I would prefer actual facts to random speculation. But with Joe Kent and his campaign refusing to give any actual information about his previous employer, bad speculation is going to replace it. So, he probably wasn’t in the CIA. He maybe was given a bullshit make work job, or was just lying. I wish we had better information.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Democrats could have had Conor Lamb. Gisele Fetterman wouldn’t hear of it.
Here’s Chris Cuomo interviewing Christ Stirewalt about the Fetterman fiasco.
• Irresponsible for Dems and Fetterman’s loved ones to allow Fetterman to enter the general race. Conor Lamb could have taken over.
• Fetterman struggled to flip-flop as he disowned Bernie Sanders by claiming he was never opposed to fracking.
• The knock against Lamb was that he was too squishy about liberal ideals, and yet Fetterman threw liberal position on fracking under the bus during the debate.
• Low pre-debate expectations were higher than what Fetterman displayed.
I’d like to thank Gisele Fetterman for handing the GOP the gift of US Senate control for the next two years.
Gisele, your gift is second only to Hillary Clinton’s gift of the presidency from 2017-2020, and three SCOTUS seats.
Use the next six years, Gisele, to take proper care of your husband.
Interesting Twitter thread regarding the Politico piece on The Fat Cow earlier this week, and particularly the very large sums paid to the legal firm of a friend of The Fat Cow.
In the politico piece an associate of Public Citizen called it “a very clear conflict of interest”. This isn’t just any schmuck; here is part of the Public Citizen bio on him:
The very next day, Public Citizen retracted his quote and said there was nothing wrong with the relationship between The Fat Cow and her friend’s legal firm.
I guess it’s business as usual to drop $200,000 for every employee on your close friend’s business. Nothing to see here, move along.
Your move, Dr. Holman.
This is Fetterman’s “Communications Director”.
If Fetterman wins C-SPAN will be showing chair-throwing in Senate chambers. Joni Ernst will throw back and her aim is better than Fetterman’s.
This is a tweet by a profane, obnoxious dude who realizes with clarity that the dream has died. It’s a tweet from Goldy early in the morning on November 9, 2016.
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit this is just another white dude ragin’:
Joseph Rosenbaum was a POS who deserved what he got. Dancing Grannies weren’t, and didn’t.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
We’d be better off if SNL treats Fetterman the way it treated Palin. And Trump. And Bush – both of them.
So would SNL.
Former Obama cabinet member John Huntsman endorsed Mike Lee over Evan McMullin.
Comparing Palin to an invalid. Nice.
God Bless President Joe Biden
So sensative. You and the Puffy Ape. 🦍 🦧
It’s comedy, just like any other offensive comic can be.
This morning 538 increased the likelihood that the GOP takes the House to 82%.
Yes, but what does Mika think?
Hell, what does Goldy think?
So, we can cross Fetterman off of TIME’s Person Of The Year short list, then?
The journalist having the absolute best day today is NBC’s Dasha Burns.
@ 10
Comparing Palin to an invalid. Nice.
Calling the Democrat candidate for Pennsylvania’s open US Senate seat an invalid. Nice.
@6 “Wisconsin man convicted of killing six people after he plowed his SUV through a Christmas parade, ending an erratic weekslong trial.”
Good. Lock him up and melt the key into nails. Now if only teen vigilantes who cross state lines to participate in riots in order to shoot people got what they deserved.
@8 SNL is fair game for its portrayals of Palin, Trump, and Bush if you believe they’re mentally handicapped, which you evidently do.
Another woman, abortion clinic, and Herschel Walker lie.
If Republicans want to win elections, for starters they have to stop running profoundly flawed candidates.
@5 What the people of Pennsylvania saw last night is that Dr. Oz repeatedly lied on the debate stage, and that he believes abortion should be a decision between a woman, her doctor, and local politicians.
@9 Jon (not “John”) Huntsman was an ambassador, not “cabinet member,” under Obama; and I can’t find a report that he endorsed Utah’s democracy-hating senator, although it wouldn’t particularly surprise me if Huntsman returned the favor of Lee endorsing him in the 2020 Utah governor’s race (which Huntsman lost in the primary). Mutual backscratching, you know. Also political expediency, should Huntsman be contemplating running for office in Utah again.
@16 The only surprise about this is that Florida still has any Republicans left after electing DeSantis and then sustaining triple the Covid death rate that Washington has under Inslee.
@18 Fetterman is valid, not invalid. Oz is phony, not valid.
How’s that work for you?
Someone didn’t see me saying a woman’s health care should be between her, her doctor, a priest she never met, the local school board….
NO! I already told you I never ever paid for an abortion for that woman….
Wait….there’s another one? Well she’s a lyin’ bitch too! I never drove a female to a clinic.
I’m not saying Oz, Lee, and a gaggle of woman-hating election deniers can’t win or won’t be elected. That’s up to voters, and only half of us can be smarter than a gourd. Nature is cruel.
I believe we all understand by now that our stupid troll is an extraordinarily weak individual. I would have said he was a weak man, but that would give him way too much credit.
Perhaps if he would purchase more store-bought manhood at the Feed Store that would help. Just kidding. Nothing could make a man out of that POS traitor.
He’s no man. He’s my bitch.
What in the world has come over Politico?
Democrats scramble to avert shock Senate loss in Washington state
$6.4M is an awful lot of money to spend on a safe seat. It would buy a lot of out-of-state abortions somewhere else.
Probably a lie by Democrats intended to squeeze people like YLB’s fucked kids for more money they don’t have. Probably.
I believe our troll is simply too weak to discuss these things with us.
His violent 1/6 insurrection intended to end our democracy.
His ongoing slo-mo coup to end our democracy.
His desire to completely re-write our Constitution.
His leader’s theft of our nation’s Top Secret documents.
Our incredibly weak troll will not prove me wrong.
Democrat pollster has AZ Senate tied at 47.
893 LV. MOE 3. Methodology SMS/web.
Imagine being handed a job because your wife took a bullet to the brain.
@ 31
…will not prove me wrong.
Steve, it’s enough to prove you irrelevant. And really, you do that to yourself, nearly with every post.
You used to bring it. Now you just airmail it.
NBC affiliate.
Stuff you say when you’re convinced your shit doesn’t stink.
Whitmer Says She and Biden Are Cut From ‘Similar Cloth’
April, 2020.
That one’s gonna leave a mark.
Same Democrat pollster as @ 32:
Nevada Senate – Laxalt vs. Cortez Masto Data for Progress (D)** Laxalt 49, Cortez Masto 48 Laxalt +1
Nevada Governor – Lombardo vs. Sisolak Data for Progress (D)** Lombardo 48, Sisolak 47 Lombardo +1
In September this pollster had the same result for NV Senate and had NV governor tied.
@29 “I would have said he was a weak man, but that would give him way too much credit.”
I would’ve said he’s a weak My Little Pony, but the unicorns asked me to leave them out of this.
Wonder if the wall to wall coverage on those two guilty verdicts of the MAGAts who tried to kidnap me is going to effect the race? The race not a single poll has me trailing. It’s not like my opponent is anything short of a MAGA propogandist loon…
Hoping to find a pony under the Christmas tree doesn’t mean one is there. Asking Santa for a pony doesn’t mean you’ll get one. Believing in unicorns doesn’t make them real.
And it’s not fun watching Dumbfuck relive his toddler years. It’s merely tedious. But we must suffer through his obsession with polls only 13 more days.
@ 40
Believing in unicorns doesn’t make them real.
They certainly seemed real enough to you when you brought them up nine minutes earlier @ 38, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Not real: unicorns.
Also not real: Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s claimed status as a millionaire.
Eeets hard with zis internet. Other countries have IT too. So we got caught using zee photos are Slovenian nuculeeear plant as photos of dirty bomb. That doesn’t mean Ukraine isn’t using one. We thought 2010 was far enough down memory to go unnoticed. And who knew slovenia was actual place.
Een Soviet Russia Propaganda writes YOU!
One more abortion on my punch card and I get to knock a lady up for free,
@ 44
One more domestic assault on my punch card and I get to knock a woman out cold for free.
Ba dup bup.
A black woman was sexually assaulted while serving in the military. When Democrats had the idea that making it public information would shame her and help them win a race, this happened.
Some additional information:
When you’re beating her by 7 points, there’s no harm making her live through it again. After all, you don’t want her coming back stronger next time around.
Had to make sure that one was a goner. Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah!
Was it Herschel? Did he have his badge?
Well, we know it was the Hetero Neanderthal STD! That’s for sure!
@44 and 45 you Hetero Neanderthals will go to hell!
Steve, it’s enough to prove you irrelevant. And really, you do that to yourself, nearly with every post.
Running away. Again. So weak of you. You and your gross stupidity never disappoint that way.
I’ll say that I’m quite impressed with Island County’s Planning Department record keeping. I now now the layout of your home as well as you do.
I’m very much looking forward to introducing myself to you in person, you pathetically weak subhuman POS.
Make that one more thing I’ve been caught lying about. But Jesus, baby Jesus, the Lord and I are good. I’ve repented from all my
abortionssins and lying isn’t a sin. It’s here in my bible. I’m a real Sherriff. I was there when no one found any evidence to back up my lies.Georgia early voting is going through the roof. So much for all that Georgia “voter suppression” the left was cackling about!
Speaking of fascists like our troll (and Hawley) running away…
‘She’s gone’: Marjorie Taylor Greene flees local TV interview after she didn’t like the questions
These fascists are all spineless fucking cowards, especially our stupid fucking troll. They’re so weak.
Hmm, Google and Meta stocks are cratering. I wonder if that’s because revenue is dropping because advertisers are hunkering down for a recession?
@39 Tudor Dixon is affecting your race, in much the same way that Doug Mastriano is affecting his race, except he’s proving it’s possible to be even wackier than she is.
@46 Green requested a criminal investigation, and this being a Democratic administration, I assume there’s going to be one.
@47 If Walker was a Democrat, he would’ve dropped out or been forced out of the race weeks ago. Only Republicans put up with someone like him. They’d elect a Dahmer if it served their political interests.
@52 Yeah, staking out ballot drop boxes and brandishing guns isn’t working in Arizona, either. People are so pissed at Repoublicans they’ll crawl over broken glass to vote against that criminal gang.
Apparently she is unwilling to refer to a three year-old black child as a monkey like the former LA County Council prez does, so they don’t want her.
Mayra Flores Prevented From Joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
The ground is shifting in the Keystone State.
Hey, Fetterman said he wanted to lower the price of tuition. Not spending money on stupid shit is one way to do it. Departments with titles including the word “Studies” at the end and administrators are stupid shit.
@58, yeah there’s no voter suppression in Georgia, and the turnout is proving that!
It’s about time one of the kids kills a parent. Nobody (supposed grownups) recognizes when the Neanderthal Hetero STD claims a kid as its victim……so carry on, just like you have normalized the Hetero Neanderthal STD.
like the former LA County Council prez
County.. Los Angeles County is governed by a board of supervisors..
If lord kreepshit is babbling about Nury Martinez, she was the former “prez” of the Los Angeles City Council..
Wow… maybe lord kreepshit is going to Death Valley Days the same way the old fart that it fellated back in the day.. Following from lord kreepshit’s silly babbling, THAT, is..
for my kids…
@60 Doctor Dumbfuck is now on record as saying racial justice is “stupid shit.”
You failed again.
Republicans used to be good at a few more things. But now it’s just school shootings and paying for abortions.
TRUMP 2024!
Three year-old you say?
Got any pics?
Ye, you pussy, listen up,
True Bob? Did Goldman Sachs say that?
63)I think only San Francisco calls it’s city council a Board of Supervisors, because it’s a combined city-county.
Okay. Seriously, y’all.
That was my last gigantic lie.
From now on y’all can trust me.
I can’t promise there won’t be more women, and more abortions.
There will be.
Word is the Senate swings. And my girl Marge tells me them pages are cheap drunks. I’ma get me some o’ that. They young, ‘n prolly ain’t on that pill ‘n shit. But that’s cool. I know a doctor in New Jersey.
I too promise that I’ve told my last gigantic fucking lie about all the Nazis I employ in my reelection campaign.
While it is true that one of my campaign associates working on direct voter outreach got his bitch-ass beat in Hialeah Monday, it was a gigantic lie that he got his pussy-ass kicked for being a Republican.
The truth is he got his bitch-ass beat for popping off with White Supremacy to the wrong cholos. Fool thought his White Privilege card would make him bullet proof.
Mark Kelly has outraised Blake Masters by $60 million as of late last month.
The two are tied in the AZ Senate race, according to liberal pollster Data for Progress.
First, you get a guy to pop a cap into the back of your wife’s brain so people feel sorry for you. Then you get the Democrat Machine to plow $70 million into your campaign AFTER you have a two-year head start by way of incumbency.
And the best you can manage is a tie with a pipsqueak like Masters?
GOP pickup.
GOP pickup.
High school football coach who lost job for praying on field after games to be reinstated
“One more than whatever ya got.”
So many Democrat chickenshits this year. Lotsa opportunities for YLB to vote for a candidate who acts the way she does.
Record & early voting in Georgia = not the voter suppression you ideologues are cackling about.
Justice Kagan has blocked a J6 subpoena. It probably heads to the full SCOTUS for review.
Yes, that was Justice Kagan. It’s how you know that the J6 committee has far overstepped its boundaries.
Yabbut Dems still have the trans vote.
It’s from USA Today.
When nearly half the nation is eating less food because of the party in power, that party won’t be in power much longer.
Kamala Harris will travel with First Vegetable Joe Biden to campaign for Fetterman tomorrow in PA.
Momala’s role will be to translate what the other two are attempting to say. And then wipe their chins while they dribble ice cream and Jell-O.
Republican defeat.
Georgia is flipped and stays flipped. Because you’re weak and incompetent.
You guys just can’t crime well anymore. You seem to fuck things up every time. The gang that can’t sedition straight. You need more practice throwing fire extinguishers and taxing cops in the neck I guess.
It’s healthier. Them fat slobs will be crying later. Hehehe.
Nice spin.
@73 “The two are tied in the AZ Senate race”
This requires no explanation beyond the IQ curve. Half the voters are smart, and half are stupid. Everything else is immaterial.
@74 What if a kid is denied a college football scholarship because he didn’t get to show off his talent because Coach benched him for not joining the midfield Christian prayer scrum because he’s Muslim? Can he sue, too? Should he be able to? Would the school district have a “our hands are tied” defense?
@ 81
It’s healthier. Them fat slobs will be crying later. Hehehe.
Sez the guy who lost 200# solely so that strangers would be able to locate his asshole without resorting to making him fart underwater first.
@ 80
Republican defeat.
Georgia is flipped and stays flipped.
Uh, the Senate Majority Leader does not agree, QoS McHillbilly:
New poll:
Oz 47.5
Fetterman 44.8
Oz wins every category under senior citizen. I guess people who don’t have jobs don’t think it’s as disgusting to vote for someone who spent so much of his adult life not having a job.
538 now gives the GOP a 48% chance of retaking the Senate.
Bernie is leaving OR to campaign in NV.
Cortez Masto is too chickenshit to be there with him.
What’s not to love about Bernie?
Who wants a senator with a brain-damaged wife, anyway?
@91 Sez the HA mouthpiece for a brain-damaged party. At least our candidates were born with brain stems, which is more than you can say about your party’s candidates.
If they win, I wonder how they’re going to enforce Christian nationalism? Will they make us all go to tent revival meetings at gunpoint? I wouldn’t put it past them.
Whereas your side would have us all living in concentration camps and memorizing Mao’s Little Red Book.
GA flip + NV flip + PA hold = GOP-controlled Senate.
NV flip + PA hold = GOP-controlled Senate.
The best thing that could happen to this Country is for the GOP to takeover, it become a big shithole, and then laugh.
@94 You’re already flocking to concentration camps (called “Sunday schools”) and memorizing Christian nationalist texts, so other than an insignificant change in reading material, you won’t notice a difference.
@97 It occurred to me that if the GOP wins the House and subjects the country to two years of nonstop impeachments and investigations of the FBI while the economy and everything else goes to hell on a rocket sled, many more voters may be thoroughly tired of Republicans by the time 2024 rolls around.
@99 and if that doesn’t happen in 2024, it will just become a bigger shithole and a bigger laugh.
Every country will be fucking each other. People dying all over the place. Hillbiliies crying.
The horse doesn’t care who wins the elections, but will be sad when they’re over. Poring over polls keeps Doctor Dumbfuck out of the barn, but only temporarily.
Elon Musk closed the acquisition of Twitter tonight.
There’s a new sheriff in town. And his name’s Reggie Hammond.
If I join Twitter, and engage Goldy directly, will he block me?
Good. Roger Stone is going after DeSantis. It’s about time he made himself useful.
Imagine a Twitter that kept David Goldstein honest.
@102 It’s gonna be a small town.
@103 Goldy won’t be there.
@105 Twitter will be useful if it keeps you out of the barn. At least the horse will think so.
Maybe sissy shit will be less likely to “roll in” from Twitter in the future.
Imagine 2024 if both CNN and Twitter are playing fair.
We’re talkin’ President-elect Ron DeSantis.
Hopefully the fascists keep the porn on Twitter, that’s really all it is good for.
“The endorsed Republican candidate for Franklin County auditor in the Nov. 8 election deleted his Twitter account Tuesday night after The Dispatch inquired about the account showing ‘likes’ and ‘replies’ earlier this year to sexually explicit and pornographic content ….
“Jarrod Golden, the 39-year-old Republican auditor candidate from Westerville, suspended the public Twitter account linked to his campaign website shortly after the newspaper asked about the activity on the account late Tuesday afternoon ….”
Says a hacker did it, and he hasn’t used the account for months because of a “medical issue.” I believe the medical issue part.
Hey, y’all libbies, when Oz wins PA and Laxalt takes NV and the Senate control flips to the GOP, y’all are gonna have six years to whine that Oz did it because he spent $25M of his own money.
It will help y’all try to forget that y’all placed the confirmation of two years of Biden judicial nominees in the hands of a 6’8″ turnip.
“The man accused of killing a teacher and teen earlier this week in a south St. Louis school shooting bought the AR-15-style gun from a private seller after an FBI background check blocked his attempted purchase from a licensed dealer in St. Charles. No existing law would have prevented the private sale of the gun to Orlando Harris, 19, police said.”
Maybe it’s time we had such a law? But Republicans are against it.
A Republican is someone who thinks books are more dangerous than guns in classrooms.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers # 14 is named Godwin.
It’s a sign of the red wave to come.
@ 110
This is how desperate Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has become.
A guy running as a Republican for county auditor 2,400 miles away from Seattle likes porn.
It’s not the guy’s porn interest that gets Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s goose. It’s the fact that the guy can still get it up, and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t.
Bombshell report, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Keep ’em comin’.
@115 Are you at least willing to say you’re against a porn addict running elections where you live? C’mon, say it, it’s not that hard.
@ 116
If his count is accurate and if I don’t have to touch the ballot after he does, machts nichts.
Again, you’re left with resentment that he can get it up and you can’t, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s a nothingburger during a midterm season in which your side is about to be deservedly spanked, but good.
Lie back and enjoy it. It’s as close to sex as you’ll get now.
Didn’t know Moses Lake PD and Grant County Sheriff needed an armored assault vehicle.
As for the bus, glad the Grant Transit Authority has been getting new busses, and at least they got rid of the MAN Americana busses they started with, Metro’ ran out of spare parts long ago for those.
BNSF suing an upstart airline for trademark infringement. Guess the airline should not have tried to use the name Northern Pacific. The Santa Fe once forced Amtrak to stop using the Chief names on Amtrak’s former Santa Fe routes.
The only thing Democrats have to run on in 2022 is abortion. On crime, foreign affairs, inflation and immigration – the country is not with them.
@118 Of course they do. How can you have a parade without one?
@120 Democracy, too. Not threatening to kill election workers. Or raping little girls. Nor forcing 10-year-olds to have their rapist’s baby. There’s actually a lot here to like, unless you think like a Republican.
It’s not a good sign when voters laugh derisively at your party’s candidate during a debate.
I feel for this guy, being a fellow disabled veteran, but the final blow on his head must’ve been a doozy.
There’s nothing wrong with this. Kanye is a peoples man! He’s the black version of The FuckHump.
FuckHump / Ye 2024!
Dude, you’re more desperate than some witch looking for her broom
FuckHump / Ye We 2024!
6,000,000 votes!
Normalize turnip-ism.
The victim was a boy. Pretty sure it’s how G-clown got his start as a psychotic fuck.
I’m really sorry, G-clown.
Wonder what CNN will do to one-up this?
Remember when Steve made a big deal about a white guy beating an Asian woman, only to find that it happened in The Tenderloin and the dude was batshit crazy rather than racist?
Steve memory-holed that one right quick.
Will the same thing happen with this attack?
For the benefit of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I should clarify that Paul Pelosi was the victim, not the assailant.
“Madame Speaker, any new thoughts on the startling rise in violent criminal activity in the district you represent?”
Thoughts and prayers.
Turns out it wasn’t an attack. He just got falling-down drunk. Again.
Surprise, surprise. Turns out the video cameras at the Pelosi residence were on the fritz at the time of the attack. There’s nothing to see. Police have no leads as yet, although they’re on the lookout for a guy wearing a MAGA hat and carrying a tuna sandwich from Subway.
This is why Katie Hobbs suddenly didn’t want to talk about the burglary after first blaming it on Lake-supporting violent conservatives.
Thoughts ad prayers.
What did I tell y’all? Thoughts and prayers.
How fortuitous is it that two kids get shot right in front of Zeldin’s house, providing him the opportunity to talk about violent crime first-hand, and Pelosi’s husband gets attacked in his home, providing the entire GOP universe the opportunity to talk about the consequences of not taking crime seriously enough?
Exit question (phrased as a musing), from NY guv Kathy Hochul: I don’t know why that’s so important to you.