It looks like the Seattle teachers strike is over. The strike probably could have been avoided if the district was more reasonable.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible. Remember that there’s a new booster, so it might take a while. But it’s good to get.
Seattle teachers should be glad they have government jobs.
The problem with most school districts is that they refuse to negotiate seriously and in good faith until the start of the new school year draws closer. Then, when the elected board members recognize how angry the voters will be if the school year doesn’t get started, they distance themselves from their own negotiators for safety. It means the district negotiators, who are often hired specialists, are not really aware of the board’s true position until the very last minute. And then the district negotiators are further disadvantaged because at the very moment things get most technical and complex the board becomes harder to pin down.
It’s maddening.
Yet the alternative is for the union to establish an arbitrary deadline, ahead of the start of the school year. Which makes them look like assholes and strengthens the bargaining position of the district.
Year round schedule would be one way to fix it.
Now do cops.
SEA walked out and stayed out in order to gain district funding for mental health services for students and for adequate staffing to integrate special needs students into the full daily routine of each school.
Imagine if you will the Seattle Police Officer’s guild staging a work slow down in order to obtain an agreement from the city to fund additional mental health services and support for the homeless living in camps.
@ 2
Year round schedule would be one way to fix it.
Yeah, go ahead and demand that of the teachers next time they’re up for contract renewal and see what happens.
@ 4
SEA walked out and stayed out in order to gain district funding for mental health services for students and for adequate staffing to integrate special needs students into the full daily routine of each school.
I bet when it’s ratified and the details are shared, we’ll find out that the teachers got more salary and bennies and there is an agreement to “continue talking” about all of the stuff QoS McHillbilly wants us to believe were what really motivated the teachers. The firm agreements will be about teacher compensation.
“It’s for the children.”
Recession, y’all.
Degen is shocked to learn that employees might expect to be compensated for working longer hours.
Just another normal Republican having another normal day:
For those voters tuned in to Rick Scott’s social media spew it’s going to be hard to choose between the competing fears of $4 gas and Rainbow Wig Undercover Mass Shooter.
Sir, I know you had high hopes. But there’s just nothing I found. Please put the ketchup down. It makes me nervous. I’ve been at this for three years. I charged three people. That was it. Some low level guys. I KNOW you said when the FBI jackbooted their way into your safe that I had the vast conspiracy nailed. But it just didn’t happen. Why’d you throw that plate at me. It just isn’t happening. I’m not Rudy. I’m not going to throw my life away to make up shit that I can’t prosecute.
I just can’t do it. The Grand Jury is done, I showed them everything I had and there just is not blockbuster arrest to make. Can you at least lend me a napkin. Now I have ketchup on my tie. The one guy I took to trail beat the rap. Nothing I can do at this point.
Forced Birth republican politicians should be glad they have government jobs as well.
I wouldn’t exactly say that nothing was accomplished.
Thanks to HUHRDUHRHAM Biden can transfer the J6 House investigation to a permanent Special Prosecutor where it will live on for years.
Even when LINK is disrupted, it’s better than a bus. Tge bus bridge that was in effect for about an hour North of Capitol Hill. even non-stop between CHS and Husky Stadium, took longer than the train between CHS and Northgate, with station stops. Even loading, as Metro uses what’s available, I would prefer 8000s and 8200s as they have 3 doors. A little better for load and go. Service was restored before I finally got to UW Station.
1,200 Weyerhauser union member employees are on strike. No further info.
Republican bragged that he “fed a cop to we the people”. Quote: “You’re gonna die tonight, bitch.”
Response from the leader of the Republican Party via his Shadow Spox on Twitter:
“Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6th protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election.”
You gotta admit it’s a helluva choice Republicans are giving voters. They can have a full employment economy, rising productivity, and targeted low levels of inflation. Or instead they can “feed cops to the people” as human sacrifices to the “The President King”
Durham Inquiry Appears to Wind Down as Grand Jury Expires
And so it goes with HA’s trolls. Today’s lord kreepshit and Durham was at one time DOOFUS and the ACVR..
Yes, that ACVR whose website ended up in the hands of ACORN..
“My Vote is for what makes this country great, freedom of speech & religion, 2nd Amnd, hard working tax paying citizens, police & military. In this election, we have freedom of choice, which all should respect. For me & these principles, my Vote is for
. #Vote” -Me, Oct. 30 2020
And about hard workingtax paying good god I hate me some welfare queens.
A million for my daughter’s college volleyball arena isn’t wellfare. I just didn’t want anyone to know about it because it was totes legit!
I mean sounds bad, criminal even but at least the money didn’t get wasted on crack and 40s like all the regular welfare users would have done.
Wouldn’t have been hard to find ‘further information’
Weyerhauser 2022
Q1: 6.4% higher earnings than expected
Q2: 4.3% higher earnings than expected
Weyehauser’s contract offer cut vacation time and demanded a higher employee payment for health insurance. (“Listen I know we’re doing great but we still pay you too much. How can I possibly get that fourth vacation home on a seaside bluff of the Oregon Coast if I just keep things going the way they are?”)
KING5, KOIN, WSJ, Oregonian, all reported it yesterday.
It’s not grift, it’s economic development. Gotta keep the Rotarians going too. They all just keep dying off. No one is still joining but I get all my cheap drinks with my old buddies there so could you maybe see about getting them some tax dollars?
No of course I don’t know how many drug treatment beds Harborview could fund with three quarters of a million dollars. I’m sweeping. It’s good enough.
Oz now sending out a fundraising appeal informing his supporters that his campaign is flat broke and that he’ll have to drop out of the race if he can’t raise enough immediately.
The 9 to 10 point lead that Fetterman opened up more than a month ago while resting at home persists and Oz tells his supporters that he wants out.
This is the Big Dick Energy that Trump supporters came for!
Admit it Seattle.
You knew all along that electing the Get Tough on Homelessness guy was not going to fix anything.
You just didn’t care.
NO, I will NOT be selling one of my 10
homesinvestments to fund my campaign.“NEVER PUT YOUR OWN MONEY INTO THE SHOW!” – Max Bialystock
I’ve seen that show like, 5o times. Orchestra Center every time. The original cast was great but I wish they had done it a couple times on Broadway with Jason Alexander and Matthew Broderick. Would have been great. Alexander is like the more sarcastic Nathan Lane. How the steel workers of Pennsylvania really like to relax is a Broadway Musical.
I’m fighting for you.
Next time kreepshit babbles shit about “liberals must arm”…
We tote guns to exert our Second Amendment rights. You burn flags to exert your First Amendment rights.
You might not see much difference between a guy walking around with a pistol in a holster and a Don’t Tread On Me poster and a guy walking around in semi-military dress and holding an AK.
Oh, actually, perhaps you do. The former is reason to run scared
and decry the act. The latter, in the midst of your fellow friendlies, is just a guy hanging out and joining in the protest against the 1%.
Until he goes postal on a bunch of innocents.
I looked over a bunch of the right wing shit scribbled about OWS and if there was a documented shooting by “a [black panther?] guy walking around in semi-military dress and holding an AK” and “mowing down innocents”, it would have fucking jumped off the screen..
“Bob” is a boob… a kreepee boob…
Next time kreepshit babbles shit about “liberals must arm”…
We tote guns to exert our Second Amendment rights. You burn flags to exert your First Amendment rights.
You might not see much difference between a guy walking around with a pistol in a holster and a Don’t Tread On Me poster and a guy walking around in semi-military dress and holding an AK.
Oh, actually, perhaps you do. The former is reason to run scared
and decry the act. The latter, in the midst of your fellow friendlies, is just a guy hanging out and joining in the protest against the 1%.
Until he goes postal on a bunch of innocents.
I looked over a bunch of the always wrong wing shit scribbled about OWS and if there was a documented shooting by “a [black panther?] guy walking around in semi-military dress and holding an AK” and “mowing down innocents”, it would have fucking jumped off the screen..
“Bob” is a boob… a kreepee boob…
@21 I didn’t vote for him.. Lengthy pieces in The Stranger blew a big hole through his homelessness bullshit..
No doubt a lot of people here were bent out of shape about tents in their neighborhoods, petty crime and at times violent crime.
In my neighborhood, there was a bike theft from a backyard. The covid bailed perp was caught..
Another person down the street got their catalytic converter lifted.
The homelessness presence in my neck of the woods has abated a lot in the last year or so. It’s still there but much less so. I don’t know if that’s due to anything Harrell has done, recovery from the whole Covid mess or just all the money that’s been spent addressing the problem finally having an effect
Nothing happened to me.. The wave of crime that accompanied the meth addiction craze had a greater effect on my household.. Meth zombies looked through my garden shed and lifted a case of beer and some sparkling wine from a side porch.. There was fear of mail theft and subsequent identity theft and the neighborhood organized to put up one of those locked mailbox pedestals.
All the years I’ve lived here, that’s the worst that’s happened to us.
My FuckHump fan brother appreciates his government (education system) job too. He especially likes all the benefits. And he is a fan of always getting more benefits too.
Live Free or Die! Every LEO loving Repuke understands. Spear chuckers and fire extinguisher throwers!
If teh babblin’ butthole were still here it would have…
on the remaining two synapses.. Everywhere you look in always wrong wing nutosphere it’s
on the wasting grey matter… Faux Snooze, Tuckems’.. Alex Jones accused the judge on its pathetic case of being a…
“operative”.. JD Vance says Tim Ryan is funded by…
How much global klownspiratorial reach can a 92 year old billionaire have? Ole Rupert Murdoch, one year GS’ junior, can’t compete it seems.
@6 “I bet when it’s ratified and the details are shared, we’ll find out that the teachers got more salary and bennies.”
I’m sure they did, and if it’s in line with what most other workers are getting, it’ll be roughly one-half to two-thirds the inflation rate, which means they’re taking a pay cut like everyone else.
It’s “more” only in nominal terms, a word I’m sure a financial guru like you knows the meaning of.
Most people probably haven’t heard of Yvon Chouinard, 83, the man behind the Patagonia brand of outdoor apparel. He made a name for himself in the ’60s as a rock climber. His privately held company is worth an estimated $3 billion and today he gave it all away to the environment. Rather than sell the company, Patagonia will be owned by a trust so it’ll continue to be managed in line with his values, with the $100 million or so of annual income going to protect wild places and support climate initiatives.
When Trump attacked the Bears Ears Monument, Chouinard provided funding for a lawsuit and donated to other environmental causes over the years. Now that support will become permanent, even after he’s gone.
Chouinard once said he aimed to reimagine capitalism. He made his company a worker-friendly workplace. His motto was, “Let my people go surfing.”
Very cool dude.
Before PataGucci there was Chouinard Equipment (and before that Great Pacific Ironworks) which came out of bankruptcy as Black Diamond. The very first US maker of really innovative, lightweight and high performance climbing gear relying on aerospace alloys and engineering. Partnership with Tom Frost – many 1sts including the North American Wall on El Cap along with Chouinard, and Royal Robbins.
I did a case study in school on the product liability pitfalls they suffered through. My older brother still has a Tom Frost ice axe featuring the original logo of a diamond surrounding a C. It decorates his house in Sun Valley.
Too bad Donald made so much of a headache for me to find votes. And Lindsey making that call to overturn things. Made it so I couldn’t just declare mail ballots invalid. Now I’ve got a real problem brewing. Requests for mail ballots ate WAAAAAAAY up and my people are saying the increase is almost completely women and the darker types. I’m only up 2 apparently and Herschel’s a mess. Did y’all see what happened with the women in Kansas?
So gay.
So serene.
So non-Neanderthal.
@30 As I recall the early chrome-molybdenum pitons were made from junkyard Ford rear leaf springs. I have Lost Arrows from the early ’70s, knifeblades, angle pitons, bongs, RURPs, cliffhangers, and Chouinard Hexentric nuts. And of course carabiners of various makes including Chouinard and SMC. Also a pair of Chouinard rigid crampons and a pair of adjustable Salewas for my Galibier Super Guide and high-altitude double boots, with a set of Chouinard Super Gators for each pair of boots. I don’t have a Chouinard piolet, but have a Chouinard alpine hammer. I geared up with Chouinard equipment before there was a Black Diamond, because it was the best you could get. My primary ice axe is an MSR Sumner model that Larry Penberthy custom-made for me before they went into production. I knew both Sumner and Penberthy personally. I also have a hickory-shafted European straight-pick ice axe. I’m not going to climb again, and I’m trying to figure out what should happen to my climbing gear, all of which is in good condition, except I wouldn’t use my 40-year-old ropes for anything but clothesline. Pitons are museum pieces now; nobody uses them anymore because they damage rock.
My brother no longer climbs either. There comes a time.
He took me one time many years ago. It was not for me. Great workout. Scared myself.
@34 I found that cliff climbing was fun, but mountain climbing was hard work (and cold and wet). The time for me came when too many climbers I knew bought it, and I had a family to think about. Now, it’s all my old rabbit legs can do to propel me around the block.
@34 Unless you’re timeless and ageless like Fred Beckey, who climbed for over 70 years. But even he was mortal. He never aged out of the sport, he aged out of life.*F2axGH1n_9trikOuLs0jxQ.jpeg
Latest Commuter/Intercity Rail service disruptions due to tge Potential Rail Strike:
Meanwhile, potential tentative agreement.
Super Happy Neanderthals.
One of the leaders arrested for J6. That Super Happy Fun Day.
Breeding will not save them. Fucking Neanderthals.
Certainly, it’s embarrassing to have a
But it can’t be nearly as embarrassing as having a son like Hunter.
The wrong Biden son died.
@ 32
All that’s missing is an unaccompanied minor male being preyed upon by an Ed Buck type. Although I suppose that’s what the inn’s bedrooms are for.
you mean like this? 13 victims?
Missing? Because maybe it’s true only in your mind.
How about the children of Sandy Hook? Conspiracy that it never happened?
Nobody would ever believe that it never happened, would they? Only freaks of nature would only believe that.
Someone is on this board is going to wake up Super Pissed that all the hopes and dreams of a massive disruption went up in smoke.
Weird coincidence. Had ‘Breaking Bad’ on last night as background noise while doing some work. In the Final Episode Walt stops at a gas station to make a phone call. This episode aired in 2013.
The very visible price per gallon is $3.89. Stays on screen for a good 30 seconds. So at some point in production in 2012-13 no one thought that price would seem silly to the audience. A quick look at AAA says the current average price in New Mexico is $3.57.
Americans have such short memories.
TA in the rail strike.
And another uptick in Biden approval.
Better demand a nationwide debate about the race of a cartoon mermaid.
Season 2 of the J6 committee launches on September 28th.
Yeah, and Oswald shot the wrong guy, too!. If he’d have shot Johnson instead of Kennedy we’d all be better off.
Biden in Ukraine:
All U.S. expenditures are in the form of arms through lend-lease contracts that Ukraine will be obligated to reimburse some day.
After the war EU, which has born the burden of taking in refugees, will bear the burden of rebuilding Ukraine and repaying its debt.
The debt is being incurred for older, essentially strategically obsolete weapons systems and the ammunition for them that the U.S. would have had to liquidate eventually anyway.
NATO is hugely strengthened in the process and U.S. leadership and control of NATO is further cemented.
In the aftermath, and in strategic response to Putin’s aggression, NATO countries will all have to fund big increases in their own NATO commitments and rebuild their defensive systems, producing huge contracts for U.S. suppliers.
Russian weapons systems will have been exposed as strategically inferior and obsolete, thus massively reducing their global market share of international weapons procurement in favor of the U.S.
Europe becomes decoupled from the Russian energy industry in favor of U.S. and our energy allies.
Russian influence in Europe ends and its capacity to threaten U.S. global interests ends as well.
U.S. is thus enabled to shift its focus as well as the EU’s focus toward containment of China.
All this stands to be achieved without the loss of a single U.S. service member, and at a substantial financial profit to the U.S. and U.S. arms makers.
The most recent Republican president wanted to buy Greenland.
The guy before that started a forever war in Persia so he could display his junk.
Ed buck? Don’t you mean forced birth Republican convicted felon and serial child rapist Denny Hastert?
Not a single Republican voted for what now appears to be working exactly as designed. Why do you hate America Republicans? why do you want American manufacturing to suffer? Too busy sending migrants to the Veep’s house without food or water to show your Christian values rather than take time to Make America Great?
38. The greedy racist incel’s parents thought the wrong son killed himself as well. The greedy racist incel and Hunter have something in common. Both disappointed their parents.
@ 43
Americans have such short memories.
Using this rationale Americans should have no concern for rising inflation because of that time 40+ years ago when it was even higher.
Oh, and your TV set isn’t working? Remember in the ’40s when Americans had no TV sets?
It’s silly rationale to criticize Americans for feeling economic pain, because of that one time two presidents ago when Americans felt economic pain. Silly. As in YLB-type silly.
I see your logic.
“Using this rationale Americans should have no concern for forced birth being forced on all women now because of that time 40+ years ago when it was illegal and women and their doctors went to prison.
It’s silly rationale to criticize Americans for fearing Republicans imposing forced birth on all American women, because of that one time several presidents ago when Americans women were forced to give birth. “
Wow. There’s Degen again at 51 still demanding zero percent annual inflation at the cost of permanently declining GDP and permanently rising unemployment.
Must be nice being unemployed and sitting around demanding that everyone else sacrifice for your comfort.
@ 53
… at the cost of …
I was just wondering about the cost to Democrats of holding the same-sex marriage vote before the election.
’cause it’s not gonna be held until after the midterms.
Go figure.
For fun…that economic hardship in 2013 adjusted to 2022 would put that per gallon price at:
$3.57. Maybe that party of ‘NO’ thing is true.
Trains are still running. WTI Crude dropped sharply at opening since partially because rail delivery will keep going. Gas prices will continue to drop. Rich Republican now
Up to $4 million in diverted Welfare funds to an NFL superstar for his kid’s volleyball dreams in the same state that can’t keep water running. Abortion is on the ballot. Jan 6 Cosplayer goes to Ren Fair. J6 starting up again and more arrests resulting.
What’s the closing argument. “Vote for us and we’ll bring back women as property, failed water systems AND white supremacy. Have you tried low corporate taxes and exploding education costs? We did that!”
@ 55
For fun…that economic hardship in 2013 adjusted to 2022 would put that per gallon price at:
If the price of gasoline existed in isolation there wouldn’t be such a problem.
What if you adjusted the price of gas on inauguration day to today, and then compared adjusted inauguration day price to price today?
Or does that interfere with your preferred narrative?
That’s 13% CPI increase in The 19 Months of Biden. From the calculator.
Compare that with the 48 Months Of Trump:
Inflation 13% in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s 19 months.
Inflation 8% in Trump’s 48 months.
The newly unsealed MAL affidavit makes it very clear that DOJ had ample probable cause for the search and that at the very least one or two lawyers are facing indictment.
And it won’t be for lying. It will be for obstruction.
“GOP U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker on Wednesday reaffirmed his support for a national abortion ban, saying that he would vote for the policy if elected in November and if Republicans regain control of the upper chamber.”
Hersch the Lurch is the gift that keeps on giving … to Democrats.
At a cost of over 2.9 million jobs and a huge increase in the trade deficit. It’s hard for workers to produce stuff when they are all out at the landfill searching for cans to recycle.
Republicans like Trump and Dr. Oz want your kids broke and unemployed so they can save a few dollars on pool cleaning at their “spare” mansions. Degen neeeeeeds them broke so he can save a few pennies on cat food.
Let’s Go Brandon.
@58 “Inflation 8% in Trump’s 48 months.”
Now count the dead.
@55 Last I heard the total “diverted” (polite term for “theft”) is $77 million. The 4 million is only what was “diverted” to Favre and his spending spree. This money was supposed to feed hungry children in the country’s most impoverished third-world state.
I also heard Favre’s lawyers, now realizing people will go to prison over this, are going to plead that he didn’t know which public agency and program the money was “diverted” from, in hopes he’s not one of them.
Greedy racist incel, your opinion on the forced birth republican administration of flordia allowing illegals to work in the state?
DeSantis-backed law to crackdown on illegal immigrants leads to no arrests
“Republican lawmakers didn’t crack down on squat. They claimed they were passing a law that required employers to use the federal government’s E-Verify database to confirm all their hires were legal. But they exempted every business in the state without a government contract — including the entire agriculture industry, which admits most of its workers are undocumented.”
“It mandates that state and local governments must use E-Verify before hiring anyone. But it tells private employers without government contracts that they can either use E-Verify “or” just let employees fill out their own forms vouching for their immigration status. Which one do you think companies exploiting illegal labor would choose?”
“The agriculture industry admits most of its hires are undocumented. “At least 50-70 percent of farm laborers in the country today are unauthorized,” the American Farm Bureau says on its website.”
Greedy racist incel, i await your outrage that republicans allow this kind of travesty when they are so anti illegals
“But but but do you know how bad inflation would be if the illegals were not allowed to take American jobs?!”
In less than six months Biden and Democrats transformed the November midterm election from a referendum into a choice. In doing so they created as many jobs in those six months as Trump cost the U.S. economy in his four years of failure.
Trump and Republicans spent those same six months stealing top secret documents, hiding them in the basement of a sex club in Florida, and selling them to Saudi Arabia.
$77 million? I wonder if the state’s voters will be allowed to vote out the republicans and vote in better politicians?
@ 60
…national abortion ban…
If the marriage bill includes language preventing men from marrying 14 year old boys, will Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit call it a national marriage ban bill?
Wait, wut?
“My client knew he was stealing. He just didn’t know he was stealing from starving children?”
He must be sharing lawyers with Trump.
@42 Even worse for them, Biden can claim credit for bringing them to the table and pushing them to an agreement.
It shouldn’t have taken his intervention, though. All the train crews wanted was not being fired for getting sick or needing to take their kids to a doctor.
The railroad bosses wanted them to show up for work come hell or high water, because they were understaffed after cutting the workforce by 29% to boost profits.
One of those railroad owners is Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway owns BNSF. It’s time to stop thinking of Buffett as a grandfatherly teddy bear type, the image he strives mightily to project to his legions of fans. He’s a vulture capitalist who preys on the poor (Clayton Homes) and working class just like the rest of them.
If the marriage bill includes language preventing adults from marrying 14 year old children, it will be a good thing. Greedy Racist Incel, you agree?
Another Trump caught lying in his confirmation hearing.
Lying is so endemic in the Republican Party that from now on senators should just assume that if they’re Republican they’re lying.
This makes total sense. If Texas can’t get Momala to visit the border, Texas can bring the border to her.
Texas governor Greg Abbott sends 2 busloads of migrants to VP Harris’ neighborhood
Harris’ husband, OTOH, asked if any of them have lawn care experience.
@ 72
Another Trump caught lying in his confirmation hearing.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s fecal incontinence has progressed to such an advanced state that he’s no longer to read beyond the third paragraph of anything before he needs to make another trip to the john.
73. Put absolutely everyone who hires an illegal in jail for a year, and you’re going to have a whole lot less illegals coming across the border
Where are abotts calls for that?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is busy wiping the toilet seat or he’d be here to tell you that the DJIA performance under First Vegetable Joe Biden’s neary 20 months is negative. Again.
Get a job, slacker.
This comment in no way condons sexual relations with under age individuals…..but, I guess Bob only believes that Heterosexuals should be the only one having sex with underage individuals.
I’m so glad my trolling has Bob diminished to making comments regarding under age sexual enncounters.
How many wives or children killed by their parent(s) today?
Big red fascist wave in November? Doesn’t look like it. Worse, the trend is not the GQP’s friend.
Ronald Brownstein
@FoxNews says it’s modeling from its latest poll shows GOP gaining just 1 House seat & failing to win control. GOP pollster: “a small Dem edge like this would produce a very modest swing to the Rs & something close to a tie in control”
Perhaps if America’s fascists were to threaten the DOJ, that’d do the trick. They certainly need more going for them than the DeSantis/Abbott human trafficking stunts and Lindsey’s abortion ban bill and his “riots in the streets” threat.
Trump threatens DOJ against indictments: ‘You’d have problems the likes of which you have ever seen before’
the DJIA performance under First Vegetable Joe Biden’s neary 20 months is negative
You’re going to have to do better than that if you hope to ever convince Americans to ditch democracy for totalitarian fascist rule.
Banning contraceptives too? That ought to go over well with America’s women.
Heartland Signal
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) said he is open to banning contraception “depending on where the legislatures are” during the next session.
“You could take up pretty much anything … I think, I’d have to check and see because there are a lot of legalities.”
Will Josh Hawley will be running for re-election to the Senate in 2024? Oh, wait, I suppose “running” isn’t the best way to ask this question.
Steve, you arrogant progressive fuckers want a totalitarian communist regime. The effect is the same as a fascist regime. Neither fascism or communism is democracy.
Perhaps “Kill Democrats and liberals” would be a good GQP campaign slogan. At least it’d be honest.
Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦
A man who walked into a Demont, PA Dairy Queen, wearing a vest, rainbow wig, and a loaded firearm was arrested. He said he was “working to restore Trump as President King of the US” and was going to “kill Democrats and liberals.”
Steve, you arrogant progressive fuckers want a totalitarian communist regime. The effect is the same as a fascist regime. Neither fascism or communism is democracy.
So much horseshit.
Sure, your IQ is probably higher than that of the stupid fucking low IQ Nazi traitor, but you’re still one stupid fucking fascist bitch.
It’s a rare feat to have 8% inflation, a massive explosion of the deficit, widening of the trade deficit WITH currency rates in US exports favor, the most shocking sudden job loss due to a Pandemic kept under control by not letting the boats dock and sticking a Florescent light up a horse de-wormered ass AND treason on the way out the door. Tell us how he did it?
They nominated him for a Nobel in Economics. It was AWESOME!
50 illegal aliens in Martha’s Vineyard is a “humanitarian crisis”.
87. Concern trolling for illegals by the greedy racist incel.
California governor asks DOJ to consider ‘kidnapping’ charges after migrant flights.
Ron Desantis: human trafficker
DeSantis tries to prove liberals hate immigrants as much as he does, fails
– And yet he does nothing to stop the illegals from working in the fields of Florida
When faced with a difficult problem, DeSantis did what Republicans always do in such cases: They asked Democrats to solve it for them.
Somebody needs to make an attack ad saying Desantis used taxpayer dollars to fly illegal immigrants to a vacation destination on a private jet.
@83 “Steve, you arrogant progressive fuckers want a totalitarian communist regime.”
That’s not true.
“The effect is the same as a fascist regime.”
That’s not true, either.
“Neither fascism or communism is democracy.”
That’s true. Federalist Society conservatism isn’t democracy, either. Neither is GOP election denial, gerrymandering, or voter suppression. The Jan. 6 insurrection and cop beatdown wasn’t democracy, either.
Fortunately, there’s still a way to preserve for democracy in the USA: Vote for Democrats. That’s also voting for regulated capitalism, a much better system than laissez-faire capitalism; even the economy needs traffic cops, otherwise it collapses into anarchy and chaos.
@87 How much did that stunt cost Florida taxpayers? But they don’t mind, do they. I’m glad I don’t live in a state where I have to pay for stuff like that.
Repukes are Neanderthal fucks. Breeding will not save them Dumbfucks.
I love that word, my spellcheck suggests idt as soon as I type dumb…. Along with dumbfuck. Gotta love technology!
DOJ gave Trump his hand picked Special Master, they agreed to look the other way on all the jurisdictional fuckups and open defiance of precedent in the original order. And all Cannon had to do was let them continue working on the 100 documents clearly bearing classification markings.
She said no to even that.
So now she gets to be dragged out to the judicial woodshed by her superiors on the Circuit. Fool. Plain damn fool.
She needs seasoning.
She’s going to be getting some soon. For the sakes of all the litigants and defendants who will come before her in the decades to come, let us hope she learns some humility from this.
To be clear about the extent of error in this ruling, Cannon did not merely disagree with the grave concerns expressed by the Executive Branch in classification interests related to national security.
She completely ignored them. Her order reads as the DOJ never made any such arguments in their responses. The same can also be said about the jurisdictional arguments and quite a few others. That leaves the 11th Circuit unbound with respect to her ruling as it relates to those interests. Makes it much easier for them to reverse her than to uphold her on those issues. No analysis is required other than the analysis that should have been applied to begin with.
It’s possible she’s just incredibly lazy, but hasn’t really had a technically complex enough case in front of her yet to have figured it out.
Not if you were a Biden or a Clinton.
@ 95
Both sides have their Anna Diggs Taylors.
You saw Kagan weigh in about judges and injunctions, yes?
There will be more of this. From both sides.
YLB’s kids are so fucked.
And hey, it’s not just FedEx. If ABC Manufacturing isn’t shipping anything, FedEx has no volume.
This is why all the Democrats want to talk about is abortion. The economy is a loser for them. They own the economy.
And this Fall oil prices and gasoline prices will start to climb again, too.
‘It’s belt-tightening time’ — How to save as food inflation jumps more than 11% in a year
Get a job you deadbeat.
America needs productive workers more than ever. America has never been a nation of aristocrats and idle dilletentes. We are doers and achievers. We are a nation of hard working immigrants who gouged their own freedom and opportunity out of the rough face of a hostile land.
If some so-called “Vicious Troll” wants to have it easy, that’s fine. America can provide. We always have. And God willing we always will. But son, cheap and easy is not on our menu. Never has been. Never will be. You get to choose. But not both.
Join us. We’d love to have you. Tomorrow is another day and Americans will be tucking it in, strapping it on, and blasting into the next great frontier for all mankind. It is always a great honor to welcome those willing to pull an oar alongside us. The pay has never been better. Freedom.
@98 Mrs. Rabbit stopped having lettuce home delivered. Now she sends me to your garden to get it. I warned her it would crash the economy but she didn’t listen.
@101 Hold on a minute. We don’t want Doctor Dumbfuck working again. Hasn’t he killed enough patients already? Let the man idle away the rest of his life. It’s the most constructive thing he’s able to do.
On one hand, the economy is not good because Democrats are cleaning up the mess left them by corrupt Forced Birth Republicans interested more in the culture war than governing and making trump richer.
On the other hand, a partial list,
Democrats can run on that Forced Birth Republicans will make abortion illegal in all 50 states and put women and doctors in prison.
Forced Birth Republicans will privatize Social Security
Forced Birth Republicans will get rid of Medicare and Medicaid.
Forced Birth Republicans will make contraceptives illegal.
Forced Birth Republicans will ignore the will of the people and only count republican votes.
Forced Birth Republicans will abolish marriage equality.
Forced Birth Republicans will destroy LGBTQ people for being visible.
Forced Birth Republicans are fine with bad cops killing black and brown people with immunity.
Forced Birth Republicans have stated they will fight cultures war issues instead of governing.
Forced Birth Republicans will investigate and impeach democrats all day, every day, regardless.
That and more is why Democrats have a chance
S&P500 is in bear market territory before the open today.
FedEx is a BFD.
Well, if he needs help I can get him a paper route.
Bear market, bay-bee!
The yield curve inversion is worsening.
2-year Treasury note tops 3.9%, hitting highest level in nearly 15 years
The gap between 2-year and 10-year yields is approaching 50 basis points. Less than a week ago it was closer to 40 basis points.
As the recession takes hold, it’s gonna be harder and harder for the White House to claim that we’re not in recession.
FedEx is down 23%. Today.
So what you’re saying is, all Republicans have to run on is
Democrats are fixing the economic mess left to them by Republicans and it hurts.
Democrats can even run on the fact that forced birth Republicans like you are gleeful that the economy is hurting Americans
We spent decades marketing ourselves as a last-resort overnight shipper for emergencies and time sensitive items, remained the highest cost option even when we rolled out ground service, failed to cultivate any partnerships with the biggest online retailers like our competitors who did major deals with Amazon and WalMart.
I can’t understand what went wrong? It must be inflation and supply chains.
UPS Q2 2022 Beat 4.13% Beat 0.58%
DHL Q2 2022 Beat 16.37% Beat 11.97%
COSCO (Container shipping) 2022 $26.76 B +35.06%
I think the best thing you can say about Republican extremists is at least they aren’t criminal masterminds.
The angry QAnon Republican who phoned pipe-bomb threats to a Boston hospital used her home phone with caller ID unblocked.
111. Greedy racist incel. “FedEx should blame Hunter Bidens laptop.”
Maybe Democrats need a daily reminder of shit like this.
But it’s worth pointing out loudly and often that in 2018 Ron DeSantis fell short of 50% of the total vote, required a machine recount, and won by only 30,000 in an election in which over 8 million votes were cast – against an opponent who was being publicly targeted by two different law enforcement sting operations.
What FedEx @ 111 didn’t mention is that UPS, DHL, and Cosco have already tanked. UPS fell most precipitously, Cosco’s was over the last several months, and DHL’s decline doesn’t look so bad compared with the other two.
FedEx was the one people thought would best weather the storm. FedEx was the dude standing in front of the tank that day in the square in China.
The camera cut away before that dude got squashed like a bug.
It’s notable that FedEx showed you beat numbers and not performance numbers. A beat only means that the companies downplayed expectations, not that the companies did well.
It’s a good thing the government is spending all that money we don’t have, or we’d have a third consecutive quarter of negative GDP.
Latest estimate: 0.5 percent — September 15, 2022
I think it’s noteworthy to mention that as recently as July 29 the Atlanta Fed thought the Q3 figure would be 2.1%.
So that’s a decline in expectations of 1.6% in just six weeks. We’re fucking tanking thanks to the policies of First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Looking forward to the pain YLB’s kids will experience when the bill is handed to them. By cheering the stupidity of First Vegetable Joe Biden Momma YLB cheers their demise.
@106 Get him one on Ed Troyer’s block.
@108 Virtually every swing voter in America understands the yield curve, watches it daily (or at least weekly), and thinks a 10-basis-point swing is a BFD.
@112 After she gets out of prison, the hospital should sue her for all the costs it incurred in locking down its facility while law enforcement searched for the bomb. The city should also sue her for its response costs.
Looking forward to the…
ass pounding degen will take upon its impending IRS audit by Manchin’s crew of newly minted IRS agents..
An ass pounding WAY WORSE than the one it took from that 20 something redneck…