The people who make police accountability more difficult make defunding more likely. Now we find out more about the investigation of the King County deputy who shot a man in the back. It’s pretty grim stuff. From an investigation clearly meant to exonerate to lying to the media, this investigation was no good.
As the article mentions, Initiative 940 passed since then provides more accountability. So I hope that will prevent situations like this from happening again. But if it doesn’t, I don’t know what to do other than defunding.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
The first Sturgis fatality.
I assume they put on the death certificate, “suicide.”
Wherein crooked prosecutors try to bribe a criminal suspect to falsely accuse an innocent person they murdered to cover their asses.
Makes you wonder how many convictions are tainted in that jurisdiction.
Wherein prosecutors try to bribe a criminal suspect to falsely accuse an innocent person murdered by cops.
Makes you wonder how many convictions are tainted in that jurisdiction.
@1 right after or before the word “Stupid”?
Many a campaign has died waiting for the youth vote to show up but if this holds true it’s very very bad news for the GOP
summarized by The Hill:
Voters in age group identifying as
Democrat 46%
Republican 26%
Independent 28%
Geographic breakdowns of “Definitely will vote”
Rust Belt – 82%
Sun Belt – 72%
Two way race question will vote:
Biden 61%
Trump 32%
All Candidates
Biden 56%
Trump 29%
Jorgenson 5%
Hawkins 2%
Yeezy 2%
It’s estimated that about half of registered 18-29 voters did so in 2016
Makes you wonder how many convictions are tainted in any jurisdiction.
It must be Wednesday.
This is our system of “justice”. This is really how it is.
After a while you just learn to keep your head down and keep moving forward against it.
Police lie. And police coerce other people into lying. Noble cause corruption among police is far and away the most common form of police corruption. So naturally it is the one that receives zero effort toward reform. On the contrary, we celebrate noble cause corruption by creating imaginary heroes like Dirty Harry.
These are not “exceptional” cases. This is how bad cases get “fixed”. This is how small cases become big cases. And this is precisely how innocent people are imprisoned in the United States every day.
We were assured that all of this was playing to Donald’s hands and people would turn away from the protesters. So what to make of Fox News poll put in the field starting the day AFTER Don’s hero
protected the townmurdered two and finished yesterday while Donnie was faking a photo op with a riot victim?Wisconsin RV
Biden 49%
Donnie 41%
Jorgansen 2%
Biden 50%
Donnie 42%
Jorgensen 2%
The last time Fox pilled the state was May
Biden 49-40 Three months of campaigning, conventions and events and little has moved. Calcified electorate. “I met Don Trump. I know Don Trump. I don’t like Don Trump.”
Where are the frightened fed up suburbanites that are swinging hard in the wake of the protesting? The ‘wisdom’ of the trolls that decent people are fed up might be true. Just not in the way fed up as they imagine.
Such a great idea!
The Kenosha Wisconsin police union wanted to make sure everyone out there could spot their one and only “bad apple”.
So they put him on a billboard at a busy intersection in a minority neighborhood.
The attack dog is the cherry on top.
Unlike fascists, I have a sense of humor.
@6 “Noble cause corruption among police is far and away the most common form of police corruption.”
Well, they’re keeping us safe, aren’t they? I mean white people.
Renting a U-Haul! What were they thinking? They could have been shot!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Biden-Einstein Leaving Basement Pays Off As Black Support Grows.
Oh just ‘Rigged Election’ Donnie urging people to commit felony vote fraud. Totally normal.
@12 What, only a link, no comments? You’re washed up.
1)Sure they were warned?
My write up of the incident linked @11. Thanks for the tip!
Enjoy! I think I’m doing some terrific work on SJ’s blog.
Good read. Established the pertinent facts.
Which leaves me blank.
Ninety three percent of property crimes in the US go either unreported or unsolved.* A rising gun-humper culture led by a ridiculously irresponsible president and his political party concluding that it’s okay for untrained half-wits to use firearms to investigate potential property crimes is a recipe for mayhem. Police shouldn’t even use firearms to investigate property crimes.
*Police are not doing the work you think they are doing.
Rabbit, if you keep bragging about the blog, godwins going to get butthurt and start fantasizing about your net wealth and projecting “something something catheters” again.
Friends of dot bombed do all the time. That’s how they claim to “keep the piece”
Piece of your building
Piece of your skull
Piece of your clothing
Piece of your jewelry
etc. etc. etc.
Well that’s what they are crying biatchs.
Once in a while Joyless Reid actually expresses what she really thinks.
Nancy Pelosi enters into a salon to have her gray hairs taken care of and when busted for entering a Governor Gavin Newsom mandated closed salon for personal hygienic care demands an apology for the tape of her:
1) Being set up by forcibly visiting the mandated close salon store
2) Being in the mandated closed salon store illegally
3) Showing that she doesn’t need to wear a mask because she above it all
4) Being caught
5) Being a caught dummocretin blatantly flouting the rules she forcibly promulgates on the little people.
Puddy thinks the election heat of BiteME! being a moron is getting to Don Le-mon because he’s actually making sense.
BiteME! is against a federal mask mandate before he was for it.
Yeah those August 20th on twatter were all a-happy Joe was making those “hard selfless choices”.
Oh DAYUM there goes those “hard selfless choices” again!!!!!
Humpty Dumpty got his comeuppance during an electronic visit to C-SPAN. DAYUM Funny!
CNN, FAKE NEWS enemy of the United States of America! So will Stelter accost Pelosi for her enemy of the state remarks now?
Now watch the GOP to ride that outrage to a 15% share of CA-12 vote.
881,000 new unemployment claims.
It’s September.
But, but, but STOCKS!
CA-12 is dummocretin through and through. Just look at where it aligns.
More Puddy lies. So sad.
So triggered.
If they were not so wrong in His eyes, they would not have to lie.
1) Being set up by forcibly visiting the mandated close salon store
They were reopening all over the city that day or the next. She was invited to come in by the stylist she worked with. She did not know that the re-opening was limited to outdoors only.
2) Being in the mandated closed salon store illegally
Such criminal statutes are limited to the business operator, not unknowing patrons. And all criminal statutes include elements of intent.
3) Showing that she doesn’t need to wear a mask because she above it all
She washed her own hair and then returned to her stylist in the other room. While washing her hair she removed her mask.
4) Being caught
Being set up.
5) Being a caught dummocretin blatantly flouting the rules she forcibly promulgates on the little people.
Nancy Pelosi is not the Governor of that state. She neither makes nor enforces any rules outside of the United States House of Representatives.
I think she’s being tone-deaf as hell. But I’m also not too surprised that this has been her reaction. Women especially establish close bonds with their hair stylists. There’s a level of vulnerability and trust exchanged in that relationship. Whoever her stylist is obviously violated that trust and exploited her customer’s vulnerability by lying to her client and then releasing that video.
But beyond that, it’s a pretty stupid story. And a relatively hopeful sign that in their nationwide messaging surrounding this election Rapepublicans are in desperate need to distract with stories about places they can only dream about from their sweltering trailer parks.
In October of 2016 Every Rapepublican You Know listened carefully as they heard their nominee brag to a busload of complete strangers that for years he had gotten away with violently grabbing frightened actresses and models by their vaginas. The next day they heard him confess that what they heard on the tape was all true.
Then they voted to make him President.
Remember the BULLSH^TTIUM from dot bombed where it claimed only Proud Boys come from out of state to visit “peaceful northwest cities”? it seems antifa morons come from the midwest to visit “peaceful southwest cities”
You know assesHorse dummocretins; dot bombed is so full of sh^t, it oozes from its fingers onto the blog in every post!
BULLSH^TTIUM. She’s the master politician of the dummocretin party. As Don Le-mon said she knows better!
As the senile idiot wabbit said – destroy one point and the rest of the rant is worthless – Yes utter dummocretin BULLSH^TTIUM!
Unknowing patrons? Man you will go to any length to protect “the Ice Cream lady” won’t you!
Then why didn’t she immediately put the mask back on? More BULLSH^TTIUM from leftist dummocretin dot bombed. Her spokesman, Drew Hammill didn’t say she was washing her own hair. You are LYING again dot bombed. Maybe you should check the FACTS before getting your talking points from journolist sources!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Piddles found a c-span video. Ooooooh.
This CSPAN Calder totally OWNED that liberal college student
Puddy was just thinking, if this was Kelly Anne Conway or the Trump press spokeswoman Kayleigh Mcenany getting their hair done, this would be everywhere!!!!! Remember with Lori Light
brainsfoot had her afro cut and her jive excuse? Or when the husband of Guvner Whitmer tried to launch his boat in a covid closed county?Wait a minute… Last week the national libtard dummocretin loving press went nutzo when Melania Trump came out to support her man. You can be absolutely certain as the sun rises in the east every morning if that video contained Melania Trump getting her hair washed and recolored, the video would have been blasted to every dummocretin loving lamestream media. Every one of the dummocretin loving lamestream media would argue that Melania was wrong to ignore the “California principles of Gavin Newsom”. Double standard again!
Oh and BTW dot bombed, it wasn’t the owner that washed her gray hairs, it was another person that rents a chair in the salon that let Pelosi in! Kinda like how Kshama Sawant let the protesters into Seattle City Hall that evening.
Fresh Prince of Belair BeerPong? Back to teevee characters again?
You still in your teen years Puddy sees! That’s the best you got eh?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your schtick ain’t working anymore dot bombed! We have the real video images of BiteME! “molesting” children and wives of others!
@ 31
She washed her own hair and …
QoS McHillbilly goes to his local Rub ‘n Tug and jerks his own dick.
While the nice lady from Laos is in the other room.
Utah Jazz all-star Donovan Mitchel Post game interview after being eliminated in game seven.
Missed the point, as usual.
@32 so didn’t require a response but I got a head explosion. Now you’re actually paying the rent in your head for me. To me
Sweet, sweet head explosions.
Appears to be working pretty well this morning!
Even got The Q Clearance Cat Lady to drop into “your level”.
Remember what he said about “The Blacks”?
More please.
Clearly The Q Clearance Cat Lady knows more about Rub-n-Tug parlors than high-end women’s hair stylists.
Real professional stylists don’t wash, Cat Lady.
Profiles in Libertardian Courage:
“The FBI needs to investigate but the only way you can do it is you have to arrest people.” – Sen. Rand Paul
Now sponsoring legislation to create a cabinet level Secretary of Pre-Crime. Department Motto: “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of”.
Do you suppose the debate prep team is working on a way to get this in for every economics question?
“My beautiful trade war was easy to win. You’re welcome!”
time to pull the rug on the amateur investors!
hehehe….too funny!
you have to love trolls and Recooks for getting all their panties in a bunch about Nancy.
I mean of all the things that could get them all uptight it’s Nancy – they have no life. It’s not like some Michigan Governor announced to vote for a Democrat.
Some worry about Nancy’s mask or no mask…they need to take off their hood
Just think – to dream in lift to grow up as an esteemed professional only to waste away the rest of your life as a troll.
Which ad do you think is more effective and hits home outside your base better?
Joe Biden will make the riots that are happening while I’m president and only I can make it safe.
Or social security runs out in 2023?
Just the other day someone was making a point about the small town Red part of WI mayors coming out for Trump.
How about a GOP Governor of Michigan?
If the doctor were to ever find himself hankering to have sex with a female of his own species, I believe I’ve found the perfect match for him.
So how’s that “the DOW is above 29,000” doing?
It’s like cheering at the muted TV in the bar only to learn that three run home run was last week but the same batter/pitcher combination.
@50 she’s a tad bit off from looking like a horse.
You never make a point BeerPong. You create train wrecks all over this blog and then when people say WTF you go off on another train wreck tirade. The video spoke for itself from C-SPAN. Brian Stelter is a KLOWN! The type of KLOWN you get a thrill up your leg from!
And what did you offer. A stoooooooooooooooopid retort. Puddy hovered over the link to see what you offered. Another teevee show similar to the movie characters you love to vicariously live through!
See ya!
We have to go to “your level” to deal with the rewritten “lies” from The Atlantic, Vox, Salon, and Huff Po you love to copy and rewrite and then claim original thought. Puddy found your sources last week and talk about head explosions over Markos materials.
Remember when you thought the government’s case on Ghislane Maxwell was weak? What did you do then? Change your tune. Or how about those “peaceful northwest cities” you offered in another thread? Above, with the antifa moron from Ohio through Indiana another of your offered explanations fell flat on its face!
Yes godwinha and Puddy drop to your level of dummocretin foolishness because you really are one!
We have the real video images
And piles of dead bodies everywhere you look.. Didn’t have to happen..
And millions of americans who can’t make rent.. Didn’t have to happen.
And an orange moron urging its zombie supporters to vote more than once..
How about that stock market!
Ah yes.. Another day in the life of a drumpf shill..
She looks like someone Doctor Dumbfuck might like to hook up with.
Hey babblin’ butt nut,
Is the mypillow shill Lindell in your kult?
Remember a chaser of oleandrin to go with hydroxy. and that z-pak..
You gotta be breathin’ when jeebus returns.. It’s only been 2k years.. Any moment now!
You, Trump2020, and your paramilitary white supremacist brigades in coal rollers just slashed 800 off the Dow in the same week that 1,000,000 people will be filing new claims for UI.
Try to make a “lie” out of that if you can.
It didn’t work in third grade when you insisted to all the other kids on the playground that the wet spot in your lap was from the drinking fountain either. Sure, you told yourself the other kids bought it. But only your friends did. And you didn’t really have any friends, did you? From that moment you were “that pee kid”. “The pee kid” who grew up to vote for a rapist. Ew!
Puddy has multiple pillows. I fall asleep faster I am comfortable.
Puddy has multiple pillows. I fall asleep faster because I am comfortable.
Puddy sees you don’t pay attention to BeerPong either. The ACTUAL value is 881,000 per BeerPong@26.
Actually dot bombed, Puddy was one of the taller kids in the class. GM, SS, MStD, & JM were all the tall ones with Puddy. Didn’t have to concern myself with the wet spot like you did.
See ya!
That was last week, pee kid.
This week you, President Rapist, Moscow Mitch, and The Q Clearance Cat Lady learn that August was really nothing more than a dead cat bounce. And that refusing to negotiate on TrumpClap Death Plague relief is now costing you the Senate.
So “bad” gets “worse”. Again. Because Rapepublicans.
Only dummocretins would create a bill like this:
Puddy thought a minor is a minor, so under this law if passed an 18 year old adult can get a blow job from an 8 year old as long as she/he/shx/hx (well it is California) the blower was within 9 years and 11 months and this is okay?
A M A Z I N G !
Well why not share with us your wonderful knowledge gleaned from Markos, or David Weigel, or Brian Stelter, or some other libtard dummocretin today?
Well why not share with us your wonderful knowledge gleaned from Markos, or David Weigel, or Brian Stelter, or some other libtard dummocretin today?
Apropos of nothing,
I wonder if Osteen is going to open up
The SummitLakewood for people getting evicted because the jobs are gone, the virus is running wild and it’s Hurricane season?Whodathunkit? Gotta remember who Democracy North Carolina is dummocretins. Democracy North Carolina has been making fart noise in both Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham (home of most of the covid cases) as one of the most active groups in opposing voter ID through frivolous lawsuits and other insipid actions. For them to admit to this is downright shocking.
So let’s do that mail-in voting thingy!
Whodathunkit? Gotta remember who Democracy North Carolina is dummocretins. Democracy North Carolina has been making fart noise in both Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham (home of most of the covid cases) as one of the most active groups in opposing voter ID through frivolous lawsuits and other insipid actions. For them to admit to this is downright shocking.
So let’s do that mail-in voting thingy!
There was a time (late July) when someone was celebrating the ‘tightening’ of the Colorado Senate race after the primary ‘did damage’ to Hickenlooper, the well liked two time Governor. Morning Consult had Hickenlooper down to only +6 at the time.
That was fun.
PPP, Aug. 18-19 51-42 Hickenlooper
Morning Consult Aug. 21-30 48-39 Hickenlooper
Steve, you were “complaining’ about the Dow 29,000 mark falling. Well when you investigate the plunge you see it’s mostly those stocks that lean libtard dummocretin that had the greatest fall.
But it was mostly those stocks that lean libtard dummocretin that led the rise of the DOW in the first place.
Really? Stock prices move based in a Red/Blue correlation?
Someone should hire you to be a Professor of Economics. Or as your barrister son might call it a Don.
Do you ever read a post before you hit the button and think…nah, that’s just stupid. Rhetorical question but maybe you should start.
Another black man dies in police custody in a dummocretin controlled city!
Someone is still mystified that reactionary right wingers that by and large don’t live in the communities they work who are represented by one of the few Unions that almost exclusively endorse GOP make up the police force even in ‘liberal’ cities like New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, Rochester….
Can’t teach a
oldstupiddogPiddles new tricks. Keep swinging that hammer, Mensa.And why do police unions back Trump? Not because they like Republicans per se BeerPong; it’s because they know their JOBS WILL BE IN JEOPARDY under a BiteME! sadministration. BiteME! is on record July 19, 2020 saying Yes, ABSOLUTELY supporting redirecting funds from police budget to BernieBros programs.
It’s called save your job.
DAYUM you really are a moronic twit! One dumbASS dummocretin!
Why would The Atlantic be under Piddles’ very thin skin today?
Maybe we should have a look.
Oh Steve@72,
You are playing the senile idiot wabbit, BeerPong, dot bombed twist what Puddy wrote above. Puddy should have capped the age at 17 not 18. And Puddy only said blow jobs. From your website…
Gotta read Steve. BTW I owe you some pictures! All three are finally finished.
Train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,153.
The Atlantic is not under Puddy’s skin. If you READ the PuddyPost above, I reminded dot bombed how Puddy knows where most of its material comes from that he rewrites each day because Puddy reads those worthless erags too! There was a head explosion that day!
So yeah, The Atlantic had an article about Trump. They usually have 5-10 negative articles on Trump each day! So………………?
Also not really needing a response but thanks for the Head Explosion. Rent’s due.
“My friends are still out there and they are being targeted with PAID BOUNTIES by the Russian Federation”
Was it worth your truck?
A 2020 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab 4X4 MSRP is about $43K
poodebutt has multiple pillows.
Guess the answer is yes..
Lindell is a kultist… Teamin’ up with teh koo kook karsen shilling OLEANDRIN…
More feckless snake oil! Long as teh ducats flow to teh miserable kult!
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron not only have no respect those who, like John McCain, were captured in war, they also have no respect for those who gave their lives for our country.
In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.
I imagine we’ll soon hear from Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron how all the American troops who fought in WWII were nothing but a bunch of anti-fascist “losers” and “suckers”.
Well why not share with us your wonderful knowledge gleaned from white nationalist Tucker Carlson..
Heh. The miserable fiend in this thread pointed to the twitter feed of teh daily white nationalist whiner..
ooh butt Tucker don’t work there no more.. Yeah that’s why the picture at the head of its feed is that of TUCKER CARLSON..
The darling of teh white nationalists..
Hey babblin’ butt nutt,
Remember this miserable racist?
Tucker Carlson always wrong hand stooge!
You support it! Always have!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has not long to live at all.
Belly fat might increase prostate cancer risk for men
William Barr and Don-old Drumpf have not long to live at all.
And the world will be a better place…
Morning Consult has been Hickenlooper’s worst polling this year. And now, whatever their model is, it has the race opening up.
“Polls are FAKE NEWS!” or words to that effect.
But you just told us all about how police are Trumpalos.
Are they just good Nazis obeying orders?
Please, pretty please keep fuckin’ that chicken. The sobbing and wailing is so much more delicious when it is preceded by just this kind of absurdly hypocritical idiocy.
Stories of those lost in the US to COVID-19 per news reports & obits. Each story matters. Support local journalism. Curated by
For example.
Leadership could have stopped some of this.
Trump called Americans killed in combat “losers” and “suckers.” The draft dodger-in-chief said, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”
The White House, of course, denies it.
But who believes them anymore? Well maybe Squid still does.
@92 “Leadership could have stopped some of this.”
According to them, there was nothing to stop, except greedy doctors falsely reporting Covid-19 deaths to get paid more:
“Sen. Joni Ernst … pushed a baseless conspiracy theory on Monday claiming that US deaths from the coronavirus have been vastly over-reported by medical professionals,” saying “there may be 10,000 or less deaths that were actually singularly COVID-19 ….” and the others must be made up or misreported because doctors “get reimbursed higher amounts if it’s a COVID-related illness or death.”
There’s a certain “logic” to this. They’re tearing down all of America’s institutions. They’re attacking anyone with an education — doctors, teachers, health workers, etc. — as if they’re trying to reduce America to a nation of ignorant peasants. It’s Pol Pot’s strategy, except they’re only discrediting anyone who can read and write, not killing them as Pol Pot did. Maybe the killing will come later.
Maybe the Troll here had some Chloroquine on hand. He could have been of help….I mean after all she was a fetus once before.
Squid don’t have a brain to think or believe anything. It has a hopeless case of the shits.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 92
Could leadership have stopped her lupus? Or the illness she felt for several months before catching The Wuhan?
She was in kidney failure due to lupus. Pre-existing condition.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it’s entirely possible that she contracted The Wuhan while in the hospital rather than out in the cruel world where leadership could have given you some cover.
Instead, you further burnish your cred as The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@88 Bet you can’t hold your breath until I croak, but please feel free to give it your very best effort.
@18 Yeah, that’s a risk, alright.
Now that Washington post has pointed it out every time it airs is an ad for Joe Biden. In Minnesota. Where it’s also getting play on local media now. I think that dream of flipping Minnesota in this cycle just died very hilariously.
@19 “I don’t know who comes to a protest with a baseball bat for anything other than criminal or illegal activity,” said Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith.
I know who does.
@21 Pelosi probably will win re-election anyway. But see
for what I think of this.
@29 Fine with me if Proud Boys and anarchists rid us of each other.
Republicans can’t find a bigger crisis for their leadership talents than “she washed her hair …” Just as well, too, given their track record on other crises.
@42 Wouldn’t that go, “If you’re never going to do anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to … “
@50 Masks come from China, therefore people who wear them are commies. If you retire to Florida, you’re likely to have neighbors like her.
Little wonder why Doctor Dumbfuck loves his orange moron. They’re two peas in a pod. We see plenty of evidence for it here in these threads where he makes demeaning comments about public service. I have described it as the dumbfuck believing that “Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Schweitzer were losers for not cashing in.”
“He can’t fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself,” one of Kelly’s friends, a retired four-star general, told me. “He just thinks that anyone who does anything when there’s no direct personal gain to be had is a sucker. There’s no money in serving the nation.”
“I will bring you your football. These un-American sons a Bitches want to stop college football. I will bring it back. I will executive order them to play!”
University of Maryland shuts down all Athletics activity after 46 Athletes test positive for Coronavirus.
Paired with this…
It must suck to be a conservative and be outraged and have nobody pay attention to your outrage because of trump.
@ 109
It must suck to be a conservative …
I doubt it’s as bad being on the oral end of ass-to-mouth, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
You’ve got a little something on your mustache there, Freddie.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron suddenly has a sad.
Burn in hell, miserable POS.
Tweet storm from Donald tonight is really going to win folks over:
The veterans bill signed by Obama
Our Nation’s flags could be something other than American?
Me. I was generous. It was me. He owes his memorial to ME! Would have thanked me if he wasn’t dead!
The body was in a casket. I figured it would just be in a big igloo cooler with some ice but we showed up it was a casket!
Never called him a loser. Just pointed out that captured soldiers I don’t care for. Hanoi Hilton, should have stayed at the Plaza.
Never have I ever dodged the draft or said something disrespectful about out great Veterans. Except McCain. Couldn’t fly out of that enemy fire. Putz.
I’m better than all of them anyway. Especially that Mattis guy. ‘Most overrated’!
Vice News gave the shooter a sloppy BJ only hours ago.
Homosexual domestic terrorists are always the most interesting terrorists.
Seattle man arrested by feds for threatening to blow up Portland police station espoused Antifa beliefs
Even so, he’s almost certainly more intelligent than The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Just wait until the guy starts mailing in their Texas ballots with your return address, Goldy.
WTF? Just needed to see yourself in a “conversation” eh?
The campaign might need to get some estimates on getting a new roof…
In their write up of The Atlantic’s reporting tomorrow, WaPo is quoting another administration source
I’m sure he was only talking about Bergdahl.
When the boss treats everyone like shit some of them talk when they don’t work there anymore. Some tell stories over beers after work and some know a reporter.
@111 Sure you want to take a chance on getting him for a roommate?
Weird that I posted #103 at almost exactly the moment he was eating lead, although it was the police, not Patriot Pray or Proud Boys, who did him in.
@113 Since you were there, and saw everything, I assume you’ll be sharing your video of the entire incident with us on You Tube very shortly. Me, I don’t know. I just don’t have enough information at this point to assign blame. That, of course, is not an impediment for you.
The now-deceased accused shooter claimed he was defending himself and a friend from being stabbed. A friend of the victim said the latter was shot in the back. That should be easy enough to determine from the autopsy report when it comes out.
In Lacey, according to news reports, 4 LEOs fired 40-50 rounds into a car containing the suspected shooter, who described himself as “100% antifa” and “provided security” for protests. In other words, a leftist vigilante.
Also, it appears the deceased Trumper was nowhere near his group’s caravan route, had gotten separated from his group, and was with a couple friends in an area where hostiles were present, which isn’t what trained military personnel do.
@114 Must be comforting to know there’s someone weirder than you.
It’s because of shit like this that people don’t trust the police:
“Reinoehl had been estranged from his family …. Family members became aware of the August 29 shooting after receiving a threatening text message Sunday, the relative said.
“‘We woke up to death threats, that’s how we found out. We received messages all day yesterday. Some said ‘blood for blood,’ another said our whole family was in danger and that ‘someone’s gotta die.’
“Among the texts was one to the family member’s spouse with ‘a photo of me and the text, ‘Patriot Prayer says hello,’ the family member said. When they called the police to report the threats, they were asked to identify photos of Reinoehl, the family member added.”
Oh yeah, and those Patriot Prayer guys who harassed and threatened this family are real POSes. The family members didn’t do anything. That’s like going after this chick
because she’s Stalin’s granddaughter. Who, btw, lives in Portland.
@ 121
Oh yeah, and those Patriot Prayer guys who harassed and threatened this family are real POSes. The family members didn’t do anything.
Barron Trump and every Palin child under the age of 12 in Fall 2008 could not be reached for comment.
@ 121
It’s because of shit like this that people don’t trust the police:
Reddit users do overnight sleuthing using a livestreamed video uploaded to the internet and completely out of police control, quickly figure out who the shooter is.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit blames the police for it.
It’s because of shit like this that one should never trust Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s because of how Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit treats shit like this
Two people said they saw Reinoehl begin to fire when he got out of the car. They said officers returned fire.
that people don’t trust the police.
Yesterday we had Ben Crump tweeting that a guy in DC, who was running toward a cop and fewer than 30 feet away, and holding a handgun in his hand and bringing it forward, should not have been shot.
Simple common sense does not work that way. Life does not work that way. It is why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit failed over a career as an attorney.
Puddy has to disagree just a little on the senile idiot wabbit being a “failed” attorney. He just wasn’t a Clarence Darrow or Johnny Cochran or a Robert Khardashian. Some are 1st tier lawyers, most are second tier lawyers, and then there is the senile idiot wabbit, a REMF, third tier lawyers.
You know like medical or law schools.
First tier elite schools
Second tier good schools
*Third tier toilet schools* – ding ding ding ding
The number of Americans who have died from the TrumpClap Death Plague is more than 60 times the number of Americans killed in the 9/11 terror attacks.
Rapepublicans failed in their duties then too.
Rapepublicans are very good at cooking up Ukrainian drug deals and miserably losing costly trade wars.
They just are not very good at fulfilling their duties.
Well the military vote is going to be interesting:
Donald orders Stars and Stripes, published since the Civil War defunded. Pentagon issues directives to shut it down.
Last publication date slated for Sept 30, 2020.
What are the odds of Star and Stripes getting some exclusives from retired Generals in the next 26 days?
Last week the total number of Americans who filed new claims for unemployment insurance was 1,600,000.
That is 2,300 times the number of air conditioning jobs Stupid RapeHands “saved” in Indiana*.
*Pro Tip: He saved nothing.
Democrats aren’t perfect. But they’re better than this.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady will be otherwise indisposed for the next few hours as he will be too busy violently choke-fapping to images of bullet riddled bodies.
Remember I said police don’t do the work you think they do
(Ex. Ninety three percent of percent of property crime never results in any arrest).
Wanna know what they do?
And it doesn’t work in the way they say it does. Eventually it can produce arrests and even some guilty pleas. But it does not deter crime at all. It creates it. And police everywhere believe this is the future they are working toward. All of us stand to benefit from BLM.
How do you know the trolls are very much aware that dear leader is getting badly hurt by the Atlantic and journalists getting confirmation of the story?
@122, @123 @124, @125 – Talk about something else.
Donald, tweeting late last night:
Then this morning:
When you treat people like shit and all the shit upon people no longer have any interest in protecting you…
Explain to me how another round of giant crapping on the McCain legacy added to polling already showing Biden with a decent lead, a Senate seat likely to flip, a large Latino Vote and just generally fed up and fired up Democrats keeps AZ from going Blue? Gut feelings?
So when one white guy kills a couple of protestors “in self defense”, he’s a conservative media darling who was “blameless”,
but when a different white guy kills a protestor “in self defense”, conservatives call him a POS and deserved to die.
The most coherent thing to come out of Joe Biden since the 2019 primary debates.
Important: Joe Biden ripped a fart during a speech today
@ 125
Puddy, anyone with an advanced degree who spends a career using it and yet needs to add the value of his home to his overall PFS so that he can claim to be a millionaire is a failure.
30 years on the government dole and he’s got nuthin’.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family knows he failed. They live it.
@ 133
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I’m completely open to the self-defense claim made by the POS who was killed yesterday.
The thing is, I’m still waiting for one single shred of evidence to support that claim.
Did he have a gun? If he did but it was holstered or in his pocket then it wasn’t a threat. See Sterling, Alton.
Did he have a knife? If he did but wasn’t using it to lunge at the shooter with then it wasn’t a threat. See Lyles, Charleena.
So please, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, please explain how the POS’s actions constituted self-defense, particularly in the context of his behavior last night. Oh, and in the context of his prior behavior, such as arming his 11 year-old daughter with a baseball bat so she could protest outside some building that just happened to have a shitload of street-level windows.
Go ahead, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Impress the hell out of us.
And yet in 30 years he would have never been compelled as a condition of his employment to sniff homeless taint. Not even once. And by now, even after retreating into a premature retirement to escape rising malprac premiums and regulatory investigations, The Q Clearance Cat Lady probably recalls his years of sleeping in scrubs for less than min wage with pride.
ftfy, Putin lovin’ traitor
US Marshals last night characterized the arrest effort in Lacey, WA, as a “mostly peaceful event”.
How good are today’s unemployment figures?
So good Goldy’s denying them.
Twice more, Goldy, and the cock crows.
Remembering that rate of unemployment is a complex statistical estimation and “new payroll job creation” is a survey.
While initial claims for UI is based on actual filings by actual people who are out of work.
Four straight weeks of increases in initial claims.
And red state evictions are blowing up.
“How good are today’s unemployment figures?”
Not good enough to save your treasonous ass. You and your orange moron inherited a 4.7% national unemployment rate from Obama/Biden. But go ahead and brag about how it’s now down from the orange moron’s high of 14.7% to a miserable 8.4%.
Fixed the for you. It’s an economic miracle. How’s that plate of shit you’re eating? You tell me it tastes like cherry pie but no one believes you.
“Hey, it’s not as bad as the Great Depression!” is a strong closing argument, right? Dow’s under 28K right now. But then you aren’t talking about the Dow anymore.
Still crickets on the “Loser” troops who gave their last full measure.
@ 143
Dow’s doing just fine. So is NASDAQ and S&P 500.
In fact, Cz-252, you could compare the levels of those indices on the date you informed us all that The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 had an absolute lock on 252 EVs with levels of the same indices today.
But you won’t. ’cause it’s cherry pie, and the plate of shit was those 252 EVs.
Assuming the trends hold (investor markets continue to fall) and this mini-recovery isn’t just a dead cat bounce, The Cat Lady is essentially performing another shirtless, hip-thrusting end zone dance, this time on the mere recession yard line.
We aren’t even half way back yet. And the recovery we’ve produced so far was entirely the result of Keynesian deficit spending. Just look how pumped Bob is about taking his sister to prom!
The evictions are voter suppression. I expect the voters will be purged from the voter rolls as soon as the eviction ink is dry
Who should veterans trust?
The guy whose dead son served in Iraq where his father visited him at Camp Victory near Baghdad while Vice President?
Or the guy with bone spurs who could play football but not serve, has never had a child who served, and calls those who died in service “losers” and POWs “Got what was coming to them?”
You decide.
Am I the only one who notices that, for a party that had absolutely nothing at all to say about the economy in their convention last week, this sudden discovery of uhkonimy mirakul is um, surprising?
TFW internal polling reveals Donnie’s Girlfriend Channeling Evita Peron Into Your Living Room did not work.
Medal of Honor recipient confirms Trump has slurred military in blunt-talking MSNBC interview
He didn’t have anything nice to say about the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck either.
So are the Covid dead. It’s why the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron care less about the Covid deaths than they do dead troops.
@ 146
Assuming the trends hold (investor markets continue to fall)…
Not the trend since Election Day, 2016, which has seen DJIA increase by more than 50%.
Not the trend since the stock market’s nadir in late Spring, which has seen DJIA increase by more than 10,000 points through last week.
The trend that began yesterday morning is the one you’re referring to, QoS McHillbilly? That right?
28 hours is not a trend. It’s a blip.
Your desperation is beginning to show, QoS McHillbilly.
Maybe. But pretty blunt tool in a system with winner-take-all state contests for EVs:
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are not going to be sending out any address verification mass mailings in order to target and purge.
Triggered. Ahahahahahahahahaha
Pulled out that card again?
The 1M voters filing new unemployment claims (4 week average rounded) don’t give a fuck that they Dow is higher than January 2017.
Now do % of Dow change from January 2009 to December 2016
@ 148
Biden had not just the dead son, but one still alive. That son, Hunter,
1. Tested positive for cocaine and was kicked out of the Naval Reserves.
2. Cheated on his wife by fucking the widow of the son Papa Joe wishes could be alive and Hunter dead instead.
3. Impregnated a stripper and tried to avoid paternity testing. Claimed to be without income while driving a new Porsche SUV and renting a million-dollar house in LA. Settled to avoid the unveiling of even more embarrassing information.
4. Married the dumbest blond chick imaginable after a week or so knowing her. OK, maybe it was a month.
5. Embarrassed his father by his business relationships with Ukrainian AND Chinese firms.
So yes, absolutely, let’s judge Biden by his dead son and ignore the criminal one still alive and fucking up.
Got that out of your system?
Feel better?
I was referring to the recovery trend. See that?
Go back and read, I’ll wait.
I mentioned the market fall because it may well presage the end of this recovery phase. Or worse. But obviously the context is an established trend of economic recovery in terms of jobs, spending, GDP, etc. From the Feb peak to the bottom to today we’ve recovered only about half the total jobs lost.
And we did it by handing out money. The thing you hate most.
No wonder you’re so upset. Either that or the comment about the prom struck a nerve? Ew. Sorry ’bout that. I was just guessing, really.
Greed conservatives will vote the one to lower THEIR taxes and make them money. That’s all that matters to them. Everything else is just stuff they say to not seem like greed conservatives.
But community policing will be a breeze, amirite?
Private security, hired by Seattle parks after police cleared Cal Anderson, leaves on first night
He does not plan to return to the park. “They cost a minority-owned company a contract,” said the man, who is Black. “They cost people their jobs.”
The man said police would not come into the park to assist the guards. In a statement, the Seattle Police Department said a security guard called 911 around 8:30 p.m. to report a verbal disturbance with a crowd in the park and a department supervisor later contacted the guard to “discuss the disturbance and affirm that SPD was available to respond to life-threatening emergencies.”
If you think about it, rape is only a life-threatening emergency if the victim resists. So lie back and enjoy it. You voted for it. Or at least your friends did.
@ 157
Greed conservatives will vote the one to lower THEIR taxes and make them money. That’s all that matters to them.
Now do black Americans and unemployment, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
The ones who vote for lower black unemployment and more black earned income end up voting for the same guy as the conservatives. It’s why Biden’s SC support in the primary won’t be enough in the general.
Tweet du hier:
Just think, gman: Mayor Pete never had a chance at the VP nod, because Biden 1) promised it would be a woman, and 2) was under extreme pressure to make it a black woman.
gman, you’d have the first openly gay VP (and in a few months, probably, the first openly gay president) if it weren’t for #BLM.
gman, how does that make you feel? Mayor Pete was discriminated against, by Democrats, because he is not
a breeder
a woman
a person of color
So you’re saying BOTH of Biden’s sons served though one with considerably more distinction than the other.
You figurative walked into that trap.
Now do Ivanka, under criminal investigation for role in Trump Org, never served
Her Husband, under criminal investigation for role in Trump Org and SEC investigation, never served
Then do Don Jr., referred by bipartisan Congressional Committee to DOJ for criminal investigation, gave his girlfriend a speaking slot at RNC, never served
Eric, takes the fifth while under criminal investigation, never served
Leave Baron out of it, he’s a minor and can’t make his own bad choices yet.
It’s like I put a sign on the plate of shit and said, eat this! It’s not bait. It’s actually tasty! FREE CUTLERY!
Trump loves the Troops. He just would never ever be one and neither will his kids and only loves troops if they aren’t killed or wounded or captured because those troops are losers and terrible at their service.
Can I get you a shovel. That hole could conceivably get deeper.
Too damn funny.
Sister of the POS verifies that yes, he was a POS.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘I wouldn’t say this counts as bad news.’ Sister of Portland antifa gunman reacts to his death after he was shot dead by US Marshals, as she voices concern he’ll become a martyr and an excuse for more violence and protests
I expect gman’s family would react the same way to his death.
Offended that people think she only got where she is because she’s black.
Says someone only got where they are because they’re black.
In only two sentences.
Where we learn that Mayor Pete’s utter lack of experience AND his videotaped comments about blacks and his history of issues with the black community of South Bend and his call to remove the Black Police chief of South Bend were not nearly as relevant as his smooth white skin.
Good job, Dumbfuck.
(For the Record, Joe was higher on my list of primary candidates than Pete but neither were my top three.)
School year is just starting.
Donald could ship Baron off to a Military Academy and see if that helps. Baron is a minor and has to do what Dad says.
Or try to get emancipated.
HA libbies back to ignoring Rasmussen.
Anyone hearing about the $600/week thing anymore?
Me neither.
Just as surely as you ignore everything not Scott “You can’t see these polls that I say they won’t release but have been released” Rasmussen and even Rasmussen when the convention bump didn’t come that you argued was “not complete data” yet.
52 Rasmussen
50 Rasmussen
49 Rasmussen
47 Rasmussen
Anyone heard anything from you on dead and captured soldiers being ‘Losers’ anymore.
Or ever.
If you do a tap dance, maybe in a monokini, you can make the subject go away.
Wonder what the approval rating will be when complete data on “losers” gets factored in?
New line of attack by Joe Biden today sounds like he could have seen a Dumbfuck post.
What was the phrase, oh yeah, “Economic insecurity”
Hi Bob (wink wink). How’s your mom and dad?
@ 171
They each died long enough ago that neither one of them could be accused of voting for Trump in 2016.
Although not so long ago that neither one is immune from somehow casting a vote for the Democrat in November, gman.
Biden has his “Message: I care.” moment.
Not just China. Hunter Biden’s Chinese companies want him to win, too.
Let me fix that for you. Mayor Pete had little chance because everyone else wanted or thought Biden should pick a woman, and a woman of color. Like Sarah Palin was your love.
Says mor about you than Mayor Pete or I.
I’m perfectly fine with it, anything to beat the fuck your shill for. Your great divider in Chief, along with yourself as his little Troll.
You’re not bothered by it so why should I be?
Bob, why are you such a Nancy?
Why you so down? Your man has been
a fake President for four years and maybe 4 more. Your should be enjoying the beauty and wonder of this world even as much as there is to be negative and whinny about. You not happy! Not happy with the riches of your retirement? The bitterness of life shows. Pick yourself up. Go ride the horse (the proper way – hehe).
Sorry for your loss of your parents, but it doesn’t seem like you care much about them. I’m here to help old buddy old pal.
So rare that a Dumbfuck talking point that he’s parroting from never served under Criminal Investigation son of the President blows up so fast.
Joe Biden, today, remarks from a podium, no teleprompter but notes
He then went on to take 20+ minutes of press questions covering a wide range of topics including Israel, Economics, Trump’s suggestion for people to vote twice and didn’t come off as a Senile Old Goofball some assure us he is. So not senile that he seems to be choosing words very carefully and remembering a very specific incident.
If Joe Biden goes on to win the presidency these 48 hours will be written about as the days the Trump administration was defeated.
Side note, about a half hour later news crews caught Joe’s motorcade stop and Joe Biden hopped out and used the ATM. Without the aid of an assistant and without trouble walking.
When do you suppose the last time Donald J. Trump personally used an ATM was? But Donald is a real man of the people and feels their pain.
Damn it’s gonna be a long weekend for Team Trump.
But, but, but RASMUSSEN!
These 48 hours?
Why is that? Is what we are seeing now “peak Biden”?
If this is the best he’s got, you should worry, Cz-252.
So I inherited, along with my brother, a total of 50% of a house that my father owned and held in the Irrevocable Family Trust. Not much money.
My parents are still alive, but we are trying to divest in some of the property that he owns that are more of a headache at this time, now that he’ll be 91 yo soon. Me, my brother and my eldest sister are co-Trustees. But my sister didn’t have any ownership, we convinced my father to sell.
But my sister did a lot of the leg work, to get them sold. 1 is sold, the 1 that my and my brother owned 25% each in. The other is in contract. The proceeds that I’ll be getting is less than 20 g’s and that’s before taxes. But I figure I’ll give like 2-3 g’s to my sister. Anyone think I should give her 1/2 of my 25%?
I may have mentioned once before but Incase I haven’t, the G in Gman doesn’t stand for “Gay”, sorry to disappoint .
Nope, just a history political epitaphs.
HW Stunned at a supermarket scanner, though this incident was largely overblown the video sure looked like it.
Dukakis in a tank.
Kerry in the space suit or maybe windsurfing
“Corporations are People, my friends”
“Basket full of Deplorables”
When asked about the QAnon folks “What do you say to the president not rejecting that conspiracy and the people who believe in it?
You all have set this up. Biden doesn’t have to be great. He doesn’t have to be error free. You’ve set the bar so low on what he should be able to handle that he just has to not drool, not pee his pants and sound mostly lucid and everyone sees that he’s not what Donald and family and Fox News and you say he is. Good job on that front.
Double amputee vet says,
He doesn’t understand people’s bravery and courage because he’s never had any of his own
At least the Putin lovin’ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck has bravery and courage. You’ll recall that he’s told us several times that it takes extreme bravery and courage for him to post dumbfuck comments on HA.
But our troops? Those who have fallen? No bravery. No courage. They’re just suckers and losers.
That was fast.
Only one or two hours and a couple of humiliations and The Q Clearance Cat Lady has completely dropped Mirakul Konimee and gone back to rape fantasies at 158, etc.
Sleepy… Slow… China… Hiden… Corrupt… Crazy… 1%… Quid Pro…Keep fuckin’ that chicken!TIL Cabana Boy University gets about $600 million in fed tax dollars every year.
You can buy quite a lot of lotion and tissues with that kind of money. Or so I am told.
Little wonder that the dumbfuck is so desperate and angry today.
Fox News confirms shocking story on Trump’s contempt for American troops — after the president argued it was ‘fake’
In just the first six months of this year, failed deals by one Trump White House nitwit, Peter Navarro, cost US taxpayers more than twice what Solyndra cost.
The Cat Lady’s Time Musheen needs gas.
Now Dumbfuck can go back and reread @177
If Fox News Channel has determined this story is too hot to bury and if Biden wins, the current 48 hour period from Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon will be the moment they point at and say THIS™ is when he was finished.
Well damn.
Looks like that’s not gonna work either.
Better call
PutinDeJoy.Charges dropped against Curtis Flowers. Case dismissed. But he won’t get 26 years back.
A big settlement from Montgomery County might help.
Never a harsh word for Putin from Doctor Dumbfuck or his orange moron.
Seems John Bolton who hates Trump said he never heard that comment that day and he was with him “during that time”.
Maybe they are adding color like good dummocretins do when they can get a jab at Trump. Puddy wasn’t there but anonymous sources who won’t go on the record does make it kinda tenuous dot bombed. The Atlantic, favorite place of BeerPong and dot bombed.
See ya.
Well Mississippi law makes it plain he has to prove his innocence.
It’s high wall to climb!
And Puddy did some digging of course. Of all the articles Puddy found only one so far had listed Doug Evans, the one who stacked the jury against Curtis Flowers as a dummocretin. In fact he won against the Republican candidate with 68% of the vote in 2003. Then won again and again and again!
Then why BeerPong do his handlers limit press questions, give scripts to the questioners and screen questions in free for all events? Why are his “press conferences” short events when “mini-stroke” [dummocretin lamestream media claims] Trump takes questions for over an hour on average each day.
Yes, the debates will be interesting since Pelosi, Friedman, and other dummocretins don’t want Joe BiteME! exposed to real live ammunition!
Then why BeerPong do his handlers limit press questions, give scripts to the questioners and screen questions in free for all events? Why are his “press conferences” short events when “mini-stroke” [dummocretin lamestream media claims] Trump takes questions for over an hour on average each day.
Yes, the debates will be interesting since Pelosi, Friedman, and other dummocretins don’t want Joe BiteME! exposed to real live ammunition!
Where Piddles decides that journalists don’t write their own questions that often revolve around the major stories of the last 24 hours, the horse race phenomenon in other words.
Where a schedule of events does not exist and he expects a candidate to stand there until everyone has taken time to ask whatever they want.
Where an allegedly mentally deficient senior after delivering 18 minutes of prepared remarks can deal with 20 minutes of off the cuff remarks without any kind of train of thought issue whatsoever.
Where Bolton is now back in Piddles’ good graces but truncates the quote as if to hide something, “I’m not saying he didn’t say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion.”
Good thing you took the time to answer, Piddles.
Man, woman, can of soup, camera, bag of soup, woman, tv, can of soup, just soup for my family, dead soldiers are losers, man, woman, soup for my family, bonus points.
Oh it just keeps getting better.
In the Atlantic report there’s the anecdote of Donald asking John Kelly about dead soldiers. “What’s in it for them?” Kelly says he wasn’t offended and took it to mean what compels people to give the ultimate sacrifice (paraphrasing for length)
But since Kelly didn’t just lie and say the quote never happened Donald today goes after a Marine who just I sn’t manly enough.
Note the one thing missing there, Donald didn’t say Kelley didn’t tell the truth just that he wasn’t up to his job in the Administration then goes off on a tangent about COVID and the economy because Donald’s mind is a lock. This decorated Marine who I disagree with on shittons of things but not his service record was a weak employee for Donald. Couldn’t handle the pressure. A Marine Corp General can’t handle it.
Nice play
German Military:
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny Was definitely poisoned.
Such an act would have to be approved at the highest levels of Russian Government perhaps Putin himself.
Whoa whoa whoa wait just a minute. Slow your roll. There’s no proof that I’ve seen so he might not have even been poisoned. Could be ObamEbola.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein (D-China) Proves That He Is Non-Demented. Biden-Einstein explained,
“If I was demented I then I would be taking phoney staged questions and I never do that which proves I’m
non-demented. Sometimes I push a staffer against a wall and fingerbang her and smell her hair but that doesn’t mean I’m demented, in fact only a non-demented person could figure out how to do that and get away with it and I got away with it, so there.”
We know that the Biden events are all staged and we now have more evidence.
Today in Kenosha, Wisconsin at a Biden event a woman admitted on camera that she was given a piece of paper telling her what to say [w/video].
Gold Star families speak out.
Their children were not losers. If Doctor Dumbfuck would care to see what a loser actually looks like, he need only look in a mirror. He’d also see what a coward looks like.
Notice in that in those two head explosions from BeerPong, he only referenced Gen Kelly. Who are the two “anonymous sources BeerPong? Why are they afraid to stand up and be counted?
If Kelly was offended [was not] then why this article now and how did the Biden campaign know it was coming? Joe has lost “momentum” and so let’s coordinate a Trump attack with the media.
Puddy doesn’t remember any The Atlantic attacks on Biden when Harris was attacking BiteME! on hanging with segregationist senators. They were mum!
Wait for it, the sunset countdown will be happening real soon now!
To which BeerPong wrote when Puddy brought it up earlier
Puddy saw the same thing on Twatter, meanwhile Puddy had to buy some wood to chuck in some holes Sunday so I didn’t catch the link.
Meanwhile illegal aliens voting in American elections?
Seems Joe BiteME! knows a lot about black history. Did you know a black man invented light?
Did BeerPong serve? He still thinks StuyTown is in Brooklyn, NY. This is why BeerPong really is a moron!
People wonder about BeerPong throwing stones at windows!
Weird how cool you are with a gentrifying force in a neighborhood evoking a formerly very black neighborhood in another borough.
You’re so down with the midtown.
What’s McSorley’s again?
Wrong again BeerPong. You have a very short memory. Back then Puddy was talking about Bagel Bros and how it was close to where Puddy’s older brother lived. Puddy mentioned his older brother, whom is not a DiBlasio fan, lived in StuyTown Manhattan. You have memory issues. Just check with the crazed databaze deala! You interjected some BULLSH^TTIUM about me not knowing about NYC and calling Puddy a fake. Unfortunately for all dummocretins believing your BULLSH^TTIUM, you are the fake!
This is why your commentary is useless, worthless and very dull!
And this moron calls Puddy “triggered” Don’t drink so who cares about some bar!
What were you doing when HipHop was pushing traditional soul and disco to the trash heap of radio.
When people like Mellie Mel were breaking new ground and StuyTown meant something completely different than a high rise? And then a bunch of white developers looking for a cool name had a light bulb see what I did there, go off. The kids who thought the Beastie Boys were edgy innovators and then used Daddy’s millions to build apartments and condos?
We’re you drinking grape juice and hoping to one day be one of those developer guys?
Just piling on…
I called you fake because you didn’t know what the north side of Bryant Park is. A: New York Public Library, famous landmark, big lion statues, tons of films and TV set there. Big park behind it for reading or getting a tea or in more recent times a food critic acclaimed Belgian Waffle. They have books. I even gave you a hint about maps. The cartography room at NYPL is famous all by itself. Six blocks
From Times Square. Five blocks from the Empire State Building. 10 from MSG/Penn Station. You’ve never been to any of these in your extensive knowledge of Manhattan?
McSoreleys, if the oldest known tavern in New York is just a bar… why it might be of interest to non drinkers? So old they have a framed original copy of several newspapers from the morning after Lincoln was shot hanging on walls. It’s down the street from Burp Castle, a Belgian themed place with a stellar beer list and staff dressed as Monks. You called McSoreley’s ‘an Irish Pub.’
I asked you who’s statue was at Prospect Park West and ninth and you said, “Who Cares!” That would be the Lafayette entrance to Prospect Park. Now do you know who’s statue it is? Actually my exact question was, “Why do I mumble “We are Here!” To myself when I pass the statue at PRospect Park West and Ninth. A man well educated in American History as you have assured us for years you are, and one who knows NYC and it’s major landmarks would be able to guess at the answer.
Last one, this one’s new. Why would someone with what you say is your background give pause before choosing to live in a building named after Governor Stuyvesant in the part of Manhattan bearing his name, a
building adopting the old HipHop term StuyTown that in lyrics generally referred to another place where NYC built
projects and shuffled the undesirable population to house them in overcrowded sub standard…let’s go with the word tenements.
Hint, it has something do do with what Stuyvesant did for a living. Or what he traded.
I call you fake because you claim to be in computers but insist an IP address can’t be altered or spoofed. But that’s a whole different story.
@198 Political events staged! Who would’ve imagined!