You’re the governor of New Jersey, on vacay in Italy, and your lieutenant governor dies while doing your job.
Do you cut your vacay short?
Oh. You’re a Democrat. Does your answer change?
Vicious Trollspews:
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, HA’s larping millionaire, recently told us about his latest get-rich-quick scheme, an investment in Generac. Less than a week ago he crowed because it was up a few bucks per share.
This morning, so far, it’s down more than $37 per share, or more than 24%.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to have a 10-year investment horizon. He’s gonna need it.
Vicious Trollspews:
In the DL thread @ 13 HA’s larping millionaire Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, he of the massive loss in his pitifully small GNRC holdings today, tried to blame the US credit downgrade by Fitch on the GOP:
In short, Republican brinkmanship and irresponsibility is driving up interest costs on the U.S. debt, wasting taxpayers’ money.
What a silly thing to write, that GOP efforts to curtail spending by the government would actually increase the government’s borrowing costs. Silly, but in a nutshell a great explanation of why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investments turn out so poorly for him and for his family.
Erosion of Governance: In Fitch’s view, there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters, notwithstanding the June bipartisan agreement to suspend the debt limit until January 2025. The repeated debt-limit political standoffs and last-minute resolutions have eroded confidence in fiscal management. In addition, the government lacks a medium-term fiscal framework, unlike most peers, and has a complex budgeting process. These factors, along with several economic shocks as well as tax cuts and new spending initiatives, have contributed to successive debt increases over the last decade. Additionally, there has been only limited progress in tackling medium-term challenges related to rising social security and Medicare costs due to an aging population.
Rising General Government Deficits: We expect the general government (GG) deficit to rise to 6.3% of GDP in 2023, from 3.7% in 2022, reflecting cyclically weaker federal revenues, new spending initiatives and a higher interest burden. Additionally, state and local governments are expected to run an overall deficit of 0.6% of GDP this year after running a small surplus of 0.2% of GDP in 2022. Cuts to non-defense discretionary spending (15% of total federal spending) as agreed in the Fiscal Responsibility Act offer only a modest improvement to the medium-term fiscal outlook, with cumulative savings of USD1.5 trillion (3.9% of GDP) by 2033 according to the Congressional Budget Office. The near-term impact of the Act is estimated at USD70 billion (0.3% of GDP) in 2024 and USD112 billion (0.4% of GDP) in 2025. Fitch does not expect any further substantive fiscal consolidation measures ahead of the November 2024 elections.
Fitch forecasts a GG deficit of 6.6% of GDP in 2024 and a further widening to 6.9% of GDP in 2025. The larger deficits will be driven by weak 2024 GDP growth, a higher interest burden and wider state and local government deficits of 1.2% of GDP in 2024-2025 (in line with the historical 20-year average). The interest-to-revenue ratio is expected to reach 10% by 2025 (compared to 2.8% for the ‘AA’ median and 1% for the ‘AAA’ median) due to the higher debt level as well as sustained higher interest rates compared with pre-pandemic levels.
General Government Debt to Rise: Lower deficits and high nominal GDP growth reduced the debt-to-GDP ratio over the last two years from the pandemic high of 122.3% in 2020; however, at 112.9% this year it is still well above the pre-pandemic 2019 level of 100.1%. The GG debt-to-GDP ratio is projected to rise over the forecast period, reaching 118.4% by 2025. The debt ratio is over two-and-a-half times higher than the ‘AAA’ median of 39.3% of GDP and ‘AA’ median of 44.7% of GDP. Fitch’s longer-term projections forecast additional debt/GDP rises, increasing the vulnerability of the U.S. fiscal position to future economic shocks.
Medium-term Fiscal Challenges Unaddressed: Over the next decade, higher interest rates and the rising debt stock will increase the interest service burden, while an aging population and rising healthcare costs will raise spending on the elderly absent fiscal policy reforms. The CBO projects that interest costs will double by 2033 to 3.6% of GDP. The CBO also estimates a rise in mandatory spending on Medicare and social security by 1.5% of GDP over the same period. The CBO projects that the Social Security fund will be depleted by 2033 and the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund (used to pay for benefits under Medicare Part A) will be depleted by 2035 under current laws, posing additional challenges for the fiscal trajectory unless timely corrective measures are implemented. Additionally, the 2017 tax cuts are set to expire in 2025, but there is likely to be political pressure to make these permanent as has been the case in the past, resulting in higher deficit projections.
The US has a spending problem. Democrats have purchased stupid stuff, and spending for health care will rise as the population ages. Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example – but the US has a spending problem. Now interest rates will rise because of it.
Bidenflation touches us all, sooner or later. For me it’s a light tap on the shoulder. For Queen YLB’s fucked kids it’s an ass-reaming with a red-hot poker.
For Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family, which must be numb to bad personal economic disasters he has caused by now, it’s just piled higher and deeper.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
is this good
this is teh fucking best
Louis DeLuca, a former Republican leader of the Connecticut state Senate who served 17 years in the General Assembly before reluctantly resigning, has died at age 89.
oooold guy.. no more ss checks for him.. following intuitively , logically and rigorously from the kreepee, dipshit babbling of teh widbee shit-stain…
GOOD.. for my kids.. AMIRITE????
save for something waaaaay better… Long live Mary Kay…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 I’ll still be around in 10 years, and thanks to Republicans climate-driven storm damage to grids and demand for backup generators isn’t going away. How about you? Can you survive another decade of your lifestyle? And how’s Tesla doing this morning? Was your $1.10 tax cut worth what Republicans did to your investments?
will expire in due course.. See the gut on that loooser?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Don’t forget that Republicans wanted to “invest” your slice of the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Do you cut your vacay short?
Ted Kankun showed us all teh way..
Roger Rabbitspews:
Further on the subject of Generac, its stock price is now back to where it was on, um, June 9, 2023. All this does is erase its spectacular rise over the last few weeks. Ho hum. Big yawn.
I wonder if doc shorted it back on June 9?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 7
Don’t forget that Republicans wanted to “invest” your slice of the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market.
They didn’t want to overweight in dogs like T, C, MMM, and historically GE the way you did, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Prev thread Red requested a link to the information included in the latest Trump indictment:
On page 30 of the indictment you will see a recitation of records of several conversations between senior staff attorneys in the Office of the White House Counsel and “Co-conspirator number 4” – Jeffrey Clark, a DOJ attorney recruited by the campaign to develop and advance a plan to unlawfully replace electors and to assume the role of “Acting” Attorney General on Trump’s behalf and for that specific purpose. In these conversations the Deputy White House Counsel, seeking to warn Clark about the potentially dire consequences that his scheme might have, describes to Clark that unlawfully overturning the election by arbitrarily replacing electors would likely result in considerable civil unrest in many communities across the United States as voters demonstrated in vast numbers to have their lawful democratic votes restored. The Deputy White House Counsel seems to have offered these warnings in the mistaken belief that the Trump Coup Conspirators had simply not considered such consequences.
Clark responded by describing the conspirator’s expectations that voters, lawmakers, and government officials would object to the coup plot, and goes on to describe their expectations that it would be necessary for the DOJ, and himself acting as Attorney General, to restore order and enforce the coup plot via armed and violent means.
Again, on page 35, co-conspirator 2 – John Eastman – was advised by Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows that the schemes and plots being advanced by the conspirators were unlawful, would win no legal support, and would likely result in “riots” Eastman responded by suggesting that “violence was necessary to protect the republic”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Beware of “missionaries” panhandling for Bible money.
I know some of my liberal friends are against the death penalty in any and all circumstances, but I agree with the jury on this one.
“The gunman who opened fire on a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 and wounding seven others, will be sentenced to death, federal jurors decided Wednesday. The tragedy, nearly five years ago, was the most heinous antisemitic attack in U.S. history. For months before the attack, the gunman, Robert Bowers, posted incessantly on social media about his hatred of Jewish people and immigrants. Armed with an AR-15 and other weapons, he then barged into the Tree of Life Congregation in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018 and surrendered only when he ran out of ammunition.”
Sure, he’s deranged, but I don’t give a shit if he flaps his arms like Charles Manson or what his delusional excuse is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 How does one suffer a “massive loss” in a “pitifully small” holding? Show your math. Just sayin’.
Joe 'Coasting into Four More Years' Bidenspews:
Speaking of investments, GOP Primary Voters are absolutely going to nominate a guy who may be wearing orange and unable to visit a swing state who is also out of cash to run.
Trump’s $100 million PAC has burned through nearly all of its cash
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 9
I wonder if doc shorted it back on June 9?
I’ve never shorted it. I’ve only shorted one stock in my life, and that was an accident – I sold more CAT than I owned. Came out of it OK, too, but I learned a few things.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, in 16 days I will owe you thanks for the $2600 plus I’ll clear from an expired contract involving a naked put sale on GNRC. And I have sold three additional options positions on the shares, one of which jumped $7k today because it was a sold naked call. By the time they expire these positions will net me more than $10k, all without ever owning the shares. The risk? I might have to own the shares if things get far worse. Or, very suddenly, far better.
This is what you refer to as gambling, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. In reality, I’m just putting my Notadumbfuck Investment Method to work, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You are trying to point out that GNRC has essentially moved sideways since early June, and that you haven’t lost anything during that period. Fair enough. My point, which I have made previously, is that sideways markets can be lucrative. That’s where options come in.
Real Newsspews:
Details of the arrangements?
Details of the specifics of the Vacay? Such as is he meeting with the Pope?
Why not just make a decision without knowing all the facts.
You asked the question – you should be able to provide all the facts related to the case.
Real Newsspews:
And I don’t really think your point was understanding the facts or the principle of the matter, it was just to take a pot shot.
A dumbfuck potshot you are. You have no principles or convictions, we established that a long ago.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “The US has a spending problem. Democrats have purchased stupid stuff, and spending for health care will rise as the population ages.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck describes health care spending as “stupid.” I guess it depends on the quality of the health care. In his case, yes, but the health care system cut the stupidity short and sent him to early retirement, where now he only abuses horses.
“Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example ….”
It’s good to see you acknowledge the role of billionaire tax cuts, and asking our good friends in Riyadh and Beijing to finance them, but I don’t see you calling for Republicans to change their behavior. There’s only so much fiscal stimulus to be had from Jeff Bezos buying another $500 million yacht.
“Bidenflation touches us all, sooner or later. For me it’s a light tap on the shoulder.”
With inflation now running a little over 3%, it’s a light tap on everybody’s shoulder. But especially for an island hermit who grows his own vegetables and brews his own beer in a shed behind the chicken coop.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 16
Chris Sununu stated on one of the Sunday talk shows that neither Trump nor Biden would be on the ballot. I’d bet on that, too.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wants Gavin Newsom. I’m OK with that, too.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 20
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck describes health care spending as “stupid.” I guess it depends on the quality of the health care.
I guess it depends on the quality of the patient receiving the care, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “According to teh widbee shit-stain, it’s Medicare and SS checks.”
Never mind that Medicare and Social Security contribute exactly zero to budget deficits.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m absolutely delighted to see that for his most recent criminal indictment the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee has drawn a district court judge who will drive him completely out of his mind.
A Black, Jamaican born woman judge, appointed by a Black man Trump accused of being from Kenya.
Pretty much pushes every single one of Trump’s buttons.
At some point his brain will melt and he’ll talk some racist shit.
He’s so fucked.
Vicious Trollspews:
According to this Democrat, Joe Biden was corrupted by Hunter and it was Beau’s fault for dying.
Tom Elliott
: “Let’s put this in context: Beau Biden got very sick in 2015. He died in 2015. It was right in the middle when Devon Archer had his business dealings with Hunter Biden. At that point Joe Biden and Hunter Biden began to speak every day because they were devastated by Beau’s death.”
5:05 AM · Aug 1, 2023
This explains the corruption. It also admits it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “They didn’t want to overweight in dogs like T, C, MMM, and historically GE …” blah, blah, blah.
I’ll concede this point to you, doc. That’s too slow. They would’ve put it in those “investments” pitched at the free lunches senior citizens are regularly invited to by coupons in their mailboxes.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 24
At some point his brain will melt and he’ll talk some racist shit.
I mean, that’s a storybook, man.
Jan. 31, 2007
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
— Joe Biden, describing fellow candidate Barack Obama. The remark was made the same day Biden filed the official paperwork to launch his presidential campaign. Biden later apologized and said the remark was taken out of context.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 The next time you hear a Republican asswipe whining about “unequal justice” and “witch hunt,” a 7-word reply will suffice. All you need to say is,
“Trump tried to take away my freedom.”
This is the freedom G.I.s fought for on Omaha Beach, Tarawa, in Hurtgen Forest, and countless other battlefields. Before them, generations of citizen-soldiers in the Argonne, at Gettysburg, and Yorktown. More recently, in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, among others.
Fuck that bastard, and all his co-conspirators. They all deserve life in prison for treason. They betrayed every American who wore a uniform and bore arms under the Stars and Stripes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “I’ve only shorted one stock in my life, and that was an accident – I sold more CAT than I owned. Came out of it OK, too, but I learned a few things.”
Should we conclude this is because your holdings are so vast you, like Bill Gates, can’t even keep track of what you own?
Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example
Ok. Raise taxes on the wealthiest.
@3 Why does the greedy racist incel repeatedly use violent butt sex imagery aimed at boys? We knew he was an incel, but maybe we got it oriented wrong. Maybe he is a closeted gay incel, angry he can’t get young men to have sex with him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “I guess it depends on the quality of the patient receiving the care, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I see. You were a prison doctor, and your Hippocratic credo was, “let ’em die.” I’m not aware of any other doctors who run background checks on their patients to determine whether they’re worthy of quality medical care. I am aware, though, that some doctors don’t dispense quality care to any of their patients, and the worthiness of the patients has nothing to do with it.
Independent Votersspews:
One more indictment and the following Tuesday everyone in America gets a free Doritos Locos Taco.
The crowd begins to chant, “Fani! Fani! Fani! Fani!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “A Black, Jamaican born woman judge, appointed by a Black man Trump accused of being from Kenya” known for her harsh sentencing of Jan. 6 rioters. And to her, this is just another Jan. 6 riot case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 I guess that’s true if you consider commiserating with your dad about your dying brother is “corrupt.” The Republican clowns in the House certainly wouldn’t hesitate to paint it that way, seeing as they have nothing else. I strongly suspect the number of voters they’re persuading who aren’t already deluded is roughly zero, and polling appears to bear this out.
Jimmy The Greek Snyderspews:
Where we learn that a Dumbfuck is likely to pick his NCAA Bracket on what some guy he overheard at Red Robin said about Canisius having the size to match up with Michigan State and is a good 13 over 4 upset pick.
Independent Votersspews:
Remember, Dumbfuck specifically and the GOP generally like to trot out the footage of Joe awkwardly hugging his Grandson at the kid’s dad’s funeral as proof he’s a pedophile.
The track record is solid and irrefutable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Political career-wise, it seems to have worked out okay for both of them.
“At that point Joe Biden and Hunter Biden began to speak every day because they were devastated by Beau’s death.”
Do you think the greedy racist incel is incapable of imagining people could talk about feelings and emotions and loss and not corrupt business dealings?
Wonder if this how the greedy racist incel fantasizes the calls went.
“Beau fucking died.”
“That Asshole. Couldn’t have been a worse time. Stupid funeral conflicts with my golf game.”
“Want $100 million from Devon Archer?”
“Of course, I can use that to buy a lot of laundered votes in the election”
“I can get a lot of blow and really ignore my daughter with that kind of money.”
And… the greedy racist incel gasms.
Independent Votersspews:
So GOP, how’s that courting the Jewish and Women vote going? We have some recordings,
Rudy Giuliani was sued for sexual harassment earlier this year by Noelle Dunphy, a former staffer at his firm. The lawsuit included a wide array of disturbing allegations against the Trump-loving lawyer — from behaving erratically while drunk, to exposing himself non-consensually, to demanding sexual favors, to making various sexist and racist remarks.
Giuliani denied everything, smearing Dunphy and asking the court to strike portions of the lawsuit and sanction her and her lawyer. Dunphy and her lawyer responded on Monday by asking for Giuliani and his lawyer to be sanctioned. They included audio transcripts of Giuliani saying exactly the kind of things he denied saying, and folks … it’s not great. The transcripts include a host of truly vile, bigoted remarks, as well as some of the creepiest come-ons the mind can imagine.
“Jewish men have small cocks because they can’t use them after they get married,” Giuliani said, according to the transcript. “Whereas the Italian use them all their lives so they get bigger.”
Giuliani railed against how Jewish people “want to go through that freaking Passover all the time” and how they should “get over the Passover” because it was 3,000 years ago. “OK, the Red Sea parted,” the transcript reads. “Big deal. Not the first time that happened.”
Then there are the lewd comments directed toward Dunphy. “Come here, big tits,” Giuliani says on one occasion, according to the transcript. “Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me [indiscernable]. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The sanguine, contented reassurance of “conservative” elites that “Trump just can’t become the nominee” is to me very reminiscent of similar confidence among elite liberals in 2016 that “Trump just can’t win”.
I bought into that view in 2016 and I may have never been more foolishly self-deluding in my life. So I can certainly sympathize with what shit birds like Chris Sununu must be going through and what they will be going through. And their political misjudgment in 2023 in some ways surprising to me closely matches my own political misjudgment in 2016.
More than almost anything, in 2016 I misjudged Republican voters. I certainly misjudged Hillary Clinton as a campaigner. In retrospect she had none of her husband’s natural skill as a politician. None at all. And smart as she may be, her intelligence is very consistently clouded by a sense of paranoia and mistrust that produces big political missteps and prevents her from connecting with people.
But I was not a Clinton supporter in the primaries. And though I thought she had a good “electability” argument to make, that argument relied on assumptions about the Republican nominee that would prove to be wildly incorrect. And this perhaps suggests some misjudgment on my part also about Democratic voters too. As uninspiring as her candidacy may have been, Clinton did in fact win millions more votes than Trump. I think it’s very plausible that Bernie would have done much better, especially in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and in contrast to a fascist criminal pig like Donald Trump.
But where I really misjudged 2016 was in assuming that Republican primary voters and Republican general election voters, would recoil from a pig of a candidate who casually jokes about his sexual desire for his teen daughter and who bragged to a busload of total strangers about his “successful” history of sexual assaults. My comprehension of who and what Republican voters was completely transformed by what those voters did in 2016 and thereafter. They are absolutely nothing like what I had previously imagined. And I happen to know more than a few of them.
So I can only imagine that someone like Chris Sununu must hold in his own mind some strong ideas about who and what Republican voters are. And as a Republican voter and successful elected official, those ideas must be very central to his own self image. But the terrible, wrenching years since Trump rode that fucking gold escalator have taught me that Sununu and many other “conservative” elites have deluded themselves very much like I deluded myself back then.
Nobody wants a Republican pivot more than I do at this point. And I feel like most Democrats agree with that. We’d all really like to see our politics restored to some kind of normal equilibrium.
But I don’t really believe that’s going to happen. Trump is Trump. And Republicans are Republicans. It’s nice to imagine that he will go away some day and that Republicans will move on from him. But they are not moving on from Trump. Not right now. And not any time in the very near future. We are stuck with him and with them. As they are. Not as we might wish them to be.
…to pick his NCAA Bracket on what some guy he overheard at Red Robin…
That’s not it at all. I follow the investment method I referred to above.
In this case, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit blabbed that he bought GNRC at $98 or so. I sold naked puts at a strike price low enough and at a premium high enough that I wouldn’t lose money unless the shares dropped to $85, and they were trading at about $105 when I did it.
The basic concept is that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit overpays by 25% or so, and it follows that a naked put sold at around 20% below what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks is a good deal probably makes sense for a rational investor.
It’s worked, repeatedly, with Citigroup. It’s been good so far with GNRC, too.
Making money off of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s poor decisions is nearly a no-brainer.
Keeping up with the conversationspews:
Are you also taking stock tips from Chris Sununu?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Transcripts of audio files?
Oh, fuck me. That trial is going to be a fucking circus.
He’s definitely a Republican tho.
Vicious Trollspews:
114.57 USD
−38.81 (25.30%)today
Generac is now worth 25% less than it was only yesterday.
It’s a bit below $115 but Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit seemingly defends the company, still.
So if he likes the shares at $115 he should love them at $100. Amirite?
Instead of buying the shares, one could sell a naked put, June expiration, $100 strike price. One would clear $11/share, and a 100 share contract would pay a premium of $1100. Sell five of them and in a little more than 10 months one is $5500 richer, without ever owning the shares.
Sure, there’s a risk the price could fall below $89, at which point there would be a loss on the option sale, but that’s 25% below current share price. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit couldn’t be that wrong about Generac. Could he?
I mean, other than the 25% Generac has lost just today.
This is how one profits by betting on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bloviations.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 43
Are you also taking stock tips from Chris Sununu?
Yes, he told me to avoid DWAC. He also said 3M was Lucy holding the football for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Charlie Brown.
Vicious Trollspews:
There are two people who make money when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does a trade.
• Me, when I employ the Notadumbfuck Investment Method
• The guy on the other end of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s transaction
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans want to use your Social Security and Medicare taxes to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 “Do you think the greedy racist incel is incapable of imagining people could talk about feelings and emotions and loss and not corrupt business dealings?”
Yes, that’s very easy to visualize.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 When Republicans do have tapes, it’s when they recorded themselves and saved the tapes for posterity (and future subpoenas).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “her intelligence is very consistently clouded by a sense of paranoia and mistrust that produces big political missteps”
An affliction shared by every Republican candidate I can think of.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today Generac dropped from $153 to $116. The math whiz @42 still hasn’t figured out that $116 is more than $98.
It works out to about a 25% annualized gain. I’m doing better than Warren Buffett right now; over the same period, BRK-A is up 18% annualized.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of investments, I wonder what return Doctor Dumbfuck is earning on his investment in medical school tuition right now? My understanding is that one currently is a total writeoff.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 52
It works out to about a 25% annualized gain.
This is what you did with GE, too, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. When GE’s freefall was pointed out you reverted to your return on invested capital, as if that made up for the fact that you held on way too long and lost the majority of your paper gain.
Just today you lost, what, 60%two-thirds of your paper gain on your GNRC investment? I’d be embarrassed to tout your remaining paper gain while ignoring your steep losses in Citigroup, AT&T, and 3M, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. But then, I’m capable of feeling embarrassment. You clearly are not.
I do note that you aren’t referring to today’s GNRC bloodbath as a buying opportunity.
Heterosexual Supremespews:
Nothing to see here. Just Us supreme beings cultivating our futures. We have this awesome superiority, gifted to us by Mike Pence himself and those Super Fake Moms, to fuck 13 years olds so that we can live forever. Eat you heart out you homos and tranny people!
Mary Kay’s SS check.. it’s own LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS check in December.. the zoomer redneck fucking it in the ass distracted by its baby momma.. Noun, verb antifa.. Noun, verb Chicago.. Tim Scott of “Georgia”….
All of which speak so well to its “intelligence” and “seriousness”..
And… the greedy racist incel gasms.
over kon-klown but that’s fizzling out.. kon-klown is so.. unlikable..
Fat Donny is going to prison.
Rudy “America’s Mayor” and 9-11 Hero and Consigliere to Donald and Really Cool Guy Giulianispews:
The under appreciated detail is at some point close associates concluded that their best course of action was wearing a wire for the inevitable day I tried to blame them for my felonious behavior.
@57. If he does not, it will destroy the belief in the rule of law applies to everyone.
“Ratings Downgrade: The rating downgrade of the United States reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.”
Every debt limit standoff has occurred when the Republicans controlled congress and a Democrat was in office. The Republicans are clearly the ones that are crippling the American economy every time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Greg Abbott likes Trump’s family separation policy so much he’s now doing it himself.
@54 “you reverted to your return on invested capital”
Isn’t that the whole idea behind investing?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 “I do note that you aren’t referring to today’s GNRC bloodbath as a buying opportunity.”
My buying opportunity was last November at $98.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Right about now, Doctor Dumbfuck is burning incense, ringing bells, and consulting with an online spirit medium hoping to make Generac’s stock drop to $98.
Roger Rabbitspews:
He deserves to. He tried to take away my freedom.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you live in Louisiana and have a child who may someday need a pediatric heart specialist, you should consider moving to another state to find a doctor who does that.
Florida is no place for teachers, and Louisiana is no place for doctors. Even Doctor Dumbfuck, who’s only a radiologist, sought refuge on Whidbey Island. It isn’t just the environment that’s hostile anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 Republicans have been crippling the economy ever since Herbert Hoover was president. They’d reinstate the gold standard if they could.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It wasn’t me who called Trump’s lawyers “crackpots.” That was Mike Pence.
“Pence, speaking at the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, stressed that he ‘had hoped that this issue and the judgment of the president’s actions that day would be left to the American people’ rather than the legal system — but he also offered some of his strongest condemnations yet of Trump’s decisions around Jan. 6.”
Now there’s an original idea: Instead of trying criminals in the courts, put their guilt or innocence up for public vote. (Actually, it’s not original; it’s been done before.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Enough is enough. It’s time to revoke this crooked bank’s charter and put it out of business.
@66. The sad thing is the bigots would rather be stupid and die, and have others be stupid and die, than have the people they hate exist around them.
Consider what the greedy racist incel has written, he would rather gays, didn’t exist. He would rather his own brother did not exist. On that, he got his desire.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP gadfly Vivej Ramaswamy, who proposed raising the voting age to 25 (which would require amending the Constitution), has gone all-in 9/11 truther. What wacky thing is he going to say next?
People don’t want to work anymore – Republicans and Greed Boomers
Instacart started paying its gig workers as little as $4 in base pay per order. Previously, the company paid at least $7. Base pay is an amount that Instacart shoppers and drivers are guaranteed to make if they accept an order.
>> Instacart is upping their profit margin from each order so they can get another yacht , rather than keep paying the gig workers a pittance more.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A GOP congressman is arguing there should be a two-tier system of justice.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
@28 Good old RR, good to see that you survived the Demorat vax mandates but you would do well to have your carotid arteries checked, your brain may be starved for oxygen. Even an ALJ should be able to do better than “Trump tried to take away my freedom.” Btw;
Prosecutors claim “Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election that everything he did was fraudulent that he conspired with unnamed lawyers mostly to affect the election,” Dershowitz said.
“So the government has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that subjectively Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election and acted contrary to that belief.”
Nothing in the indictment backs that up, Dershowitz said.
“Now, I read the indictment very carefully. There is no smoking gun,” he said. “There is no one who is credibly prepared to testify that Donald Trump said to him, ‘I know personally I lost the election.’
Real Newsspews:
Why take care of a kids heart, when the parents and fuckwad POS residents don’t have any heart!?
According to your pal, the shit-stain of widbee, that’d been the best for my kids…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“So the government has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that subjectively Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election and acted contrary to that belief.”
Proving beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of DC residents who watched Trump torch their community and laugh mockingly.
And helps loads when the def just can’t shut his fat pie-hole long enough to stop admitting his mens rea. Multiple, documented statements against self interest.
Now pause for a beat and consider why none of the other six co-conspirators are indicted at this time.
I’ve seen this movie.
I know how it ends.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“There was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were,”
-Former Attorney General William P. Barr, in sworn testimony given before the United States House of Representatives in June of 2022
There really are quite a lot of “credibly prepared” witnesses.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Perhaps Barr’s most prescient comment ever:
“I think these two people down in Mar-a-Lago represent many Republicans who feel that they have to man the ramparts and defend this guy no matter what he does and go along with him. And I think they have to be careful, or they’re going to end up as part of the carnage in his wake.”
But it’s already too late.
Trump has them. He had them all the moment he convinced them to overlook and ignore his boasting to strangers about his undefeated rape record. It has been their burden ever since to struggle to lift the moral weight of that terrible failure. It will never stop destroying them.
Vicious Trollspews:
In the previous thread Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bloviated that the Fitch downgrade of US creditworthiness had already been priced into the market.
BONDS 10-year Treasury yield climbs as investors digest U.S. rating downgrade
The 10-year Treasury was up about 10 basis points at 4.175%, trading around levels last seen in November 2022.
Maybe not so much. Life just got more expensive for Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Vicious Trollspews:
Fidelity’s premium money market fund now yields 5.15%.
Dersh, the Rudy Giuliani of non-practicing but not disbarred attorneysspews:
Dersh, insert close pal of Epstein joke here, trying out a new legal theory.
Person one to defendant:
You’re not allowed to steal a car
Person two to defendant:
It is illegal to steal a car
Person three to defendant:
Stealing a car is a crime
Person four to defendant:
If you get caught stealing a car you will go to jail
Person five to defendant:
Really sir, you can’t steal a car
Your Personal Lawyer to defendant:
No I cannot be made to testify if you steal a car but as counsel I must tell you that stealing a car is a criminal act.
Person seven to defendant:
You keep asking about stealing a car like you don’t know that’s illegal.
Person eight to defendant:
Stealing a car is a crime
Defendent, after indictment for stealing a car:
“I was not personally aware that I could not steal a car.”
But all that is moot anyway.
Donald Trump privately admitted to losing the 2020 election even as he worked to undermine and change the results, according to two top aides who testified before the January 6 committee.
During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said: “‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?’”
Real Newsspews:
If Florida is so great, why is THE FUCKHUMP always in New Jersey.
Go to Florida you Fucker!
Mario Puzzospews:
Wannbe mobster watched the Sopranos. Seeing all the filming locations for inspiration
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Life just got more expensive
knock, knock, knock…
Manchinema IRS calling for kount kreepula, shit-stain of widbee….
DeSantis’ ‘War on Woke’ Backfires As Disney Ends $1 Billion Spending in Florida – Controversial Policies Spur Convention Cancellations, Tourism Downturn, and Struggles for Local Businesses
Republicans are learning that a “war for white supremacy” is not appealing to the wider country and industries that make more money appealing to a diverse audience.
82% of Voters Oppose GOP Push to Cut Social Security for Americans Under 50: Poll — “Voters would rather see taxes on wealthy Americans to ensure Social Security remains a guarantee for all,” said the head of Data for Progress.
>> Why Republicans have to lie about their agenda.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon suggested Donald Trump’s arrest for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election was a win for the MAGA movement. … ‘This is a day of jubilation for us,’ Bannon said.”
sounds like they had the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. Well, let me correct myself…..not sounds like, but yeah, bunch of Heterosexual Neanderthals with an STD
It’s like 1 + 1 = 2 each time. Fits like a glove. Heterosexual Nenaderthal = Hetersexual STD.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 Wherein the dumbfuck characterizes a 1/10th percent rise in interest rates, to levels not seen in 9 months, as a market crash in response to Fitch’s downgrade in USA’s credit rating.
Yep, centuries from now the Magats will go on a pilgrimage to the Trump crypt and take turns telling satirical tales along the way to pass the time.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
‘This is a day of jubilation for us,’ Bannon said.”
To gain some understanding of this thinking, I think it helps a lot to know what Steve Bannon really believes about how society works and what the future holds for us all.
It may be incredible to think that someone this relatively successful is simultaneously convinced of a truly bizarre and extremely nihilistic historical view of human society as progressing from one cataclysmic conflict to the next. But it’s what he believes. His thinking essentially rejects the most basic underlying concepts of modernism – that human ingenuity, effort, and rational thinking can help us over time to alleviate much suffering and avoid major human conflicts. Bannon rejects that idea entirely. Bannon and his ilk embrace an almost Buddhist view that existence (particularly human existence) is suffering. But unlike any Buddhist, these assholes argue that this suffering, cruelty, and insanity is inescapable because it is baked into human nature.
Bannon assumes a human social world in which people are always fundamentally in direct conflict with each other, whether as individuals, groups, societies, or sovereign nation states. Bannon believes the creation of sovereign nation states and their relationships to each other arises from this conflict and is ultimately intended to serve conflict rather than to ameliorate or avoid it. That has long been his view of major global events. And it has tremendous influence over his view of national political events.
Bannon really does believe that Donald Trump’s nomination, election and ultimate control over the Republican party and American conservatism came about because of a very fundamental conflict between “the moralizing and regulating influences” of white, originally European social values and what he describes frequently as “degenerate, non-western, non-European cultural practices and norms”. Assuming as he does that all human interactions are zero-sum in nature, Bannon argues that only the western, European cultural traditions are capable of mediating those human interactions in a way that avoids global catastrophe and universal suffering.
As a consequence of that basic set of beliefs Bannon and like-minded “western, Eurocentric, traditional conservatives” believe that our history has been, and our future will be defined by a series of conflicts between white, western, European cultural values and the rest of the world until either white, western, European cultural values ultimately prevail, or modern human society collapses into chaos and barbarism. They’ve been advancing these ideas and these arguments internationally now for decades. It’s why they embrace authoritarian fascist regimes in places like Hungary, Russia, etc. and why they associate with authoritarian fascist movements in places like the US, France, Austria, Spain, etc. And it’s why in every situation they are always seeking to maximize the conflict between those cultural forces that they approve of and all others.
So Bannon celebrates Trump’s criminality because it truly is his fervent hope that it might ultimately result in “violence in the street”. Even if Bannon’s preferred forces of “white, western, Eurocentric, traditional conservatives” were to be defeated in such violent conflict, he believes that the shattering of norms and institutions that would accompany it would ultimately benefit his stated aims.
But don’t imagine for an instant that any of these ghouls conceive of themselves as warriors, or even generals in any such conflicts. Bannon and his fellows and associates on the right are of course pure capitalists. As they imagine these violent conflicts, they are the suppliers of ideals, motivation, and inspiration to the combatants, while existing luxuriously above the fray monetizing the conflicts. I think there was a Star Trek TOS episode about this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 Looks plagiarized from Mein Kampf.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Less nationalistic variant of the same basic thinking.
Includes the same superior self image of the in-group and the same sense of “victimization” at the hands of the “degraded out-groups”.
Winds up at the same end point destination with mass extermination facilities too.
Some really delightful people, these modern Republicans.
Vicious Trollspews:
Not even a dividend payment for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to point to in defense of his decision to stick with Generac as the shares’ slide continues. And with a PE (TTM) still more than 45, those shares have a lot further to slide.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now praying for hurricanes to devastate people with brown and black skin this summer, because then generator sales might tick up a bit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Rally Runner has been arrested and indicted for his role in the J6 Republican Terror Attack on Congress.
Late in 2021 our own devoted Tucker Carlson slobbering fan-boy, the Shit-Lord Crybaby, further confirmed his debasement at the Trump altar by fully backing the bizarre claim that this mildly developmentally disabled cosplayer from St Louis was an FBI agent sent to DC to infiltrate the Republican pipe-bomb mob and foment criminal violence.
The average rate on the 30-year fixed mortgage increased to 6.90% this week, up from 6.81% the week before, according to Freddie Mac. That’s the second highest level this year.
The rise in rates compounds affordability concerns for homebuyers who are also dealing with increasing home prices and low inventory. Many have just bowed out.
“Homebuyers continue to feel the effects of tighter [Federal Reserve] policy, which keeps a floor under mortgage rates,” economic data analyst Hannah Jones said in an email. “Still-high home prices and elevated mortgage rates have eaten into purchasing power for many buyers, leading to both fewer home sales and fewer listings.”
Good thing there’s an unwinding of QE3 to take long-dated debt off the market. Oh, wait…
Additionally, the US Treasury said Wednesday it plans to sell off more than $100 billion of long-term securities, which sent the 10-year Treasury yield to the highest level since November 2022, according to Jones.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 99
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that someone interviewed on television was incorrect about something.
But as HuffPost went into more detail explaining why the idea that Rally Runner was some sort of undercover law enforcement agent was absurd, McBride shifted a bit. He said his job was to defend his client, and he didn’t “need to be right” in everything he claimed.
“If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” McBride said. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”
Neither did Adam Schiff.
Vicious Trollspews:
Queen YLB’s among the dumbest of twats, but she’s far from the most expensive of them.
On March 31 — the day before Mulvaney’s disastrous social media campaign — AB InBev had a market cap of $134.5 billion. As of Thursday, that figure plummeted to $97.74 billion.
I’m pretty sure the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos messed around with cost them more than $37B each in their respective divorce settlements. But still.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
TFW your very own desperately relied upon DEEEEP STAATE!! conspiracy reveals itself to be a developmentally delayed adult cosplayer with a baseball fetish.
Morally of course this can’t compare to willingly signing on to ride-or-die for Team Finger Rape.
But in practical terms it may actually be more devastating.
Morally rape is inexcusable.
And yet their excuses are all laughably make believe.
Vicious Trollspews:
Bob Iger’s problem, see, is that if he capitulates fully and jettisons this DEI silliness, in a couple of years Disney’s share price will be back to where it was before Disney went full batshit woke.
The right thing for the Disney shareholders is to follow DeSantis’ lead. Iger knows that; hell, Bud Light’s freefall makes that clear. He just can’t let on that he knows it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that someone interviewed on television was incorrect about something.
Oddly, absolutely none of us are shocked, shocked that the Shit-Lord Crybaby backed it 100%.
After Access Hollywood he’s never really had any other choice.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 103
Morally rape is inexcusable.
I believe this is why Ashley Biden referred to it as “taking showers” with her father.
Why else would she gravitate to showering late at night so that she wouldn’t have to do it with him?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The right thing for the Disney shareholders…
Far be it for me to give advice to gamblers or other “investors”.
But I would think long and carefully before taking advice from anyone dumb enough, or desperate enough, to argue that Trump is suitable to be the nominee because dark, evil forces have been unfairly arrayed against him consisting of an unemployed dishwasher who paints his face red.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…this is why Ashley Biden referred to it as “taking showers” with her father.
I’m open to any credible argument that a reader should not immediately categorize such claims right alongside “Rally Runner FBI Conspiracy” and “Birf Surtifikit” and all the thousands of others.
But with nothing else to go on except more “Salacious Pics Package” I’m going for the round file from the office three-point-line.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 108
I’m open to any credible argument…
The contents of her diary.
Why did the Secret Service have an interest in retrieving a diary belonging to a private citizen, which was carelessly left behind by said citizen? Why did the FBI raid the offices and residences of a few people in an effort to retrieve it?
It was because the diary exposes the president as an incestuous pedophile.
Vicious Trollspews:
Hunter Biden is said to be shocked at the extent of Lizzo’s debauchery.
Even putting aside the entirely criminal origins of what the desperate troll relies upon, it does not make any of the claims he makes. Those exist entirely in his head, alongside the retarded, face-painting “Deep State” and the brilliantly forged Hawaiian birth certificates.
Oh God, the humiliation. The stink. The immense degradation. All for Trump.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
To the best of my knowledge, after pleading guilty last summer neither of the two faked diary conspirators Kurlander and Harris have yet been sentenced more than a year later. This is commonly seen only when accompanying a pre-sentencing agreement to cooperate and testify in future proceedings.
Since that time Admiral Dildo of the Republican Porn-boat Navy has been dismissed and evicted by his financial backers desperate to be unaffiliated with any long federal prison sentences. Leaving the puffy Admiral struggling to raise money to defend himself against multiple civil suits in multiple venues.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Republican celebrity contestant whose name recognition is second only to Trump’s is selling some new merch today:
AB InBev had a market cap of $134.5 billion. As of Thursday, that figure plummeted to $97.74 billion.
translation: the shit-stain missed the boat.. didn’t even bother to bet against the company..
it was too busy gasming from hate. and looking silly babbling about weak beer that no one gives a shit about.
the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos
heh.. the shit-stain is jelly… two men who have made more munee than the shit-stain can fathom. Who cares if they’re morally compromised? In the dried pea-brain of the shit-stain, munee drumpfs all.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I don’t think defense counsel should ever tease strategy in the media. I don’t see how it serves the client interest in any way.
But obviously TFG is a vain, preening freak who is even now far more concerned about his public image than the long, miserable years he will suffer behind bars before he dies of untreated chronic illness.
Still, if an attorney is going to tease strategy in the media it should at least be credible strategy:
It is very important to note, over and over again how the Special Counsel identifies all but one of Trump’s co-conspirators as “an attorney”, “an attorney”, “an attorney”, etc. I’ve joked around about it before on these pages. But there is a scene in one of the Godfather movies when Michael sends his “Consigliere” Tom Hagen out of the room in Cal-Neva before he discusses authorizing a hit. This is an artful and intelligent criminal move that preserves Michael’s attorney-client privilege. And it illustrates a bedrock legal principle. The law does not protect criminal communications.
Trump could rely on honest-services communications with any attorney acting as his legal adviser about anything. He can rely on that advice. He can hold them responsible if the advice is bad. And he can enforce his privilege to withhold those communications from any disclosure. And guess what? Right in the indictment the Special Counsel makes this very point quite explicitly.
And so when the Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® is advising Trump about his options and strategies to use the courts to challenged some of the election results, as he did more than two hundred times immediately after the election, he’s covered. It’s on them. He’s entitled to the legal defense that whatever was proposed or done it was at their advice.
And even when all those legal efforts failed, and the Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® began to propose their coup plot, he was still entitled to that defense. But only so long as he was their unwitting dupe. Only so long as there were not literally thousands of other lawyers all telling him that the Fascist KlownKar Coup was objectively illegal in every conceivable way. And only so long as Trump was not openly acknowledging all those repeated, consistent admonitions urging him to reject their criminal scheme.
But that is not what Trump did.
And it’s truly shocking in a sense that Trump’s defense attorney would parade such a proposed strategy at this very early point. Not so much because it gives away anything. Smith very obviously anticipates this defense. But because of what it signals to those five KlownKar Fascist “attorneys”. Reading through the indictment the facts alleged about Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, Powell, and Cheeseboro are absolutely terrible. These complete fucking shit-stains were assembling what they all acknowledged might well become a violence backed insurrection plot that could easily result in deploying National Guard troops to slaughter civilian protesters in order to “protect the boss” – and of course themselves.
It ain’t for nothing that these five are left dangling and exposed by this indictment. That is clearly by design. And if that design is any kind of a trap, then Trump’s currentdefense attorney is jumping into it with both feet by going on television and telling the world that he will defend his client by putting it all on the lawyers.
Vicious Trollspews:
Exactly what I would expect to see one year before a rematch of the 2020 election.
Ron DeSantis agrees to debate Gavin Newsom on Fox News
Note that our chickenshit Vice President had her shot, and begged off.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 115
… missed the boat.. didn’t even bother to bet against the company..
You’re right, Queen YLB. I didn’t bet against the company. Instead I bet that the shares won’t fall below $55. The bad news is priced in, and if they stay depressed I still profit.
I don’t bet against Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit either, and I don’t think he understands that. I merely bet that he buys in about 25% too expensively. I’m usually right about that.
The way I look at it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit suffers because of his mediocrity, while I profit because of his mediocrity. Somebody has to.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
You’re right
And you’re out munee, cuz again, gasming from lurid fantasies about people you hate..
looking silly, spew after spew about crap beer..
that legions of haters found themselves embarrassed having wasted their lives and munee swilling..
That’s fun to do
“If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” McBride said. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”
Neither does the greedy racist incel.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
That quote nicely sums Trump’s thinking about assembling teams of fake electors to defraud the election.
Whatever else he may have “believed” at any point in time about the vote counting in the various states, he never once really believed that there was any legal basis for the obviously corrupt scheme to fake phony electoral certificates and have his Vice President substitute those for the real thing.
His DC jury will see the truth of the thing and convict his fat ass.
Appeals may follow. And it could be years before he must surrender himself to the BOP. But this is the criminal case that the majority of good Americans yearn to see him pay for.
He instructed his Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® to assemble teams of human cutouts to pretend to be duly and lawfully chosen electors and to create and present fraudulent and forged state electoral certificates to be substituted for the real thing. He never once believed such a scheme was lawful. He did not care. And he did it precisely for the corrupt purpose of taking your vote away and stealing an election.
… a girlish Fat Midget jumping up and down in his white, high-heeled boots waving his hands over his head shouting “Yooo hoooo!” to a bored and entirely disinterested right wing media.
There’s just no turning back now, you fucking idiots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The KKK is still kidnapping, torturing, and lynching black men. The only difference is today the Klansmen wear police uniforms instead of hoods.
Republicans want to disempower and dismantle the DOJ that prosecuted these assholes. Probably not least because federal prosecutors bring charges like these against people like these. That’s what the Deep State does for a living.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
Put yet another fork in it:
… the 141-page transcript also includes multiple occasions in which Archer, who founded Rosemont Seneca Partners with Hunter Biden, testified in definitive terms that Hunter Biden was not able to influence his father’s actions or policy decisions and that “nothing of material” was ever discussed with Joe Biden during his frequent communications with his son. Hunter Biden never asked his father to take official actions on behalf of his son’s business partners, Archer testified. And Archer also disputed claims being pushed by Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R- Ky.) and Republican lawmakers…
drumpf is on a fast track to another repuke party nomination.. a party hopelessly in thrall to the batshit base it has pandered to for decades.. and in the tea bagger wave, the inmates took over the asylum.. even back then the baggers in a white panic over a certain black guy began babbling obsequious noises about a fatuous failed businessman and reality tv show starpussy-grabber who was spewing birther klownspiracy.. just what they wanted to hear..
Hopelessly aged Joe Biden will win another 4 years in yet another squeaker as cheetolini has no edit button and is fucking insane..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@98 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now praying for hurricanes to devastate people with brown and black skin this summer, because then generator sales might tick up a bit.”
It takes a real idiot to argue that black and brown people in places like Florida and Texas are Generac’s customers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@102 “I’m pretty sure the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos messed around with cost them more than $37B each in their respective divorce settlements. But still.”
My understanding is it was $25 billion apiece. That seems to be the going rate for infidelity among deci-billionaires these days.
What, you don’t love me anymore?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 Yesterday The Donald’s defense was “free speech,” today it’s “blame the lawyers”? Maybe his new lawyers figured out that contending, “Give me your money or I’ll shoot you,” is free speech doesn’t actually work all that well in court.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 My market timing track record doesn’t compare with yours.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
(1) Learn to cite, your quotation is worthless without it.
(2) Notably even RR hasn’t attempted to defend those bogus charges.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I could be over confident, but I’m not sure anyone needs quotations if one of Trump’s minions was wearing a fucking wire.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m not so sure his lawyers even know what defense to present or even care. Nor will they until after discovery and plenty of pretrial motions to suppress evidence/testimony.
My point really is that it’s just plain dumb to goad those lawyers, or anyone else who can testify against him at this time. Really, really dumb.
In other words, a Republican.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Also, any of his “free speech” or “state of mind” defenses so far being put forward by his own defense lawyers and campaign spokes-trolls are fundamentally irrelevant to the charges.
It does not matter if Donald J. Trump sincerely believed that he won. Full stop.
It does not matter to the specific offenses being charged in this indictment. He is not being charged with a vague conspiracy to “vindicate” his rights as a presidential candidate or some vague conspiracy to “investigate” election improprieties involving JOO SPACE LASERS, or dead Venezuelan dictators.
This was a very specific conspiracy to assemble teams of conspiring state level loyalists to pose as fake state electors, coach them to prepare forged state electoral certificates and then attempt to present them during the joint session as the real thing in order to disenfranchise those voters in seven states.
I think the record indicates that he was always aware that that specific effort was well outside of the law. But he was simply so frustrated, and so arrogant that he did not care. I think his state of mind regarding that whole fake electoral certificate scheme is very clear. The scheme was always illegal. He never doubted that it was illegal. He was told hundreds of times by credible, reliable authorities that it was illegal. His own official legal counsel’s office at the time told him it was entirely illegal. In his own private comments and conversations he admitted that it was illegal.
But once all of his worthless, bullshit lawsuits had failed and been laughed out of more than 200 courts, he went ahead with the conspiracy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Florida superintendents were advised Thursday by the state to nix their Advanced Placement Psychology classes unless they exclude any topics related to gender or sexuality, according to The College Board, which oversees the AP program. Such a shift would mean the courses couldn’t be called Advanced Placement, however, or used by students to earn college credit, the College Board said.”
The best thing for college-bound Florida high school students to do is go live with relatives in another state to finish their schooling. A third of Florida’s teachers are uncertified, and Florida diplomas are going to become worthless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@132 Right now his best bet appears to be the Bryan Kohberger defense: “My client was elsewhere during the crime.”
This MSNBC article describes Trump’s “multi-pronged attempt to overturn the will of the voters” as “an assault on American democracy as embodied in the U.S. Constitution and U.S. law.” That, of course, is what polls show 80% of Republicans want: To eliminate democracy.
The worst actor in Trump’s inner circle of co-conspirators isn’t John Eastman, who devised the fake electors scheme, but Jeffrey Clark, who urged Trump to use the military to violently suppress protests against the coup they were planning. Clark wanted to shoot Americans who publicly objected to an authoritarian takeover of their country.
Many people have remarked that when you look in Clark’s eyes, there’s no soul there. He’s more like Himmler than Goering; he impresses you as someone who could kill millions without emotion. I hope Smith nails Clark’s ass to a barn door.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Kansas City Star editorial page editors want Republican voters to read the 45-page indictment.
“But in practice,” they say, “it’s tough to be optimistic in light of the Republican Party’s recent aversion to learning through the written word. GOP officials freely admitted, for example, that they didn’t read Trump’s first federal indictment, which suggests it’s unlikely they’ll read his second federal indictment. … Republicans also didn’t read the Mueller report. Or the Durham report. Or the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings on the Russia scandal. Or the Justice Department inspector general’s report on the investigation into the Russia scandal.”
It’s no use trying to dissect this. It’s intentional ignorance, of the same sort we saw with climate change and Covid vaccines. Republicans quite simply aren’t open to inconvenient truths that contradict the foundational beliefs of their worldview. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan they said, “Democracy is not part of our system.” To paraphrase slightly, for Republicans, truth and logic aren’t part of their system. It’s not really much more complicated than that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Fuckers like Clark are impotent ciphers until fascist pigs like the GOP come along to empower them. He was a talentless civil litigator in the environmental division until he bent the knee to Trump.
I say let him live. But only if he gives them all up. If not he should burn like the rest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m waiting for Trump to argue he can’t get a fair trial in D.C. if any black people are on the jury, because blacks are biased against racists and he’s a racist.
Here’s a thing we literally had drilled into us in Civics, getting a drivers license, jury duty….
Ignorance of the law is not a defense against criminal charges.
Equality comes for the White folksspews:
Anyone NOT a legacy application just found out that living in a district privileged enough to have a full compliment of AP courses available doesn’t have the privilege anymore.
“Wait, so you’re just a 4point who can’t play sport or has interesting extracurricular? Tell me why you’re more deserving of this spot at Princeton than the 4 point Downtown Miami kid in the school where the building is falling down and the expenditure per pupil is 64% of your West Palm High?”
Lena Horne can't live in a Trump Buildingspews:
Maybe he can offer them apartments for rent.
Shit. Probably not.
United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.
Independent Votersspews:
So both of the expelled Democrats in Tennessee easily won their special elections to serve the remainder of the term Massa tried to take from them.
Sure deep blue districts, one running unopposed because even the reddest of GOP Partisans knew this was a lost cause. But still, GOP fucked around and found out to the tune of one rep forced to resign for shit that never would have become a public thing if they hadn’t gone whole hog on tossing the Negroes.
Gavin Newsomespews:
I’m planning on dispatching of this lightweight before 2028 even gets going so the GOP will go with MGT or “I don’t care how many people die as long as we get the Sturgis money” woman from a tiny Plains state.
He’ll probably run crying to mom once someone verbally punches him. That’s what blowhards do.
Demorat-Pfizer National Committee Emergency Warning, Don’t Be Fooled By Rightwing Law Professors Who Claim That Trump Is Not Guilty –
This Dershowitz is at it again, now he says that our dear Jack Smith did something wrong for not mentioning that Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. Of course he didn’t mention it, Trump was LYING!!! That’s why it was legal for Hillary to say that Russia stole the 2016 election from her, she was telling the TRUTH!!! Everybody knows that lying is illegal, just see United States v. Alvarez, 132 S. Ct. 2537 (2012). Probably Dershowitz never heard of it, or even knows where the Supreme Court is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I fully expect that at some point Trump will make threats against the D.C. judge and her family, so his lawyers can claim she’s biased against him and demand she recuse herself, so they can get a new (and hopefully more lenient) judge.
146. Reminds me of that old joke.
Court: you murdered your parents.
Defendant: have mercy on me judge I’m an orphan.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s him. All caps shouting about FACTS and TRUTH is another tell.
How demeaning that defending Trump is what draws him crawling back for more abuse.
There is no disgrace that a Republican will not offer for that pig of a man.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
It’s him. All caps shouting about FACTS and TRUTH is another tell.
EAT IT! heh.. like its beloved kook karsen losing teeth in a house of HAM…
Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christspews:
Puddy, those Republicans who finally admit the truth of their own eyes and cast off the terrible burden of Trump die but once.
But those like the other troll, who never quite summon the slightest measure of Divine grace to quit that man, are destined to die a thousand times in life.
It’s entirely up to you. It always has been. That’s how I set this whole thing up. You decide.
But you really should give it some thought before you continue to react. It’s only you who will suffer before I finally call you home and all your suffering ends.
Real Newsspews:
@140 not Puddy in my opinion….to articulate for a Neanderthal Ape like Puffy.
Bob Iger’s problem, see, is that if he capitulates fully and jettisons this DEI silliness, in a couple of years Disney’s share price will be back to where it was before Disney went full batshit woke.
The right thing for the Disney shareholders is to follow DeSantis’ lead. Iger knows that; hell, Bud Light’s freefall makes that clear. He just can’t let on that he knows it.
This is astute analysis. Only a complete dumbfuck would fail to notice Disney’s well publicized rollout of an expensive streaming service taking a hit on profit and stock price a full year before Mouselini started tilting at the windmill. And surely a Dumbfuck would take a moment to wonder why after the stock price climbed in the first quarter of 2023 it dropped suddenly in May.
On May 2, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. PDT, the Writers Guild of America (WGA)—representing 11,500 screenwriters—went on strike over an ongoing labor dispute
And took another hit July 14-17.
On July 14, 2023, the American actors’ union SAG-AFTRA went on strike over an ongoing labor dispute with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers.
That woke underwater black mermaid thing made $300m. Guardians of the Galxy 3, half a billion.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He’s the unassailed leader of the GOP, the most recently elected Republican President, and the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee.
Is he smart?
Is Donald Trump a smart person?
Is Donald Trump intellectually equipped to gather information, assess that information for relevance and usefulness, synthesize understanding from that information, and reach valid, effective conclusions?
A smart person would plead guilty.
I think it’s very likely that, if he agreed, even now, Trump’s attorneys could negotiate a no prison plea deal. It would be a deal that forbade him from running for public office or serving in any public office. But it would leave him free to return to his private life, and continue to even be politically active as a media personality and “celebrated” public figure.
Is Donald Trump a smart person?
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
Dear Demorat Loons, I’m not Puddy but I wish him well, as for me I haven’t been here since 2020. I didn’t expect to be here again until next year but your latest and most spectacular Trump Derangement Syndrome blunder, i.e., the indictment for alleging election fraud, brought me back early. I’ve been around a few years and I don’t think that I have ever seen a president and his party more despised than you Dems are now since Nixon and Watergate.
Btw, you are acting just as would be expected from a party that will rig an election thus you make Trump’s allegations more credible. Thanks for the help.
What an asshole. I bet it’s a Republican.spews:
I didn’t expect to be here again until next year
Ahole1 you wimped out big time when drumpf failed to bring the “storm” last Nov 2020..
I bet you believe in that Q horseshit big time.. It’s you who is the loon ahole1.
What a letdown Nov 2020 was for you.. and that idiot insurrection the follow Jan 6 was a big fayle too..
You’re the governor of New Jersey, on vacay in Italy, and your lieutenant governor dies while doing your job.
Do you cut your vacay short?
Oh. You’re a Democrat. Does your answer change?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, HA’s larping millionaire, recently told us about his latest get-rich-quick scheme, an investment in Generac. Less than a week ago he crowed because it was up a few bucks per share.
This morning, so far, it’s down more than $37 per share, or more than 24%.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to have a 10-year investment horizon. He’s gonna need it.
In the DL thread @ 13 HA’s larping millionaire Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, he of the massive loss in his pitifully small GNRC holdings today, tried to blame the US credit downgrade by Fitch on the GOP:
In short, Republican brinkmanship and irresponsibility is driving up interest costs on the U.S. debt, wasting taxpayers’ money.
What a silly thing to write, that GOP efforts to curtail spending by the government would actually increase the government’s borrowing costs. Silly, but in a nutshell a great explanation of why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investments turn out so poorly for him and for his family.
Here is Fitch’s explanation:
The US has a spending problem. Democrats have purchased stupid stuff, and spending for health care will rise as the population ages. Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example – but the US has a spending problem. Now interest rates will rise because of it.
Bidenflation touches us all, sooner or later. For me it’s a light tap on the shoulder. For Queen YLB’s fucked kids it’s an ass-reaming with a red-hot poker.
For Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family, which must be numb to bad personal economic disasters he has caused by now, it’s just piled higher and deeper.
is this good
this is teh fucking best
Louis DeLuca, a former Republican leader of the Connecticut state Senate who served 17 years in the General Assembly before reluctantly resigning, has died at age 89.
oooold guy.. no more ss checks for him.. following intuitively , logically and rigorously from the kreepee, dipshit babbling of teh widbee shit-stain…
GOOD.. for my kids.. AMIRITE????
save for something waaaaay better… Long live Mary Kay…
@2 I’ll still be around in 10 years, and thanks to Republicans climate-driven storm damage to grids and demand for backup generators isn’t going away. How about you? Can you survive another decade of your lifestyle? And how’s Tesla doing this morning? Was your $1.10 tax cut worth what Republicans did to your investments?
The US has a spending problem.
According to teh widbee shit-stain, it’s Medicare and SS checks..
No prob.. kreepee klownservatics like the following schmuck:
will expire in due course.. See the gut on that loooser?
@6 Don’t forget that Republicans wanted to “invest” your slice of the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market.
Do you cut your vacay short?
Ted Kankun showed us all teh way..
Further on the subject of Generac, its stock price is now back to where it was on, um, June 9, 2023. All this does is erase its spectacular rise over the last few weeks. Ho hum. Big yawn.
I wonder if doc shorted it back on June 9?
@ 7
Don’t forget that Republicans wanted to “invest” your slice of the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market.
They didn’t want to overweight in dogs like T, C, MMM, and historically GE the way you did, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Prev thread Red requested a link to the information included in the latest Trump indictment:
On page 30 of the indictment you will see a recitation of records of several conversations between senior staff attorneys in the Office of the White House Counsel and “Co-conspirator number 4” – Jeffrey Clark, a DOJ attorney recruited by the campaign to develop and advance a plan to unlawfully replace electors and to assume the role of “Acting” Attorney General on Trump’s behalf and for that specific purpose. In these conversations the Deputy White House Counsel, seeking to warn Clark about the potentially dire consequences that his scheme might have, describes to Clark that unlawfully overturning the election by arbitrarily replacing electors would likely result in considerable civil unrest in many communities across the United States as voters demonstrated in vast numbers to have their lawful democratic votes restored. The Deputy White House Counsel seems to have offered these warnings in the mistaken belief that the Trump Coup Conspirators had simply not considered such consequences.
Clark responded by describing the conspirator’s expectations that voters, lawmakers, and government officials would object to the coup plot, and goes on to describe their expectations that it would be necessary for the DOJ, and himself acting as Attorney General, to restore order and enforce the coup plot via armed and violent means.
Again, on page 35, co-conspirator 2 – John Eastman – was advised by Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows that the schemes and plots being advanced by the conspirators were unlawful, would win no legal support, and would likely result in “riots” Eastman responded by suggesting that “violence was necessary to protect the republic”.
Beware of “missionaries” panhandling for Bible money.
it’s an ass-reaming with a red-hot poker.
knock, knock, knock…
knock, knock, knock..
knock, knock, knock, OPEN UP, Manchinema IRS detail calling for teh widbee shit stain..
I know some of my liberal friends are against the death penalty in any and all circumstances, but I agree with the jury on this one.
“The gunman who opened fire on a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 and wounding seven others, will be sentenced to death, federal jurors decided Wednesday. The tragedy, nearly five years ago, was the most heinous antisemitic attack in U.S. history. For months before the attack, the gunman, Robert Bowers, posted incessantly on social media about his hatred of Jewish people and immigrants. Armed with an AR-15 and other weapons, he then barged into the Tree of Life Congregation in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018 and surrendered only when he ran out of ammunition.”
Sure, he’s deranged, but I don’t give a shit if he flaps his arms like Charles Manson or what his delusional excuse is.
@3 How does one suffer a “massive loss” in a “pitifully small” holding? Show your math. Just sayin’.
Speaking of investments, GOP Primary Voters are absolutely going to nominate a guy who may be wearing orange and unable to visit a swing state who is also out of cash to run.
@ 9
I wonder if doc shorted it back on June 9?
I’ve never shorted it. I’ve only shorted one stock in my life, and that was an accident – I sold more CAT than I owned. Came out of it OK, too, but I learned a few things.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, in 16 days I will owe you thanks for the $2600 plus I’ll clear from an expired contract involving a naked put sale on GNRC. And I have sold three additional options positions on the shares, one of which jumped $7k today because it was a sold naked call. By the time they expire these positions will net me more than $10k, all without ever owning the shares. The risk? I might have to own the shares if things get far worse. Or, very suddenly, far better.
This is what you refer to as gambling, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. In reality, I’m just putting my Notadumbfuck Investment Method to work, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You are trying to point out that GNRC has essentially moved sideways since early June, and that you haven’t lost anything during that period. Fair enough. My point, which I have made previously, is that sideways markets can be lucrative. That’s where options come in.
Details of the arrangements?
Details of the specifics of the Vacay? Such as is he meeting with the Pope?
Why not just make a decision without knowing all the facts.
You asked the question – you should be able to provide all the facts related to the case.
And I don’t really think your point was understanding the facts or the principle of the matter, it was just to take a pot shot.
A dumbfuck potshot you are. You have no principles or convictions, we established that a long ago.
@3 “The US has a spending problem. Democrats have purchased stupid stuff, and spending for health care will rise as the population ages.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck describes health care spending as “stupid.” I guess it depends on the quality of the health care. In his case, yes, but the health care system cut the stupidity short and sent him to early retirement, where now he only abuses horses.
“Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example ….”
It’s good to see you acknowledge the role of billionaire tax cuts, and asking our good friends in Riyadh and Beijing to finance them, but I don’t see you calling for Republicans to change their behavior. There’s only so much fiscal stimulus to be had from Jeff Bezos buying another $500 million yacht.
“Bidenflation touches us all, sooner or later. For me it’s a light tap on the shoulder.”
With inflation now running a little over 3%, it’s a light tap on everybody’s shoulder. But especially for an island hermit who grows his own vegetables and brews his own beer in a shed behind the chicken coop.
@ 16
Chris Sununu stated on one of the Sunday talk shows that neither Trump nor Biden would be on the ballot. I’d bet on that, too.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wants Gavin Newsom. I’m OK with that, too.
@ 20
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck describes health care spending as “stupid.” I guess it depends on the quality of the health care.
I guess it depends on the quality of the patient receiving the care, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@6 “According to teh widbee shit-stain, it’s Medicare and SS checks.”
Never mind that Medicare and Social Security contribute exactly zero to budget deficits.
I’m absolutely delighted to see that for his most recent criminal indictment the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee has drawn a district court judge who will drive him completely out of his mind.
A Black, Jamaican born woman judge, appointed by a Black man Trump accused of being from Kenya.
Pretty much pushes every single one of Trump’s buttons.
At some point his brain will melt and he’ll talk some racist shit.
He’s so fucked.
According to this Democrat, Joe Biden was corrupted by Hunter and it was Beau’s fault for dying.
This explains the corruption. It also admits it.
@10 “They didn’t want to overweight in dogs like T, C, MMM, and historically GE …” blah, blah, blah.
I’ll concede this point to you, doc. That’s too slow. They would’ve put it in those “investments” pitched at the free lunches senior citizens are regularly invited to by coupons in their mailboxes.
@ 24
At some point his brain will melt and he’ll talk some racist shit.
I mean, that’s a storybook, man.
@11 The next time you hear a Republican asswipe whining about “unequal justice” and “witch hunt,” a 7-word reply will suffice. All you need to say is,
“Trump tried to take away my freedom.”
This is the freedom G.I.s fought for on Omaha Beach, Tarawa, in Hurtgen Forest, and countless other battlefields. Before them, generations of citizen-soldiers in the Argonne, at Gettysburg, and Yorktown. More recently, in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, among others.
Fuck that bastard, and all his co-conspirators. They all deserve life in prison for treason. They betrayed every American who wore a uniform and bore arms under the Stars and Stripes.
@17 “I’ve only shorted one stock in my life, and that was an accident – I sold more CAT than I owned. Came out of it OK, too, but I learned a few things.”
Should we conclude this is because your holdings are so vast you, like Bill Gates, can’t even keep track of what you own?
Some of the problem can clearly be traced to the GOP – tax cuts are the best example
Ok. Raise taxes on the wealthiest.
@3 Why does the greedy racist incel repeatedly use violent butt sex imagery aimed at boys? We knew he was an incel, but maybe we got it oriented wrong. Maybe he is a closeted gay incel, angry he can’t get young men to have sex with him.
@22 “I guess it depends on the quality of the patient receiving the care, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I see. You were a prison doctor, and your Hippocratic credo was, “let ’em die.” I’m not aware of any other doctors who run background checks on their patients to determine whether they’re worthy of quality medical care. I am aware, though, that some doctors don’t dispense quality care to any of their patients, and the worthiness of the patients has nothing to do with it.
One more indictment and the following Tuesday everyone in America gets a free Doritos Locos Taco.
The crowd begins to chant, “Fani! Fani! Fani! Fani!”
@24 “A Black, Jamaican born woman judge, appointed by a Black man Trump accused of being from Kenya” known for her harsh sentencing of Jan. 6 rioters. And to her, this is just another Jan. 6 riot case.
@25 I guess that’s true if you consider commiserating with your dad about your dying brother is “corrupt.” The Republican clowns in the House certainly wouldn’t hesitate to paint it that way, seeing as they have nothing else. I strongly suspect the number of voters they’re persuading who aren’t already deluded is roughly zero, and polling appears to bear this out.
Where we learn that a Dumbfuck is likely to pick his NCAA Bracket on what some guy he overheard at Red Robin said about Canisius having the size to match up with Michigan State and is a good 13 over 4 upset pick.
Remember, Dumbfuck specifically and the GOP generally like to trot out the footage of Joe awkwardly hugging his Grandson at the kid’s dad’s funeral as proof he’s a pedophile.
The track record is solid and irrefutable.
@27 Political career-wise, it seems to have worked out okay for both of them.
“At that point Joe Biden and Hunter Biden began to speak every day because they were devastated by Beau’s death.”
Do you think the greedy racist incel is incapable of imagining people could talk about feelings and emotions and loss and not corrupt business dealings?
Wonder if this how the greedy racist incel fantasizes the calls went.
“Beau fucking died.”
“That Asshole. Couldn’t have been a worse time. Stupid funeral conflicts with my golf game.”
“Want $100 million from Devon Archer?”
“Of course, I can use that to buy a lot of laundered votes in the election”
“I can get a lot of blow and really ignore my daughter with that kind of money.”
And… the greedy racist incel gasms.
So GOP, how’s that courting the Jewish and Women vote going? We have some recordings,
The sanguine, contented reassurance of “conservative” elites that “Trump just can’t become the nominee” is to me very reminiscent of similar confidence among elite liberals in 2016 that “Trump just can’t win”.
I bought into that view in 2016 and I may have never been more foolishly self-deluding in my life. So I can certainly sympathize with what shit birds like Chris Sununu must be going through and what they will be going through. And their political misjudgment in 2023 in some ways surprising to me closely matches my own political misjudgment in 2016.
More than almost anything, in 2016 I misjudged Republican voters. I certainly misjudged Hillary Clinton as a campaigner. In retrospect she had none of her husband’s natural skill as a politician. None at all. And smart as she may be, her intelligence is very consistently clouded by a sense of paranoia and mistrust that produces big political missteps and prevents her from connecting with people.
But I was not a Clinton supporter in the primaries. And though I thought she had a good “electability” argument to make, that argument relied on assumptions about the Republican nominee that would prove to be wildly incorrect. And this perhaps suggests some misjudgment on my part also about Democratic voters too. As uninspiring as her candidacy may have been, Clinton did in fact win millions more votes than Trump. I think it’s very plausible that Bernie would have done much better, especially in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and in contrast to a fascist criminal pig like Donald Trump.
But where I really misjudged 2016 was in assuming that Republican primary voters and Republican general election voters, would recoil from a pig of a candidate who casually jokes about his sexual desire for his teen daughter and who bragged to a busload of total strangers about his “successful” history of sexual assaults. My comprehension of who and what Republican voters was completely transformed by what those voters did in 2016 and thereafter. They are absolutely nothing like what I had previously imagined. And I happen to know more than a few of them.
So I can only imagine that someone like Chris Sununu must hold in his own mind some strong ideas about who and what Republican voters are. And as a Republican voter and successful elected official, those ideas must be very central to his own self image. But the terrible, wrenching years since Trump rode that fucking gold escalator have taught me that Sununu and many other “conservative” elites have deluded themselves very much like I deluded myself back then.
Nobody wants a Republican pivot more than I do at this point. And I feel like most Democrats agree with that. We’d all really like to see our politics restored to some kind of normal equilibrium.
But I don’t really believe that’s going to happen. Trump is Trump. And Republicans are Republicans. It’s nice to imagine that he will go away some day and that Republicans will move on from him. But they are not moving on from Trump. Not right now. And not any time in the very near future. We are stuck with him and with them. As they are. Not as we might wish them to be.
In case you want confirmation
That’s some nasty stuff.
@ 35
…to pick his NCAA Bracket on what some guy he overheard at Red Robin…
That’s not it at all. I follow the investment method I referred to above.
In this case, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit blabbed that he bought GNRC at $98 or so. I sold naked puts at a strike price low enough and at a premium high enough that I wouldn’t lose money unless the shares dropped to $85, and they were trading at about $105 when I did it.
The basic concept is that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit overpays by 25% or so, and it follows that a naked put sold at around 20% below what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks is a good deal probably makes sense for a rational investor.
It’s worked, repeatedly, with Citigroup. It’s been good so far with GNRC, too.
Making money off of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s poor decisions is nearly a no-brainer.
Are you also taking stock tips from Chris Sununu?
Transcripts of audio files?
Oh, fuck me. That trial is going to be a fucking circus.
He’s definitely a Republican tho.
Generac is now worth 25% less than it was only yesterday.
It’s a bit below $115 but Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit seemingly defends the company, still.
So if he likes the shares at $115 he should love them at $100. Amirite?
Instead of buying the shares, one could sell a naked put, June expiration, $100 strike price. One would clear $11/share, and a 100 share contract would pay a premium of $1100. Sell five of them and in a little more than 10 months one is $5500 richer, without ever owning the shares.
Sure, there’s a risk the price could fall below $89, at which point there would be a loss on the option sale, but that’s 25% below current share price. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit couldn’t be that wrong about Generac. Could he?
I mean, other than the 25% Generac has lost just today.
This is how one profits by betting on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bloviations.
@ 43
Are you also taking stock tips from Chris Sununu?
Yes, he told me to avoid DWAC. He also said 3M was Lucy holding the football for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Charlie Brown.
There are two people who make money when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does a trade.
• Me, when I employ the Notadumbfuck Investment Method
• The guy on the other end of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s transaction
Republicans want to use your Social Security and Medicare taxes to pay for billionaire tax cuts.
@38 “Do you think the greedy racist incel is incapable of imagining people could talk about feelings and emotions and loss and not corrupt business dealings?”
Yes, that’s very easy to visualize.
@39 When Republicans do have tapes, it’s when they recorded themselves and saved the tapes for posterity (and future subpoenas).
@40 “her intelligence is very consistently clouded by a sense of paranoia and mistrust that produces big political missteps”
An affliction shared by every Republican candidate I can think of.
Today Generac dropped from $153 to $116. The math whiz @42 still hasn’t figured out that $116 is more than $98.
It works out to about a 25% annualized gain. I’m doing better than Warren Buffett right now; over the same period, BRK-A is up 18% annualized.
Speaking of investments, I wonder what return Doctor Dumbfuck is earning on his investment in medical school tuition right now? My understanding is that one currently is a total writeoff.
@ 52
It works out to about a 25% annualized gain.
This is what you did with GE, too, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. When GE’s freefall was pointed out you reverted to your return on invested capital, as if that made up for the fact that you held on way too long and lost the majority of your paper gain.
Just today you lost, what,
60%two-thirds of your paper gain on your GNRC investment? I’d be embarrassed to tout your remaining paper gain while ignoring your steep losses in Citigroup, AT&T, and 3M, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. But then, I’m capable of feeling embarrassment. You clearly are not.I do note that you aren’t referring to today’s GNRC bloodbath as a buying opportunity.
Nothing to see here. Just Us supreme beings cultivating our futures. We have this awesome superiority, gifted to us by Mike Pence himself and those Super Fake Moms, to fuck 13 years olds so that we can live forever. Eat you heart out you homos and tranny people!
I’m capable of feeling embarrassment.
Mary Kay’s SS check.. it’s own LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS check in December.. the zoomer redneck fucking it in the ass distracted by its baby momma.. Noun, verb antifa.. Noun, verb Chicago.. Tim Scott of “Georgia”….
All of which speak so well to its “intelligence” and “seriousness”..
And… the greedy racist incel gasms.
over kon-klown but that’s fizzling out.. kon-klown is so.. unlikable..
Fat Donny is going to prison.
The under appreciated detail is at some point close associates concluded that their best course of action was wearing a wire for the inevitable day I tried to blame them for my felonious behavior.
@57. If he does not, it will destroy the belief in the rule of law applies to everyone.
“Ratings Downgrade: The rating downgrade of the United States reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative to ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ rated peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.”
Every debt limit standoff has occurred when the Republicans controlled congress and a Democrat was in office. The Republicans are clearly the ones that are crippling the American economy every time.
Greg Abbott likes Trump’s family separation policy so much he’s now doing it himself.
@54 “you reverted to your return on invested capital”
Isn’t that the whole idea behind investing?
@54 “I do note that you aren’t referring to today’s GNRC bloodbath as a buying opportunity.”
My buying opportunity was last November at $98.
Right about now, Doctor Dumbfuck is burning incense, ringing bells, and consulting with an online spirit medium hoping to make Generac’s stock drop to $98.
He deserves to. He tried to take away my freedom.
If you live in Louisiana and have a child who may someday need a pediatric heart specialist, you should consider moving to another state to find a doctor who does that.
Florida is no place for teachers, and Louisiana is no place for doctors. Even Doctor Dumbfuck, who’s only a radiologist, sought refuge on Whidbey Island. It isn’t just the environment that’s hostile anymore.
@60 Republicans have been crippling the economy ever since Herbert Hoover was president. They’d reinstate the gold standard if they could.
It wasn’t me who called Trump’s lawyers “crackpots.” That was Mike Pence.
“Pence, speaking at the Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis, stressed that he ‘had hoped that this issue and the judgment of the president’s actions that day would be left to the American people’ rather than the legal system — but he also offered some of his strongest condemnations yet of Trump’s decisions around Jan. 6.”
Now there’s an original idea: Instead of trying criminals in the courts, put their guilt or innocence up for public vote. (Actually, it’s not original; it’s been done before.)
Enough is enough. It’s time to revoke this crooked bank’s charter and put it out of business.
@66. The sad thing is the bigots would rather be stupid and die, and have others be stupid and die, than have the people they hate exist around them.
Consider what the greedy racist incel has written, he would rather gays, didn’t exist. He would rather his own brother did not exist. On that, he got his desire.
GOP gadfly Vivej Ramaswamy, who proposed raising the voting age to 25 (which would require amending the Constitution), has gone all-in 9/11 truther. What wacky thing is he going to say next?
Meanwhile, DeSantis says instead of firing federal civil servants, he plans to kill them instead.
People don’t want to work anymore – Republicans and Greed Boomers
Instacart started paying its gig workers as little as $4 in base pay per order. Previously, the company paid at least $7. Base pay is an amount that Instacart shoppers and drivers are guaranteed to make if they accept an order.
>> Instacart is upping their profit margin from each order so they can get another yacht , rather than keep paying the gig workers a pittance more.
A GOP congressman is arguing there should be a two-tier system of justice.
Greg Abbott has killed his first migrant. There may be many more.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
@28 Good old RR, good to see that you survived the Demorat vax mandates but you would do well to have your carotid arteries checked, your brain may be starved for oxygen. Even an ALJ should be able to do better than “Trump tried to take away my freedom.” Btw;
Prosecutors claim “Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election that everything he did was fraudulent that he conspired with unnamed lawyers mostly to affect the election,” Dershowitz said.
“So the government has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that subjectively Donald Trump actually believed that he lost the election and acted contrary to that belief.”
Nothing in the indictment backs that up, Dershowitz said.
“Now, I read the indictment very carefully. There is no smoking gun,” he said. “There is no one who is credibly prepared to testify that Donald Trump said to him, ‘I know personally I lost the election.’
Why take care of a kids heart, when the parents and fuckwad POS residents don’t have any heart!?
Better looking family than one with a horse.
Too bad you didn’t succumb like so many others of your ilk:
According to your pal, the shit-stain of widbee, that’d been the best for my kids…
Proving beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury of DC residents who watched Trump torch their community and laugh mockingly.
And helps loads when the def just can’t shut his fat pie-hole long enough to stop admitting his mens rea. Multiple, documented statements against self interest.
Now pause for a beat and consider why none of the other six co-conspirators are indicted at this time.
I’ve seen this movie.
I know how it ends.
-Former Attorney General William P. Barr, in sworn testimony given before the United States House of Representatives in June of 2022
There really are quite a lot of “credibly prepared” witnesses.
Perhaps Barr’s most prescient comment ever:
“I think these two people down in Mar-a-Lago represent many Republicans who feel that they have to man the ramparts and defend this guy no matter what he does and go along with him. And I think they have to be careful, or they’re going to end up as part of the carnage in his wake.”
But it’s already too late.
Trump has them. He had them all the moment he convinced them to overlook and ignore his boasting to strangers about his undefeated rape record. It has been their burden ever since to struggle to lift the moral weight of that terrible failure. It will never stop destroying them.
In the previous thread Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bloviated that the Fitch downgrade of US creditworthiness had already been priced into the market.
10-year Treasury yield climbs as investors digest U.S. rating downgrade
Maybe not so much. Life just got more expensive for Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Fidelity’s premium money market fund now yields 5.15%.
Dersh, insert close pal of Epstein joke here, trying out a new legal theory.
Person one to defendant:
You’re not allowed to steal a car
Person two to defendant:
It is illegal to steal a car
Person three to defendant:
Stealing a car is a crime
Person four to defendant:
If you get caught stealing a car you will go to jail
Person five to defendant:
Really sir, you can’t steal a car
Your Personal Lawyer to defendant:
No I cannot be made to testify if you steal a car but as counsel I must tell you that stealing a car is a criminal act.
Person seven to defendant:
You keep asking about stealing a car like you don’t know that’s illegal.
Person eight to defendant:
Stealing a car is a crime
Defendent, after indictment for stealing a car:
“I was not personally aware that I could not steal a car.”
But all that is moot anyway.
If Florida is so great, why is THE FUCKHUMP always in New Jersey.
Go to Florida you Fucker!
Wannbe mobster watched the Sopranos. Seeing all the filming locations for inspiration
Life just got more expensive
knock, knock, knock…
Manchinema IRS calling for kount kreepula, shit-stain of widbee….
DeSantis’ ‘War on Woke’ Backfires As Disney Ends $1 Billion Spending in Florida – Controversial Policies Spur Convention Cancellations, Tourism Downturn, and Struggles for Local Businesses
Republicans are learning that a “war for white supremacy” is not appealing to the wider country and industries that make more money appealing to a diverse audience.
Conservatives ignoring insurance problems, leprosy, climate change impacts, teacher shortages.
82% of Voters Oppose GOP Push to Cut Social Security for Americans Under 50: Poll — “Voters would rather see taxes on wealthy Americans to ensure Social Security remains a guarantee for all,” said the head of Data for Progress.
>> Why Republicans have to lie about their agenda.
“Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon suggested Donald Trump’s arrest for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election was a win for the MAGA movement. … ‘This is a day of jubilation for us,’ Bannon said.”
So much winning!
sounds like they had the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. Well, let me correct myself…..not sounds like, but yeah, bunch of Heterosexual Neanderthals with an STD
It’s like 1 + 1 = 2 each time. Fits like a glove. Heterosexual Nenaderthal = Hetersexual STD.
@83 Wherein the dumbfuck characterizes a 1/10th percent rise in interest rates, to levels not seen in 9 months, as a market crash in response to Fitch’s downgrade in USA’s credit rating.
Jamie Dimon begs to differ.
Yep, centuries from now the Magats will go on a pilgrimage to the Trump crypt and take turns telling satirical tales along the way to pass the time.
‘This is a day of jubilation for us,’ Bannon said.”
To gain some understanding of this thinking, I think it helps a lot to know what Steve Bannon really believes about how society works and what the future holds for us all.
It may be incredible to think that someone this relatively successful is simultaneously convinced of a truly bizarre and extremely nihilistic historical view of human society as progressing from one cataclysmic conflict to the next. But it’s what he believes. His thinking essentially rejects the most basic underlying concepts of modernism – that human ingenuity, effort, and rational thinking can help us over time to alleviate much suffering and avoid major human conflicts. Bannon rejects that idea entirely. Bannon and his ilk embrace an almost Buddhist view that existence (particularly human existence) is suffering. But unlike any Buddhist, these assholes argue that this suffering, cruelty, and insanity is inescapable because it is baked into human nature.
Bannon assumes a human social world in which people are always fundamentally in direct conflict with each other, whether as individuals, groups, societies, or sovereign nation states. Bannon believes the creation of sovereign nation states and their relationships to each other arises from this conflict and is ultimately intended to serve conflict rather than to ameliorate or avoid it. That has long been his view of major global events. And it has tremendous influence over his view of national political events.
Bannon really does believe that Donald Trump’s nomination, election and ultimate control over the Republican party and American conservatism came about because of a very fundamental conflict between “the moralizing and regulating influences” of white, originally European social values and what he describes frequently as “degenerate, non-western, non-European cultural practices and norms”. Assuming as he does that all human interactions are zero-sum in nature, Bannon argues that only the western, European cultural traditions are capable of mediating those human interactions in a way that avoids global catastrophe and universal suffering.
As a consequence of that basic set of beliefs Bannon and like-minded “western, Eurocentric, traditional conservatives” believe that our history has been, and our future will be defined by a series of conflicts between white, western, European cultural values and the rest of the world until either white, western, European cultural values ultimately prevail, or modern human society collapses into chaos and barbarism. They’ve been advancing these ideas and these arguments internationally now for decades. It’s why they embrace authoritarian fascist regimes in places like Hungary, Russia, etc. and why they associate with authoritarian fascist movements in places like the US, France, Austria, Spain, etc. And it’s why in every situation they are always seeking to maximize the conflict between those cultural forces that they approve of and all others.
So Bannon celebrates Trump’s criminality because it truly is his fervent hope that it might ultimately result in “violence in the street”. Even if Bannon’s preferred forces of “white, western, Eurocentric, traditional conservatives” were to be defeated in such violent conflict, he believes that the shattering of norms and institutions that would accompany it would ultimately benefit his stated aims.
But don’t imagine for an instant that any of these ghouls conceive of themselves as warriors, or even generals in any such conflicts. Bannon and his fellows and associates on the right are of course pure capitalists. As they imagine these violent conflicts, they are the suppliers of ideals, motivation, and inspiration to the combatants, while existing luxuriously above the fray monetizing the conflicts. I think there was a Star Trek TOS episode about this.
@95 Looks plagiarized from Mein Kampf.
Less nationalistic variant of the same basic thinking.
Includes the same superior self image of the in-group and the same sense of “victimization” at the hands of the “degraded out-groups”.
Winds up at the same end point destination with mass extermination facilities too.
Some really delightful people, these modern Republicans.
Not even a dividend payment for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to point to in defense of his decision to stick with Generac as the shares’ slide continues. And with a PE (TTM) still more than 45, those shares have a lot further to slide.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now praying for hurricanes to devastate people with brown and black skin this summer, because then generator sales might tick up a bit.
Rally Runner has been arrested and indicted for his role in the J6 Republican Terror Attack on Congress.
Late in 2021 our own devoted Tucker Carlson slobbering fan-boy, the Shit-Lord Crybaby, further confirmed his debasement at the Trump altar by fully backing the bizarre claim that this mildly developmentally disabled cosplayer from St Louis was an FBI agent sent to DC to infiltrate the Republican pipe-bomb mob and foment criminal violence.
These humiliations now proceed like clockwork.
Sorry-not-sorry, Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Sorry, homebuyers. Mortgage rates close in on 7%
Good thing there’s an unwinding of QE3 to take long-dated debt off the market. Oh, wait…
@ 99
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that someone interviewed on television was incorrect about something.
Neither did Adam Schiff.
Queen YLB’s among the dumbest of twats, but she’s far from the most expensive of them.
I’m pretty sure the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos messed around with cost them more than $37B each in their respective divorce settlements. But still.
TFW your very own desperately relied upon DEEEEP STAATE!! conspiracy reveals itself to be a developmentally delayed adult cosplayer with a baseball fetish.
Morally of course this can’t compare to willingly signing on to ride-or-die for Team Finger Rape.
But in practical terms it may actually be more devastating.
Morally rape is inexcusable.
And yet their excuses are all laughably make believe.
Bob Iger’s problem, see, is that if he capitulates fully and jettisons this DEI silliness, in a couple of years Disney’s share price will be back to where it was before Disney went full batshit woke.
The right thing for the Disney shareholders is to follow DeSantis’ lead. Iger knows that; hell, Bud Light’s freefall makes that clear. He just can’t let on that he knows it.
Oddly, absolutely none of us are shocked, shocked that the Shit-Lord Crybaby backed it 100%.
After Access Hollywood he’s never really had any other choice.
@ 103
Morally rape is inexcusable.
I believe this is why Ashley Biden referred to it as “taking showers” with her father.
Why else would she gravitate to showering late at night so that she wouldn’t have to do it with him?
Far be it for me to give advice to gamblers or other “investors”.
But I would think long and carefully before taking advice from anyone dumb enough, or desperate enough, to argue that Trump is suitable to be the nominee because dark, evil forces have been unfairly arrayed against him consisting of an unemployed dishwasher who paints his face red.
I’m open to any credible argument that a reader should not immediately categorize such claims right alongside “Rally Runner FBI Conspiracy” and “Birf Surtifikit” and all the thousands of others.
But with nothing else to go on except more “Salacious Pics Package” I’m going for the round file from the office three-point-line.
@ 108
I’m open to any credible argument…
The contents of her diary.
Why did the Secret Service have an interest in retrieving a diary belonging to a private citizen, which was carelessly left behind by said citizen? Why did the FBI raid the offices and residences of a few people in an effort to retrieve it?
It was because the diary exposes the president as an incestuous pedophile.
Hunter Biden is said to be shocked at the extent of Lizzo’s debauchery.
Even putting aside the entirely criminal origins of what the desperate troll relies upon, it does not make any of the claims he makes. Those exist entirely in his head, alongside the retarded, face-painting “Deep State” and the brilliantly forged Hawaiian birth certificates.
Oh God, the humiliation. The stink. The immense degradation.
All for Trump.
To the best of my knowledge, after pleading guilty last summer neither of the two faked diary conspirators Kurlander and Harris have yet been sentenced more than a year later. This is commonly seen only when accompanying a pre-sentencing agreement to cooperate and testify in future proceedings.
Since that time Admiral Dildo of the Republican Porn-boat Navy has been dismissed and evicted by his financial backers desperate to be unaffiliated with any long federal prison sentences. Leaving the puffy Admiral struggling to raise money to defend himself against multiple civil suits in multiple venues.
The Republican celebrity contestant whose name recognition is second only to Trump’s is selling some new merch today:
Mortgage rates close in on 7%
30 year fixed mortgage rate in Nov 1971 – 7.69%
A repuke criminal occupied the White House.
AB InBev had a market cap of $134.5 billion. As of Thursday, that figure plummeted to $97.74 billion.
translation: the shit-stain missed the boat.. didn’t even bother to bet against the company..
it was too busy gasming from hate. and looking silly babbling about weak beer that no one gives a shit about.
the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos
heh.. the shit-stain is jelly… two men who have made more munee than the shit-stain can fathom. Who cares if they’re morally compromised? In the dried pea-brain of the shit-stain, munee drumpfs all.
I don’t think defense counsel should ever tease strategy in the media. I don’t see how it serves the client interest in any way.
But obviously TFG is a vain, preening freak who is even now far more concerned about his public image than the long, miserable years he will suffer behind bars before he dies of untreated chronic illness.
Still, if an attorney is going to tease strategy in the media it should at least be credible strategy:
It is very important to note, over and over again how the Special Counsel identifies all but one of Trump’s co-conspirators as “an attorney”, “an attorney”, “an attorney”, etc. I’ve joked around about it before on these pages. But there is a scene in one of the Godfather movies when Michael sends his “Consigliere” Tom Hagen out of the room in Cal-Neva before he discusses authorizing a hit. This is an artful and intelligent criminal move that preserves Michael’s attorney-client privilege. And it illustrates a bedrock legal principle. The law does not protect criminal communications.
Trump could rely on honest-services communications with any attorney acting as his legal adviser about anything. He can rely on that advice. He can hold them responsible if the advice is bad. And he can enforce his privilege to withhold those communications from any disclosure. And guess what? Right in the indictment the Special Counsel makes this very point quite explicitly.
And so when the Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® is advising Trump about his options and strategies to use the courts to challenged some of the election results, as he did more than two hundred times immediately after the election, he’s covered. It’s on them. He’s entitled to the legal defense that whatever was proposed or done it was at their advice.
And even when all those legal efforts failed, and the Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® began to propose their coup plot, he was still entitled to that defense. But only so long as he was their unwitting dupe. Only so long as there were not literally thousands of other lawyers all telling him that the Fascist KlownKar Coup was objectively illegal in every conceivable way. And only so long as Trump was not openly acknowledging all those repeated, consistent admonitions urging him to reject their criminal scheme.
But that is not what Trump did.
And it’s truly shocking in a sense that Trump’s defense attorney would parade such a proposed strategy at this very early point. Not so much because it gives away anything. Smith very obviously anticipates this defense. But because of what it signals to those five KlownKar Fascist “attorneys”. Reading through the indictment the facts alleged about Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, Powell, and Cheeseboro are absolutely terrible. These complete fucking shit-stains were assembling what they all acknowledged might well become a violence backed insurrection plot that could easily result in deploying National Guard troops to slaughter civilian protesters in order to “protect the boss” – and of course themselves.
It ain’t for nothing that these five are left dangling and exposed by this indictment. That is clearly by design. And if that design is any kind of a trap, then Trump’s currentdefense attorney is jumping into it with both feet by going on television and telling the world that he will defend his client by putting it all on the lawyers.
Exactly what I would expect to see one year before a rematch of the 2020 election.
Ron DeSantis agrees to debate Gavin Newsom on Fox News
Note that our chickenshit Vice President had her shot, and begged off.
@ 115
… missed the boat.. didn’t even bother to bet against the company..
You’re right, Queen YLB. I didn’t bet against the company. Instead I bet that the shares won’t fall below $55. The bad news is priced in, and if they stay depressed I still profit.
I don’t bet against Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit either, and I don’t think he understands that. I merely bet that he buys in about 25% too expensively. I’m usually right about that.
The way I look at it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit suffers because of his mediocrity, while I profit because of his mediocrity. Somebody has to.
You’re right
And you’re out munee, cuz again, gasming from lurid fantasies about people you hate..
looking silly, spew after spew about crap beer..
that legions of haters found themselves embarrassed having wasted their lives and munee swilling..
That’s fun to do
“If I’m wrong, so be it, bro. I don’t care,” McBride said. “I don’t give a shit about being wrong.”
Neither does the greedy racist incel.
That quote nicely sums Trump’s thinking about assembling teams of fake electors to defraud the election.
Whatever else he may have “believed” at any point in time about the vote counting in the various states, he never once really believed that there was any legal basis for the obviously corrupt scheme to fake phony electoral certificates and have his Vice President substitute those for the real thing.
His DC jury will see the truth of the thing and convict his fat ass.
Appeals may follow. And it could be years before he must surrender himself to the BOP. But this is the criminal case that the majority of good Americans yearn to see him pay for.
He instructed his Fascist KlownKar of Lawyers® to assemble teams of human cutouts to pretend to be duly and lawfully chosen electors and to create and present fraudulent and forged state electoral certificates to be substituted for the real thing. He never once believed such a scheme was lawful. He did not care. And he did it precisely for the corrupt purpose of taking your vote away and stealing an election.
Latest RCP Approval ratings – Biden leads Trump, Momala leads DeSantis.
Exactly what I would expect to see…
… a girlish Fat Midget jumping up and down in his white, high-heeled boots waving his hands over his head shouting “Yooo hoooo!” to a bored and entirely disinterested right wing media.
There’s just no turning back now, you fucking idiots.
The KKK is still kidnapping, torturing, and lynching black men. The only difference is today the Klansmen wear police uniforms instead of hoods.
Republicans want to disempower and dismantle the DOJ that prosecuted these assholes. Probably not least because federal prosecutors bring charges like these against people like these. That’s what the Deep State does for a living.
Put yet another fork in it:
… the 141-page transcript also includes multiple occasions in which Archer, who founded Rosemont Seneca Partners with Hunter Biden, testified in definitive terms that Hunter Biden was not able to influence his father’s actions or policy decisions and that “nothing of material” was ever discussed with Joe Biden during his frequent communications with his son. Hunter Biden never asked his father to take official actions on behalf of his son’s business partners, Archer testified. And Archer also disputed claims being pushed by Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R- Ky.) and Republican lawmakers…
drumpf is on a fast track to another repuke party nomination.. a party hopelessly in thrall to the batshit base it has pandered to for decades.. and in the tea bagger wave, the inmates took over the asylum.. even back then the baggers in a white panic over a certain black guy began babbling obsequious noises about a fatuous failed businessman and reality tv show
starpussy-grabber who was spewing birther klownspiracy.. just what they wanted to hear..Hopelessly aged Joe Biden will win another 4 years in yet another squeaker as cheetolini has no edit button and is fucking insane..
@98 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now praying for hurricanes to devastate people with brown and black skin this summer, because then generator sales might tick up a bit.”
It takes a real idiot to argue that black and brown people in places like Florida and Texas are Generac’s customers.
@102 “I’m pretty sure the twats Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos messed around with cost them more than $37B each in their respective divorce settlements. But still.”
My understanding is it was $25 billion apiece. That seems to be the going rate for infidelity among deci-billionaires these days.
What, you don’t love me anymore?
@116 Yesterday The Donald’s defense was “free speech,” today it’s “blame the lawyers”? Maybe his new lawyers figured out that contending, “Give me your money or I’ll shoot you,” is free speech doesn’t actually work all that well in court.
@118 My market timing track record doesn’t compare with yours.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
(1) Learn to cite, your quotation is worthless without it.
(2) Notably even RR hasn’t attempted to defend those bogus charges.
I could be over confident, but I’m not sure anyone needs quotations if one of Trump’s minions was wearing a fucking wire.
I’m not so sure his lawyers even know what defense to present or even care. Nor will they until after discovery and plenty of pretrial motions to suppress evidence/testimony.
My point really is that it’s just plain dumb to goad those lawyers, or anyone else who can testify against him at this time. Really, really dumb.
In other words, a Republican.
Also, any of his “free speech” or “state of mind” defenses so far being put forward by his own defense lawyers and campaign spokes-trolls are fundamentally irrelevant to the charges.
It does not matter if Donald J. Trump sincerely believed that he won. Full stop.
It does not matter to the specific offenses being charged in this indictment. He is not being charged with a vague conspiracy to “vindicate” his rights as a presidential candidate or some vague conspiracy to “investigate” election improprieties involving JOO SPACE LASERS, or dead Venezuelan dictators.
This was a very specific conspiracy to assemble teams of conspiring state level loyalists to pose as fake state electors, coach them to prepare forged state electoral certificates and then attempt to present them during the joint session as the real thing in order to disenfranchise those voters in seven states.
I think the record indicates that he was always aware that that specific effort was well outside of the law. But he was simply so frustrated, and so arrogant that he did not care. I think his state of mind regarding that whole fake electoral certificate scheme is very clear. The scheme was always illegal. He never doubted that it was illegal. He was told hundreds of times by credible, reliable authorities that it was illegal. His own official legal counsel’s office at the time told him it was entirely illegal. In his own private comments and conversations he admitted that it was illegal.
But once all of his worthless, bullshit lawsuits had failed and been laughed out of more than 200 courts, he went ahead with the conspiracy.
“Florida superintendents were advised Thursday by the state to nix their Advanced Placement Psychology classes unless they exclude any topics related to gender or sexuality, according to The College Board, which oversees the AP program. Such a shift would mean the courses couldn’t be called Advanced Placement, however, or used by students to earn college credit, the College Board said.”
The best thing for college-bound Florida high school students to do is go live with relatives in another state to finish their schooling. A third of Florida’s teachers are uncertified, and Florida diplomas are going to become worthless.
@132 Right now his best bet appears to be the Bryan Kohberger defense: “My client was elsewhere during the crime.”
This MSNBC article describes Trump’s “multi-pronged attempt to overturn the will of the voters” as “an assault on American democracy as embodied in the U.S. Constitution and U.S. law.” That, of course, is what polls show 80% of Republicans want: To eliminate democracy.
The worst actor in Trump’s inner circle of co-conspirators isn’t John Eastman, who devised the fake electors scheme, but Jeffrey Clark, who urged Trump to use the military to violently suppress protests against the coup they were planning. Clark wanted to shoot Americans who publicly objected to an authoritarian takeover of their country.
Many people have remarked that when you look in Clark’s eyes, there’s no soul there. He’s more like Himmler than Goering; he impresses you as someone who could kill millions without emotion. I hope Smith nails Clark’s ass to a barn door.
The Kansas City Star editorial page editors want Republican voters to read the 45-page indictment.
“But in practice,” they say, “it’s tough to be optimistic in light of the Republican Party’s recent aversion to learning through the written word. GOP officials freely admitted, for example, that they didn’t read Trump’s first federal indictment, which suggests it’s unlikely they’ll read his second federal indictment. … Republicans also didn’t read the Mueller report. Or the Durham report. Or the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings on the Russia scandal. Or the Justice Department inspector general’s report on the investigation into the Russia scandal.”
It’s no use trying to dissect this. It’s intentional ignorance, of the same sort we saw with climate change and Covid vaccines. Republicans quite simply aren’t open to inconvenient truths that contradict the foundational beliefs of their worldview. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan they said, “Democracy is not part of our system.” To paraphrase slightly, for Republicans, truth and logic aren’t part of their system. It’s not really much more complicated than that.
Fuckers like Clark are impotent ciphers until fascist pigs like the GOP come along to empower them. He was a talentless civil litigator in the environmental division until he bent the knee to Trump.
I say let him live. But only if he gives them all up. If not he should burn like the rest.
I’m waiting for Trump to argue he can’t get a fair trial in D.C. if any black people are on the jury, because blacks are biased against racists and he’s a racist.
Puddy? Is that you in hiding?
Screaming for links?
Seems like it.
Here’s a thing we literally had drilled into us in Civics, getting a drivers license, jury duty….
Ignorance of the law is not a defense against criminal charges.
Anyone NOT a legacy application just found out that living in a district privileged enough to have a full compliment of AP courses available doesn’t have the privilege anymore.
“Wait, so you’re just a 4point who can’t play sport or has interesting extracurricular? Tell me why you’re more deserving of this spot at Princeton than the 4 point Downtown Miami kid in the school where the building is falling down and the expenditure per pupil is 64% of your West Palm High?”
Maybe he can offer them apartments for rent.
Shit. Probably not.
United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.
So both of the expelled Democrats in Tennessee easily won their special elections to serve the remainder of the term Massa tried to take from them.
Sure deep blue districts, one running unopposed because even the reddest of GOP Partisans knew this was a lost cause. But still, GOP fucked around and found out to the tune of one rep forced to resign for shit that never would have become a public thing if they hadn’t gone whole hog on tossing the Negroes.
I’m planning on dispatching of this lightweight before 2028 even gets going so the GOP will go with MGT or “I don’t care how many people die as long as we get the Sturgis money” woman from a tiny Plains state.
He’ll probably run crying to mom once someone verbally punches him. That’s what blowhards do.
Demorat-Pfizer National Committee Emergency Warning, Don’t Be Fooled By Rightwing Law Professors Who Claim That Trump Is Not Guilty –
This Dershowitz is at it again, now he says that our dear Jack Smith did something wrong for not mentioning that Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. Of course he didn’t mention it, Trump was LYING!!! That’s why it was legal for Hillary to say that Russia stole the 2016 election from her, she was telling the TRUTH!!! Everybody knows that lying is illegal, just see United States v. Alvarez, 132 S. Ct. 2537 (2012). Probably Dershowitz never heard of it, or even knows where the Supreme Court is.
I fully expect that at some point Trump will make threats against the D.C. judge and her family, so his lawyers can claim she’s biased against him and demand she recuse herself, so they can get a new (and hopefully more lenient) judge.
146. Reminds me of that old joke.
Court: you murdered your parents.
Defendant: have mercy on me judge I’m an orphan.
It’s him. All caps shouting about FACTS and TRUTH is another tell.
How demeaning that defending Trump is what draws him crawling back for more abuse.
There is no disgrace that a Republican will not offer for that pig of a man.
It’s him. All caps shouting about FACTS and TRUTH is another tell.
EAT IT! heh.. like its beloved kook karsen losing teeth in a house of HAM…
Puddy, those Republicans who finally admit the truth of their own eyes and cast off the terrible burden of Trump die but once.
But those like the other troll, who never quite summon the slightest measure of Divine grace to quit that man, are destined to die a thousand times in life.
It’s entirely up to you. It always has been. That’s how I set this whole thing up. You decide.
But you really should give it some thought before you continue to react. It’s only you who will suffer before I finally call you home and all your suffering ends.
@140 not Puddy in my opinion….to articulate for a Neanderthal Ape like Puffy.
Hi Bob!
Damn! We really liked that guy.
This is astute analysis. Only a complete dumbfuck would fail to notice Disney’s well publicized rollout of an expensive streaming service taking a hit on profit and stock price a full year before Mouselini started tilting at the windmill. And surely a Dumbfuck would take a moment to wonder why after the stock price climbed in the first quarter of 2023 it dropped suddenly in May.
And took another hit July 14-17.
That woke underwater black mermaid thing made $300m. Guardians of the Galxy 3, half a billion.
He’s the unassailed leader of the GOP, the most recently elected Republican President, and the presumptive 2024 Republican nominee.
Is he smart?
Is Donald Trump a smart person?
Is Donald Trump intellectually equipped to gather information, assess that information for relevance and usefulness, synthesize understanding from that information, and reach valid, effective conclusions?
A smart person would plead guilty.
I think it’s very likely that, if he agreed, even now, Trump’s attorneys could negotiate a no prison plea deal. It would be a deal that forbade him from running for public office or serving in any public office. But it would leave him free to return to his private life, and continue to even be politically active as a media personality and “celebrated” public figure.
Is Donald Trump a smart person?
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Bribe-Taking Crooks Bombshell News –
Dear Demorat Loons, I’m not Puddy but I wish him well, as for me I haven’t been here since 2020. I didn’t expect to be here again until next year but your latest and most spectacular Trump Derangement Syndrome blunder, i.e., the indictment for alleging election fraud, brought me back early. I’ve been around a few years and I don’t think that I have ever seen a president and his party more despised than you Dems are now since Nixon and Watergate.
Btw, you are acting just as would be expected from a party that will rig an election thus you make Trump’s allegations more credible. Thanks for the help.
I didn’t expect to be here again until next year
Ahole1 you wimped out big time when drumpf failed to bring the “storm” last Nov 2020..
I bet you believe in that Q horseshit big time.. It’s you who is the loon ahole1.
What a letdown Nov 2020 was for you.. and that idiot insurrection the follow Jan 6 was a big fayle too..
As Poohdebutt would babble, “sux to be you!”