My parents’ friend made a bunch of masks and they sent some on to me. So, next time I go out, I will have minimal protection. And maybe will help other people not get whatever I might have. Still, not going out is probably the best.
And washing your hands. So go wash your hands right now.
If fewer Americans die than the most pessimistic models predicted, will you be relieved and thankful that some lives were spared?
Or will you be furious that your BEACH WEEK!!! fun was inconvenienced?
We are still pretty deep in the woods on this I think. But it’s looking like Rapepublicans are gearing up to try to gin up voter outrage over saving lives.
This is the figurative equivalent of getting angry at the fire fighters for closing your street while they fought your house fire and, oh yes, by the way, also managed to save your life.
I guess because president RapeHero was always on record as “being opposed to closing the street”, and was “among the first to call for re-opening the street” as soon as it was determined that all of your pets and children had “probably” perished in the fire, that makes these monsters right?
Rapepublicans are not cut out for this work.
The Constitution is a road map, not a barrier. It exists to restrain and control government employees, not impose tyranny on American citizens.
Pelosi was on James Corden’s show. She was “interviewed” while standing in front of her two Sub-Zero refrigerators.
Thanks ever so much for sharing our pain,
Marie AntoinetteNancy.
She’s wrong. We’re being sent the future tax dollars paid by YLB’s kids.
Racist, incel, Q Clearance Patriot had his feeeeeelings hurt because “one of those women” has more money than him.
The Speaker owns a 3,300 sqft three story art deco brick home on a view corner in the Pacific Heights neighborhood as well as a 16 acre vineyard and chateau in St. Helena in Napa Valley.
She owns more than two refrigerators. Lots more.
Comes naturally to some.
I wonder if president RapeHero signed any of the pink slips for all the people at his resorts he just fired?
Trick question.
They were all Ecuadorans working under the table.
27,000 > 15
One could buy a normal new refrigerator with $1200. could have done it this week if FatDonnie hadn’t insisted on reprogramming the existing mechanism to print the checks.
So what does our resident medical expert have to say about Kellyanne Conway’s assertion that this is the 19th wave of SARS-CoV-2 and the World Health Organization slept through the first 18 outbreaks?
“This is Covid-19, not Covid-1, folks. You would think that people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that. This is just a pause right now.”
Can Trump’s chief HA apologist bring himself to admit that Trump’s chief propagandist is a liar?
Let’s see if Doctor Dumbfuck has enough larynx to drown out the crickets.
@3 racist woman hater, now criticize the impeached miserable failure’s possessions, especially the gold ones. Or is it only wrong when a democratic powerful woman has nicer things than you?
@1 Even if King Trump orders restrictions lifted, I still won’t go out of my burrow until I think it’s safe. I don’t have spending money anyway. He’s still sitting on my stimulus check waiting to sign it. He has to sign 170 million checks, so that may take a while.
By then the mail system will have collapsed, which he fervently hopes it will, to cancel out the absentee voters. The Wisconsin primary was a test bed for this; many voters didn’t get their ballots until after the election was over. He badly needs for people to not vote in this election, if he can’t cancel or postpone the election.
Embracing a failure has consequences. Turning this around is going to be hard for a Senator seeking a fourth term. They know you and your record.
Bangor Daily News poll 37% approve of Susan Collins. 52% disapprove.
World Press if full of stories about how residents of Wuhan are still not going out to shop.
Opening the country early could have a side effect. The second wave of people dying of the virus will be more highly represented with the kinds of people who just want the government off their backs.
@11 Which shows she’s got the LePage voters and nobody else.
Maine is a lovely place, but a lot of the people there are messed up. I couldn’t live in a state that elects people like LePage and Collins.
@2 “It exists to restrain and control government employees”
This is our civics lesson for today? You’re no teacher. They shouldn’t let you get within 5 miles of any public school.
You really have your head up your ass if you think the Constitution was written to restrain government employees. The employees are restrained by their supervisors who are restrained by their department heads who are restrained by the elected officials who appoint them.
The Constitution was written to restrain those elected officials, dumbass. Something every sixth grader knows and no Republican in either the House or Senate, with one exception, is willing to uphold.
I’ve decided that, like president RapeHero, I have total authority.
I hereby authorize Puddy to post using sock puppets, and quoting PJ media and InfoWars lunacy as if any of us would pay any attention.
I also hereby authorize Q Clearance Pussy to post only about gains in his long, slow, painful climb back to nominal break even after the TrumPlague market meltdown.
I have authority. But I’m very generous with it.
@3 You got something against success? Those frigs weren’t paid for with her Senate salary. However, millions of dollars of improvements to Trump’s private Florida retreat were paid for with taxpayer dollars.
Radiology is only one of your specialties. Shameless hypocrisy is the other.
She’s been “authorized” to lie.
@12 Some of them don’t have to wait for the second wave.
Trump’s incompetence will kill as many Americans in two months as LBJ’s and Nixon’s did in eight years.
Could he win anyway? Sure he could. Those two were elected by the two biggest landslides in American history.
I don’t trust voters. But they’re all we’ve got. Without them we’d have a king or dictator. Sometimes, though, it feels like that’s what a lot of them want.
2 is such an incompetent disgrace to the name it stole.
It should read the Xth.
A singularity within the Bill of Rights, it adds nothing of substance to the instrument it seeks to modify. Its only purpose was to set forth in binding supreme law the widely held understanding that whatever powers the constitution granted to the federal form of government, all other power was reserved to the people and their states.
This statement in particular is stupid: “The Constitution is a road map, not a barrier. It exists to restrain and control…” Restraining and controlling is what barriers do, not road maps (pictures a cartoon animated anthropomorphic road map standing in the road attempting to control traffic).
It should choose less stupid metaphors or learn to use them correctly. Clearly some parts of the constitution are a barrier and some parts are a road map and some parts are like brakes and some parts are like the steering wheel and… See what I mean? Stupid.
Keeping stupid people from killing us all by ordering them to stay home is not tyranny. It’s a good thing. We should do more of it.
Using the mail rather than direct deposit to receive your refund from the IRS makes as much sense as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit trudging to the library on Saturday to read the previous day’s financial news in Barron’s.
So let’s twist our panties about the dumbfuck 20% who might have to endure seeing Trump’s signature on a support check, shall we?
@ 21
Keeping stupid people from killing us all by ordering them to stay home is not tyranny. It’s a good thing. We should do more of it.
Keeping stupid people from killing unborn children by making it illegal to perform a procedure that kills unborn children is not tyranny. It’s a good thing. We should do more of it.
Although I’m sure it would not have stopped Kermit Gosnell.
Anyway, what’s wrong with killing a few unwanted people?
The candidate Q Clearance Pussy voted for has been demanding just that for decades. He’s still demanding it. For Rapepublicans it has become quite fashionable right now to call for killing even more unwanted people than Trump has so far.
This is the real reason why his name is Q Clearance Pussy. He may love to give voice to all the hatred. But when it comes down to it, he can’t bring himself to do the wet work. He’ll just look the other way while some other, more violent racist incel does it for him.
Never forget: this is who they are now. And it’s Every Republican You Know.
@21 What else from a simpleton? @2 is a 1-track tape in an 8-track tape player.
@22 “Using the mail rather than direct deposit to receive your refund from the IRS”
Who said anything about an IRS refund?
If only people became infected with COVID-19 the same way they got pregnant.
Wait for it…
If only men were immune from dying of COVID-19 the same way they are immune from carrying a baby to full term.
@14 seriously, I’ve been to Maine, just a few times. And I didn’t go too far or deep into the State. But. believe me them people are a little off. A lot of inbreeding. It’s kind of the Tennessee of the North.
@23 Defining a 1-day-old cell mass as a “child” is taking extreme liberties with the English language.
It’s also a manifestation of simplistic thinking on a par with the numbskull @2. (That wasn’t you, was it?)
You’ve probably never actually read Roe v. Wade. If you had, you would’ve seen nine of America’s brightest legal minds struggle with trying to draw a bright line where a cell mass becomes a “child.” They couldn’t. Neither can you.
One of the distinguishing features of conservatives is their determination to see the world as black-and-white. To draw lines where there is only ambiguity. To create distinctions where none exist. Sorry, but there’s no bright line for this one.
Let’s start with the fact you’re the morally inferior poster here. That’s a given, because you couldn’t be a Republican or a Trump shill otherwise. I’m more moral than you are, and I’m as committed as anyone else to protecting children.
A 1-day-old cell mass is not a child. A fetus just prior to birth, in my thinking, is. The Roe v. Wade court, after much thought, divided pregnancy into three trimesters. That was strictly a legal convenience, and an arbitrary distinction, because gestation is a continuum, not a staircase. Nevertheless, they needed a practical basis for allowing delineating when more restrictions on abortion are permissible, and there’s a rational basis for this one, because as fetuses develop they become more child-like, at least in our perception; and if you’re going to have a system of graduated restrictions, I can’t think of a better way of doing it.
A simpleton would say, “That’s too complicated. Let’s draw a bright line at fertilization.” Some simpletons go even further and contend a bright line should be drawn at preventing the prevention of fertilization. Maybe there are even a few who might mandate reproduction. Although the hypocrisy of these characters becomes transparent when they also insist on outlawing any reproductive activity that threatens race-mixing.
But it’s not so simple when it involves messing with other people’s lives. Banning abortion involves taking away their control over their bodies, and forcing them to live by your religious beliefs or imposing your moral precepts on them, which is antithetical to our notions of individual liberty.
It becomes even more complicated when the host of an incipient cell mass is unwilling or unable to care for what will come out the other end of an uninterrupted progression. The complications deepen more if the fertilization occurred as a result of abuse, rape, or incest.
As males of our respective species, you and I have a limited capacity to grasp the implications of these complications. As a Republican, your empathy for the women caught in the middle of this ideological debate is nonexistent. All that matters to you is dogma.
It’s not even your own dogma. Someone else dreamed it up. (And “dream” it up they did, because it certainly isn’t a product of rational thinking.) You swear allegiance to it because your tribe demands such allegiance, and you’re too chickenshit to risk the displeasure of your tribe by thinking for yourself.
I’m against abortion. I’m not afraid to say so in liberal circles or gatherings of Democrats. I think we all have a moral duty to protect children. But an egg isn’t a child, and doesn’t become a child at the instant of fertilization, by reason of fertilization. I can’t draw a definitive line between “fetus” and “child,” because there is no such definitive line, and one isn’t possible. But I do think that physical birth doesn’t abruptly transform a child into something it physically or biologically wasn’t a moment ago, just before its birth. That distinction, drawn by pro-choice advocates, also is an artificial and arbitrary one.
So how to solve the problem? How to reconcile notions of morality and moral duty with physical and biological reality? Well, first, forget the idea that there’s a simple answer. Being a lawyer, I think like one, and lawyers are trained to solve intractable issues with arbitrary solutions. That, in fact, is a key function of political processes under every type of political system. I’m willing to make tradeoffs. I’ll accept more restrictions on elective abortions than on abortions in cases of rape, incest, medical necessity, or severely malformed fetuses. I’ll accept more restrictions on late-term abortions than early ones. I’ll even entertain the notion that there’s a point prior to birth at which a fetus is entitled to recognition as a separate being entitled to rights, and entitled to protection from the fate its host may want to choose for it. These are discussions we can have on those levels.
But don’t come at me with simplistic arguments, or with black-and-white demands for “my way or the highway.” Negotiate, yes; compromise, maybe; demanding surrender invites a “fuck you” response.
Also, as a debate tip, as pointed out @24 your arguments would have more moral suasion if you and your ilk took a less cavalier attitude toward human life after it’s born. You need to get your own house in order before you preach morality to others.
Well said. As always.
However don’t be surprised if all this does is prompt the Q Clearance Pussy into promoting his next motte-and-bailey fallacy.
He’ll retreat into some version of objecting to partial birth abortion or intact D&E, ignoring that these procedures are ridiculously rare and only arise in cases of incredibly severe birth defects and threat to the mother’s life, etc. It’s a safe retreat, when all these people ultimately want is the elimination of birth control and the independence of women to control their own bodies.
Try this: he’s a fake doctor so ask him to define in precise, irreducible medically and scientifically valid terms the precise moment of either “fertilization” or the precise moment of “the beginning of a human life”.
He’ll dodge it. Such a definition does not exist. That’s what makes reproduction such a fruitful area around which to impose arbitrary control over the bodies of other people.
This mass gathering is brought to you by the DeVos family, equipped with the full accoutrement of GOP gear:
1. AR-15s
2. Handguns
3. Ammo pouches
4. Cammie fatigues and jungle boots
5. Trump signs
Covid-19 isn’t killing enough poor people and people of color to suit Trump, so he wants to bring back polio, too.
@30 “He’ll retreat into some version of …”
He won’t even do that, because he isn’t here to debate, he only comes here to troll, bait, and provoke. Some things aren’t simple, but some other things are.
What’s with the two racist, incel pussies in the middle wearing N95 masks?
Did they not know the whole thing is a HOAX and the the Trump Body Pies are all made of CRYSIS AKTURS?
@34 Michigan has a population of 9.9 million. About 30 of them showed up to brandish guns on the state capitol steps in defiance of civil authority.
The Michigan National Guard has a strength of roughly 10,200 troops, who have tanks, artillery, armed drones, and A-10 Thunderbolts at their disposal.
I know which side I’d wanna be on in that cival war.
For those worried about WHO’s funding, Google their address and send them a check.
Pelosi was wealthy before running for Congress. Husband Paul is the founder of a Venture Capital firm and he was a part owner of Oakland’s USFL (1983-85, three seasons) team, Go Invaders!, which wasn’t like owning the NFL but it signals you have a decent chunk of money you can afford to lose. Nancy was first elected in 1988. They’ve been married since 1963.
Full Disclosure, Paul Pelosi was a high profile donor to a youth program that I went through as a kid in the Bay Area. It would be an understatement to say that organization dominated my interests in my grade and middle school years.
It is impossible that Nancy and I never crossed paths in my youth given the kinds of events her husband would show up to for the kids.
I was in Feinstein’s Mayoral office several times.
I can imagine the political leanings of the majority of folks who would never voluntarily give their banking information to the Gubmint, harumph.
@36 Let’s do that with airports, highways, bridges, and all the other public infrastructure that supports our economy, too. Also police and fire services, hospitals, schools, prisons, and above all, our military.
Your way of thinking doesn’t last very long under logical scrutiny, does it?
@38 Claiming their stimulus payments under assumed names using fake Social Security numbers may cause issuance delays.
He’ll pave your road. But only if you help him get re-elected.
How’s that feeeeel? Too deep? Too fast? Need more lube?
@23. Does anyone believe the racist incel actually cares about unborn children? It’s just something he use every so often to attempt to “score points” against libs.
If he cared about life, he would be publicly upset with the federal government and the impeached miserable failure’s handling of COVID-19.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
728,529Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Trump says White House to release guidelines on relaxing social distancing on Thursday
>>What most people willdo instead: Social Distancing May Extend Until 2022 Or Beyond Without A Vaccine, Better Therapeutics, Or Increased Critical Care Capacity.
South Dakota’s GOP governor has refused to issue a shelter-in-place order. Result? “Scott Gottlieb, … Trump’s former head of the Food and Drug Administration, expressed concern about the state’s numbers. ‘South Dakota has become one of the fastest growing hot spots in U.S., even as other parts of nation see their epidemics start to level off or slow …,’ he tweeted.” But the governor is in denial.
@42 “Does anyone believe the racist incel actually cares about unborn children?”
You didn’t see him reply to #29, did you?
Conservative Jennifer Rubin*,
“In sum, the Trump toll, when we are done, will likely include tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths, massive unemployment, trillions of dollars more in debt and trillions of dollars in lost wealth (from stocks, homes and other assets lost in the Trump recession) — not to mention emotional hardship and educational disruption. Trying to fully grasp the extent of the devastation Trump ultimately will have wrought will be difficult, if not impossible. But Trump’s legacy as the worst president in American history is quite certain.”
Doctor Dumbfuck says Jennifer Rubin is a communist now because she doesn’t support Trump and Putin like he does, even though he claims not to have voted for Trump. Makes sense if you’re a dumbfuck.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorats Continue To Collude With China, Mount Joint Attack Upon Trump’s WHO Funding Halt.
Immoral to boost reelection by attacking WHO: Global Times editorial
Pelosi vows to fight Trump’s ‘dangerous, illegal’ WHO funding cut
Shorter @47
If they’re not white Americans fuck em.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorat Clown Show Update – Pelosi Thinks She Can Hide Video Of Her Dismissing Chinavirus Danger While Accusing Trump Of Same, Watch The Dingbat Get Busted.
Includes Pelosi Chinatown video;
Employers Are Jerks Dep’t
Respiratory therapist gets Covid-19 from treating Covid-19 patients, informs her supervisor, then calls HR and is told to “take Covid-19 out of this conversation” and apply for unemployment benefits.
Nope, sorry, she’s entitled to workers compensation. What jerks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure glad I don’t have to work, or put up with workplace horseshit or jerk bosses any more.
@47: Looks like Bill Gates is colluding with China, too.
@49 Speaking of Pelosi’s walking tour of San Francisco’s Chinatown, it looks like some friends of yours went on a walking tour of Seattle’s Chinatown:
” … the stickers that showed up recently plastered all over Chinatown in Seattle’s International District … messages … are code for white supremacists ….
“Authorities say three men wearing sunglasses and masks were spotted placing the stickers on store fronts, light posts and mail boxes Sunday evening … police said the men are likely associated with … a white supremacist hate group.”
Cz-252: Where in the Bay area did you grow up?
@53 Maybe you guys are homeys. Hell, maybe you even went to school together. Shit, he might even be your long-lost stepbrother. Except that guy your mother married after your dad passed might have been her lover, so who knows, he could even be your biological brother. Anything’s possible. Well, not everything; you’ll never be anything but a dumbfuck.
There will be plenty of blame to go around. Plenty.
“Come join us.”
The essential point is that neither Pork Drippings nor Q Clearance Pussy did the deed.
They limit themselves to anonymous trolling and passing along the hatred, forever hopeful that they might inspire some random meathead to do some sick violence on their behalf, but ever wary of doing so themselves.
Just as before, when the time is right they will quietly slip into the hall closet when no one is around and retrieve the stack of MAGA hats to place them gently in the garbage on collection day. That is the one true strength that comes from abandonment of principle. You can’t lose when you have nothing to lose.
It’s pretty ironic that the MAGA/KAG/WALKAWAY con artists that Puddy and Q Clearance Pussy follow don’t see anything racist about directly conflating and combining their criticisms of Pelosi in Chinatown in San Francisco with their criticisms of WHO and PRC.
They would actually need to have this explained to them.
This is Every Republican You Know.
@55 “There will be plenty of blame to go around.”
Not really. Pelosi wasn’t in charge of the federal response. Trump was. She didn’t ignore the intel warnings. He did. This clusterfuck is his, and his alone. His name is even on the relief checks.
Blue state governors now have to charter private jets to bring in PPE, land them in neighboring states, and then escort them to their final destinations under the armed protection of state police and state National Guard in order to prevent confiscation by the “blameless” GOP RapeHero and Jared’s PhEMA Pharma-Bros.
@59 Reminiscent of NYC mobster truck hijackings. In fact, that’s probably where The Don got the idea from.
Seventeen bodies found piled into small morgue at NJ’s largest nursing home complex
If you don’t tell anyone they are dead, you don’t have to count them.
If we assume that we are past the infectious peak of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, and that the max daily death is right now then depending on what we do next will almost certainly determine the total size of the initial Trump Body Pile.
Maintaining current circumstances we might expect the daily death toll to tail off just as rapidly as it climbed, and and equal number of new dead bodies would be added to Trump’s pile in the weeks ahead. That would bring us to a total of about 60,000 dead bodies in the Trump Body Pile.
But if states declare BEACH WEEK!! and attempt to return to normal daily social interaction including all the normal coughing, and spitting, and wiping, and rubbing, and touching and smearing, then at some point on the way back down the curve the daily death toll flattens out and we just get some particular number of dead people added to the Trump Body Pile every single day for a long, long time. And like Trump, we pretend that they aren’t real because they aren’t “us” I guess.
Where does that end? Assuming that we are monsters like Republicans, and that being allowed to pound “craft beers” in a crowded, sweaty pub is more important to us than protecting ourselves, our families, our coworkers, and our neighbors from a deadly virus, it probably ends at something like 2 million dead and about 100 million infected and recovered.
That is obviously just one example of one potential future. Things could be worse than that. Or they could be better. We could undergo a series of infectious surges, each one accompanied by big additions to the Trump Body Pile and subtractions from employment and investment markets. We could implement some “partial” return to “normal” where we expose ourselves, or some selected subset of ourselves, to some heightened risk of infection, but only for those activities we value most.
But whether, when, and how any of that happens, it isn’t going to happen in the next couple of weeks. It’s going to be a slow process that is messy. It will be terribly unfair to some people, exposing them to much greater daily risk, while almost entirely sparing other people. To find yourself in that latter group will require both resources and intelligence.
President Trump on Wednesday threatened to use his executive power to force both chambers of Congress to adjourn if the Senate did not confirm his nominees for vacancies across the administration.
And no republicans have a problem with this?
It’s another political stunt designed to draw attention and portray the miserable failure as having power.
He already fills most key positions with “method acting” meathead cronies with only the usual ill-effect. A bunch of recess appointments that hold over until next January don’t really change that. The next president won’t keep any of his appointments, recess or Senate confirmed.
33,000 > 15
About 4,000 overnight. It’s just disappearing like Don said. It’s like the flu. A 9-11 times two in a 24 hour period.
GOP’s favorite Scam Doctor on Hannity just called for accepting the death of 3% of America’s school children in order to “get our Mojo back”. Oz described this “opportunity” to slaughter 3 out of every 100 school children as “appetizing”.
No, really. He did that.
Best part: Hannity nodded along in sage agreement.
Blame China.
So your plan for the next one is to rely on the cooperation of communist dictators with a decades-long record of brutal press censorship and suppression of information?
You can’t keep Americans safe that way. Everyone with any business at all advising you on this told you that years ago. You have to prepare. You can offer trust. But only when it is accompanied by ironclad verification. You can’t be willing to exchange America’s safety for trade deals for your daughter’s junk jewelry or resort licensing. There’s nothing new about this. The PRC has always been untrustworthy. You were told that. Repeatedly. With bullet points and pictures even.
You ignored it all.
Because you don’t believe the dead bodies are real.
And because Republicans are terrible at this.
Republicans are not cut out for this work.
What’s the point of being royalty if you have to follow the same rules as everyone else?
@67 Don’t leave out Republicans. They didn’t start this, but they ignored warnings, then clusterfucked it. Like Hurricane Maria but 10,000 times worse.
25 million unemployed and growing, and the best any Rapepublican can offer is “Blame China” and BEEEEACH WEEEEEK!!!
How people recognize and come to grips with it when things go terribly wrong is very often a slow, and painful process. One of the hardest things for lawyers working with clients early on is helping them to appreciate in concrete terms the true nature of the situation they are in. Even when they are legally in the right, they often have failed in crucial ways to protect themselves. And those failures of protection end up being far more costly than the protections themselves.
People can go a long time in denial. But depending on what kind of trouble they are in, circumstances don’t always allow it. The consequences of some mistakes have their own momentum that really don’t respect people’s egos or feelings or their need for “time to process”.
A lot of Rapepublican voters find themselves in that place right now. They made an obviously terrible choice in November of 2016. The consequences of that terrible choice have been piling up slowly for the past three years. Slowly enough that for many the denial has been sustainable, even while it may also have required some heroic effort. And that denial has clearly been assisted by the information bubbles that have formed and ossified around communities of Rapepublican voters.
But the stench of rotting corpses has a way of penetrating some of those bubbles. And things like loss of retirement, loss of jobs, and the collapse of routine daily life tend to deprive people within those bubbles of the many distractions they depend on in order to maintain the denial.
“Blame China” will undoubtedly work for many Rapepublicans as a way to extend the denial. With enough of the right kind of filtering they can immunize themselves from too much of the horror of what they’ve done to themselves and to America. And in that way they can extend the denial a few more months.
But it won’t be enough to prevent a collapse in turnout. For Trump to lose the White House only requires a collapse in Rapepublican voter turnout in key states of less than 1%. In some states they are going to be lucky to hold that number below 10. And some of those states have Rapepublican Senators facing re-election.
@68 “Republicans are not cut out for this work.”
Republicans aren’t cut out for any work. The best thing to do with them is ensconce them in their mansions where they can spend their time clipping bond coupons. Paying them to be parasites is infinitely preferable to letting them do work of any importance whatsoever. Above all, don’t let them run any level of government as a hobby — not even your local homeowners’ association.
@71 “One of the hardest things for lawyers working with clients early on is helping them to appreciate in concrete terms the true nature of the situation they are in. ”
Fifty years ago, when kids got in trouble and the judge offered them a choice between jail or enlisting, they had no appreciation of the true nature of the situation they were in until it was too late to choose jail.
And lawyers, generally speaking, didn’t explain it to them, because either they had no appreciation themselves, or if they did, weren’t willing to talk about it with anyone.
Last month, people worried about getting toilet paper. This month, they’re worried about getting their stimulus payments,
their unemployment benefits,
small business loans,
and food.
When Trump reassures people he has things are under control we’ll return to normalcy soon, think they’ll believe him?
March 30: “Here’s why Sioux Falls’ meatpacking plant won’t close during COVID-19 pandemic”
April 9: “South Dakota meatpacking plant to close for 3 days, as one of the nation’s top hotspots for COVID-19”
April 12: “Smithfield Foods to close Sioux Falls plant indefinitely amid COVID-19 outbreak”
This is a developing story.
@71 “For Trump to lose the White House only requires a collapse in Rapepublican voter turnout in key states of less than 1%.”
Republicans aren’t worried. Dead people can vote. They’ve been saying so for years.
34,000 > 15
The GOP snuck an extra $90B of tax cuts for people who can afford to pay themsleves through a pass through corporation in to the Covie-19 relief bill. That news will settle in as people see $1200 which for many will cover a month’s bills. For others 2 months. For many, not even a month.
Your money or your life.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: People used to go to jail for this. Now they’re given hospital administrator jobs and seven-figure salaries.
A federal judge has invalidated a Keystone XL permit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: With the world oversupplied by oil to the tune of ~20 million barrels per day, with no place to store it all, why are we still even considering building a pipeline to bring Canadian tar sands oil to the United States? Why not just shut down the tar sands pits? That oil isn’t needed anymore.
Xtian doomsday preppers now ready for rapture after disposing of their children.
Unfortunately, there won’t be enough lighthouse keeper jobs to go around in the new Social Distancing Economy. So apply early.
Please don’t hot link to Jim Hoft.
Quote such lying, ignorant white supremacist freaks if you must. Even screen cap is better than this.
I’m sure you don’t want to drive traffic to the sponsors of industrialized Racism.
@82 I just wanted to watch our HA freaks attack that source. Like peering through a fence knothole at a gang rumble.
“The number of Americans out of work could continue to grow exponentially. Economists with the St. Louis Federal Reserve estimated that the total number of Americans without a job could hit 47 million, or about a 32% unemployment rate, according to research released in late March.”
For comparison purposes, unemployment peaked at 25% during the darkest days of the Great Depression.
Cite the source if you must. Hash the URL if you like to disable linking.
But when you post a functional hyperlink like that your both drive clicks to the target site which puts money directly in their pockets, and you drive up their scoring in SEO which improves their ad rates.
Jim Hoft is an evil person. Truly.
For comparison purposes, unemployment peaked at 25% during the darkest days of the Great Depression.
Rapepublican Greatness got us to double digits in only a few weeks. Imagine what they
canwill do with the eight months they have left.When Americans head to the polls in November, coming off months of joblessness and facing a Christmas Gift Buying Season with no money and no available credit, most of them will not be eager for a second helping of stooopid.
Thoroughly incompetent. Commonwealth of Virginia lists the company filed dissolution paperwork
Had voters elected Hillary Clinton in 2016 we’d have invoked DPA by now to begin production of tests, masks, and PPE as a fundamental, and absolutely crucial first step to opening up the economy.
Instead 63 million mouth-breathing angry racists elected president RapeHero. So a month and a half after he said we’d have 4 million tests we are still “waiting to see” what Javanka and their Junior Acheivement chapter can come up with.
Nothing of substance is going to happen until we have testing, and PPE. And the only thing this Rapepublican administration is doing about that is camping on the state’s orders and trying to hijack them before they clear customs.
Signs of shitty management abound at the federal level:
“The federal government’s Strategic National Stockpile has nearly emptied and states have been left to find PPE supplies on their own. The surge in demand has left importers, suppliers and purchasers scrambling. And price gouging has exacerbated the problem.”
This is what we have a federal emergency management agency for. This is why we have laws like the Defense Production Act. And why Congress appropriated billions to fight Covid-19. Where the hell is federal leadership? This is a nationwide problem, not a localized disaster.
Celebrities are dying. Actor Brian Dennehy is one of the latest.
@85 This stuff is over my bunny head. Even over my long bunny ears. What’s a hyperlink and how do you disable it? I’m an old rabbit from the era of manual typewriters and rotary dial landline phones.
@87 Is Jared a stockholder?
@87 Is Jared a stockholder?
Why else would a company with 2 employees and $150,000 of annual revenues and not in the medical supply business get a $55 million federal contract for medical supplies?
@88 “Nothing of substance is going to happen until we have testing, and PPE.”
I disagree. Trumpistas are going stir-crazy and can’t be confined much longer, whether the public health system is ready for them or not.
It’s conceivable the authorities may conclude that casualties would be lower from releasing them back into society than if they remain cooped up with each other.
Whenever you copy a website address from the address bar in your browser, and paste it into a blog like this one running on WordPress, the WordPress engine automatically converts it into a hyperlink. A hyperlink is anything within a web page that, when clicked, automatically sends the browser to a URL location. In common formatting hyperlinks appear in pale blue text. Here is an example:
(that one’s for the Q Clearance Pussy)
If I choose to, I can hash that address or any other by fucking with it so that it won’t form a valid hyperlink when WordPress tries to autoformat it. Another example:
(also for the Q Clearance Pussy)
Breaking hyperlinks prevents click through. But it also effects search engine optimization which con artist snake oil hustlers depend upon to sell hate and evil to violent racists like our trolls. No search engine (i.e. Google) will reveal how their algorithm works. But one way in which we know they do is that they search the internet for instances of hyperlinks relating to either a web page or to searchable text. So breaking hyperlinks reduces SEO scoring for those web pages or searchable text.
This principle can be used to comic and practical effect, such as when Dan Savage promoted a campaign to push a particular web page to the top of normal search results for the search term “Santorum”. Try it now!
I’d love to say we could do the same for Trump. Alas it is too late for that. That name has been linked too many times, in too many places for it to ever be disturbed by a grass roots effort.
But it’s probably not too late to go after Tim Eyman
Where Rapepublicans are involved it always pays to keep Hanlon’s Razor at hand.
Sarcastic reddit comments about today’s press conference.
Trying to win an election while everyone trying to fight corona.
This will be forever remembered as the “NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY” policy.
“To encourage low attendance and social distancing, the only concerts allowed in 2020 are elementary school recorder concerts.”‘
We’re doing this thing. Many things. Or nothing. Why am I talking?
“Do you have a wide open? I have a wide open. Wide opens are really great. They protect against the virus tremendously”
trump is now saying he is going to kill fewer Americans than were killed by the Civil War. Low bar.
You ever notice that the ‘important states’ are the ones that hate you?
Worst death count in the world and Trump declares victory.
See y’all in May when he says he never said May was the deadline.
PHASE ONE: Most of us die.
PHASE TWO: The rest of us die
PHASE THREE: So much winning.
Pence just said Phase 4 of normal is when all the gays are eliminated.
His only “plan” is to allow the governors to determine what’s best for their state or their new state pacts, and then take credit for it.
This is as scientific as saying America should reopen sometime between Toyotathon and Lobsterfest
Holy shit did he just say it was ridiculous for the federal government to setup a testing site in cities because some are far away from Washington DC?
Must watch: Trumpers get pwned …
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Ministry Of Truth Special Announcement –
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-China) Awarded Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Memorial Order Of The Useful Idiot.
With each increasing day, Democrats sound more and more like desperate probationary members of the Chinese Communist Party. Yet sometimes the groveling is truly jaw-dropping. For instance, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said China had absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus crisis in America. Instead, he placed all the blame on Trump.
“We knew it was a matter of time before it arrived here and it was just shocking how cavalier the administration was,” Murphy said, repeating the false claim that Trump had called the deadly pathogen a “hoax.”
“The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did,” the senator added. “It’s not because of anything that the WHO did. It’s because of what this president did. He didn’t take this virus seriously.”
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
734,617Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
21245.11% of the people who have tested positive for the virus have died.
The US economy can’t reopen without widespread coronavirus testing. Getting there will take a lot of work and money
@52 RR
That’s a piss poor hate crime, get serious and hire some Nigerians to put a rope around your neck. Sex with the Nigerians is at your discretion and kindly spare us the details, see,
Not talked about it like Dec 31st when China informed WHO?
Or Jan. 20th when WHO issues their first alert and Chinese state TV confirmed it?
Not talked about like Jan 21st when the state of Washington confirmed a first case in the US.
Not talked like January 27th when A second US case is announced in Illinois?
Not talked about like on Jan 28th when United airlines with no direction from Government suspends China flights?
Or maybe he means not talked about on Jan. 30th when State issues a travel alert to China.
How did Donald not know on February 4th when CDC issued emergency use for testing?
Yeah, everybody knows he’s a lying sack and covering for a lying sack is all that’s left of your dignity.
No one could have imagined. Who wrote the talking points.
@101 Agree it wasn’t much as hate crimes go, but why do you want better hate crimes? I’m for no hate crimes at all.
Possible breakthrough on drug to fight Coronavirus by Gilead, the makers of Truvada.
That’s a piss poor hate crime
i.e. a white “love tap” from your crowd, eh pig shit?
Former GOP Gov. of Wisconsin on FOX says when Rapepublicans are King of You they will send you back to your factory job and protect themselves from TrumPlague virus by eliminating factory break rooms, locker rooms, and bathrooms. You can stay at your machine and pee in a bucket. He’ll have you working 12 hour shifts to cut down on the total number of people, and thus viral risk.
memo to pos rapey mcdimfuk:
Here’s your crowd in all its glory. That bitch! Lock’erup! Buttery Males! Pizza Dundgeon! Q Anon! Seth Rich!
Join them! Just dose with hydroxychloroquine first.
Rapepublican states had their payrolls covered by PPP on average three to one in comparison to Democratic states.
This is the New Federalism.
Remember these glory days, trailerbillies. Cause payback’s gonna be a bitch.
@106 That, among other things, helps explain why he’s a former governor.
His organized crime syndicate just lost a court seat, too.
Shows what happens when they shut down only 175 of 180 polling places and overlook the other 5.
I mean, it’s not like they’e popular.
“The latest data from Gallup and a slew of other national polls conducted this month suggest that while Trump clearly benefited from a sort of rally-’round-our-President effect in the early days of the pandemic’s grips on the country, that bump has now disappeared. Gallup’s latest poll, released on Thursday, shows Trump’s approval rating at 43% — down 6 percentage points from where he was in late March in the same poll.”
To where they were before.
Remember Doctor Dumbfuck’s braggadoccio after that initial (temporary) poll bump? Being the gracious bunny I am, I won’t shove this up his ass.
I’ll let him drink it.
107. It’s hard to describe that photo. Scared conservatives fully embracing mob rage?
Dot 1: ” … the coronavirus is catching fire in rural states across the American heartland …”
Dot 2: ” … most pronounced in states without stay at home orders.”
Line. And …
… children with crayons who can’t draw yet.
From the story linked @113:
“Now conservatives are fomenting rebellion against public health guidelines. In their warped telling, people who venture out in public aren’t vectors for infection but rather freedom fighters standing up to oppression.”
Dumbfucks are gonna dumbfuck.
Anyone wanna guess who I think should be last in line for hospital beds and ventilators if there aren’t enough to go around?
(Who should be first in line is obvious. No, not Jared and Ivanka. First responders and health care workers.)
Oh, and did I mention that Covid-19 is now spreading like wildfire in Dumbfuck Country? I guess I did @112.
“Law enforcement agencies across the US are reporting drivers speeding over 100 mph during coronavirus shutdowns.”
Bubbas are gonna bubba.
The protesters demanding an end to the shutdowns should be careful of what they wish for. They might have to drive 15 mph again.
The climate, she is a-changin’ …