– Be careful when driving with soap, peppermint, oregano, or any number of other substances that test positive as illegal drugs in widely used field tests.
– Some Oregon lawmakers (2 Republicans and 2 Democrats) are trying to overhaul their medical marijuana law. They want the state to control production and ban private growing. Then, they want to tax medical marijuana patients at $98-per-ounce. That’s twice as much as what was proposed in a California bill for recreational users.
I guess in a time of economic distress like the present, our nation’s cancer and MS patients need to step up and pay their share for once.
– On a similar subject, Josh Farley reports on the Bruce Olson trial in the Kitsap Sun.
– As the marijuana decriminalization bill dies in the House, two University of Washington researchers, Katherine Beckett and Steve Herbert, explain why they made a mistake:
This report draws on a wide range of data sources to assess the consequences and costs of enforcing criminal laws that prohibit the use of marijuana. Despite widespread and longstanding disagreement about the continuation of marijuana prohibition, the number and rate of marijuana arrests have increased significantly in the United States since the early 1990s. These arrests are not evenly distributed across the population, but are disproportionately imposed on African Americans. Our findings regarding the costs and consequences of marijuana prohibition, as well as state and local efforts to relax it, are summarized below.
Finding 1: Intensified enforcement of marijuana laws does not achieve the stated goals of marijuana prohibition.
• Marijuana arrests in the U.S. have increased dramatically since 1992. In 2006, there were a record 829,625 marijuana arrests. Nearly half (44%) of the roughly 1.9 million annual drug arrests were for marijuana.
• Despite increases in marijuana arrests, the price of marijuana dropped; its average potency increased; it has become more readily available; and marijuana use rates increased during the 1990s, the decade of increasing rapidly increasing marijuana arrests. It thus appears that the goals of marijuana prohibition have not been achieved.
Finding 2: The collective costs of marijuana prohibition for the public are significant; The personal costs to individuals and their families are also substantial, even in the absence of incarceration
• The enforcement of the laws prohibiting marijuana consumes significant fiscal and organizational resources that could usefully be allocated toward other pressing public safety goals.
• Marijuana arrests are not evenly distributed across the population, but are disproportionately imposed on African Americans.
• The enforcement of marijuana laws imposes a range of social, psychological, and familial costs on those arrested for marijuana law violations. A complete accounting of the costs and benefits of marijuana prohibition requires consideration of these non-monetary costs.
• A full and adequate analysis of the cost of enforcing current marijuana laws requires better and more complete record-keeping and data reporting by the police and others in the criminal justice system.
Finding 3: Decriminalizing marijuana and deprioritizing enforcement of Marijuana laws Leads to no significant increase in marijuana use.
• Many states and localities have either decriminalized marijuana or deprioritized the enforcement of marijuana laws.
• There is no evidence that the decriminalization of marijuana by certain states or the deprioritization of marijuana enforcement in Seattle and other municipalities caused an increase in marijuana use or related problems.
• This conclusion is consistent with the findings of studies indicating that the increasing enforcement of marijuana laws has little impact on marijuana use rates, and that the decriminalization of marijuana in U.S. states and elsewhere did not increase marijuana use
From the Sun, “underground bunker”. Are there any photographs posted anywhere?
Tax pot at $98 per ounce and can’t grow your own? I’d like to see the reaction to them attempting to do this to booze. $104 for a bottle of government-made wine, $110 for a half rack. Coors, Bud, Jack Daniels, home brewing and wine making all outlawed. I’m sure that’d go ever big.
What economic distress? The only thing that has changed in our economy is that people on Wall Street finally realized the IOUs they’ve been writing to each other aren’t real money after all.
I’ll bet Cynical is still wondering why his mommy’s brownies always made him feel better whenever he was sick.
We haven’t heard from Mark the Lying Welsher for a while. He must have run out of appeals.
@3: I bet Cynicals Mommy put that secret ingredient in the brownies – no, not the one you are thinking of! Ex-lax!
My mommy has “lymphoma”.
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
Any wingnuts believe the Faux News propaganda about Obama promising to eliminate earmarks?
Earmarks in FY2008 was one half of one percent of spending – 18 billion.
McSame promised to cut 300 billion of rich people and corporate taxes.
In an era of trillion dollar deficits what’s the bigger problem?
@6 Are you gonna cry if I talk about yo mama?
CYNCYN doesn’t have a mommy – he’s a test tube experiment gone crazy. That’s the only explanation for such an idiot.
Cynical’s mama is so fat, she got on a talking scale and it told her, “Get the fuck off!”
Cynical’s mama is so fat, when he was born it took the doctors two days to find him!
Cynica’s mama is so fat, when she went swimming in the ocean the Makah indians threw harpoons at her.
Those are off the shelf. I’m saving the good ones for when you’re crying.
I could have been Cynical’s Daddy but the line was too long. Worse, the dog at the end of the line was growling at me.
Here’s a good article, your Public Lands Commissioner in action busting (of all things) a reality show:
Obama says US economy sound, reassures investors
Ha ha ha 8% to 10% unemployment, 50k to 100k losing their jobs continually, and
Obama says US economy sound, reassures investors
Tax us some more you asshole, and maybe get out into the real world and see how the F’n Economy is….
How cum libtards can get away with saying anything anytime? http://www.youtube.com/v/VFYwA.....&fs=1
“Oklahoma’s out of ammo because they’re afraid that Obama and his Negro army are going to come and get you.” – Bill Mahar
“You think black people are intimidated from being conservative?” – Bill Mahar
What a Democratic ASSHOLE!
Nice double standard. You can download his crudcast. http://www.hbo.com/billmaher/
@16 Complaining about taxes other people pay is Republicans’ favorite sport.
Republicans say they want a flat tax. Well, I want a flat tax, too. Everyone pays the same rate. No deductions, no exemptions. Let’s start with the state then go national. How about it, pugs, are you up for that?
How cum libtards can get away with saying anything anytime? www. youtube. com /v / VFYwA_d0oho & hl=en&fs=1
“Oklahoma’s out of ammo because they’re afraid that Obama and his Negro army are going to come and get you.” – Bill Mahar
“You think black people are intimidated from being conservative?” – Bill Mahar
What a Democratic ASSHOLE!
Nice double standard. You can download his crudcast. http://www.hbo.com/billmaher/
How cum libtards can get away with saying anything anytime? www. youtube. com /v / VFYwA_d0oho & hl=en&fs=1
“Oklahoma’s out of ammo because they’re afraid that Obama and his Negro army are going to come and get you.” – Bill Mahar
“You think black people are intimidated from being conservative?” – Bill Mahar
What a Democratic ASSHOLE!
Nice double standard. You can download his crudcast. www. hbo. com/ billmaher/
Heh tell me how the 2.2 million who have lost their jobs and the projected 3.9 what will lose their jobs are going to pay all these liberals tax hikes.
Send me one of Pelosi’s private jet’s please, I need to take a gang of my friends to Rome on the taxpayers dime.
But damn those CEO’s with their private company jets.
Since when did Republicans become such champions of political correctness?
Race traitors like Puffybutt must be beside himself. A black man wins the White House while Puffy – an oreo supports the white oppressors. Then there’s the futility of hoping America fails. All in all, the Publicans have nothing to live for so I suggest they do one thing that would improve America – fucking off themselves!
I recall asking you to lay off my heart condition, you disingenuous buffoon, and you wished me dead and suggested I get it right with God.
I am sorry that your mother is ill. I wish her a speedy recovery. Or if the good Lord has other plans, may she pass two days before the devil knows she is gone.
(Before you blow your top, dickwad, you might want to use “the Google” and see that I was quite kind).
Unlike you, of course.
Fuck CYN CYN AND his so-called mother. On other HAPPY news…
Right wing America haters on the radio are getting their ass kicked. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU FUCKING REJECTED RETARDS! GET USED TO IT!
Oh and I love Greogoire’s 1% Property tax limit. Mine went up $1100 this year alone, which is a 20% increase, so I assure you Mary Margaret Haugan’s Camano Island is getting ready for another F’n Camano Island Tea party!
So you agree with Bill Maher?
Just axking…
Couric wins Cronkite award.
Here is how it happened
Ahhhhh, Puddy’s offended; get me a box of tissues
the puddybiotch is the chicken voting for col. sanders.
The right wing traitors on this board shouldn’t read this story. But the rest of us will really enjoy it. It’s a great piece that details just how completely full of shit the Publicans are and how completely and utterly out of touch and out of power they are and continue to be. If you ever wanted a textbook example of hypocrites who have been relegated to American hating whiners, this is it. Great job!
You supply an “opinion” from Frank Rich stillbentover?
Here is fact stillbentover.
“If she becomes speaker in the next Congress, she says, she would press to severely reduce earmarks. “Personally, myself, I’d get rid of all of them,” she says. “None of them is worth the skepticism, the cynicism the public has… and the fiscal irresponsibility of it.””
Puddy placed this and other lies from the mouth of Pelosi here many times. Yet you and your ilk support her and her lies. Amazing.
@30 The ultimate treason of the rightwing haters is people like Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris who advocate the violent overthrow of the lawful government of the United States.
We need to re-establish the House Un-American Activities Committee to investigate these subversives.
Now here is a funny opinion. “Obama’s No Socialist. I Should Know.”
Obama is making socialism much more popular. Yep he sure is. Why did he have to call the NY Times reporter back if he’s no socialist? Kicked the barn door wide open. Obama was working in concert with Henry Paulson on TARP1. Kerry told us this last September. Wharton admits his Socialist Party rose to higher prominence when McCain called Obama one last fall.
Hey clueless wonder, I am an admitted neo-con. What is a neoliberal? A neo proud loony? a clueless wonder? stillbentover? the walking biohazard rujax? surreal the moron? So Puddy looked it up.
http://web.inter.nl.net/users/.....alism.html – “Neo-liberalism is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United States, you can clearly see the effects of neo-liberalism here as the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer….Around the world, neo-liberalism has been imposed by powerful financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Inter- American Development Bank….the capitalist crisis over the last 25 years, with its shrinking profit rates, inspired the corporate elite to revive economic liberalism. That’s what makes it ‘neo’ or new.”
So Obama is a neoliberal. Who knew?
Its socialism if the banks are partially or wholly owned by the government. Isn’t that what we have right now? Its socialism if the health system is government-run. That’s where we’re headed.
Now here is a funny opinion. “Obama’s No Socialist. I Should Know.”
Obama is making socialism much more popular. Yep he sure is. Why did he have to call the NY Times reporter back if he’s no socialist? Kicked the barn door wide open. Obama was working in concert with Henry Paulson on TARP1. Kerry told us this last September. Wharton admits his Socialist Party rose to higher prominence when McCain called Obama one last fall.
Hey clueless wonder, I am an admitted neo-con. What is a neoliberal? A neo proud loony? a clueless wonder? stillbentover? the walking biohazard rujax? surreal the moron? So Puddy looked it up.
http://web.inter.nl.net/users/.....alism.html –
“Neo-liberalism is a set of economic policies that have become widespread during the last 25 years or so. Although the word is rarely heard in the United States, you can clearly see the effects of neo-liberalism here as the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer….Around the world, neo-liberalism has been imposed by powerful financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Inter- American Development Bank….the capitalist crisis over the last 25 years, with its shrinking profit rates, inspired the corporate elite to revive economic liberalism. That’s what makes it ‘neo’ or new.”
So Obama is a neoliberal corporate elitist. Who on HA knew this?
Its socialism if the banks are partially or wholly owned by the government. Isn’t that what we have right now? Its socialism if the health system is government-run. That’s where we’re headed.
Sure are a lot of farting noises coming from the outhouse this morning. Someone’s got a tummyful of gas. See, e.g., #27, 31, 32, & 34 …
A story in the soon-to-be-extinct fishwrapper this morning says GOP legislators want state workers to pay more for their health insurance. I suppose that’s inevitable, given the budget situation, along with hiring and pay freezes. But this is, in reality, a pay cut for the workers which means they will have less income they can spend which means they will buy less from Republican-owned businesses.
Republicans just don’t get it. Their solution is ALWAYS cutting workers’ pay. They don’t seem to understand that workers are most of he consumers, and without consumers, you don’t have businesses. They’re determined to economically kill off their own customers. That looks like economic suicide to me.
Well, if we’re going to cut workers’ pay, I think we should cut executive pay, too. That’s one way we could roll back the obscene price increases in grocery stores. You can get more cost savings from cutting one CEO’s $20 million compensation in half than you can by making 10,000 state workers pay $80 a month more for their health insurance. So why not do the obvious and cut CEO pay? Why don’t Republicans advocate that?
Seems the kos kook-aid drinker are pizzed at Madcow and the ESPN Reject over Cramer.
Then at dummiefunnies.blogspot.com/2009/03/olbermann-mum-on-stewart-vs-cramer.html even more hilarious!
I’m reducing my personal spending. Not that I ever spent that much to begin with. But now that we’re in hard times, and everyone else has to cut back, I’m cutting back too. I’m just not buying as much stuff from Republican-owned businesses as I used to. It doesn’t feel right in these circumstances. If workers have to take pay cuts, then Republican business owners should make less profit. It’s only fair. The pain has to be shared by everyone.
Seems the kos kook-aid drinker are pizzed at Madcow and the ESPN Reject over Cramer.
www. dailykos. com/story/ 2009/3/13/182441/605/592/708251
www. dailykos. com/comments/ 2009/3/13/182441/605/333#c333
Seems the kos kook-aid drinker are pizzed at Madcow and the ESPN Reject over Cramer.
world wide web dailykos dot com /story/ 2009/3/13/ 182441/605/592/ 708251
world wide web dot dailykos dot com /comments/ 2009/3/13/ 182441/ 605/333#c333
A business that cuts its workers’ pay by 10% should cut its prices by 10%. Raising prices while cutting pay doesn’t add up.
Seems the kos kook-aid drinkerz are pizzed at Madcow and the ESPN Reject over Cramer. Ahhh pooor babies. Why are they crying?
Goldy why is the filter eating daily kooks links now? When did this start?
Ahhh no words allowed around kooks links.
Daily Kooks crybabies are:
Why do cops in blue states hate minorities?
Maybe cuz they are neoliberals?
@29 Best executive summary of puttybutt’s gas problem I’ve ever seen.
WASL Comes To The Workplace
An article in Business Week online discusses how corporate HR departments are harnessing a new generation of software to evaluate the “worth” of employees.
This approach assumes everything that makes an employee valuable can be detected, recorded, and correctly weighted by software writers.
It puts “quants” — the same whiz kids who wrecked Wall Street — in charge of your livelihood.
Well, okay, let’s humor these idiots a moment and ask a simple question: Will this new technology be used to give raises to “valuable” employees, or only used to fire employees who may be productive and valuable but whose performance isn’t captured by the software? Will bosses come running to high-scoring employees, waving their test results, and offering them raises? What do you think?
I think it’s going to create work for a whole new generation of lawyers who figure out how to create new class-action causes of action against companies that rush into data-mining as a new technique to take advantage of workers. As a lawyer, I welcome this development! Plaintiff’s lawyers, like CEOs, can never be too rich.
Wow this got past the HA loonies too…
“On Wednesday, President Obama signed a law that bans federal funding of any research that leads to the destruction of human embryos just two days after lifting Bush-era restraints on it.”
Pelletizer, anything from the biohazard rujax is no executive summary.
But thanks for playing the moron game again. You won a bronze medal this time.
Lee, your silence to my question is deafening.
Using data-mining techniques to come up with creative new ways of selecting (and de-selecting) employees is just one more reason not to work.
I mean, the expectations that employers are already putting on employees are already so completely impossible to satisfy, why should anyone bother to even try being an employee or satisfying a boss? You can never work hard enough or produce enough to satisfy your boss, so why even fucking try? It’s like trying to paddle a kayak up Niagara Falls.
Well, my daddy didn’t raise any fools, so I don’t waste my time and energy on working for a boss. I work for myself! I get paid for doing nothing and producing nothing, just like bosses! Frankly, I don’t think anyone should work for someone else. I visualize a society in which everyone is a self-employed independent contractor.
I mean, why should a janitor accept wages of $9.00 an hour to work for some asshole who’s continually socking him with “speed ups” and making him work off the clock, when he can start his own janitorial business and charge the bastard $100 an hour for the same services?
Look, when you sweep floors in a bank or office building, you have overhead costs, not to mention labor costs, so $100 an hour is a reasonable shop rate to charge someone who wants their building swept and the trash baskets emptied. There has to be a reasonable profit margin for the service provider. Auto repair shops charge $100 an hour, so why shouldn’t janitors get that, too? They’re running a business too.
With most lawyers now charging $300 an hour or more, it seems reasonable that $100 an hour should be the minimum that businesses should expect to pay for services of all kinds, whether it’s sweeping floors or wrapping cheeseburgers in that greasy yellow paper that cheeseburders come in.
Republican business owners should have no difficulty understanding this principle. After all, they’re the ones who instituted the idea of paying private mercenaries $150,000 a year, whereas soldiers who are government employees get only $15,000 a year for doing the same work.
As a society, we won’t prosper until we move away from the concept of employment and embrace the concept of self-employment in which everyone is an independent contractor.
puddinghead has a bad case of keyboard diarrhea this morning. wonder what he ate/drank last night? skunk piss?
This article nails it about SF libtards. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03.....ef=fashion
We see this crap NY Slimes author from a sinking ship fishrag who caters to their Democratics in lockstep writing for the sexually depraved cheating NY crowd. Guvnur David Patterson and Ex-Guvnur Eliot Spitzer cum to mind.
Who are these NY crowd Democratic fools? Well on Entertainment Tonight, etc. they screw each over sexually (Sex in the City) and in the Financial Times they screw each other over financially (Bernie Madoff cums to mind). So why this article? Must be the Democratic need more orgasms. I guess this article admits Democratics are selfish ASSes and they need to be more in-touch with their women [pun intended].
53 – The moron is just too weird. Sure sucks to be a loser like him.
Funny that the right-wing trolls here like pudding claim us liberals are losers who have nothing better than to post here at HA.
Yet look who is spewing all over the threads here with a severe case of logorrhoea no matter the time of day or night.
So I ask Puddy, Cynical, Truth, Marvin, etc. what do you actually DO such that you have all this time to spend posting comments on HA?
Gee, Pudwhacker, I live in Texas now. Seems we have problem here (I know you watch the news) and some of our good old boy cops are pulling over Black and Hispanic drivers and threatening them with drug charges and offering to drop the charges if they will sign over their cars and cash and other valuables in some sick perversion of the Rico law.
This is also the state where more people are put to death and the OVERWHELMING majority are of color. In fact if a white man kills a black a woman, he gets life. But if a Black man kills a white woman they string him up.
So take your blue state bullshit, cram it up your ass and come to Texas where DWB is apparently a felony. You can prove to us what a big man you are by trying to be Black where liberals are in the minority.
@57 That’s one of the best suggestions anyone has ever posted on HA! Yes, I think puttynutz should move to a CONSERVATIVE state like Texas and find out what it’s like for a black man to live under the CONSERVATIVE tyranny run by the CONSERVATIVE white assholes he’s been voting for.
Putz, if you do, you’d better get used to walking or riding a mule, because they don’t let black guys drive cars there.
If you don’t believe Tenaha is the armpit of Texas, read this article from the Chicago Tribune: http://www.chicagotribune.com/.....1682.story
Cheney says “Don’t blame us” for the economy. Dana Perino says last week’s up market should be credited to Bush.
Kathleen Parker slams Limbaugh? Oh, that’s right, as with David Frum and others she has been revealed to be a supersecret Democrat and is already roadkill on the Republican highway to the abyss.
@6: Cynical – sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is getting the best treatment possible. Treatment made possible mostly by our tax dollars financing research into cancer – spending and taxing that you oppose.
Any Republicans who are somewhat in touch with reality aren’t real Republicans. They’re just Democrat subversives who somehow infiltrated their party.
@61 Cynical’s mama so hairy, he got rugburn on his face from breastfeeding.
The mayor of Tenaha, Texas is George Bowers. I wonder if he’s related to Samuel Bowers, the notorious Klansman who served 6 years at McNeil Island Penitentiary for his role in the 1964 murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi and was serving a life sentence for another civil rights-era murder at the time of his death?
Three things the wingnuts don’t mention:
1. Bush (President for 8 years and titular head othe republican party- but you hardly ever hear them mention him). the few defenders he has are so out in right field they don’t even matter to themselves.
2. Rush (the leader of the republicans – they bow down to him and no one else can lead) and his drug-addiction, three marriages and lack moral responsibility (yet that is what he supposedly preaches about, the hypocrite).
3. The huge, record deficit put in by Bush and the republicans due to the Iraq war (1 trillion wasted and still going up). All the republican whining about the stimulus package and not a word about the wasted money, no-bid contracts and unneccessary war the republicans supported. When it comes to jobs for real americans – whining. When it comes to wasting money overseas….cheering from republicans.
@54: As if this kind of thing (crazy cults in California) have not been going on for how long?
I think Puddy is just jealous he doesn’t have a research partner.
Of course some of the crazier conservative religious cults ended in the Johnstown, Waco or the multiple-wives and child rapist cults out of the Mormon church.
I agree – Puddy needs to move to a place where like-minded people run things – like rural Texas. Puddy would feel more comfortable there with the Bush defenders and the die-hard conservatives.
Yup, DWB might be a problem but there would not be any “damn liberals” to complain about the practice. You know, liberals, the kind of people that would get upset about illegal use of RICO to target people of color and to steal and hold them hostage until they pay up.
NutRight: Pyddu don’t need one.
Jim Jones was a Democratic you fool. http://www.spirituallysmart.com/jonestown.html
Democratic San Francisco Mayor George Moscone appointed him to the city’s housing authority.
Willie Brown, Democratic Speaker of the California Assembly, in 1976 introduced Jones as a combination Martin Luther King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein and Chairman Mao.
So you agree with Bill Maher?
About what? The quote you provided was a joke. He doesn’t believe it’s literally true. Are you that monumentally stupid that you can’t tell the difference between a comedian telling a joke and a person stating a fact?
Oh wait, what am I thinking, of course you are.
NutRight, you have Mormon issues too? Ain’t that similar to how MOT attacks Jews?
How progressive you are.
Who here is a Bob Kerrey fan? That guy is a moron.
Did you really think that you were making a point there, shit-for-brains?
Yeah right Lee. There was no joking in Maher commentary. Glad you overlooked his hatred. Bill Maher in his “religulous” movie proved his hatred.
“Clarence Thomas, a, a black man who does not represent 95 percent of black people.” – Bill Maher
“You think black people are intimidated from being conservative?” – Bill Maher
Yes those were jokes in Lee World. To real people those are attacks.
Glad you agree with Bill. So progressive. Delusional as always.
You know Lee Puddy mostly gave up swearing on HA except for BULLSHITTIUM calls.
Bob Kerrey – Democratic, need Puddy say more?
But for you Lee, Hey ASSHOLE – Fuck you!
How’s that neo-liberalism where the rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer working out for you?
LMAO. There Puddy feels much better.
“Clarence Thomas, a, a black man who does not represent 95 percent of black people.” – Bill Maher
True statement.
“You think black people are intimidated from being conservative?” – Bill Maher
Um, he was asking someone a question, numbnuts!!
I watched the episode you’re pulling quotes from. The reason that wingnuts are soiling their diapers is because Andrew Breitbart got humiliated by a black Princeton professor (Michael Eric Dyson), so they’re trying to attack Bill for saying supposedly “racist” things. A black man falling for that is possibly the saddest thing I’ve seen in my life.
Bob Kerrey – Democratic, need Puddy say more?
Yes, you do need to say more. Just because someone is a member of the Democratic Party does not mean that any of us endorse his or her views or character. For you not to understand that is unbelievably sad.
Again, Puddy, I have to ask you this again. Do you have any semblance of self-respect? Do you not care about how much you humiliate yourself in these threads? Do all of us a favor and find a healthy hobby. I know a lot of people end up as the village idiot, but this is 2009, you’re not stuck in this “village”. You can go somewhere else. You can go someplace where people are at the same level as you mentally. You don’t have to be the stupidest person in the room.
Stooge@73: Puddy likes Dyson. Search the HA archives and show me where Puddy has attacked Dyson. Dyson is articulate, unlike you. Puddy disagrees with Dyson’s politics.
It’s Bill Maher who hates black conservatives. This show cemented it.
Stooge@74 said:
Then why do your “friends” use these arguments on this blog all the time?
Vitter visits a prostitute. Now all Republican senators visit prostitutes.
Craig is signaling he is gay. Now all Republican senators are gay.
Yet you look the other way. Your friends started this type of argument.
Always wanting it both ways. Fool!
You and stillbentover. Friends forever!
To be a Republican these days you have to believe that the recession that started in March 2001 was the “Clinton recession”, inherited by the Bush administration, and that the current recession, which started in December 2007 is the “Obama recession”. As Dick Cheney says, “Don’t blame us.”
The exchange between Breitbart and Maher
Right now if you look online you’ll see that “Atlas Shrugged” and Ayn Rand’s books are, are, you know, flying off of the bookshelves, of the virtual bookshelves… – Breitbart
Well, so’s ammo in Oklahoma. – Maher
Right, well okay… – Breitbart
Oklahoma’s out of ammo because they’re afraid that Obama and his Negro army are going to come and get you. – Maher
Who’s afraid of, who’s, where’s this racism coming from? I haven’t seen this online. – Breitbart
Yep, in Lee’s World that’s a joke.
76 – Your kind started the holier than thou bullshit.
Now too bad – you’re stuck with it.
78 – You’re too deluded Stupes. So many people in focus groups said they couldn’t vote for Obama because then the blacks would rise up and get their pound of flesh. Very fearful stupid people – the kind that listen to Limbaugh.
I’ll try to dig up the NPR show where I heard this.
Lee farted: “Clarence Thomas, a, a black man who does not represent 95 percent of black people.” – Bill Maher
Where’s the data Lee? Or is this another Lee’s World moronic statement?
Clueless wonder@80: Who said this?
Democratics who voted for Hillary in the primary. Puddy placed their racist Democratic words here. Need to see the links again?
Puddy refound this article clueless wonder… It’s from your favrit kook-aid location so maybe it can knock some sense into your thick skull about who calls who what. http://www.dailykos.com/story/.....203/495086
Not one of us so it’ll probably bounce off that thick granite skull. Well… one can hope.
Does anyone actually have any tangible evidence that The Puddimoron is Black, as he continually claims? After all, he also claims to have intelligent reasoning capabilities, an idea demonstrably absurd. I certainly do not believe it. He is a poseur in everything else.
clueless wonder view the racism of whitey against Clarence Thomas and how other blacks and whites eat it up: http://tomdegan.blogspot.com/2.....igger.html
But then this is nuthin new to Puddy. Democratics are racists.
Wanna say that to my face Amazed? Rainier Valley 2:30 PM Seattle, Othello and MLK. I’m sure the bros and sis would love to hear it too.
Well Puddy we have no proof you are actually black other than your word.
Tell you what, why don’t you show up to Drinking Liberally next week? Introduce yourself around. Heck I’m sure any number of us would even buy you the drink of your choice if you showed up.
Chris, been to DL twice. Ask the [ir]regulars. Walked up to Goldy and introduced myself. Darryl gave me tips on my son’s bass amp guitar. Met Geov and Lee. Sat down with Dr & Mrs SeattleJew and ate dinner. Met others there. Brought PacMan there once. Was asked to join a podcast.
Now Puddy has scouts on Tuesday nights. Preparing for the summer as Ass’t Scout Master.
Been to lunch twice with GBS. Was to meet stillbentover but the chump punked.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Wow Amazed disappeared.
Shit Stupes. You do this all the time.
You’re whole schtick is “I left the reservation, now I’m holier than thou!”.
Bullshit on that! You’re not holier and you’re sure as hell aren’t smarter – you’ve been losing for 4 long years and you’re going to keep on losing!
clueless wonder, if you gonna quote Puddy use all of #74. Puddy don’t play dat. That’s why you are the clueless wonder. So clueless they wonder why you such a village idiot.
Your whole schtick is…………… monomaniacal.
More zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz from the clueless village fool. Remember clueless wonder, don’t play in traffic.
why da flip-flop Barack?
91 – I’ll do what the fuck I please fool.
You can go back to your Limbaugh now.
As for Thomas, I don’t care about the fool. Looks like a crappy judge to me who votes with Nino, Roberts and Alito well over 90 percent of the time.
So easy to pull the strings of Pavlov’s dog!
So easy. That’s why a libtard called you monomaniacal. HAHAHAHAHA
So easy. Where am I going to Limbaugh on Sunday moron? Did you read the Kos link fool? You should have felt at home on Kos.
You one of dem neo-liberals! http://www.globalexchange.org/.....fined.html Sucks to be you.
Of course you’d say that about Justice Thomas. You clueless village agrees with everything that proceeds from the fingers of stillbentover.
Not fresh and definitely no brains.
Idiot @ 94
I don’t support anything that touts the few getting filthy rich at the expense of the many.
YOU on the other hand worship that shit.
Morons like you find a way.
When I saw this I thought of the clueless wonder.
Only thing is yo mama harmed you at birth!
@84: Puddy is big, black and a republican. He is not lying about that. GBS has confirmed it.
The only thing bigger than Puddy….is his ego.
As far as Clarence Thomas – just because he is black does not excuse the fact that he is a second-rate mind and judge. As someone once said, Clarence Thomas is no Thurgood Marshall.
And it is not like it is hard to find plenty of republican invective against Obama, Holder and the many other black democrats.
NutRight, when you are a black conservative one needs an ego, ergo, you are swimming upstream against your peeps.
NutRight, Obama took Holder to the woodshed. Did you forget this already?
NutRight added:
You get some nutjob response (halfnhalf) from the HuffPo and you use that as a comment?
And also said by a “Victor Laszlo” (NAZIS FOR JESUS) probably a fictitious name! With a name like that I doubt he’s a black man. But we can see from his site he’s “progressive”
Why do you choose white peeps with problems NutJob? You are a true nutjob.
If Puddy wants to admire a black judge then he might try Charles Z. Smith, the first black Washington State Supreme Court Justice.
I can never forget that he helped me out as a kid. Imagine. A black judge taking note of a po’ white boy.
He’s an amazing man who served his country in many ways. Any attempt to summarize his achievments must unfortunately leave out the stories of all of those, like me, who’s lives he’s touched and changed for the better.
Actually Puddy, I did not get that quote from anywhere – I was just re-using the line from the VP debate with Dan Quayle.
I am sure, though, that someone else besides me has thought of it since it rings so true.
Puffybutt is a race traitor – an oreo – he wouldn’t be caught dead in a black neighborhood with actual real black people in it. They’d string his self-loathing ass right up. Not only is he a traitor to America, he’s a traitor to his own people. How low can you go, just look at him – he’s a piece of shit lost in the wildnerness supporting the hate America crowd because he hates his own life. Pathetic.
Hey Puffybutt this traitor just found karma is a bitch. Maybe you will too asswipe.
As GBS will attest, Puddy is a fine man with a great wife and 2 very bright sons…he doesn’t need Santa Klaus Obama to survive like most KLOWNS. Obama is down to a Strong Approval Rating of only +4. It was +32 less than 2 months ago. Folks are sick of Obama’s bullshit.
Goldy, The offer still stands on the moron@105&106.
Less jobs for our people another half ass plan from the dingbats. What is Obama’s response wait 10 days until it reaches his brain.
Union Wage Rule Means Fewer Projects Completed With Stimulus Cash
By the attack you will know them. Delirious fool. What strikes me as odd is GBS will meet me in the hood and break bread anytime and anywhere while stillbentovergettingreamedbyrujax runs from a confrontation.
You are a useful idiot, who has so many issues you need a subscription to figger them out.
Jon Stuart (Liebowitz) criticized Jim Cramer for Cramer’s bad stock picks, like Bear Stearns. Cramer’s been making bad stock choices on his show on CNBC for years. It wasn’t until he made some jive-ass comment about the Milk Chocolate Messiah that Liebowitz (Stuart) took Cramer to task for it. If Cramer had implied Bush was to blame, Liebowitz wouldn’t have uttered a peep about Cramer’s bad stock picks over on his show at CNBC.
Stuart doesn’t use his real last name, Liebowitz, preferring to be seem more Anglo to his audience. Any guesses why?