– Initiative 1068 has been filed. It removes the criminal penalties for adult marijuana use. If enough signatures are gathered, Washington voters will join California voters this November in deciding whether to make it legal for adults to possess and use marijuana. Pete Guither has an interesting write-up on what the federal government might do in response. For now, the Obama Administration’s current strategy appears to be to bury their heads in the sand and pretend none of this is happening.
UPDATE: There will be a volunteer kickoff meeting in Seattle on February 17 (and in Spokane on February 10) to get people started with the signature gathering process.
– The State Senate passed ESSB 5516, which prevents people from being charged with drug crimes if they are reporting a medical emergency. On a less optimistic note, they passed a stricter law against driving while using handheld cell phones, even though a study this week showed that those laws don’t do anything to reduce accidents. [via Balko]
– The sight of ACORN pimp James O’Keefe – a young man whose ties to white nationalists are starting to be exposed – sitting across from Sean Hannity explaining that his arrest last week was just a “misunderstanding” says pretty much everything you need to know about the state of conservatism, race, and justice among the American right. As I watched that happen, my first thought was “when do the ACORN folks get their chance to sit across from Hannity and plead their case?” Compared to what O’Keefe just got caught doing (even just the parts he’s admitted to), what those ACORN workers did was petty. One can imagine what Hannity would say if four ACORN workers were busted trying to mess with the phones in Senator Mitch McConnell’s office. But that inequity never adds up to anyone in the Fox News alternate universe. Their world is one in which whites live by one set of rules involving the ideas of redemption, trust, and innocence until proven guilty, and everyone else is a potential terrorist.
ACORN is an outstanding community service organization. Its vilification in the press is quite unwarranted. The wingnut hate machine doesn’t like it that ACORN gets poor people involved in the political process. Wingnuttia does not recognize the masters it serves, like a for profit tea bag convention, for instance.
yup, and i love the video of that women helping the “prostitute” avoid taxes….tells you everything you need to know about the left.
Even from the very beginning of the whole ACORN-O’Keefe saga, it just never made sense why this guy felt that ACORN was such an important organization to go after. Independent journalists tend to take on the powerful. When they take on the powerless, it generally stems from simple racism.
hannity already ahd someone from acorn across from him. but hy do you want anyone to go on fox, nobody watches that network anyway.
Don’t forget ACCE (formely known as ACORN). I heard they changed their name after they were caught promoting child sex slavery. Another fine community organization for the left. hehehehehe
In what world is that worse than what O’Keefe did?
Even putting aside the fact that there are now claims that the videos are doctored (which may or may not be true), being afraid to tell someone who is representing themselves as a criminal to you that what they’re doing is illegal and they shouldn’t do it isn’t that unusual. People have been shot by organized criminals for far less.
That aside, telling someone how to commit a crime isn’t quite as bad as actually committing one, no matter how you slice it. Are you here to assert that what the ACORN workers did was worse than what O’Keefe did?
Excuse me?
I bet you believe in the Tooth Fairy too.
my apologies. acorn is a fine orginization. and those women who were originaly caught on tape talking about tax evasion, you can tell by looking at them they are classy people, no wonder you defended them.
my apologies. acorn is a fine orginization.
I agree with PL on this. ACORN is a fine organization. If you read the link at comment #7, a number of the branches visited by O’Keefe reported him to the police. It actually takes guts to do this in a community where there’s a lot of pressure to keep people from turning people into the police.
and those women who were originaly caught on tape talking about tax evasion, you can tell by looking at them they are classy people, no wonder you defended them.
Again, this is a petty crime compared to what O’Keefe did. Why aren’t you upset at O’Keefe? Why don’t you view him as a greater threat?
The answer to that question is obvious, even if it’s something that you can’t admit to yourself. You are inherently more afraid of the actions of African-Americans than you are of the actions of caucasians. If a handful of people in an overwhelmingly white volunteer organization do something questionable, you would be able to separate the individuals from the group. But when a handful of people in an overwhelmingly black volunteer organization do something questionable, you find that as an indictment of the entire group.
You do this because you’re a racist.
Wow, we have some reasoned response here, don’t we? Rufus and manoftruth. This is what is left of the Republican Party. Go Sarah!
Well, if it’s not against the law to use cellphones while driving, then it shouldn’t be against the law to read a newspaper while driving, either.
Newsweek: Layoffs Hurt Business
In a blockbuster of a cover story, Newsweek blows away the myth that layoffs make companies more profitable. They do just the opposite.
The money quote: “Today the one airline that didn’t cut staff [after 9/11], Southwest, still has never had an involuntary layoff in its almost 40-year history. It’s now the largest domestic U.S. airline and has a market capitalization bigger than all its domestic competitors combined.”
Drawing on academic research, Newsweek concludes, “Much of the conventional wisdom about downsizing — like the fact that it automatically drives a company’s stock price higher, or increases profitability — turns out to be wrong.” Here, point by point, is what studies reveal about corporate layoffs:
Myth: Companies that lay off workers enjoy higher stock prices.
Findings: Just the opposite is true. Newsweek cited three studies, all of which showed that “downsizing had a negative effect on stock-market returns, and the negative effects were larger the greater the extent of the downsizing.”
Myth: Layoffs increase productivity.
Findings: A 10-year study of U.S. companies showed companies with the biggest productivity gains were as likely to have added workers as to have downsized. Another study, by a Wharton professor, found that while labor costs per employee declined under downsizing, sales per employee fell, too, resulting in no net benefit to the company.
Myth: Layoffs increase profits.
Findings: Several studies showed downsizing reduced profitability. There are several reasons for this. First, layoffs cost money due to severance pay, higher unemployment taxes, etc. Second, companies often lose people they wanted to keep, and incur costs to replace them. Third, morale and productivity suffer among the workers who stay.
The article also explains who large-scale layoffs impose “external” costs on society — for such things as higher health costs — and can hurt the entire business community by pushing the economy into a downward spiral that is difficult to reverse.
“Layoffs,” the Newsweek article concludes, “are mostly bad for companies, harmful for the economy, and devastating for employees.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this is so, why do managers still lay people off? Mostly because everyone else does it, and they’re afraid to be seen as non-conformists. In short, it’s unthinking herd behavior, similar to lemmings running off a cliff.
You do this because you’re a racist.
yeah i know, if you criticize a minority for anything you’re a racist. let look at our culture of bigotry.
if you dont want someone illegaly crossing our borders, you’re as racist.
if you criticize the country of israel, you’re a racist.
if you criticize our welfare policies, you’re a racist.
so, deny the anger thats out here because you choose to try to label people racists to shut them up. thats why we voted for scott brown, anger at the left…deny it, cause that will only make november easier.
Newsweek: Layoffs Hurt Business
and of course, if newsweek says it, it must be true.
@15 The article was written by Jeffrey Pfeffer. His credentials are bachelors and masters degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D. from Stanford, professorships at University of Illinois and University of California–Berkeley, and currently professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
Your credentials are, let’s see, a big mouth attached to a small brain.
I think I’ll take his word over yours.
@15 I assume you don’t run a business, or if you do, it’s in Chapter 7 bankruptcy for the third time this year.
@15 The article was written by Jeffrey Pfeffer. His credentials are bachelors and masters degrees from Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D. from Stanford, professorships at University of Illinois and University of California–Berkeley, and currently professor of organizational behavior at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
are his credentials the same as the ones of the scientists who falsified emails to promote the global warming theory??
@9 “you can tell by looking at them”
Hmm, so what was your first clue there, Mr. Holmes? The color of their skin perhaps?
Why would a fre market conservative be in favor of taxes?
ACORN is committed to lower taxes — especially for entrepreneurs who have discovered that they can do one thing really well and make a small profit in the process.
The trick then is to do that thing over and over until you have a lot of money. Some people make napalm and others fuck strangers for money. If you tax the profits too much, there’s no incentive for the whores to fuck people — and that would make a Republican convention totally intolerable.
Deficit Facts
Military = 47% of deficit
Earmarks = 1% of deficit
@18 I would guess he makes a solid 6-figure income from his university salary, book royalties, consulting fees, and speaking honoraria.
How much do you make waiting tables?
the link on what feds might do in response to states legalizing pot was interesting, as promised, but leaves some unanswered questions.
What happens if I-1068 passes? According to the link “Sure, federal law trumps state law, but that only means that the separate federal prohibition against marijuana remains — a prohibition that the state is in no way obligated to enforce.”
They may not be obligated to, but unless the vote is a landslide, they probably will still wish to. Moreover, is it possible for state to tax & regulate something banned at the fed level? If the state can’t tax it, there is no incentive for them to play ball.
In short I do not see much of a change without favorable support from the Obama admin.
James O’Keefe: Would you buy a used woman from this man?
A brief foray into the lack of mind (not to mention language skills) of one of our resident nutters!
“are his credentials the same as the ones of the scientists who falsified emails to promote the global warming theory??”
Uhhh…So if the e-mails that your media heros have hyped as debunking global warming were falsified, that makes the debunking UNtrue.
Well argued. Nice work!
@17..which business do you run?
being an ex-legal pimp for the state hardly qualifies and running a business.
@11, FTW; lunatic fringe….twilight’s last gleaming.
so, deny the anger thats out here because you choose to try to label people racists to shut them up.
I’m not denying the anger, I’m just explaining that the anger stems from racism. The amazing thing is that you don’t even deny that part. You just seem to be saying that racism is excusable when it’s rooted in anger and enough people share that belief.
There is a poetic irony to the Trolls’ infestation of HA. One that assumingly Goldy can only sit back and grin over. The more they spew, the higher the site counters go. The higher the site counters go, the higher the revenue stream.
Post away you effing retards.
Palins Exposed As Tax Cheaters!
Last week we learned Sarah Palin ripped off Alaska taxpayers by charging off her children’s expenses for luxury hotels, fancy restaurant meals, and even tickets for a stage show on her official state travel vouchers.
Today a new report says Palin and her husband ripped off Alaska again — by not paying property taxes.
The Associated Press reports the Palins failed to pay taxes on two unreported, newly-built, large homes located on waterfront lots on a lake near a popular state park.
An aerial survey revealed two-story homes, a workshop and sauna on property listed as undeveloped lots on assessment rolls on which the Palins paid only $156.13 in property taxes last year. The houses have been there several years; at least one of them was built in 2006.
Palin’s attorney told AP it’s the assessor’s responsibility to find out about improvements, implying the Palins didn’t have to report the construction of the homes to tax authorities or pay taxes on them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are consistent about one thing. Usually they say, “Do as I say, not as I do.” But when it comes to not believing in paying taxes, they set the example! You can count on them to bitch about taxes they don’t pay.
@26 Yes, I own and run a small business that makes money, but it’s none of your business. I won’t post any details for the same reason I don’t post my address or phone number: Rightwing haters are capable of literally anything, as they’ve proved time and again.
Re 25
Let me see if I understand your point-
The credentials of an economist analyzing business models and making conclusions based on that analysis aren’t important. This despite the fact that his track record and real world experience might impact how a person views his analysis.
The credentials of a lying ‘scientist’ who falsified data to support the conclusion he wanted to come to don’t matter either, as they create a double negative. Simple clear thought would prove this to be nonsense, of course. If the scientist didn’t have good history and educational background that would simply bolster claims that his analysis was flawed, not negate them. If he did have both it simply makes his lies more damning. How about those magical melting glaciers that proved to be false too, by the way?
@ 30 For the Palin’s, it’s always someone else’s fault.
“When constructing or placement of any building 480 square feet, or an addition to an existing structure greater than 10 percent of the existing square footage; requires a Mandatory Land Use Permit. A Borough Code Officer will review the application and determine compliance with Setbacks, Zoning, Flood Plain Development standards, Conditional Uses and other related ordinances.” Matanuska-Sustina Borough Codes.
So unless thos two story structures have a footprint of under 240 square feet (about 15′ by 15′ or just slightly more than two lying down Shaqs) they broke one law. How would the assesor find out about new construction? Would that be the permit process? We’re entering into willful tax-evasion territory here. And they appear to have lawyered up. D’oh!
No, you’ve completely missed the point, your utter failure at debate. See if you can catch the double negative in your original post.
Media uses data from e-mails to suggest global warming is a myth.
Those emails were falsified.
Therefore, arguements based on the contents of those emails is tainted by false evidence.
It’s not a question of your conclusion based on the actual release of the e-mails. It is a problem of how you state your point which, Q.E.D. was in error.
Reminds me of a restaraunt review I read recently. In a glowing review, the wirter ended with, “In my 10 plus times dining here, they have never failed to disappoint.”
Language, when used improperly, means the opposite of what you were trying to say.
That was the only point.
Whoops, math. That would be just under 17′ buy 17′ or about 2.5 lying down shaqs or just slightly smaller than my living room.
I would think in many cases there’s a benefit to the stock price. When companies lay off people, it signals to the irrational, greed-crazed crowds in the financial markets that “they’re managing their company”. Sends the stock price up.
Top management wouldn’t let a little thing like rational management of their company for the long term to get in the way of a huge payday in stock options for themselves in the near-term.
Just off the top of my head.
As for that handheld cellphone study,
coolblue9 commented that –
I know I’ll feel safer crossing the streets. After the first law was passed I saw fewer people using their cellphones while driving. Then once folks realized there was no enforcement – handheld cellphone use rocketed. Nothing scarier than a lost tourist trying to navigate Uptown while trying to get directions from somebody on their handheld cellphone.
@32 There’s no cause-and-effect relationship between the contents of e-mails and whether the world is getting warmer. Even if every scientists on the planet was lying through his teeth, the polar and alpine glaciers would be melting anyway.
You don’t need a Ph.D. or even a night-grade education to see what’s going on — all you need is a pair of functioning eyes:
At a slightly more sophisticated level of intellectual reasoning, it should be obvious that the billions of tons of CO2 that humans spill into the atmosphere every year has to be having some sort of physical effect on how the atmosphere functions in terms of trapping heat on the earth’s surface. Without an atmosphere, that heat would dissipate into space, and Earth would be a frozen and lifeless planet. If you release heat-trapping gasses in decayed organic matter buried deep under the earth’s surface into the atmosphere, you’re obviously going to retain more heat at the planet’s surface.
ninth-grade not night-grade
@36 “I would think in many cases there’s a benefit to the stock price. When companies lay off people, it signals to the irrational, greed-crazed crowds in the financial markets that “they’re managing their company”. Sends the stock price up.”
Dr. Pfeffer’s Newsweek article specifically debunks this widely-held belief. The academic studies of what happens to companies’ stock prices after layoffs show the opposite effect: Stock prices go down.
Why do managers lay peeps off?
To rid themselves of lazy no good peeps like you arschloch!
For this weekend’s news roundup, I have a couple of economics items.
(I read a lot of stuff about economics, and not just because I like the subject, and it was my best college subject — I had a perfect 4.0 GPA in my economics minor. I also like it because I make money by beating people who know less than I do out of their money. It took me too long to figure out you don’t make money in our economy by working for it; wages are small-time stuff. The real money is in manipulating capital.)
First, Roger W. Ferguson Jr., CEO of TIAA-CREF and a former No. 2 man (i.e., vice-chair) at the Federal Reserve, writing in Business Week, a conservative business-oriented publication, says to retire on 70% of your pre-retirement income “you need to save 10% to 14% of your income each year.” But other economists will tell you that if everyone did that, it would be disastrous for our consumption-based economy.
The second item concerns deficits, a much-discussed topic these days. And, specifically, it debunks the ideas of GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, whose mantra is fervently embraced by Mr. Cynical Goatfucker these days.
GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell says the deficits should be erased entirely by cutting spending. To date that, we would either have to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid spending in half; or eliminate “all discretionary non-security domestic programs, including aid to education, the National Institutes of Health, and air-traffic controllers,” which plainly isn’t feasible. (Air traffic without controllers? Impossible.)
The article equally takes Democrats to task for their schemes to tax the rich. You can’t, the writer says, get enough money that way because there simply aren’t enough rich people.
But the real hidden gem in this article is how it takes apart Rep. Ryan:
“Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, has a comprehensive budget and tax proposal. It, for sure, would cut spending, eliminating Medicare and Medicaid and replacing them with voucher systems or block grants to the states and partially privatizing Social Security. More than a few poor people and Americans with disabilities would get less health-care support.
[Roger Rabbit Commentary: What would be a Republican spending proposal if it didn’t fuck the poor?]
“On Social Security privatization, Ryan doesn’t talk much of the severe losses some senior citizens would have suffered over the past two years.
[Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, any Republican “reform” proposal is bound to let Wall Street loot senior citizens’ retirement savings, too.]
“On the tax side, the Ryan proposal envisions the most sweeping changes in U.S. history. He would retain President George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy at a cost of $700 billion over the next decade. His plan would also eliminate all taxes on capital gains, dividends and interest, with the bulk of the benefits going to those earning more than $1 million a year and would cut the corporate tax rate while adding an 8.5 percent business consumption tax. ‘This would be the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy that we’ve ever seen,’ says Robert Greenstein of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington.
[Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, of course, any Republican proposal also involves more tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and workers, coupled with absurd claims that we can tax-cut our way out of deficits.]
“The most delicious part of the sweeping Ryan proposal is his assertion that it is budget friendly, a claim he makes by citing a CBO analysis that even with massive tax cuts, revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product would be at 19 percent in 2030. How could that be? Simple, the CBO analysis makes clear: It’s because Ryan’s staff instructed them what it would be, not based on any analyses of what changes the tax cuts really would produce.”
[Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the money quote. Ryan makes it work by making up numbers. When you get right down to it, the Republican rationale for tax cuts and spending reductions always are built on a foundation of lies and phony financial statistics. It’s legal for congressmen to do this, because of the First Amendment. If a CEO did the same thing in his financial reports, he’d be looking at prison time.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s a waste of time to argue with a closed-minded old fool like Mr. Cynical Goatfucker, but this article should be required reading for anyone who’s tempted to take seriously Goatfucker’s repetitive rants about Rep. Ryan’s financial frauds on the American people.
“To do that” not “to date that”
chechsaaz, whiskey tango, foxtrot?
Corrected and verified by thousands of libtardo media articles.
You can’t change historical fact no matter how many times you try!
Racist Roger Rabbit–
Takes apart Paul Ryan (R-WI) and next President of the United States of America??
Of course we have a spending problem.
And the vast, vast majority of Americans believe that.
Just not the Guv’mint Union Goons.
Ryan will resonate with middle America…unlike the Elitist Snob-bama!
From the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Worse than pre-SOU!
Progressivism is D-E-A-D!
Hey Racist Roger–
Suck on this bitter pill-
Thursday, February 04, 2010
And you say you can take apart Ryan??
Are ya nuts?
Re 38
“There’s no cause-and-effect relationship between the contents of e-mails and whether the world is getting warmer.”
No, but when the content of the emails includes discussions of how to hide the lack of warming, fiddle the numbers and generally lie, that does matter.
Do glaciers and climates fluctuate? Sure, and they did long before high population and high tech put extra pressure on the environment.
If the Global Warming hoax has the effect of making human beings better stewards of the precious resources we have that’s no bad thing. If it does so by making poor and desperate people more poor and more desperate it is.
You were laid off a while back.
Why the F did that happen?
Was the big cheese a cheap labor right wing idiot?
@47 “If the Global Warming hoax has the effect of making human beings better stewards of the precious resources we have that’s no bad thing. If it does so by making poor and desperate people more poor and more desperate it is.”
Hmmm…could the same thing be said for cutting taxes on the rich and corporations while initiating unjustifiable wars?
Oh…in case someone’s about to accuse me of blaming the last administration for our current difficulties (Who the fuck made that “rule”, anyway?) I’m not. I’m merely considering what the current prattlings of the right indicate they wish to do in the future.
hhh yes, Puddy struck a chord with the arschloch. My industry… look it up fool contracted. Hey fool Puddy working again.
What say you fool?
@44 And you can’t change the fact that alpine glaciers have retreated in the last 40 years all over the world no matter how much you deny it.
@45 “Ryan will resonate with middle America…”
How? By promising to cut Social Security benefits in half and privatize Medicare?
I cna hardly wait for you guys to run on a platform of replacing income taxes on millionaires with a 30% federal sales tax on middle America.
@46 Where the hell did Rasmussen find the 13% who said they’ll pay higher taxes? Did he have to waterboard them?
That poll is about as useful as a poll saying 100% of the people would love to have a winning lottery ticket.
Something for nothing is what America is all about, Klown. Any politician can tell you voters want public services and don’t want taxes.
@47 I won’t discuss the e-mails with you tonight — I don’t have the time right now. I’ll just throw out that there’s more to that story than you’re telling. The photos of glaciers then and now don’t lie. The world has gotten warmer over the last 40 years. That’s an irrefutable fact.
The argument that cutting taxes for the rich lifts all boats is a hoax.
Let the comedy begin!
Don Benton, veteran state senator, seeks to take on Patty Murray in November
Awesome! That fat fuck is going to take a beating in the press. He’s a gasbag.
50 – zzzZZZZZZZzzzz.. struck a chord… pffftt..
Like you’d think I’d care.. Nice way to sidestep the fact that your miserable ass was “reallocated”.
By the way, the chimp looked DOWN:
At what his policies had wrought and what his sycophants had enabled twice.
But NOLA is back! Congratulations SAINTS!!!
Like Puddy said above ylb arschloch… where you working again fool? You sidestep that question every day moron. Why? Too many rough hits at home from the working spouse? You can review your HA free backup you provide Goldy for Puddy’s industry fool. Good luck and good hunting.
Who sidestepping anything except you not answering the question? We know your induestry is sitting on your ASS playing the fool. Oh yeah… you run like a feather-plucked chicken when confronted… you change the topic.
Run ylb arschloch run.
Have you started counting all the times you use whackamole sites yet? Run ylb arschloch run.
Read the thread Puddy. I know you don’t like to get full context (see your interpretation of health care bills.) It does not matter what conclusion you come to regarding what those e-mails mean. the way the original argument was made was the OPPOSITE of it’s intent.
It’s a literacy and logic issue, not a factual one.
. To a progressive libtardo, facts always fall to literacy and logic (progressive logic that is).
Also Puddy’s interpretation of health care bill seems to match the independent and unaffliated voters of Massachusetts… you know the ones yo peeps call tea baggers.
You seem anxious to revisit your “claims” about the house health care bill. Remember that? Remember all the sentences you quoted pretending that the full paragraph proved you didn’t read the bill and were in fact the opposite of your claim? Remember getting your ass handed to you?
Puddbud remembers, except when he chooses to ignore an ass kicking. Why don’t you ask someone to look it up for you?
GOPers Reject Health Summit
Republicans have been telling us congressional and administration leaders should start over on health care, and also have been complaining about closed-door meetings.
So President Obama invited them to a televised bipartisan meeting to discuss health care. And they said “nyet.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It would appear their calls for a bipartisan process and openness were mere grandstanding. They’re only interested in obstructionism.
What Republicans want, of course, is legal immunity for rich doctors who injure their patients. At injured patients’ expense, of course. To that, I say “nyet.” Taking away the right of injured patients to sue negligent doctors and hospitals solves nothing. It merely feeds the Republican impulse of greed.
Bellevue City Councilman Kevin Wallace has proposed an elevated light rail rail along I-405, with the station located on property owned by his family.
The chief climate scientist at East Anglia University was driven to thoughts of suicide by anonymous death threats, AOL News reports.
Here at HA, trolls have posted an endless stream of bullshit about the EAU controversy. Here are the facts:
1. Deliberate efforts were made to sabotage the scientific work of EAU’s climate science department by flooding it with information requests its small staff couldn’t handle.
2. The hacking of EAU’s secured computers were a criminal act that violated laws.
3. The numerous anonymous death threats received by EAU scientists are cowardly criminal acts.
4. The stolen e-mails show the scientists reacting angrily to the harassment by climate science opponents, but do not call the integrity of their scientific work into serious question.
5. Independent scientific reviews by outside organizations, such as the National Academy of Science, have affirmed the validity of EAU’s climate science work.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The argument that man-caused global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a small cabal of dishonest scientists at an English university is childish and silly. There is a broad consensus among thousands of scientists working at institutions all over the globe that earth’s climate is warming and human activities are at least partially to blame. This conclusion is supported by decades of study, supported by vast amounts of data, and is readily observable by, among others, anyone who has hiked in glaciated mountain ranges such as the North Cascades and Swiss Alps. It is illogical that the billions of tons of CO2 annually dumped into the atmosphere by human burning of fossil fuels has no effect on the atmosphere’s functioning in retaining heat. Global warming conspiracists have made no serious science-based rebuttal argument but instead have resorted to opposing reputable science with demagoguery, lies, ad hominen attacks, and criminal attacks on scientific institutions; their motives are selfish and primarily financial.
Bring it.
Was it the $3000+ fine? – Nancy Pelosi
Was it the abortion issue? – Bart Stupak
Was it the illegal aliens? – Ben Nelson
Please tell Puddy!
@68 What’s your solution to America’s health care crisis, puddy? The GOP’s solution is doing nothing. You can vote for that if you want to, but I won’t.
Easy Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny…
First jobs… Remember your preznit Odumba said the new priority is creating jobs. Where you been Herr Goebbels Himmler Dumb Bunny? Second, there are Republican ideas Odumba is not listening too. Puddy doesn’t think Odumba will listen.