Hey, good news about the West Seattle Bridge. It would be fabulous if there was a solid timeline. West Seattle has been so cut off for so long now. I have only taken my car to West Seattle once (granted, pandemic) since the bride closed and I don’t want to do that again.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Republicans: “Moving at this sensitive time of loss and grieving to enact new restrictions on fundamental rights is premature and opportunistic exploitation. We need to wait until we have all the facts”.
Also Republicans: “We must execute public school officials because… (checks notes)… kitty litter boxes!”
Texas GOP got the memo:
Fine. So long as you realize that in politics there are winners and there are losers.
And that there are people like Steve who, when they see themselves losing, tell you that they’re gonna pull out their .45 handgun and visit the winner at his home.
Firearms training and ownership of a firearm are basic human rights.
Eli’sNovember’s Coming.Schumer tells colleagues not to expect a gun control vote anytime soon
The GOP was crystal clear on the abortion issue, too, but that didn’t stop you from that silly stunt you pulled. Perhaps that taught you something, Chuck.
Well, yeah. The dead ones, for example.
@4 Training would help…
Kinda like getting vaxxed..
@ 3
It would be immoral NOT to politicize gun violence in the wake of tragedy.
Well, at least it would be a change from the Democrats’ habit of excusing violence in the wake of tragedy.
Where frightened white people of means go to await that certain day.. If YLB be believed.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t afford ferry fare.
The unchallenged leader of the GOP recently suggested, while serving as Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on earth, that a state election official should be executed because she did not overturn an election that he lost.
There might just be more at work here than a lack of safe firearms training.
@1 After filling society with guns, Republicans will wring their hands and say, “There are too many guns to do anything about them now.” (I saw this phrased on a Fox website as, “The genie is out of the bottle,” but it’s the same thing.)
@4 According to the dumbfuck, “Firearms training and ownership of a firearm are basic human rights,” whereas basic health care is a privilege of the economically advantaged, because this is how dumbfucks think.
@6 Your fibs are almost as gross as Paul Gosar’s fibs. Not quite, but almost. Next you’ll claim the three murdered Mississippi civil rights workers were the only ones prevented from voting by their murders.
@7 Bad spellers, too. Looks like half of them didn’t make it past 6th grade.
@9 White people of means live in the San Juans, not Whidbey Island, and get there with helicopters, private jets, and floatplanes.
(I once got a personal tour of Edgar Kaiser’s Lockheed JetStar after watching him land at Bellingham airport and board a floatplane to Lopez Island; the plane had red leather seats and an 8-track stereo system.)
Whidbey Island is the poor suburb where the white trash live and conduct their lodge meetings at the local Grange.
“Liberals must arm.”
With banned firearms, apparently.
It’s less about how many guns are out in the world and more about safety regulations surrounding their ownership, transportation, sale, and transfer. The majority of privately owned personal firearms in the U.S. are owned by a small percentage of the public.
There’s nothing in the constitution or in Heller that would preclude states or Congress from implementing such regulations so long as they do not function as de facto prohibitions. Like “Casey” only for the 2A.
There’s a lot of room to legislate in this area in the states and nationally. Traditionally it’s been held back by very aggressive lobbying by the NRA. But the NRA is massively discredited today and no longer exercises the same influence. Asking people who own, transport, and carry firearms on their person to take a few simple precautions for public safety is reasonable in a world where babies die because mommy’s purse gun was loaded with the safety disabled. Of course Republicans would oppose any such safety regulations regardless.
“The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, a very conservative Republican, went before television cameras Tuesday and said, ‘When parents drop their kids off at school, they have every expectation to know they will be able to pick that child up when that school day ends.’ The governor ought to be asked how a parent can have that assurance when he said he was upset his constituents weren’t buying enough guns.
“‘I’m EMBARRASSED,’ Abbott tweeted in 2015. ‘Texas #2 in nation for new gun purchases, behind CALIFORNIA. Let’s pick up the pace Texans.’
“He helped his state compete in that gun-buying contest with California. Just last year, Abbott proudly signed into law what he called a ‘constitutional carry’ bill, which allowed anyone over 21 to carry a gun without getting a permit, and he did it after the El Paso mass killing in 2019. … Prior to Abbott’s signing of the measure, a license to carry required fingerprints, four to six hours of training, a written exam and a shooting proficiency test.”
I read yesterday that Abbott signed another bill last September that allowed 18-21 year-olds to buy guns, and in another news report, that the Uvalde shooter legally purchased the guns and ammo used in the massacre on his 18th birthday — this bullied and taunted kid with lethal grudges didn’t wait even one day to arm himself.
Abbott’s gun-kissing politics killed those kids almost as surely as if he’d pulled the trigger himself.
From the same article linked above: “Gov. Abbott is quick, however, to ban books that offend his political sensibilities, but gun ownership cannot be constrained.”
To the GOP, books in schools are more dangerous than guns in schools.
Presented without comment:
And that there are people like Steve who believes traitors who would end democracy in America should be shot or hung.
I can understand why that would bother our low IQ traitor.
The low IQ traitor is onboard with this.
Kissinger Urges Ukraine To Cede Territory, Not Humiliate Russia
@ 22
Steve does not recall that prior to the invasion, First Vegetable Joe Biden was onboard with a minor incursion, too.
‘There are no minor incursions’: Ukrainian president rebukes Biden over remarks on Russian invasion
My president is a fucking imbecile.
Please proceed with caution there.
You should now recall that the world was told to believe that the Columbine shooters were victims of bullying. Only later was it finally uncovered that these kids were frequently bullies themselves who had serious histories of taunting, harassing, bullying, and terrorizing their fellow students.
We saw this statistical pitfall played out recently in these comments by the deplorably inept, humiliatingly stupid incel troll when he attempted to extrapolate maternal mortality among pregnant people in Louisiana. It’s statistical fuckup normally referred to as “sampling on the dependent variable”.
In other words, before you conclude what the “risk” factors might be, take a moment to ensure that your data sample is from the entire at-risk population, rather than only targeting the population exhibiting the dependent variable. It may be that “bully victim” is indeed a risk variable. But it might not be the most significant. And by focusing all your attention on a single variable you could actually produce more harm.
Don’t be like Degen.
leopards ate his
facedaughter.Unless the tweet is bullshit.
Although, let’s admit that in nearly all of these instances of public school firearms massacres of very small children, there are always going to be some 2A extremists among the grieving parents.
It’s just a shame that Republicans can’t be bothered to examine that shame and guilt.
@23 “My president is a fucking imbecile.”
Guess who else is a fucking imbecile? (If you can’t figure it out, hold up a mirror.)
@24 Lots of kids are bullied and taunted at school. Most of them don’t buy two assault rifles on their 18th birthday and then make a beeline to the nearest elementary school, so this kid obviously had other things going on in his now-exploded head.*
* He was wearing body armor, so the BP agent who shot him took a head shot.
The gap separating Robert O’Rourke from Medea Benjamin narrowed substantially earlier today.
I guess he’s back to wanting to take away peoples’ guns.
@ 26
@23 “My president is a fucking imbecile.”
Guess who else is a fucking imbecile?
That’s not a denial, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@19 “To the GOP, books in schools are more dangerous than guns in schools.”
Yep, they sure hate book on economic theory that some guy named Marx wrote.
@28 The guy’s a flipflopper. So is every Republican you know. You know, all the people who said Trump is a POS back in 2015, Ted Crud among them …
@29 Neither is @29.
“Republican” describes a set of beliefs and state of mind recognized as a violent pathology.
I can understand why people would think “anti-fascist” is bad if they’re pro-fascism.
@13. I disagree with your choice of words. He’s not fibbing. Fibbing is a what a child says when they claim their teddy bear ate the cookie. He is out and out lying his ass off in what ever way he thinks will piss off the libs here the most. And lie in a completely different way tomorrow because he thinks that will piss us off the most.
@35 I disagree with your characterizing him as not a child.
24. Is that like the Republicans from Louisiana saying sure, we’re last in the country but if you exclude all the dying black woman from our pool the remaining white women are just fine
Federal judge upholds Texas-abortion-style New York law against those performing firearms or aiding and abetting firearms used in crimes.
What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Never let a crisis interfere with an opportunity for opportunism.
@ 38
Makers of fire extinguishers soon to be sued by Capitol police. ’cause their manufacturers clearly should have known they’d be used as weapons.
If Salvador Ramos wore a dress y’all libbies would be blaming the kids he shot. For bein’ cis an’ all, which is triggering.
Good lookin’ wife, too.
Obviously our imbecile troll got the memo too.
Or at least, the plurality of his Twitter follows did.
48 is not 60, Chuck.
It’s not even 50, Chuck.
What’s more, if push ever came to shove, you’d find that 48 is really fewer than 40, Chuck.
Hard pass.
Don’t have to.
Because we aren’t the ones who are gonna be haunted by the looming certainty that all it takes is the trivial formation of a committee and the Trump family idiocy owns your party for another six years.
Forgive me if I’ve already begun the mocking laughter now.
I can’t help myself.
Kissinger steps in it.
But what’s new about that? Kissinger’s been stepping in it his entire miserable life.
She’s right.
Fixing “Sinema” will be done in Arizona. And it won’t be this year.
We can wait.
She can’t.
Thanks to Trollito you can be sure she can’t change parties now and retain her base of financial support or primary voter support. She’s either a Democrat or she’s “growing a beard”. Because with hips like hers, she’ll never pull off wearing Carhartts.
@39 And you can watch how Republicans politely asked him to wait his turn to speak here, while keeping in mind that the people he did this to were fine with this. And oh yeah, these are public officials and a public event, and doesn’t he as a citizen have a right to petition them with his grievances? One more thing, in direct reply to you, doc. O’Rourke is clearly upset and angry at what happened, while GOP gun-protectors’ expressions of hearts and prayers certainly have the appearance of being “very clearly staged.”
@ 47
She’s either a Democrat or she’s “growing a beard”.
Not true. “She” can grow a beard, flash a cock, claim to be a womxn, and be not just a Democrat but a carefully cultivated Democrat.
Haven’t you heard about the Ricky Gervais special coming out on Netflix?
Just like Daddy Twump, the imbecile troll gets all his non-Whidbey “lifestyle” news from the television set that is never turned off.
@40 They can argue that fire extinguishers are more useful for putting out fires than guns are. And I would argue that you’re just not very good at these kinds of analogies, doc. That is, even bad lawyers are better at this than you are.
Where frightened white people of means go to await that certain day..
widbee is teh place… how’s teh vip room there, kreepfuk?
Pristine white Orcas would be better if only kreepshit would host a fundraiser for John James or Larry Elder..
And have either of them stand in for it..
trading up would be easy peasy..
Just got my delivery of a case of Green River soda shipped from the midwest. It’s as good as I remember it was.
The same unchallenged leader of the Republican Party who requested that a Michigan election official be executed for refusing to overturn her state’s results after he lost, also suggested to his White House Chief of Staff that his Vice President should be hung.
Again, I’m mildly skeptical that lots of firearms safety training can do much to reverse that kind of “cultural and moral decay” among American “conservatives” and other kinds of white people.
@54 I’m against firearms training for these people. When they get around to launching “cival war,” I’ll prefer that they miss.
I put the militia groups practicing their shooting skills on firing ranges set up on private wooded lots in roughly the same category as John Allen Mohammad training Lee Boyd Malvo on a stump in a Tacoma backyard. Our society doesn’t need that expertise.
…frightened white people of means…
In college I worked a bit moving furniture. DOD pays for full service moving for enlisted families, including packing, whenever they are moved to a new duty station. Packed and moved a few families at NAS Whidbey.
I’m still a little bit scarred by the experience.
White? ✔
Frightened? ✔
Means? Well, apparently not the means to change a completely overflowing diaper, extinguish cigarettes in anything other than furniture, or flush a toilet.
But that’s the Navy for you.
Gosar isn’t the only Texas Republican spewing bullshit in the aftermath of the shooting.
@ 57
That’s the other Whidbey.
41. Damn that’s some perverted fantasies how straight white male gun owners are the real victims, not the 19 slaughtered elementary children.
You fucking poor man. Won’t people think about you and your guns rights?
Kissinger is not dead already?
Thank God for Joe Biden. Thank you President Biden. God bless you!
Good bless you for the miracles you are doing – another good day on the stock market!
Whidbey Island looks like a real dump. A shithole.
The Texas shooter was a hetero Neanderthal.
But, if they want to pretend it was a transgender person then let them, there’ll only be more dead little kiddies in the future. Maybe that’s they’re goal. Birth the babies then kill them.
Bob promotes the use of fire extinguishers to assault LEO with.
It’s not like there was no warning this kid might go off the deep end.
Maybe, just maybe, there are 10 GOP Senate votes for red flag legislation?
That’s something maybe even Greg Abbott and the NRA might support.
Get guns out of the hands of mental cases before they rampage.
Bob your horse has a cock.
@61 Kissinger, whose 99th birthday is Friday, is very much not dead; but it’s just a matter of time now. Possibly quite a bit of time. Who knows, he might even break Jeanne Calment’s longevity record.
@65 No, he just wants to make LE safe by banning fire extinguishers.
Ken Paxton, who’s under indictment for securities fraud and has been accused of other crimes by his own staff, is now facing professional discipline for lying to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Republican voters just handed him a primary victory because that’s who and what he and they are.
I’m pretty sure the swell people who live around Gravely Lake say the exact same thing about Tillicum.
TFW you pass more than one pawn shop, adult video store, and “Christian Supply” store on your way to pick up an Orange-Mocha Frappuccino.
This is a particularly vicious headline.
Reuters / Ipsos
59% of Americans disapprove of the president
UPDATED MAY 24, 2022
Just brutal. Deservedly brutal.
@ 66
Maybe, just maybe, there are 10 GOP Senate votes for red flag legislation?
Not after the FBI red-flagged Carter Page, no. The GOP understandably knows how this authority would be wielded. We’ve watched the Clintons in action for far too long.
Authority should be earned, not demanded.
Shorter 73 for Roger:
Trump fucked around…
and found out …
…so now the children must die.
Guess which Republican candidate said this when asked about gun control in the wake of a shooter killing 21 people, including 19 children,
And took no more questions.
Josh Duggar sentenced to 12 years in Jail.
Now there some Family Values! I bet mommy and daddy will be visiting everyday.
@72 Biden is the same guy today he’s always been. A guy who had already been passed over for president a couple times. Then, when your party put your candidate before the public, the voters decisively elected him. What does that say about your candidate? It’s all relative, you see. The fact they don’t like his job performance doesn’t mean they’re going to fire him and hire your gang again.
@73 “Authority should be earned, not demanded.”
80 million voters agreed with that on Nov. 3, 2020.
@75 The guy with traumatic head injuries who’s not going to be a senator from Georgia?
God Bless President Joe Biden. Thank You President Biden!
White? ✔
Frightened? ✔
Duck and cover!
The Supreme Court under Acting Chief Justice Clarence Thomas is enforcing states’ rights with a vengeance. The Acting Chief Justice and his Apprentice Justices are fixing to overturn Roe v. Wade on these grounds. This week they ruled federal courts can’t interfere when due process in state courts falls short of the 14th Amendment ideal, which now must be seen as aspirational guidance rather than enforceable right. (Details here.) All sorts of other states’ rights are undoubtedly coming down the pike. From now on, everything the Supreme Court does will be to prevent the federals from interfering with whatever states want to do. (No more masks! Yippee!)
Know what’s cheaper than talk? This:
“Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that the Uvalde school shooter had a ‘mental health challenge’ and the state needed to ‘do a better job with mental health’ — yet in April he slashed $211 million from the department that oversees mental health programs. In addition, Texas ranked last out of all 50 states and the District of Columbia for overall access to mental health care, according to the 2021 State of Mental Health in America report.”
82 don’t kid yourself. The supreme court wing of the federalist society will block anything that blue states want to do that isnt cruel and conservative.
@84 I’m merely point out that the Supreme Court majority, under Clarence Thomas’ leadership, now sees everything through a states’ rights prism, especially when it comes to abortion and a state’s right to execute innocent people.
Robert O’Rourke all but guaranteed Governor Abbott the VP slot in 2024.
California is going to be a brutal place to be this summer. No water, not enough energy…
Brutal. And entirely the fault of the state’s governing Democrat party.
Fuck ’em.
Robert O’Rourke all but guaranteed
Dumbfuck all but guaranteed that he’ll be shot for his treason.
@ 88
Awww, look at Steve parrot Donald Trump!
Shira and Rachel are gonna have to take a back seat for awhile, Steve.
You see, Steve, there’s nothing about their deaths that people like Goldy can use to partisan advantage.
@87 The reservoirs are empty because they didn’t piss on Republicans enough?
You get what you (don’t) pay for. Less mental health funds, resources, etc…, more crazy gun-tote’n nuts, especially after The Gov complained that Texass was behind Cali in gun sales.
Maybe Mexico wants ’em back.
No water
Taken by greedy ag business growing crops like cotton that have no business being grown west of the Mississippi or almonds and pistachios which have to be watered year round and are grown mostly for export.
not enough energy…
Rolling blackouts because people want to live in exurbs in forested areas.. Put wires next to trees in the dry season and you’re asking for trouble.
All the fault of greed and people who don’t want to live near teh poors..’
yawwwn.. more lies and distortions from teh kreepfuk..
91)Mexican Gun Control makes California look like Texas. They only have one legal gun store, and it’s on an army base in Mexico City.
76’He probably will keep saying he was set up for his beliefs.
By the way, how long would he last in General Population?
@87. Show me on the doll where California hurt you.
You seem very bitter and angry with California for trying to be a liberal state that helps its inhabitants in liberal ways
Brutal. And entirely the fault of the state’s governing Democrat party.
Does the dumbfuck understand that he’s living in and posting from liberal Western Washington? Probably not. He’s quite stupid that way.
83, 91,
Much of the fashionable push in GOP-led states to “cleanse” public schools of “bad influence” has focused on cutting resources for school counseling and mental health resources.
Republicans want mass shootings in schools.
According to preppers like the imbecile troll cowering in his dirt paved compound, California is already a post-apocalyptic wasteland piled high with our irradiated dead, where we grovel and pick through filth for sustenance while hiding from roving gangs of blood thirsty ANTIFA.
California ranks 29th out of 50 states for mass shootings behind 20 Republican-led states. The top five, Mississippi, Louisiana, Montana, Alaska, and Alabama are a fucking blood-bath of mass gun violence. Thoughts and prayers, blah, blah.
Funny that degenerate imbeciles have very little to say about the looming grid crisis facing TexASS. Mass plant failures are now the new normal there. It’s like living in the third world. You aren’t supposed to do laundry during the day or take a shower after 9am. And they survive it all somehow. Such courage.
A Badge Bunny defending what is beginning to appear to be some real stunning incompetence by police responding in Uvalde:
” When your culture makes George Floyd the hero, real heroes stand down. Cultural rot has consequences.” twitter.com/JackPosobiec/s…
Pay them a $100,000 salary with Cadillac benefits for life.
But they will only even attempt to do their job if you agree to never point it out when they fuck up.
Why would anyone want more of them?
Keep this in mind when you wee cops pushing the “Hero-with-a-gun” myth.
More cops in Uvalde were directly involved in subduing and tazing frantic parents than saving children.
Chevron shares hit an all-time high this morning.
Thanks, Joe!
Has anyone noticed how many fat and obese people we have in the US? I have not noticed this condition as being very prevalent in countries like Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Japan or Korea.
Thank God for President Joe Biden! What a miracle worker with the economy and the stock market. Truly fucking the best.
God Bless President Biden.
Thank You President Biden!
@102. Most are uneducated as fuck FuckHump conservatives. Bunch of fat fuck Neanderthals heteros.
Idiot @101 must be advocating for price controls. Commie.
Toss a FE at LEO
I grew up in a affluent suburb of Hartford, Connecticut that is and was predominantly run by Democrats. Best schools in the area and best services.
Boy those Dems really can fuck things up once in a while.
Perhaps not drinking 2 quart servings of Mountain Dew Code Red and driving your mobility scooter the two blocks to buy more has something to do with it?
Unfortunately Federsl Prison, but hopefully they knife him or he himself, too much to pay for that fuck.
STAND DOWN spotted!
Uvalde parents were held at gunpoint by HERO police allowing the shooter to complete his mission.
So looking forward to the serious attention given to any of this by Gym Jordan in the next Congress.
Like I said, they want them birthed so that they can personally kill them themselves
Fueled by divisive hateful fear mongering. If they preached love and love thy neighbor not one shooting would take place. Creating and flaming an atmosphere where all people start to feel some type of marginal feelings makes people do that shit, especially at that age.
Sen. Rafael (R) Cancun, having a normal one:
It’s a very good question. It’s the first question that should come before all the other questions. So naturally, it’s the question that infuriates a Republican and forces him to flee sobbing into the night.
America really is a great country. And an exceptional one in many ways.
But I’m willing to bet there are “19 sets of parents” who would this very second gladly trade away their solemn right to choose their private health insurance to have their son or daughter back.
Who knows? They might even give away their right to own a machine gun.
102. Is that a very bad attempt to change the subject?
Probably. Usually.
FOX “on-air personalities” are suddenly fixated on monkeypox and the need for government to put more JEEBUS into our daily lives.
Shorter, more direct: “Some of those dead kids were a bit on the chubby side?”
First world problems.
Quilceda Creek Winemaking Team Jumps Ship
It’s been a pricey love for us. The CVR isn’t $70 if you buy it by the case from the winery. There has traditionally been a waiting list to become a club member.
The Cabernet Sauvignon, from all reports, is outstanding. We haven’t opened any of those yet.
Remember this, all you “DEFUND” assholes:
If you don’t bury police agencies in absolutely pornographic amounts of taxpayer funding, to pay for DARE dragsters, Warrior training, pretty-pretty horseys, silent spy drones, and super-cool RVs, then there may not be anyone available to stand around outside your kid’s elementary school on a mild spring day while a shooter is inside slaughtering 3rd graders.
@ 118
Would explain how CBP had time to get there.
I watched one school parking lot video. I’m sure there are more and there may be more revealing ones than what I watched.
Purportedly all of those LEO on-scene put up crime scene tape and are keeping the screaming parents back.
Here’s what I can’t understand: If there was an active school shooter situation at the time the video was shot, wouldn’t all those LEO be behind cover, and facing the school, rather than standing out in the open with their backs to the school?
I’m wondering if the situation had been defused at the time the video – the only one I watched – was captured.
Dunno. If people need to get fired, they need to get fired.
I listened to an ivy league academic researcher into law enforcement discussing proposals to put teams of armed “school safety officers” in every public elementary school, something he and his associates had studied extensively. He said it would require a minimum of 350,000 new fully trained and equipped uniformed law enforcement officers (which is equal to about half the total number of cops currently), and would reliably produce an additional 50-100 or so “line of duty” shootings of students just by their daily presence. Needless to say, this is more than the current “normal” rate of shootings in school.
Even if we could find that many qualified people and could afford to hire and properly train and equip them, why would we do that?
Uvalde TX has a population of about 16,000.
Its police department has its very own SWAT team with nine fully equipped team members ready to be deployed.
I live in a city whose population is about twice that.
We have no SWAT.
The total of all our uniformed patrol officers is less than the Uvalde PD SWAT team. Our cops wear baseball caps and polo shirts (under their ballistic vests). They don’t have even one single armored vehicle. Still, they have had to raid meth houses and respond to violent crime.
We’ve never had a gun in school, much less a shooting in a school.
Maybe police are the problem?
Turn off your television and put down your phone you sad imbecile.
Here, read:
– Having exchanged gunfire with LE the shooter gained entry into the building and barricaded himself in a classroom with students and teachers by LOCKING THE DOOR.
– For somewhere between 40 minutes and one hour according to official reports, the shooter remained inside the classroom behind normal locked door… with a bunch of guns, shooting… and police remained outside.
– During the prolonged pause, as the shooter remained inside the classroom shooting his victims, CBP arrived on the scene and independently attempted to gain entry by trying to break the door somehow. Shooter remains inside the room with students and their teachers. Shooting. Tick. Tick.
– After further delay, again with CBP somehow taking tactical control of the response, CBP suddenly thought to ask school staff to…
…wait for it…
… unlock the dooooooooor.
– Forty minutes to one hour after the shooter has locked himself and his guns inside a room filled with children, police get a key, unlock the door, enter the classroom, and drop the school shooter.
When you think about how you want MORE police, it’s probably the kind you see on television or in movies. But that isn’t what real police are like at all. And the things you see them doing on television or in movies are just not done. This – Uvalde – this is what police do.
118. Shorter police: Fuck around and find out
Pray to Jesus. Alleluia. Thoughts and prayers to them.
I checked with Jesus, and he said being lying fucking cheats is not that Jesus like but he prays for them too.
But they couldn’t wear a fucking mask them twat eaters.
Did it dawn on anyone that people are people and no mater if liberal or conservative they’re dumb. Typical who these dumb are and what they have in common is that they are twat eaters.
Seems it would be much more cost effective to solve the problem before it gets to the point we need armed guards, locked doors, and SWAT teams.
I would be curious to see the statistics on the number of mass school shootings as it relates to the population and number of guns. Since ACJ Thomas is so big on “states’ rights”, let the breakdown be by state. So lets see the number of shootings, by state, since 1950, every decade. I’m sure the results would be interesting. Not sure where to find all the data, but I’m sure it is out there.
Poor Dumbfuck, he has nothing else to talk about except the price of wine.
What a bitch!
I would be curious to see the statistics on the number of mass school shootings as it relates to the population and number of guns.
Just found out about this website last night:
Steve Ballmer is behind it. He’s long had something of a fixation on data and numbers.. So there it is.. There’s some material on guns if you put “guns” in the search box..
Thanks for the link.
Impressive site.
More Peter Zeihan on inflation and rising interest rates:
The Fed Reserve tames inflation by nudging interest rates upward and increasing the costs of borrowing. This then reduces consumption. Reduced consumption means reduced demands for raw materials and finished goods producing surpluses and moderating prices.
The US compared to almost all other countries still has a good amount of younger people who consume. Other countries in Europe, the UK, China, Japan, South Korea have aging demographics who don’t consume per capita nearly as much. If they raise interest rates they risk killing off what little economic growth they have now.
Bottom line: the U.S’ higher interest rates will attract investment in U.S. government debt from all over the world indefinitely.
And if degen klownservatics like widbee kreepfuk want to whine about unsustainable levels of government debt (think ours is bad, look at Japan) then quit your fucking whining and agree to soak the rich as the gap between the rich and not so rich in this country is fucking obscene. Zeihan has a good graph and some salient remarks on this:
My sister called me this morning. She was shopping in Uvalde near the school and saw the massive police response, but didn’t know what was happening. Her husband’s sister’s grandson attends that school but left with his mom a few minutes before the shooting. My sister lives about 60 miles away and goes to Uvalde for shopping, medical appts etc., and knows people there.
@130 This website tracks gun violence in the U.S.:
It is a shame we even have that website.
@99 Badge Bunny?
“John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right and alt-lite political activist, television correspondent and presenter, conspiracy theorist, and provocateur. Posobiec is known for his pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter, as well as using white supremacist and antisemitic symbols and talking points, including the white genocide conspiracy theory. Born: John Michael Posobiec III, December 14, 1985, Norristown, Pennsylvania, U.S. Alma mater: Temple University (BA)
Occupation: Political activist, news correspondent. Employer: One America News Network (2018–2021), Turning Point USA (2021–present), Human Events (2021–present). Political party:
The closest he’s ever been to a police badge is when he gets pulled over.
@101 Yawn. Doctor Dumbfuck is bragging this morning about his $10 profit in Chevron shares. Mine are worth over $100 a share more than I paid for them. All my stocks are bouncing back nicely from the most recent dip like they always do.
@107 You omitted an adjective. The word “free” goes in front of “mobility scooter.” Paid for by Medicare, just as the all-night TV ads promised.
@112 “You have your political agenda.” Well, Ted has his, too. And we all know what it is. MORE GUNS!!!
@117 Another day, another tragedy, and that’s today’s.
@120 Okay, be careful doc, I’ve got a sister who was there, so I can fact-check you with a witness.
An interesting bit of info from our state’s Treasurer’s office:
“…the marijuana revenues were $286.8 million more than that of liquor, and that the marijuana tax income to the state for fiscal 2020 of $559.5 million grew by slightly more than $85.6 million from the prior fiscal year.”
Not too shabby! Willing buyers and willing sellers doing what they do best. Seems as if legalization has been a pretty good idea for Washington.
@128 “Seems it would be much more cost effective to solve the problem before it gets to the point we need armed guards, locked doors, and SWAT teams.”
I dunno about cost effective. It probably would cost a lot to round up 391 million guns from “Don’t Tread On Me” preppers who don’t want to give them up.
@141 People I know grow their own to avoid the state tax.
The closest he’s ever been to a police badge is when he gets pulled over.
A classic Badge Bunny’s interest lies south of the badge. Below the belt. Degen can go into more detail if you need it. From personal experience, or so I’m told.
Who said anything about collecting guns, other than Beto?
There are other ways to make changes. Just look at the pro-life crowd.
Step 1) take away the tax exempt status of the NRA and any other gun-culture organizations . 2A doesn’t say anything about that.
Follow the money, make the changes there.
Moscow Mitch is shittin’ its pants:
Heh.. i.e. stall for time till November.. do it the repuke way: do nothing…
I didn’t read it at the time but about five weeks ago (see the 4/22 Multimedia thread) Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit referred to a whack job he preferred to call a “whistleblower”, and linked to the former SeattleJew blog, which following his death was turned into a festering pile of shit by its new editor. This was the link.
Since then, said whackjob’s accusations have been proven without merit.
Florida IG report: ‘Insufficient evidence’ for DeSantis critic’s claims of Covid cover-up
Three accusations by fired health worker Rebekah Jones were “unsubstantiated,” and officials she had accused of wrongdoing were “exonerated.”
That headline is from NBC News.
The conspiracy theory has persisted on the very worst forms of social media. Including handbill.us.
I pointed this out to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit at the time. His screed is still up. Will he modify it? Don’t hold your breath.
But most of all, don’t read the garbage blog that is handbill.us.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit dishonors the memory of SeattleJew.
@147 fake news and fake investigation.
Dumbfuck liberals must arm.
@147 “Insufficient evidence” isn’t the same as “disproven.” Lawyers know the difference. Dumbfuck doctors evidently don’t.
@149 Why shouldn’t liberals arm? With armed whackos threatening to “execute” them, liberals would be stupid not to arm.
@147 DeSantis must’ve read that report before he sent the SWAT team to her house, otherwise he wouldn’t have done that?
That’s what you have to prove to invalidate my Handbill.US posts, because my posts were about DeSantis “swatting her.”
Explain how this report justifies that raid. Show your work.
Mark Meadows burned papers in his office after meeting with an election conspirator.
Probably his falsified voter registration.
“After the Santa Fe High School shooting in Texas in 2018, the state passed multiple bills to, ‘harden schools’. The Uvalde school district doubled its security budget, it created its own police force and threat assessment teams at each school. ”
Well, now we know how effective that was.
@ 134
@130 This website tracks gun violence in the U.S.:
And it lists three mass shootings in Chicago during the two-day period May 10-11.
Anyone wanna talk about those? No? Gee. I wonder why.
@154 Folks want to pay the rent, fill the tank.. no one has the time for a degen troll’s fixations must less their “solutions”…
stop and frisk anyone?
@154 Drive-by shootings, “gang related.” Any particular reason for singling out those two incidents?
There have been 25 more mass shootings since then, including 3 in Texas. Others in Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, Indiana, Tacoma, Florida, California, Louisiana, North Carolina, New York, Wisconsin, Missouri, New Jersey, and Maryland. It’s everywhere, doc, not just in Chicago. Maybe your neighborhood will be next.
Every incident has its own characteristics, but many involve people under age 21, and are gang-related. So how about if we make that the legal age for having guns, which is the legal age for drinking beer in Texas and Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
Sure, we’ll talk about it, and I’m throwing out the above as a conversation-starter.
@155 Bob wants checkpoints where black and brown people will be frisked for weapons and required to produce birth certificates or legal residency permits.
When I was young, adults set an example for kids. They still do, just a different example.
With grown men acting this way, how do you think teenagers are going to act?
@158. I hate to be the one to point this out but not one of those guys are waving a Rainbow Flag.
Do you see any rainbow flags.
But if there was a flag to represent small penis syndrome I’m sure they’d be waving it. Ohhhh wait there is and they are waving their guns.
154. It’s your own fault. We have explained the problem of gun violence in Chicago and offered solutions time after time. You refuse to acknowledge them.
It’s not like you care at all about the shootings. You’re only bringing it up to deflect from Republican failures.
Sure. We should talk about Chicago. But not to the exclusion of everything else. Because the real question isn’t about Chicago, or Illinois.
The real question is why is Every Republican You Know™ so determined to focus on Chicago, Illinois when that state isn’t even in the top five? And why isn’t Every Republican You Know™ just as concerned about states with almost three times the Illinois rate and six times the national average rate of mass shootings like Louisiana?
Sure. Absolutely. Criminal street gangs fighting over territory do account for increased rates of mass shooting incidents in some cities and some states. But when you put aside delusional identitarian political disinformation and FOX News fear pandering and really look at the data there is a fairly obvious nexus where highly permissive state gun laws meet toxic masculinity and honor culture.
“Thugs®” just won’t explain why Alaska and Montana rank in the top five of mass shootings. But that won’t stop Every Republican You Know™ from capering wildly about trying to distract long enough for some more children to be killed.