I understand that KUOW is a small newsroom. And they have to put something out. But I do not understand this story. Police say drivers are not stopping when they put on lights and sirens. And they blame the fact that there are new restrictions on high speed chases. At best, it feels like it needs more work.
Like, their numbers don’t make any sense. The story admits it doesn’t have the data to back up police claims. And only at the end does it mention oh by the way fewer people are dying in high speed chases. Imagine leading with that, and how frivolous the rest of the story might seem.
Finally, they provide one person who called 9-1-1 and asked the dispatcher to have the police stop chasing them. Presumably they caught the person, so it shows the chases aren’t necessary.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Police deliberately avoid collecting data about the safety of high speed pursuits. Better agencies with well developed risk management profiles led by competent civilian authorities have long ago adopted limited and carefully managed pursuit policies. A LOT of personal injury liability to police agencies arises from pursuits. Retired police chiefs and senior commanders make a handsome post career income as expert witnesses in pursuit cases.
Cops are bored. It’s a boring job. Incredibly so. A great many patrol officers see their opportunities for high speed pursuit as a perk of the job. After hours “boots and beers” gatherings largely consist of high speed pursuit war stories. It’s stupid, often pointless, and seldom accomplishes much other than to break cars and injure other motorists. In return for Cadillac benefits and a six figure income, police can be asked to endure a little boredom. At least they’ve still got the porn.
Well done, Carl. Sadly, the probable truth is that a lazy/overworked access journalist relied on police statements as the “source” for their reporting. Neglecting to take into account how often police lie always results in bad reporting that misinforms the public. Good catch. Too bad the editors at KUOW didn’t bother.
What a sick fuck is Hunter Biden.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter’s search history reveals his obsession with porn and sex fantasies including ’18yrs old,’ ‘lonely widow’ and ‘MILF crack cocaine porn,’ he uploaded his OWN amateur videos and texted Pornhub link to phone listed in his contacts as ‘Dad’
He might have been kicked out of the Navy for drug use, but no matter. PornHub awarded him its coveted “Premium Lieutenant” medal.
The wrong Biden son died. The one who lived is bought and paid for by the Chinese.
Not a whole lotta difference between a criminal not stopping at the command of the police and a criminal not putting the handgun down at the command of the police.
So by all means, let’s further promote the concept of disregarding police commands. File it under Fuck Around And Find Out.
Mentally disturbed, high on drugs, armed and shooting at cars.
In America, anybody can have a gun. These laws brought to you by the GOP, who are anything but pro-life, so they must be against abortion for some other reason. (Controlling women?)
@2 What the Daily Mail story mentions, but you materially omitted, is the phrase “on the laptop,” which as Elijah has repeatedly pointed out, has passed through many hands since Hunter last used it. So, yeah, all those other people are sick fucks. We just don’t know who they are.
@3 “Not a whole lotta difference between a criminal not stopping at the command of the police and a criminal not putting the handgun down at the command of the police.”
Really? You think people who don’t pull over after running a yield sign should be shot? But only if they’re black, amirite?
Frankly, I don’t think white guys in BMWs with California plates ever got shot in the first place, even when the BMW was stolen, as in this case. If you want to change that, okay with me, we don’t want those Beamer Californians here anyway. Even when driving their own cars, they drive like shit.
At least he’s a car thief with good taste. He didn’t swipe your wheels.
Other than…
This is your brain on Republican.
his obsession with porn and sex fantasies
sez the dimfuk who posted links to youporn, is obsessed with ass fucking among other things “sick”…
Hunter Biden seemed to like munee too.. like a good repuke.. maybe this is why repukes are so obsessed with him.. they look at him – they see themselves..
yawwwn… Has Hunter Biden been elected or appointed to any political office anywhere?
Secret Service details don’t count as receiving government benes..
Seems to me the laptop was processed by the sick minds at jailbird O’Keefe’s operation..
“I have found no evidence that unmasking requests were made for political purposes or other inappropriate reasons during the 2016 election period or the ensuing transition period.”
“According to the FBI, the Bureau did not disseminate an intelligence report discussing those communications and containing masked [U.S. person identity information] for General Flynn before President Trump’s inauguration. For that reason, the public disclosure of the communications could not have resulted from an unmasking request.”
Flynn, like the rest of the Republican Party, was a criminal and a garbage human being.
And the call came from inside the White House.
Which should surprise no one. The first two years of Trump world was like a BUM FIGHT greatest hits video of backstabbing smears and infighting. Prior to 2017 Trump probably didn’t know what the National Security Advisor was, or that such a job even existed. As one of the most powerful global security and intelligence positions in any administration, with daily immediate direct access to the President, it would have been a huge asset not just for Putin, but for any foreign government, including allies. And Republicans being Republican, it was an opportunity both ripe and abundant. In four short years The Orange Imbecile Parade cycled through six of them. Probably got paid every time.
So in the end, it was Jared who skull fucked the criminal Flynn. We always knew. The process was indeed abused.
By the Trumps, of course.
That’s Admiral jailbird to you!
@ 10
Way off topic, but John Bash was one of the co-authors of an op-ed piece in yesterday’s issue of NYT. Heller stuff.
And I’m fine with expanding background checks, requiring training, etc. In the same way that y’all should be fine with prohibiting abortions when the baby has crowned during week 40.
y’all should be fine with prohibiting abortions when the baby has crowned during week 40.
What a revelation…
widbee dimfook was stillborn…
It was born “naturally aborted”.. Can’t prosecute God I guess.
A zombie movie is in its future..
Ok this must really apply to kreepshit:
“Examples may be if the baby has developed in the womb with no brain, a condition known as anencephaly; or if the baby has an extra chromosome 18 or 13, known as Edward’s syndrome and Patau’s syndrome respectively. “These babies almost always die before they’re born and, of the ones that survive birth, they rarely survive more than two or three months,” says Harding. Fortunately, these sorts of conditions occur in less than one in 1,000 births.”
You’re a rare breed indeed kreepshit..
Way off topic…
This is news?
No. This is the definition of trolling.
It spent four years of it’s miserable existence shrieking into the void about DEEEEEP STAAAAAATE!!!
It was another lie, like so many before. No Derp State. No unmasking. No conspiracy.
Just unmoored paranoia and plenty of lying.
It has a biased interest in promoting the forcible delivery of babies without brains.
If one day one of them managed to survive it might have a shot at making a real, non-imaginary friend in real life. “FB friends in CO” only go so far.
@11 According to my rough back-of-envelope calculations, most babies are already born at week 40, but I’m only a rabbit.
@ 12
Dr. YLB, gentlemen. Always and forevermore HA’s dumbest twat.
Gotta give it to her, she does her best to keep the pressure on The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@11 Only slightly less relevant to the real abortion issue than aging incels fucking horses is to population control.
listening to a police scanner and there is an active shooting in TULSA Gun Country! in an office building. Shooter is down.
I should say – I don’t know exactly if it is Tulsa, but it is Tulsa, Creek, Osage, Rogers and Washington Counties Public Safety. I assume it is Tulsa.
Police are on floor 10
Homicide detectives going to floor 2
@16 yawwwn… we’re all bored to “tiers”…. heh..
No Derp State. No unmasking. No conspiracy.
Just unmoored paranoia and plenty of lying.
Not to even mention an unprecedented level of premature ball-spiking.
More bad news for Repuke Gun-hunpers.
Police lied again.
TexASS now says door was never propped open by “Groomers”.
Senator Cancun’s Patriotic American Door Stop bill has now been removed from the agenda and it’s back to giving Glocks to nine-year-olds.
It can only be a coincidence that each of the crucial lies promoted by Texas Governor Greg Abbott have either sought to enhance the threat faced by responding police, deflect responsibility, or fabricate tales of police heroism.
@ 21
TexASS now says door was never propped open by “Groomers”.
We’re not going to know until the DPS/DOJ reports are released, with video. What a shitshow.
The only reason Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit never got this angry over his untreatable ED is that if his treatment was ever successful, there would be the grotesque Missus Dumbfuck Rabbit, waiting for him with legs spread.
All that Dumbfuck Rabbit money spent on BBCs for Missus Dumbfuck Rabbit. Why, if not for that financial outlay Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would be able to afford a Barron’s subscription. And a gym membership, mebbe.
It’s Pride Month!
Maybe I should back off on The Even Bigger Fucking Moron just a bit.
I mean, it’s not like YLB’s not a sufficiently worthy target. Equating a stillborn birth to late-term abortion @ 12 was today’s display of cerebral firepower from HA’s dumbest twat.
I would absolutely enjoy watching tens of millions of Democrat-voting Northeasterners freeze to death this winter.
First on CNN: White House explores tapping emergency diesel reserve to ease price spike
That reserve is to ensure an adequate supply of heating fuel if something goes wrong in the winter, and it’s only a million barrels.
What could go wrong?
YLB: Cerebrally stillborn since at least the 2008 general election season.
You voted for Biden ’cause he promised to cancel student loan debt.
Instead he cancels debt for people who attended 13th grade.
Look at the bright side: the additional tax burden falls to YLB’s kids. Along with the inheritance of some of YLB’s genetic makeup.
Those two kids are so fucked.
Demanding the cancellation of student debt and seeing it happen only for for-profit attendees is like…
demanding the confiscation of assault weapons and seeing
Enjoy that crap sandwich, AOC. You elected it. Declaratively.
The problem with AOC is that despite having the cerebral capacity that YLB doesn’t, she still comports herself as if she is YLB.
Ladies, dumb twat isn’t a good look once you pass 29, and for YLB that was long ago.
The next 20 years of gun-control effort by liberals will result in a spike in mass stabbings at 5-year class reunions.
Oh, and 1,000 murders every year in Chicago.
The Tulsa gunman was looking for a “Dr. Philips.” Somebody’s got it in for doctors now.
Hey, guess which PacNW House seat just got much more attention from the GOP?
Biden-backed Democrat defeated by progressive in Oregon primary
Cook Political Report has the seat as a toss-up.
@32 hahahahah! Verry funny!
Happy Pride, even to Bob…..sounded like he was sincere even in his asshole fashion. Dumbfuck!
@31 “Oh, and 1,000 murders every year in Chicago.”
Which means, statistically speaking, the average Chicago resident gets murdered once every 8,901 years.
just finished 2 1/2 hours of sidework @ $150.00 an hour (I really have to go up in price, haven’t raised the rate since starting working with this one client, mayb should start charging $175/hr….not much tonight, but enough while eating.
Tonight was only part of the 32 hours i’ve put in in the last 2 weeks of weeknights. Not bad, before taxes.
Ggggggeeeee Money!
Along with the tweet is a cartoon. Rainbow high-velocity bullets. I wonder if the Commander-in-Chief would approve.
@ 36
The reason G-clown needs the side work is that last year, with my help, he realized that his AGI isn’t high enough to provide sufficiently for him in his retirement. Even though he will retire as he has always lived. Alone.
Thanks for the validation, G-clown. Oh, and Happy Pride!
@ 35
@31 “Oh, and 1,000 murders every year in Chicago.”
Which means, statistically speaking, the average Chicago resident gets murdered once every 8,901 years.
Apply the same rationale nationwide, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and there’s no reason for any sort of gun control. It’s just so unlikely, stastically speaking, that any random American will be murdered.
You should write an entire post about your rationale on handbill.us. Why stop embarrassing the memory of SeattleJew now?
@ 35, 39
Wonder how long until Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit realizes that he’s off by a factor of ~ 75?
Probably until he realizes that annual risk and lifetime risk are not the same thing.
He’s still got two minutes to correct it and act as if he never wrote it.
@38 if you were ever right in anything you ever speak it would be a miracle.
Listen to a little music https://youtu.be/B9i29MQNIf8
while having a CBD gummy and stop for a small snack or itch my ass, and lift a little wait, and made +$4k.
This will be a hobby in retirement (semi-retirement).
Ggggggge Money!
Reminds me of the day I returned a piece of mail from Mike Prude to Mike Prude, who was soliciting donations.
I returned it with $0 days and replied negatively to each question asked, and then cut up a rainbow flag that I had lying around. and put all the confetti rainbow flag in the envelope.
@ 41
Thanks for the music link. I lasted nearly 90 seconds before switching it off. Longer than usual.
Here’s one in return.
@43 Stanley Dan – not bad. I have a broad spectrum of music. From Stanley Dan, to what I posted, to Opera (typically on the radio live from the Met on Saturday – partly because my father always listened just about every Saturday), to Classical. For some reason I really not a fan of jazz, unless im in NoLa.
oh and by the way, there is no good reason why that song went for over six minutes…..I lasted for about 2.5 minutes.
And I listened to my link 3 times already.
and correction – “Dad Listens….not Listened”
Ricky Gervais treats it jokingly – and effectively – but these fucks are more of a danger to society than was Salvador Ramos, Jr.
QoS McHillbilly made an admiral joke @ 10 but seeing as this is the first day of Pride Month and in honor of the total fucking joke that is the Biden administration, can’t we please joke about this dude?
Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD
Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)
Department of Health and Human Services
Here’s another goody.
so week to be brainwashed.
But the Sheep Repukes are so eaisly brainwashed by their own very good brainwashers. So Ironic.
You can’t make that shit up.
Why? when we have you as failed doctor to joke about. That woman can do her job better than you could do yours.
@38 You’ve never helped him with anything. Probably didn’t help patients, either, which is why you have so much time on your hands now.
Hey Bob, truly, you probably won’t like it, but give me your opionim. listent to it all.
@39 I’m not arguing there’s “no reason for any sort of gun control,” you are. I don’t vote for the party that opposes any restrictions on guns, you do. Even some of your fellow Republicans now concede that’s a bad idea. So what’s your point? Do you have one?
A stunning failure of leadership.
They should get rid of them, starting with the Governor.
@ 48, 52
Nope x 2.
@39 Nope x ~75. You’re the numbskull who’s off. If the Chicago metro population is 8,901,000, and 1,000 are murdered every year, it will take 8,901 years to murder them all. How hard is that? Too hard for you, it seems.
It’s just a whole helluva lot more likely in places where illiteracy and “conservatism” dominate.
Equating a stillborn birth to late-term abortion
Heh. Snowflake troll triggered…
“tiers” of a silly troll… mission accomplished…
2024 it does its “stupid dance” .. we’ve saved the date..
Look at the. bright side: the additional tax burden.. blah.. blah…
Bob McFarlane who had bonzo’s ear and carried water for the Contras…
OLD guy, SS check.. gubmint’ pension…
According to the insane, deranged, inane babbling of the kreepshit of widbee?
for my kids…
with all the repukes dropping dead.. my kids are WAY ahead of the game… thanks repukes.. one day it’ll be kreepshit’s turn.
@ 56
1,000 are murdered every year, it will take 8,901 years to murder them all. How hard is that?
Not hard at all. The risk per year is what you wrote it was. But little kids that make it through their kindergarten year aren’t home free, are they, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit? They have 12 more years, or 13 as children, during which they are at risk.
And if we ignore education level and look at lifelong risk, and assume a lifespan is 75 years on average, then the lifetime risk is 75x what you wrote.
I’m not going to explain it further. You either get it or you join YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron on HA’s lowest tier. It’s barely one step lower than where you are, so no real loss to you. You’ve lost any remaining respect anyone might have for you through your 17+ years of dishonesty here.
I’m going to Disneyland!
@ 57
It’s just a whole helluva lot more likely in places where illiteracy and
“conservatism”Democrat politics dominate.Gave it a little polish.
2nd try, 1st try to post didn’t and then said duplicate post on the 2nd attempt but there was just the link that time, so third attempt with this message
Very little information released on the Tulsa shooter so far.
Harder to push Buffalo after Uvalde and, now, Tulsa.
Meanwhile, in the statistically insignificant @ 35 city of Chicago:
Once again, Happy Pride to all and God bless President Joe Biden! Thank You President Biden!
from: teh kreepshit of widbee
to: mary kay
Subject: Don’t you DARE defame me!
.. heh…
kreepshit has put The Lone Ranger into “serious” rotation..
17 years of dishonesty
That reads like the title of a book about teh babblin’ butthole’s comment legacy at HA..
and projection of course..
Good call by the ACLU backing Amber Heard in exchange for a promised $3,500,000, amirite?
Q: What do Amber Heard and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit have in common?
A; Now, neither one of them is a millionaire.
@60 “The risk per year is what you wrote it was.”
I wrote about the risk per person, not the risk per year. This would be self-evident to anyone but a dumbfuck.
@64 “Very little information released on the Tulsa shooter so far.”
“He is a black male estimated to be 35 to 40 years old.”
This campaign ad by Charles Booker is about as hard-hitting as it’s possible to get. Some will question its appropriateness, but they should remember who he’s running against. I’m not endorsing this; I’m still trying to digest it. It’s strong medicine.
Amber Heard / Johnny Depp – America’s shinning example of Heterosexual prowess. America’s bright future!
The statistics say otherwise.
Nearly all of the top ten states (where gun regulations are made if at all) are Republican led, low literacy, hell holes. All but one.
What does a Democrat president do when the lies stop working on Democrats?
Biden concedes he didn’t understand how big an effect Abbott plant shutdown would have on baby formula
What does a Democrat president do when he thinks Democrats are too stupid to read a transcript?
Biden’s fantastical claim of $500 in annual utility savings
Respectively, the links are from CNN and from WaPo. It’s not even the midterms, yet, but the MSM are beginning to abandon my imbecilic, incompetent, blatantly dishonest president.
@ 75
Nearly all of the top ten states (where gun regulations are made if at all) are Republican led, low literacy, hell holes. All but one.
Yes, because in Missouri, the state is run the same way St. Louis is run. And in Maryland, the state is run the same way Baltimore is run.
QoS McHillbilly, each of those states, and the other 48 for that matter, are “led” by Democrat President Joe Biden.
See how silly pulling that “Yabbut those cities are in states led by Republicans” crap is, when taken just one level higher?
“C’mon Meat, bring me that weak-ass shit, huh. Bring it. Bring it.”
@ 72
Still no real information released on the Tulsa mass shooter. I already knew what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit spewed.
My point is, to find that small snippet of info you have to go to YouTube, maybe watch a commercial or three, and then sit through a video until someone finally says something.
It’s been 16+ hours, the house the dude lived in has already been searched, and nobody will put anything in print?
What are you babbling about? The state is run by a bunch of radical conservatives who never saw a gun they didn’t like.
Noted CNN and MSNBC on-air personality and former Democrat presidential aspirant Michael Avenatti sentenced to four years in prison.
This is what it takes for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to look good by comparison with another attorney.
Good grief. One imbecilic comment after another. Who the hell triggered the low IQ traitor??
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 73 reported on the pandering effort by one desperate Democrat.
Here’s another:
This is what candidates do during midterms when the same-party president has been an economic disaster for the nation. They resort to pandering and gimmickry.
We shall see much more of this in weeks and months to come. The closer First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval number gets to 30%, the worse it will be.
First Vegetable Joe Biden has no support floor, recall. People didn’t elect him so much as they voted against Trump. The deed is done and they want the normal they were promised. Instead they got incompetence.
Thank God for President Biden. God bless him. He’s a miracle worker with this stock market.
Our low IQ traitor appears to have found a new schtick, exploring new realms of vacuous low IQ monotony.
Amazing, isn’t it, how the shooter is still “the gunman”, even though it’s now known why he did it, and that he purchased the weapon only yesterday.
Maybe the MSM just doesn’t want to invade the dude’s privacy.
Update: I lied. Minutes ago the dude was named.
Mayors make gun regulations the same way Presidents do:
They don’t. They can’t.
The Missouri state legislature and Governor are the lawmakers who enact legislation (OR NOT) to restrict gun sales to mentally disturbed, paranoid, gun-humpers.
It’s painfully transparent that Degen wants to try to drag Mayors and Presidents into it. They don’t make laws. And what do gun humpers want?
No laws.
Unrestricted access to whatever kind of deadly firearm for anyone, anywhere, at any time.
I suspect the Durham flameout has destroyed what little was left of the vacuous troll’s mind. Low IQ has now become no IQ.
FB friends in CO.
Selecting on the dependent variable.
Voted for Trump. Three times, so far.
I mean, he did ask.
And I didn’t even bother to bring up what a tremendous economic waste it was for Degen to have pursued an MD, and then Go Galt in his prime earning years.
Golden years.
It’s now clear why there was no hurry on the part of the MSM to identify the shooter in Tulsa.
I mean, if you have a narrative to protect, this photo does you absolutely no good whatsoever.
I just renewed the tabs on my six-year-old vehicle and got to pay an additional $138.00 ( total: $281.25) so the smug lliberal progressives of the western part of the state can have their precious light rail system. It’s a system I will never live to see completed and will never, ever use.
Thanks a lot, assholes!
@ 92
Yabbut you get to see it being constructed.
Gotta take your wins where you find them. For Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, success is measured by number of magnum wrappers and discarded condoms he finds in the trash after he pays for another BBC session for The Missus.
@92 Talk about being “bored to tiers”.. heh..
Thank you for your “service”.. nil brains a-hole…
I use the light rail often enough.. Certainly happy there’s an alternative for a lot of people to stewing in traffic..
When relatives come to visit. they practically have a direct route from SeaTac to our place… Life is good..
No, really.
It’s we who should be thanking YOU!
92 “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
@ 97
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is similarly enriched when watching his Missus take a BBC in each hole, knowing he will never achieve the necessary stiffness to hit it himself ever again.
kreepshit is highly triggered by a dark spectre today.. the spectre of..
“teh black guy”
Willie Horton.. Willie Brown… all those black people in Chicago w/ guuuuunnnnssss., etc…
Good thing it lives in widbee.. it’d be on its umpteenth nervous break otherwise…
@91. Why single out Tulsa.
May 25, 2022, Today is Day 145 of the year, and the country has already experienced 213 mass shootings so far. Two hundred and thirteen such attacks in 21 weeks. This averages out to about 10 a week.
So are you picking Tulsa in specific because you are a racist asshole gasming to use a black man to score points in your head against the libs?
What a spectacular day on Wall Street today, God bless President Biden, remarkable!!
Narrative to protect? Bob, sounds like your trying to protect the failings of heterosexual white racist, and the party of racists. Self conscious guilt disguised and cloaked in racism.
I prefer that the news outlet refer to the perp as the gunman, I’d rather not give the perp the satisfaction of knowing that his name is getting popular.
Bob you’re just full of bullshit, trying to turn benign non issues into issues. Your a joke and a clown and have no clue how to do math.
@78 “I already knew what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit spewed. My point is, to find that small snippet of info you have to go to YouTube, maybe watch a commercial or three, and then sit through a video until someone finally says something.”
Let’s fact-check this. There’s one commercial, which you can skip after 5 seconds, and the relevant info (the shooter was black) is 7 seconds into the video. So, if you watch the video, which you obviously didn’t, it takes all of 12 seconds to find that snippet of info.
As for whether you already knew that info, the only evidence of this is your say-say, which therefore depends entirely on your credibility. No further comment.
How To Get Arrested In 30 Seconds Dep’t
So this guy goes to a neighbor’s house, tries to kick the door in, and yells he’s going to burn down their house. They call the police. When the police arrive he’s still pounding on the door and he tells them, yeah, he’s gonna torch the house …
I mostly ignore this kind of pleading from below average white supremacists.
Bigots like Degen want the racial identity of any non-white person of interest in any reporting to be in the first sentence of any written commentary or report. For them, “whiteness” is the default standard, assumed in advance, in any description of any person where that person’s race is not otherwise immediately stated. It doesn’t matter what the story is. At least not at first.
So when the read or hear a report about a local kid winning a fishing derby, or a local resident falling off their roof, or a story about a postal employee finding a lost wedding ring in the mail, they just always, always, always see, in their mind, that the kid, the resident, and the postal employee are “white” (the kid looks just like a young Ron Howard).
This is fine. Mostly harmless. But it produces a problem for white supremacists sometimes. Because when they read or hear a story about a bank robbery, or a mugging, or a drug bust, and the race of the bank robber, the mugger, or the drug suspect are not immediately stated, they experience a few brief moments of cognitive dissonance. All their “experience” from watching tens of thousands of hours television is that “criminals” are dark skinned men. But for some reason this “vital” information is left out. Added to that is their paranoia that they are being “judged” by invisible “elitist liberals” for these racial assumptions. The result is real cognitive discomfort, and a sense of unease and uncertainty in the face of an event that is objectively threatening (crime).
So whenever the race of the criminal suspect is somehow eventually revealed to be non-white they experience real frustration, even a bit of anger, as if they have been cheated. They feel they would have been perfectly safe to have relied on their bigoted assumptions in the first place. The “judgement” they believe they experience is unjustified. And the withholding of the racial identity of the accused person must be suspect, arising from the efforts of “elitist liberals” working behind the scenes.
It’s a self-licking ice cream cone unique to bigots. You can easily sense Degen’s frustration in his post. And it’s very clear that it is his expectation that more information should be shared with the public, but also, and in particular, that when the suspect is known to be non-white the race of the suspect should be declared immediately. “It’s only fair” – to a racist.
I don’t know about you, but when I see a racist feeling discomfort, my reaction isn’t to look for ways to reduce that discomfort by offering them a more clear view of the facts.
My reaction is…
@92 I’m sorry you can’t afford $138 for the privilege of driving. Have you considered more affordable transportation, e.g. a bicycle? Car drivers who never ride light rail will still benefit from it. Without mass transit, traffic congestion would become so severe you couldn’t go anywhere in your car. Seattle’s only freeway would be a 24-hour parking lot.
P.S., if you’re paying only $138, it must be a “transportation car.”
You bought the wrong damn vehicle. I live in the RTA and my 9 year old truck (which I’m pretty sure cost more than your 6 yo car) is $100 to register.
Get a vehicle that weighs over 6000 pounds and you will pay less.
Whiny bitch you are.
STL Breaking News – Lewis Reed and 2 alderman indicted on federal charges
Let me make it comfortable for the racists. Black Aldermanic President Lewis Reed, former Alderman Black John Collins-Muhammad and Alderman Black Jeffrey Boyd, all Democrats. For such petty amounts. One guy got “$7,000 in cash, $3,000 in campaign donations, a new iPhone 11 and a 2016 Volkswagen CC sedan,” The cost of living and corruption is so much cheaper in St Louis City. They broke the law, got caught and unlike republicans, are being tried. It’s probably a black thing.
Makes room for honest and progressive Democrats to take their place. According to the locals “Definitely the three most obstructionary and anti-progressive members of the BoA by far. They’ve been millstones around the city’s neck. Not gonna shed a single tear for them”
@107 Nils is a one-trick pony. He periodically reappears here to whine about STA taxes. That’s all he ever posts about, repetitively, like hail on a roof. He should’ve joined the military and become a disabled veteran so he could get free car tabs.
@ 107
Trucks are like potato chips. There’s no reason to stop at just one.
This is why liberals want to pretend that shitholes like St. Louis, Chicago, and Baltimore aren’t run by Democrats.
St. Louis Board of Aldermen President, 2 others indicted by federal grand jury
These three have something in common. That’s right – they’re all Democrats.
Mutiny at the White House.
Beneath Biden’s struggle to break through is a deeper dysfunction among White House aides
He’s not being caught off-guard. He’s being exposed as fucking clueless.
And AOC endorsed him.
What a rolling disaster is my imbecilic president.
Must be hard being Joe Biden, knowing that you already buried two sons but that your remaining life would improve significantly if only you could bury a third.
WH CoS Ron Klain is on his way out the door.
Senate Democrats know this is true.
Voters, not NRA money, drive the resistance to gun control
It’s ok kreepshit, it’s ok…
Your gateway drug to degen klownservaticism said there’s more to care about than making the rent or filling the tank..
like picking up kids from school that are still alive…
It’s kinda funeee that the most greedee, the most criminal and contemptuous of the poor of the all klownservatics in the U.S. Senate agreed to some gun control measures after the Parkland massacre.
Our degen troll’s dream greedhead is soft on guns.. awwwww..
Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth! Seventy years on the throne! Wow!
@ 116
HA’s dumbest twat, while going back nearly 40 years for a 20 second snippet, has provided no evidence that I don’t support a waiting period and that I don’t support background checks.
HA’s dumbest twat can triple the invasiveness of each of them for all I care.
What HA’s dumbest twat doesn’t realize is that those in Congress who are Democrats and possess IQs in the triple digit range know that they’re in enough trouble in 2022 and 2024 as it is, and “doing something” other than incrementalism means another 4-6 years in the minority after their stint in the penalty box begins in 2023.
If she can’t cheerlead it, YLB’s not interested in the nuts and bolts of it.
@ 118
Seventy years on the throne!
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is impressed. For him throne-sitting is merely his first three hours of each day.
@ 117
Had HA’s dumbest twat actually read her link she’d realize that since Governor Scott said it is a state issue, Senator Scott will oppose Senate action because it is a state issue.
HA’s dumbest twat also does not realize that Scott’s then-position did not keep the firearm out of the hands of the teenage adult. It merely brought the parents along for the purchase. How did that work out in that Motown suburb a few months back, girlfriend?
HA’s dumbest twat thinks Rick Scott is “soft on guns”. YLB has no more than a junior high school student’s understanding of the world. She tries, but she was born this way, you see.
YLB doesn’t do well with east coast politics. It wasn’t long ago that she thought that a state’s legislative makeup somehow affects how the US Senate does things. Silly twat.
@119 degen troll triggered.. mission accomplished..
You’re not supposed to admit a “liberal” position..
You’re supposed to support gunnnnnssss everywhere even in Chicago where the “solution” is stop and frisk..
You’re supposed to babble that voters don’t care about such things ‘cuz they gotta make the rent and fill the tank..
And they’re so mad they’re going to vote out teh c*nts and teh tw*ts and teh black guys (‘cept for a few tokens) and white guys degen babbles “imbecilic”..
sigh.. such is life mouldering in widbee.. its misery.. HA HERO entertainment
@ 121
I must correct my statement that had YLB read something, she would understand its consequences.
Silly of me. Every month she has to read the tampon use instructions at least twice.
Today’s Florida Supreme Court is not the same one as the one that fucked up the 2000 election challenge.
DeSantis’ FL redistricting map wins.. He even muscled this one past his own legislature.
Say it with me: President DeSantis.
RT if you think that YLB won’t understand the significance of it.
Such a silly twat.
Governorcorporate criminal Scott said it is a state issueInteresting.. guess that mean bonzo’s beloved Brady was err… not legal..
Oh and the federal regs on machine guns? not legal either?
It merely brought the parents along for the purchase.
Sigh.. daddy and mommy gun nut put upon to look over kiddies’ shoulder till 21.. 18 year old in FL can serve beer but can’t buy gun to defend themselves from a drunk soshulest.. damn gubmint.. don’t tread on me.. I want my FREEDUMB!! can’t teh gubmint issue conceal and carry to the teachers?
kreepshit.. ya don’t get it.. the solution is always MORE GUNS..
and stop and frisk of course.
How did that work out in that Motown suburb a few months back,
We’ve jumped from Florida to MI.. Didn’t know mommy and daddy gun nuts are so put upon there as well.. yawwwnn…
If a Dem did that, the repukes would limit the Dem’s power..
That’s what’ll have to happen to prevent such outrages in the future.
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think a foaming at the mouth fascist will play too well in Iowa and New Hampshire or a lot of other places.
Very Seriously Severe Canadian Supermodel Girlfriend
Oh that must be that other obsession of kreepshit:
Louis Gohmert once was a defense attorney (in the Army JAG Corps), so he should know better than to ask a question he doesn’t want to hear the answer to.
So it’s a bit mysterious why he asked the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, “You think we don’t have hearts?”
@110 “Trucks are like potato chips. There’s no reason to stop at just one.”
Especially when you need room for a fat ass from eating potato chips.
The new Ricky Gervais special on Netflix is even funnier if you watch it while envisioning YLB.
I’m serious. During one or two of his best woke jokes I nearly pissed myself.
I guess I should warn Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit about that last part.
@115 “Voters, not NRA money, drive the resistance to gun control”
Gerrymandering and the filibuster, not voters, makes the resistance to gun control possible. Two-thirds of voters want gun control.
@ 131
Especially when you need room for a fat ass from eating potato chips.
More sage, lived experience from Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Thanks, man. I’m sure Steve can really benefit from your wisdom.
Say it with me: President DeSantis.
Eight years ago the low IQ clown told us, “Say it with me, President Walker.”
@119 “no evidence that I don’t support a waiting period and that I don’t support background checks”
That’s inferred from who you vote and shill for.
@132 “During one or two of his best woke jokes I nearly pissed myself.”
I’m not hoarding Depends, I have no use for them, so you should be able to get some.
I’m sure Steve can really benefit from your wisdom.
And you’re good for advice on what? How to write stupid shit?
If you’d have heeded Roger’s advise on GE, you wouldn’t be forced to live on a shit-hole like Whidbey today.
So now you come here to tell us that you measure your own manly-manliness not just on how big of a truck you own, but also on how many big trucks you own.
Did you get that idea from reading some manly-manliness truck magazine?
Greedy racist incel, since you go on and on about BBC, post your email address. Once I’ve verified it’s legit, I’ll send you dark and full BBC that will make an old man like you drool. Uncut is way hotter but I can dig up the other kind if that’s your preference for the spank bank. Just trying to help you be a better person.
Speaking of GE.
Short-term profits and long-term consequences — did Jack Welch break capitalism?
During his time at GE, many GE workers benefited those men and women at the company who were invested in GE stock, they got to see their fortunes rise along with Welch’s and the company’s. But again, it depends on the time horizon we’re looking at. If we’re looking at just the years he was running the company and just what he did and who benefited at that point, you can make a case that, sure, he was good for at least the GE workers who didn’t get fired under rank and yank or under his downsizing or offshoring or outsourcing.
But fast forward and look at what happens to these pensioners. Look what happens to the men and women holding GE stock as it plummets in the years following his departure. Because when he leaves, all of these flaws are fundamentally exposed and Wall Street starts seeing through the charade.
From being the most valuable company on Earth, GE fell to the point of essential irrelevance in the American economy. In 2018, with all of Welch’s bad decisions catching up with the company, GE was removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the bluest of blue chip indexes and a real bellwether of the American economy.
>> Jack welsh initiated rank and yank, downsizing, offshoring, outsourcing. Welch became know as Neutron Jack, who killed the people but left the buildings intact. He was spectacularly profitable until he’d burned the company out, leaving nobody left who cared if the company survived, and now GE is no more.
>> There a cautionary tale in there about being too greedy and treating the workers badly but I think it will fall on deaf ears.
I nearly pissed myself.
Comes with mouldering in widbee..
Depends, kreepshit, Depends…
@111 incel that’s old news. Already posted it. Do try to keep up.
My commentary was more interesting.
Ontario provincial election, the Progressive Conservative Party was re-elected with more seats. The Liberals and NDP were almost the same, but split the vote in many seats. If you are not going to have proportional representation, RCV, or a runoff, strategic voting is the only option. At the Federal Level the NDP are cooperating, but I believe the NDP is the only top down party. Remember in BC, the Center-Right Party is the BC Liberal Party and not affiliated with the Federals.
106)Each LRV can seat 74, carry 225-276 including standees, and can form up to 4 car trains.
I remember during the worse part of the Pandemic, when the frequency was down to every 30 minutes and fare collection was suspended, somebody defaced the cover over the ORCA reader at Mt Baker Station. The message was that they missed the bloop sound the ORCA readers made when tapped.
The real reason Elon Musk wants to buy Twitter: So he can spy on union organizers and his employees.
As I said, results in Ontario, the PCs actually expanded their majority, won some seats with over 51%, others if the NDP, OLP, and Greens, worked together, they would have won. One seat, the PCs carried with around 38%.
Meanwhile in Australia, 2 senate seats left to declare, looks the leader of One Nation will get over the line for the last QLD seat. Changes the Liberals and Nationals made for the Senate voting system in 2016 may have cost the LNP that seat.
Heteros really fucked up this world and country.