Children under 5 can get vaccinated for COVID-19. Great news for parents and for society writ large. KUOW’s story about it has good information on where to find places to vaccinate your children in Seattle and Washington state.
And for every age, please get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
New poll out….
Most Americans think they only need a 5” penis.
Boy are they so fucked.
New poll out….
Most Americans think they only need a 5” penis.
Boy are they so fucked.
That was then…
This is now…
21 federal counts. That’s one stupid motherfucker. Meaning your typical Democrat.
@ 3
Conspiracy, fraud, lying. Yup, a typical Democrat.
From Seattle Times daily email brief: “Two teens and a 5-year-old were shot in a Kirkland home last night by someone who fired a gun from outside and fled, police say. The victims were taken to hospitals and are in stable condition.”
This is the world Republicans and the Extreme Court are making us all live in now. The very least we can do in return is never, ever vote for any Republican for any public office. And avoid visiting or passing through Kentucky, the state that elects Moscow Mitch and Rand Paul to the Senate; bad people live there.
Noteworthy criminals who tried to be president:
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton
Noteworthy criminals who thought hard about it:
Michael Avenatti
Andrew Gillum
Democrats, all.
@3-4 “Meaning your typical Democrat. Conspiracy, fraud, lying. Yup, a typical Democrat.”
This behavior is far more typical of Republicans than Democrats, another difference being that Republicans don’t believe in prosecuting other Republicans for it.
@6 What crime has Hillary Clinton been convicted of?
Minnesota PDs just can’t stop paying.
Chris Christie takes waddaboutism to a nauseating new level.
Newt Gingrich on Kamala Harris: “She doesn’t know anything, she doesn’t know how to learn anything, she’s inarticulate, and she’s not sure what the big words mean anyway,” he said.
From a guy who not only endorsed Trump, but sucked up to him, hoping to get the job Harris has now.
“The House select committee will pause its public hearings until next month after receiving significant new evidence related to Donald Trump’s effort to overturn his election loss. … Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) had said after Wednesday’s hearing that the committee was ‘picking up new evidence on a daily basis with enormous velocity,’ ….”
Indeed. Maybe the only thing more stupid would be to have invited a documentary film maker to be present and filming for all 21 counts.
Edwards was tried and his jury found him “not guilty”. DOJ dropped the rest of the case for lack of evidence.
It’s a good example of the difficulty that federal prosecutors face when pursuing white collar and corruption prosecutions. The intent requirements are very difficult to meet when compared to more proletarian types of criminal charges.
Just imagine if Edwards had been dumb enough to have invited a documentary film crew to film and record as he was meeting with Bunny Mellon, paying off his pregnant mistress, and then coercing a campaign worker to falsely admit paternity of the child.
They’d have gotten convictions on all six counts and Edwards would have spent the next decade in prison instead of founding a $20 mil boutique firm with offices in Raleigh and San Diego.
Democrats are losing ground with the fastest-growing political bloc: Asian Americans
No worries!
Noteworthy criminals who were VPOTUS:
Spiro Agnew (R)
Noteworthy POTUSs who were impeached (modern times):
Bill Clinton – (D)
Donald Trump (Note: twice impeached) (R)
Noteworthy POTUSs who quit before they were impeached:
Richard Nixon (R)
Looks like the R’s have it!
Your point? The small data sample here indicates Rs are more likely to be impeached or quit in shame.
@7 he’s a troll. He knows the transgressions of the Repuke Party are so bad he has to pretend Democrats are criminals.
I wonder how much moola Jerry Hall will walk away with? It wouldn’t be a bad thing if she gets Fox News, because she hates Trump.
How many electoral votes is that?
Donald “Wuhan Flu” Trump would love to know.
@18 It’s hard to identify a Republican who is not a criminal. That Bowers guy from Arizona seems to be one. He’s now getting death threats.
@20 Remember what Doctor Dumbfuck is trying to teach us: America is a republic, not a democracy, where tiny minorities get to run things. As Republicans show us time and again, you don’t need to be either popular or the majority to dominate.
A Wisconsin school district rejected an award-winning book about a Japanese-American internee family because it “lacks balance,” is “all about oppression,” and “promotes diversity.”
Looks like at least one anti-regulation Republican wants regulation of air pressure in footballs.
@23 “Promotes diversity” is a bad thing now? They only want xenophobia. So much Winning.
Even Jayapal thinks Biden’s an imbecile.
The only way that a windfall profits tax won’t reduce production is if the Defense Production Act is invoked. Biden will hold a gun to Big Oil’s head with one hand and steal from Big Oil’s wallet with the other.
What crime has Hillary Clinton been convicted of?
All the low IQ POS traitor can point to as evidence of a crime is his own 8,000 pro-Putin hashtags.
Edwards was tried and his jury found him “not guilty”. DOJ dropped the rest of the case for lack of evidence.
Oh Edwards was guilty allright.. just like Hillary…
wearing the orange jumpsuit..
Just like Menendez, convicted of “fucking”…
kreepshit babbles so.. boringly so I may add..
Heh.. that o’keefe shot makes me laugh every time I see it..
I’ve said it for years, to a repuke, the absolute WORST crime..
is getting caught.
@26 It’s posturing to people who don’t understand how supply and demand works by a president who wants to look like he’s doing something when his party is on the defensive in an election year. In other words, Biden believes a fraction of swing voters are occasionally as gullible as all Republican voters are all of the time.
Life just got a little harder for First Vegetable Joe Biden. His recently confirmed Fed chairman doesn’t buy the bullshit that inflation is Putin’s Price Hike. And said so during a Senate hearing.
Let’s go, Brandon.
When McHillbilly’s right, he’s right. GOP nominated idiots this time around.
God Bless President Joe Biden.
Thank You President Biden, you are a true American hero. Unlike that Fat Fuck of a FuckHump that Bob blows, you are a true leader.
Tiny minorities who are strategically located thanks to the “winner-take-all” electoral college, the Connecticut Compromise, and the cap on House seats.
Unless that stupid motherfucker is now predicting a California flip. Which would be just about his speed since going full-Qtard.
32, Here’s the worst part for you and your Trump Party.
Now that Fetterman has successfully decoded the “aggrieved white working class” and demonstrates it to Blue Dog dipshits Mikie Sherrill, she and all her lobbyist pals can stfu. And you and your Trump Party girlfriends can get ready for a 2024 blue wave.
A lot of hetero on heterosexual violence happening out there. What are they fucking Neanderthals? How does a species like that even make a good world? kills wife&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS915US915&oq=husband kills wife&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l9.4841j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I mean gogle “Husband kills Wife” and there’s about 10 search returns…..could you imagine if instead of wife you use girlfriend. I’d link a few but it might explode the HA servers. Or instead of kill maybe use rape. Thoughts and Prayers.
Which is why AOC & Company might tank it.
@ 36
A lot of hetero on heterosexual violence happening out there. What are they fucking Neanderthals? How does a species like that even make a good world
G-clown’s right. Most young black men who kill other black men, and their victims, are heterosexual. When Puddy was around, G-clown used the term ape, not Neanderthal.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s recession has begun.
A growing number of companies rescind job offers as the economy becomes more fragile
Anyone think Q2 GDP won’t support the definition of recession?
QoS McHillbilly, maybe. He still thinks Democrats will hold the House.
Ape is in the dictionary, just like fudge packer. You fucking ape.
And I bet if you can find the first time I ever commented on Puddy being an ape, the word Neanderthal was stated too. You’re never ever right.
And my comment was regarding man on woman violence, but nice spin, you troll.
I’m okay with this verdict if the guy spends the rest of his life locked up in a rubber room.
@31 Maybe reappointing Trump’s Fed boss wasn’t such a hot idea, huh?
@32 I don’t take comfort from how well Mastriano is doing. He should be polling in single digits. His numbers say something about the sorry state of low-IQ voters in Pennsylvania.
@ 42
@31 Maybe reappointing Trump’s Fed boss wasn’t such a hot idea, huh?
Neither was giving Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit a hall pass that one time, huh?
@39 “Anyone think Q2 GDP won’t support the definition of recession?”
Up in the air. Coin toss. GDP still could eke out growth this quarter.
@44 WTF you prattling about? I have no issues with her, and her hubby isn’t fucking horses.
There’s an uproar about Google searches for “abortion” sending women to fake abortion clinics run by right-to-lifers. See CBS video here and KIRO story here.
A website called “Abortion Clinics Online” says, “Women visiting these centers learn that birth control doesn’t work, that abortion dooms them to Hell, and that having sex outside of marriage renders them damaged goods. These centers are little more than sources of anti-women propaganda.” Details here.
These fake abortion clinics have been around for years, but now they’re proliferating like mushrooms after a rain. According to KIRO, there’s at least 50 of them in Washington State.
Signed by 321 economists. Including six who won the Nobel Prize in Economics.
During the Spring of 2008.
But hey, if y’all libbies wanna transfer more wealth from YLB’s kids to my wife and me, who are we to turn y’all down?
Lie back an’ enjoy it, YLB.
Yes, a recession looks inevitable. But it may not be that bad. Here’s why
Think how much shinier all those vajazzlin’ jewels will look after you’re thoroughly fucked by that trenchcoat-wearin’ imbecilic Biden policy of spending without accountability, girlfriend. Pay no attention to the odor – might or might not be yers.
Democrats have to flap their gums about sumthin’ an’ it’s either the economy or J6.
J6 it is, then.
Willing suspension of disbelief, or The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s IQ, are necessary to assign any credibility to anything that Adam Schiff has to say.
How bad will the midterms be for Democrats? Bad enough that they’re not waiting until afterward to abandon my imbecilic president.
Mark Kelly Takes a Swipe at Biden in New Ad, Says He’s Working to Lower Inflation ‘Even If it Means Taking on My Own Party’
Mark Kelly is a follower, and he’s following Jerome Powell and Joe Manchin.
High quality MULaw poll latest has Ron Johnson trailing three out of four potential Dem challengers. Survey was conducted before Wisconsin voters learned about Florida Man’s direct involvement in the Trump Party criminal conspiracy.
That’s how bad.
Here he is following on gun control, and abortion rights.
@ 52
I’ll allow that QoS McHillbilly is accurate about the Marquette results if he’ll allow that all four of those matchups polled within the 4.3% MOE.
Somebody needs to explain to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, now, that we’re not talking about The Three Stooges.
Newsweek piece about CO governor Polis’ presidential plans.
Polis is running, Biden will not. I’m OK with that, which should worry y’all.
Speaking of the Marquette poll results, because QoS McHillbilly won’t go here, I’ll point out that in the race for governor the Democrat Evers, who won by only 1.2% in 2018, a very strong year for Democrats, polls within the MOE against Kleefisch.
Yet another SCOTUS decision on handguns that would have gone the other way had #CrookedHillary not been so fucking corrupt and dishonest prior to and during her 2016 campaign.
Steve has no reason to care. He’s got his handgun, and his target.
A bunch of subpoenas were issued by the FBI yesterday. And I’m sure you’ve all already read about them. These are not the first subpoenas issued related to the DOJ investigation of the electoral vote fraud conspiracy in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, etc. But it does appear that the “targets” of these subpoenas may be a little different.
Previously issued subpoenas went to persons who were initially involved in the fraud conspiracy but who ultimately did not serve as fake electors either by showing up or filling out and signing documents. There were individuals with testimony about the fraud conspiracy who ultimately did not participate. But this round all appears to be focused on individuals who directly participated in the electoral vote fraud conspiracy, either by appearing and signing documents falsely posing as lawfully chosen electors, or by organizing and coordinating them.
The other thing that is very noteworthy about all of these rounds of subpoenas is that DOJ is still operating as a sealed lock box, with no supporting “leaks” to the media. The addresses to which subpoenas are mailed become part of the public record. Journalists reporting on these subpoenas have had to deduce the identity of the individuals receiving the subpoenas by cross checking the addresses with other public records data. Even Ron Johnson’s subpoena had to be sussed out by a search of Florida property records.
And that brings up another interesting speculation. DOJ rules are particular when it comes to subpoenas. For very good reasons federal grand jury investigations are kept secret. Congress wrote the laws for the impaneling and operations of federal grand juries intending to protect innocent people who might be called to testify from public exposure, disgrace, or threat. Good journalists have long understood that they can obtain some insight into federal grand juries by carefully researching what little public information is available.
But one additional requirement that is not public are notification letters that may accompany a subpoena. These are typically in the form of an advisement of rights that must also clearly state to the person receiving the subpoena whether they are a “witness” or “subject” of the grand jury investigation, or a “target” of the grand jury investigation. The common thread that ties these latest subpoenas together is that they all involve individuals who appear to have been directly involved and took substantive actions to prepare or advance the criminal conspiracy. I think the strong implication here is that we are now in the “target” phase of subpoenas.
Gas? We top off the tank 6 times a year.. yawwwn.. next?
Recession? Heh. we had one of those in 2008 and then a black guy was elected..
A kreepshit from widbee “laid back and enjoyed it” for eight years.. Its vote was wasted on a guy who spewed “gook” while asking people for their vote.
and kreepshit gave it anyway.. heh.
Oh and that kreepshit was “so fucked” when it voted for Carter after the REAL “miracle on ice”..
Look where it is now… trolling HA.. sprewing silly shit like “to split dark oak”..
heh.. Wow, it’s gone places.
Many households are flush with cash, and jobs are plentiful with demand for new workers strong. Banks are well capitalized, which gives them a solid buffer against a business contraction.
Heh.. but all know what kreepshit wants..
The Extreme Court just awarded concealed carry permits to all of NYC’s heroin junkies.
@48 I wouldn’t call bigger dividends and more stock buybacks a “bad idea.” After all, we’re a capitalist country, so by definition enriching capitalists like me is good. I think it’s more correctly described as a case of unintended consequences.
kreepshit says it trolls HA to lecture RR on his language..
kreepshit voted for McSame..
@49 “spending without accountability”
True; we could really use the trillions our second-last Republican president squandered on his recreational war in Iraq.
I don’t necessarily disagree with the principle, but you’re not going to get away with pretending it’s a Democratic thing, when Republicans do it in profusion, too.
kreepshit and mary kay are Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall..
in reverse..
save for the politics.. Long live Mary Kay and her support of liberal causes… Kudos to Jerry Hall who can’t stand that orange-tinted insurrection boss and sex predator..
@50 Like a lot of other things, many people — you, for example — wouldn’t miss democracy until they don’t have it anymore.
@ 62
After all, we’re a capitalist country, so by definition enriching capitalists like me is good.
A capitalist like you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, would have hung onto GE shares way too long. Like you.
GE hit a 52-week low today.
America pissed away 1 trillion in Afghanistan..
kreepshit wanted Joe or dear orange-tinted insurrection leader to keep on pissing billions away..
kreepshit’s “kid” and “grandkid” are so fucked.
@58 Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson is a Florida resident?
“Tesla’s newest car factories in Texas and Berlin are losing ‘billions of dollars right now’ …, chief executive Elon Musk said in an interview published this week.
“’Both Berlin and Austin factories are gigantic money furnaces right now. OK? It should be like a giant roaring sound which is the sound of money on fire,’ Musk said in the interview … recorded on May 30 and published Wednesday. ‘Berlin and Austin are losing billions of dollars right now because there’s a ton of expense and hardly any output.'”
Can’t say I feel sorry for him. Btw, what happened to the genius businessman he wanted us all to believe? I trust Doctor Dumbfuck was too smart to load up on his stock, which is down over 43% so far.
kreepshit, she waited until she was 70+ right?
heh, that gets what? $4194/mo?
can we get a stupid dance?
“A constitutional guarantee subject to future judges’ assessments of its usefulness is no constitutional guarantee at all.”
@67 “GE hit a 52-week low today.”
I don’t follow GE. My Starbucks stock has been beaten up a bit lately, but is still above my $1 a share cost basis. So is the Exxon I bought in March 2020 for $38 a share.
@72 Nothing in the Constitution says the government can’t organize gun owners into well-regulated militias under the command of well-qualified officers and subject to military orders and the UCMJ.
Btw, what happened to the genius businessman
Fixated or shyly fixated now on pissing away 44 billion or more on a babble speak pig-in-a-poke..
‘cuz it’s orange-curious..
kreepshit still believes..
@75 “Fixated or shyly fixated now on pissing away 44 billion or more on
a babble speak pig-in-a-pokeTrump’s free speech.”Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s law school is on the list.
Education Department agrees to cancel $6 billion in debt for some 200,000 student loan borrowers
Steve has no reason to care. He’s got his handgun, and his target.
I reckon my target lacking even a lick of fucking sense is due to his very low IQ.
Biden writes off another $6 billion of fraudulent student debt.
Look who’s the subject of a search warrant.
“Federal investigators conducted a search Wednesday of the home of Jeffrey Clark, the former Justice Department lawyer who former President Donald Trump sought to install as attorney general in the days before the January 6 Capitol riot as top officials refused to go along with his false vote fraud claims ….”
I hope all the conspirators go to jail.
Gonna short GE this time Doc? You blew it last time.
@ 81
Didja take Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice and buy GE shares with a 2-3 year investment timeframe, Newt? ’cause taking his advice is the only thing more stupid than asking for his advice. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment skills are truly horrid. Sad thing for his family, really.
As for me, I sold naked puts against GE shares with a strike price 20-25% below the then-price of the shares a few times. Never had the shares put to me. Then the premium started shrinking as the shares became more stable and I found better opportunities elsewhere. Maybe I should take another look.
@ 82
GE’s at $63 and change, or less than one-third the share value when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended them to you in October 2017, Newt.
Sell 10 contracts of GE shares at $40, January 2023 expiration, and collect a $1,060 premium. As long as the shares fall less than $23 between now and then, it’s free money, and it’s paid to you right now.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit understands none of this, meaning he doesn’t understand that no matter how far the shares might fall, if they fall below $40 at expiration, or before, you’re on the hook for a $40,000 share purchase.
Just like all of that money First Vegetable Joe Biden handed out in early 2021, it’s not really “free”. YLB’s kids are on the hook for the debt, those sad fucks.
@48 ok, sounds like a stupid idea. Hopefully it doesn’t happen. The FuckHump had many dumb FuckHump ideas. And the fascist fuck wanted to become a dictator and end democracy.
God Bless President Joe Biden. Thank You President Biden. Thank you Neighbor! I type this maybe 5-10 miles from Cape Henlopen Park!
Hey Bob, look at this brute! One of your Neanderthal heteros. Chick was probably a horse.
When Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit croaks someone should flush his ashes down a toilet at GE’s headquarters.
I think it’s wholly appropriate that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit be flushed down the shitter along with the value of GE’s shares since he recommended them.
Fucking Supreme Twat Suckers
Happy Birthday AJ Clarence Thomas!
@ 87
Look who thinks twat sucker is a derogatory term.
look at kreepshit go..
it’s been going like this since it voted for Carter even after the REAL “miracle” on ice..
well actually its frat house ass fuck initiation really got it going.
sad fuck, it blames inflation (Nixon and Ford had it too) and Volcker’s higher interest rates.
I stopped believing Senator They’re Just Tourists a while ago. And I’m not alone; “even fellow Republicans find it hard to believe that Johnson’s aide would … give a fake slate of electors to Pence … without alerting his boss in advance.”
Here’s how you find out. Make him testify under oath, then see whether he says “I didn’t know about this” or “I’m exercising my Fifth Amendment rights.”
Yes. Of course he is. And should you need to serve legal process that is apparently where you would find him.
He’s even under investigation for unlawfully charging travel to his Florida residence to his Senate travel account. Taxpayers were on the hook for at least nineteen flights between Fort Meyers and DC. Dumb as he is, I presume his defense is that his travel to Florida should be covered because that’s where his constituents are. The race really gets underway in August. But at this rate, by the time that rolls around he will already have been so unfavorably defined in Wisconsin voter’s perception that he will begin the race 5 points or more in the hole.
The thing the Trump Party fails to account for with Johnson is that I don’t really think he particularly gives a shit about the job anymore. He just does whatever the fuck he feels like doing, damn the consequences. Bad timing for that.
You watch, if the watered down gun regulation bill actually becomes law, it will promptly be challenged to the Extreme Court of the federal society and overturned
Supreme Court rules, 6-3, that Miranda warning is not a constitutional right.
As far as I can make out from this report, the Republican governor of West Virginia and his wife co-signed for $700 million of bank loans to a coal mining company operated by Russians.
@95. What was he thinking?
This is old news (Aug. 30, 2020), but I just now ran across it, and think it’s worth posting:
“Melania Trump Allegedly Demanded Showers and Toilets Used by Obamas Be Replaced Before She Moved Into White House”
I’m reading a book about art fraud and crime that has an entire chapter devoted to Trump. Needless to say, there are some interesting tidbits. First of all, it goes without saying that Trump doesn’t appreciate art or know anything about it, and his only interest in artworks is how much money they’re worth.
So apparently he has an “original Renoir” in Trump Tower (it also has been displayed in the cabin of his private plane). That’s what he tells everyone it is. It’s clearly there as a conversation starter; he tells everyone, “You know, that’s an original Renoir.” It so happens, however, that particular painting (according to the book) “has hung in the Art Institute of Chicago since 1933. What is plainly a copy no longer hangs in the plane but in the Trump family apartment in Trump Tower. When the president-elect had his first interview after the election, with the CBS news program 60 minutes, the alleged Renoir could be seen hanging in the background. When Trump’s wife Melania showed the apartment to a television team from Fox News, her tour included walking in front of the reproduction.” In my view, this should get some sort of kitsch award.
Now I’ll move on to the gold toilet. This functional artwork was cast from 220 lbs. of gold (photo here), and (according to the book) about 100,000 people had already used it at the Guggenheim Museum. When the Trumps moved into the White House, they requested the loan of Van Gogh’s “Landscape With Snow” (photo here), but the museum turned them down and offered to loan the gold shitter instead, which (according to the book) “was at once taken by the public exactly as it had been intended: an affront to the sitting president.” There was no reply from the White House, but a Fox commentator demanded the Guggenheim art historian’s “immediate resignation.”
When I read this, I wondered why Trump didn’t accept the gold toilet, and then take it with him to Mar-a-Lago along with the 52 boxes of classified documents and whatever else he stole from the White House. The obvious answer is he’s a germaphobe, as is well known. But when I saw the above headline, it occurred to me there’s very likely another reason: Of the ~100,000 people who previously sat on it, almost certainly some of them were black. Probably some Democrats, too. Like I said, germ aversion. And maybe also fear some of the skin pigmentation would stick to the seat and then rub off onto his ass.
Looks like Boebert is closing her restaurant because the building changed hands and the new landlord declined to renew her lease.
You Twat Sucker.
2A: This is why:
@ 95
As far as I can make out from this report, the Republican governor of West Virginia and his wife co-signed for $700 million of bank loans to a coal mining company operated by Russians.
This is a great example of why you are such an unsuccessful investor, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
They bought the coal company in question from a Russian seller. They laid off the risk to another company, which failed. Think of an insurer which lays off risk to a re-insurance company, and the re-insurer fails. Same thing.
I don’t feel bad for a former billionaire who will merely be worth hundreds of millions after paying off the debt. But he probably did nothing more than make a bad investment.
If anyone should understand how that feels, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s you.
Twelve minutes of Democrats denying election results.
@102 Now show us the video where 15,000 angry Democrats storm the Capitol, assault police officers, go looking for Republican congressmen with zipties, and erect a makeshift gallows outside.
How to make America forget all about January 6.
I’m old enough to remember when Democrats thought burning churches was a bad thing.
The unluckiest man in America is Paul Pelosi.
Had the cops driven him around the block twice more before pulling in for the blood draw he would have been at 0.079%.
Some guys have all the luck. But not rich guy Paul Pelosi.
Darn it!
@ 103
Now show us the video where 15,000 angry Democrats storm the Capitol, assault police officers, go looking for Republican congressmen with zipties, and erect a makeshift gallows outside.
In about a week I’ll be able to show you video of at least a dozen churches engulfed in flames, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
J6 will be a dim memory compared with Jun30.
Flood Facebook with a botfarm powered mass of END TIMES Drudge reports lacking attribution and all sourced from Moldovan script kiddies would be one way to try, I guess.
Trump Party just cost you another $6 billion settlement today.
Google Sweet v DeVos.
@ 109
Trump Party just cost you another $6 billion settlement today.
You mean cost YLB’s kids.
Had some good family news tonight, but can’t share it to maintain anonymity. Got a few great athletes in my family, and one is a great basketball player. All I can say. Might have said a few things about it during March Madness and Christmas.
Congratulations! Sounds exciting!
Sometimes there are truths and sometimes you have fake news by Faux Ruse. The fact that the words are said in a correct manner doesn’t negate them just because those same words are questioned when they are said in a false manner. You can’t discount that video as false or as alarming just because the current claim, being used falsely, is being made in the same manner and being questioned or rebuked. False equivalence to spin the minds of the sheepish brainwashed
Bob is a troll.
I predict the Extreme Court wing of the Federalist Society will do something unprecedent and not give their ruling until after the mid term elections.
Some of the church burnings will be false flag actions by right wing groups. The same way right wing groups were causing fires and looting during protests to blame the liberals.
Sweet v DeVos.
The plaintiffs brought their lawsuit against the Trump administration in 2019, representing around 264,000 class members who said their applications for loan cancellation were being ignored by the Education Department. The former students claimed they were stuck with federal debts by schools that had been found to engage in misconduct.
Just the kind of theft and cruelty I have to come to expect from the Trump Administration.
Don’t forget, Republicans want to get rid of Social Security and privatize it. They want to put people like DeVos in charge of your retirement money. Vote accordingly
Matt Gaetz ‘personally’ pushed for a pardon from Trump ‘from the beginning of time up until today, for any and all things,’ Trump officials testify
Wow. that seems like he’s rather guilty of several things.
In about a week I’ll be able to show you video of at least a dozen churches engulfed in flames, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
J6 will be a dim memory compared with Jun30.
Pathetic. The low IQ traitor desperately clings to that which hasn’t happened and never will.
I expected to wake up this morning to the choking smell of burning churches everywhere.
Instead all I got was a dumb cartoon.
Significant uptick in all groups of percentages who think the 2024 Republican presidential nominee should be charged with crimes after first round of J6 hearings.
Not surprising that Matt Drudge and Daily Caller are conjuring up a “Night of Rage” hoax. This is going terribly for them.
kreepshit’s last words before being prepared for the pit to take the long dirt nap w/ the ashes of its fookin’ munee:
kkk..kk…halidi.. taape..
kreepshit’s “rosebud”
The legacy of the decisions of #CrookedHillary and RBG is the overturning of Roe.
The two most important women in the liberal hemisphere did this.
Think on your sins.
@ 119
I expected to wake up this morning to the choking smell of burning churches everywhere.
You’re a day early, McHillbilly.
I wonder if Carl is busy rewriting his Open Thread.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now.
Anyway, please wash your coat hangers right now.
Inflation is caused by “demand shocks” like too much money chasing too few goods..
It’s also caused by “supply shocks” like an out of the blue oil embargo or a war (see Ukraine) taking oil off the market.
Peter Zeihan claims due to the mass retirement of the baby boomers, the U.S. (the whole world for that matter) is being “shocked” by a labor shortage. The U.S. right now has a shortage of 400,000 workers and that situation will persist until 2034 when it will peak at a shortage of 900,000 workers
Higher interest rates are useless in addressing supply shocks. And they may even worsen them if they force delays in capital expenditures.
Don’t believe Peter Zeihan? Try Larry Fink of Blackrock:
AJ Alito:
One day, the forced birthers will die off..
In the meantime, women will find safe alternatives for their own autonomy and self-determination..
i.e. freedom, not freedumb..
the forced birthers are pos.. if they don’t like abortion, fine.. : DON”T HAVE ONE..
@ 125
Peter Zeihan claims due to the mass retirement of the baby boomers, the U.S. (the whole world for that matter) is being “shocked” by a labor shortage.
Who could possibly have predicted that the people we’ve been counting every decade would begin to retire when they reached retirement age?
$1.9 trillion pumped into an economy that didn’t need it. Pipeline cancelled. Clear messages sent to the petroleum industry that the administration was gunning for it every step of the way.
Higher interest rates might not affect supply, but they can sure as fuck affect demand. First Vegetable Joe Biden has given YLB a front-row seat to find out what happens with $1.9 trillion of fuck around.
Who could possibly have predicted that the people we’ve been counting every decade would begin to retire when they reached retirement age?
moldering dumbshits from widbee who blame Joe for everything…
seem to be incapable of doing exactly that…
Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.
@ 127
In the meantime, women will find safe alternatives for their own autonomy and self-determination..
Agreed. Once the whining and panty-twisting by YLB and her ilk has faded, and Big Abortion figures out a way to profit from the new reality, Democrats will simply find another issue that makes liberals write checks come election time.
ho hum…
Keystone XL, an expansion of an existing North American pipeline, would have carried 830,000 barrels of crude oil from Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska daily at its peak. At the time Mr. Biden halted its construction, the $8 billion expansion was only about 8% complete, according to Reuters.
Yet many experts agree that moving ahead with the pipeline wouldn’t have prevented U.S. gas prices from climbing to a record high. Expanding the Keystone would have increased global oil production by less than 1%, an amount, they explained, is “almost negligible.”
“I can see why people make that connection,” Nemet said.”But in terms of gasoline prices and global oil prices, it’s just something it’s better to just ignore because it would have no impact.”
So much for that crap..
Big Abortion figures out a way to profit
yawwnnn.. another fantasy..
the going of the forced birthers, the way of the slave holders is a certain eventuality..
moldering dipshits from widbee will most likely be in the ground before then. Heh, be nice if they were around to see it happen.
@ 132
YLB, if the Keystone pipeline’s 830k barrel infusion, without expiration, would have no impact, why would the temporary strategic petroleum reserve release of a million barrels per day have any real benefit? Are you going to argue that an extra 170,000 barrels per day for a few months makes all the difference?
$1.9 trillion pumped into an economy that didn’t need it.
Holy shit, instead of Americans making ends meet after the economy freezing up, that munee could have been “pumped” into Afghanistan..
Already a trillion’s worth.. down the drain.. what’s another trillion?
@134 nope.. But you seem to babble that Joe is better off doing nothing..
Of course you would..
@ 135
Holy shit, instead of Americans making ends meet after the economy freezing up, that munee could have been “pumped” into Afghanistan..
Or, you know, maybe not spent at all, YLB.
$1.9 trillion was a massive fucking unforced error and you have no comeback, girlfriend. Hence your silly, unserious response.
It’s OK. I’m sure you convinced your children that all that additional national debt is in their best interest, and I’m sure you and your children enjoyed the “free money” while it lasted. So no worries! Talk about supply bottlenecks instead, silly twat.
$1.9 trillion was a massive fucking unforced error and you have no comeback
How about this:
Zandi was the chief economist for John “gook” McSame, a guy you voted for, would have voted for twice.
So much for that horseshit.
the moldering dipshit of widbee’s Afghanistan policy is highly “serious”..
I’m sure you convinced your children that all that additional national debt is in their best interest
If kreepshit had any kids (aside from the one step-kid, heh), it would babble that a few trillion or so in Afghanistan, a recreational war in Iraq and dozens of failed Pentagon boondoggles like the F-35 and all the national debt piled on that goes w/ all of that..
is GOOD..
for you oh squirt of kreepshit!
@ 140
I’d argue that it’s yesterday’s news and move on, YLB.
Imprudent prior spending does not justify imprudent current spending, girlfriend.