Carmen Best isn’t going to face any consequences for dishonest and inaccurate statements made during CHOP. And that stinks. But maybe the fact that she did lie means don’t have her on TV. Maybe there should be more caveats when you interview her.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Ok, so it looks like, maybe, I am being censored.
Here is an article of the Heterosexual Neanderthl Virus that Moms for Liberty don’t want you to see nor address. Because it’s not as important as the slicing and dicing and stiching of genetalia.
Ok, so I can’t impresonate Moms for Liberty.
But we Moms for Liberty are really concerned with everyones genetalia! We don’t know what the guy spreading rumors about of some Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is talking about. It’s fake news!
The real news is not the Heterosexual Virus trasmitted by holy matrimony by which the GROOM likes to kill the Bride and the Bride’s babies and thier pooches, it’s the genetalia!
I mean we Moms for Liberty like when our Pussy is grabbed!
But this shit below……. fake news. And it’s not like its happening every second of the day, just once a day for the most part so its…..GENETALIA Dicing we care about. The children’s genetalia!
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Came across this playbook. Seems relevant.
1. Republicans Promote hatred against a minority group (e.g. Jews/Blacks/Latinos/Muslims/LGBTQ+)
2. Republicans Tell “the Big Lie” about how power was stolen from White people in the recent past by the minority group. (The greedy racist incel loves retelling the “the Big Lie”. )
3.Republicans Tell White people that the minority group will exterminate them unless they fight back and expel/exterminate that minority group first
4. Republicans Stage a failed coup to try to seize power
5. Republicans Keep telling the lies to stoke fear and hate until… <=== YOU ARE HERE
6. …White voters hand power to Republicans
7. Republicans Use the power handed to them by voters such that Republicans can never lose an election again
On the state level, republicans has already completed step 7 in many places.
The people who stole the elections were your Deep State enablers and assistants. Eventually, the Deep State criminals will betray your lot, too.
Check under the bed in the guest room. I think one of them might be under there.
My associates and I have developed a repellent spray that is scientifically proven to ELIMINATE Deep State enablers and assistants in as little as just two applications.
For the low price of only 19 “Trump Bucks” we will send you a three month supply of our amazing, patented Deep State repellent. But if you don’t already have “Trump Bucks” then you must act fast, due to the limited supply of “Trump Bucks” remaining at our partner website YOUPHENOMINALLYSTUPIDANDGULLIBLEASSHOLE.COM.
Don’t miss your chance to permanently resolve all your fears, uncertainties, and persistent misgivings about sharing democracy with brown people in just a few sprays!
Hurry! Order today!
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may!
Didn’t you just hang up on one of my telemarketing calls?
Anyone want to predict how much longer Yevgeny Prigozin will be alive?
Don’t blame me. I only voted for him three times like the other unserious twat.
Ex-staffer describes Trump fantasizing about sex with Ivanka
“Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led (former Chief of Staff) John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” Taylor writes.
Today in Twitter news
The Tennessee Holler at TheTNHoller
Violating the spam policy by not consuming enough spam
Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her
This is the most “serious” kind of material to kount kreepula, misogynist shit-lord of widbee..
being bantered at the local widbee vip room anyways.
@5 is Step 5 of the list.
Face it. Voters don’t like republican polices when republican are honest about them. Your side lost for a reason, lots of them.
He was always every bit as unfit, weak, and corrupt as he said he would be.
Also, there is no “pivot”. And there never will be.
Now, just to catch up to precisely where the GOP frontrunner is today:
Trump promises that if he is returned to office he will lock up Joe Biden and all his family members as “payback”. He promises he will deploy the military to “take over the cities”. He vows to take over all the local public schools. And he intends to take over all the future elections from the states and run them himself.
He isn’t joking around or being facetious. He isn’t smart enough for that. He mostly responds to his Republican base supporters by trying to channel their feelings of disappointment and their grievances. And he’s very good at that. If elected he’ll try his damnedest to follow through on this radical, fascist agenda. And Republicans in Congress will go along every step of the way.
You can’t get a conservative here to say a bad word about Trump let alone say that they’ll vote for Biden if Trump gets the nomination. So yeah Republicans would do that
“House Republicans are using the powers of their majority to carry out Donald Trump’s quest for retribution against his political adversaries, bolstering the indicted former president’s 2024 campaign message that he is the victim of a wide-ranging conspiracy by ‘villains’ who must be brought down.”
This is how Republicans “govern.” Move along, there’s nothing to vote for here.
Carmen Best isn’t going to face any consequences for dishonest and inaccurate statements made during CHOP. And that stinks. But maybe the fact that she did lie …
Intentional dishonesty was not proven. Being imprecise is not a crime. Being wrong, unintentionally, is not a crime.
The “fact” is that investigators were unable to conclude that she lied.
@3 I think you’re overrating your chances of a pardon for your actions on J6. He hasn’t pardoned any of you, and never will, unless there’s lots of money in it for him. And you don’t have the money.
@6 An unlimited supply of “Trump bucks” is available on eBay.
@10 Why doesn’t he just ask Jared? Are they not on speaking terms anymore? (I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be after this, though.)
“Asked by a high school student whether Donald Trump violated the peaceful transfer of power following the 2020 presidential election, DeSantis” refused to criticize the riot, the rioters, or any of the people who incited it.
@ 12
Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her
This distinguishes Trump from Joe Biden, who does not have to wonder what it might be like to have sex with his daughter Ashley.
Of course, at that time that Joe raped her, Ashley’s breasts had not yet developed.
Some cops don’t do what you think they do.
“A retired Philadelphia police officer already in custody on child sex assault charges is now charged with dozens more sex crimes that stem from his time on duty.”
“A former police chief in Maryland has received eight life sentences, plus an additional 75 years, for setting a series of fires against his perceived enemies, Law & Crime reported on Wednesday.”
Tommy Tubs isn’t the only Republican poser talking up federal funding s/he voted against.
“Rep. Nancy Mace (R) is back home in South Carolina to celebrate transportation money being spent in the Lowcountry. Just a few months ago, however, she voted against the bill that funded it, WCDB reported Wednesday.”
This is getting to be a Republican habit. Meanwhile, the “senile vegetable” is shivving Tubs:
“Biden trolls GOP senator who boasted about scoring infrastructure cash despite voting against it”
In other Raw Story news:
(Story #1) Rudes is fixing to flip on Trump.
(Story #2) Ghislaine Maxwell is having a rocky time adjusting to lifestyle changes.
Story #3) An innocent black guy Trump wanted dead (and took out a full page newspaper ad to say so) appears to be headed for a NYC city council seat.
(Story #4) A lawyer who represents whistleblowers, and knows a whistleblower when he sees one, says the IRS guy “is not a whistleblower” but rather a “complainer” with the political agenda.
25 – Got a reliable source? RawStory ain’t truthful.
Of course, at that time that Joe raped her, Ashley’s breasts had not yet developed.
This kind of “seriousness” really lights kreepula’s fire…
When it’s not cheerleading a new era of 10 year olds having their rapist’s kid.
I would have assumed that someone as financially supported as Maxwell would have hired a consultant. This isn’t going to turn out the way she hopes. She has a long bit ahead of her. Making enemies of correctional staff and other inmates is not in her interests. These are the “influential and important” people in her life from here on out. Prince Andrew and Deesh are no use to her now.
@26 Raw Story is an aggregator, not a “source,” dolt. Do I need to explain this? They don’t have a newsroom or do original reporting, they only gather stories from other sources. Here are the sources:
#1 – New York Times
#2 – Daily Mail
#3 – MSNBC
#4 – MSNBC
@28 I understand this guy is available to provide expert advice on adjusting to prison life.
@8 – No, it wasn’t me. I died on January 5, 1933.
All y’all gays, lesbians, and bisexuals happy y’all let yer goals get hijacked by the trannies and the other fuckin’ freaks?
The number of witnesses to US Attorney Weiss telling people he wouldn’t be the one deciding whether and how to charge POS Hunter Biden is now up to three. NYT reported on the third, plus two IRS whistleblowers.
There were six in the room, so three more yet to be reported on.
And then there’s Merrick Garland, who told Congress that Weiss was the decision-maker. Somebody’s lyin’.
the trannies and the other fuckin’ freaks?
got nothin’ on “seriously” kreepee, greedee incel klownservatics..
who want 10 year olds to bear rapist spawn..
that’s “life”! “make lemonade…”
Amtrak ticket anyone?
Another “serious” topic for kount kreepula:
A piece of ass…
What carries more weight in kreepula’s life: that or munee?
Munee obviously but at times difficult to say.
You can’t get any older than that.
And your “blood and youth” haven’t been much warmer than room temp for at least a century.
No wonder you’re so preoccupied with how we living, young, healthy, affluent, well educated progressives spend our time.
And no wonder you’re so haunted by dark visions of paranoid conspiracies all around you. Being doomed for all your sins to roam the earth trapped between life and death is bound to drive a person nuts.
I wonder what Trump’s excuse is?
37 – Even back in 1933 your comments would be labeled bullshit.
Of course, at that time that Joe raped her, Ashley’s breasts had not yet developed.
I’m so proud of you! You’ve taken your unserious twattiness to entirely whole new level.
I salute you.
Disney has killed off National Geographic. Instead we’ll get Mickey Mouse in drag.
Taking on DeSantis was not wise. Shares are pretty much where they were a year ago.
Too bad Disney didn’t take on pedophilia instead of DeSantis. Disney’s choice was to give pedophiles a place to prey on children.
Polk Sheriff Judd: 8 arrested, including Disney worker and boudoir photographer, in child porn investigation
Pedos have a safe space at Disney.
All y’all gays, lesbians, and bisexuals happy y’all let yer goals get hijacked by the trannies and the other fuckin’ freaks?
By the way, I promise not to disclose to these stupid libbies that we’ve been assfucking each other ever since we finally hooked up a few weeks ago. And your horse? What a stud!! Watching that horse asssfuck you was a real thrill. Thanks so much for allowing me watch you get your butthole reamed.
This makes me like Tester even more.
One of the nice things about living on acreage is I can wizz whenever I please, wherever I please. Now if I can just get the old gelding to stop wizzing in his stall.
Anthony Weiner’s penis is on the record. So is Hunter Biden’s. So is Bill Clinton’s. It was their choice.
Some news is so hard to bury the major networks don’t try.
We like him just fine too.
A Democratic Senator occupying a Senate seat in a Trump State. We fucking love those. We’ve got a few of them, you know. 😁
Step 3 of fascist playbook. Lying Republican tells Gay people that the Trans people will ruin them unless they fight back and expel/exterminate the trans people first.
Fuck off.
@32 If you think they’re bad, you should see the fuckin’ freaks who hijacked the Republican Party.
@33 “Somebody’s lyin’.”
I’d be VERY surprised if the liar is Garland, and very unsurprised if the liar is the so-called “whistleblower” with political ambitions and a partisan agenda tucked under his belt.
@40 Wow. Out of 75,000 Disney employees in Florida, ONE is a pedo. The Pope is envious.
@42 So Fox dredged up a years-old story to announce Tester has an election opponent? How Foxy of them.
@42 “One of the nice things about living on acreage is I can wizz whenever I please, wherever I please.”
The old widow down the lane is enjoying every minute of it through her spotting scope.
“Now if I can just get the old gelding to stop wizzing in his stall” when you’re trying to fuck him …
What a fucking liar.
His logic is Because a Disney employee was arrest for child porn, Disney gave pedophiles a place to prey on children.
Oh really then,
David Stone, a police office in Virginia has been arrested for 50 counts of possessing child sexual exploitation. (Not a drag queen)
Scott Christner, a youth pastor at Goshen First Baptist Church, was sentenced to 20 years for child molestation. (Not a drag queen)
Tony Ernest Bunton, a Statesville NC pastor, was arrested with 4 counts of child sexual exploitation in August 2021. (Not a drag queen)
Rightwing Radio Host Daniel W. Merrick of the The NOW Television Network (Christian TV) who has published several books and songs and fulminates against homosexuality and Democrats on his radio program and Facebook has been charged with 886 counts of child sexual exploitation materials and 1 of criminal use of communications facility. (Not a drag queen)
Jonathan High, deacon of the Antioch Revival Church in Perry, FL, was sentenced to 22 years for secretly filming boys in church bathroom to produce child exploitation material. (Not a drag queen)
I could go on.
So by the greedy racist incel’s logic, the Church, The NOW Television Network, and the police departments gave pedophiles a place to prey on children.
I await his condemnation against them as well, or he can shut up.
@43 Shapley is almost as good a source as Newsmax, isn’t he?
@43. Fuck the facts and the rule of law. Any result that doesn’t have Biden executed is wrong, because I said it was. I want my fascist state and I want it now!
@40 Look who’s a Grady Judd fan. Two birds of a feather; they both like to declare people guilty before they’ve had a trial, and to hell with the presumption of innocence. If you listen to Judd’s spiel, and no sheriff in America loves promoting himself on TV more than Grady Judd does, he said this Viel guy recently moved from Indiana to work in a restaurant at Disney World because Disney World is “where the children are.”
Judd routinely goes on TV to call people criminals before they’ve been convicted of anything; I can’t see how this doesn’t taint the potential jury pool, and I don’t understand why the local judges put up with it. And Judd is nobody to be pontificating about child abuse.
Jailing kids as early as 8 years old has to be great for their psyche. At least they survived an abortion. The children! The poor children.
Anthony Weiner’s penis is on the record. So is Hunter Biden’s. So is Bill Clinton’s. It was their choice.
Translation: At HA, Dem penises “touch”‘ kount kreepula, kreepee shit-lord of widbee only.
OMG! Did you guys castrate the dumbfuck while I was away? I took a quick look at a thread from 2014 it’s like he’s not even the same person.
You have done it. The treasonous horsefucker is now broken. Trump is broken. DeSantis is broken. The entire GOP is broken.
The best the treasonous POS could do in this thread was @40 and look what Roger did to him at @55. No mercy.
It’s now obvious to me that the traitor will not be ready for The Pain come November 2024. Seriously, I see suicide in his future.
I want to tell that, in my time here, every one of you have earned a ton of respect from me. All of you. You are truly amazing people. I will miss you.
Goodbye my friends. Fare thee well.
God bless Raw Story.
@58 We didn’t do anything to him. It’s all self-inflicted. He got equine syphilis from fucking horses, and it turned his brain into an oozing abscess of putrid pus.
Heterosexual Neanderthalism is also causing inaction with GLOBAL WARMING (Climate Change).
Enjoy everyone! Grab your genetalia!
Like we learned anything from COVID – Heterosexual Neanderthals, the most stupid species on earth. You go Proud Boys, and Moms Who Love Rape.
What a recession!
DeFuckFace was part responsible for inflation
Any ladies dead yesterday due to The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus? Let’s go check! Be right Back.
Ahhhhhhh, damn it!
No shit.
And the workaround will be the elimination of the SAT, ensuring that even the most stupid of dumbfucks can join Queen YLB’s fucked kids as college graduates. The worth of a college degree falls even further.
Interesting manner of treating Justice Clyburn Payoff’s dissent.
Probably the only manner unless the cases were separated.
And the workaround will be the elimination of the SAT, ensuring that even the most stupid of dumbfucks can join
YLB’steh late, unlamented, babblin’ butthole’s fucked kids as college graduates.After all, all 4 sons went to the same university..
kount kreepula, misogynist shit-lord of widbee, why do you hate the children of your fellow always wrong wing klownservatic so much?
Could it be the color of their skin?
Which is not to say they won’t try.
Either this, or marry well.
Melinda French Gates says more women must join the AI race to help prevent bias
Fleecing a billionaire worked out pretty well for this chick.
Every Asian-American university aspirant’s narrative statement must now begin, “I was born a poor black child.”
Out: Eyelid surgery for Korean girls.
In: Surgical insertion of pre-deformed bullets into buttocks of college-prep Asian-American students so they can write about what it was like to get shot when living in the ‘hood.
SAT, EssSshmayTee…
My two sons and teh babbling butthole’s two sons both made the deans list at UW at various times.
The youngest, who just scored in the high 90th percentile on a professional school admissions test, majored in a hard science.
yawwwnn.. teh kreepula spins silly racist, paranoid klownspiracy theories..
College admissions officials want to educate ALL Americans, not just those privileged to hire tutoring for an entrance exam.
kreepula babbles “pay to play”.. yawwwwn.. nother day, more hateful blather from kreepula.
In response to this morning’s Court decisions, AG Merrick Garland has instructed that every parent of an Asian-American student will be placed on the domestic terrorist watch list.
@ 71
The youngest, who just scored in the high 90th percentile on a professional admissions test, majored in a hard science.
Queen YLB has not yet heard that professional admissions tests are quickly being phased out.
Removing the MCAT Could Improve Diversity in Medicine
Her fucked kid did well on an exam for nothing.
It’s ironic, isn’t it, that Queen YLB votes for policies that further fuck her fucked kids.
Queen YLB voted for the representatives who want her fucked kids to pay the tab for free money handed out to others in the form of canceled student loan debt. Queen YLB voted for the representatives who want her fucked kid’s 90% percentile professional examination score to receive zero consideration in professional school admissions applications.
Queen YLB’s fucked kids are fucked because of the likes of Queen YLB.
FWIW, congratulations to your fucked kid @ 71, YLB.
@73 LMAO… however it plays, when my son gets his license, I’ll rub it in your racist, child of privilege, reactionary boomer face..
Racism as Spike Lee put it, is as American as apple pie.
And that’s the way kreepula likes it.
The University of Washington School of Medicine has just announced that it is ending consideration of MCAT scores and instead will require male applicants to submit notarized measurement of their erect phallus as part of their application packets, to be included in their “personal characteristics” score.
@ 75
…when my son gets his licence… hopefully he’ll know the correct American spelling for the word.
Removing the MCAT Could Improve Diversity in Medicine
Nice essay kreepula.. It cites interesting facts:
Medical schools have historically been dominated by white men from privileged backgrounds, making no room for racial minorities, poor individuals, and those with other minority statuses (LGBTQ, rural, first-generation). Today, nearly one in four medical students reported coming from a home in the top 5 percent of all households with an income. Only 12 percent of medical students are the first in their families to graduate college. And from 2021 to 2022, the percentage of Black matriculants into medical schools decreased 9.9 percent.
The MCAT only exacerbates this problem..
Nope we’re sure not in the “top 5 percent”.. and “white men from privileged backgrounds”?
EXACTLY the way shit-lord kreepula likes it..
@ 78
I hope that every emergency medical procedure performed on Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is at the hands of someone admitted as a diversity move by some woke admissions official.
@ 78
The MCAT only exacerbates this problem..
When we write board exams we speak of cases that are “discriminators”. Meaning they separate those who should pass from those who fail, because the qualified candidates get it right and the unqualified ones get it wrong.
Eliminating the MCAT enables the unqualified to move upward, just as eliminating discriminating board cases would enable the unqualified to become certified.
This is what you are asking for in the name of DEI, Queen YLB. A lowered standard of care.
@ 78
Medical schools have historically been dominated by white men…
Democrats historically defended slavery.
More than 50% of medical school students are now female, Queen YLB. More than 50% of undergraduate students are now female, Queen YLB. There’s a reason for the term “dustbin of history”.
Maybe couch your arguments more in the current millienium than in the last one.
pay the tab for free money handed out to others in the form of canceled student loan debt
Yawwwwn.. Mostly structured as a hand up to the less privileged, i.e. pell grant recipients..
Failed Pentagon boondoggles and repuke recreational wars cost the taxpayer way more.. are kreepshit’s “grandkids” “fucked” because of that?
Uh yeah, youbet, no way kreepula is going to leave them a dime. The dime might fall out of their pocket and get picked up by someone kreepula hates.
And even kreepula admitted the debt jubilee stimulates the economy – i.e. higher stock prices and more munee for kreepula.
Hannity and other FOX talk show personalities (who swear under oath that they lie to their gullible viewers as part of their business plan) have been making a big, big deal about RFK, Jr. “surging” in some online polls.
Many FOX viewers dumb enough to believe this idiocy have recently been seen feverishly sharing this “important news” they are sure will spell Joe Biden’s doom.
But guess what?
It turns out that all the RFK Jr. poll gains are attributed to Republican voters. Even though this “surge” represents only one or two points, what it really represents is the beginning of THE PAIN.
more in the current millienium than in the last one.
ya mean the one you came up in..
i.e. a tacit admission the essay is correct about history.
Good on the gals, and kreepula worries about guys are misplaced. Maybe the guys have just found professions that pay just as well and don’t require as much headache.
Hopefully leaving the profession filled with people whose motivation is to actually help people.. awwww. what a concept.
people over munee..
will require male applicants to submit notarized measurement of their erect phallus as part of their application packets, to be included in their “personal characteristics” score.
Which is just fine to almost all the trolls around here, little max whipple in particular.
Life has always been a pissing contest to them.
LOL! teh babblin’ butthole too.. Especially that asshole:
MWS, my relatives are Western African. Well hung, quick footed and good looking! We can think on our feet and on our butts and we can easily use the Internet to dissect donk attacks.
btw, “MWS” was butthole’s own sock puppet.. Awww yes, the old days.
72 – That’s pretty likely, given Merrick Garland’s history.
Even 47% of black respondents think that preferential admissions should be banned.
Overall it’s 63%. This will be one of the most popular SCOTUS decisions. 63% support what 66.67% of the Court just decided. So, a balanced decision.
Elect more dumb cunts!
Guy had to go an ruin it for Bob and Bob’s superior sexuality by manifesting The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, teenage pussy! Grab it while you can!
In recent CIVIQS fav/unfav polling BLM is more popular than Fat Midget. By quite a lot.
Eliminating the MCAT enables the unqualified to move upward
A high score on the MCAT has little to no bearing on what makes a good doctor..
Again from that newsweek essay:
Minorities, on average, score lower on the MCAT due partly to socioeconomic disadvantage. Unlike most of their peers, minorities often don’t have access to resources like expensive exam preparation courses that can cost up to $10,000.
Additionally, the MCAT is not a good predictor of whether someone will be a good doctor. It is not associated with performance during medical school nor does it capture important skills, such as empathy, that foster a positive doctor-patient relationship.
10 large eh kreepula? Something any kid from a poor, minority background can swing.. Just the way you like it.
and also:
MCAT scores were weakly to moderately associated with assessments that rely on multiple choice testing. The association is somewhat stronger for assessments occurring earlier in medical school, such as USMLE Step 1. The MCAT was not able to predict assessments relying on direct clinical observation, nor was it able to predict PD assessment of PGY-1 performance.
kreepula indeed babbles from the last millenium.. yawwwwn…
News that Rudes has entered into a proffer agreement with Jack Smith can be taken to conclude a couple two or three things, minimally.
First, that Rudes has been served with a subpoena to testify before a grand jury.
Second that Rudes has responded by notifying the government of his intention to assert his 5th amendment rights to decline to answer questions the answers to which might implicate him in criminal offenses.
Third, imho, that Rudes struggling in his normal alcoholic and pill addicted haze, has convinced himself he is smarter than the United States Attorneys who will be obtaining his testimony.
A proffer agreement is essentially a very one-sided deal that favors a witness in only one respect: for a witness to potential criminal offenses it offers them the fastest, least expensive way to clear their own name and gain immunity. Federal proffer deals are fairly common in investigations into complex financial crimes and other white collar and corporate crimes. If someone comes to an attorney and says they just learned that the company they work for is under criminal investigation for some form of fraud, that lawyer is going to first get that client to tell them everything. That part is important, because of what comes next. After analyzing their client’s conduct if that lawyer concludes that, though they may have been present or witness to criminal acts of fraud or conspiracy, they never took part or entered into a meaningful role in the conspiracy (in legal terms), then that lawyer may be very eager to seek out a proffer agreement. Confident that their client’s conduct is not criminal, they can safely allow them to fill in some of the investigator’s gaps of information or understanding. And so long as the proffer is useful and truthful, they can then gain an immunity agreement for their client. The attorney’s work is mostly done at this point. The client can get on with their life, immunity agreement in hand, with no more need for a criminal defense attorney’s services. Best outcome.
So what’s the downside to proffer deals? Well, Dunning-Kruger to be blunt. Preening, over confident, alpha males fuck themselves in proffers all the time. They withhold important details about their conduct from their defense lawyers, they lie to the investigators, or both. Investigators gain the benefit of their testimony ahead of any immunity agreement, and even if the information is deceptive or incomplete, it is often useful nonetheless. And investigators frequently have other sources of information about what took place. So once they are able to determine that the client’s testimony is false or misleading, based on independent sources, they are perfectly free to use that false testimony against the client however they like, up to and including using it in court against them.
Good criminal defense attorneys understand how to assess their clients and when to be wary of proffer agreements. Doctors, lawyers, cops, politicians, and CEOs are often terrible candidates for a proffer. Rudy is banging four out of five. And he’s probably so fucked up he thinks he’s a doctor to boot.
Hey kount kreepula, shit-lord of widbee!
WTF’s the matter w/ Gorsuch?
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court threatened to topple this regime in a decision that struck fear into the heart of every corporate lawyer in the land. Its 5–4 ruling in Mallory v. Norfolk Southern threatens to revoke corporations’ shield against lawsuits in states where they’re more likely to lose. This sleeper case has emerged as one of the most important decisions of the term. It is a doubly rare bird: a surprising blow to the business bar that is rooted in an unusually rigorous application of originalism.
…Gorsuch was trolling here, wielding Norfolk Southern’s own promotional puffery against it. But behind the mockery lay a deeper point: The court’s modern fixation on “fairness” for corporate defendants leads to deeply unfair results. Humans can be sucked into a state’s judiciary as soon as they cross the border; meanwhile, corporations get to collect millions in profits from operations in a state, then insist they can’t be sued there.
Hey kreepula, your heroes on the SCOTUS are COSTING YOU MUNEE! heh.
Norfolk Southern, couldn’t happen to a nicer outfit. Kinda makes a joke of kreepula’s kreepee fascination with…
“the cocksucker”… lmao..
The average scores for Black (454) and Latino or Hispanic students (478) are significantly lower than those of white (547) and Asian students (632).
Will white people demand affirmative action when they get pushed out of higher ed by the Asians? Of course not, they will quietly take lesser jobs and reduced quality of life as the Asians push them out of college spots.
Fake Mommy cries. The Children! The Children!
Enough of the genetalia slicing and dicing.
Heterosexual Neanderthals who envy chics with dicks.
@72. So weird. The greedy racist incel thinks that white people will be scared of the so much more successful Asian people that white people will fight back and expel/exterminate the Asian people first.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal virus is a love we can believe in.
Costing the taxpayers money an children lives. No need to blame the gun. Blame the human POS Heterosexual Neanderthal.
As a Mommy we need to stop slicing and dicing the genetalia!
Why would we want equality in higher ed?
Inquiring minds want to know why the greedy racist incel keeps wanting kids to be fucked?
Conservative justices decided black voters and college applicants don’t need any special protections in a historically racist society that conservatives are making more racist every day.
Conservatives historically defended slavery.
voted for the representatives…
BIG YAWN.. kount kreepula luvs to bloviate over the way I vote..
Well I’ve voted more or less the same way since I was 18.. Almost always for Dems (very few R’s) and was satisfied doing that to keep bonzo/bush/drumpf buttlickers at bay..
The wife and I had two sons.. sent them to Seattle Public schools. Both went to UW just down the street from us in Seattle, both graduated with no student debt.. Both are currently employed with good paying jobs.. Both have sizable sums saved up from employment and other opportunities, for short-term, medium term and retirement horizons. Youngest just scored high on a professional school admissions test. Is dead set on applying to a host of professional schools, attending his top choice and getting a credential to practice his chosen profession.
And a washed up degen shit-lord in widbee spins silly pedo fantasisies about them..
Harvard barred blacks from admission for 111 years, but now it can’t give them preference. It seems discrimination is allowed to work in only one direction.
@65 “even the most stupid of dumbfucks” could get into medical school, so what’s the big deal?
@66 Hey look, a judge who knows when to recuse herself. Must be a liberal.
btw, can’t wait for teh kreepula to do a stupid dance in December over a LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS CHECK..
CANCELLED.. by a host of repukes dying every single day..
According to its very own babbling.. GOOD.. for the kids..
@69 She earned every penny of it by keeping that freak off Epstein’s island for 25 years.
My son’s school district routinely brags about the high achievers in the district. Anecdotally it’s always white young women and south Asians who the best and brightest. Not black, latinx or white boys.
At the same time, the Klanned Karenhood is getting more racist and blaming the gays and BLM at the school board for everything that they hate about the schools. Wonder who’s next?
I wonder if the Rogue Court will allow colleges to give preference to veterans? I’m thinking it probably will as long as they’re white.
@78 nearly one in four medical students reported coming from a home in the top 5 percent of all households with an income
The phenomenon of stupid doctors has been glaringly evident to the legal profession for a very long time. Now I understand how we get so many stupid doctors.
@79 Should you ever need emergency medical care, I strongly advise against attempting self-care and seeking competent medical advice.
@82 Think of tax cuts for the rich as Pell grants for stupid kids of the upper class.
@94 “Will white people demand affirmative action when they get pushed out of higher ed by the Asians? Of course not, they will quietly take lesser jobs and reduced quality of life as the Asians push them out of college spots.”
Well, I don’t know if that’s true, but I see white people demanding affirmative action in the Electoral College.
The problem is the unchallenged notion that underlies this reasoning:
That Black and Latino people are just inferior.
Yes, I understand that modern “conservative” racists reject this formulation to explain their thinking. But it is inescapable to conclude that this is ultimately what underlies their reasoning.
Even a “Black” “conservative” like Thomas, ultimately argues that Black and Latino people are inferior. Only not as individuals, but rather in some other way that is their own fault. In this modern racist formulation Blacks and Latinos have inferior “families” or inferior “communities” or inferior “values”. And it is these behavioral “choices” that Black and Latinos make in aggregate that 100% account for all the horrific disparities in outcome. I promise you, From Thomas to the Shit-lord Crybaby, and every opponent of affirmative action you know, is completely persuaded by this point of view.
Thomas came by it early in life. As you no doubt know, his parents were forced into marriage as children by his maternal grandfather when Thomas’ mother became pregnant with his older sister. The marriage never succeeded and Thomas’ father left when he was still an infant. Left alone, and shunned by her radically strict Catholic father, Thomas’ mother struggled for the next few years until a house fire left the family homeless. Thomas was sent to live with is maternal grandfather, who reluctantly took the boy in only because he was not “conceived outside of the bonds of holy matrimony” like his older sister. There Thomas was raised in a strict Catholic upbringing, estranged from and mostly prevented from seeing his mother and sister, and raised to despise them as “trash”, which comes through in much of his later autobiographical writing about them. In his grandfather’s home Thomas was raised and tutored to see their struggles as only resulting from their “poor, and immoral choices” and having nothing whatsoever to do with their race.
It’s a viewpoint that oozes moralizing and superiority in every way. And of course, it is completely divorced from any real accounting for behavior. White teens fuck and get pregnant just as much as Black and Latino teens do. They do more drugs by far. And they consistently engage in more petty, juvenile criminal behaviors like shoplifting, petty property damage, and trespassing. But none of that matters to the true, Libertardian, modern racist “conservative”. They conveniently seal off their memories of driving teen girlfriends to the abortion clinic, robbing the vending machines at the tennis club, buying and selling prescription drugs during homeroom, and joy riding in stolen cars, and get on with their “virtuous” lives ensured of success because of their “superior” character and personal discipline.
And the only thing more important to this “conservative” formulation about racism is to be resolute in leaving completely unexamined and unexplained any basis for these differences. “It’s behavior” so it is not “our fault” and therefor we don’t have to explain it. But that leaves it unsaid that even if these behavioral explanations for racial disparities held water (and they do not) it means that Black and Latino people are somehow incapable of meeting the behavioral standards that whites and Asians come by effortlessly. Knowing, as we should at least, that race is an entirely social construct with no basis in biology or psychology, this purely socially based and behaviorally derived inferiority of Blacks and Latinos is just mysterious.
Refusing to offer an explanation for the innate inferiority that they confer upon Blacks and Latinos is a brilliant bit of philosophical Jujutsu on the part of modern “conservative” racists. It allows them to, as we’ve seen demonstrated in these comments today by the Shit-lord Crybaby, vigorously defend their claims to the racial superiority of whites without having to defend the vile racism that it relies upon. Go back and review his comments here today. He’s proclaiming that white and Asian students are superior. It follows inescapably that he sincerely believes that Black and Latino students are inferior. How exactly? Who knows? Who cares?
Racism is still racism. At the end of the day, pretending to yourself that one or another “race” of people is “better/worse” than another “race” just is what it is.
In The future nobody will need an education anyways.
Marketplace had a segment about how corporations are going to become less profitable because of this decision by the courts. Diverse teams with a diverse set of viewpoints outperform non-diverse teams. Corporations can no longer rely on higher education to provide a diverse workforce.
Not surprised that conservatives like the greedy racist incel value racism over money.
Absolutely! If we keep “poking the bear,” we’re going to see some big, big firecrackers going off, and it will mean the end of all of us.
Chinese spying link found!
“A top Donald Trump 2024 campaign advisor who prosecutors allege viewed classified documents is employed by a firm with links to China that poses a potential national security threat and enables human rights abuses, The New York Post reports.
“Susan Wiles serves as co-chair of Mercury Public Affairs, which has taken millions of dollars from several high-profile Chinese companies including Yealink, Hikvision, and Alibaba.
“Wiles also served on the staff of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2018 gubernatorial run.”
China! The GOP was right! It was there all along!
This is how NYC Mayor Eric Adams chewed out an elderly woman who complained about rent increases:
“First, if you’re going to ask a question, don’t point at me and don’t be disrespectful to me. I’m the mayor of this city and treat me with the respect that would deserve to be treated. I’m speaking to you as an adult. Don’t stand in front like you treated someone that’s on the plantation that you own. I’m a grown man. I walked into this room as a grown man and I’ll walk out of this room as a grown man. I answered your question – go to the next table.”
A little touchy, isn’t he? Yeah, the woman is white. Read the link below to find out what else she is.
Today we learned who the tipster behind the FD-1023 is.
“Raskin, who serves as the ranking member on the Oversight Committee, confirmed previous Raw Story reporting that Rudy Giuliani was likely the source of a tip given to the FBI that became a central focus of Comer’s probe which attempted to link the Bidens to bribery payments made by Mykola Zlochevsky, the Ukrainian founder of oil and gas company Burisma holdings. …
“Using Bill Barr’s autobiography and Rudy Giuliani’s own statements, Raw Story put together that Giuliani was the likely source of the ‘tip’ to the FBI in early June.”
@118 I heard from the tube that Wiles was cooperating with Smith.
93)After the merger, in the 80s they ran commercials calling themselves the Thoroughbred of Iron Horses. One of there predecessors , the Southern , was good at using loopholes in the law during the passenger train off wars of the 60s. The Brosnan Trap was ingenious, only applied on trains whose only interstate stop was a terminal station. Could cease serving that station, and the trains losses would climb, and only had state regulators to deal with.
The navy will name the 4th Constellation class FFG the USS Lafayette. I was pulling for President and United States for the 4th and 5th, so they could round out the Original Six frigate names. Constitution can’t be used, for the same reason they can’t name a new ship Pueblo.
Turnout firecrackers next year.
The future electorate is a whole lot browner and more female than any Republican is prepared for. They aren’t going back to the 1950s. They’ll fight to keep what little progress has been made in their lifetimes.
Brown people and white females are the bear “conservatives” just can’t resist poking.
I’m sure glad this kind of bullshit is behind me forever. I don’t need a job; I’m a capitalist now, who gets paid for owning a piece of the company. That makes me their bosses.
“There was a striking exception to the conservative Supreme Court majority’s decision ending race-based affirmative action in higher education on Thursday: military academies.
“The U.S. government said using race as a factor in admissions to military academies can ‘further compelling interests,’ Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in a footnote to his opinion. ‘This opinion… does not address the issue, in light of the potentially distinct interests that military academies may present.’
“The distinction suggests that there could be value in using race to diversify at least some American institutions ― namely, the U.S. military’s officer corps ― but Roberts’ overall decision says that it would be unconstitutional to do so at public and private colleges and universities.”
This is food for thought. Here are some possibilities: (1) The court didn’t have jurisdiction over the military academies for some reason. (2) The military is exempt from the Constitution. (3) The 14th amendment doesn’t apply to everybody. Alternatively, the court thinks the 14th amendment was intended to protect white people from black people. (4) Racism in civilian society either (a) doesn’t exist or (b) isn’t a compelling interest. (5) This is a political decision by a political court, so it doesn’t have to be internally consistent, conform with precedents, or be based on legal principles.
124)In For All Mankind, the Red Moon Landing changed tge social trajectory, when they followed Leonov with a female cosmonaut, we had to follow suit, this time. In Season 3, they finally had a President who was not played by AI Manipulated Historical footage. Then again, Nixon, Ted Kennedy (tge landing happened before he went to Chapaquidick), Reagan, and Hart were real politicians. The winner of the fictional 1992 election in S3, a TX Senator, former astronaut, and Republican, and a Lesbian. That wasn’t the plot twist of S3, but who beats the Soviets and Americans to Mars, it’s a country you would not expect, but also secretive enough to claim the craft crashed, and not tell anyone they left a man behind.
And it’s a year and a half old, too:
“I’m sorry sir, but we don’t serve your kind”
“What, I’m not gay”
“No, I meant Christian. You treat our employees like crap, don’t tip, and don’t adhere to your own religion. Please leave.”
SCOTUS says Creepy Joe can’t magically just forgive a portion of student loan debt. Good! The people who attend college should be smart enough to realize borrowing money means paying it back under the terms of the loan contract.
Wow, Mayor “Karen” Adams of New York lost his mind.
yawwwn.. so whadaya expect from a bunch of klownservatics serving billionaires and getting fishing, hunting, fancy vacations and other favors?
Hope folks remember who tried to help them and who is determined to keep them in debt slavery.
Not surprised that the rogue conservative court would rule to screw educated. They got theirs, fuck everyone after them.
All those women now forced to gamble with their uterus, all those Blacks and Latinos excluded from elite colleges, universities and professional schools, and all those post-Boomer student borrowers having to choose between rent and loan payments hear you loud and clear.
In just two years your corrupt, bought-and-paid-for court has reassembled and expanded the Obama coalition you were so right to fear.
Get ready for The Pain.