Oh hey. The Seattle bill to prosecute more drug offenders failed, although it sounds like Andrew Lewis, who opposed it in this vote isn’t a guarantee in the future. So if he’s your Council member, you might want to let him (or anyone else) know that you prefer to end the war on drugs, not to extend it.
We’d be better of if Trump had been re-elected.
Eating our own on the way to inevitably dropping out of the race is super duper cool guys.
@ 2
Pity we ourselves didn’t have an attack dog like him to lay into that crooked bitch who bought us in 2015. We might never have had a President Trump had we nominated someone without such a blatantly corrupt CV as she carries.
Would ya look at that.
The criminal investigation was begun… (checks notes)… huh, 2017, under AUSA Cherie Kingsman reporting to… (check notes)… a Trump appointee. Search warrants served. Subpoenas served. FBI jackets and everything. Boxes and computers carried out of the defendant’s house and loaded into vans.
Note the timeline.
More than five years from launch of investigation to sentencing.
I have to admit, I am a little worried. Back in late January I sold TSLA call contracts, June 16 expiration, strike price $250.
My concern is that the shares are rising so quickly now that I might have them called away from me with only a gain of around $100/share in the six months of ownership.
Maybe I should consult noted self-described experienced HA investor Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit for his sage advice in this matter. He doesn’t have any conflicts of interest regarding the shares, as he 1) can’t afford the share price and even if he could, he 2) can’t afford to own any stock that doesn’t pay a dividend, ’cause he needs the pocket money for Depends and breath mints.
I could:
– buy back the contracts and pocket the 80-plus percent gain on them so far
– roll the dice and be happy with a 68% gain on the shares and call premium if they’re called away before the 16th
– roll the contract into a January 2024 expiration at $300/share and collect another $15 per share premium in the process
I’m sure Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will know what to do.
Won’t he, Newt?
Thirty years of DOJ, White House, Senate, House, and Independent Counsel investigations.
No charges.
Six individual Republican House investigations and two Republican led Senate into Benghazi alone, costing over $8,000 per day, totaling more than $7 million.
No charges.
Her husband diddled an intern and lied about it.
That’s what they got out of all that. That and Trump.
Wages of sin.
Now that Tucker has gone full retard spouting “Smoking Man” UFO conspiracies, can our troll be far behind?
Or is he perhaps leading the charge?
We already know the answer. Sadly.
Why can’t they just do insider training like me? It has worked out very well for me, over the decades.
Now perhaps for the fist time ever we are going to get a picture of Tucker Carlson’s “journalism” absent any moderating effects of producers or editors.
“The Pentagon has spent decades studying these otherworldly remains in order to build more technologically advanced weapons systems.”
We can see where this will go. Fartin’ in bathtubs and laughing their asses off.
@ 4
Let’s look at what can get one 5-6 years imprisonment, shall we?
A year in prison and six months home confinement afterward, for this:
Four years between the FBI interview of the felon and sentencing. Under Obama’s watch.
So your point of five years to get a 3-year sentence vs. four years to get a 1-year sentence is…
… what, exactly?
@ 6
No charges.
Her husband diddled an intern and lied about it.
That’s what they got out of all that. That and Trump.
Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
We got better than an imprisoned Clinton. We got way better than that.
What a class act, that Hunter Biden.
Inside the Whirlwind 48 Hours Before Hunter Biden Bought His Handgun
This is why most drug dealers don’t extend credit.
Thanks for asking.
The investigation into Trump’s theft of classified documents was conducted in a routine fashion, consistent with most or all other such investigations. Investigations into stolen classified materials are not uncommon. Conducting interviews with suspects to determine facts, culpability, awareness, and general sense mens rea is a normal investigative method. Obtaining search warrants pursuant to those interviews based upon false statements given in those interviews is a normal consequence. Executing those search warrants by arriving unannounced at the location to be searched is perfectly routine. Seizing the materials responsive to the warrant and removing them from the premise is routine. Assigning special teams with clearance to filter through the materials to identify contraband or unlawful material is normal and routine. Convening a Grand Jury to review those documents and hear from witnesses regarding those documents is 100% normal and not the least bit uncommon.
The most uncommon thing about the Mar a Lago stolen classified documents investigation has been the 18 months of patient delay the government afforded to the criminals involved to decide if they really truly wanted to be felons. They decided. Unequivocally.
They defied the law and knew they were doing it when they did it.
So the point is it’s not much of a WEEECH HUUUUUNT to any normal observer armed with the barest familiarity with the law and normal law enforcement practices surrounding the stealing of classified information.
And this investigation, while it is moving uncharacteristically fast for what it is, will be with Donald J. Trump, Based Trump Supporters, and the GOP for years to come. It’s a lot more serious than an extramarital blowjob between consenting adults. The consequences for those involved as well as their political associates will be much more significant and enduring.
And it’s all an #owngoal
@12 Hunter was indeed lame… Just think, he coulda been bestabuds w/ wingman:
“Greenberg, a former Seminole County tax collector, previously pleaded guilty to underage sex trafficking, wire fraud, stalking, identity theft, producing a fake ID card, and conspiring to defraud the US government. He has been in jail since early 2021 and will get some credit for time served”
A kreepshit’s bff..
@5 “I’m sure he’ll know what to do.”
Repay your wife.
Over the course of three decades the GOP, led first by Newt Gingrich, parlayed a massively overbroad and aggressively intrusive criminal investigation into a blowjob between consenting adults into a cottage industry of fundraising, fake headlines, and conspiracy delusions, culminating in a lopsided Supreme Court majority – completely destroying the court’s credibility in the process.
Who knows what can be done with a rapist ex-president who conspires with our nation’s adversaries, launches a mob attack on the Congress to prevent himself losing an election, and steals classified documents to use as political and business leverage against his personal opponents? There’s easily a dozen major felonies encompassed by all that. It’s going to take longer than Trump has to live to fully reveal the truth of it.
And at each and every step along that road American swing voters will grow steadily and progressively more suspicious of Republicans. Because the last best chance to pivot was more than two years ago. It’s gone. Pence barely escaped a lynch mob. Trump is in charge and running the GOP table. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett will not change any of that.
Chris Licht no longer works at CNN.
@ 15
Repay your wife.
Every day of my life.
From chocolate city to chocolate shithole.
New Orleans police didn’t test Cedric Richmond for DWI after single-car wreck into tree
Democrat politicians are POS. From Dollar Bill Jefferson to this guy.
Another one –
@ 16
Who knows what can be done with a rapist ex-president…
I had to read the rest of the sentence in order to understand that you weren’t referring to Bill Clinton.
Pulled nomination watch.
Protect the CHILDREN!
@19 The complete list of GOPPOS:
It’s going to be interesting watching the tag-team of Chris Christie and QoS McHillbilly over the next 17 months, as the two take down Donald Trump and elect Ron DeSantis.
take down Donald Trump and elect Ron DeSantis.
@25 Where’s my fucking check?
On your knees asshole..
“kiss it”
This is why, even after Brave Kevin turns over all the raw surveillance footage to Based Trump Supporters like Tucker and John Solomon they continue to withhold it from publication.
The very real concern is that hundreds more Trump rioters not included in the public record made available by the DOJ will be identified committing additional felonies.
But rest assured they continue to painstakingly review all the data for signs of Rally Runner.
It’s on elmo’s birth shite site too:
@ 27
This is why, even after Brave Kevin turns over all the raw surveillance footage to Based Trump Supporters like Tucker and John Solomon they continue to withhold it from publication.
I suppose that’s one reason.
Although Hunter Biden’s laptop was disseminated years ago and stuff from it is still being released. Just last week nearly 10,000 photos were uploaded onto a website that’s now publicly available. Why didn’t they drop the entire thing the first week they had it?
I’m guessing that it’s because they don’t want the “old news” label slapped on the whole thing, and so they are releasing it gradually, with more to come as we get closer to election season.
This week we learned that the J6 commiittee dubbed sound into a video recording that was CCTV and was recorded without sound. Takes time to find deception like that.
Trump is a terrible human being, a terrible father and husband, a terrible business partner, and the worst US president in history. But his theatrical timing and instincts are unmatched in modern politics.
I don’t have to worry much about Ron DeeSantis. When the time is ripe Trump will casually let slip a few cruel fat jokes and mocking references to pudding fingers and white go-go boots. And it will be over. Absolutely no reason why Trump should waste the ammunition right now. DeeSantis is in retreat without Trump firing any shots.
If Trump is as smart about this stuff as I think, he’ll sit back and let the seven dwarfs ruin each other and divide the party, with Trump casually urging that process along. Then he can step in at just the right moment to provide the “winning logic” of his campaign to “re-unify” the GOP under his dominating authority and “leadership”. It just can’t be over emphasized now how much separation there is between the primary GOP electorate and the general electorate. What these candidates do to each other over the next twelve months will define the GOP for every swing voters in November of 2024.
It’s going to be beautiful. I’m looking forward to it.
The one reason that doesn’t depend upon theories about “otherworldly remains” hidden in bunkers in the New Mexico desert.
LPT: contemporaneous, independent audio recordings reliably synced up to separate video or film evidence from the same location and event are commonly introduced in evidence at criminal trials. This method was used extensively in the investigations into the Kennedy assassination, 9/11 investigation, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy Finicum shootout, and the Murrow Federal Building terrorist attack, just to name a few.
Well, specifically just to name the few most likely to trigger a conspiracy addled Republican fucktard who relies upon Tucker Carlson and FOX.
And yet nobody else did!
Trump is the only president in history to have a court find him guilty of violent sexual assault.
But then again, he did admit to it. Every Republican voter heard him admit to it. And then they voted to make him their president anyway. Because of course they did.
@ 30
But his theatrical timing and instincts are unmatched in modern politics.
Barack Obama. It might have been cool, but it was theater when it needed to be. Or did you forget about the Greek columns in Denver, 2008?
Oh, and there was a little thing called cadence that helped this along.
Another word for cadence is timing.
@ 32
Trump is the only president in history to have a court find him guilty of violent sexual assault.
Clinton is the only president in history to have been disbarred before the Supreme Court of the United States because of his conduct WRT inappropriate sexual behavior.
His disbarment in AR for five years avoided criminal charges.
@21 You read? That’s news to us.
I’m seeing whining that Trump’s imminent indictment will put his trial somewhere between primary season and the general election season.
Doesn’t seem intentional to me. He’s earned it.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit puts the same effort into his investment decisions as he puts into spews like @ 35.
It’s why he’s so far underwater with his most recent investments that he’s praying that his portfolio will be in better shape a decade from now.
It can’t be that dumb, can it?
Jon Favreau wrote those words. Mostly.
Clearly they had a good working relationship and there was lots of collaboration. But by the summer of 2008 Favreau had “found” the voice. I’m sure he’d credit Obama with most of the content. But Obama’s talent was delivery. But still, the point is Obama was an entirely conventional politician working off of a script with the support of teams of writers.
Whereas Trump is an ad-lib comic. He’s Don Rickles, without the laughs or any of the humanity. His only effective moments are when he strays from the text. And those are the moments when he demonstrates his natural talent for cruelty, mockery, and viciousness.
Fit it on a bumper sticker.
It would look something like this:
TRUMP: Convicted Rapist
I wouldn’t be entirely sure that Trump’s indictment is “imminent”. I think it might be more likely that lower ranking players come first.
And I think it’s almost inconceivable that a trial could be calendared before 2025. There will be a year or more of pre-trial motions and appeals before it can be set for trial. Trump averages new counsel every six months when he isn’t even under indictment. There will be delays for years.
As far as criminal peril goes, I think a more realistic concern for the whining of the GOP base will be the potential for Fat Midget to be excluded from campaigning in California.
… Obama was an entirely conventional politician working off of a script with the support of teams of writers.
That’s just how Oprah Winfrey described him.
@29 “Why didn’t they drop the entire thing the first week they had it?”
Probably because they keep adding new material to it. And AI opens up whole new vistas.
Why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit depends so heavily on stock dividends.
Bernie Sanders says price of Alzheimer’s treatment is unconscionable, calls on HHS to take action
Right now Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit have to split a prescription. Neither realize that there is a threshold below which the drug has no activity, and splitting the prescription keeps both of them below the threshold.
They don’t know the drug’s not working for them, but we do. One need look no further than @ 35 to understand just how much Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has declined.
@33 “Barack Obama.”
Barack had substance. Drumpf is all theater, which is sort of a good thing in a way, because you don’t want whatever substance he might possess.
@34 Clinton is an adulterer and philanderer. Trump is an adulterer, philanderer, and fascist. I didn’t vote for either of them, but if I had to choose between them, I’d go with the one who isn’t a fascist.
@44 I’m not the stuck record player here. Where would you like me to forward that prescription to? I’m willing to pay for it, just to get you some help.
“The Republican-dominated state legislature approved a bill that would prevent war memorials, including Confederate tributes, from being moved or recontextualized, and it would require anyone who damages or defaces those memorials to pay back three times the amount it cost to repair them.”
While this dismissal was about standing, which is now only selectively enforced, the legislation is one more indication that DeSantis and his legislature are reinstating Jim Crow in Florida.
“he was found liable for sexual assault” is the new “we’re a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!”
Complicated, arcane, verbose, but most importantly deeply unsettling with over half of the electorate.
And soon to be the next and forever GOP nominee.
@50 I don’t think so. I think this is his last hurrah.
“Please don’t make me support the leader of my party. It might cost me my job.”
We’re a couple of weeks out, probably, from the GOP admitting that they already have this same information from the same informant, but that they would prefer to avoid naming him themselves.
It’s why Comer took a pass when he was asked who the informant is. He said the name was redacted in the FBI form. He didn’t say he did not know the answer to the question.
Biden’s not the first corrupt VP. He’s just the latest.
Hunter Biden: I need to pay less child support. I can’t afford it.
Judge: Let’s see your financials.
Hunter Biden: Not without massive redactions.
Judge threatens to jail Hunter Biden for up to 6 months if he doesn’t appear for questioning about his finances in his child support suit
Shorter 53,
“I was completely and unforgivably wrong.
Tell ya what. If you let me pull out and shoot in your face, I’ll warn you so can close your eyes.
Los Angeles Times to cut 74 newsroom positions amid advertising declines
Gee. At least their invaluable and obedient bloggers aren’t being targeted.
Keep rockin’,
At least their invaluable and obedient bloggers aren’t being targeted.
Heh.. 15 years and how many owners of the LA Times ago?
Over an affair first reported in the National Enquirer..
I remember when HA trolls ignored this story…
Hunter isn’t even this lame. yawwwwn… keep rockin’.. ZZZZzzzzzZZzz
The Independent is reporting tonight that Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, among others, is entered into a cooperation agreement with Special Counsel Smith as part of a plea agreement and that the grand jury will be presented with a bill of indictment against Trump tomorrow.
Others are reporting that Meadow’s cooperation is tied to a limited immunity agreement only. Specifically Meadow’s attorney called reports of any guilty plea by his client “complete bullshit”.
Terry Gross interviewed Ellen Page’s new persona for tonight’s airing.
Gross recounted that he earned an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of the title character in Juno. Which is weird because Ellen Page played a pregnant teenage girl in that movie.
It wasn’t exactly Boys Don’t Cry acting. She played a pregnant teenage girl. When she was 20. Hell, Dianna Agron did that in Glee when she was 23.
Don’t get me wrong, she did well and I’m not saying she didn’t deserve the Oscar nomination. But she wasn’t a dude in Juno. Was she. She didn’t get a Best Actor nomination for her work in Juno. Did she.
@60 And Linda Hunt played Billy Kwan in The Year of Living Dangerously..
There were no female actors in Elizabethan times. Male actors played the female parts in Shakespeare’s plays.
Your fucking point dipwad? Elliot Page was free to do what he wanted when he played Juno and he’s free now. Why are kreepshit klownservatics so opposed to individuals living their true selves and their best life?
Don’t like his acting? Don’t watch his stuff.. Simple as that. I don’t tune to Country radio. Never have. Nothing against country music, just something I’m not in the habit of doing.. yawwwn… lame..
Just last week nearly 10,000 photos were uploaded onto a website that’s now publicly available.
At HA, Hunter’s dick pics “touch” kreepshit only. heh… lame…
It has been fascinating watching Elliot Page change over the three seasons of Umbrella Society. First season when he was still trying to conform to being a woman, he radiated misery in every scene. By the third season, when he was being true to himself, a, happy, confident person shown through the character.
The greedy racist incel is irredeemable. The sooner he dies of something like Pancreatic cancer, the sooner the world will be a better place.
The sooner he dies of something like Pancreatic cancer, the sooner the world will be a better place.
And GOOD for my kids.. following from its own silly babbling..
Bob rubbed one out once to some Ellen Page clips.
Now he’s confused and feels bad about it.
A routine child support/custody hearing.
Good on you.
You definitely don’t have much experience around family law.
This is the kind of order that Hunter’s council can get a continuance, can produce the documentation and have the judge reconsider if a personal appearance is warranted, produce the financial records AND request a continuance, appeal the decision and put it off at least until the appellate court reviews…
You’d think y’all would learn by now about getting a woody over Hunter.
Family court is a shit show and many of those orders are routine boilerplate. Respondents are often without representation and don’t show. So initial orders are intentionally aggressive to get someone to pay attention. With the entire TARA READE media ecosystem running headlines, somehow I don’t think that’s a problem.
I’m afraid this is par for the course now when it comes to Based Trump Supporters like our sad troll. We can expect to see him whiplashed about with giddy enthusiasms over trivial nonsense, only to see those enthusiasms dashed again, and again. It’s a weekly occurrence. Beautiful to behold.😎
What Hunter Biden and Donald Trump have in common is that they most likely won’t have to answer for their crimes. Oh sure, there are a few politicians that go to jail for their misdeeds, but, by and large, politicians can be crooks and get away with it.
Hunter Biden is not a politician.
Among white collar criminals in general, politicians are prosecuted and convicted at about the same rates, with some peculiar regional exceptions in rural areas and the deep south.
68 – Hunter is a “politician” due to his ties to Biden. He will never suffer any legal problems, though. He might eventually get some fatal disease or have a drug overdose, but he will never go to prison.
I suspect Trump will never go to prison either.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Alabama District Maps as Racially Gerrmandered
>> Partisan gerrymandering is fine, just not racial ones.
It almost looks as if decades of accumulated guilt and regret, previously suppressed with massive binge consumption of “beer”, is triggering some kind of personal reassessment:
Mike Pence would rather see armed school guards than gun control reforms
Those Uvalde armed dudes and the Parkland guard and the Columbine guard sure were useful. /s
Conservatives don’t mind if your kids die so long as they get unlimited access to their guns. So keep on deflecting with rainbows and drag queens and hunter’s laptop.
GOP’s booming support for guns is turning off millennial, Gen Z Republicans
A significant share of younger conservatives, reared in an age of mass violence, embrace firearm restrictions.
You would think they would realize they have gone too far when Republicans are wanting gun reform.
All the GOP has done is alienate the younger generation. The younger generations are straight up told their lives are less important than the GOP’s guns.
That it’s too bad if they feel unsafe in their classrooms, that’s the kids problem, not the GOPs.
Wait…you were SERIOUS about that loving everyone and we are all children of the lord and all that stuff I said about the blacks…you were watching?
And hurricanes AREN’T your way of punishing the homaseshuals and libruls?
Is it hot in here. Ok ok ok but I served the Lord in my own way so I’m definitely in the wrong place.
For I so loved Jesus who taught us to hate saying
Our Father
Who is definitely a man
Hollowed be thy name
Thy white Kingdom come
My will be done
In Politics
So we don’t have to feed the starvin’
Taketh this day the bread from the needy
And deliver it to me so that I can profit
For MINE is the lower and the Glory forever.
Can I get a window air conditioner at least?
Can you please specify how these ties work?
Do all immediate relatives of an elected official enjoy total criminal immunity? What about marital relations? Second generation relationships? Good friends? Neighbors? Employees? How long after a politician leaves public service does the immunity wear off? Or is it permanent?
Why have so many corrupt public officials been prosecuted? Did they forget they were immune?
Who are all these hundreds of public officials that the DOJ Public Integrity Section prosecutes? Are they actually Lizard People????
Is George Santos a Lizard Person?
In your opinion, what goes best with a daily dose of Librium? Red or White?
65. That seems to be one of the key drivers. The guys are terrified they might be hitting on a someone they identify as male.
“I thought Elliott Page was spank worthy, so what does that make me?”
All it takes is a single drunken night out in Singapore to beget a lifetime of doubt and confusion.
Sometimes late at night, when I can’t get back to sleep, I find myself scrolling on my phone studying images of Jaye Davidson in a trance…
This song comes to mind
I have been honored and flattered when a woman hit on me. I politely declined. I didn’t try to eliminate women from the planet.
Wished conservatives would do the same.
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit truly had a 10-year investment horizon he would own TSLA. A pitifully small number of shares, but he’d own it.
Instead he’s into utility-like stocks. ’cause he needs that quarterly payout so that he can feed his family.
Queen YLB’s fucked kids have a better chance of owning a TSLA share than they do of ever being able to afford one.
Well it appears we are truly not alone:
Well fuck, here at HA, we’ve been dealing with alien UN-intelligence @82 like f’ing forever.
Beam it up alien scotty PLEASE…
Very well played.
Does kreepshit own
BRK.A? heh I don’t think so..
NVR? nah..
SEB? nope..
BKNG? a’ole..
AZO? nein…
CMG?? Nei..
WTM?? Tidak..
MKL?? Ne..
TPL?? Nej..
MTD?? Tsis..
Too obsessed spreading its ass cheeks for elmo.. and too poor besides..
Oh what am I saying.. the aliens will never beam up kreepshit..
kreepshit represents the alien reject pile.
sadly we’re stuck with it.. sigh…
What the fuck.
If “NewsNation” is a credible enough source for Tucker Carlson to launch the next chapter in his storied career in “commentary”, then it’s more than good enough for litlle ol’ me.
@ 85
A list of companies who chose not to split their shares. I wonder if Queen YLB knew that. The dumb twat.
I wonder, also, if Queen YLB knows that if someone owns 1500 shares of BRK.B across multiple accounts, it’s the same as owning a share of BRK.A, with the exception of the differences in voting rights between the two share classes.
So instead of splitting hairs to say one owns BRK.A it’s splitting shares to make that claim.
Oh. 100 shares of AAPL purchased in early 1993 and held without any sales is now 2800 shares of AAPL, with a value very near that of a share of BRK.A, and in addition there is the worth of the accumulated dividends paid by Apple but not by Berkshire. How would I know that, Queen YLB?
I wonder if Queen YLB knows that $165 billion of the market capitalization of Berkshire Hathaway is due to the value of the Apple Computer shares that it owns.
So Shiny, Happy People is not an instructional how-to video?
Well, okay. I guess.
@ 90
There’s a video of a SNL rehearsal of R.E.M. and Kate Pierson doing that song, on YouTube. Fun.
@88 Awwwww. it affirms it’s too fucking poor to own those shares.
Fucking alien reject…
Spread those ass cheeks wide for elmo now…
So Shiny, Happy People is not an instructional how-to video?
Hmmm.. Read about those people here:
The documentary features commentary and testimonies from multiple former IBLP members, who describe the organization as a “cult” that tried to advance Christian fundamentalist teachings. ….
“When I was watching the Duggars, the attitudes of the children are what I noticed right off the bat. My heart broke for them, because they were so calm, and they were so peaceful and well-behaved, and I knew what it took to get there,” said Lara Smith, a former IBLP follower.
Part of that was instilling fear in children by hitting them, sometimes going to extreme measures, ex-IBLP members said.
They described a method called “blanket training,” which involves placing a child — as young as 6 months old — on a blanket with a favorite object just out of reach. When the child reaches for it, the parent hits them. If they continue to reach for the object, they’re hit again…
And we all know about the oldest Josh..
Family friends say the Duggars wanted Josh to confess to molesting young girls — after he was married..
Awww how touching.. how “moral”…
s’ok w/ kreepshit – as long as they fall in line for the repukes so it gets a tax cut.
And somewhere in the story of the Duggars is an explanation for alien reject kreepshit.
Watching your daughter lose her 440 race to three chicks with dicks doesn’t whet your appetite for Bud LIght, it turns out.
Ah, the wages of woke. Permanent, massive decline in market share.
Stupidity should be painful.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fave Florida Dem politician is in the news yet again.
Rebekah Jones pleads no contest to stalking charge, gets probation
I think the reason he likes her is that with her around, The Biden Crime Family seems a bit less disgusting by comparison.
Shorter 91,
That’s cool, grandpa.
Now, wait a minute. I read on this blog that the US Supreme Court has lost all credibility.
Let the circus of wailing and sobbing begin!
Headlines about Twitter
Why is twitter promoting right wing content?
Pride related Twitter post marked as sensitive content for no reason.
Made a generic Pride post about having an after school club for support and it was marked as sensitive content.
The greedy racist incel must be so happy.
‘We Need to Start Killing’: Trump’s Far-Right Supporters Are Threatening Civil War
Within minutes of Trump’s indictment, supporters lit up social media platforms with violent threats and calls for civil war.
12m Americans believe violence is justified to restore Trump to power
Republicans. Rule of law when it helps us over liberals. Democracy has to go, when it doesn’t.
However, most of them seem to have the courage of the cops at Uvalde so there is that.
12m Americans believe violence is justified to restore Trump to power
6 of the 12 believe the threat alone is enough.
The other 6 expect someone else to do the actual violence.
James G. Watt, who as President Ronald Reagan’s first Interior secretary tilted environmental policies sharply toward commercial exploitation, touching off a national debate over the development or preservation of America’s public lands and resources, died on May 27 in Arizona. He was 85….
After taking office in 1981, Mr. Watt was asked at a hearing of the House Interior Committee if he favored preserving wilderness areas for future generations. He had been picked by Reagan from a Denver legal foundation that had often challenged the rules and policies of the department he now headed. Critics called him a fox in the hen house.
He replied, “I do not know how many future generations we can count on before the Lord returns.”
The remark was revealing. Mr. Watt, a born-again Christian and a lifelong Republican, saw himself as a servant of God and prayed with colleagues at work. But it raised questions over whether he would be motivated by conservative political judgments or religious convictions, or both.
In unguarded moments over a 33-month tenure, he suggested that liberals were un-American and that the popular Beach Boys rock band was unwholesome. He likened his critics to Nazis and Bolsheviks, and insulted Black people, women, Jews and disabled people.
Not Watt’s “generation” for damn sure.. Say hi to Dori for us Jimbo.
No more SS checks for that asshole.. following from the degen babble of the widbee kreepshit (a total Watt/Bonzo lickbutt back in the day) this bit of news can only be
for my kids…
On a day in which 3M broke the Benjamin again, heading south, TSLA shares broke $250. And it’s not even noon yet.
I rolled my June expiration 250 call sale into a January expiration 350 call sale, and pocketed a net premium of $1700 in the process.
Say, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how are your shares in AT&T doing?
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit understood options trading, he’d lose money even more quickly.