I am writing this on Tuesday night. It’s still too early to tell who is going to control Congress. But! It’s safe to say that Patty Murray is going to win reelection pretty easily.
And far be it from me to give advice to Republicans, who I hope lose every election, but I don’t understand why they keep running on hating Seattle in statewide races. Like what was the last time it was successful, Slade Gorton in the 1990’s? They won Secretary of State and AG, when they aren’t tempted to go full fuck Seattle, more recently.
But part of the reason that we’ve only had Democrats as Governor and Senator for decades is that Seattle people aren’t going to vote for fuck Seattle and it isn’t salient to the rest of the state. Like find a message that doesn’t demonize a large group of people who you want to represent.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
It’s obvious to all that the troll afflicted with a terminal case of OCD-fueled narcissism causing him to repeatedly spike the ball in his own endzone wasn’t ready for The Pain.
Try not to let an irrelevant troll set you up for celebrating what may be a loss.
Obviously nowhere near as bad a loss as the sad, weak dancing freak so frequently predicted and prematurely celebrated. But a loss nevertheless.
Democrats have to do better. The way we do that, I think, is by carefully studying what worked and what didn’t this year and learning from it. If Maloney loses and Gluesenkamp Perez wins that would be as good a place as any to start. And Fetterman’s win should be instructive as well.
Sure, Democrats won in some unexpected places. And many of the issues and voter concerns that the media insisted did not matter, turned out to matter a whole lot. But when the dust settles Democrats will have lost the House. And holding on to the Senate may come down to a runoff in a difficult swing state. Some of all that could have been avoided and should have been avoided.
Avoiding it next time depends on paying close attention to races that ran well ahead of the partisan lean. And figuring out what worked in those states and districts and why. My two cents is that “safe” campaigns that avoid “arming” their opponents with clear positions, and pander to the manufactured angst of older Whites will run behind the lean. And campaigns unafraid to run as Democrats with a “big D” will over perform. That’s how we win back the House in 24.
Try not to let an irrelevant troll set you up for celebrating what may be a loss.
The mid-term Red Wave was MIA.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Tuesday’s midterm elections were “definitely not a Republican wave, that’s for darn sure.”
‘Rage like I’ve never seen’: Conservatives turn on Trump after GOP underperforms during midterms
Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts ‘pathetic’ GOP losers: ‘They’re trying to blame President Trump’
Republicans devouring Republicans is a very good thing.
Sure, Democrats won in some unexpected places.
Indeed. A Democrat is now the Governor-elect of Kansas.
Start working on the shit we care about. We did this. We finally showed up.
Universal Health Care
Drug Rehab
Mental Health
Living Wages
Climate change
That’s a start. We’re yours for life unless you fuck this up.
Where is the boring lecture about what Third Way said from our dear kreepshit troll?
Too chickenshit apparently this morning..
“Extreme Dems” uhhh rejected(?) in the “red ripple”.. too funnee..
klownservatic tears perhaps?.. heh..
Well now that we have full control of the State we’re drafting bills to repeal ‘right to work.’
Delivering for working people.
uhhh… kreepshit… Red State crime is a thing.. red state crime in repuke run cities… Cities with repuke mayors and city councils in red states with repuke dominated legislatures, repuke governors and repuke u.s. senators.
Can’t have it both ways in your aborted Third Way jag..
Chicago is way down the list of America’s most violent cities.
But keep babbling about the Windy City anyway.. It makes you feel good and makes us laugh.
Republican ridiculous exuberance and faith in weak polls is absolutely something to celebrate. Especially if it results in a party bloodbath. Blame Trump, blame McCarthy, blame Dobbs, blame Rick Scott, blame the polls, blame FOX, blame post-Boomers, whatever it takes. Just so long as Republican voters feel defeated and angry at the people they pay to lie to them for a change. Maybe they’ll stop beating up their wives and kids for a little while.
“Indeed. A Democrat is now the Governor-elect of Kansas.”
Tells me Democrats need to put abortion on the ballot in all 50 states. It changes the composition of turnout.
I agree. I prefer to wait for the voter file data to become available. I don’t have great confidence in exit polling conducted by the media. But it looks as if in some key contests where Democrats outran the Biden ’20 results a significant contributor was increased turnout among post-Boomers, college educated women, and Black voters. If that turns out to be the case then it’s critical for Democrats to understand what drove those increases in midterm turnout.
but Carl, I wanted to represent Seattle.. I rooted for the Seahawks.. I campaigned on Seattle Sports Radio.. I wanted people in Seattle to feel safe while they ordered doppio espresso macchiatos they can’t afford..
on Capitol Hill
in SEATTLE… I don’t get it.. Mitch McConnell and Rick Scott said I was likable and outstanding..
11 – Yeah, it’s too bad Patty got re-elected. She has done next to nothing for 30 years and got paid handsomely to do just that. She’s a poster girl for term limits.
We filmed our commercials in Seattle (wink, wink).. Too bad they didn’t help Tiffany.
Moscow Mitch doesn’t give two shits about what happens in its own back yard:
In case you missed it, Democrats ran the table in Michigan. Yes, Michigan! They won all statewide contests and flipped both houses of the legislature. Republicans fucked themselves by nominating awful candidates. Story looks to be much the same in Arizona.
Clearly, voters aren’t buying what they’re selling; they have a defective product. If they had any brains, which they don’t, they’d go back to the drawing board and retool their party from the ground up; everything — candidates, positions, messaging. But they won’t.
Absolutely everything about that party is self-fucking; so far, only a tiny handful of them recognize this. Until the rest come to their senses, they’ll continue to struggle. They also have too many Delusional Doctor Dumbfucks.
Fuck yeah.
According to you, people want to fill the tank, make the rent..
Nothing else matters..
@2 The GOP winning the House by a 1 or 2 seat margin may not be all that bad; calmer heads might prevail, and restrain their side’s worst impulses. Another possibility is they’ll eat each other.
@2 The GOP winning the House by a 1 or 2 seat margin may not be all that bad; calmer heads might prevail, and restrain their side’s worst impulses. Another possibility is they’ll eat each other, or Balkanize like the Senate Democrats.
@5 Most of that will have to wait until 2025. You’re forgetting we didn’t gain in Congress, and still could lose both houses. At best we averted disaster, and your generation’s turnout and votes were crucial for that — and will continue to be in every election from now on. Right now you’re simply voting to preserving democracy; all that other stuff will take time, effort, and patience.
@9 I suspect the most consequential result of this election will be when the Six Supremes sit down and pore over the election returns, and it dawns on them who really did this.
I forget who said, “The Supreme Court justices read election returns, too.” They have other important cases before them, and it’s handwriting-on-wall time for them.
15)Changes in how redistricting in MI seemed to work. The GOO had MI Senate since 83.
In CO, perhaps if Boebert had backed the Infrastructure Bill she could be doing better. Those elitist urban snobs in Denver helped provide jobs in Pueblo. Not too many Light Rail systems can buy local for rails. There only 3 in the US that makes them, Pueblo is one of them. BTW, some of the mills power is solar power.
Well now that we have complete control of the State Government we’re going to get busy on making this an All-Mail voting state.
I’m sure it will be enough for the sad, weak, dancing freak.
Looks like it’ll have to be.
There’s a very big difference between refusing to acknowledge the limits of power imposed by political realities and refusing to say what you hope to accomplish with that power.
Say guaranteed access to legal, safe, reproductive healthcare including abortion.
Say universal access to a functional health insurance system.
Say sensible gun safety regulations.
Say livable federal minimum wage.
Say protecting future generations against climate change horrors.
Say expanded, access and opportunity to vote for all.
Democrats can say these things while still acknowledging that many of them will require compromise to become law in a closely divided government. It isn’t over-promising to say what you believe in and what you hope to accomplish. Third-way is lying. At best. At worst, it is compromising with evil. Nobody can be expected to make it on $7.25 an hour. That isn’t hard to say. Nor should it be hard to say that we support a $15 an hour minimum wage and that we will fight like hell to obtain it if we have any chance at all to do so.
Where these post-Boomers increased their turnout is probably going to be tied to places where the Biden post pandemic economic miracle created new opportunities and job growth. That’s going to slow down now, not least because a Republican majority in the House will block every effort to sustain it. If Democrats don’t consistently offer these voters a clear choice then we will end up right back where we were this past summer, fighting like hell to remind them all what Democrats have accomplished against a backdrop of bullshit from media shills for the GOP.
You want to lose that generation of voters forever, turn them into cynical Libertarian turds, then telling them to “pipe down now” and “let the grownups work things out” is precisely how you do it. We should use the loss of the House as an opportunity to transform the leadership and the messaging.
Dang, the knock down drag outs lord kreepshit had with Mary Kay over rights to bodily autonomy. Phone calls have been made, lawyers consulted.
I dunno lord kreepshit.. Mary Kay might require more than half to keep her horsies fed and attended to..
Maybe you can live in a rented trailer on Orcas.
Now this is a real SHIVER, unlike a Troll Shiver.
Shiver down the River!
So glad I could help coin the Phrase “Shiver the Red”
“We asked for all those things too, you said, it will take time” -Millennials
“Yeah, those were our priorities too. We were told that it might happen in the future” – Gen X
Too chickenshit apparently this morning.
Our weak troll is a coward and has been a chickenshit every day of his miserable fucking existence.
@27 Vote for Democrats and it will happen. Vote for Republicans and it will never happen.
I wonder how many of these comments are our weak troll’s sockpuppets.
Yes, tomorrow Bob will show his scrawny little neck and act as if yesterday didn’t happen. But in 2 years he’ll be able to start talking about the polls that he likes, and make us shiver…..right now he’s slithering away like the snake that he is.
What a POS Hump lover.
Oh the pain, the pain..
Why are you being such a chickenshit? Such a coward?
I wonder how many of these comments are our weak troll’s sockpuppets.
Steve, if they are, they are not wrong about this.
It should not be hard for Democrats to say clearly, if only generally, what they support and how far they are willing to go, even while acknowledging that they might not be able to get there with Republicans or Manchinema standing in the way.
Perhaps alone among Democrats, the President elected to represent all of us, can and should be more guarded and moderate about objectives. At least in part to avoid setting expectations too high. But for fuck’s sake it is time for Democrats in Congress to stop triangulating against each other. That kind of careful, cynical positioning is ultimately self-destructive. The last twenty years should have taught us this.
Democrats running for Congress should position themselves with respect to the alternative – which is Republicans. And any candidate who cynically carves out media approved positioning with respect to President Biden, or Nancy Pelosi, or AOC, should be cut out of the campaign in the primary. The House and Senate leadership must deliver this message clearly, without fear or favor to every member and every campaign. It’s time for Democrats to develop discipline. And that starts by demanding that campaigns stop running against the Democratic Fucking Party.
We know what we stand for. The job is to say so. The job is not to wait for some other Democrat to say so and then cleverly move precisely one step to the right of whatever the fuck that happens to be. If Democrats work together and fall short, these voters will stick with us. But if we work against each other by working against what we say we stand for out of individual self interest we lose them.
Fuck Abigail Spanberger. I’m happy she won reelection. But she did it by attacking her fellow Democrats and her President. That shit should never get a pass.
Then don’t.
He’s a fucking stupid clown. Who the fuck knows if he even believes his own bullshit. But you can be sure he’ll keep it up if you give him the reaction he neeeeeds. This polling roulette has been going on since long before Trump in ’16. And they are only getting worse. Just stop reacting to shitty late polls. The models they are using to predict LV are hot garbage. Elections are going to be close. Polls aren’t good at predicting outcomes when elections are close. Ignore them. And ignore the sad, weak dancing freak.
As I recall, I recently advised Vicious Troll to not count his chickens before they hatched. It turns out I was correct with that advice.
The models they are using to predict LV are hot garbage. Elections are going to be close. Polls aren’t good at predicting outcomes when elections are close. Ignore them. And ignore the sad, weak dancing freak.
lord kreepshit, apparently you’re here to serve up “bullshit polls”…
it’s cliche, but it’s also the truth.. you project and you end up being your own worst enemy..
Who’s “crying” now? heh… klown…
the other day, lord kreepshit crowed about elon making twitter “fun” again.. havin’ a blast looking through
Fun indeed.. Along the way discovered this little video of
repuke groomers
So appropriate to lord kreepshit. Heh.. Next stop for lord kreepshit: a future repuke groomer vid.. if it hasn’t got there already. heh..
Buster Bluth has entered the game.
She’s not gonna fuck you, convict.
And now we have schadenfreude from “bullshit polls” and those who uncritically babble about them.
And dang, to think we could have had a re-appearance of the babblin’ butthole if only the pissed off zoomers stayed home.
heh.. naaahhh.. teh freek is fat and happy in koo-koo karsen heaven now.
“Now that the election in Florida is over, and everything went quite well, shouldn’t it be said that in 2020, I got 1.1 Million more votes in Florida than Ron D got this year, 5.7 Million to 4.6 Million? Just asking?”
It begins.
Credit where credit is due:
“The Florida GOP’s youth outreach is also unparalleled. Top elected officials often establish deep personal connections with individual Floridians (usually female) before they’re even old enough to vote.”
I had to take a break, Dr. Dumbfuck was just unreadable over the last month. My hat is off to those that could suffer through and carry on the good fight.
Well, well, well, Red Wave, eh, not so much. I’m surprise he isn’t here votesplainin’ why the Red Tide didn’t overtake everything.
I’m not saying the Democrats have been outstanding over the last 2 years, it just goes to show just how poor of candidates the GOP trotted out to run against the Dems. Quite frankly the GOP should have been able to take the Dems to the woodshed but they are just so awful that the are mostly unelectable.
Case and point, Tiffany Smiley . Murray hasn’t done much in the last 6 years and maybe it is time for a change. However, what the GOP trotted out was yet another waste of flesh to push a BS agenda and you were going to be an empty shell, just shilling for Mitch, and the voters here knew it.
One thing that that wasn’t really touted by Murray was the fact that she is a senior Senator, her committee positions carry some weight. Washington would stand to lose some serious stature in the Senate if we sent Barbie-Junior to represent our State. No thanks. A lazy, senior Democrat senator is still better that a bright-eyed, empty-headed GOP sycophant.
Looking forward to Dr. Dumbfuck, trying to spin the poor showing of the GOP.
A quick list GOP candidates that Senator Raphael Cancun of Texas campaigned for on his nationwide bus tour:
John Gibbs
Yesli Vega
Scotty Moore
Bo Hines
Amanda Adkins
Cassy Garcia
Yvette Herrell
Mayra Flores
Every single one lost.
Still riding the bubble:
Herschel Walker
Blake Masters
Kari Lake
Neil Parrott
Still no Bob. Hopefully he hung himself.
It dawned on me that this falls under wrong again. Has he ever been right?
Still no recession? Darn!
How embarrassing for Bob. He’ll be back to tell us that the vow and horses needed to be attended to. Or he’ll completely ignore the subject of the election.
Or wait till they get the Senate and talk about the silver lining.
But he’ll never acknowledge Russia and The FuckHump, nor J6 and the cops killed.
Bob is a fraud, he can’t give anyone a bit of a shiver.
Or he broke into the neighbors wine cellar.
Go get’m Donald (Duck)!
Here’s the GOP’s chance to demonstrate they’re against violent crime. Ashli Babbitt’s brother is a violent criminal. Lock him up!
@42 Trump is back on Twitter? That didn’t take long. Is anybody else on Twitter? I’m not.
What’s up w/
Serena WaterfordKristi Noem?https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/-much-relief-south-dakota-voters-pass-medicaid-expansion-rcna56446
She and her repuke tools couldn’t stop the implementation of the black guy’s program.
A majority of SD voters had another opinion.
@44 I expounded on Tiffany Smiley here, here, and here (read in sequence).
@46 Here’s a big fat target to bring him out of hiding: I bought Disney stock today.
Bob, given his impeccable market timing, will say I waited too long and should’ve bought it in 2011.
Patty Murray is a good reason why we need term limits for the House of Representatives and the Senate.
@54 That’s unconstitutional, and if we’re going to ignore the Constitution, the Second Amendment is a better place to start. Patty Murray hasn’t killed anyone.
Don Jr. tweeted like 20 times yesterday……but today, he’s like Bob. He must have a horse or two too.
I have a fake handle, and I only follow porn accounts.
It’s is great for free Porn. I don’t think they have too many horses on though…..except for some of the Repuke woman.
They never talk about Term limits when it’s one of their own.
Here’s a Term Limit….you can’t run for President more than two times.
That is pure bullshit. There is no need for term limits. While I may not be happy with Murray, the better candidate won in this election.
I remember voting for a good Republican Senate candidate in Evans and Jackson. Sadly there hasn’t been a good Republican Senate candidate since those guys.
We have primaries for a reason. In fact, I didn’t vote for Murray in the primary, but in the general election I did because shecwas the better candidate of the two running.
Term limits are just stupid, get better people to run against someone you don’t like.
Election or no election, the Hetero Neanderthal STD lives on, feverishly.
Instead, you should grow the fuck up and support campaign finance limits, restrictions on family working for the office or the campaign, and requirements for members to transfer all their personal wealth into blind trusts until after they leave office. Then nobody becomes a professional member of Congress working for lobbyists, investment bankers, and Chinese billionaires like Cocaine Mitch. Instead they work for us. And we keep them for as long as they keep doing that.
Which is exactly why the States need to amend the Constitution to establish term limits for the House and Senate. It’s time to end the political royalty in America and promote more diversity in those legislative bodies.
Look lord kreepshit…
the “turnip” was just an act…
Fooled ya didn’t it?
YOU grow the fuck up.
Pleez, pleez, cheeto-tinted dear leader…
Don’t stump for Hershel…
Let kon-klown and its “serious maga boots” do it for you! So sez ItsANinny..
@59 Jackson was for the Vietnam war. Just about everyone now recognizes it was one of America’s worst foreign policy mistakes.
@66 – So was the First Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan, and just about everything to do with US foreign policy for the lat 100 years.
@66 – So was the First Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan, and just about everything to do with US foreign policy for the lat 100 years.
@67 “So was the First Gulf War …”
Just like that, you write off the Kuwaiti people, the Middle East oil supply, and leave a brutal dictator with nuclear ambitions in power. Total cost in U.S. casualties: 293 U.S. deaths (113 to hostile fire), 458 wounded. Are you against all wars? Would you let invaders walk all over everybody?
@65 Why is a Republican campaign operative working at Fox “News”? Is Fox a campaign organization?
JBS has entered the game.
If only Dave McCormick had been the nominee.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Until 2024.
I’m going to put down another marker here. Once again just so nobody gets away with making the absurd claim that Trump’s dominance over the GOP is somehow not of their own making.
They can dump him right now.
Just as they could have in Jan of 2021 after he called down a violent mob attack on Congress. Just as they could have after he betrayed the US and our NATO allies by trying to extort Ukraine.
It would be easy right now. Dump the entire cycle into his lap, turn their backs, and stop taking his calls. No more deals. No more transactions. Blame everything on Trump and cut him off.
But they won’t. Remember this when you see it happening. They want this.
I see you’re all still angry at Trump for having the gall to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Go with that.
And while you’re at it would you mind checking to see if Bennett is still a “tossup”?
Here’s just one of the many, stupid polls that the sad, weak dancing freak humiliated himself with:
Plenty wrong with it. But what ought to have leapt off the page is the even split among female LVs.
A single poll erased a party gender gap that has persisted since the Reagan admin. Who knew?
Yeah. That was wrong. Incredibly wrong in the wake of Dobbs. And yet profoundly stupid people like the sad, weak dancing freak embraced it all uncritically.
The sample weighting that Sienna applied to model turnout was completely wrong. Wrong about female voters. And probably wrong about many others. And this is regarded as a “high quality” poll:
I can’t imagine they are alone, or even really an outlier with respect to these modeling failures. But anyone should have been able to see these scattered effects of bad turnout modeling and raised questions. Most of the major media did not. Obviously this includes the NYT.
Big national media polls like this are shockingly expensive to produce. But that alone is not reason enough to promote the content to your audience when you have good reasons to suspect errors. But my guess is that’s exactly what happened in this NYT/Sienna poll.
Get ready to be put through it all again between now and Dec 8th.
Or stop worrying about polls.
@75 When 95% of a public jaded by scams, imposters, phishing schemes, robocalls, push polls, fundraising appeals, and fake Amazon reviews won’t even respond to surveys or answer pollsters’ questions, we all should be circumspect about polling data. Half the population still vote for dishonesty, lies, and wild conspiracy theories, though.
I presume that’s the same demographic still wiring their rent money to Nigerian princes, Trump for his MAGA expenses, and Steve Bannon for a border wall.
I think the Stock Market today is reacting to Bob hanging himself
@77 Bob hanged himself in the barn after reading @53. And while I didn’t post it, I bought Generac yesterday, too.
It’s a real shame about Bob’s passing. He was literally the only person in the world who could time the market. The rest of us just get lucky now and then.
@73 – They’re still pissed off about Bush-Gore, too.
Repukes are imploding.
No Red Wave. Inflation less than expected.
Stock market out performing any 1 day under the FuckHump or any other President. And Fetterman!
So sad, they now shift to the scum that they are.
We need term limits on Democrats in office. Just Democrats. Actually why are we letting them run at all?
In the very early morning hours this morning the Chief Information Security Officer, the Chief Privacy Officer, and the Chief Compliance Officer for Twitter all quit, all at the same time.
At least one of them has responded to inquiries about the resignations by indicating that the reason is Musk’s clearly communicated intention to violate the consent decree the company entered into with the FTC after it was sued over misuse and disclosure of user’s private information. In May Twitter settled another suit with FTC for $150 million over ongoing and similar violations of the same consent decree involving user and advertiser data security and agreed to implement a new set of enhanced data security protocols to protect users and advertisers. Since obtaining control over the company Musk has apparently indicated his intention to abandon those new security measures and to stop all efforts at compliance with the consent decree.
Insert “This is fine” meme here.
Hey, he didn’t assault Cruz, he was just lovin’ on him.
For once, a Republican’s defense is totally believable.
@82 Musk was last seen shoveling money into a huge pile, pouring kerosene on it, and lighting a match.
Strong statement from FTC, following the security and privacy departures at Twitter: “We are tracking recent developments at Twitter with deep concern. No CEO or company is above the law, and companies must follow our consent decrees.”
How do I cancel my Twitter Blue subscription?
Sooo….You can still be charged for Twitter even if you deactivate your account. Profit!
lord kreepshit, you made mr. klynikal back in 2010 look like an amateur.. with all the copypasta of poll shit.
Now you’re gone, totally, MIA.. it took klynikal some time to fade away…
Are you frightened and shiverin’ in widbee?
Implausible defense.
No self-respecting Cruz supporter would ever throw away a White Claw.
HAer’s I present lord kreepshit’s hero of 2022:
And just possibly the repuke haus kookus leader. They’ll need her every vote.
This Hetero Neanderthal STD is really killing people. Innocent people too.
“Musk was last seen shoveling money into a huge pile, pouring kerosene on it, and lighting a match.”
Which essentially makes Elon just another run-of-the-mill capitalist Master of the Universe. How does the $20 billion in cash equity that Musk is in the process of incinerating compare to the $32 billion in funding capital that SoftBank, Paradigm, and Sequoia justthrew away on FTX crypto-bullshit?
Moral Hazard is only for the little people.
Because what are “consequences”?
In Nevada ERA and $12/hr min wage are now projected to pass.
This is good news for Cortez Masto. Clark should be close to finished counting the mail by Saturday. The delay itself is a good sign. Larger than expected quantities of mail ballots returned in Clark is a good thing.
A number of major news organizations issued revised social media guidance today in the wake of the chaotic rollout of Twitter’s new $8 “authentication” service that lacks any checks or verification of identity.
Journalists, hosts, and other content personalities are to stop mentioning their Twitter accounts in reports, sharing it, or providing addresses and hyperlinks. But they are instructed to keep their accounts and not close them.
This comes after a number of fairly prominent media figures who quit the platform and closed their accounts had their identities stolen, assigned to new accounts, and then the accounts were “authenticated” by the new $8 system.
I’m Ok that Patty won…neither candidate is really that interesting.
But…..for the love of GOD! Will someone please make Patty a dentist appointment fast! Her teeth look like shit!
Republicans Are So Mad at the Huge Youth Turnout They Want To Increase the Voting Age
Young voters—who favored Democrats by about a 2-1 margin—helped tip the scale left in several crucial races including Pennsylvania and Michigan.
So naturally….
“After last night, I think we need to raise the voting age to like 30”
“You don’t have the judgement to consume alcohol responsibly before you’re 21, but here’s a ballot! Hell, we should lower the voting age to 17, or even 16!”
Republicans. Not going to change our hated policies, we just won’t let anyone vote who doesn’t agree with us.
There it is hiding in plain sight.
Imagine how humiliated the sad, weak dancing freak must feel. Crawling around in on the littered floor of the election-night ballroom, sobbing and searching desperately for some sign of hopium.
It’s not just that Biden emerges stronger than ever, that the Senate remains under the control of lesbians and commies, that Biden’s judicial nominees can move forward, and that the MTG House majority will now be a clusterfuck with no ability to pass “must-pass” legislation without the approval of Paul Gosar (and a hand-job).
It’s the yawning realization that this is the GOP high water mark for the next five to ten years. It’s a sled ride downhill from here as far as it even matters. Trump’s dominance of the party will eventually fade. But his base, his candidates, his state party leaders, and his extremism will remain for years to come. And Dobbs is still just there. A ten million vote anchor that can’t be cut loose.
Abortion rights won the US midterms – Every ballot question pertaining to abortion went in favor of reproductive rights, even in red states
Talk about fuck around and find out.
When the radical right wing SCOTUS overturned Roe, that lemon sucking Clarence Thomas basically said in his statement, “Lmao, we are overturning Roe. If women don’t like it, they can vote on it since they have that power.”
Women and young people ruined the red wave.
one that won’t cut and run…
one that won’t..
You know he’s there. He’s just using sock puppets and lurking for a while.
Enjoy that. Play with it.
Have fun. He can’t respond.
Hee, hee.
So there are 2 conclusions one gets from your post:
1. you have quite the vivid imagination to get all that wound up
2. You are into chicks with gnarled-up yellow teeth.
They only talk about voter fraud when their candidate loses.
Kari Lake anyone…
@100 Kari Lake has never done an honest day’s work in her life, and whatever Tuesday’s outcome isn’t about to start now.
@86 Probably the power is still out up there, and when he rode the horse to a hardware store to buy a generator, they were sold out.
Probably resembles what’s in Bob’s Stables.
@87 Damn. Another alibi collapses under cross-examination.
@90 I can’t relate to those guys; my investments make money.
Kari Lake hits Ron DeSantis for making ‘Trump Republicans’ look bad in victory speech
Devour him!
@93 Sure, why not? Trump had his teeth straightened.
Hopefully 20 years. Who doesn’t like Carnival acts?
Breeding wont save them, they mine as well keep doing what they’re doing.
@94 What an insult to our Vietnam veterans. The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 because if you were old enough to die in Vietnam, you also were old enough to vote. Now these asswipes who never stood at attention on a parade ground at 0500 hours want to repeal the 26th Amendment because they hate our troops.
Bob really must be embarassed. He was so sure of “His” Polls. And the economy. Inflation – oh my! A gallon of gas, costs you your left nut. Unbeleivable that Biden comes out smelling like roses and the Dumbfucks are all fighting now (a little more than normal).
They have no convictions, just one aim, and that is to destroy democracy. How the fuck we all going to be able to survive Climate Change? They want some of you fuckers to go, but only after forcing you into this chaos thru the STD Love Canal.
@97 We’ve had that problem on HA for years. They all cut and ran, and it’s very difficult to recruit new trolls. This place has a reputation.
And tomorrow is Veterans Day, yet they have no problem tossing that 16 year old into a war – if they’re black. Bunch of wacked out people.
You talking about the one that made us Shiver the Red?
Who got him to name himself so stupidly?
Good night and Happy Veterans Day (Roger).
@112 That was the Army’s policy in Vietnam. So all the soldiers smoked pot, which was readily available in the local villages. Special kudos to Sgt. Peter C. Lemon, who got stoned with his buddies and doesn’t remember much about the following day, but clearly remembers the Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony.
@114 Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
It will be interesting to see if drumpf can make the Murdochs kiss his ass and lay down the kneepads one more time.
So many drumpf lickbutts think Faux is liberal as it is.
Let’s repeal the Second Amendment now! Let’s start by confiscating and destroying all firearms in the hands of government employees – cops, security forces, military, intelligence people and the really, really secret folks operating in the shadows.
@118 Don’t forget the private militias. They’re part of Trump’s shadow government. We should disarm them, too.
Boebert had a 400-vote lead on Thursday after Mesa County reported, but Frisch should retake the lead in Pueblo County, which still has 7,200 uncounted ballots. His 55%-45% advantage there would give him about 700 more votes than Boebert, flipping this seat from R to D.
At the time the sad, weak dancing freak blamed “The Blacks” and “Thug Culture”:
This is how the GOP loses the Senate majority, and 20 electoral votes in a “red wave” election.
“The main obstacle for those hoping to bring a legal challenge against Biden’s plan has been finding a plaintiff who can prove they’ve been harmed by the policy. … ‘Such injury is needed to establish what courts call standing,’ said Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor.
“For that reason, Tribe said he was floored by the Texas judge’s ruling. ‘Judge Pittman’s decision was about as wrong and weird as any federal court ruling I can recall reading,’ Tribe said. ‘He was wrong to decide the merits without first deciding whether either of the two plaintiffs had standing.’”
Say what you want about Boomers, but we aren’t incompetent like the Generation X judges Trump appointed.
How about the Gen X attorneys Trump hired?
“Every claim was frivolous, most barred by settled, well-established existing law. These were political grievances masquerading as legal claims. This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering. It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda.”
Speaking of Dave Wasserman:
What’s that? Weren’t we speaking of Dave Wasserman?
Republican Oath Keeper Terrorist having a normal one:
Dow is down 200-300 points. maybe Bob will show face today for that reason, with his Pom Poms
He’s such a supportive and encouraging boss.
And obviously not the tiniest bit racist.
I’m reading the comments. And even posting a little. I’m just not yet willing to identify myself.
I’ll probably have to change my screen name again to help create some “distance”. Grief is a process. It takes time.
Jon Ralston of the Nevada Independent continues to express optimism predicting a win for Cortez Masto. He’s basing it on the numbers and locations of outstanding ballots and the percentage partisan lean from those locations counted so far.
CCM has won about 60% of the outstanding mail ballots coming in so far. Laxalt’s lead has dwindled to 9,000 in the most recent update.
The load that dropped in Clark this morning and is being processed includes ~35,000:
14,756 Dem
8,688 Rep
11,739 Other
Based on the returns he predicts an indy break to CCM that will give her another 6,000 and the overall break to probably close the gap with this count.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 2024 Republican Party nominee to be the next President of the United States!
Sure, Jan.
How far has the NRA collapsed?
Opponents of Oregon’s new gun control law raised a mere $200,000 to oppose the measure. And the NRA was only able to kick in $25,000. The church-based coalition that sponsored the measure raised over $2,000,000 and fielded a massive army of church, temple, synagogue, and mosque members to canvass and turnout voters. The probably helped Tina Kotek win and may have tilted a couple of House races.
NRA and Oregon Firearms Federation turnout never got off the ground.
This model can work in other states. The NRA is simply no longer a force to even be considered.
Say what you want about Boomers, but we aren’t incompetent like the Generation X judges Trump appointed.
That doesn’t read like Generation X incompetence, it reads like blind Federalist Society nullification. In this case, he didn’t care how laws worked or how judges were supposed to act, it was in front of him and he was going to rule it invalid, and damned any actual laws.
I’ll probably have to change my screen name again to help create some “distance”. Grief is a process. It takes time.
lord kreepshit you promised a fatuous, vacuous lecture about Third Way that we could all yawn and snicker at…
follow through.. heh
Twitter Could Go Bankrupt, Elon Says
Twitter quietly drops $8 paid verification; “tricking people not OK,” Musk says
“tricking people not OK” whoa someone is against free speech!
In his absence we must all console ourselves…
…thinking on our sins!
@135 Heh.
Ron Desanctimonious will never be the dumbfuck troll’s president.
Trump Unleashes 10 Posts In One Hour, Mostly Attacking ‘Desperate’ DeSantis
47 years ago last night, the SS Arthur Andersen called the Coast Guard to report it had lost contact with the SS Edmond Fitzgerald, the pride of the Lakers(Great Lakes. Luke ore carriers). No trace of the 29 men on board was ever found(although one shipwreck explorer told the families they thought they saw a body. Since been declared a grave).
Interesting, if.she had not sunk, the Fitz would most likely be still plying the Great Lakes, the good old Toledo Express(another one of ship’s nicknames). Proof of that, the Anderson is still in service, as evidenced here pulling into Duluth on the 45th anniversary.
Just recently, Interlake Steamship , the biggest of the US Laker operators, took delivery of a new ship, first in decades. The Mark W Barker is a little different, instead of pushing the limits for the SOO Locks as most have, this one is a little smaller.The two biggest loads they carry is Iron Ore and Coal, and with the latter in decline, the Barker has been designed to adapt. The holds are designed for odd size cargo, like Wind Turbine blades, band potentially containers.
131)I thought Kotek would lose Washington County, home to Beaverton.
@125 These dumbfucks want millions of ballots hand-counted and the results released on election night. They’re living in la-la land.
140)They think this is Britain, where they can do it and rccounts in one night? Then again, it’s spread over 650:Constituencies.
@126 “Dow is down 200-300 points”
Not anymore. As of 11:52 am, the DJIA, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 are all in the green. So far I have a 12.3% return on the stocks I bought two days ago (Disney and Generac). This, of course, is because of the drop in inflation. The market was initially disappointed by absence of a red wave, and I bought that market decline, not because I expected the inflation reading, but because I thought the market’s reaction to the election was premature and overdone.
@142 (continued) So I picked two undervalued stocks which plunged that day, and here we are, they’re bouncing right back. Actually three, because I told my sister to buy Rio Tinto yesterday, and it’s up 7% today. I’m not a flawless market timer like Degen Bob, I just have intuition and sometimes get lucky. And I’m a capitalist at heart, because this sure beats working for the Republican minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.
Everyone should be a capitalist! No one should work, because working doesn’t pay. Workers get all the work, and capitalists get all the money. It isn’t fair, and I wouldn’t choose a system like this, but it is what it is, and I’m merely capitalizing on it.
From what I hear, it sounds like there was quite a bit of direct, grass roots, canvassing and turnout development going on at the precinct, district, and county levels for some of the House races and some of the issue races that simply was not matched by the other sides. Nationally there was quite a lot of attention on OR-5 and OR-6. The 6th has some overlap with Washington County, and the Dem outpaced her opponent by about 2 to 1 there. There’s probably quite a lot of overlap between voters supporting a gun control measure and voters ready to vote for an out, lesbian Democrat for Governor. The coattails dynamic can operate in either direction.
@128 You didn’t see me posting about polls, and not because they were unfavorable to the Dems. I don’t trust polls. I read last week that 95% of Americans won’t even respond to surveys. How the hell can you get accurate polling when everyone thinks all surveys are scams? I hope you’ve learned to be more circumspect about poll results when only 5% of people will talk to pollsters.
@131 They don’t need to defeat ballot measures when they’ve got the Supreme Court and Trump’s Federalist Society incompetents dominating the lower courts.
@134 Chapter 11 isn’t bankruptcy, in the sense of going-out-of-business bankruptcy; it’s merely GOP-sponsored corporate debt forgiveness.
The dumbfuck has even more reason to have a sad. His man Putin is getting his ass handed to him.
Ukrainian flags flood Kherson as emotional residents celebrate liberation from Russian occupiers
God bless Raw Story.
148)Putin worships the Romanovs probably, including the incompetence of their armed forces.
Besides Veterans Day, today is Washington State’s Birthday. November 11, 1889.
NBC just called the Arizona Senate Race for Kelly. Governor Race still too close to call.
Also, SecState for Fontes. What a comeback for him. Guess you can’t count out a Marine.
Here’s something McFuckHead said several years ago in describing himself and Seattle/King County people:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
With attitudes like that, it’s easy for the rest of Washington to truly and deeply hate Seattle and King County. I consider myself to be chief among Washington citizens who hate you people.