A few items of interest:
– Glenn Greenwald has a couple of tremendous posts this week, taking on the Obama Administration’s reluctance to give up numerous aspects of the Bush Administration’s attempts to expand the power of the executive, and on the flip side, looking at the right wing loonies who are now beginning to talk about Civil War against Obama, only weeks after finishing their 8-year stint crying about how it’s unpatriotic to question the President.
– CNBC recently aired a good hour-long special on the economic aspects of northern California’s marijuana industry. It can now be seen in its entirety on Hulu. A Zogby poll this week showed that 58% of west coast residents believe that marijuana should be regulated and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes.
– I also recently watched a documentary on the case from Tulia, Texas, where a corrupt cop named Tom Coleman working for a drug task force managed to get over 10% of the town’s black population in jail before lawyers were able to prove that he was lying. I don’t think it’s being shown again on PBS, but hopefully it’ll be online soon.
– The story about the corrupt judges in Northeastern Pennsylvania who were getting kickbacks to funnel kids into private detention facilities is just amazing. This is stuff that would be shocking in the third-world, let alone America. And there are now allegations that one of the judges has been closely linked with mob figures for whom he used his position on the bench to extort money from journalists who’d been investigating them.
– Neal Peirce has a good editorial in the Denver Post today on Obama and the drug war.
Let’s play that game, “Name the Party.”
What party do these judges belong to?
On Monday, federal investigators announced the filing of charges against Conahan and Judge Mark Ciavarella. Both are Democrats.
Follow the money… who does Judge Mark Ciavarella donate his money to?
A very simple google search turned up the party these judges belonged to. Why did Mama’sBoy (aka lee, thehim) intentionally omit their party affiliation?
What’s the amazing part is that mama’sboy would think he could get away covering up for these democrats profiting off children.
The speed of change with obama in office is amazing.
ZURICH, Feb 21 (Reuters) – The right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) called on Saturday for retaliation against the United States over a U.S. tax probe into the country’s biggest bank UBS that threatens prized banking secrecy.
The populist SVP, the country’s biggest party, said Switzerland should not take in any detainees from the U.S. prison for terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, which the Swiss government said last month it could consider to help shut the camp down.
Switzerland should also reconsider its policy of representing the United States in countries where it has no diplomatic presence, the parliamentary SVP said in a statement.
Instead of repairing the image of the united states, obama in only a short few weeks obama is already pissing off another ally.
In another CHANGE, the democrats no longer feel that privacy is a concern anymore. It’s not as if they are going after the bank account of a certain individual that is the target of a federal investigation, it’s a fishing expedition to find more tax dollars.
Maybe obama can have his national security advisor threaten switzerland like clinton has his national security advisor do to mozambique to secure that enron contract.
Strange the left was so concerned about giving terrorists in foreign countries all their rights due them under the constitution but don’t believe that americans should be allowed those same constitutional rights.
Nope, more like a flip-flop. The only change is that the left is no longer concerned about those pesky constitutional rights when a democrat is in office.
But then, obama supporters don’t have a clue about constitutional rights. Here’s an acorn official insisting that it’s a right to have a house.
Because of all the tax cheats obama has been picking for his cabinet, those that actually paid their taxes aren’t getting the attention they should. Larry summers only one of those that should have been vetted a little better.
A deal that made sense at the time turned into a financial headache.
Lawrence Summers, who served as Harvard’s president from 2001 to 2006, is currently heading the White House’s National Economic Council. His job is to use his financial genius to save the nation from economic disaster. Let’s hope we don’t see a repeat of some of the decisions that were made when he was president of Harvard.
Because of his selection by obama, NOW is going to stop complaining about larry and his sexist comment about women and math.
Change. The only thing changed is the party in the white house.
I beat you to the corrupt judges story. I posted it last week.
@1 Hard to tell, because judges are nonpartisan. That’s the trouble with “nonpartisan” elections, you don’t know what you’re getting.
@2 The Swiss have been sheltering swindlers, fugitives, and Nazis for decades. We should’ve bombed them in the 40s when we had the chance.
Did you mention party affiliation?
From the Greenwald link:
“It was a purely tribalistic movement motivated by fear of losing its cultural and demographic supremacy.”
Exactly so.
If you followed the links you wold have seen the political donations.
Do you feel he donated to democrats because he believes in their planks/policies or because he knew if he paid off democrats he could get away with his crimes.
Hmmm, Greenwald’s discussion of Glenn Beck and his band of rightwing crazies reminds me of the rightwing whackjob who shot up a church because he hates liberals. Too bad those liberal churchgoers weren’t armed. They should have drilled this guy on the doorstep.
The right is crazy! Liberals must arm!
Playboy just offered Sarah Palin $1 Million to pose nude in the February issue…
Michelle Obama got the same offer…
from National Geographic.
Not Supporting The Troops Dep’t
“FORT BLISS, Texas – As soldiers stream home from Iraq and Afghanistan, the biggest charity inside the U.S. military has been stockpiling tens of millions of dollars meant to help put returning fighters back on their feet, an Associated Press investigation shows.
“Between 2003 and 2007 — as many military families dealt with long war deployments and increased numbers of home foreclosures — Army Emergency Relief grew into a $345 million behemoth. During those years, the charity packed away $117 million into its own reserves while spending just $64 million on direct aid, according to an AP analysis of its tax records.”
(Quoted from MSNBC under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By Gawd we’re not gonna have any liberalism in the Army! Nosireeebob!! The relief fund is welfare!!! It’s bad for morale to provide emergency relief for soldiers’ families!! They need to learn to stand on their own two feet!!! Besides, we want the money for ourselves!!!
@7 Yes. I pointed out that judges are “nonpartisan,” just like the Republican members of the King County Council and the Republican candidates for King County Elections Director.
re 1: The political affiliation of the people who own the private jails and offer the bribes is exclusively Republican.
To Marvin, what is a crime when Democrats do it is merely ‘free enterprise’ when Republicans do.
@7 (continued) It should be pointed out, however, that this case involves corrupt judges taking kickbacks from a prison company following privatization of the local juvenile detention facilities, and it’s always Republicans who support privatization and Democrats who oppose it. So, this is another Made-In-GOP Scandal (TM).
As Roger pointed out, they’re not elected officials. The fact that they have been supportive of Democrats should be another reminder that the drug war and our prison mess has been a bipartisan failure (and good luck trying to find instances of me saying otherwise).
@9 Uh, Stupid Marvin, he didn’t get away with it or you wouldn’t be reading about it.
Leadless douchy@14 yeah great comment…
@11 What did Ann Coulter get? An offer of 3 bucks from a carpenter to be a header in a doorframe?
P.S., we’d all appreciate it if you wouldn’t copy-and-paste dumb wingnut e-mail jokes here. One, we’ve already seen them, and two, they’re dumb.
Speaking of Corruption…
I wonder being from NYC if they voted
If true, then why do democrats always take the bribes?
Lookie here Puddy is prescient again… Even Don Joe’s hero is calling it as Puddy said in January and repeated in February.
So who’s da morons again? Libtards who can’t see da future for their fat ASSes!
Nouriel Roubini ‘Nationalize‘ the Banks
Another pillar of communism coming your way; now being hailed by a Don Joe “hero”.
While most HA libtards (HAs clueless village idiot and others) read George Soros pwned web sites Puddy looks for news…
Using your logic, EVERY crime by a government employee is because of democrats. You know, reps=privatization, democrats=government.
Yep here’s more chump change.
Barack Obama under fire for picking a crony fundraiser as his ambassador to Britain
Don’t read it HAs clueless village idiot. It could hurt that single celled brain.
Just ignore headless lucy and her sockpuppets.
I didn’t say they were elected officials.
I was simply pointing out which party they supported.
Us trolls have to remember…
Despite all the links we offer to the HA hooligans and drinkers of steve’s stupid solution to help educate them, they are not allowed to publicly condemn it or say anything bad about democrats. It’s a rule or something.
Because this is a partisan blog that takes on Republicans. He would be disgusted by the Democrat and what he did, but he wouldn’t write about it here.
That link is from a foreign newspaper.
We have to rely on foreign newspapers to do the job american newspapers won’t. No wonder left wingnuts hate outsourcing.
Marvin, I have a vast array of URLs I like to check.
Just finding the best a man can get!
Stay out of the kook-aid leftist pinheads.
Sweeeeeet commentary…Al-Qaeda founder launches fierce attack on Osama bin Laden
Now on HA, this person would be a poster child for the slammer…
Marvin, I love reading Democratic newspapers…
How bad is it for a black liberal on dailypus?
Instead of discussing or debating, they called me ridiculous, a jackass, an idiot, a racist, ignorant to the realities of racism in America, the product of white privilege.
I was, once again, an idiot… clueless.. ignorant… totally uninformed about the problems in America’s public schools
At least one idiot mentioned my white privilege, suggested that from my cushy perch in affluent white America, I couldn’t possibly fathom how the SAT could be racist or disparately impact poor minority students. It’s the same bullshit. People not wanting to engage in a debate on substance, and instead, launching personal attacks.
Like I have been saying here for a long time, liberals only like blacks when they stay on the democrat plantation.
Not yet on left wingnut websites.
I didn’t say they were elected officials.
I was simply pointing out which party they supported.
Um, no, you said:
A very simple google search turned up the party these judges belonged to. Why did Mama’sBoy (aka lee, thehim) intentionally omit their party affiliation?
What I was pointing out was that I could give a flying fuck whether they’re Republicans or Democrats. I didn’t make any attempt to find out their political leanings because I don’t fucking care. You’re the moron who’s obsessed with labelling everyone a Democrat or a Republican, as if finding corrupt Democrats actually proves some kind of point. I did not intentionally omit their party affiliation, and for you to suggest that I did makes you an asshole.
Oh and keep hiding behind your anonymity, you big pussy.
You know full well that quote was about Goldy and doesn’t pertain to me (or many of the other posters). I respect what Goldy does, even if it’s not my style.
I love the words from the father of the gangbanger…
Hard working at jacking people up at bart stations.
It does show how liberals view victims of crimes.
Victim=bad, criminal=good.
Very big point of disagreement…
Your leetle buddy byebyegop, whom we know as bentoversmellinghisfarts, ylb AKA HAs clueless village idiot and Steve purveyor of animal sex started this latest identitron event. Pavlov’s dog clueless village idiot will post the same Republican sex site or the one that does Fox, bentover will post the latest find and Steve has passed his animal sex act to Pelletizer and Ekim with an occasional showing by one of leadless douchy’s sock puppets.
So we on the right think it’s only fair to identify those on the left with shady characteristic Democratics.
Are either of you morons reading the same article that Puddy linked to? The person being charged in the murder is the murdered kid’s friend, not the person who actually killed him (which is odd, but not something I’m angry about). The newspaper simply quoted the father (who said something stupid). How exactly is this an indictment of a “liberal” newspaper? Because they printed the father’s quote? Huh?
Your leetle buddy byebyegop
My buddy? I’ve criticized that guy and often deleted his posts. I’ve even made fun of him at Effin Unsound. How the hell is he my ‘buddy’?
So we on the right think it’s only fair to identify those on the left with shady characteristic Democratics.
Why don’t you speak in sentences that make sense? Are you illiterate? If you and Marvin are trying to prove that dissenters on the right aren’t all barking lunatics, you’re doing a really lousy job of it.
Here’s a tip…If you want people to take your thoughts seriously, don’t leave comments with words like ‘identitron’ and then raving about animal sex. I welcome intelligent conservative viewpoints being raised at this site. Right Stuff does it. Politically Incorrect does it. You and Marvin never do. Why? Because you’re not intelligent conservatives.
Do you have a link to prove they don’t belong to the democrat party. To me, donating $$ is affiliating.
You sure didn’t “forget” to mention the party affiliation in the thread-“More Republicans Being Crazy.” Your desire to reference their party was so strong you even put it in the title of the thread.
Funny, someone that went running to the police to protect themselves from seattlejew is calling me a pussy.
The irony that you had to call the police to protect yourself from a fellow left-winger and yet you expect me to give out my real information is priceless.
Say… how many right-wingnuts have you scared you to the point of calling the police.
It’s about being fair. Don’t lefties believe in being fair anymore?
Is that part of the CHANGE?
Are you implying it isn’t a liberal newspaper?
Or just objecting that we pointed it out.
Do you have a link to prove they don’t belong to the democrat party. To me, donating $$ is affiliating.
I’m not questioning that they’re not Democrats, I’m simply pointing out that I did not look to see what they’re party affiliation was before I posted that news item.
You sure didn’t “forget” to mention the party affiliation in the thread-”More Republicans Being Crazy.”
Yes, because they were politicians who were elected as members of a party, you buffoon! I also pointed out that one of the crazies was a Democrat. The headline of my post from the day before was a play on Goldy’s earlier post.
If the judges in Pennsylvania were elected as Democrats, I would have pointed that out. The bottom line is that you accused me of “covering up” their party affiliation, which is a LIE. I had no idea what their party affiliation was (nor did I care).
Funny, someone that went running to the police to protect themselves from seattlejew is calling me a pussy.
Again, another lie. I did not call the police to “protect myself” from SeattleJew. I called the police because SeattleJew’s employer instructed me to after I made them aware of his behavior.
The irony that you had to call the police to protect yourself from a fellow left-winger and yet you expect me to give out my real information is priceless.
Again, are you going to stop lying about what happened, or are you going to be more than just a gigantic pussy, and also keep being an asshole?
Say… how many right-wingnuts have you scared you to the point of calling the police.
None that I’m aware of. Want to be the first? Oh wait, you’re too much of a fucking pussy to contact me.
Are you implying it isn’t a liberal newspaper?
Or just objecting that we pointed it out.
It’s fair the say that the SF Chronicle is a liberal-leaning newspaper. But what about that article demonstrated a left-leaning bias? Just because they printed a quote from the father of someone whose son was killed while committing a crime? Again, huh?
Great… now MamasBoy feels he needs to be the gammer nanny.
Uh, using proper grammar isn’t that hard, Marvin. Or do you really not care about how stupid your comments appear to everyone else?
When I first started posting here, knowing I lived out of the area you threatened to knock food out of my hands knowing damn well you would never actually have to back it up.
I’ve said here before that you were that little punk kid on the playground that talked shit and then when it was time for your ass to be kicked either threatened to sue or went running for the teacher.
Your experience with seattlejew proved what I wrote.
If you are so welcoming of me contacting you, why didn’t you go kick seattlejews ass instead of running to the cops.
So if eye uses korect gramer and speling you and the other lefft+wingenutz here wil think i”M smart!
Lok howe pisse u got when i pOinted oute thee politikal afileation of the judges.
Marv and Pud have perfected the false arguement. There is this great amorphous “Left”. Any one who does not agree with M & P is therefore assumed to agree with every thing they can find from the left. Further we are expected to call out anyone on this blog or we have proven that we agree with that poster as well.
Cheap, boring debating trick.
Just to help you out…
Here in kalifornia if someone dies during a crime, the friends/associates also involved can be charged with murder.
Recently here in lala land, a tagger got run over on the freeway, his partner is being charged with murder.
That’s the standard we are held to.
How many times has ylb posted that republican sex crime link or steve and his animal sex page, expecting us to jump and denounce it every time.
Sorry, we just want things to be fair. You believe in being fair don’t you?
When I first started posting here, knowing I lived out of the area you threatened to knock food out of my hands knowing damn well you would never actually have to back it up.
Another lie. I thought you lived in Seattle when I did that. In fact, we all thought that you were saying that you lived in LA to avoid having to contact us.
I’ve said here before that you were that little punk kid on the playground that talked shit and then when it was time for your ass to be kicked either threatened to sue or went running for the teacher.
Again, you’re the one here who’s anonymous. Send me an email and introduce yourself, pussy.
Your experience with seattlejew proved what I wrote.
No, it didn’t. And it’s fairly obvious that it didn’t.
If you are so welcoming of me contacting you, why didn’t you go kick seattlejews ass instead of running to the cops.
Because he’s 70, you moron! Do you think that a 33 year old beating up a 70 year old makes that 33 year old look tough? Are you fucking retarded? SeattleJew was being an obnoxious ass, so I called his employer to let him know what one of their employees was doing on the taxpayer’s dime. THEY asked me to call the police.
So if eye uses korect gramer and speling you and the other lefft+wingenutz here wil think i”M smart!
Probably not. You’re a lost cause.
Lok howe pisse u got when i pOinted oute thee politikal afileation of the judges.
I didn’t get pissed because you pointed out the political affiliation of the judges, I got pissed because you accused me of covering up their affiliation, which is something I did not do.
Comprende, asshole?
Here in kalifornia if someone dies during a crime, the friends/associates also involved can be charged with murder.
As I said, I’m ok with that. Again, that does not answer the question I had about the left-leaning bias of that particular article. Neither you nor Puddy can explain it. Why? Because you’re full of shit.
re 21: They don’t. There are no reliable statistics on politicians who refuse bribes.
PuddyReasoning = If a Democrat took a bribe, they all take bribes. If a Republican takes a bribe, it’s an isolated incident.
How many times has ylb posted that republican sex crime link or steve and his animal sex page, expecting us to jump and denounce it every time.
They’re being forced to make the same point over and over and over again because you don’t get it. There are always going to be instances where people of a particular party do heinous things. If you come here with the belief that the people at this site think that Democrats never do wrong, you’re wrong. Yet nearly every post that goes up at this site, you’re always posting links that imply that everyone will be shocked and surprised that there was a corrupt Democrat somewhere.
Why do you do it? You’re not proving a point to anyone. You’re not telling people anything they don’t already know. What motivates you to put on the clown suit and come by here every day and make an ass of yourself?
If I ran a restaurant, and a guy came into the restaurant every day, pooped on the floor and screamed, “that’s what will happen if you eat here!” What he’s saying is technically true, but he’s not making a point that anyone needed to know, and he’s being completely obnoxious. That essentially sums up your presence here at this blog.
So ylb and your buddy steve does it because I don’t get it, but I’m not proving a point to anyone when I do it.
Do you believe what you write?
Cut to the chase… this is a partisan blog. That’s why you don’t see any threads about obama and his picking of tax cheats. Why you don’t see any threads about the crimes of democrats. Why there are no threads about the flip-flops of obama.
Us trolls re just trying to fill the void.
Couldn’t the same be said of the links you/steve/etc. post?
Marv @ 50 proves my point, expecting me to defend or criticize another. I have my personal standards, and stick to them. You play a tiresome game.
Well of course it’s a partisan blog. That has never been in question. But you and Pud feel free on the attack and evade any real engagement.
I have on a rare and considered occasion called out some. Pud’s glee is palpable, and he then uses it as a hammer.
You are not engaging in honest dialog.
So ylb and your buddy steve does it because I don’t get it, but I’m not proving a point to anyone when I do it.
Correct! You’re not as smart as them! If you weren’t coming by here being a moron, they wouldn’t be posting those links in an attempt to help you understand.
Cut to the chase… this is a partisan blog.
True, but it’s one whose creators know full well that Democrats often deserve to be criticized. Goldy certainly focuses on Republican misdeeds, but what you don’t seem to understand is that he doesn’t excuse Democratic misdeeds. He just doesn’t write about them. There’s a difference. When you figure out that difference, you’ll be one step closer to figuring out why you make such a huge ass of yourself around here.
That’s why you don’t see any threads about obama and his picking of tax cheats.
Read the very first item above, moron! It’s a strong criticism of Obama’s attempts to hold on to some of Bush’s powers! Are you a complete fucking idiot?
Why there are no threads about the flip-flops of obama.
This is a thread about it!! Again, read the very first link from Greenwald above!
Couldn’t the same be said of the links you/steve/etc. post?
Of course it is. That’s the point they’re trying to make, you buffoon. But you’re too stupid to get it…LOL!
Yup. That shore duz make him a pussy. Limp wristed, namby pamby, balerina relyin on law enforcement and the legal system to maintain order.
He shoulda just stove in seattlejew’s head with a brick. That’s the “non-pussy” way.
@50 “steve and his animal sex page”
Good grief, Marvin, it’s just a news report about a Republican who has sex with mules and washing machines. Now why would you get so worked up about.., oh, yeah, oops. Geez, I must have touched a nerve. So which is it for you, Marvin? Farm animals or washing machines?
Lee spews to Marvin: “You’re not as smart as them!”
I’d feel flattered if it weren’t for Marvin being the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
I’d be careful, Lee.
I understand Marvin is a LLAP-GOCH MASTER!
Yeah, it’s like saying that you’re better looking than Robert Byrd.
It would be one thing if this was the first time I’ve told him that SeattleJew is over 30 years older than me, but it’s not. He really thinks it would be more honorable of me to start a physical confrontation with an obese man twice my age. What a moron.
Hello leadless douchy.
leadless douchy BULLSHITTIUM Alert. Go back and view all the posts of the ugly brothers clueless village idiot and bentoversmellinghisfarts. It’s guilt by association with those two cheerleaders of HA leadless douchy.
So enjoy your simpleminded rant.
@44 “he needs to be the gammer nanny”
Yeah, and I’m the spell check cop. You’re busted, fool!
Hey Lee, the other Pavlov dog @61 posted right on cue. Now if the clueless village idiot would appear with his link…
K- You don’t answer simple questions like the one I posted last night; but you expect us to immediately answer no matter how dumb the question. So when you start answering, we’ll consider answering back.
Can you blame him? Marvin’s one entertaining mo-fo. At least you seem to have some semblance of sense to stop before you’ve completely humiliated yourself.
@36 Steve has passed his animal sex act.
Unfortunately, my road show featuring Republicans fucking farm animals isn’t quite ready for primetime.
Lee, Puddy posts Democratic misdeeds cuz most leftists here are clueless. They live on whackjob HuffnPuff, Daily Kooks, CrAP, Moron.org, Stinky Progressives.
So I use leftist MSM sites whenever possible. Puddy was the first to post the beheading of the Buffalo muslim woman. I had to use Fox as it wasn’t covered by the whackjob sites until four days later.
Remember your sports post? I used ESPN. Why? Most morons don’t read their material. Puddy does.
Hey Pud, eat it. I presented you with some factual questions about atmospheric carbon dioxide and its impact on ocean equilibrium. You cut and ran. You get what you give. I owe you nothing.
And your thick head is unable to draw conclusions from clear statements.
K – Do you remember the question asked before the CO2 and the coral reefs you chose not to answer? It was on the IPCC, you ignored it. So why do I need to answer your silly questions?
My hope is that you use this site to vent and you are not nearly the obnoxious ass with your family that you are here.
Lee @64,
now I see the problem.
You think his objection to using the mechanisms of civilized society to settle a dispute is based on his sense of personal honor.
It’s not that at all.
Things like courts, and laws, and restraining orders, and police are elements of the government. And the sad truth is that GOP Dead-enders have painted themselves into an ideological corner such that, for them, it all amounts to socialism anymore. Marvin, like any good heel clicking movement ditto-head, is a man of strong ideological conviction. And for him “the gubmint”, at least in its non-military manifestations, is fundamentally “socialist”.
Things like “laws” and “courts” and “the democratic process” are all basically about compulsion. And nothing is more socialist than that. That’s where all the eliminationist rhetoric is ultimately headed. Dismantle all of it. Only “pussies” need civilization and enlightenment.
Yes, us pussies like to live in a civilized environment while you, the non-pussies, love chaos. Being able to walk the streets at night with your wife and kids without being attacked. Driving a red car without some gang banger shooting at you cuz they think you stomping their turf. Yep you make me really proud. NOT!
Thanks for showing us chaos for these last four weeks. Tax cheats, double dealing lobbyists, etc. Yep you are showing it to us.
Yakima has the “Palms Springs of Washington”
sign;perhaps it would be more accurate the Philadelphia Mississippi( circa 1950’s-60’s).
Here is common comment diatribe found in Yakima;this one copied,from the YakimaHerald-Republicartice talking about a new Hispanic Chmaber of Commerce inYakima-
Hispanic chamber gets company in new organization
Posted by FarmerJarhead at 02/22/09 06:01AM Post ID#: #1843
“There’s people that remember their roots and work closely with the community and want the best interests of their community,” said Hector Franco, a board member of the original Hispanic chamber. “And there’s those that are more Mexican-American-like, that they’ve forgotten where they come from. They don’t remember that some of their parents are part of the illegal issue phenomenon that’s going on here.”
It couldn’t be more blatantly racisist and anti American. than this particular statement from well known trouble maker and racist Hector Franco. Apparently, in Franco’s eyes, you are better if you only think the way a Mexican does(whatever that means). But if one becomes an American, heaven forbid, they will forget their heritage. Franco’s “Community” only includes people of mexican heritage and not the rest of us infidels. It’s people like Franco that give good people that what to build a real community a bad name.
Report Violation
Posted by Nick at 02/22/09 06:08AM Post ID#: #1844
“The fact that I’m a woman, smart and a loudmouth, that’s very intimidating,” she told the Herald-Republic back in 2003.”
Luz is half-right – she certainly is a loudmouth. Her “original” Chamber of Commerce group has done nothing but provide our community with a racist litany of divisiveness, the very thing she says is now happening to their group from the new one. Her group is reportedly supported by the National Council of La Raza, (the Race) which says it all. That is a mostly subversive organization that has wormed its way into the favor of the gullible Democratic Party through pure BS and half-truths. Luz clearly states that it is a party issue, playing politics while accusing the other side of playing politics – her typical MO and baseless. Hector is the other loudmouth and the two of them, with their annual immigrant parade, have been a constant source of rancor between the local Hispanic Community and the rest of us for years – dragging the U.S. flag in the streets and shouting La Raza slogans certainly doesn’t sound like any kind of diversity or assimilation plan to me, or anybody else here. Her group continually confuses “diversity” with “Divisiveness. I personally welcome ANY group that will shut them up, (and down) as long as they don’t support illegal aliens from ANYWHERE, not just Mexico. Only time will tell.
Report Violation
Posted by Foolmeonce at 02/22/09 11:09AM Post ID#: #1849
Oh just great.
I wonder when the drive by shootings will start between the two Latino groups.
9circa 195’s-60’s
@69 Lee spews: “you seem to have some semblance of sense to stop”
Oh, you must be refering to his cutting and running.
Where is the weekend link about Bill Moyers and his sexual inspections requests?
“But as the Post reports in passing, the dossier also reveals that Mr. Moyers — then a special assistant to LBJ — requested in 1964 that Hoover’s G-men “investigate two other administration figures who were ‘suspected as having homosexual tendencies.’
This isn’t the first time Mr. Moyers’s name has come up in connection with Hoover’s abuse of office. When Laurence Silberman, now a federal appeals judge, was acting Attorney General in 1975, he was obliged to read Hoover’s secret files in their entirety in preparation for testimony before Congress — and as far as we know remains one of the only living officials to have done so. “It was the single worst experience of my long governmental service,” he wrote in these pages in 2005.”
Yep Bill Moyers. What a Guy.
Did anybody notice that Puddy almost confronted manoftruth for his racist bullshit the other evening? Almost. Then manoftruth made some vague reference to the mutually hated New York Times and the next thing you know, Puddy and manoftruth are “bestus buds”, like two peas in a pod. Maybe Puddy will take a moment or two to describe what it is he admires most about manoftruth.
There Steve goes again. Trying to make an issue because he needs to be publicly “applauded”. Steve, I told you to go back and reread what manoftruth said. You didn’t so you missed his point.
Don’t speak for me Steve. It makes you look as stupid as bentover. Well, going down to that level isn’t much of a “fall” Steve.
What issue? Are you projecting again?
Yeah, manoftruth has a point, all right.
Applause? Isn’t that what you give manoftruth now when he spews his hatred of Jews and blacks? How weird, given that you’re a black man. Anything for a tax cut? Is that what it’s about? I admit that it would be a bit more troubling if you were a black Jew.
Steve, What issue? Your unadulterated stupidity. You didn’t go back and read what manoftruth said for his reason, did you? You just project your hatred of manoftruth and you project it onto me. He gave you the article to read. You didn’t read it did you?
Sometimes you are so foolish in your rants it give me pause.
So tell me Steve, why did you bring up the post #80 except for self-glorification? Puddy wasn’t getting pounded enough for you?
I think some spacers are missing upstairs…
Steve, Stupes and his old failure of a sockpuppet, MWS, used to bellow about people on our side of the ailse being reflexively anti-semitic.
I don’t know where he got this horseshit – probably out of his ass. Makes next to no sense. Nobody on our side has ever slammed Goldy, Lee, Seattle Jew, Carl Grossman or anyone else for being Jewish.
However people on HIS SIDE have – JCH, Mark the bet welshing Redneck and some others.
Now Stupes is “bestus buds”, as you say, with manofidiocy. They find hatred and paranoia of the establishment media as their common ground. How touching. You hang around here long enough, you see it all.
Another missed weekend link.
“Brokers speak of the “Lehman houses” — homes that used to belong to employees of the fallen Wall Street firm — or “Madoff homes” — those owned by clients of the Manhattan financier implicated in a Ponzi scheme.”
Now who are the Lehman Bros and Madoff friends? Democratics of course.
Wow HAs clueless village idiot shows up as always ready to jump into the fray but adding nothing new to the argument.
Fool! Do you remember the neocon argument? Neocon, supporter of Israel. Not a supporter of Hizbollah, Hamas or Fatah. Who has placed the most Hizbollah, Hamas and Fatah support on this blog moron? Your side. You live up to your name!
Live long, live stupid clueless village idiot.
Hmm, I find self-glorification to be somewhat unsatisfying.
Puddy is the self-glorified master of HA searches. Odd, that he doesn’t put manoftruth’s statement here for all to read so as to rebut my remarks. If his words were so profound and so moving that you forgave his racism and bigotry, Puddy, then why not share it with everybody? Then everybody could see into his heart and mind, offer our own forgiveness and we’d all become “bestus buds” with the racist prick too.
I thought Puddy came here for the pounding. And I, his humble friend, was only hoping to oblige. My bad.
Steve, I don’t need to. You made the attack yet you want people to perform your due diligence.
There is a term for you. L A Z Y. It’s not my job to make your life easy. You are just like others such as K; make an attack then run with your “deep thoughts” and sulk when called on it.
Regarding your searches argument, I search for my benefit not yours. How many times do I need to repeat this?
So call it what you want Steve. We all know you wallow in leadless douchy’s and bentoversmellinghisfarts racism. You laugh at it. You enjoy it. That’s why we are so glad bentoversmellinghisfarts is one of your heroes. Enjoy his words of wisdom.
Well, I can see why you wouldn’t want to post manoftruth’s statement, seeing as how incoherently stupid it was. For a brief moment you stood up to that racist pig. The next moment? Oh well. I’ll say that it was one of the more curious and unfortunate exchanges I’ve read here on HA.
@27 We criticize Democrats who deserve criticism. Of course, many more Republicans than Democrats deserve criticism.
@24 “Barack Obama under fire for picking a crony fundraiser as his ambassador to Britain”
Gee, and you pukes never rewarded your rainmakers with ambassadorships? Hypocrite.
Btw, what exactly is “under fire” supposed to mean? That some wingnut criticized Obama? Hell, they criticize him for how he brushes his teeth … no wait, they criticize his teeth … no wait, they criticize him for having teeth! “Under fire” is a bullshit phrase if there ever was one. We all know Republicans want Obama to fail. Rush said so! They’ll try to make him to fail even if they have to take the whole country down to make it happen. Of 219 Republicans in Congress, only 3 Senators voted for the stimulus bill that virtually all economists agree is essential to save the economy from sinking into a depression. The other 216 Republicans in Congress voted against America.
Steve the statement was from the Gray Lady. Go back and find it dude.
Sorry bub, I don’t work for you and you don’t pay me.
Keep up the crying, it’s cathartic.
Well well well Pelletizer finally appeared.
Still oxygen starved as ever.
The article was written from a British point of view you dumb bunny.
This is their take on the change of November 4, 2008.
Apparently many in GB don’t agree with the change being presented.
Keep being dumb.
Of course Pelletizer missed the post I janked from Huffpo.
“WSJ Survey Shows Economists Don’t Know Much, Never Did”
“200 Economists Agree, Lower Taxes, Stop The Stimulus Package”
Keep up being stupid Pelletizer.
My argument with the neo-cons is not with their support of Israel – it’s how their policies have led to catastrophe for this country – the good old USA.
What’s your solution to Hizbollah, Hamas, Fatah – extermination? They’re not going away no matter how much you or any neo-con fantasizes.
Even the most dumbassed Israeli knows that!
I’d rather you posted it, Puddy. Just take a moment and show everybody the single sentence written by manoftruth that led you to accept all of his hate-filled remarks, remarks so thoroughly reeking of racism and bigotry, as something with which you as a black man do not take the slightest exception.
Post that remark of manoftruth’s so we can all discuss its merit and meaning. Who knows? Perhaps that discussion will be a source of catharsis for you.
Steve, As I said earlier you don’t pay me. So keep up the crying, it’s cathartic.
Not gonna happen. If you can’t read or follow a thread not my problem. Manoftruth manned up and showed all of us why he said what he said and gave the Gray Lady reason. Man up and search for it Steve. Not gonna happen on Puddy’s watch.
It’s so weird that Stupes thinks that people who support peace in Israel and Palestine are somehow anti-semitic.
According to weirdos like Stupes, Jews who want peace are “self-hating” and gentiles who want to see the killing and injustice stop hate Jews.
Just Stupes being a dumbass I guess.
Remember when republicans claimed that Abramoff was equally bribing democrats – but Abramoff himself was buddies with Ralph Redd and worked with Delay and Rove on the K street project – to funnel all lobbying through republicans, only. Of course Abramoff himself said this:
When you look at the still on-going Abramoff scandal (last two implicated are Thad Cochran (R) and Judd Gregg (R)) – do you see ANY democrats?
Link: http://voices.washingtonpost.c.....amoff.html
Link: http://www.redorbit.com/news/g.....ida_fraud/
HAs clueless village idiot@99, since you don’t read Israeli papers how would you know this?
You couldn’t spell Haaretz if Puddy correctly spelled it and you stared at it for hours.
Also since you don’t want Hizbollah, Hamas, or Fatah to renounce violence and acknowledge Israel, how would you suggest to end the violence?
Didn’t Obama say he’ll crush terraism?
Tell us oh grand poobah of village idiot cluelessness?
Such a moron 24x7x365. Even on New Years!
clueless village idiot@102, where did Puddy say this?
Time and Date Stamp?
Puddy would like peace, but the HA loons who support Hizbollah, Hamas, and Fatah give them hope for tomorrow and allow their hatred to continue.
Great job clueless village idiot.
Oh and goodnight clueless village idiot. I have a job to do and the wife is calling.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
Of course the republicans voted no on the stimulus plan – these are the same hypocrites who approved over a trillion dollars for no-bid contracts and wasted money in Iraq.
You don’t expect them to be consistent do you?
These are the same republicans who excused the record budget deficits of Bush by saying that Reagan proved budget deficits were not important.
Now the budget deficit is suddemly important and will ruin the entire country if people thrown out of work get more unemployment to live on.
Of course the republicans voted against the stimulus – but look, most of them are taking the money anyways.
The Grey Lady reason? Are you saying that manoftruth hates the New York Times too and that’s good enough for you to ignore his racist views? Perhaps you’re saying that manoftruth’s spewing of hate is a clever parody, a classic bit of satire – all based on some vague, never referenced NYT article or editorial? I’ve gotta ask, do you believe that Roger is really a rabbit?
Post his comment. Post the six words he wrote that allows you to ignore all the hate he’s spewed towards you, your family and your race.
I infer much here and you and everybody else knows it. You can refute everything by sharing what he said. Or can you?
“hope for tomorrow”
Such as bad thing that is.
With bush out of office, now iran doesn’t have to hide it’s complicity in the iraq war anymore.
Sir John Sawers, the British ambassador to the United Nations, revealed that Iranian officials openly acknowledged complicity in attacks that killed scores of British soldiers in southern Iraq.
“The Iranians wanted to be able to strike a deal whereby they stopped killing our forces in Iraq in return for them being allowed to carry on with their nuclear programme: ‘We stop killing you in Iraq, stop undermining the political process there, you allow us to carry on with our nuclear programme without let or hindrance’.”
Iran supplied arms, training and strategic direction to Shia Muslim militias that were battling British forces for control of Basra and other southern cities. Iran supplied the militias with a deadly bomb, the shaped-charge explosive device, that required precision engineering at its military factories.
This sounds a lot like exactly what that idiot bush was saying.
When you want the news that the liberal american media refuse to report, you’ve got to outsouce.
All we needed to find out the truth was a democratic in office.
Change, America is being punked.
No often but I have. And no I’m not a student of Hebrew but I certainly am familiar with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Some of the best criticism of Israeli policy comes from Israeli papers.
I don’t recall ever saying this. As you would say:
Not holding my breath for those. and…
You mean you couldn’t clean the toilet after breakfast this morning?
You mean when MamasBoy runs to his blog to write about people?
I first saw that behavior when he was getting his ass handed to him on that sound politics blog. He then ran to his blog and completely misrepresented what was happening on the sound blog.
That all happened on Bush’s watch, Marvin. You’re reduced to being a punching bag on a liberal blog. Hmm, that must really suck for you. But it’s all you’ve got so what the hell, huh?
109 –
I thought Republicans don’t negotiate or talk with terrorists.
True. And bush wanted to do something but the democrat controlled congress had more important things to do.
You’re right, it sucks. All I can do is get you to reply to me anytime I want.
@114 Yeah, those badass Dems. You’re delusional. Face it, Bush didn’t deliver for you. You wanted him to glassify Iran and he didn’t do a damned thing about them. After eight years of Bush, Korea has the bomb and Iran can make one. Thanks for nothing. At least adults are in charge now.
Steve loves to misrepresent anyone’s remarks because his remarks are unremarkable.
Steve, where did I say manoftruth hates the gray lady? You can’t read. Now I know why you couldn’t find the gray lady article.
Steve, you can’t acknowledge Madeline Halfbright’s words on North Korea. Clinton gave North Korea nuclear technology. He made disastrous decisions. Yes, Clinton did that. Just like his decision to give missile telemetry technology to the Chicoms as payback to Bernie Schwarz and his political contributions. Yep that Bartholin Gland Flavored Cigar Clinton, who’s SoS wife just gave a pass to Chicom human rights abuses. That never happens in conservative administrations.
But if you search high and low you can find the Meet the Depressed transcript.
Let me give you a hint fool as you ask others to search for you.
Sunday September 12 2004
Madeline Albright admits to the world North Korea had duped the Clintonoids, and Kim Jong Il acquired nuclear weapons on her watch as SoS.
“The worst part that has happened under the Agreed Framework there these fuel rods, and the nuclear program was frozen. Those fuel rods have now been reprocessed, as far as we know, and North Korea has a capability, which at one time might have been two potential nuclear weapons, up to six to eight now, we’re not really clear.”
“What they were doing, as it turns out, they were cheating,” Madeline Halfbright speaking to Tim Russert of Meet the Press.
Moronic Steve, it takes time to make a nuclear weapon. Kim the Il one got a head start while Halfbright looked the other way.
I see you started processing and drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution again. I warned you of it’s consequences (begin raving madly over known facts like his bosom buddies clueless village idiot and the really racist bentoversmellinghisfarts).
Come back Steve when your facts are straight.
Regarding Pelletizer being a rabbit, ask what the clueless village idiot said about him being a rabbit. He should remember. I’ll allow the clueless village idiot to embarrass himself.
Now onto the clueless village idiot.
Notice he purposely missed my point of Hizbollah, Hamas, and Fatah “acknowledging Israel”?
Notice how he doesn’t process the fact that Hizbollah, Hamas, and Fatah won’t acknowledge Israel’s right to exist?
Notice how he rants and raves over nothing important?
Fool, when the wife calls it ain’t over the toilet, but that’s an interesting idea. Ask SJ about my wife. He’ll provide you a clue. Probably your first clue ever.
Remember to go to a DL. You have a job to do.
We on the right are so glad Steve, clueless village idiot and bentoversmellinghisfarts are not only three of a kind, but represent the best of Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat! Progressives.
So refreshing.
So tantalizing.
So dumb.
Marvin notice clueless village idiot didn’t refute you in #113. Why? He can’t.
Good Pavlov’s dog clueless village idiot.
Reading through this thread, it’s easy to see why Tim Pawlenty would say of the GOP Party: “We’ve become too petty and angry in many aspects.”
LMAO!! Always giving orders.
Sorry fool. I never carry out the orders of an authoritarian whack job.
I march to no one’s drummer but my own. You can go back to your Limbaugh now.
So clueless village idiot is afraid of what he’ll hear… Like he’s afraid to address the points in #117. Limbaugh is on now? What station fool?
village idiot
@116 “Steve loves to misrepresent anyone’s remarks”
Puddy says this about me after he misrepesents the Word of God, of all things.
Puddy still refuses to discuss why manoftruth’s racism and bigotry is so easily dismissed by him.
“Moronic Steve” “Steve’s Stupid Solution” “Madeline Halfbright” “Bartholin Gland Flavored Cigar Clinton” “clueless village idiot” “Clintonoids”
After completely ignoring the fact that we’ve had a Republican administration for the last eight years and blaming everything that’s gone wrong during this century’s Republican reign on 20th Century Democrats, he retreats to the usual namecalling – Puddy’s standard MO when he’s lost yet another argument.
Big difference between didn’t and couldn’t.
Didn’t would imply he didn’t reply to me.
He took the time and effort to reply, he couldn’t refute what I said.
Like I said in #114, all I can do here is get you to reply to me anytime I want.
You are kinda like a trained seal, except you can’t balance a ball on your nose or do anything else of value.
Steve, everything I’ve posted has URL links. If the truth bothers you then maybe you need to find another blog.
Where did I misrepresent God’s word? Please tell all of us. Come on man up.
Where did I dismiss manoftruth’s actions? You didn’t read the thread. You missed the gray lady link. And YOU want me to find the link you missed. What a whacked out position you possess Steve.
Steve’s Stupid Solution – Michael once said he mistakenly took some.
Moronic Steve – the evidence is everywhere on HA.
Madeline Halfbright – Steve didn’t read Post #116. See the Moronic Steve entry above.
Bartholin Gland Flavored Cigar Clinton – Do you know how HillBilly used Monica Lewinsky to flavor his cigar?
clueless village idiot – Yep, been that way since 2005. No one has refuted me to this date.
Clintonoids – Yep, those who the messiah (aaaaaaahhhhhhhh music) placed in his administration.
NEXT! And I thought your redeeming qualities were growing up poor and understanding where Puddy came from. Lately, you’ve been overcoming your endearing qualities with the more moronic ones. It’s a shame, a real shame.
Nuff SAID Sucka.
When did obama change his name to “no one’s.”
123 – Easy. You quoted a right wing nutjob newspaper which your Sludge Report/NewsWhacks/Wingnut Daily always quote.
A paper that has been used by the bankrupt right wing in these comment threads many, many times.
I pointed out that the same paper had Poppy Bush negotiating with terrorists. Too funny.
I’m confident this latest thing the cat dragged in will be refuted in time just like so much other twaddle from the right.
How do you even know what the word of God is.
I asked you questions about your God and you didn’t know the answers. Here is one of the simple questions-
“How does your God feel about abortion?”
I dunno.
steve… even clueless about his God.
2005 Election Contest – you were refuted.
You losing a bet to GBS over I-912 – you were refuted.
Abramoff, Haggard, Vitter, Cunningham, Foley – your holier than thou bullshit was refuted.
Nov 2008 – you were refuted.
Your MWS lies and madness – you refuted yourself.
That’s just the blatantly obvious. You’ve dragged volumes of discredited right wing bullshit here.
You’ve have been losing and have been refuted since you got here.
Which right wing private school taught you to read?
The Limbaugh/Sludge Institute?
Sorry you need to cherry pick my explanation about you.
Puddy said:
clueless village idiot says @129: insert sound for white noise.
No one, no one, no one refutes you being the clueless village idiot. They have had more than three years to do it.
stevie grew up poor?
That does explain his bitterness and self-hate.
He’s bragged about being successful. How he has designed this for a military base, that for a military base, this and that for the government.
His own life story is a testament to conservative principles. Education and hard work pays off. Except he doesn’t give himself the credit he earned, he assumes he did well in life when so many others failed because of his white privilege. Because he was one of the lucky winners of life’s lottery.
If the right wing bullshit Stupes and Stamn drag in here had anything to it, McSame would be President. Lossi would be Governor.
Why isn’t this the case?
Ohhhh! I get it.. The emmmesssemmmm..
Fear and paranoia replaces the common sense of the voter who got the shaft the last eight years.
what a couple of losers.
Hey Stamn – Is there an impeachment drive yet for the Governator? Things are much much worse down there then they ever were when Davis was in charge.
And what kind of “conservative” praises Obama’s stimulus package and will gladly take Louisiana’s and South Carolina’s share? Too funny.
clueless village idiot:
Where did I vote for any of them? To validate someone you vote for them. You on the other hand voted for Recant Gregoire. Gonna have to recant her tax pledge. You voted for Cantwell and Murray. Voted to put trillions on the heads of your clueless children.
Luo Ping, a director-general at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said “We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] . . .we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.”
Another point missed by clueless village idiot. Why? Cuz it wasn’t on his kook-aid sites. Very little comprehension in the neanderthal granite skull with the femtometer mind.
Let’s test your reading skills…
I feel you misread the name of the school, “Limbaugh/Sludge Institute.”
Provide the link to confirm you can read.
Or is this simply another example of you making stuff up.
clueless village idiot says @133: insert sound for white noise.
No one, no one, no one refutes you being the clueless village idiot. They have had more than three years to do it.
See how simple that was to explain?
Can you say decimation? D.E.C.I.M.A.T.I.O.N
When you listened to Limbaugh, Savage Wiener, Insanity Hannity, Beck you voted for them.
When you sent a check to the RNC you voted for them.
When you watched Faux News you voted for them.
When you bought a Regnery book you voted for them.
When you cut and paste crap here from Sludge Report you voted for them.
When you voted for the Chimp twice you voted for them.
When you go to your mailbox and bring back 10 lbs of right wing solicitations it means you voted for them.
You are part and parcel of the right wing culture of corruption. They’ve had your vote for a long long time.
stevie and MamasBoy (AKA lee, thehim) jump up and defend each other like a young couple in love.
Does anyone even try to defend ylb?
Hell, even headless lucy doesn’t even try.
135 – Like the typical right wing fool, I’ve seen you in these comment threads denigrate people who went to public school – just because all the right wing kool kidz are doing it I guess.
You reap what you sow.
Given the choice between a socialist and socialist lite, why would anyone vote for the lite version.
Just like in 2000 and 2004 when the democrats ran candidates so weak even bush could beat them, republicans returned the favor in 2008. It was about being fair. You believe in being fair don’t you.
What, no link to prove you can read the name of the limbaugh/sludge institute?
Instead you whine that I denigrate students of public school.
Thank you. You proved my point for me.
Oh McSame is “socialist lite”.
According to this website:
He earns an 82.16 lifetime rating. That’s “socialist lite”?
Ideologically hidebound fools like you are doomed to failure.
I hate to denigrate those that went to public school but…
rush, hannity, etc are not running for office, thus, no one can vote for them.
Maybe the word you meant to use was support. Listening to their shows and buying products from their sponsors supports their shows. What liberals/democratics refuse to do for air america.
No need to thank me for educating you on the words vote and support. It’s kinda like outsourcing, I’m doing the job public school teachers didn’t.
You go a lot on feelings don’t you? How about facts?
Republicans have been a catastrophe for this country. To me this is plain fact. Anything Dems have done pales in comparison.
Another wonderful example of public schools.
I guarantee that any student in a private school, like the schools your democrat elected officials put their kids in so they won’t have to suffer from failing schools, can figure out that voting for someone means you voted for them.
Thanks again for proving my point.
IMHO, you revel in it.
Obviously the private school you went to never taught you about figurative speech.
It’s a fact you made up bullshit to prove your point.
Thanks again for proving my point.
This coming from you?
@125 Just more unimaginative namecalling. You should know that the lack of imagination is as tiresome as the namecalling.
Your mangled interpretation of scripture was @73 in the “Maybe we’ll catch bin Laden” thread.
I didn’t miss the Grey Lady link as there never was one. If I’m wrong it should be easy for you to prove it. You can’t so you won’t.
@132 “He bragged about being successful”
Hardly. I simply responded to yet another baseless (as usual) wing-nut accusation that Democrats don’t have jobs.
“His own life story is a testament to conservative principals”
Social safety nets are now a conservative principal?
“Education and hard work”
Those are solely conservative principals? Delusional.
“his white privilage”
Ignorance becomes you. There isn’t a single black in my profession – electrical engineering for building construction. Think about it.
Did you or did you not make bullshit up? Is there a private school named “Limbaugh/Sludge Institute?”
It’s amazing how many fads I create here.
Pretty much. There’s no out of pocket cost which is catnip to a right winger. You just have to suffer some advertising.
Many right wingers who comment here attend that school daily. It consists of two main “classes”, one is the Rush Limbaugh show and the other is the Matt Sludge Report website.
There’s other affiliate “classes” as well. Many, many, many of them in fact.
That’s where you get all your material you drag in here as if that demonstrates any intelligence at all.
Of course you denigrate public school. They don’t teach right wing propaganda.
I should have said that there’s not a single black in my engineering field in the Puget Sound region. I reconfirm this occasionally by inquiring of the sales people who make calls at all of the region’s electrical engineering firms and by discussion with engineers at other firms.
Don’t try and explain away your achievements. You worked hard to become successful.
Becoming more so everyday. The democrats of today are nothing like the democrats of a few decades ago when you were born. Wasn’t it some democrat that said something like ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.
Todays democrats, as evidenced by this obama supporting acorn official believes more in the country doing for them.
Back when you went to college, what percentage of your fellow students were black. Back in the old days were the entrance exams as racially discriminating as they are today?
Is the puget sound area that liberal? Is that why there are no blacks in your profession.
You know that liberal san francisco has a lack of black too. San Francisco hopes to reverse black flight
It’s not surprising they are leaving, when blacks do move in the whites don’t appreciate it.
As more and more black renters began moving into this mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb a few years ago, neighbors started complaining about loud parties, mean pit bulls, blaring car radios, prostitution, drug dealing and muggings of schoolchildren.
Nothing like a good liberal to reenforce all the negative stereotypes of blacks. If you read the article, the “mostly white San Francisco Bay Area suburb” put together a special crime fighting unit for those living in federally subsidized housing.
In your white opinion, why are there no blacks in your profession in your area.
Did you see the oscar orchestra last night? Notice the lack of color?
Steve, you argument skillz are getting worse and worse. manoftruth posted the gray lady commenter and their comments in his entry. It was easily found. You have no idea where it was/is so you bluster for all. Puddy ain’t carrying your water for you! Ain’t gonna work…
Exodus 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
So Steve, there is the verse and the highlighted portions per Puddy which proves Puddy’s point. Yet I twisted the word per you. I didn’t touch God’s word fool!
will somebody please ban the puddybitch and the marvin for thread crapping, hijacking and terminal stupidity?????
They’re like the kid on GRADESCHOOL that you’re trying to run off. No matter how BAD you treat them and no matter how many times you call them on their bullshit (AND PROVE IT)…they won’t fucking go away.
motherfucking idiot cocksuckers…or so SOME say…but the marvin and the pudddybitch have never proved they don’t suck cock. Or blow goats.
hmmmm…maybe roger has some “barnyard gossip”….LOLOL!
Only a homophobe would use sucking cock as an insult.
Why are you a homophobe, were you “touched” as a little boy by one of your family members?
I see the dense one has reappeared. He only wants Moonbat! commenters to comment and won’t allow us to answer questions.
Dense one@156-8: Thanks for providing everyone a real look at lunacy…
Have you ever proved you don’t enjoy the giving to and receiving from the Hershey Highway? We were told you have a latex fetish.
gotcha, assholes.
the puddybiotch and the marvin (the stupid fucking troll) seem to think I don’t like it that they are HERE.
Not. At. All.
I don’t like it that they are STUPID. Mind-fucking-numbingly stupid. Repeating the same mind-fucking-numbingly stupid arguements over and over and over ad-fucking-nauseum.
If they were smarter…we’d have better discussions. But…they’re not, so we don’t. Sigh. It’s their fault that all we do is make fun of ’em. Really.
That’s all.
How do you feel about the rabbit hijacking threads with his one sentence off topic posts.
@155 Now you delete scripture. I reckon you have to do that or give up.
Hmm, more name calling. Oh well. Have at it. I’m not going there with you.
Marvin, you know why the leftist morons got upset over the chimp cartoon?
They called GWB a chimp. So when the cartoon appeared, they immediately internalized the dead chimp was a reference to Obama. We all know Obama didn’t write the Porkulus bill, Pelosi/Reid did. But don’t let facts get in the way. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” even if it’s a manufactured one.
Below is my post from the other thread. It’s a reminder to Puddy of how threadbare and specious his arguments were about what the Bible says or doesn’t say about abortion. In the end he resorts to gross misinterpretation, omission and childish name calling.
“Puddy likes to read his Bible. So he probably understands full well that not a single one of the 600 laws of Moses addresses the issue (well, for God it seems to be a non-issue) of abortion. Puddy did post scripture here that confirms that God indeed views the unborn not as a blastocyst, embyro or fetus, but as a “child”. However, Puddy, clever that he is at misrepresentation, even of God’s Word, neglected to post scripture that clarifies just how much God values the life of an unborn “child”.
Exodus 21:22-25
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Alas, God views the values the life of an embryo, fetus, or, as the scripture Puddy posted put it, an unborn “child”, as so much chump change, something on the level of, say, a jay-walking ticket. Oh, but let mischief follow, say the murder of that woman, now we’re in “eye for eye”, even “Life for Life” territory. In other words, take the life of the mother, a life God does value highly, and you’re truly in deep shit with the Big Guy.
God hath spoken. Abortion? No big deal.”
Okay Steve drunk on Steve’s Stupid Solution…
Exodus 21:22-25
22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Steve, you are really trying and really losing. If any mischief happens then the man or men may die.
So what could that additional mischief be Steve? Well God gives us more punishment for those men. What is that mischief Steve? Assaulting her? Raping her? Abusing her?
So where did I “mangle interpretation of scripture” fool? I’m still waiting…
If the judges deemed the person lost his/her life what say you Steve?
It’s a shame you don’t debate sober anymore.
Here’s Puddy’s weak rebuttal where he uses the tactic of omitting the text of 21:23-25. By removing context, this leads to his quite intentional misinterpretation of scripture. For Puddy, the end justifies the means. And to what end? Saving little blastocyst Americans? No. It’s just the usual from the right – power and control. In this particular case, power and control over women.
“Regarding Steve’s other rant God’s answer is right there…
If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.
Very clear Steve… if he caused the abortion of the child, then the husband and judges will determine his fate…
The rest of the verses describe the worse case scenario… life for life.”
Puddy comes back with,
“Steve, you are really trying and really losing. If any mischief happens then the man or men may die.
So what could that additional mischief be Steve? Well God gives us more punishment for those men. What is that mischief Steve? Assaulting her? Raping her? Abusing her?”
It’s obvious that hurting her in a manner that causes her fruit to depart is a lessor evil to God than possible further mischief that can lead to a judgement calling for a “life for life”. How can one interpret this scripture as anything but saying that the unborn is not life, as in “life for life”, in God’s view without making it up from whole cloth, which is what you resort to doing?
Oh, and yet more name calling from Puddy @168. You just can’t let go of that, can you? Did the Cornell debate club give points for that? No, of course not. What would the debate coach there have to say about that? Perhaps something about you having already lost the argument?
Steve, I have one term comment…
Where have I lost the argument dude? God allows the husband along with the judges to choose the perps punishment. God then states additional criteria. I didn’t choose Exodus because it is perfectly clear how God feels about the unborn. Steve chose those verses. I used others to show how God looks at the unborn as a child. Now that Steve is getting is ass whupped he continues to dwell on this.
YOU LOSE! Where did I call you anything but Steve (fool) in #168?
Easy answer.
Upon seeing a deer in nature… a hunter sees a target. A peta person sees a superior lifeform. A farmer sees a threat to their crops. etc.
When a liberal sees a chimp they see a black man.
Speaking of how liberals view blacks, did you catch that dailypus diary where a black man ventured off the democratic plantation and was called living off white privilege?
The hypocrisy is simply amazing.
One of the biggest name callers is calling out someone for doing a steve impersonation.
@174 Care to show a post I’ve made in the last couple of months where I called Puddy names? You can’t.
@172 I readily conceded that the Bible refers to the unborn as a “child”. Heck, so does Webster’s. How about you? Are you capable of conceding anything? Evidently not. With that, there’s no reason I can see to discuss this or anything else with you.
Something else about liberals and race.
I admit, I love to mock democratics with the biden “clean/articulate african american” quote.
I don’t think biden made the comment with a racist agenda, with hate in his heart for those with darker skin.
It was simply his observation of african-americans. Up to that point, he hadn’t met any clean/articulate african americans.
Not me. I see the fool who left the stage last Jan 20. The idiot who left this country in ruins due to his idiotic policies.
Only a right winger would make a statement like the quote above. It’s called projection.
Political Blame Games
Some people want to blame the economy on the administration of the past 8yrs but that’s a fundamentally incorrect viewpoint. If people did some actual homework they’d learn that the root of this problem was spread through the yrs of Regan (too much deregulation), Clinton (requiring mrtg lending to non-credit worthy borrowers), and Bush (allowing excessive leverage). In actuality, a given President has less impact than the House/Senate in causing these problems but most people will always give credit (or assign blame) to the most recent President they’ve had.
It’s also amazing that some people actually believe that if someone is a R or D that they will obviously perform exactly like all other R/D’s. McCain is much different than Bush so all the people that tried to make the direct link are nuts.
BTW, I consider myself an Independent. Formerly, I was a registered Democrat. (a conservative Democrat, but Democrat nonetheless). However, the likes of many (like Pelosi, among others) has compelled me to switch to I. Many other D’s that I know have done the same but, unfortunately, the publicity machines of both the R & D parties have brainwashed most Americans to believe that a candidates with an I behind their names are somehow less credible or worthy of votes than ones with a D or R. It’s rediculous and sad…