Has anyone else had Orca Cards be too sensitive? The other day mine tapped off and then immediately back on. I tried to tap that again but it just said I had already tapped. A line was forming behind me and I have a monthly pass, so it didn’t cost me anything. But I imagine it would be annoying if it was taking money out of my account.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
My ORCA card whines that I don’t pay my fair share of taxes.
Congratulations to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. After taking a tax loss on his prior purchase of 3M shares, he repurchased them in the Fall and now is sitting on ANOTHER loss. But no worries, because he will brag that this loss is really a gain, because it will reduce taxation on some other investment he claims to own.
Don’t be a dumbfuck. Don’t invest like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Universal school choice is now the law in Iowa.
I bet charter school administrators don’t write to the US Attorney General demanding that parents be investigated as domestic terrorists.
Public school teachers’ unions are run by POS.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron received a public school education.
Give that some thought.
The Fat Cow was last seen emptying the cold box at a Häagen-Dazs.
Start with an assumption of corruption on the part of Joe Biden, Senator Durbin, and it’s much easier to explain.
The entire family are POS.
And corrupt, useless human garbage.
The Vatican has been forced to issue a clarification. It’s in Latin, but the Google translator has it as, “No, G-clown, it’s not legal to butt-fuck 8 year-old boys. That is still a criminal homosexual act.”
Heterosexuality isn’t a crime either, but it sure does lead to the Neanderthal Heterosexual STD Disease, which not only normalizes murder of wife, kids, and dogs but now includes Bob’s rendition of 8 year old girls being fucked, by daddy
10 – Go over to Wiki and learn something about the Neanderthals, you under-educated piece of shit.
@ 11
G-clown’s not undereducated. He merely rejected education in favor of taking it in the ass 24/7/365. It was one or the other.
Use it or lose it. G-clown’s clearly lost it.
What is it that creates such anger? Is it the HN STD Virus?
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago…Neatherlands.
No problems with my Orca card so far. Just waiting for the ability to use my phone to pay for the ride like on the Hop Card in Portland. Too bad they haven’t adopted Fare Capping like TriMet, C-Tran, Skagit Transit, and WTA have.
Uh oh. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is gonna have to find some new bullshit to parrot.
Fortunately for libbies, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is every bit as gullible as your average third-grader.
Blow it
Heard the Access Hollywood tape, but voted for Trump three times.
Unintentionally moved most of his equity into TSLA when it was trading at 160.
Early advocate for “Cryptoland”.
Unequivocally believed Brave Kevin in December when he said he was only four or five votes shy.
Believed Manchin when he said he would support Build Back Better at $2 trillion.
This was Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fave Dem candidate for Congress in FL:
You be you, Rebekah. We’re counting on it.
Joel, sounds like a manly man
@3 That should work out about as well as leaving it up to parents to decide whether to vaccinate their kids against measles.
Next you’ll endorse patients make their own medical diagnoses. (“If I say I don’t have diabetes, I don’t have diabetes!”) No wonder they put you out to pasture.
@4 Letting a severely emotionally disturbed 6-year-old take a loaded gun to school comes pretty damn close to domestic terrorism.
Personally I think it’s parents and not teachers who are out of control, but at least you’re not on the school board.
@5 And you didn’t?
Speaking of gullible, I wonder how much that troll squandered on Harbor City Capital?
@8 “And corrupt, useless human garbage.”
Your entire party.
@9 Accusing people of things they didn’t do is one of doc’s specialties.
I feel bad for G-man. All I didn’t do was recommend GE stock.
@ 17
Unintentionally moved most of his equity into TSLA when it was trading at 160.
Not quite that bad.
TSLA Q4 reports in an hour. One of us is gonna be unhappy.
@13 “What is it that creates such anger?”
Isn’t it obvious? He’s a self-hating Republican, just like them all. He tries to transfer his self-loathing to others because it takes off some of the pressure when he faces himself in the mirror.
And if any of y’all are wondering how
suckerssales leads like that troll are fed to scum bags like George Santos, it’s almost always lawyers.Recently sold your business?
Win a settlement?
Settle a contract?
Settle a high $$ divorce?
Get your startup funded?
Sell your startup?
Bottom feeder lawyers sell you as a referral, sometimes for flat fee, and sometimes for a piece of the back end.
@15 “the speaker agreed not to propose Social Security/Medicare cuts”
He’s going to eliminate the federal government instead.
@ 25
All I didn’t do was recommend GE stock.
Here’s what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wrote:
The sentence I highlighted in bold sure looks like a recommendation to me. Oh. It’s been nearly 5 1/2 years since Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s recommendation, and GE is maybe 50% of what it once was, after accounting for the GEHC spinoff. Maybe.
Don’t invest like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and certainly don’t give credence to his moronic advice. Don’t be a dumbfuck.
Robert Reich knows who the SCOTUS leaker is, too. Same guy I fingered a while back.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s party wants to invest Social Security Trust Fund monies in Tesla, 3M, AT&T, and GM.
What’s a little
resumeportfolio embellishment for any modern Republican?Last year a girl was raped and the Virginia school’s administration buried it. As a result another girl was sexually assaulted.
This year a little kid brought a gun to school, the administration had no fewer than three warnings about it, and instead of yanking the kid they let him shoot a teacher.
At least the public school teachers are starting to feel the pain resulting from horrid administrative oversight. Good.
@32 I forgot one. Medtronics, too.
@34 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck declares that a 6-year-old taking a loaded gun to school and shooting his teacher is “Good.”
He’s posted many fucking stupid comments over the years, but this one arguably sets a new, lower bar.
@ 31
Last week the investigator clarified that the justices were interviewed.
Robert Reich still doesn’t know that.
Don’t trust RawStory. Don’t trust Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And really don’t trust RawStory links posted by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@37 “Last week the investigator clarified that the justices were interviewed.”
That’s not what the report says. “The report said all witnesses were told they could be dismissed if they refused to answer questions. That’s a dead giveaway: Supreme Court justices cannot be dismissed from their jobs.” It also says “investigators had conducted 126 formal interviews of 97 employees, all of whom had denied being the source of the leak.” Justices are not “employees.”
Sure, the justices might have talked to investigators. But not as “witnesses.” Not under oath. And they sure as hell didn’t sign any written statements under penalties of perjury like every single other person who had access to the draft decision did. Which leaves … ?
Doesn’t sound like he won a squeaker to me.
Sounds like the power struggle is over.
@ 38
That’s not what the report says.
It’s why a clarification was issued by the Marshal of the Supreme Court, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Five days after the clarification was issued as a press release, Reich claims falsely that none of the justices were interviewed:
The justices were interviewed. All of them.
Now, some of them may have crossed their fingers behind their backs while giving answers. Come to think about it, so might all of the others interviewed.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. A bloviating, useless clown. You are what QoS McHillbilly has in mind when he refers to “bottom feeder lawyers”.
@39 Which power struggle are you referring to? The one where McCarthy bargains away your wife’s social security in exchange for being speaker, or the one where he doesn’t wonder who George Santos really is, and who he might really be working for, because he needs Santos’ vote?
@40 “During the course of the investigation, I spoke with each of the Justices, several on multiple occasions. The Justices actively cooperated in this iterative process, asking questions and answering mine. I followed up on all credible leads, none of which implicated the Justices or their spouses. On this basis, I did not believe that it was necessary to ask the Justices to sign sworn affidavits.”
This is how you conduct an investigation when you don’t want to identify the culprit after eliminating the convenient suspects.
Okay. How about this:
Where the hell is your debt ceiling bill, “Mr. Speaker”?
Republicans have had since November. They’ve done zero work. And they are doing zero work.
McCarthy is more invested in working out political grievances on committee assignments than he is in funding the treasury.
He and his whole party are a tragic joke.
They aren’t going to do shit but posture and preen until May. And then it will be too late. But that is unfortunately the only strategy available to McCarthy knowing that whenever his party finally does get around to it, their debt ceiling bill will be a very unpopular flaming dumpster fire of ultra MAGA humiliation and regret. Doing it all at the last minute shortens the time they have to live with it before their planned Republican economic Armageddon.
TSLA numbers are out:
Earnings (adjusted): $1.19 vs $1.13 per share expected, per Refinitiv
Revenue: $24.32 billion vs $24.16 billion expected, per Refinitiv
Small beat. Probz sigh of relief response.
1.19 x 4 quarters = $4.76
$4.76 x SBUX TTM PE of 37.61 = $179.02.
I can live with that. Hey, it’s not like I’m Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and bet the farm on 3M.
@45 I didn’t bet the farm on 3M. It’s 3% of my portfolio.
Something else I wouldn’t bet the farm on is that Tesla’s stock will jump another 24% before Doctor Dumbfuck’s options expire.
Enough talk about shooters. We need to protect America from our real enemies – teachers and librarians.
Something else happened today, but Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t crowing about it: AT&T was up 6.58%. There goes my tax writeoff, but oh well.
Meanwhile, in after hours trading, Tesla is up 0.45% after the earnings beat Herr Doktor is crowing about. Compare and contrast.
Doc works hard to live up to his moniker, but in terms of the damage inflicted by his missiles, he’s no more vicious than a handful of marshmallows.
@ 48
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a great fan of making a huge deal out of a single day’s move in a company’s share price. This is what he had to say about GE (link @ 30) in 2017, when he was bloviating about what a great investment the shares would be over the next 2-3 years:
From one quarter to the next, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, AT&T will be either a beneficiary or a victim of the churn. Customers are fickle and so will be AT&T’s share price. What a shame for your family that you’ve hitched their futures on your stock-picking prowess. Those poor fucks.
Sadly (happily) zero so far for the emotionally overwrought shit-posting troll who sold naked puts at $160 only to spend one of his last remaining holiday seasons on earth watching it steadily shed $50 in a month, day after agonizing day. Egads!
Republicans are not responsible with finance.
We see it demonstrated daily.
They get carried away with grievance and regret and they make foolish emotional decisions. Even worse, it is a fundamental feature of the Republican character to always seek some kind of “fast money” scheme, whether it be peddling dick pills to angry retirees in Florida, stealing from sick children and pets, operating wildly idiotic Ponzi schemes, or taking foolish risks on speculative options trades.
For many, many decades our society was carefully structured to protect Republicans from themselves by always offering them another opportunity to victimize some targeted out group of minorities or newly arrived immigrants. But the days when they could force people into human bondage, steal their businesses, ship them to desert concentration camps and take over their homes, rob them of their profits through grift and corruption are mostly gone now (except in Alabama and Mississippi). That has left them to victimize themselves.
And this is why they still hold Trump in such high regard. He’s a complete and utter failure with money. But he is a master at victimizing those around him.
Fun AT&T stuff:
AT&T paid about $67 billion for DirecTV in 2015. In 2021 it realize what a huge fucking mistake it was, and spun it off.
Earlier this month DirecTV laid off hundreds of staffers. What’s fun about that, you ask? It’s how many of them are managers, and how many “managers” DirecTV has:
When nearly HALF of your workforce is management, you have way, way too much management.
Just ask all of those former managers at Twitter.
AT&T still owns most of the DirecTV business. It’s one reason AT&T is a dog stock.
@ 51
…ship them to desert concentration camps and take over their homes…
Er, that was pursuant to an EO signed by a Democrat president.
That EO was reversed by a Republican president.
But don’t let me stop you. By the time you’re done you’ll have rewritten history to make Bull Connor and Robert Byrd Republicans, too.
Upthread @ 50 I pointed out how silly it is for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 48 to look at one-day price changes as a basis for whatever dumbfuckery he is trying to shill.
After the market close, TSLA shares as of this writing are up $6.69, or 4.6%, and are still climbing. Meanwhile, AT&T shares are up a whole 0.02, or 0.1%.
My point is this: It’s silly to draw any useful conclusion from a stock move in a time period as short as one day, and people who do so are generally dumbfucks. Don’t be a dumbfuck investor like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Just. don’t.
@50 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is a great fan of making a huge deal out of a single day’s move in a company’s share price.”
No more so than you. In fact, we’re twins. We’re both greedy capitalists. We both crow about our successes and sweep our failures under the rug. The main difference is your tax writeoffs are bigger than mine.
@50 “AT&T will be either a beneficiary or a victim of the churn. Customers are fickle and so will be AT&T’s share price.”
Tesla, too.
Americans everywhere have questions.
The Republican Speaker has no answers.
The U.S. Treasury reached it’s borrowing limit six days ago on January 19th. It may not issue any more bonds to finance government until the Republican House authorizes that.
Does the Republican Speaker have a bill?
No answer.
Is the Republican Speaker preparing a bill?
No answer.
Is the Republican Speaker preparing demands and conditions for bringing forth a bill?
No answer.
Is the Republican Speaker involved in negotiations over any demands or conditions for bringing forth a bill?
No answer.
Do Republicans have a list of spending cuts they want before they approve a debt authorization?
No answer.
Do Republicans have spending cut dollar targets they want to be met before approving a new debt authorization?
No answer.
Republicans aren’t meeting. They aren’t writing a bill. They aren’t negotiating. They aren’t working. Having gained control over half the legislative branch, Republicans are too drunk to find the fucking ignition keys. Thanks entirely to six votes from “moderate” Republican representatives from Biden districts, America is now trapped in an abusive family relationship with violent, drunken step-daddy who can’t make it home from the strip joint to shave and go to work in the morning.
The week so far:
Schiff: Out
Trump: In
AT&T: Churn bump. Back to $18 in no time.
TSLA: Earnings beat. Back to $180 in no time.
Widened: Wealth gap separating me from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and his poor, fucked family.
Narrowed: Remaining Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit lifespan.
So far, so good.
@51 “it is a fundamental feature of the Republican character to always seek some kind of ‘fast money’ scheme”
Trump University. Day trading Bitcoin on FTX. Meme stocks. Doc’s naked puts. Private border wall donations. GoFundMes for homeless veterans. Military personnel overnighters at a Scottish golf resort. Mississippi welfare department speaking honorariums. The list is endless.
@52 AT&T is 2% of my portfolio. It isn’t one of my best stocks, but my total return is 27%. Not sure what it is annualized, as I bought it in multiple blocks. I bought Disney the day after the election and my annualized return on that is 110%. I’ll flip that one, not keep it.
Talking about stocks certainly beats talking about my failed insurrection, the intent of which was to end American democracy.
The week so far:
OutWelcome to the SenateStreisand effect is real.
@58 “Trump: In”
What’s he in, besides hot water? From news stories I read this week, he’s about to be indicted in Georgia.
Just an honest businessman trying to make an honest buck.
As for me, I’m one of those “woke” and “anti-business” liberals who supports reasonable regulation of businesses and consumer protection laws. By the way, isn’t using the Do Not Call Registry to make scam robocalls a criminal offense?
just curious
Yes, we love GE stocks
Give them a double plus good for ‘Save Local Restaurants’
If your business requires indentured servants or slave wages to survive you aren’t contributing to society.
Read my book ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’
Smash that like and follow button.
Outlets with more than 100 locations are ‘local’. Sorry if you got into the franchise game requiring fucking over the help you can get at minimum wage you are Napoleon. A second overtaking of the farm is needed.
its obvious that not all of us attorneys are very smart….Roger and me are proof.
@ 59
Republican character to always seek some kind of ‘fast money’ scheme”
Trump University. Day trading Bitcoin on FTX. Meme stocks. Doc’s naked puts.
Here we see that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit still doesn’t have the faintest idea of how options work.
Allow me to expand. Roughly three years ago or so Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought shares of Citigroup, which was trading in the high 60s at the time. Let’s say $68.
Using my Notadumbfuck Method of investing, I reasoned that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit vastly overpaid for the shares, but that they probably were worthwhile at around $52.50 or so. I sold a naked put contract at that strike price, 4-6 months out, and collected several hundred dollars, up front.
This process repeated itself 2-3 times yearly, but the share price (and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment) of Citigroup kept falling. One time it was around $57/share, so I sold a naked put contract with a strike price of $47, expiration 4-6 months out.
I’ve probably done this 6-7 times, and have collected $5,000 or so doing it, while never owning the Citigroup shares.
A sold put option is an expression of the seller’s willingness to own the shares of the underlying asset, at or below a certain price, on or before a certain date. It’s a willingness to own if the timing is right and if the price is right, and that willingness comes at a cost, which is paid up front in the form of a premium.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit still owns those Citigroup shares, which are now worth $52 or so. He’s down more than 20%, dividends excluded. Meanwhile, I don’t own Citigroup shares, but am willing to if someone will sell them to me for $37.50, any time before mid-June. This time the contract paid me a shade under $1,200. In 2022 I closed out three contracts, which paid me $1,000, $600, and $600 at execution, and expired worthless.
It’s not “fast money”, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s passive income paid up front and with limited risk, backstopped by the ability to earn well above the income needed to cover the contracts if the result is a steep loss.
The trick is not to get stupid. I don’t need Citigroup to go up. I just need Citigroup to not sink like a stone.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ate a 20% loss. Over the same period I booked roughly $5,000 in options gains on shares I never owned, using my Notadumbfuck Method of investing. Which would you choose?
@ 69
Correction. Those contracts were 3, 2.5, and 2.5 months from execution to expiration.
On an annualized basis (Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit used the term upthread) my gain was infinity.
Beats walking to the library on Saturday to read financial news the rest of the world learned about before the market opened on Friday.
Compare and contrast.
From the emotionally overwrought, impulsive, and frequently angry troll we have yet the latest of his rather frequent cri de coeur proclaiming his enormous and vast financial success.
While simultaneously we have from Every Republican You Know a remarkably consistent, well documented record of complete financial failure by any honest or legal means.
Also a consistent record of stupid excessive exuberance recorded right here in these comments of his foolish predictions of “four more years of Trump”, “Red Waves”, “a sixty seat House majority”, a “four seat Senate majority”, Newsome’s recall, Biden’s legislative failure, Governor Kari Lake, Senator Jersey Shore, etc. etc.
Also two years of hysterical predictions of looming economic collapse, runaway inflation, $15/gallon gas, 15% unemployment, and a Biden economic nuclear winter.
Also pandemic predictions beginning in early 2020 proclaiming only a few thousand dead, “it goes away in summer”, natural immunity clears it all up, aquarium cleaner cures, bogus anti-VAX lies about expired batches, and dozens of other paranoid delusions and fabrications.
I could of course go on and on. And it all is part of a clear pattern extending well beyond this failure of a shit-lord to encompass the leadership of his party nationally and locally, and most any Republican elected official you can name. Wrong. Failing, Lying. Cheating. Grifting. All the while claiming in every case to be “self made”, and the fruit of pure genius.
It is, as it always has been, a giant, ongoing case study in Dunning-Kruger effect.
The dumbest people in the room all carefully curating their own deluded self-image.
After all, the one and only pure, documented and verifiable instance of financial performance, or any kind of performance, by this failed shit-lord was the time in early December when he announced that he had just that day sold naked put options on Tesla stock right before the price collapsed. It wasn’t smart. It wasn’t wise. It earned him a modest premium and wound up exposing him to an immense downside that he is still wallowing through.
Like Trump, like Romney, like Ivanka, like any random Republican peddling “nutraceuticals” and shoe magnets to mouth breathers during commercial breaks on Newsmax, it is always the fast money hustle, the con, and some version of a scheme to exploit somebody else.
And if we judge them by their available track record, they are all fairly bad at all of it. And they are getting worse.
Will Casey @ 68
It’s Roger and I, not Roger and me. Unless you were illustrating the point that you are not very smart, Will.
Just got done reading your screed in The Stranger. A couple of titters and an outright guffaw.
For fun and out of curiosity I looked at my 2022 numbers and thought about what would happen to me if the capital gains tax law were upheld.
First, we’d owe tax on every capital gains dollar we didn’t somehow offset, I think. That’s a five-figure tax, nearly entirely because of options gains.
So what would I do differently if I faced the tax in 2023? Well, I can’t really offset gains with losses, because the last few years have been so good that I have used nearly all of my paper losses to offset prior gains. I still have a few, but unless the market really tanks, there won’t be many.
So I’m pretty much fully exposed. Taxation on a capital gain would be 20% federal 3.8% NIIT (Obamacare tax) 7% state cap gains tax = 30.8%. For short term cap gains tack on another 7% or so, depending on how much I work during a year.
By the way, that means I pay 30.8% and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit might pay all of 15%. Think about that disparity next time Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to be a millionaire. He isn’t.
If I can’t shelter gains by offsetting them with losses, I have three other choices:
1. Stop trading options. Less gain means less tax. I haven’t had a losing year since 2008, so that means less after-tax income if I do. But it’s something to think about. When I get old and stupid like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and forget what options are properly used for, I might have to stop.
2. Don’t sell. No transaction means nothing to tax. This is the problem with relying on income from capital gains if your target is rich people. In most cases we don’t have to sell. If the legislature gets too greedy, we won’t sell. Instead maybe we’ll move, somewhere that treats income as something other than evil. Washingtonians have been warned for more than a decade about the income stream inconsistency that the state will see if they tax capital gains. Just watch. I’m not kidding. Short-term “flipping” like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does will be far less profitable than buy-and-hold.
3. Donate appreciated shares rather than sell. It might not be my money if I do this, but it won’t be the state’s money, either. Beneficiaries will be charities of my choosing. Maybe charities that libbies hate. Donations to churches and parochial schools. Donations to conservative-leaning non-profits. You get the picture. Washington state could force billions of dollars to be handed, indirectly or otherwise, to the Federalist Society. George Mason University. Places that reward excellence rather than skin color and claimed gender. Just watch. Oh, and one more thing. Since the taxation is higher, the tax advantages of donating appreciated shares rather than incurring a taxable gain are even greater.
4. Accelerated transfer of assets to relatives. We’re assisting in the raising of two grandsons who will grow up to beat the living shit out of YLB’s grandkids, the spawn of her fucked kids. We can pad their accounts bigly, if the state gives us incentive to do so.
Any options I’m missing?
A state capital gains tax means it will be less expensive for Nick Hanauer to feed Goldy by donating to Northwest Harvest and making Goldy stand in line for his ration , than by paying him a salary for that dreck he now produces.
Republicans destroy economies.
Democrats rebuild them.
Might be time to end the cycle and stop voting for Republicans.
Because Republicans are plain shit at finance.
@69 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ate a 20% loss.”
The poster who asserts I’m a dumbfuck and he isn’t claims I “ate a 20% loss” on a stock I still own. Do I need to spell out why that’s dumbfuckery?
You don’t “eat a loss” until you sell the stock, dumbfuck.
Gawd, I hope you don’t do your own tax returns.
@72 “I have used nearly all of my paper losses to offset prior gains.”
Sounds like you sold naked puts on Citigroup back when it was $500 a share.
“You don’t “eat a loss” until you sell the stock”
It seems to me that this failed shit-lord might see things this way if all his transactions were imaginary and post hoc.
@72 “By the way, that means I pay 30.8% and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit might pay all of 15%. Think about that disparity next time Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to be a millionaire. He isn’t.”
The S&P 500 yield is ~1.67%. So if a hypothetical investor owns $1 million of stock, and earns roughly the S&P 500 yield, his dividend income is what? About $17,000 a year. For our purposes here, we’ll skip hypothetical investors who own non-dividend stocks.
According to Doctor Dumbfuck, an investor who owns $1 million of stock can’t be in a 15% tax bracket. In a way he’s right. If that investor is married and filing jointly, earns the S&P 500 yield on his $1 million portfolio, and has no other taxable income, he can’t be in the 15% tax bracket. He’s in the 0% bracket.
And then there’s the investor who owns over $1 million of stock, and some or all of it is in IRAs …
Do I need to go on any further about how completely dumb the doctor’s argument is?
@77 Well, one thing’s sure, unless he’s lying about his taxes, he’s no fucking good at sheltering his income from taxes.
Dumbfuck @ 78 who brings up dividend income in a discussion about capital gains, which are not the same thing.
Dividend income is taxed at one’s marginal rate.
Capital gains income is taxed at one’s marginal rate if short-term, or at either 15% or 20% if long-term.
You don’t earn enough to 1) hit the 20% threshold OR 2) pay NIIT, and you never will earn enough to trigger the proposed WA cap gains tax. So you’re at 15%. If that.
@81 I’m going to assume you’ve never owned any actual stock, and therefore excuse you for not knowing that qualified dividends are taxed at the capital gains rate.
I think I may have a tiny amount of non-qualified dividend income that isn’t in an IRA. I’m not sure. I’d have to go back through my old tax returns to see.
Now I don’t know much about options trading, true, but it seems to me that short-term options contracts might not be the most tax-favored way of making money in the financial markets, if you’re not doing it in a tax-sheltered account.
There are times when I wonder if the troll is a cocker spaniel posing as a doctor. That would shed light on why he puts so much effort into trying to run down a rabbit.
Higher education in Florida.
@5. Yes I got a conservative public education. I learned about the trilateralists, the Illuminati, the dangers of Russia and communism. I read 1984 and brave New world. There was no gay straight alliance if you were gay, you knew we better for society if you just killed yourself. The John Birch society was big on the school board, the Allen Stang report was on the radio.
So basically I was shaped by everything conservatives value. You don’t like me, blame yourself.
Tate in August 2022 on his motivations on moving to Romania “I like living in a society where my money, influence, and power means I’m not below or beholden to any of these bull shit laws.”
Tate in January 2023 subsequent to his arrest in Romania “There is no justice”.
I don’t think they can give up voting Republican. The need to hate is so much stronger than the desire not to go bankrupt for them.
QoS McHillbilly haz a sad this morning.
Sixty days later and the failed shit-lord has almost made it above water.
That is, so long as he didn’t freak out and “cut his losses” at year end. Which of course he did, “for tax purposes”.
Truly a genius. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
2.9 % ⬆️ GDP for Q4, after heroically dragging the US economy out of yet another GOP recession.
Biden Economic Miracle.
Now we all just have to pray that Mighty Joe Biden can succeed in facing down the ultra MAGA Republican extremists in the House and prevent the next GOP recession.
Y’all were interested in the Grange, once upon a time:
@ 91
Now we all just have to pray that
Mighty Joe BidenThe Biden Crime Family can stonewall investigations long enough for Hunter to make it to Venezuela.Those classified documents that Biden won’t share with Congress’ Select Intel committees? It’s ’cause their contents are repeated word-for-word in one of Hunter’s emails to Burisma.
Pence, Pompeo, Bolton all preparing campaigns.
All have stacks and stacks of boxes in their garages filled with documents removed from government when they left in humiliation and defeat.
I wonder how many boxes Jared and Ivanka have in their garages?
Someone is still tryna convince us that he didn’t buy TSLA at $3-3.50 and is just desperately clinging to the idea that he hasn’t lost a shit ton of his position.
It’s just sad.
“On Tuesday, October 29th 1929 I bought a ton of bargain stocks…it’s the bees knees, Rockefeller…Carnegie…Dumbfuck! They’ll all see.”
It will be great fun to see how Fat Midget and other white Florida parents react once they find out that AP European History, AP Comparative Government and Politics, AP Psychology, AP United States History, AP World History: Modern, and AP Biology all contain curricula and course work dealing with the topics of things like queer identity, feminism, intersectionality and activism, abortion, atheism, communism, and socialism.
They might leave Fat Midget with nothing to cling to but “The Black”.
It may be even greater fun to watch erstwhile loyal white voters turn against the Fat Midget once they realize that he’s more invested in posturing and racial grievance than in preserving their access to homeowner’s casualty insurance.
However much aging, resentful Republican voters may love to see punching down, I’m guessing a lot of them will hate having to live in their RVs in the driveway.
More, more, and more Hetero Neanderthal Virus, the STD that is unavoidable.
Well Fox News has decided to really get behind me for being a Christian. They figure the league’s going to do me like Tebow.
First, there are no shortage of Christians in an NFL locker room Christianity, being the dominant religion in the US.
Second, Tim made being Christian his entire personality and tried to build a brand around it.
Third, I can actually hit an open receiver.
Tim Tebow?
I thought he was a baseball player?
Sorry. I don’t really follow the sport-ball news.
It’s a shame, some of the models found in violation at short-line rail holding company Genessee and Wyoming only needed to meet EPA Tier 0. The EPA Tiers are based on build dates, SD7 and GP9s are in the Tier 0 category. Multiple companies actually remanufacture older locomotives right up to Tier 4.
If I were a hostile nation, I would run agents as Republican candidates in every red state for Congress.
@92 “Y’all were interested in the Grange, once upon a time”
Back when you were a regular attendee. Btw, does the Three Percenter militia still run that place? You would know.
“@93 Those classified documents that Biden won’t share with Congress’ Select Intel committees? It’s ’cause
their contents are repeated word-for-word in one of Hunter’s emails to Burisma” Republicans are a security risk. ftfy98. You have more faith in conservatives than I do. They have have decades to stop prioritizing hate over economic self interest but have not yet shown any capacity to change. They would rather suffer and die in their decaying RVs and rage against the consequences of their choices, blaming women and blacks and minorities and LGBTQ and immigrants and liberals.
Starting to look like the only one that should hang for its Treason should be the FuckHump.
I’m still waiting to see what classified docs that The FuckHump stole.
The only believable thing coming from George Santos’ direction is when his lawyer says he won’t respond to questions because of “open investigations.”
The Associated Press story says, “It wasn’t immediately clear whether the committee made an error listing a new treasurer on Federal Election Commission paperwork — or if it was another lie by a congressman who has been caught fabricating many elements of his life story.”
Journalists have to say that, but no one needs to wonder whether it was an FEC “error” or another Santos lie.
There’s good to come out of all this: Namely, Kevin McCarthy has to cover for this douchebag, is doing so, and Santos is dragging down McCarthy’s credibility along with his own.
Almost as big a loser as our dumbfuck troll.
Kari Lake suffers second rejection from Arizona Supreme Court over election appeal
Once little Grayson and Chadwick are wait listed for admission to Vanderbilt and Duke because they don’t have any AP credits they may experience a sudden awakening.
Fat Midget may have painted himself into a corner here that he can’t get out of without pissing off everyone.
@112. I’m sure desantis thinks the loss of the tiny fraction of Ivy league parent voters and associated donor bucks is an acceptable trade off for the conservative apartheid rage support.
It’s more than elites heading to ivies.
Florida’s college bound system for average whites has become dependent on AP and The College Board Inc, even as the elite colleges and programs have begun to reject AP coursework and results.
I’m sure this won’t blow back on me at all.
Sheriff of VA beach has something to say.
It really doesn’t matter that I am a member of Rock Church. It ESPECIALLY doesn’t matter that my good friend the Prosecutor is a member.
The charges are being dropped. Case
Closed. Nothing to see here. Now watch me sign this bill keeping the Trans off our kids. Soliciting a minor, dropped, is totally different.
President Joe Biden killing terrorists like no other President. God Bless Joe Biden.
Unfortunately we have too many American Taliban in sitting in the US Capital….probably more dangerous than ISIS.
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly. Oh, and the eventual DNC nominee.
Yeah, tiny poll
@111 George Santos is a methodical liar; Kari Lake is merely a nutcase drunk on Trumpist election denialism.
Lake seems to think she can get what she wants by throwing a tantrum in court. She doesn’t understand that the legal system isn’t a doting, indulgent parent.*
* Which is how I suspect she got to be the way she is.
@113 Florida will lose more than a few Ivy League parents and students. The state is rapidly acquiring a reputation as a place hostile to teachers and professors, and where K-12 and college students can’t get a real education. But the people who run the place don’t care, because its economic base is retirees, and its voting base is white residents of The Villages who reliably vote for Trump twice in the same election using voter registrations in two different states.
@117 “Yeah, tiny poll”
Way too tiny to gauge how spending federal Covid relief funds to fly legal Venezuelan asylum seekers from Texas to Massachusetts at a cost to taxpayers of $36,000 per person under a no-bid crony contract will play with voters in crucial swing states.
Way too tiny to assess how censoring library books and threatening to jail teachers for mentioning slavery in history classes will play with voters in crucial swing states.
Way too tiny to conclude how banning public health and imposing Florida’s death rate on populations in other states will play with voters in crucial swing states.
I’m not arguing that DeSantis has no chance of being president. That can’t be ruled out, given that half the voters have below-average intelligence.
This is how Democrats are trying to make Kamala Harris look competent by comparison:
She’s YLB’s kind of gal, this one.
@ 120
..; half the voters have below-average intelligence.
Half the voters have below-median intelligence.
Median and average are not the same thing, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Heh. How’d that Durham horseshit work out?
We’re assisting in the raising of two grandsons who will grow up to beat the living shit
i.e. a thug raising thugs… BIG YAWWWWWN….
big thug one day will cease to be.. the world will be a better place.
How’d that “red wave” work out?
yawwwn.. more like wet brown fart…
resulting in a kookhaus shitshow that will enable even an 82 year old to win 4 more years.
30 percent sales tax anyone? Bet that will go over big in Oregon and Montana. heh.
Mitch Daniels? LMAO!!!
Must admit.. that’s just slightly less delusional than Martin O’Malley.
Does Mitch play guitar?
@124 the thug is kinda special.. it’s an always wrong wing frathouse thug…
the kind that made its bones high fiving its frat thug bros while watching hollyweird takes on the “miracle on ice”..
a small step on the path to redemption after confessing the unpardonable sin of voting for Carter. yawwwwn..
@121 In other words, only twice as grounded in constitutional law as Matthew Kacsmaryk.
@122 “Median and average are not the same thing”
That’s true. Intellectually, one liberal equals 20 to 40 conservatives. That’s why you want to use median, because if you acknowledge average, Republican voters will look even dumber.
So….small poll of total bullshit. Nice.
Fox has video of the Alito interview.
Roberts sidles up to Alito at Kavanaugh’s weekly Friday Night Beer Bust.
Roberts: “Excuse me?…. uh… Alito? Can… Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Alito: “Oh Fuck, who let this weak sister in here?”
Roberts: “I uh… just need to ask you one… one q-question about the Abortion ruling leak.”
Alito: “Get Bent.”
Roberts: “Did…uh…did you…y-you.. uh…did you leak Abortion decision?”
Alito: “FUCK YOU, loser!” and sprays him with warm beer.
Roberts: “but…but… but.. you didn’t answer.” he whines.
Alito: “Why. Are. You. Still. Talking. To. Me?”
Roberts wilts.
Roberts: “I guess…. I mean… that wraps up this interview. It wasn’t you.”
Alito: “Damned straight! Ginni, get over here!, Pants this freak, kick him in the nuts again, and throw him out.”
In the background you can hear Clarence bellow “Where da white women at?” to peals of laughter.
The California bar disciplinary counsel served John Eastman today with an 11-count disciplinary complaint.
I hope they disbar his ass.
The Arizona divorce lawyer handling Kari Lake’s lawsuit to overturn the election now wants to introduce new evidence at the Court of Appeals. The “new evidence” consists of a conspiracy theory.
In other legal news, some well-known lawyers and former federal prosecutors are calling for an ethics investigation of John Durham.
Republicans simply don’t believe in campaign finance laws, and routinely flout them.
Arizona GOP legislators have decided to cover up their future acts of sedition.
A conservative SCOTUS recently ruled in Shinn v. Ramirez that iron clad proof of innocence is not enough to introduce new evidence at the appellate court. Only a judicial error can overturn a ruling.
So….good luck with that.
@138 “The dissenting opinion was authored by Sonia Sotomayor, and joined by Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, the court’s three liberal justices. She described the decision as ‘perverse’ and ‘illogical’. Sotomayor also attacked the majority opinion’s citations of previous dissenting opinions to back up its reasoning. She also hinted that doing so could make the Supreme Court’s decision making process appear illegitimate.”
Well, that’s no problem, because this court has no legitimacy left to lose.
126)Love O’Malley’s song about the Battle of Baltimore.
When the video of the Nichols police sport-murder is released tomorrow, the shit-lord failure will run to the basement to masturbate.
The rest of us should ask ourselves if it is at all realistic to argue that “better recruitment” or “better training” could ever salvage a police culture that normalizes that kind of contempt for human life.
This is police culture.
This is who police are.
142. Ammosexual triggered.
“Reasonable Gun Reform BOO!”
Quick question for the community:
Is that stupid, gullible, shit-lord failure still “waiting” for stunning results from HuhrDuhrham?
in Jonathan M. Metzl’s book “Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America’s Heartland” he talks about how white people specifically white Christian Republicans will gladly throw their rights, protections, or public services away if they know it’ll negatively impact other people more.
It’s a mixture of hatred, ignorance, and stupidity. They think “this won’t hurt me or if it does at least it will hurt others more!”
While he may be triggered, he’s not wrong about one thing:
Republicans definitely outperform Democrats when it comes to flooding communities with untraceable guns and sport-murdering unarmed motorists.