I think I might do the Wednesday open threads on the way home. See how y’all like it. This is definitely not just because I forgot to put one up this morning. Thank you and God bless.
So what? It’s just a car. That’s nothing compared to what Trump’s other appointees are wrecking, and they got confirmed. I don’t see anything here that would keep Republican senators from voting for him,* so he’ll probably be the next VA boss.
* That would take a “D” after his name.
I find it very amusing that Bob, in a previous thread, is preaching to Steve.
Next Bob will be asking Steve to donate to his Ministry so that he can gas up the heli to saunter off to feed the horse.
“Wasn’t the GOP like a big proponent of businesses being able to pick and choose whom to serve? Like that gay bakery stuff from last year?”
“Lol, look at this clown who doesn’t understand how private business works.”
“Businesses should have the right to refuse anyone for any reason”
“Hey you have no right to refuse me for this reason!”
described as “the most unethical person I have ever worked with”, “flat-out unethical”, “explosive”, “100 percent bad temper”, “toxic”, “abusive”, “volatile”, “incapable of not losing his temper”, “the worst officer I have ever served with”, “despicable”, “dishonest”, as having “screaming tantrums” and “screaming fits”, as someone who would “lose his mind over small things”, “vindictive”, “belittling”, “the worse leader I’ve ever worked for.” Day-to-day environment was like “walking on eggshells.”
There are some differences between Snohomish and Island counties, of course.
One of them is existence within the Sound Transit taxation zone.
Results are too close to call in Tuesday’s special election for a proposed property-tax levy for Sno-Isle Libraries.
The “yes” votes on the measure, which needs a simple majority, were slightly ahead after the second ballot count. A total of 52,320 people, or 50.02 percent, voted to accept the levy while 52,279, or 49.98 percent, cast ballots against it.
Voters in Island and Snohomish counties participated in the special election.
Those who live in Island County were predominantly in favor of the levy, with nearly 62 percent voting yes. The majority of voters in Snohomish County, however, cast ballots against it; nearly 53 percent voted against it and 47 percent voted for it.
President PornHub’s close personal friend, loyal legal lieutenant, business consultant, and personal “fixer” filed a sworn declaration in fed court court today, declaring that if he were asked to answer questions related to the NDA he prepared for the sticky porno lady the answers to those questions would probably send him to prison.
Absolutely nobody in the USAO-SDNY payed any attention to it or considered that a noteworthy admission…
I can’t see any good reason not to settle with Daniels except that he’s awaiting a pardon. Nothing else adds up. Invoking the fifth cripples the civil suit. And it puts the entire DOJ and Judge Wood on alert that he’s probably a very serious crook and certainly not to be trusted in criminal discovery.
Whatever the fuck they gathered from Cohen’s sock drawer it was more than campaign finance violations. And Cohen himself just announced that to the whole world.
#owngoal #blameaclinton
@2 I hope Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t too disappointed that I’m not spending any time thinking on my sins. But I’m sure if I spent as much time thinking on my sins as Doctor Dumbfuck does thinking about Hillary, I’d be in God’s good graces.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ford is dropping all of its passenger cars except the Mustang and a new crossover to concentrate on van and truck production.
@8 for the Horses’ sake, let’s hope Bob has better looks than his cousin there.
@11. Wonder why the american buyers don’t want sedans and hatchbacks. Too small? Doesn’t make them feel powerful?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
His most important client ever, President Smelly PornFucker went on the television set this morning (called into his propaganda network) and fucked Mr. Safety School, Esq. hard right in the butt hole in front of millions of drooling trailerbillies who watched enraptured and collectively cried out “Me next!”.
First President Smelly PornFucker declared that Cohen isn’t really a lawyer at all, but is pretty much a business guy like him who does “deals” and “stuff”. So much for privilege. Were you listening Judge Wood? I think you were!
Then, pausing to shove his fingers into his armpits and then smell them, the Roypublican President suddenly juked in the other direction leaving Steve Doocy’s Berlutis smoldering on the floor of Fox News studios, by declaring that Mr. Safety School, Esq. was his lawyer for doing Porno Lady hush money contracts! So much for the NDA he never signed! Were you watching Judge Otero?
It was early in the morning on the West coast. But I think you were up and perhaps jogging on your treadmill before heading down to the courthouse on 1st. Did you have your television tuned to Fox and Friends? It’s okay. It’s all going into the trial record anyway!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I know some of my liberal friends are against the death penalty in all circumstances, but the gang member Texas executed yesterday who sprayed gunfire into a children’s birthday party, killing a 5-year-old and a grandmother, had it coming. Good riddance to human garbage.
to one of Goldy’s ill-considered tweet threads I responded with a suggestion that the city of Seattle consider raising revenue by a surtax on the higher-priced restaurants Goldy so favors.
Sure, it’s being proposed by the restauranteurs themselves, to raise revenues to defray increasing labor costs, but really, what’s the difference? A surtax is a surtax, and all that’s left to be debated is what is done with the collected funds.
No thanks necessary, Goldy. I’m here to help.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…a surtax on the higher-priced restaurants Goldythe local marketplace so favors.
Don’t forget to wash your invisible hands before you return to your table. The management thanks you.
@ 10
But I’m sure if I spent as much time thinking on my sins as Doctor Dumbfuck does thinking about Hillary, I’d be in God’s good graces.
Steve, if Democrats had spent half the time critiquing Hillary that the GOP did in advance of the 2016 primary season, we’d have President O’Malley right now.
Ah, but there’s a bright side, Steve. Plenty of time to think about what could have been before your next opportunity to be smart.
Railfan is never around when you need him.
Years After Station Built, Amtrak Still Negotiating With FDOT To Serve Miami Intermodal Center
It is almost five years after Amtrak was supposed to begin service to the Miami Intermodal Center.
Construction on the rail hub began in 2011, with a forecast completion of September 2013.
The Amtrak station was built, but never opened. The problem – the platform length is 200 feet short, thanks to a miscommunication between Amtrak and FDOT.
It’s understandable, really. They’re each worthless wastes of the taxpayer’s money.
We won’t have Ronny Jackson to kick around anymore.
“I’ll appoint only the highest caliber, most high IQ, believe me, what are we doing with having any old veteran run the VA, I could nominate a monkey to do a better, no collusion, job. Have you seen my poll numbers? SAD. Lying media will tell you that. I have only the smartest, well I’m the smartest, so just a little dumber than me appointees in the history of our country. Make America, No collusion, great again. Honey, come over here and hold my hand. I’m nominating Dr. Oz as head of the Veterans Administration. He was on Fox and Friends and the green coffee thing sounds great. All, no collusion, our fine people who served our country….fire those sonsabitches…you’re fired. No of course not the veterans. No on has ever done more for veterans than me folks. Hillary Clinton hasn’t lifted a finger for veterans. No collusion. So Sad.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “We’d have President O’Malley right now.”
I seriously doubt it. Anyone dumbfuck enough to vote for Trump would do so even if Mother Teresa or Jesus Christ was his opponent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit bought more AT&T today. However, this stock may not be right for everyone. Investors should always diversify by spreading their money over multiple stocks in multiple S&P sectors. If AT&T is already over 10% of your portfolio, then you probably shouldn’t buy more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Guilty verdicts in Cosby trial.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican is someone who thinks there should be work requirements to get disability benefits.
Does our resident lunatic wanna stop by and repeat any of his musings on Cosby?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Three-time loser Dino Lossi tries to make it four in a row by blowing off students who don’t want to get shot in their classrooms as agitators.
Terrible day for the babbling cornhole who imbued Kosby with its most sacred and solemn of imprecations:
black klownservatic..
Helluva role model for the next generation of klownservatics, eh babbling butthole? Put the Kosby freak right next to Roger Ailes and Bill-O the klown and a host of other klownservatic fiends whose depravities you’ve looked the other way from while projecting unto HA HEROES.
Damn fool you are!
The worst day EVER for balding, limp boob mcdumbfuck and its politics of misogyny. Keep getting off to your sins freak.
#metoo is comin’ for you!
Today restored a lot women’s faith in humanity but it’s still a sad day – wealth and power – all klownservatics care about, lets these freaks get away with too much for too long.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It appears rather clear that President PornHub has been taking most of his legal advice from the talking hairdos at Fox News. Which is great!
Because, of course, not only are the silicone kewpie dolls of his propaganda network bad at law stuff (psst: they aren’t even lawyers!), they aren’t even trying to be good at it! Their job isn’t to sort through the ever thickening shitpile of criminal stupidity that President PornHub and the Child Molester party continue to bring down on themselves. Their job is to whisper a conservatard ASMR response into the feeble brains of the 63 million beer drunk dullards who reflexively traded their national allegiance to pimply Moldovan teens because… MESKINS! They are going to say whatever needs to be said to keep the faithful in the pews. And that includes some really preposterous legal theories.
Which means that not only do fucktards like Doctor Dumbfuck and Piddles have absolutely no clue how completely fucked their PornHub President is… neither does PornHub himself! I’m sure his lawyers must have written it all down on a single sheet, one side, 24 point font, bullet pointed, with cartoon smiley faces, 3M sticky arrows, and starbursts. And he probably glanced at it. But then he turns on his television and the brain wipe happens.
For Trump’s lawyers this must be like watching your toddler play in traffic.
5:36 AM – 26 Apr 2018
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Literally minutes after Roypublican President PornHub finished violently skull-fucking himself and Mr. Safety School, Esq. in front of millions of drooling, brain-dead Fox News viewers (and about a thousand government lawyers) the federal government filed this letter with Judge Wood at the USDC-SDNY.
My most favorite part:
As the Court is aware, after originally stating that the Government seized “thousands, if not millions,” of pages of privileged documents, Cohen subsequently identified three current clients. Of those three clients, one, Sean Hannity, has since said that “Michael Cohen has never represented me in any matter. I never retained him, received an invoice, or paid legal fees.” Another, President Trump, reportedly said on cable television this morning that Cohen performs “a tiny, tiny little fraction” of his overall legal work. These statements by two of Cohen’s three identified clients suggest that the seized materials are unlikely to contain voluminous privileged documents, further supporting the importance of efficiency here.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That sound you are hearing is a great big orange bus driving back and forth over a Cohen-shaped bump, and grinding it’s gears.
“Yeah.Diamond and silk! great insight on Facebook. They’ve been silenced. They are big supporters of the president. Let’s get them in here. It’be great. This ticket is Zuckerberg’s cummupeance. Maybe they could commit perjury.”
#maga #owngoal
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And to nobody’s surprise Cohen and Trump’s lawyers got into it a little bit this afternoon while arguing before Judge Wood. Looks like discovery will be handled by Special Master Barbara Jones, a former federal prosecutor and USDC-SDNY judge (Clinton), now a partner at Bracewell. A USAO-SDNY “taint-team” will get to review all the redacted materials. Translation: Feds will get to see it all.
Best part: Judge Wood sympathetically comparing Cohen’s privacy interests to those of “any criminal defendant”.
#telegraphing #winning #fifth
Menendez admonished. Bob is going to have to cleanup after himself with a towel.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 We’re looking at a trifecta: Trump, Hannity, and Cohen are fucked. Great toss; got three birds with one stone.
Apparently there are some who take issue with this tool’s claim of ‘amazing leadership’.
BREAKING: By a 534-94 margin, deputies vote ‘no confidence’ in Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel – WPLG
1:38 PM – 26 Apr 2018
They won’t let ‘froggy be a teacher, for much the same reason.
Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸
#BREAKING: Broward County Public Schools announces school officials are now looking into the incident where @GregPittman1957 allegedly called @KyleKashuv “the next Hitler,” and suggested that something needed to be done about him. pic.twitter.com/TUxeV7Cmgi
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 So? They won’t let you be a veterinarian.
Oh Frank, my lips are hot. Kiss my hot lips.
Laura Jarrett
The previously missing — then found — text messages between FBI officials who came under scrutiny for mocking Trump have now been delivered to the Hill; this batch includes period after Trump inaugurated, Comey fired, Mueller appointed
12:54 PM – Apr 26, 2018
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@28 Trump may have a lousy attorney in Cohen, but the flip side to that is Cohen has one hell of a lousy client (well three lousy clients now).
In reality, Cohen and Trump deserve each other.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorats Collude With Enemy Again, Demorat Party Line Is Identical To Chinese Communist Party Line http://www.xinhuanet.com/engli.....133878.htm
Snip- BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) — Racial relations in the United States continued to deteriorate in 2017, according to a report on U.S. human rights released Tuesday.
The report, titled “Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017” and published by China’s State Council Information Office, said social antagonism has been intensified and racial conflicts frequently occurred in the country.
Racial discrimination exists in law enforcement and judicial organs, the report noted. Black male offenders received sentences on average of 19.1 percent longer than those of “similarly situated” white male offenders, it said, citing a report of the U.S. Sentencing Commission released in November 2017.
According to statistics by the Mapping Police Violence released on January 1, 2018, the U.S. police killed 1,129 people in 2017, of whom 25 percent were black people, much higher than their population distribution of 13 percent.
The report said racist hate crimes hit record high in recent years in the United States. According to statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in November 2017, a total of 6,121 hate crimes were reported nationwide in 2016, to a point not seen in recent history. Minority groups have lower employment rates and less payment, and racial wealth gap became larger, said the report.
The report noted that Muslims suffered from discrimination and assaults in the United States. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of hate crimes statistics from the FBI, the number of assaults against Muslims in the country rose significantly between 2015 and 2016, surpassing the modern peak reached in 2001, the year of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 Mocking Trump is an offense? Two-thirds of the country are mocking Trump and his moron supporters. He’s a clown. They’re clowns. You’re a clown. The Trump movement is a clown parade.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@44 “The Trump movement is a clown parade.”
They almost, I mean they came thiiiisssss close, to having Doc Ronny drive that clown car, but alas, he got drunk and wrecked a car and they won’t let him behind the wheel of the Trump Clown show. Besides, true to Donny, nobody can top him, ever.
Darn, we could have had the Don and Ron show, the flip side of our own Ron and Don show at KIRO radio (http://mynorthwest.com/ron-and-don/, Just think, coast-to-coast clown shows.
The report said racist hate crimes hit record high in recent years in the United States. According to statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in November 2017
So bbq pork sauce is saying the stats on hate crimes and other crimes of violence compiled for years by the FBI in the UCR are the product of Chinese communist propaganda.
Ooooh. That must the work of McCabe and the star crossed lovers let go by Mueller.
Got it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Why even pay attention to such nonsense? Not worth your time.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Especially after fully half the senior managers and advisers of their campaign and the admin have active ongoing “business” relationships with “commies”.
Must be “yellow peril” time. When you can’t gin up enough hatred going after half the earth’s population, I guess you have to go after the other half. Pretty soon the entire Roypublican Party “identity” is going to be reduced to three or four liver-spotted German-Irish alcoholics in Spottsville, KY.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
In a frank and wide-ranging conversation, Hoyer laid down the law for Tillemann. The decision, Tillemann was told, had been made long ago. It wasn’t personal, Hoyer insisted, and there was nothing uniquely unfair being done to Tillemann, he explained: This is how the party does it everywhere.
Tillemann had heard the argument before from D.C. insiders and local Democratic bigwigs, all of whom had discouraged him from challenging the establishment favorite. The only difference was that for this conversation, the candidate had his phone set to record.
PuddyCommentary: So DUMMOCRETINS been stacking their political deck for years! Who knew it was a closed club?
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
If they don’t publically denounce it, they must SUPPORT IT…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I hope it succeeds. Hecklers Veto needs to be stamped out.
That way when one of our kids decides to wear a “Fuck Jesus” tee shirt to school there won’t be a goddamn thing you and the rest of your goat cult can do about it.
Police say 47-year-old Willie P. Ames, wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat, started fighting with a 24-year-old Hispanic man
Disturbingly similar to the babbling butthole. Bet the freak babbled like a loon about the “ethnic cleansing of my people in L.A.” and then asked to see a green card.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Useless tool @58,
1) Why do you jock strap illegal aliens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers like MS-13 to stay in the USA monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
5) Why are you a racist monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
FACTS, not a friend to a his panic pink lace panty man like you! Till Next Time idiot!
I remember this when it first came out. I can’t find any examples of it without bullshit commentary but the reality is, that “Mike” here is an obvious religionist psychopath, is seriously mentally ill, and probably drunk to boot.
I probably wouldn’t have been able to hold my temper with the man.
This example is the one that didn’t edit out the profanity, and has commentary that really applies.
@ The Schiz @ 59
Dude, call your social worker, you’re having a crisis.
One of the things that bothers me a lot, is the fact that there are no Security people around. I would have seen this man arrested and permanently trespassed from the airport.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
His one mistake?
He should have done it on a “liberal” college campus. Like these guys.
Whoa! Epic loon meltdown @59.
@ 56
They kept him on the payroll and in the White House, dating Pruitt’s “work wife” and later cheating on her and boning Hope Hicks knowing he liked to punch the ladies around.
You’re right, Klamath McHillbilly, that’s definitely not the way to do it. How to keep people around that shouldn’t be around?
You do it the way Hillary kept Sidney Blumenthal around.
I wonder if MikeBoyScout is going to fly to CO to do any campaigning for Democrats this year.
DURING THE CONVERSATION, Hoyer asked Tillemann to leave the race multiple times and make way for Crow. “You keep saying I would like you to get out of the race, and of course that’s correct,” Hoyer said, adding that he hoped Tillemann would refrain from criticizing the party’s chosen candidate if he decided to stay in.
IN RACES IN Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Texas, Nebraska, California, and beyond, progressive candidates are finding that the DCCC has mobilized support for moderate candidates with access to early campaign cash at the expense of progressives. As we’ve reported, many first-time candidates are told by the DCCC that before they can even be considered, they have to perform the “rolodex” test to show they can raise $250,000 or more from the contact list on their phone.
In February, the DCCC made the unusual move to release opposition research, the term of art for political dirt, against activist Laura Moser, who the party viewed as too liberal to win in the 7th Congressional District of Texas, a Houston-area seat. The strategy, however, appeared to backfire. Moser placed second in the Texas Democratic primary…
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
#owngoal monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Every one of those charges is TRUE about you monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
“One of the allegations is that Jackson once got drunk and ‘wrecked’ a government car.”
So what? It’s just a car. That’s nothing compared to what Trump’s other appointees are wrecking, and they got confirmed. I don’t see anything here that would keep Republican senators from voting for him,* so he’ll probably be the next VA boss.
* That would take a “D” after his name.
I find it very amusing that Bob, in a previous thread, is preaching to Steve.
Next Bob will be asking Steve to donate to his Ministry so that he can gas up the heli to saunter off to feed the horse.
Judge: Bars are allowed to throw out Trump supporters
“A Manhattan judge ruled Wednesday that there’s nothing “outrageous” about throwing the president’s supporters out of bars — because the law doesn’t protect against political discrimination.”
“Wasn’t the GOP like a big proponent of businesses being able to pick and choose whom to serve? Like that gay bakery stuff from last year?”
“Lol, look at this clown who doesn’t understand how private business works.”
“Businesses should have the right to refuse anyone for any reason”
“Hey you have no right to refuse me for this reason!”
Hate to say it but I think the poll is wrong.
And not that I don’t believe that the guys did anything wrong, we all know he did – I just don’t think anything will stick. I hope I am wrong.
Well we’ve all been honored here at HA..
Either the chief physician at the White House has been trolling HA all these years or boob mcdumbfuck taught Ronny Jackson how to be in the world.
There are some differences between Snohomish and Island counties, of course.
One of them is existence within the Sound Transit taxation zone.
Results are too close to call in Tuesday’s special election for a proposed property-tax levy for Sno-Isle Libraries.
The “yes” votes on the measure, which needs a simple majority, were slightly ahead after the second ballot count. A total of 52,320 people, or 50.02 percent, voted to accept the levy while 52,279, or 49.98 percent, cast ballots against it.
Voters in Island and Snohomish counties participated in the special election.
Those who live in Island County were predominantly in favor of the levy, with nearly 62 percent voting yes. The majority of voters in Snohomish County, however, cast ballots against it; nearly 53 percent voted against it and 47 percent voted for it.
Why do 62% of Island County voters support a library levy while only 47% of Snohomish County voters do?
I’d have to submit taxation fatigue as one of the likely explanations.
Does’t Bob have a horse ranch in Oregon? This must be a relative: http://komonews.com/news/natio.....-hillsboro
President PornHub’s close personal friend, loyal legal lieutenant, business consultant, and personal “fixer” filed a sworn declaration in fed court court today, declaring that if he were asked to answer questions related to the NDA he prepared for the sticky porno lady the answers to those questions would probably send him to prison.
Absolutely nobody in the USAO-SDNY payed any attention to it or considered that a noteworthy admission…
I can’t see any good reason not to settle with Daniels except that he’s awaiting a pardon. Nothing else adds up. Invoking the fifth cripples the civil suit. And it puts the entire DOJ and Judge Wood on alert that he’s probably a very serious crook and certainly not to be trusted in criminal discovery.
Whatever the fuck they gathered from Cohen’s sock drawer it was more than campaign finance violations. And Cohen himself just announced that to the whole world.
#owngoal #blameaclinton
@2 I hope Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t too disappointed that I’m not spending any time thinking on my sins. But I’m sure if I spent as much time thinking on my sins as Doctor Dumbfuck does thinking about Hillary, I’d be in God’s good graces.
Ford is dropping all of its passenger cars except the Mustang and a new crossover to concentrate on van and truck production.
@8 for the Horses’ sake, let’s hope Bob has better looks than his cousin there.
@11. Wonder why the american buyers don’t want sedans and hatchbacks. Too small? Doesn’t make them feel powerful?
His most important client ever, President Smelly PornFucker went on the television set this morning (called into his propaganda network) and fucked Mr. Safety School, Esq. hard right in the butt hole in front of millions of drooling trailerbillies who watched enraptured and collectively cried out “Me next!”.
First President Smelly PornFucker declared that Cohen isn’t really a lawyer at all, but is pretty much a business guy like him who does “deals” and “stuff”. So much for privilege. Were you listening Judge Wood? I think you were!
Then, pausing to shove his fingers into his armpits and then smell them, the Roypublican President suddenly juked in the other direction leaving Steve Doocy’s Berlutis smoldering on the floor of Fox News studios, by declaring that Mr. Safety School, Esq. was his lawyer for doing Porno Lady hush money contracts! So much for the NDA he never signed! Were you watching Judge Otero?
It was early in the morning on the West coast. But I think you were up and perhaps jogging on your treadmill before heading down to the courthouse on 1st. Did you have your television tuned to Fox and Friends? It’s okay. It’s all going into the trial record anyway!
I know some of my liberal friends are against the death penalty in all circumstances, but the gang member Texas executed yesterday who sprayed gunfire into a children’s birthday party, killing a 5-year-old and a grandmother, had it coming. Good riddance to human garbage.
Yesterday, in response
to one of Goldy’s ill-considered tweet threads I responded with a suggestion that the city of Seattle consider raising revenue by a surtax on the higher-priced restaurants Goldy so favors.
Today in NYC:
NYC restaurants propose surcharges for all diners
Sure, it’s being proposed by the restauranteurs themselves, to raise revenues to defray increasing labor costs, but really, what’s the difference? A surtax is a surtax, and all that’s left to be debated is what is done with the collected funds.
No thanks necessary, Goldy. I’m here to help.
Don’t forget to wash your invisible hands before you return to your table. The management thanks you.
@ 10
But I’m sure if I spent as much time thinking on my sins as Doctor Dumbfuck does thinking about Hillary, I’d be in God’s good graces.
Steve, if Democrats had spent half the time critiquing Hillary that the GOP did in advance of the 2016 primary season, we’d have President O’Malley right now.
Ah, but there’s a bright side, Steve. Plenty of time to think about what could have been before your next opportunity to be smart.
Railfan is never around when you need him.
Years After Station Built, Amtrak Still Negotiating With FDOT To Serve Miami Intermodal Center
It is almost five years after Amtrak was supposed to begin service to the Miami Intermodal Center.
Construction on the rail hub began in 2011, with a forecast completion of September 2013.
The Amtrak station was built, but never opened. The problem – the platform length is 200 feet short, thanks to a miscommunication between Amtrak and FDOT.
Every time I hear the word Amtrak I think of Joe Biden.
Riding the Rails With Amtrak Joe
It’s understandable, really. They’re each worthless wastes of the taxpayer’s money.
We won’t have Ronny Jackson to kick around anymore.
“I’ll appoint only the highest caliber, most high IQ, believe me, what are we doing with having any old veteran run the VA, I could nominate a monkey to do a better, no collusion, job. Have you seen my poll numbers? SAD. Lying media will tell you that. I have only the smartest, well I’m the smartest, so just a little dumber than me appointees in the history of our country. Make America, No collusion, great again. Honey, come over here and hold my hand. I’m nominating Dr. Oz as head of the Veterans Administration. He was on Fox and Friends and the green coffee thing sounds great. All, no collusion, our fine people who served our country….fire those sonsabitches…you’re fired. No of course not the veterans. No on has ever done more for veterans than me folks. Hillary Clinton hasn’t lifted a finger for veterans. No collusion. So Sad.”
@18 “We’d have President O’Malley right now.”
I seriously doubt it. Anyone dumbfuck enough to vote for Trump would do so even if Mother Teresa or Jesus Christ was his opponent.
Roger Rabbit bought more AT&T today. However, this stock may not be right for everyone. Investors should always diversify by spreading their money over multiple stocks in multiple S&P sectors. If AT&T is already over 10% of your portfolio, then you probably shouldn’t buy more.
Guilty verdicts in Cosby trial.
A Republican is someone who thinks there should be work requirements to get disability benefits.
Does our resident lunatic wanna stop by and repeat any of his musings on Cosby?
Three-time loser Dino Lossi tries to make it four in a row by blowing off students who don’t want to get shot in their classrooms as agitators.
Hey trolls!
Behold – How it is done:
Michael Avenatti
Verified account
Follow @MichaelAvenatti
Thank you @foxandfriends for having Mr. Trump on this morning to discuss Michael Cohen and our case. Very informative.
5:52 AM – 26 Apr 2018
@27 For details of how badly Trump screwed himself, see:
oooh that Kosby…
Terrible day for the babbling cornhole who imbued Kosby with its most sacred and solemn of imprecations:
black klownservatic..
Helluva role model for the next generation of klownservatics, eh babbling butthole? Put the Kosby freak right next to Roger Ailes and Bill-O the klown and a host of other klownservatic fiends whose depravities you’ve looked the other way from while projecting unto HA HEROES.
Damn fool you are!
The worst day EVER for balding, limp boob mcdumbfuck and its politics of misogyny. Keep getting off to your sins freak.
#metoo is comin’ for you!
Today restored a lot women’s faith in humanity but it’s still a sad day – wealth and power – all klownservatics care about, lets these freaks get away with too much for too long.
It appears rather clear that President PornHub has been taking most of his legal advice from the talking hairdos at Fox News. Which is great!
Because, of course, not only are the silicone kewpie dolls of his propaganda network bad at law stuff (psst: they aren’t even lawyers!), they aren’t even trying to be good at it! Their job isn’t to sort through the ever thickening shitpile of criminal stupidity that President PornHub and the Child Molester party continue to bring down on themselves. Their job is to whisper a conservatard ASMR response into the feeble brains of the 63 million beer drunk dullards who reflexively traded their national allegiance to pimply Moldovan teens because… MESKINS! They are going to say whatever needs to be said to keep the faithful in the pews. And that includes some really preposterous legal theories.
Which means that not only do fucktards like Doctor Dumbfuck and Piddles have absolutely no clue how completely fucked their PornHub President is… neither does PornHub himself! I’m sure his lawyers must have written it all down on a single sheet, one side, 24 point font, bullet pointed, with cartoon smiley faces, 3M sticky arrows, and starbursts. And he probably glanced at it. But then he turns on his television and the brain wipe happens.
Follow @Popehat
For Trump’s lawyers this must be like watching your toddler play in traffic.
5:36 AM – 26 Apr 2018
Literally minutes after Roypublican President PornHub finished violently skull-fucking himself and Mr. Safety School, Esq. in front of millions of drooling, brain-dead Fox News viewers (and about a thousand government lawyers) the federal government filed this letter with Judge Wood at the USDC-SDNY.
My most favorite part:
That sound you are hearing is a great big orange bus driving back and forth over a Cohen-shaped bump, and grinding it’s gears.
“Yeah.Diamond and silk! great insight on Facebook. They’ve been silenced. They are big supporters of the president. Let’s get them in here. It’be great. This ticket is Zuckerberg’s cummupeance. Maybe they could commit perjury.”
#maga #owngoal
And to nobody’s surprise Cohen and Trump’s lawyers got into it a little bit this afternoon while arguing before Judge Wood. Looks like discovery will be handled by Special Master Barbara Jones, a former federal prosecutor and USDC-SDNY judge (Clinton), now a partner at Bracewell. A USAO-SDNY “taint-team” will get to review all the redacted materials. Translation: Feds will get to see it all.
Best part: Judge Wood sympathetically comparing Cohen’s privacy interests to those of “any criminal defendant”.
#telegraphing #winning #fifth
Menendez admonished. Bob is going to have to cleanup after himself with a towel.
@35 We’re looking at a trifecta: Trump, Hannity, and Cohen are fucked. Great toss; got three birds with one stone.
Apparently there are some who take issue with this tool’s claim of ‘amazing leadership’.
BREAKING: By a 534-94 margin, deputies vote ‘no confidence’ in Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel – WPLG
1:38 PM – 26 Apr 2018
They won’t let ‘froggy be a teacher, for much the same reason.
Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸
#BREAKING: Broward County Public Schools announces school officials are now looking into the incident where @GregPittman1957 allegedly called @KyleKashuv “the next Hitler,” and suggested that something needed to be done about him. pic.twitter.com/TUxeV7Cmgi
@39 So? They won’t let you be a veterinarian.
Oh Frank, my lips are hot. Kiss my hot lips.
Laura Jarrett
The previously missing — then found — text messages between FBI officials who came under scrutiny for mocking Trump have now been delivered to the Hill; this batch includes period after Trump inaugurated, Comey fired, Mueller appointed
12:54 PM – Apr 26, 2018
@28 Trump may have a lousy attorney in Cohen, but the flip side to that is Cohen has one hell of a lousy client (well three lousy clients now).
In reality, Cohen and Trump deserve each other.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorats Collude With Enemy Again, Demorat Party Line Is Identical To Chinese Communist Party Line
Snip- BEIJING, April 24 (Xinhua) — Racial relations in the United States continued to deteriorate in 2017, according to a report on U.S. human rights released Tuesday.
The report, titled “Human Rights Record of the United States in 2017” and published by China’s State Council Information Office, said social antagonism has been intensified and racial conflicts frequently occurred in the country.
Racial discrimination exists in law enforcement and judicial organs, the report noted. Black male offenders received sentences on average of 19.1 percent longer than those of “similarly situated” white male offenders, it said, citing a report of the U.S. Sentencing Commission released in November 2017.
According to statistics by the Mapping Police Violence released on January 1, 2018, the U.S. police killed 1,129 people in 2017, of whom 25 percent were black people, much higher than their population distribution of 13 percent.
The report said racist hate crimes hit record high in recent years in the United States. According to statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in November 2017, a total of 6,121 hate crimes were reported nationwide in 2016, to a point not seen in recent history. Minority groups have lower employment rates and less payment, and racial wealth gap became larger, said the report.
The report noted that Muslims suffered from discrimination and assaults in the United States. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of hate crimes statistics from the FBI, the number of assaults against Muslims in the country rose significantly between 2015 and 2016, surpassing the modern peak reached in 2001, the year of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
@41 Mocking Trump is an offense? Two-thirds of the country are mocking Trump and his moron supporters. He’s a clown. They’re clowns. You’re a clown. The Trump movement is a clown parade.
@44 “The Trump movement is a clown parade.”
They almost, I mean they came thiiiisssss close, to having Doc Ronny drive that clown car, but alas, he got drunk and wrecked a car and they won’t let him behind the wheel of the Trump Clown show. Besides, true to Donny, nobody can top him, ever.
Darn, we could have had the Don and Ron show, the flip side of our own Ron and Don show at KIRO radio (http://mynorthwest.com/ron-and-don/, Just think, coast-to-coast clown shows.
@45 What Trump built:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to believe, but some people are actually proud of their “MAGA” hats.
Meanwhile, Trump has chosen a theme song for his 2020 reelection campaign …
So bbq pork sauce is saying the stats on hate crimes and other crimes of violence compiled for years by the FBI in the UCR are the product of Chinese communist propaganda.
Ooooh. That must the work of McCabe and the star crossed lovers let go by Mueller.
Got it.
@48 Why even pay attention to such nonsense? Not worth your time.
Especially after fully half the senior managers and advisers of their campaign and the admin have active ongoing “business” relationships with “commies”.
Must be “yellow peril” time. When you can’t gin up enough hatred going after half the earth’s population, I guess you have to go after the other half. Pretty soon the entire Roypublican Party “identity” is going to be reduced to three or four liver-spotted German-Irish alcoholics in Spottsville, KY.
DAYUM that’s gotta hurt! https://theintercept.com/2018/04/26/steny-hoyer-audio-levi-tillemann/
PuddyCommentary: So DUMMOCRETINS been stacking their political deck for years! Who knew it was a closed club?
Till Next Time!
When you go against the libtard narrative you are attacked… http://patriotretort.com/was-t.....n-trouble/
Till Next Time!
Lawsuit against UC Berkeley for their conservative speaker bias can go forward.
Till Next Time!
Not a peep from the trolls about Kosby…
What did some babbling butthole say about this?
If they don’t publically denounce it, they must SUPPORT IT…
I hope it succeeds. Hecklers Veto needs to be stamped out.
That way when one of our kids decides to wear a “Fuck Jesus” tee shirt to school there won’t be a goddamn thing you and the rest of your goat cult can do about it.
Welp, it is confirmed.
The FBI reported to the White House all about the wife beater waaay back in March 2017 just months after innauguration but before he started cheating on Dravis with Hicks. They kept him on the payroll and in the White House, dating Pruitt’s “work wife” and later cheating on her and boning Hope Hicks knowing he liked to punch the ladies around. Class act all the way.
The finest people.
One less MAGA thug is stalking New York’s streets.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can’t wait for Puddy to call this guy a DUMMOCRETIN. Then I wanna see how the loon creatively explains away the hat.
Disturbingly similar to the babbling butthole. Bet the freak babbled like a loon about the “ethnic cleansing of my people in L.A.” and then asked to see a green card.
Useless tool @58,
1) Why do you jock strap illegal aliens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers like MS-13 to stay in the USA monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
5) Why are you a racist monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset?
FACTS, not a friend to a his panic pink lace panty man like you! Till Next Time idiot!
@ RR @ 46
You should post the full vid.
I remember this when it first came out. I can’t find any examples of it without bullshit commentary but the reality is, that “Mike” here is an obvious religionist psychopath, is seriously mentally ill, and probably drunk to boot.
I probably wouldn’t have been able to hold my temper with the man.
This example is the one that didn’t edit out the profanity, and has commentary that really applies.
@ The Schiz @ 59
Dude, call your social worker, you’re having a crisis.
Oop, found it.
It must be so good to be an American “Christian”.
One of the things that bothers me a lot, is the fact that there are no Security people around. I would have seen this man arrested and permanently trespassed from the airport.
His one mistake?
He should have done it on a “liberal” college campus.
Like these guys.
Whoa! Epic loon meltdown @59.
@ 56
They kept him on the payroll and in the White House, dating Pruitt’s “work wife” and later cheating on her and boning Hope Hicks knowing he liked to punch the ladies around.
You’re right, Klamath McHillbilly, that’s definitely not the way to do it. How to keep people around that shouldn’t be around?
You do it the way Hillary kept Sidney Blumenthal around.
I wonder if MikeBoyScout is going to fly to CO to do any campaigning for Democrats this year.
DURING THE CONVERSATION, Hoyer asked Tillemann to leave the race multiple times and make way for Crow. “You keep saying I would like you to get out of the race, and of course that’s correct,” Hoyer said, adding that he hoped Tillemann would refrain from criticizing the party’s chosen candidate if he decided to stay in.
IN RACES IN Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Texas, Nebraska, California, and beyond, progressive candidates are finding that the DCCC has mobilized support for moderate candidates with access to early campaign cash at the expense of progressives. As we’ve reported, many first-time candidates are told by the DCCC that before they can even be considered, they have to perform the “rolodex” test to show they can raise $250,000 or more from the contact list on their phone.
In February, the DCCC made the unusual move to release opposition research, the term of art for political dirt, against activist Laura Moser, who the party viewed as too liberal to win in the 7th Congressional District of Texas, a Houston-area seat. The strategy, however, appeared to backfire. Moser placed second in the Texas Democratic primary…
The guy’s a grandson of Tom Lantos. So it’s not like he’s Richard Pope.
(Moved this to the new thread)
Heh. The babbling butthole was “triggered”..
#owngoal monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Every one of those charges is TRUE about you monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset!
Till Next Time!
Look at the freak go @ 69!