SPD behaved so poorly during CHOP that sometimes you forget whole ass portions of it. Reading about the report by the Inspector General, I completely forgot about SPD making up armed checkpoints out of whole cloth. Wild that they want more offers and 0 accountability after that mess.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. Vaccination rates are low for the bivalent booster, so make an appointment soon.
Telling Americans that masks don’t work ’cause you’re short on mask inventory: Good.
Telling protesters that Proud Boys are marching elsewhere ’cause you’re short on cops: Bad.
Beatings will continue until morale improves. Or until January 20, 2025, whichever comes first.
When someone goes digging for a nugget of good news in a poll and comes up with “yeah we are worse off and we STILL don’t want the Republican…”
Biden 42.2
Lexalt 42.7
Cortez Mastro 46.6
BetterNow/TheSame – 53.2
Worse – 47.6
How much will abortion affect your vote (AKA the Kansas question): 1-10 scale
Will not 1-5 combined 37.2
Will 6-10 -57
Looking at MOE over the last month it’s possible Laxalt never had a lead and also possible the Vegas reporter story had a temporary effect that is now done as voters really decide if one person represents the whole.
In this story I’m the bull that has THREE pregnant cows but I so wanted to git with the other three cows over the fence I went and tore myself up. If I had made the jump there would be either more abortions or more baby mamas. I shouldn’t have to explain the meta..meta…meta something.
Praise Jesus all the glory.
“There’s no secular argument against adult incest. Brother and sister want to make love, what’s your argument? That they’re going to produce mentally retarded offspring? That’s nonsense. It takes many generations of inbreeding to do that”
It’s true though. Only religion has values. Without Jesus there is no secular argument against raw dogging your mom on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see.
And definitely no argument against murdering your neighbors and selling their kids to the Ottomans except for the youngest which you keep for your own pleasures.
The Atheist left is so intolerant of religion they make up all kinds of things about what we believe
I question her presence of spine.
@ 3
Looking at MOE over the last month it’s possible Laxalt never had a lead…
Yup, that’s what the trailing candidate usually comes up with. What happens when you look at the other side of the MOE range?
Everybody’s loins girded for tomorrow’s announcement?
Actually, not an awful answer.
It’s his party’s handling of it that has been awful. He only wants to be awful. Hasn’t had his chance to “handle it” iet.
Red States have more STD’s too. Bunch of pigs.
Herschel your our hero!! 🥰😘
One day you’ll graduate from being a hypocrite to a cold blooded STD killer.
Breeding and Jesus won’t save you.
JD Vance
“Alex Jones is a far more reputable source of information than Rachel Maddow.
One of them is censored by the regime. The other is promoted by it.” 9-5-2021
Putting aside the notion that government was censoring Jones it was prescient of Twitter to do so rather than be potentially liable for some of that $1B.
Mr. Vance, would you like to say anything to parents of dead children shot in a school about reputable information?
FOURTEEN members of Nevada Republican Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt’s family endorse Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada Senate race
Speaking of Alex Jones….
Alex Jones to pay $965m to Sandy Hook victims
Good to see that not all on the right are immune to consequences.
Something to think about if you are going to buy a new home.
Much of the south is red, not because homes are so expensive, but wages are so low.
While MAGA Republicans threaten Social Security, starting tomorrow, seniors and other Americans will learn how much their monthly checks will INCREASE!
Putting more money in the pockets of Americans who need it most.
Now that’s what real leadership looks like.
Vote accordingly
16 – Not true:
@17 yeah and that idiot would have said mostly false that Repukes don’t want to end Abortion.
Just like Susan Collins thought.
Who trusts a Repuke. Nobody but a fucking sheep dumbfuck.
Neanderthal Heteros don’t kill their wives either. Sheeeesh!
@17. That piece of misdirection was from Apr 8 .
Consider that Forced Birth Republicans also said “Roe is settled law and will never be overturned. ”
SEPTEMBER 19, 2022
158 out of 212 House Republicans, including top GOP leadership Members Whip Scalise and Chair Stefanik, have called for slashing and privatizing Social Security, raising the retirement age to 70 and ending Medicare as we know it as part of the Republican Study Committee FY2023 budget.
Top GOP Senator Rick Scott continues to push Senate Republicans’ plan to terminate Social Security and Medicare after five years.
Trump says “we’ll be cutting” entitlements like Medicare and Social Security
Aug 3
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Social Security and Medicare be eliminated as federal entitlement programs, and that they should instead become programs approved by Congress on an annual basis as discretionary spending.
NOVEMBER 1, 2018
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, recently pointed to “entitlements” as the key cause of rising federal deficits, and blamed Democrats for refusing to go along with proposals to cut spending by Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
the Republican Study Committee released a plan to raise the eligibility age for Social Security to 70 and the eligibility age for Medicare to 67. The increases would be phased in over time and once the target is reached, the eligibility age would then be indexed to life expectancy. The lawmakers also called for increased means testing in the Medicare program, and a privatization option for Social Security.
Republicans ARE gunning to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Greed driven Boomers will vote for so long as their benefits are grandfathered in and their taxes go down.
Who are you going to believe? The words and actions of the politicians themselves, or PolitiFact?
PolitiFact Is to Fact What Pravda Was to Truth – Dennis Prager
“Now more than ever it’s important to eliminate abortion in all it’s forms for the child is the most important being in the equation. It is simply the only moral choice” -Republicans.
@ 21
It finds that 36% of counties nationwide — largely in the Midwest and South — constitute “maternity care deserts,” meaning they have no obstetric hospitals or birth centers and no obstetric providers.
Greeley County in Kansas has 1300 people. That might be all of 2 births per month. How many birth centers are needed in a county that births one baby per two weeks? From the center of this county one can drive 15-20 miles and be in the next county.
Silly fucking statistic about the birth centers. There are 105 counties in Kansas, and only 38 of them have more than 10,000 residents.
@ 13
FOURTEEN members of Nevada Republican Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt’s family endorse Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada Senate race
Heard of Obama’s half-brother Malik?
Three year-old monkey takes down the president of the Los Angeles City Council.
Apparently Citgo didn’t give The Big Guy his 10%.
He meant to say Hunter lost his crack pipe.
Crack, Iraq… It’s easy to see how a senile old man might get confused.
This guy is Native Neanderthal Hetero.
Jesse Smollet, Jesse Smollet!
Where’s the ape?
The real estate bubble group is celebrating the rate hikes. They are glad that real estate values will likely be brought back down toward reasonable.
They are also taking great glee in the pain as crappy flippers and terrible investors stuck with vastly over priced houses will lose lots and lots of money.
Check out these gems
Flipper paid 675k, currently asking 1.59m. Couldn’t believe the work on this “down to the studs” remodel. These guys deserve what’s coming.
Should he sell or Airbnb?
Prop taxes in TX are high and they love their HOAs. I bet his AC bill is obscene too. Not a shade tree in sight. Nobody will want to vacation in that bleak mcmansion at the price he would need to charge to break even.
Who tells lies more frequently: Herschel Walker or First Vegetable Joe Biden?
I would like to thank YLB’s fucked kids for the 8.7% boost in my wife’s Social Security check starting next year. Perhaps I should also thank First Vegetable Joe Biden for his massive and unrelenting contributions to rising inflation, which is why YLB’s fucked kids will labor their entire working lives to pay for people like my wife and me.
And to HA’s dumbest twat YLB, who cheerleads the policies that have led directly to our still-increasing rate of inflation, I wish to point out that good mothers don’t intentionally harm their children, girlfriend.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thanks YLB’s fucked kids, too. He’s desperate for cash these days.
In the last 12 months of the First Vegetable Joe Biden administration, real wages have decreased during nine of them and were flat in one.
Thats 273 days of economic ass-pounding suffered by YLB’s fucked kids.
Paging G-clown McFuckwad.
@ 29
The real estate bubble group is celebrating the rate hikes. They are glad that real estate values will likely be brought back down toward reasonable.
Higher mortgage rates are pushing people into rentals and enabling landlords to charge more. So while the property value on G-clown’s second home continues to decline, the rent he pays on his primary home will further increase.
G-clown, any chance your mortgage is adjustable? Dude, you didn’t go for that teaser rate, did you? ’cause when your mortgage rate resets, that could cause some financial problems for you.
After all, G-clown, I know your AGI, and there’s just not much wiggle room there.
The song tells us that suicide is painless. Know what isn’t?
Bankruptcy, G-clown.
The way I see it, if forced birth republicans were in power right now. the economy would be the same if not worse, AND Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security would be gutted, and gay marriage and contraption would be revoked.
The only tools in the destroy social security republican’s tool box is cut taxes for the 1% and raise them on everyone else and get rid of regulations that protect people. That’s worked so badly in the past. We will see if voters remember. If not, they will relearn.
“I fully support Chief Sitting Bullshit”
— NEWS —
WATCH: Katie Hobbs Flees Into Bathroom To Escape Project Veritas Action’s Questions
“Are you gonna clean that up or just leave it for the business?”
Of course she left her mess for someone else to clean. She’s a white Democrat.
On the other hand…..
Are Rent Prices Cooling? New Report Shows Increase in Price Cuts on Apartment Listings in Cities Nationwide
Granted all real estate is local, and your area may be doing just dandy.
Maybe lots of laid off people can afford $3,900 a month on a two bedroom on South Whidbey. Oh hey, a 1 bedroom appt for only $1,600 a month. A single person making minimum wage only has to work for 4.1 weeks @ 40 hours a week to cover that rent.
@ 37
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, did you see the graph in your link?
Cooling and Showing Signs Of Starting To Level Out, Maybe are not the same things, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Felons with debts.
Someone is sure to bring up someone who did something similar a descale ago…
Katie Hobbs doesn’t want to engage with a media team famous for lying and distortion. Who’d of thunk it.
Her opponent, Kari Lake has attacked Sen. John McCain’s legacy, calling the state’s longtime Republican leader a “loser.” Lake indulges in gay bashing when it helps her campaign. Along the campaign trail, several tactics have prompted scrutiny, including her using donated dollars for routine expenses and putting her husband and daughter on the payroll. She is for Forced Birthing.
Vote accordingly.
Good that you brought us up The nearest OB Center is across state lines in Colorado. The nearest in state is a three hour round trip.
Persons under 18 make up 28% of the population. Pretty significant potential for unwanted teen pregnancies.
Why do you hate pregnant people?
Maybe this is why as a state we told you forced birthers to fuck right off a few months ago.
@ 41
Katie Hobbs doesn’t want to engage with a media team famous for lying and distortion. Who’d of thunk it.
Katie Hobbs didn’t engage with her primary opponents.
Remember that time Bernie wouldn’t debate Hillary? Or that time Bernie wouldn’t debate ol’ Joe?
She’s a coward, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. She doesn’t want to engage. She was caught on camera saying she doesn’t want to talk politics with people she doesn’t know. It’s hard to blame her, when you realize that when she opens her mouth she reminds everyone of YLB.
“This paddlegame, the lamp, this chair and I don’t need anything else. I NEED THIS! Ashtray, This paddleball, the lamp, the chair and this thermos and that ALL I NEED”
@ 42
Greeley County wants birth centers to be like tornado shelters.
Each sparsely populated county should have three board-certified obstetricians within 10 miles of the birth center at all times, just in case once every couple of decades there’s truly a need that can’t be met at a different center 30 miles away.
’cause when you need one, you need one.
They’re like firearms that way.
I see that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit may be on his way to a massive five-figure investment portfolio gain today.
Everybody cheer for the wealthy Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit!
Is Washington going to not “fall back” next month? Are we going to stay on daylight savings time forever?
A Nebraska compromise:
I suggest the creation of a dozen Chuck Hagel Birth and Firearms Training Centers. One center placed wherever there is a distance of more than 60 miles to an existing facility with an obstetrics department.
As with Chuck himself, there will be something to piss off each side.
GOP solution is to either reclassify ANY type of rural medical office as a critical access hospital . “Oh you wanted a HOSPITAL, well we’ll just call this immunization desk at the Piggly Wiggly pharmacy a Hospital then.”
And by having 211 members vote no on extending rural healthcare programs and the CR to the Senate for passage.
“Shut up peasants!” – GOP
Just a Democrat playing politics with gasoline prices in order to distort the outcome of a federal midterm election. Nothing to see here.
My senile, imbecilic, incompetent president is a weakling on the international stage. Putin knows it, Xi knows it, MBS knows it.
And by begging Venezuela to increase production, Biden has ensured that Maduro knows it.
I think we can add another to the GOP pickup tally.
The very serious party of very serious solutions to complicated problems has had about enough of this LOBSTER fishing regulations.
Just a Reminder, he’s not just a Traitor….he’s also credibly accused of many many sexual assaults
What’s do you can a lesbian who doesn’t eat meat?
And here’s where the GOP screams about last minute changes to voting protocols and storms the Capitol
I heard that joke when I was 27. Get better material.
@ 55
Only in certain Florida counties, not statewide.
Former Vice President Al Gore could not be reached for comment.
Now I’m not a REAL lawyer but threatening a witness you called to the stand with punishment and getting into an argument with them after cross because their testimony doesn’t fit your case is a sign to the jury that your case is pretty fucking weak.
@ 56
Hillary Clinton was that joke when she was 27. And 37. And 47. And 57. And 67.
At 77, she won’t be able to find a woman willing to munch her carpet. Anthony Weiner aside, not even Huma has standards that low. Ew.
Some Class A trolling of AOC by Tulsi’s peeps.
Weird the partisan leanings of those counties.
Lee (60% Trump)
Charlotte (63% Trump)
Sarasota (54% Trump)
One might wonder what would be the reaction by De Santis to some kind of major damage to Miami Dade or Broward.
@56 – I’m surprised you can remember when you were 27, Joe! You can’t complete a sentence these days.
@ 61
Weird the partisan leanings of those counties.
Those partisan leanings of the four counties whose tallies Gore wanted to re-count…
Which way was that? My memory fades.
Brooksie, what’s your point, exactly? Is it that if DeSantis doesn’t do this, Crist has a chance? That can’t be it.
Demings, maybe. She’ll have a better chance? Hell, I should be making that argument. I like her. In 2024 she’ll be damaged goods. This was not a good choice.
Some really class Pro Putin trolling by a pair of LaRuouchies
You didn’t bother to look at the twitter feeds before praising them did you?
Sad. Low Energy
@ 65
You didn’t bother to look at the twitter feeds before praising them did you?
I investigated them more than y’all investigated Cindy Sheehan.
And way more than the GOP investigated Herschel Walker. But I digress.
Better Call Saul @ 58
Why didn’t you bring up the $1 million offered to Steele by the FBI if he could prove his dossier claims?
Is it because you’d have to dismiss its significance in terms of how pitifully small the amount of $1 million is, and that would hurt Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who makes it seem like an amount of wealth unattainable except for a small number of really financially astute people?
So, those dudes were correct about AOC. She is part of the establishment now.
See @40
Here’s another of those fine “Tulsi People” tweet that should have told you in less than 19 seconds of investigation that they’re LaRouche kooks.
Backpeddling on a fixed gear is pointless.
Campaigns have websites?
The fine Tulsi People have some strange connections to
“Independent LaRouche Candidate” (her own website) Diane Sare
Wow! This was the day Bob was waiting for. He had his skirt washed off for the devil and ready to prance around in it but back it had to go. Oh well there’s always plenty of farts tomorrow that Bob can enjoy to sniff ass.
The only reason for inflation today is to gouge the consumer before there’s no excuse to be able to.
Paging Doctor DumbFuck, Paging Doctor DumbFuck, your brain is ready to be picked up in Mar-a-Lago.
How many times do I have to tell you – one residence and one rental.
One residence with a 3.5% or I think 4.5% fixed rate – I forget which. Happy to report that I pay an additional $500/month payment on top of the normal payment of P&I.
I signed a contract (value of home) 1- 1/2 years ago….my property value has increased since then.
I also, as of last week, moved into a cheaper but just as nice rental here in Manhattan. In lieu of $3700/month I am paying $2650. Sure, I’d have to break the lease but there really is no long term commitment there.
I’m pretty sure I’ve stated that I have a fixed loan on more than one occasion here.
The only thing that is going to reset is your dumb fucking brain, it will only get dumber.
You wish you did.
It’s Nancy’s fault she could have called for the Capitol police but had them stand down. I had no active roll. Nancy should have and she didn’t.
Wait…there’s literal TAPE of her calling for the Capitol Police and National Guard?
Well no one knew they were armed.
Wait…they have SOME of the Secret Service records. I thought those were all gone.
Ginny. Even I know this turd would stink up the whole Judicial branch. It’s just one ask too many. This is finally out of my abilities. I just can’t put the documents back in his hands.
John told me he wouldn’t stand with me on this one.
I know the election was stolen but I can’t help that he stole all those classified documents after that. I’ll go sleep on the couch.
there might only be one person dumber than Doctor Dubmfuck…..my boss.
The guy is out there, from another planet.
Ron Ron Ron….
That stunt you pulled. Now they’re getting Visas to stick around indefinitely to testify at YOUR criminal trial.
Don’t mess with Texas.
That’s one way to lessen the problem
US clinics offer free vasectomies in wake of supreme court’s Roe reversal; Planned Parenthood and doctor with mobile clinic dubbed the ‘Nutcracker’ to offer procedures in midwest, citing high demand
@ 79
Vasectomies are like homosexuality.
They’re each reversible.
@80 Support your local Grange.
80. So you’re saying you’re gay but you pretend to be straight. No wonder you’re such an asshole all the time.
Why would any gay guy want to reverse and be straight?
Furthermore that only means that you Bob are gay and just not being free.
@82 i posted @83 before reading your post at 82.
For both you and I to say and think that, we can’t be wrong.
I never took Bob as a try Neanderthal. He’s still a Dumbfuck though, that is not irreversible, or is it?
Two Bristol, CT cops shot and killed and another injured. I think by a white guy.
Nothing to see there, only if black.
Bristol CT is Trumpland and has many bigots and homophobes.