Results! The Democrat will face off against the Republicans who voted for impeachment (but are still very much Republicans). The legislature looks more promising than it did. Maybe Democrats can even gain seats. We’ll have to see when the final results trickle in. And of course, we’ll still have to win in November.
Anyway, for goodness sake, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Reasonable question.
I don’t understand this at all.
It’s not all bad news @ 2 for black Congressional candidates in Michigan, of course.
If Democrats spend enough money, they can elect a black candidate in Michigan.
Maybe just not the one they want.
Gas prices have fallen for 50 consecutive days! How about that President Joe Biden and has magic wand!
@ 4
How about that President Joe Biden and has [sic] magic wand!
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit replaces his rectal catheter with a stranger’s cock, nobody will be able to tell the difference between him and G-clown.
@5 Yawn. Off topic …
Oil and gas interests poured money into a legislative race in doc’s neck of the woods and have nothing to show for it.
Put your client on the stand and here’s a question from opposing counsel I’m willing to bet every attorney who ever lived would die to hear asked:
Did you know 12 days ago your attorney’s messed up and sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you’ve sent for the past 2 years? And when informed did not take any steps to identify it as privilege?
Bankston then went on for more than thirty agonizing minutes displaying in painstaking detail every instance during this damages trial in which defendant Jones lied to the jury about the contents of his text messages.
Plaintiff atty to Jones:
“You know what perjury is, right?”
Judge to Jones:
“Mr. Jones, I know it’s hard, but I know you can do it.”
Jones begins to tremble and choke. Tells judge he has a problem with his throat.
Good times, my friends.
Watching the end of Jones’ testimony reminded me of that thing Degen posted the other day about the bomb filled with knives.
The most impressive thing about Bankston’s cross of Jones was the discipline.
There’s a movie trope where a really evil bad guy finally gets stabbed to death by their previously helpless victim. In the post-modern version the broken victim pulps the bad guy’s entire chest and continues stabbing trance-like until someone pulls them away. The audience is supposed to be reminded that there is nothing noble about survival, and that all death is tragic and senseless.
A good attorney has the discipline to know when to stop stabbing.
You want that jury to retire to deliberate with a noble sense of purpose.
Frantic gun-humper Trumpalo Karen obtains only 3% of the vote:
Emotionally disturbed, violent VigilanTeen should reconsider entering politics and maybe settle for community college HVAC program instead.
Thank you President Joe Biden! Another miracle day on Wall Street!
Have Degen’s Krugerrands recovered to the March peak yet?
Prince Bone Saw is so proud of his golfers, I’m sure.
Mickelson and 10 Other LIV Golfers Sue PGA, Calling It Illegal Monopoly
Phil Mickelson and 10 other professional golfers sued the PGA Tour claiming it’s an “entrenched monopolist with a vicegrip on professional golf” that’s hurting their careers by suspending them for joining the Saudi Arabia-financed LIV Tour.
Fuck you, Mickelson. You’d be nothing but a club pro who couldn’t rub two nickels together if it weren’t for the PGA.
@8 I’m thinking Jones never intended or expected to win anything in court. His entire gameplan is hiding and shielding assets subject to the judgment he knows is coming.
What comes next, of course, is plaintiffs’ lawyers showing the bankruptcy judge photos of Jones living in fancy digs and driving expensive cars while claiming to be broke.
If the object is to punish him by making him live in low-rent digs and live on macaroni and meatloaf, the judge in this trial could compress the whole process by holding him in contempt and sentencing him to six months in jail for every lie he’s told under oath, to be served consecutively.
Most recent July voter registration numbers for Kansas have 495,574 registered Democrats out of 1,929,972 total.
It’s just barely over 25%.
We won’t get finalized counts for a few weeks yet. But it appears that a new record has been set for a midterm primary. In fact, if the numbers hold up, the total turnout for this midterm primary will surpass all other midterm general elections save 2018 (another bad year for the GOP). And there’s a chance this might even surpass that. About 300,000 votes were cast before election day (also record), and 58% of those were cast by women.
Huh. Maybe turnout counts.
@11 “Emotionally disturbed, violent VigilanTeen should reconsider entering politics and maybe settle for community college HVAC program instead.”
No, I don’t want him coming to my burrow when my A/C needs upgrading because of intensifying climate change. Let’s shuffle him into fast food instead. If he gets a job at McDonalds he might get to meet Trump personally, so that may be an attractive career option to him.
Throw the book at this perv.
‘Detective of the Year’ Busted Sexting Decoy He Thought Was 14-Year-Old Girl, Prosecutors Say
“It is beyond disturbing that a sworn police officer would engage in inappropriate conversations with someone he believed to be a child,” Orange County district attorney Todd Spitzer said. “Our children should not have to worry about being preyed upon by the very people we teach them who are there to protect them.”
It’s really a shame for him then that he didn’t find out about his phone contents being in the open until AFTER he had already filed a bankruptcy petition containing multiple false assertions and demonstrably fraudulent claims documented in those contents.
Even viewed only as a stunt for his radio audience, this trial has been a disaster for Jones.
@12 And how about that Biden economy!
“U.S. stocks rallied Wednesday as traders cheered better-than-expected economic data that slowed down the idea that a recession is inevitable.”
This, of course, is terrible news for Republican election strategists on every level — jobs, personal portfolios, consumer confidence, etc.
@14 Somebody doesn’t know how to spell “visegrip,” or realize “vise” is a different word from “vice.”
I’ve noticed a general rise in illiteracy ever since Republicans began taking over education.
@19 He could do all of humanity a favor by throwing himself out the courthouse window after the verdict is read like this guy did.
Being as this is a TexASS courtroom I think it’s likely the building is a trailer at ground level.
But that would also mean there’s a mini-trampoline and an above-ground pool somewhere in the immediate vicinity. So maybe…
Rosy earnings and economic data.
Boo hoo hoo, where’s the recession!
YLB, lemme save y’all the time, girlfriend:
US Rep. Jackie Walorski, three others killed in crash
If y’all hurry, Dems, y’all might be able to pass a bill that is currently a tie in the House.
@ 21
I’ve noticed a general rise in illiteracy ever since Republicans began taking over education.
Agreed. When teachers are forced to turn over data, it turns out that teachers are not that effective in educating students. The hidden illiteracy rates are no longer hidden.
@25 ya missed the most the most important part…
No SS or Congressional pension check for Rep Walorski (R-10 year olds bear rapist spawn)
As follows from your miserable, inane, deranged, silly, idiotic babbling..
for my kids..
That’s really too bad about the car crash. Choices – get in a car, get in a car and speed, get in a car then learn how to drive.
Heteros causing problems.
@25 A sad, tragic accident. The other driver drifted out of her lane into oncoming traffic and caused a head-on crash. Must’ve been a high-speed impact, because everybody in both cars was killed. Sure hate to see this sort of thing happen.
Always good for everyone’s kids when a Repuke is no long legislating. But thoughts and prayers are with the family.
@ 27
No, ya dumb twat. Yer never right.
Don’t tell us it would surprise y’all, YLB, to learn that Congress gave itself bennies not available to Jane Public.
HA’s dumbest twat self-identifies once again. Getcha some, YLB.
@32 One could argue that salaries paid to Republicans in Congress constitute waste, fraud, and abuse, but I wouldn’t put death gratuities to families in that category. In many cases, it’s worth taxpayer money to be rid of them. (Not saying that necessarily applies in this case.)
One of Bob’s buddies.
It’s like watching the newsreels of the Hindenburg disaster:
Only with laugh cramps and dizziness instead of tragedy and tears.
Seventy percent (70%) of Kansas voters who registered after 6/24 this year (the date of the Dobbs decis.) were women.
@35 seems like he’s put on some weight. What a porker!
Just how extreme and out of step with America is the GOP right now?
They drove conservative, heartland, Kansas voters to AFFIRM access to abortions.
To any partisan political junkie, on either side of the divide, this might be hard to process. But remember that, even in a primary like this vote in Kansas, a majority of the people voting are not that tuned in to policy details, pending legislation, legislative records, or lawmaker showdowns, and can’t even name their own representative. They know how much they paid for gas last week and this week. They know if they got a pay bump or a WARN notice. They know if their 401k is gaining or losing.
When you see significant percentages of these normal voters step outside of those normal expectations it means there are concerns beyond the normal kitchen table issues that have grabbed their attention. Abortion access is on the ballot this November. I sincerely hope Republicans continue to lie to themselves about this. But every Democrat in every race needs to center it in their campaign immediately.
@ 38
Abortion access is on the ballot this November.
Well, it was on the ballot last night, anyway. Because there was a specific question, put to the people, that involved abortion and only abortion.
This November, abortion access is on the ballot in the same way that the economy, inflation, interest rates, mask mandates, and school choice are on the ballot.
Would anyone want to see where abortion stands among all of the other competing concerns that American voters have this year?
QoS McHillbilly needs y’all to believe that it’s abortion and only abortion. It’s not. It’s woke silliness vs. redneck craziness, too. But most of all it’s the economy.
It’s the economy, stupid. The economy – and Democrats’ role in botching it – is the biggest reason that the House will flip.
Probably not in exactly the same way.
And with markets rising, gas prices falling, mask mandates a memory (thanks to President Joe), and “school choice” permanently given “Karen-Quotes”, it might be a useful exercise to inquire which candidates those concerns favor.
Especially when some of those candidates from one particular party are clinically insane. People demonstrating peacefully to prevent the giddy sport-murder of unarmed Black men by Roid-raging racist cops is not equivalent to an armed mob attack on Congress to overturn an election. Not even conservatives in Kansas can be fooled into buying that bullshit.
Ten years of gerrymandered districts kicked off with David Axelrod selling entire state houses to Chase
Also the reason it will flip back.
@ 40
Probably not in exactly the same way.
Well, no. The economy is far more important to most voters. Inflation is the # 1 issue, and abortion isn’t close.
If abortion is placed directly on the ballot, there may be a Kansas in every state or nearly every state. If a politician’s stated position on abortion is what is being voted on, well, then it’s the economy, stupid.
QoS McHillbilly, in most states Democrat women don’t get to vote twice.
@39 “This November, abortion access is on the ballot in the same way that the economy, inflation, interest rates, mask mandates, and school choice are on the ballot.”
Not exactly. It could trickle down into candidate races if your party’s candidates keep talking about executing doctors and women.
And Indiana’s Republican attorney general’s persecution of a doctor who performed a legal abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim and properly reported it to Indiana child welfare authorities is providing the entire nation with an example of what can happen if voters vote for the wrong candidate.
This is bound to get some voters thinking harder about who to vote for.
Today Sen. Ron Johnson, who’s running for reelection, gave every Wisconsin retiree a compelling reason to vote for his Democratic opponent:
“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said Wednesday that Social Security and Medicare should be up for congressional approval each year, instead of staying under their current status as federal entitlement programs.”
When I saw this, my immediate gut reaction was it’s a ploy to show Democrats what could happen if they mess with the filibuster.
Then I thought, no, Ron Johnson isn’t smart enough to think in such terms. He’s one of those simple people who mean exactly what they say. For example, when he calls rioters chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” tourists, that’s what he thinks they are. And if a mob of senior citizens yelled “Hang Ron Johnson!” he’d believe they really mean it.
tax-free “death gratuity” payments made to the heirs of members who pass away while serving in office.
Heh.. their time will pass too, kreepshit..
It follows as well from your kreepshit babbling: too bad you’re not a pol.. yawwwn.. too bad also when Alex Jones and the rest of your ilk strokes out, ticker seizes up, deny the ouchie and expires from teh wuhan…
@42 “Inflation is the # 1 issue, and abortion isn’t close.”
Until they realize Republicans have every intention of throwing their wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters in prison.
You’re underestimating how extreme your party is, doc. Many voters are way ahead of you in this awareness.
In total, Congress has spent more than $5.1 million in taxpayer dollars on death gratuities over the last two decades or so.
How many “seconds” of oil consumption over “the last two decades” is that?
Nanoseconds excuse me…
Talk about a self own…
Careful you don’t fall into the same trap as Degen here.
“They”? “Their”?
Turnout aside, women make up a majority. And more than half of all of them have experienced an unintended pregnancy. The percentages of women voters who’ve had ectopics, D&C, incomplete miscarriage, or other dangerous complications of pregnancy is not much better.
Because women are a majority of voters, because only women become pregnant, and because women experience pregnancy in these ways, it’s pretty important that all Democrats adjust their image of the default voter accordingly.
In a little noticed ruling overshadowed by the Texas circus, a federal judge reiterated today that Trump doesn’t have “absolute immunity” against civil suits arising from the Jan. 6 riot.
You’re underestimating how extreme your party is, doc.
The low IQ Nazi traitor certainly doesn’t want to talk about it, especially the ongoing coup attempt to end our democracy. It’s not like it stopped on 1/6. Those treasonous fucks are still at it. Throw in turning women into chattel and that’s one fucked up vision these asswipes have for America.
Now even Bennie Thompson wants a piece of Jones’ flabby pale ass:
The Sandy Hook plaintiff’s lawyer, Bankston, is obviously The Real Pain with plenty of Big Dick Energy. But he also finds himself in a very unique position with respect to Mr. Jones.
If the J6 committee is preparing a subpoena for the Jones phone dump, it is because Bankston told them to.
I wonder who else might be interested in three years worth of phone details from Jones?
Talk about self-owned! Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole. Well, maybe to our resident Dumbfuck, but he does that nearly every thread here.
Gee, I wonder which GOP governor our resident unserious twat YLB will blame this on?
Dun dun dun
duh duh duh duh duh daaaaaaa
@ 48
… because only women become pregnant …
Right up there with “a chink in the armor”. Ya fuckin’ Neanderthal.
There’s at least one Senate witness who would disagree with you, McHillbilly.
538 generic just moved to dead even this evening:
That still means Dems have a ton of work ahead. But it’s work we know we can do. Since Dobbs dropped in May the swing has already been 3 points. With three months still to go, and the lunatic GOP nominees no longer hiding among a pack of sock puppets, there is hope yet for the House.
@55 Let’s see, which state’s economy depends on lobsters, and who’s their senator …
There’s two high-profile trials going on right now, and the prospects don’t look good for either Nikolas Cruz or Alex Jones.
Many death sentences aren’t carried out, but I think if the jury returns a death verdict for Cruz, he’ll get the chop. No judge will bust his ass to spare a school shooter.
“The Justice Department filed suit Wednesday against Peter Navarro, claiming the former adviser to Donald Trump used an unofficial email account while working in the White House and wrongfully retained presidential records.”
@ RR
“I’ve noticed a general rise in illiteracy ever since Republicans began taking over education.”
That is the primary Republican strategy to maintain their presence as a Political Party. The only way they can be elected, is to play to the least intelligent and educated parts of the population. This is why they present people like Marjorie Greene and Herschel Walker as candidates for office.
One thing I notice right off the bat, is that the people commenting on the videos (go read the comments, they’re High-Sterical) are either bots or functionally illiterate, and have no understanding of what this particular proceeding is, nor do they even how a Court functions in the real world, even at the most basic level. They’ve spent hundred of hours watching re-runs of Perry Mason and think they all have Juris Doctor degrees, and it makes them experts.
I weep for this once great nation.
@ 62
I weep for this once great nation.
Well, you certainly have the spare time for it, ‘froggy.
Bernie decidedly unhappy with the Manchin-Schumer mutual suicide pact.
We’re not spending enough to hand out free money to ‘froggy, Bernie tells us. This is the real reason that ‘froggy @ 62 weeps.
Hey, libbies, don’t despair! There is a bright side to this.
President DeSantis will be able to take credit for what little good might come from this silliness.
CBO: Over 90 Percent of Promised Deficit Reduction in Manchin–Schumer Would Come after 2026
Y’all are gonna have to rename the bill. Something like “Hand More Taxpayer Money To Deathfrogg ’cause He Can’t Hold A Job Act”.
Hey, what could go wrong? ‘cept fewer jobs and higher inflation.
This is nuthin’. Just think of what they’ll find when they sample G-clown’s fave Saturday night greasy alley behind the gay bar.
Polio found in sewage samples outside New York City suggests it’s spreading in the community, health officials says
It’s not just a cold sore, gay dudes.
From Politico:
How Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Have The Last Laugh on Samuel Alito
The Dobbs decision is clearing the political ground for a resolution in favor of abortion rights.
When Kelo was decided, the Court strongly suggested that states take matters into their own hands to prevent further unfair takings of private property by local governments under a perverted interpretation of eminent domain. Forty-seven states did just that.
With Dobbs, the Court has mandated that states take matters into their own hands if they wish to preserve abortion rights.
Kansas was first. RBG has nothing to laugh at, and Alito has no reason to feel snubbed. Alito has every reason to believe that the responses by states to Dobbs will be even bigger than their responses to Kelo.
The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, The American Family Association, Bob Jones University, and your local mega-church don’t see it that way at all.
But that’s only a big problem for one of the two parties.
@ 68
The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, The American Family Association, Bob Jones University, and your local mega-church don’t see it that way at all.
Yup, they’re panty-twisting the same way the Planned Parenthood crowd panty-twisted right after the Dobbs draft leaked, and again when the decision came down.
We’ll see 43-45 states permitting abortion to a substantial extent, and 5-7 states treated the way Arizona was treated when it didn’t make MLK day a national holiday.
Then there will be 50 states permitting abortion to a substantial extent. Varying, but substantial.
We’ll all live through it. YLB’s panties won’t, but the rest of us will.
The thing is, QoS McHillbilly, y’all need it to compensate for the disaster that is my incompetent, senile, imbecilic president. And it won’t. Not by a mile.
If the House flips, even barely, it’s enough to begin investigating Hunter Biden.
Ergo QoS McHillbilly’s efforts to claim that a generic ballot means the House won’t flip.
We’ve still got three months of really, really bad economic news ahead of us.
One of our neighbors used a HELOC to do a fair amount of upgrading and remodeling, and is horrified to see the jump in the interest rate as well as the effect on his monthly payment.
Homes are no longer selling within days on the island.
This will worsen as inflation persists and people continue to cut back on their spending.
It’s not just Walmart.
Walmart’s slashed profit outlook sends warning about state of the American consumer
It’s just hitting Walmart shoppers first.
Elizabeth Warren pulls an AOC on abortion.
Warren says she’s a ‘no’ on bipartisan bill that would protect abortion access
Apparently she’s got a problem with prohibitions against dismembering a healthy baby after it’s born and crying for the nipple.
YLB, if the baby stimulates your letdown reflex, it’s too late to legally kill it. Sorry about that. Maybe next time use thicker breast pads so no one will notice.
Democrats will. Given the effects this will have on GOP turnout, Democrats will thrive in swings.
But “Raptures” who quit their jobs and sold their homes to go on the road full-time chaining themselves to clinic doors and building fire bombs are not going to let the Glen Youngkins off that easy.
Clowns to the left of me,
Thumpers to the right.
Here I am,
Stuck in the minority with Putin
@ 73
GLWT, Gerry.
Gawd what a humiliating admission.
Without the Senate or the White House that is all it ever could have been. Only now, with three months still to go, and the general election campaigns not even yet underway, cancervatives are recognizing the enormity of their own failure.
Expect to see plenty of what Degen is selling from “moderate” “centrist” conservatives this year, attempting to concern-troll Democrats away from Dobbs.
They’ve seen these numbers. And they are terrified. Rightly so.
Without even much of anything to campaign on, and without any campaign messaging, the movement in the data is signal way more than noise. Democrats who go straight after their opponents this fall on reproductive rights will win.
Upon learning that Sandy Hook plaintiff’s atty Bankston had tipped off the J6 committee about his phone dump, Alex Jones begged the court to grant a blanket protective order over the contents.
Bankston tells judge he has requests from “multiple law enforcement agencies” to review the phone dump contents. You do not want to be in Alex Jones’ contacts right now.
Well, it’s a good thing that Team Biden waited until after the weekend, or that Dore Alley Festival might have had to be subject to mandatory social distancing. Or condoms, at least.
Biden administration declares monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency in the U.S.
Far be it from the Democrats to interfere with numerous participations per person in unprotected casual sex between strangers at an open-air event, merely because of a public health crisis.
The other 2% identify as trans men who have sex with men.
Fortunately, all a Republican has to do in order to stay safe is stay the fuck away from Democrat men.
@ 77
You do not want to be in Alex Jones’ contacts right now.
Come January, y’all won’t wanna be in Hunter Biden’s laptop, neither.
@ 76
Democrats who go straight after their opponents this fall on reproductive rights will win.
QoS McHillbilly means that Democrats in D +8 or better districts who go after their opponents on reproductive rights this Fall might not get blown out.
And please show up to vote, ’cause the vast majority of those generic ballot polls @ 53 aren’t done on likely voters.
Warren says she’s a ‘no’ on bipartisan bill that would protect abortion access
Apparently she’s got a problem
Heh. A female law professor having a problem with with sausage being made over how much the government intervenes in a woman’s personal liberty.
It’s enough for a degenerate always wrong wing kreepshit troll to make yet another dash out the door to buy out the Affirm Clinic.
Only one of those two things is real.
And Degen can’t tell which.
“Kansas is D+8” is today’s “ProBort Lezbo to keynote 2024 GROYPER CON”.
I mean, good! Honestly. It’s a very good thing if 2022 Republicans pretend that gerrymandering + maskholes + CRT = #WINNING.
I can even remember when Republicans sincerely believed that #WALLSHITDOWN + Associate Justice Drunken Teen Gangbang = #WINNING.
But it all has a great deal to do with how Republicans define #WINNING. Way back in 2018 Degen redefined #WINNING from retaining the House to “a disappointing win for Democrats”. Why in just the past few weeks Degen has come to redefine #WINNING as going from a House and Senate route with a 30 seat majority to losing the filibuster, a 3 seat majority, and show trials that even FOX won’t televise.
Neanderthal is my phrase/word. Go find your own fucking word on your own you fucking low IQ Neanderthal.
Such a predictor, and he’s never been wrong before in his life. I mean he’d be saying the same thing that he wrote about abortion just before the vote this past week. The guy is a fucking genius, genius I say.
Interest rates fell below 5% today.
Let me see, vote for a fascist whack job party or vote for a fascist fucking party with the same economy.
The whole premise is that recession and great economies are always present with the fascist fuck hetero party!
Freedom! Can’t shut down! It’s just a flu!
Bob you should have been on board during COVID, if you were you’d maybe make some fucking sense
Interest rates fell below 5% today.
Heh.. obutt that’s “sky high” ‘cuz Joe.. … and…
Hunter’s laptop…
Imagine what he’d say about our low IQ Nazi traitor.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney rips ‘coward’ Trump in election ad for daughter Liz
Former Vice President Dick Cheney assailed ex-President Donald Trump as a “coward” and a threat to America in a new campaign ad for his daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.
Trump “tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” said Cheney, who was George W. Bush’s two-term VP.
It’s hard to say this, but here goes. Dick Cheney, your sins, which we all know are many and so very severe, are all forgiven. Go forth and sin no more.
I do t know many democratic gay men that would want to be near a Repuke.
The other premise is that there are many
closeted gay repukes or it’s not an STD.
Right? I mean if I get it it’s because I had sex but if a Repuke man gets it it’s because he shook hands with a gay man.
Freudian slip guys? Is Bob hanging around gay men and not admitting it? Or is just his fantasy?
“Liked” a WaPo article on social media. And retweeted something that contained a comment calling Dick Cheney a “disgrace”.
But did not erase or wipe a single record.
So in the aftermath of an entire Republican cabinet level department erasing all records of their activities, context.
And this is why even FOX isn’t going to televise Gym’s Big Top.
Wait – I stand corrected – Bob is having sex with a gay horse.
Jones jury back.
$4 mil compensatory. Probably correct.
Waiting for punitive award. Which could be… interesting.
-Sandy Hook Attorney
Honestly, tho. The most damaging shit on it will probably be limited to Jones, his parents, and their attempted bankruptcy fraud. That isn’t to say that Jones isn’t guilty of other shit, or even some shit relating to Jan 6th. But I suspect that most of the serious Jan 6th conspirators would have known better than to directly engage in any exchange of inculpatory information with an undisciplined, emotional personality like Jones.
But the chances are probably 100% that he left fingerprints all over the bankruptcy fraud on his phone. Which means his petition will be deemed fraudulent and denied. And it even raises a faint risk that he and his mother and father could be charged with criminal fraud. But that would be very unusual, unless it can be shown that documents filed contained knowingly false claims intended to defraud the court.
@95 $4 million is a lot of money, but well within Jones’ means, and probably appeal-proof given what he put them through. And that’s just two of the Sandy Hook parents. Are others suing him? I haven’t been paying attention.
And, as you say, the punitive damages could be interesting. But large punitive awards usually get knocked down. And isn’t the trial in Texas, and doesn’t Texas cap punitive awards? Like I said, I haven’t really delved into the details of this trial.
@91 I don’t think you should forgive Duck Cheney (sic) for his warmongering and torturing. It’s sufficient to say even he doesn’t slither as low as Trump. That’s giving credit where it’s due.
@88 WTI crude fell below $88 today. That’s bad economic news for investors in oil stocks.
@80 “Come January, y’all won’t wanna be in Hunter Biden’s laptop, neither.”
And how many of us are? Nobody here, not even you, I’m sure. But I’ll bet some “Happy birthday, son” emails are on that laptop, and you know what the Gym Jordans of the world will do with that.
WTI crude fell below $88 today.
That’s Joe’s “fault”… or too many falling asleep reading babble about Hunter’s laptop.
@62 “nor do they even how a Court functions in the real world, even at the most basic level”
That’s strange, given the very reasonable suspicion that most of them have been to court, some multiple times.
Jones currently faces two other default judgements in other jurisdictions.
@ 94
Bob is having sex with a gay horse.
Well, no. But I did pull a smegma bean out of the base of his prepuce earlier this week.
In the San Francisco gay community those are sold as tootsie rolls.
They wanted to invite Hitler or Putin, but they weren’t available, the former being dead and the later being busy trying to destroy Ukraine.
Authoritarian Orban at CPAC Texas delivers attack to standing ovation
For fucktard fascist Republicans like our low IQ Nazi traitor, Hungary is the model for what they want to do to America, which is to put an end our democracy.
God bless Raw Story.
Monkeypox cases in WA state are doubling every 8-9 days.
Imagine how quickly that could be improved if gays would simply curtail their behavior a bit.
When they make the inevitable movie, imagine the scene in which they show the “victim”‘s lesions, a la the Kaposi’s sarcoma skin lesions scene in Philadelphia.
Maybe it will be G-clown’s festering anus shown to the world.
Actually, taking food away from poor children would make it a “twofer”.
DeSantis Willing To Kill School Lunches To Punish Transgender Kids
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) vowed to continue his anti-transgender crusade on Wednesday even it it means taking away “lunch money from poor kids.”
When our low IQ Nazi traitor pines for a “strong leader”, he’s talking about America being ruled by authoritarian fascist dickwads like Putin and Orban. He saw that in Trump. Now he sees in DeSantis a dictator who would rule America with an iron fist just as Orban rules Hungary and Putin rules Russia.
@ 107
Now he sees in DeSantis a dictator who would rule America with an iron fist just as Orban rules Hungary and Putin rules Russia.
Since DeSantis would have the same number of House and Senate members and the same Constitution that First Vegetable Joe Biden must contend with, then First Vegetable Joe Biden rules America with an iron fist today, Steve. It’s stuck up Biden’s ass, but an iron fist nonetheless.
Cry more, Steve.
Even straight guys don’t want to live in place with a bunch a fat ugly guys.
Cry more, Steve.
In your dreams, Nazi boy.
Was her opponent one of the MAGA dudes that Dems funded?
I thought she was safe.
“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema signed off on sweeping Democratic legislation Thursday addressing climate, health care and taxes, all but ensuring passage of the bill in the Senate.”
No Republicans will vote to save the planet, reduce deficits, make tax cheaters pay what they owe, negotiate Medicare drug prices, or extend health care subsidies, because they’re scum.
17% still out.
Here’s the real problem for you.
Even if she pulls it out you have to realize what that will mean. Kent with Trump’s support and backing will call the race stolen, corrupt, and “rigged by the Derp State globalists and Lizard People, blah, blah, yowp, weeeee!”
He’ll file lawsuits and organize “patriots” to drive Trump flag convoys around Clark County right through fair season and into Octoberfest. And 30,000 GOP base voters will sit November out in protest.
@108 Biden didn’t ban rainbows from first-graders’ school lunch boxes.
Saying Biden and DeSantis are the same is silly, doc. But you seem like the type who’d vote for someone who’s against pinning up rainbows in little kids’ classrooms.
But if you think Biden and DeSantis are the same, why do you have a problem with Biden? After all, you seem to like DeSantis, so why wouldn’t you like Biden, too? Are you against rainbows?
Just asking, dumbass.
Close, but Orban left out “fascist”.
The Recount
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán describes how he thinks “leftist media” will cover his speech at Texas CPAC:
“I can already see tomorrow’s headlines, ‘Far-Right, European Racist and Anti-Semite, Strong Man, Trojan Horse of Putin, Holds Speech at Conservative Conference.’”
The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
@115 “Far-Right, European Racist and Anti-Semite, Strong Man, Trojan Horse of Putin”
Yep, that about covers it, except for “Fascist.”
And American conservatives love it. Every bit of it. Especially the unspoken fascist part.
Rogue county clerk Tina Peters lost the GOP primary for Colorado secretary of state by over 88,000 votes. She ponied up $256K for a recount, mostly from out-of-state supporter(s). She got 23 more votes. Unfortunately for her, the winner got 24 more votes. Therefore, her supporter(s) paid over a quarter million dollars for her to fall 1 vote farther behind. These people are nothing if not stupid; or, at least, shitty investors. I wonder if the money came from MyPillow Guy.
She didn’t pony up shit. Daddy Twump is funding all of these election challenges.
Even odds she violated campaign finance laws.
Perhaps we could trade the low IQ Nazi traitor and MTG to Russia for Brittney Griner. After all, they both love Putin and he loves them.