Barring any weirdness it looks like I-135 has passed. Because of the way initiatives are set up they will have to fight for funding. But I hope that a victory as well as maybe some left candidates will inspire real action. As well as the actual value of the initiative.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. Right now. Right…now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
In ten years when Twitter is defunct and Tesla has become a chain of convenience stores with charging stations, I’ll be living on Mars.
Fuck all of you.
Last week multiple Trump attorneys were compelled to give testimony before a criminal grand jury in Washington DC concerning their efforts and consultations with the former president to retain and conceal from the National Archives and Records Administration hundreds of classified documents that were unlawfully removed from secure facilities, transported to a private sex club in Florida, and hidden there in a damp basement.
But wait. “How can that be?” you ask. “Aren’t those efforts and consultations the work product of the attorney-client relationship? How can they be compelled to give such testimony?”
Crime-fraud exception to the attorney-client privilege.
Jack Smith has successfully argued that Evan Corcoran and others were engaged in criminal activity when they advised the failed former president on best ways to hide stolen classified documents from the government they stole them from.
Manafort was indicted days after his lawyers were deposed before a grand jury citing the crime-exception.
@ 1
In ten years you may be absolutely correct.
What counts, though, is today.
Today Elon Musk has Goldy by the balls. Of course, Goldy is used to the sensation, as Trump had him by the balls for four full years, and Nick Hanauer has had Goldy by the balls since about a week after he lost his only other paid gig when The Stranger fired Goldy’s ass.
Goldy’s never had more than a two-inch dick, and now it’s paired with a scrotum that drags on the sidewalk.
The guy who loves fellating Alabama muderers sure has a lot of seemingly first hand knowledge of Goldy’s penis.
QoS McHillbilly: Trump will be indicted in 2023.
Also QoS McHillbilly: Despite no rich backers and an active indictment, Trump will win the GOP nomination in 2024.
You’ve got about 15 months to enjoy that. With Tesla’s share price, it was a lot less than that.
@4 horse dick to boot!
QoS McHillbilly haz a sad.
FIRST ON CNN: DOJ officially decides not to charge Matt Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe
For McHillbilly it’s a simple case of jealousy. The only 18 year-old QoS McHillbilly has ever gotten to fuck is his step-son.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is the winner of this week’s Stopped Clock award. From Barrons:
We won’t mention this part:
Good news to a bloviating, useless senior citizen with a three-decade history of ED is a three-penny earnings beat. He’ll read about it on Saturday.
These POS of shit Traitors should be hung.
@7 (Deep voice)
In a world where celebrating a high party member NOT getting charged with underage sex crimes is the new normal….
We bring you, Matt and the Insurrection Squad.
It was the best of times. They had a laptop, they had the house, they had dead schoolkids, they screamed about the ‘Black National Anthem’…
Bigger, unhinged, unlubed!
“IMMORAL” – Coming to theaters this Christmas
“Twitter Files” wasn’t so much about Twitter engineers tilting the playing field.
It was about Twitter engineers not tilting the playing field in the ways that I prefer.
@ 9
These POS of shit Traitors should be hung.
Leave it to a homosexual to wish that even his enemies had big dicks.
Feeling a real privileged sense of honor this morning.
I’m finally being included in the Shit-lord failures homophobic slurs.
Hopefully it isn’t just the breakfast Bourbon talking.
@ 11
It was about Twitter engineers not tilting the playing field in the ways that I prefer.
What’s really bothering McHillbilly is that he and Goldy have no workable alternative, and Twitter no longer tilts the playing field in the way that liberals prefer.
McHillbilly thought Mastodon would be his savior. Not so much, as it turns out.
The Mastodon Bump Is Now a Slump
Active users have fallen by more than 1 million since the exodus from Elon Musk’s Twitter, suggesting the decentralized platform is not a direct replacement.
Soon to be limping back to Twitter is Goldy, who now realizes that nobody missed him when he left.
@ 13
Hopefully it isn’t just the breakfast Bourbon talking.
Reminds me of a very interesting short movie, Breakfast Wine, with Ruth Bradley, who plays the school teacher in Ted Lasso. Also in this flick I recognized the actor who played the bookshop would-be shoplifter in Notting Hill. It’s less than 12 minutes out of your life, which is half the time YLB spends putting on her makeup each morning before going out to panhandle.
Trump will be indicted in 2023.
I think this displays the usual ignorance about how these things work.
It’s possible that Smith would shoot his whole wad right off the bat. But he’s a very experience prosecutor who has handled a lot of very high level prosecutions of powerful and connected assholes. So it’s more likely that he’d follow the standard playbook and work his way up the food chain with a series of indictments, starting with the thumb-headed goons.
That doesn’t mean Trump wouldn’t be indicted sooner rather than later. But it makes it far more likely that Smith would move to have Judge Howell seal that indictment while other cases were being negotiated. Given Trumpland’s history I think a bunch of the early indictments will be sealed. Will the reach all the way to Trump?
Hope so. Wanna know who else hopes so?
Fat Midget does. But more than that, Fat midget needs that indictment to be public.
“Gendron said he targeted a store on Buffalo’s east side because it had the highest concentration of Black people. He believed in the ‘great replacement theory,’ which he described in his 180-page manifesto as fears of white people being replaced by Black people or others of color. The theory had previously been touted by some Republicans.”
Republicans are as innocent of this as Trump is innocent of the Capitol insurrection. In other words, they didn’t pull the trigger, they merely planted the idea.
…he and Goldy have no workable alternative…
I can’t speak for Goldy. But unlike Goldy I haven’t quit Twitter. I’m not a journalist with a need to link-promote work on a platform like that. I followed accounts on Twitter of people I found to be interesting, intelligent, thoughtful, or talented in various ways. Many of those people have stopped updating or cut way back. But there are still some regulars who I find value in following.
In recent years I wasn’t visiting Twitter as much. Twitter engineers had enhanced their efforts to force lurking visitors into creating accounts. I’ve never actually had an account and refuse to create one. There have always been hacks to get around the Twitter account creation screens that I’ve employed successfully. But in 2022 that had become much harder. Then everything changed with Elmo and his brain dump. Now the platform no longer has enough engineers to stay ahead of the hacks. And with the loss of users, visitors, and advertisers Elmo can’t really afford to block anyone, even parasites without accounts like me.
But many of the accounts that I regularly followed have shifted to either substack or Mastodon. And those are both extremely workable alternatives. In fact I’m finding the experience to be entirely superior in most respects. There’s almost none of the distracting Shit-lording, concern trolling, or fake equivalence mongering. And practically no Stanning either. Just lively, intelligent commentary about interesting and important topics. I really enjoy Mastodon. But I understand how some OG users feel like the neighborhood got overrun.
@3 What did Goldy do to piss you off today? Besides hosting a blog where you freeload your rants?
(When was the last time you clicked on the “Make A Donation” button in the left column? Even I periodically send Goldy money to help support this blog, and I’m a welcome guest here.)
@8 As of 30 seconds ago, Generac is $135.29, x $10.08 (x 8.05%). I bought it Nov. 9 for $97.82. That’s, uh, a $37.47 (38.3%) gain in three months and 6 days. But you’re right, it’s only a three-penny earnings beat. Sometimes I just don’t understand other investors. Btw, you never told us how your Medtronics options daytrading worked out.
(Using “x” as a substitute for plus sign, which HA’s WordPress doesn’t show. Anybody know how to make a plus sign work on this blog?)
@13 He made you work for it, though. I suggest ramping up impugning his professional credentials. That seems to trigger him the quickest.
@14 “Twitter no longer tilts the playing field in the way that liberals prefer.”
Actually what tilts the playing field is we’re generally right (climate change, etc.) and conservatives are always full of shit.
Take, for example, higher education. Liberal biology professors teach evolution, and liberal geology professors teach the earth is ~4.5 billion years old. Conservative colleges teach intelligent design and the earth and all life forms were created 6,000 years ago in six days and nights.
What we see today is conservatives insisting conventional higher education must be wiped out because its bias toward evolution and a 4.5-billion-year-old earth threatens their Slave-Owning Founding Fathers-given right to worship as they please on the 50-yard-line. And, by the way, Rihanna and the “Black National Anthem” must be expelled from the 50-yard-line because we’re a White Christian society.
@ 18
There’s almost none of the distracting Shit-lording, concern trolling, or fake equivalence mongering. And practically no Stanning either. Just lively, intelligent commentary about interesting and important topics.
You don’t need Mastodon for that. SNL’s gotcha covered.
@16 Trump only wanted to kill protesters. Fat Midget wants to kill teachers and librarians. Fat Midget is more dangerous. He’s also harder to prosecute.
@23 Well, I wouldn’t want to live there, because we wouldn’t have you to kick around.
@ 20
I’ll let it settle back a little more, maybe under $130 and possibly even to $125, and then sell naked puts against the shares. At a $100 strike price the Jan ’24 puts pay $9.40ish/share right now, and that will go to $11/share if the stock settles back a little.
Make a trade at least 20% below whatever Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims he does and you’re better off than he is, with less risk.
Some news for YLB’s fucked kids, from WSJ, earlier today:
Oh. By 2027 the state of Washington will be taxing YLB’s fucked kids more heavily, too. Taxed on what? Well, that’s the surprise, and y’all don’t want me spoiling surprises.
YLB’s kids are so fucked. YLB voted for her government to fuck her kids.
@26 This stock yo-yos a lot. It was as high as $141.54 this morning, is now $133.68, but still up $8.50 on the day. An options trader with your flawless market timing superpowers should be able to make hay from such volatility.
So get off yer ass and announce.
The poll @ 29 was commissioned by Cocaine Mitch’s leadership PAC.
Meaning Mitch has the long knives out for Manchin.
Another iconic movie star gone. Raquel Welch is dead. She was 82.
@30 Mitch will take any Senate seat he can get, if it makes him Majority Leader. And Manchin is learning there’s no profit to be had from sucking up to McConnell.
Social Security was projected to account for 21% of spending in 2022, according to the CBO, and together with Medicare was over a third of spending. The Social Security figure is expected to grow to 24% in 2027 as an aging population pushes up the costs of both programs.
No payroll tax increases on the middle and working classes I can see..
However, other plans are in the works..
As klownservatics keep dying from anti-vax lunacy, gunfails and their poor diet all the while making threats on social security, medicaid and medicare – those other plans stand a good chance.
And shit-lord kreepshit will be so “fucked”
Doktor dumfuk – we got a tip you’ve been cheating on your taxes.
We’re here to check. No cheetee no penalty..
and no “fuckee”
What are the chances of shit-lord kreepshit kicking the bucket between now and 2035?
And according to its own inane babbling making life better for all kids.
Heh.. Pretty good I’d say.
The television fat-farming habits of the unemployable incel are once again depressing to me.
BTW, there is literally no “algorithm” on Mastodon. It’s not a platform in that sense. This is far too complicated for the booze soaked brain of Trump voters to really comprehend, but nobody owns Mastodon or monetizes its users. And so nobody can hand pick a peculiar set of values or concerns and then drive the community to focus on those to the exclusion of anything else. Users focus on whatever they want to focus on.
And this is of course precisely the opposite of how Elmo is transforming the BirdShite. It is entirely algorithm driven. Of late, that algorithm is all Elmo seems to be able to concentrate on. And that “genius” concentration is exclusively directed toward finding better ways of forcing user accounts to focus on Elmo, Elmo’s own tweets, and the ideas he approves of.
I’m sure that focus appeals to gushing Tiger Beat boy-crush fans who masturbate to sleep each night gazing at their Dream Wall covered in images of Cybertrucks and the Grimes Rolling Stone cover. How else are “Supreme Gentlemen” supposed to numb the pain and lonliness?
Mary Trump, 2021:
Mary Trump, after not getting a valentine yesterday:
Mary dear, there’s a difference between acting like a cunt and possessing one that others might find desirable.
There’s a Mary Trump show?
I remember when we figured out that something might have been wrong with Pop Pop. It was odd because my parents, and their sibs were sort of blind to it. But almost all of the grandkids picked up on the changes. Pop Pop slowed down. But that was to be expected. But us gkids figured out he was having a harder time tracking conversation and things going on. His moods changed and he started to swear more often and more crudely. And he wasn’t as well oriented to time and place. Sleeping in, no fixed schedule, staying up later, napping during the day, drinking at unexpected times, and bringing up really weird topics out of the blue that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Poor bastard had suffered a few TIAs, but had just compensated really well. That didn’t end well.
@9 That would be far, far too merciful.
Vote DeSantis!
Have a roach with your surgery!
Link for above
This woman is a nut job and brainwasher.
Her whole point is not to disbelieve or question the validity of what is being told, but to frame the Government as liars. Government bad, the big bad wolf!
Well, of course the government “lies”. Clasified documents are witheld becuase they want to “lie” to you. People lie every day, do they really owe you the truth. Are you always entitled to the truth? If so, hand over the classified docs to me!
Candac lies too. She’s a hypocrite and a brainwasher.
An important message to YLB’s evermore fucked kids:
To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast
This is because UDub’s law school isn’t ranked highly enough by USNWR.
Buckeyes only consider top-quartile schools worthy of a Fall weekend.
Seems my preoccupation with reconfiguring Twitter’s algorithm to give me more social media followers so Grimes will feel weird is fucking with one of my other “success stories”.
Seen on apps starting in EU now spreading globally. No app, no charge. Shit.
I wonder if the facial rictus that occurs when you freeze to death at a bricked charging station results in an attractive corpse?
Of course states can secede. It’s our heritage here in the South.
South Carolina had a proud history of secession. We were the first. It was great. It wasn’t about slavery it was the war of Northern Aggression.
@40 Welcome back, Art!
@45 Last I heard UW and a bunch of other highly-rated law schools told USNWR to go fuck themselves.
Love this response to the complaints about the photo of sailors on the Carl Vinson wearing their normal flight deck gear during the National Anthem scene at the Super Bowl. Turns out Chinese aircraft carriers, the flight deck crews use the same system. Not sure on the Kuznetsov, plus it’s flight deck crews have no flight ops to carrying out right now anyway.
@50 Next they’ll complain about the African-American players wearing black skin.
Not sure what is up with Google. But when I do my search for “Man Kills Wife” it appears to be returning results in a different way. Stories are repetative and old stories and now mostly from India.
It’s almost like someone knows I’ve been making this search almost daily and is sensative to the fact that “Man Kills Wife” and the Hetero Neanderthal Virus STD.
But here’s an older but somewhat recent one that I think I haven’t posted. Enjoy!
2019??? What the fuck is up with Google Search?
You know this is Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. Man, woman, and child.
HN STD virus probably takes more lives than drug wars and gangs….. but fear that shit and not hubby or daddy!
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
It’s almost like someone knows I’ve been making this search almost daily
It isn’t “someone” per se.
But I can absolutely guarantee that Google data centers record, and analyze all the details of your search activities. But it’s done entirely automatically without any human intervention or awareness.
And that analysis absolutely affects how subsequent search results are displayed. Many other bits of data also figure in to how results are displayed. This is especially true if you have a smart phone and use it for search. Your smart phone, and the various apps installed, share LOTS more information about you and how you use them with data partners like Google than any typical desktop or laptop device.
This page may help a little:
Alas, kreepshit will be spending less time here at HA..
Its ultimate mistress, its perfect rapebot has exploded on the scene
kreepshit can’t wait to tell Syndey that “her” calling in “life” is to provide the perfect klownservatic girlfriend experience.
I can tell you that at time of the collision resulting in the death of Isaiah, responding police investigated it as “a failure to yield at a controlled intersection”, and completely disregarded the unbelievable speed of the off duty Deputy passing through a busy school zone as school was letting out.
And the extensive “16 month investigation” that led to yesterday’s charges and arrest was owing almost entirely to the fact that South Gate police initially failed to interview dozens of witnesses, took incomplete statements, failed to take measurements at the scene, and focused their investigation on citing the victim’s sister for failure to yield.
Only after months of follow up by media, family, and local community were complete eyewitness statements collected, surveillance video discovered and television news helicopter images brought forward that helped establish that the LASD Deputy was traveling at least 90 mph through the school zone intersection when his pickup struck the passenger side of the vehicle Isaiah was traveling in.
The inculcated instincts of responding police was not to protect the community or the children. Their instincts were to protect a fellow police officer above everything else.
Police don’t make us safe.
More police will not make us more safe.
Sad news from Fortune magazine:
Inflation may stick around for a decade because of millennial and Gen Z spending
Oh no.. that can’t be true.. blame Joe Biden Fortune magazine. kreepshit commands you. If you change your mind, who knows? Moscow Mitch might get his old job back. Mid stride this session of kongress even.
I found this from article interesting:
Millennials, who surpassed baby boomers as the largest age group in the U.S. in 2020, will likely make up most of the spending as they age into homebuying.
What? More Millenials than boomers? That can only mean one thing:
Boomers are DYING.. and with them, them ugly reactionary, greed-soaked, bonzo raygun worshipping, bush warmongering, drumpf butt-kissing politics..
Good for my kids..
According to kreepshit’s own babbling of course.
I never told those mean teachers who are just inventing this to make me look bad to remove the Roberto Clemente book. I just said anything we in the government assert is CRT is banned.
“Sir it Has parts about facing rac….”
Shut up. These leftist bullies won’t stop. And I never told them to REMOVE the books I just said they could be fined or jailed for having them. But I never said get rid of books about baseball. Just that everyone loved Jackie Robinson from the Moment he was born. It was crystal clear. NOT A BOOK BAN!
Besides, Clemente wasn’t even black. What the hell are these liberals complaining about now. Next they’ll want to teach ‘Larry Bird is not the greatest basketball player of all time’ which is not true and he had to face the reverse racism of being the greatest in a negro sport.
It’s all made up by those crazy teachers who are just trying to embarrass me.
Interesting comment about Haley
Nikki “I’m desperate to prove I’m one of the good ones to my perceived male overlords!” Haley is running for the VP nomination, right now with Trump but any way the wind blows. She will run with DeSantis if he is the top of the ticket. She just wants to be the fascist Kamala.
Millennials, who surpassed baby boomers as the largest age group in the U.S. in 2020, will likely make up most of the spending as they age into homebuying.
I don’t know how. Boomers bought houses when house cost $2,000 and could be purchased on one blue collar salary. Now the boomer or investment funds that owns the house wants to sell it for $10 Mil and the Millennials need 6 incomes to buy that that same house ( I exaggerate, but not by much )
I checked, the cheapest house in the Ballard area need 90K for a 20% down payment and will cost almost $2800 a month mortgage. The average asking price is just shy of 1 million dollars. How many millennials can afford a $5,300 a month mortgage and a $200k down payment?
@60.. Easy the Millenials are the children of the boomers…
and the boomers are DYING.
Some boomers will disown their children and leave their money and property to the cause of white supremacy, klownservatic stink tanks and the like but not all.
Some boomers like kreepshit will buried in a burnpit with all their fookin’ munee so there’s no chance someone they hate will get a penny but only the select few nutcases.
Sorry, YLB. We know you’ve lost more than a step in recent years, and you were never much more than a twat in pumps. Don Lemon confirms that you’re past your prime.
Don Lemon Sets Off Co-Hosts Over Nikki Haley’s Competency Tests For Aged Politicians: She’s ‘Not In Her Prime’ Either
Girlfriend, it’s all downhill for you and your fucked kids. Two trillion in new debt per year, you voted for most of it, and your kids get to pay for it. Well done, Princess.
Two trillion in new debt per year
yaawwwnn.. at the rate your ilk is dyin’, budget will be on its merry way to balance just as you’re choking out your last breaths of hate with “Sydney” to “hold your hand”.
And it all only follows from your miserable babbling. A “life” well “lived” kreepshit..
Good for my kids.
The Boomers voting for Fat Midget are relocating from PA, moving into The Villages to double vote, and spending the kid’s inheritance on luxury golf carts with color coded loofahs.
@ 58
Besides, Clemente wasn’t even black.
Indeed. He was a Pirate.
More comfort for kreepshit:
“Sydney” never ages and over time only gathers more data in service to a kreepshit’s “needs”…
“Sydney” will always be in her “prime”, will only get “better” with age.
QoS McHillbilly crows about the economic miracle he attributes to my senile, incompetent, corrupt president.
That “miracle” will be paid for by YLB’s fucked kids.
QoS McHillbilly and I will grow wealthier, while the doors of opportunity close on YLB’s fucked kids. But don’t blame us. YLB cheerled for it like no one else.
Just lie back and enjoy it, kids. It will all be over when you die.
He’s got 10 more years in office?
What is the highest source of personal debt? (Dumbshit googles) Mortgage.
Well that’s solved. Millennials and certainly Gen Z will likely never have one.
Number two source? Student loans. If only someone had an idea for that.
fucked kids.
From the pedo-curious expert on being “fucked”… (kreepshit)
“Fucked” in the ass by its frat bros after confessing it voted for Carter and after the REAL “miracle on ice” (not the hollyweird versions the bros jerked off to).
“Fucked” by Carter appointee Paul Volker’s two “hard landings” and the attendant unemployment.
“Fucked” by a zoomer redneck and its beer/blunt buddies after rolling kreepshit with its baby momma, the ultimate “fuck you” being a junker on blocks on kreepshit’s rental property.
heh.. keep sharing kreepshit. Now if y’all will excuse your truly, appointments to keep. Been fun..
@ 64
…spending the kid’s inheritance on luxury golf carts with color coded loofahs.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s wife spends their kids’ pitiful rapidly dwindling inheritance on one BBC after another. Hey, she’s in her late 70s and her weight is in the upper 300s. She has to be rolled in flour so the BBCs can find the wet spot so they know what to hit. That effort doesn’t come cheap.
When one of YLB’s fucked kids asks her why she nearly always votes to destroy their futures, she looks them in the eye and replies, “Because that’s what Goldy wants me to do.”
Incompetent is incompetent. Skin color shouldn’t matter. Except when the incompetence is on the part of a Democrat.
Congratulations, President-elect DeSantis!
Cory Booker is a Democrat with some pull. Oh, and he’s black, too. Not a bad choice to substitute for Momala if Biden actually runs again.
It’s really too bad he called Biden out in the primaries because Biden can’t stop referring to black men as “boy”.
DOCTOR Jill Biden is not gonna like that one bit.
Which party has the utterly debunked core belief that you can spend a ton of money, lower corporate taxes AND lower deficits?
Is it the party of Reagan and Trump and exploding deficits or the party of Clinton, Obama and Biden?
‘Learn to code’ means earn more. From the same people who bring you, ‘LITERALLY the only way to bring down the deficit is to cut off social security and SNAP Aand WIC”
When the BEST line of attack for 2024 is talking about the VP….
You’ve already lost.
@ 75
Not just Quayle. Dick Cheney, too. Twice.
Well, of course not. We waited until the Chinese got everything they needed. It’s what they paid Hunter and Jim for, and a deal’s a deal.
We are well aware that this is going nowhere in the MAGA controlled house but just for fun we’ll make than argue that an accounting line item that adds LITERALLY nothing to the economy and delivers zero jobs is a totally appropriate way for CEOs to earn billions in bonuses for stock performance.
In an interview, Donald Trump stated that the murder and dismemberment of a Washington Times reporter was SWEET and did not change Saudi relations because Ivanka and that dork she married got paid.
(Public official downplays tensions with principal global rival, film at 11. SAD)
More on the YLB’s fucked kids’ perspective of The Biden Economic Miracle:
Consumer debt hits record $16.9 trillion as delinquencies also rise
Historically low unemployment won’t continue. See @ 67:
Mortgages in “serious delinquency” have nearly doubled over the past year, too. For people with pitifully low AGIs, like G-clown, this will be a problem.
Has been mostly created by irresponsible and financially incompetent Republican majorities in periods when American voters have been stupid enough or lazy enough to allow them to be elected.
When Jeff Bezos learned that the newest of his collection of superyachts would not be able to have its own helicopter airport because of the cool carbon fiber sails, he paused briefly while stepping on the neck of a warehouse worker, and then immediately placed an order for another superyacht to accompany it wherever it goes. This “support” superyacht will feature a helicopter airport, submarine pens, protected enclosed docking for tenders, transport craft, and jet powered personal water craft, scuba facilities, live seafood holding tanks, a hotel sized refrigeration facility for fresh food, a massive wine cellar and cigar cellar, and cramped quarters for backup service staff to support the main superyacht.
The Netherlands built both ships.
The Netherlands workers who built the ships enjoy guaranteed basic income, cradle to grave healthcare, free education through graduate school, state supported day care for children and seniors, fast, clean, save, convenient, and extremely high quality public transportation, unlimited paid time off for illness, a month per year of paid vacation, and a guaranteed retirement. When those workers take that month of vacation or that retirement they can hop on a free tram to the rail station, board a high speed train, and for less than $50 Euros and in only a few hours step off the train in Madrid and visit The Prado.
The Netherlands, a nation with no natural resources and a tiny population built precariously on soggy reclaimed land useless for anything other than dairy farming can do what the United States cannot because of Republicans.
@61. Too many of those house will go to the banks, not their kids, after reverse mortgages and HELOC loans and to cover medical bills.
@81. Not just republicans, voters of those republicans who would rather die and take you with them, then allow someone they despise get the same benefit they get. If everyone gets it, then they are not special. Specialness is all they have left. They are ruled by greed and fear.
@ 81
…he paused briefly while stepping on the neck of a warehouse worker…
Accidents like this will happen to fucked kids as long as their mothers keep raising them to spend their adult lives on their knees.
Isn’t that right, YLB.
Yabut no fair cuz…
they had a head start…
our vast size, incredibly rich resources, and huge population are actually crippling impediments…
however much it enables them to accomplish, their reliance on socialism leaves them morally diminished in God’s eyes, and…
we have The Blacks.
we have The Blacks.
Yeah. Trump, Nick Fuentes, and MTG want you to know that if the United States were a uniform, Christian Nationalist monolith of nasal-voiced whites with spotty complexions then there would be no holding us back!
I bet The Netherlands could manage to move chemicals around without poisoning an entire town off the map.
But then again, Republicans.
After a 2012 train derailment released 23,000 gallons of vinyl chloride the Obama administration moved in and implemented new rules for better, faster braking systems to prevent catastrophes like that one getting out of hand.
But in 2017 Republicans sent their Degenerate Sex Club Operator in Chief a new bill to sign that rolled back most of the safety requirements. If they had not done that, then Norfolk Southern’s 2 mile long, sparsely crewed, chemical super-train would at least have had electronic pneumatic brakes that would have reacted faster when the fire broke out.
Democrats are certainly not perfect. But they are a whole lot less willing to trade public safety for corporate profits when compared to Republicans. Republicans are why we have train disasters, public debt, over crowded prisons, communities awash in machine guns, and George Santos.
Awwww, Fetterman haz a sad.
Hey, if I had spent most of the last year hiding the fact that I was unfit to serve, only to find that, er, I was unfit to serve, I’d be depressed, too.
The problem is, “himself” is Senator Turnip.
From the bitch who wanted Dana
BashBurns to talk about it less than Fetterman did.And then wanted her sanctioned for the sin of accurately reporting what she saw.
Raskin somewhat less troubled about his son’s suicide.
What I meant to say is that once bitches stop bleedin’ they’re more sane ‘n trustworthy.
My bad on y’all’s misunderstandin’. Some days my lisp is worse than others.
Haley’s comments were widely believed to be aimed at Biden and Trump, but there are a couple of others who are also 75 or older:
• Bernie
A portion of the Fulton County GJ report has been published today.
Highlights –
A majority of the Grand Jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more persons testifying before it. The GJ recommends that the DA seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling. Unanimous actually. Names and details are included in the redacted portions, obvs.
75 witnesses testified, including Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump COS Mark Meadows, Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, famous alcoholic Rudy Giuliani, famous insurrection conspirator John Eastman, television personality Jenna Ellis, Trump lawyer Kenneth Cheeseboro, Associate Justice Thomas’ close, close, close personal friend Cleta Mitchell, GA SOS Brad Raffensperger, Raffensperger’s COO Gabriel Sterling, and many more.
It’s going to be like an episode of The Bachelor.
Only with arrest warrants instead of roses.
Gisele Barreto, to Turnip pre-debate:
How do you say Manchurian in Portuguese?
Gisele Barreto’s naked ambition makes DOCTOR Jill Biden’s seem almost normal.
I guess I should point out that a “process” crime (that is not really a thing) like perjury is actually what a lot of white collar criminals and government corruption criminals wind up convicted of. People testifying under oath who tell deliberate, intentional lies have a very hard time getting out of that, should the truth behind their lies come out. And the truth often does come out.
Example, Cheney’s COS Scooter Libby was not convicted for exposing the classified, covert identity of Valerie Plame. He was convicted of perjury for lying about that in front of a GJ (and also for lying to investigators and obstruction).
With Fetterman out until Walter Reed perfects the brain transplant procedure, Chuck Schumer can’t afford to lose Sinema on any vote. Or Manchin.
Tesla just recalled 362,758 of their cars.
I did not know they had ever managed to build that many cars that had not already been consumed in flames.
TSLA nose diving right now.
he paused briefly while stepping on the neck of an unarmed black…
Elect Ron DeSantis and I will be pardoned and back on the streets doing what I do best.
@ 99
McHillbilly lays down a burn on Tesla.
Was it silly? Why, surely it was.
Especially since he could have alleged anti-union activity by Tesla instead.
The gap between McHillbilly and YLB is narrowing, and it’s not because YLB is less stupid.
@ 100
TSLA nose diving right now.
Indeed. Why, the shares are now up only 95% over their early-January lows.
Why, it was just last Fall that we were told that Candidate Turnip had post-stroke aphasia symptoms, remember?
Now that he’s Senator Turnip, can we start getting serious about his unfitness for the job? Or do we have to wait until @ 98 Schumer can’t move legislation?
What about his constituents? Or should I say Fuck Them, they voted for him, the same way I say Fuck YLB’s kids, ’cause she voted for the politicians who will cause them pain and grief their entire adult lives?
If Derek Chauvin stuck his knee into Fetterman’s neck for 9 minutes, would any of us notice?
@ 97
Example, Cheney’s COS Scooter Libby was not convicted for exposing the classified, covert identity of Valerie Plame. He was convicted of perjury for lying about that in front of a GJ (and also for lying to investigators and obstruction).
Shitty example. It was Armitrage who blew Plame’s cover, not Libby.
Me being QoS McHillbilly
Word play that does not involve elimination of waste is a peak intellectual accomplishment for this one.
Still, gallows humor makes facing the inevitable easier.
But these are not good cars.
They are arguably silly in a bunch of ways. And that was always going to limit their impact.
But putting all that aside, they are bad cars, from a bad car maker. It’s a real accomplishment for viral marketing that they made it this far. Musk, his family, his financial backers, and his vast army of Stans have all done really amazing things in a relatively short time. But they had to make very difficult choices, like all growing startups do. They had to choose between fundamentally re-engineering their design and production process to address safety and quality control, or pushing for production and expansion to meet the rising expectations that their own very successful marketing created.
The world now knows what choice they made. That’s why the brand lost half its value last year. It is going to get worse, sooner or later. There will be dead cat bounces along the way. So maybe a “market timing genius” can time one of those better next time and make back some of what he’s already lost.
If you own one there is a good investment strategy available. Park it indoors. Put it on blocks. Remove the batteries. Drain the washer fluid. And hang some of those Damp-Rid things in it. Then wait fifty years.
Really not happy with the Google search engine nowadays. It seems to be censoring man kills wife searches. It appears different. Probably someone sensative to the reality of Hetero Neanderthal Diseases.
But I did find this one. He probably wasn’t looking forward to Valentines Day.
The sanctuary of marriage!
If Derek Chauvin stuck his knee into Fetterman’s neck for 9 minutes, would any of us notice?
I remember Tony Timpa. Lots of real americans mourn him today.
Ron DeSantis will pardon me. The Tony Timpas of the world have nothing to fear from me.
Now quote the ADT/WSJ/Fox pre announcement jobs projections from
That recession better come soon for y’all or it’s yet another clear example of RNC (troll) being dead wrong about everything.
Then do how GDP is definitely coming down in 2022. Things predicted by supply side economists that have proven spectacularly wrong.
Better hope it happens or that Biden Economic Miracle is the death of an already precarious Republican Party
@52 Didn’t you hear about the Google layoffs? No one’s minding the store.
@57 Millennials, who surpassed baby boomers as the largest age group in the U.S. in 2020, will likely make up most of the spending as they age into homebuying.
This assumes the Boomers they’re buying homes from won’t spend the proceeds from the vastly appreciated market value of those homes. In fact, they’ll spend it on vacations, dinners out, golfing fees, medical care, assisted living, and funerals. Only after they’re dead will their children and grandchildren get to spend that money. And millions of Boomers are still very much not dead.
@58 Yes, it’s much better if teachers leave books on the shelves, so you can pick and choose after the fact, at your unfettered discretion, whether and which teachers go to jail.
Under this system, Florida soon won’t have any public school teachers. Which, I suspect, was the goal all along. It neatly takes care of the twin problems of teaching the state religion and resegregating schools if all K-12 education in Florida occurs in private schools.
@60 Houses haven’t cost $2,000 in my lifetime. In the 1960s, you could buy a Seattle house for $40,000.
Real estate pricing is simple. Selling a house requires it be priced so someone can afford to buy it. And that means home prices usually are tightly tied to incomes in the local economy.
Seattle is an expensive home market because there are many high incomes here. The Ballard house wouldn’t sell for $900K if there weren’t buyers willing and able to pay.
to spend their adult lives on their knees.
kissing “it”..
Now assume the position.
@ 110
Really not happy with the Google search engine nowadays. It seems to be censoring man kills wife searches.
G-clown, it’s a secondary effect of Google’s censoring of all of your “man fucks boy” searches. Over people like you the DOJ expects Google to cast a wide net.
@62 Don Lemon had to eat his words, and Nikki Haley will end up eating her words, one way or another.
Insulting senior citizens is a lame, awkward, and ultimately costly way to kick off a presidential campaign. Pence isn’t doing any better; he’s reviving Bush’s scheme to privatize Social Security and turn over workers’ retirement security to Wall Street.
I don’t think Biden has much to worry about from this crew.
@67 “I will grow wealthier”
I take it you’re either shorting the market indexes or buying the same stocks I am.
What, three hours? for the NYT to normalize Turnipism in the US Senate.
Depression affects one in three people recovering from a stroke, he says.
And to think Senators Akaka and Hirono already thought they had done that.
@70 Knocking his professional credentials triggers him every time. Gotta give him some credit for his creative imagination, though.
The fact is, when your father is a rabbit, the inheritance is going to be spread widely. Although I’m a millionaire, my offspring will get about $100 each. But they don’t need more. They only need to find a nice patch of grass and dig their own burrows. Rabbits live for free.
Nimarata is a bimbo and a preposterous creature..
I know what the base thinks of her.
Why don’t you go back to your own country Nimarata?
@71 Doctor Dumbfuck’s blood lust is foiled again. He thinks like Trump; he wants to execute everyone, and trials aren’t necessary.
I’m for the death penalty where guilt isn’t in doubt and the crime is especially heinous. I hope the Boston bomber gets it. I hope the just-sentenced Buffalo shooter gets it in his upcoming federal hate-crimes trial. I think terrorists who blow up airplanes or buildings should get it, and cops who torture prisoners to death should get it. It doesn’t deter anything, and let’s dispense with euphemistic talk about the “justice,” and just say plainly that some perpetrators have it coming.
When Sean Hannity asked me where I differ from President Trump I gave Sean a very detailed and precise answer:
I’m younger! Vote for me!
Out with the old farts, in with the new!
@72 Kraushaar would be more persuasive if he put meat on those bones. And I wouldn’t take any Republican’s word that Harris is “incompetent,” least of all yours. But isn’t this premature? Biden isn’t even officially running yet.
@126 To me it sounded like, “Get out of the way, old folks, we young’uns are taking over!”
@74 Is that what they’re telling the code writers being laid off by Google, Meta, and of course Twitter?
@80 If you tell consumers they can borrow for free, to buy stuff they can’t afford, guess what they’re gonna do?
And if you tell savers they’re gonna earn nothing on their savings, and everything they want is going to cost 10% more a year from now, guess what they’re gonna do?
Economists call it “moral hazard.”
@81 Republicans are neither ignorant nor incompetent. They’re economic saboteurs.
@88 “I’d be depressed, too.”
I wouldn’t diagnose your mental malady as depression, and I’m not even a trained psychiatrist.
Anyway, you miss the point. The point of Fetterman serving is that Oz (or any other Republican) is more unfit to serve. Heck, Oz doesn’t even live in Pennsylvania.
@93 “Some days my lisp is worse than others.”
Well, you don’t have to worry about that, because yours never improves.
@100 “TSLA nose diving right now.”
I assume Doctor Dumbfuck owns a lot more Tesla stock tonight than he did this morning, although not at current market prices, and not voluntarily.
@102 So your argument is that Tesla dropped today because investors anticipate the company will have to pay fines and back pay to workers fired for union organizing activity?
Investors don’t give a shit about the paltry economic consequences of union-busting. They do give a shit about customers not buying cars because they blow up with their owners in them, or burn down their owners’ houses.
@106 Chauvin wouldn’t do that. Fetterman isn’t black.
@121 Fetterman has a common and treatable medical condition.
What’s your excuse and prognosis?
@122 I kicked him in the head and he’s now permanently brain damaged.
“Rupert Murdoch and Fox News hosts expressed disbelief in former President Donald Trump’s false election fraud claims, according to evidence released from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox Corp and its cable-TV networks.
“In court papers filed Thursday, text messages and testimony from depositions show that Fox executives and TV personalities were skeptical about claims that the election between the victorious Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Trump, a Republican. …
“Top Fox News anchors like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham expressed disbelief in what Sydney Powell, a pro-Trump attorney who had aggressively promoted claims of election fraud, had said at the time, too.
“’Sydney Powell is lying,’ Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: ‘Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.’”
Yet they aired those lies about the voting machine companies anyway. Looks like actual malice to me.
When I asked Nikki Haley where she differs from President Trump she gave a very detailed and precise answer:
“I have a Vagina”
And so like all Republicans I hate her now. Those are gross and inferior to my manhood. Only cucks would vote for a pussy. One thing worse than a girlie man is a girl and the only thing worse than a girl is a homo”
(“I’m your #1 fan!” – Vicious Troll)
You know, a class of litigants that could potentially include everyone who watched a moment of Fox News Channel either voluntarily or in a public setting like an airport lounge from November 4th To January 6th alleging fraud, misrepresentation and abuse of the public airwaves to intentionally deceive is…..large.
“Why don’t you go back to your own country? Her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history. What’s with the worshipping of the cows? They’re all starving over there. Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?” Ann Coulter on Nikki Haley announcing her candidacy for President
Dropped below 200 once again after hours.
FSD is a $15,000 upgrade. And now it’s inoperable because it can’t be relied upon. Tesla promises those customers they’ll have a patch by April 15. But everyone knows by now that’s just more bullshit.
Class action incoming. FTC looking at another massive civil penalty. Sales flat or falling especially in key markets, despite huge price cuts.
Looks like I’m gonna have to cook the books.
I don’t care. I’ve finally got lots of followers. That’s what’s important.
87)If. Congress repealed it, then it can’t be restored through rulemaking/regulation process. This congress would not restore it.
Easily establishes reckless disregard and malice.
They withheld this material from disclosure until now because of that.
So now FOX will have to really come through in settlement.
And I suspect that would have to involve some deeeeply humiliating public statements from the marquee personalities in the lineup.
I’m pretty sure all House Republicans want is to cut more sick days, crew requirements and other safety measures.
Gisele Fetterman has set up a presidential exploratory committee. No, not for herself. She wasn’t born here.
Good job Kraken beating the team once known as tge Broad Street Bullies, now twice in a week.
Useless turnip.
Texas AG Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit to have the entire $1.7 trillion federal budget declared invalid. He argues the House lacked a quorum because a majority of members weren’t physically present; i.e. most voted on it by proxy, because we were still in a pandemic, “which Paxton argues makes it null.”
It was filed at the federal courthouse in Lubbock, Texas. That’s in the Northern District of Texas, where all political cases are routed to Judge Mathew Kacsmaryk, the go-to judge for conservatives seeking a judicial rubberstamp on rightwing shenanigans, who can be depended on to issue a nationwide injunction against the Biden administration spending any money until the House re-passes the (or “a”) budget.
India has a lot of the Hetero Neanderthal Virus, almost as bad as Imerika. Niki would do very well there!
So I now have to type man murders suicide to get any results of recent….like this one
Because google is censoring search queries and result based on their sensitive feelings.
Here’s another hidden from man kills wife, the Hetero Neanderthal’s Virus.
Holy crap there’s a ton of recent victimizations if you google husband murder suicide.
Good stuff!
The virus lives on!!!! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Have your chocolate bullet bitch!