was bad enough I posted that on Easter) :)
NAMBLA doesn’t claim it’s as persecuted as the Jews, either.
OMG – Teabonics!
No wonder the teabaggers don’t like the “liberal elites” and prefer the stupids like Bush and Palin – they can’t spell worth crap, nor do they remember basic grammatical rules like the proper use of the articles “a” and “an”. Not only is spelling and grammar difficult for them, but they obviously never learned the fine art of proofreading something before displaying it to the world.
Still wondering what “socilism” is….. a cross between soccer and nihilism?
I can’t spell fer (sic) crap either. These people are too stupid to figure out how to use spellcheck or a dictionary.
Look no farther than HA for the kind of Christian hypocrisy Lee is talking about. The problem is a Christian one, not just a problem with Rome.
The problem with the Church is not (just) that it does bad things, the problem is that it claims never to need to take responsibility when it does bad things.
In this, however, Rome is anything but unique. the problem is the Christian concept of “forgiveness.” A forgiving God is nice, but the Christians seem to think this God also provides cover for never taking responsibility for “bad” Christianity. We keep hearing that the bad guys “weren’t TRUE Christians.” Torquemada, Pious IX, Luther, Cotton Mather, the missionaries, the pedofile priests, … apparently the Church(es) are never responsible for their bad acts.
How different is Judaism! The Jewish God is not a forgiving God, He is judgemental. Jews DO bad things, we expect to be punished and learn from our bad deeds.
Back at HA .. loom at Puddy’s Easter posts. He spreads a disgusting layer of manure of his hatred of the non believers. He castigates others, while chortling that His jesus will seek revenge on liberals and catholics.
But then, I suppose Puddy and Cynic are not Christians? I suppose the means Karl Rove and Sarah Palin aren’t Christians either? Seems like a poor yid needs a scorecard!
@13 – only liberal elites use a dictionary or spellcheck. Teabaggers are too afraid their kids might look up words like “democracy” or “oral sex”, thus they want them banned from schools.
@12 SamIam says:
Very funny! Is that where you love yourself more than the ball? Or is that where you pleasure yourself with the ball?
@14: SJ
While I agree some with your analysis:
Please do not take Puddy and Klynical as supreme examples of Christianity and Christian philosophy.
Both are misguided. Klynical is incapable of understanding any deeper meanings in religion or politics. Puddy knows that there is more to religion than his narrow interpretations – but he refuses to let his religious beliefs contradict his overwhelminging one-sided and ignorant political conceptualizations.
Stoner Lee vomits:
‘…Steve Sarich can no longer legally purchase a firearm because of his medical marijuana use.’
So you support him using firearms while stoned? Huh, so it’s OK for drunk people to do same? How about people on acid or meth?
(hears crickets chirping….)
You do realize that by your logic, you’re arguing that anyone who ever drinks alcohol should be prohibited from owning a firearm?
(the crickets are chirping now…)