Good morning to everyone except the right wing jackals who are trying to repeal the capital gains tax. Seriously, pay your fair share. I can’t imagine having $100,000 to spend on an initiative, and not thinking that you have too much money. Just, like, morally.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Always follow the money.
It wasn’t about George Floyd. It was about the grift.
To be fair, there are a lot of local #BLM organizations who are rightly appalled at what @ 1 the national organization has done.
Since it’s not 2024, another two years must elapse before Democrats begin pretending to care about the black community again.
Oh please, how is this any different than the grift your Dear Orange Leader does on a daily basis for his “Stop the Steal” BS? He has raked in far more money and lives in a nice place.
I suppose one difference is that the mainstream BLM folks are not happy with how their national org has done this as you point out @2. What national has done is wrong.
I guess the difference is, your ilk just expects to be grifted whereas the BLM mainstream doesn’t.
BTW, the subway shooter/would-be bomber is one of yours, libbies. Touré
only scratched the surface.
@ 3
Oh please, how is this any different than the grift your Dear Orange Leader does on a daily basis for his “Stop the Steal” BS? He has raked in far more money and lives in a nice place.
The differences are:
• With #BLM it’s theft from Democrats and from liberals.
• Trump has always lived in a nice place, and has numerous revenue streams that fund it – some shady, some completely above-board. The national #BLM leaders misappropriated money intended to help black communities in order to buy a really nice place solely for themselves. When they were caught they attempted to kill the story.
Producer Price Index up 11.2%.
Democrats believe that companies should just eat that price increase. Back when they were pushing for $15 minimum wages they claimed that companies could/should just pass the increased costs on to the consumer, NBD.
“I’d pay another 50 cents for a banh mi, Goldy once wrote.”
Bidenflation. It’s real, and it’s spectacular.
@6 And klowservatics believe greed is good.... From the sidebar:
Just the other day kreepshit blamed Biden for 3 percent of the inflation rate… 2 percent is what central banks aim for as a healthy inflation rate. So 1 percent gets split between the drumpf’s CARES act and Biden’s ARP..
Lots of fraud on the drumpf stuff..
Anything else in that 11.2 percent? Oh yeah! Corporate greed!
Deathfrogg bragged recently about snagging a job at $32.25/hr. It’s less than twice minimum wage, so really nothing to brag about, especially since he’s supposed to be in his peak earning years, but we’ll set that aside for now.
The current inflation rate means that our good friend ‘froggy needs a $3/hour raise over the next year just to keep pace with what living costs are doing to his gross pay.
Looking forward, ‘froggy, to hearing that in a year you’re earning well above 35 bucks per hour.
Always follow the money.
Do what teh greedee “freedumb market” klownservatics do:
I packed up my family and left South Florida as an emergency physician because mergers decimated the local market. There are zero local democratic emergency medicine groups. To get a job there, you’re picking between the lesser of two oligopoly giants. These CMGs (corporate medical groups) basically run RVU sweatshops. They replace doctors with NPs or PAs, but don’t give doctors enough time to supervise them. The patients get charged bankrupting amounts for shoddy care. These private equity backed companies short doctors bonuses owed, cut hours, don’t provide adequate PPE, understaff to the point that it’s dangerous, and if anyone dare complain they get fired or taken off the schedule. I had to move to California where at least I have a choice for ethical employment.
But that’s ok.. to herr dicktor kreepshit… greed is good…
@ 7
You forgot Putin, girlfriend.
It’s the Putin Price Spike. Why in the world are you talking about all of those icky domestic influences? Just go with Putin. Putin is the source of everything going poorly for Democrats these days.
It’s Putin, Puddin’.
QoS McHillbilly, @ 132 in the previous thread:
I guess this is just evidence of conservatives’ shocking paranoia, then:
One father’s sodomized daughter is another liberal’s paranoia.
QoS McHillbilly’s disregard of the seriousness of what liberals are doing is, in a nutshell, why November midterms will be so devastating to liberal hopes and dreams. It’s deserved.
@1, 2, 3 & 5:
BLM = Black Looting Marxists
But even Marxists can be self-serving, treating themselves to nice digs, while the people they pretend to represent live in shitholes.
Can you explain what role the owner of the home, Dyane Pascall, had in the murder of George Floyd?
What was her part in the conspiracy to frame police that day?
Was she in fact behind the “fake” $20 bill? Did she somehow plant the bill on Floyd and thus set the events in motion that day? Or maybe she placed the 911 call?
How did she convince brave MPD officer Chauvin that his life was in danger requiring that he use deadly force to subdue the terrible monster George Floyd? Did she make anonymous threats? Or was it all a false flag (I know you are fond of that phrase)? Was she concealed somewhere in the crowd of onlookers supplying them with cameras to record? Did she employ some kind of dark trickery like ventriloquism or sleight of hand?
How did she manage to pull off this remarkable frame-up misleading a unanimous jury and hundreds of millions of people who viewed Floyd’s final dying breaths?
New CNBC poll has First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval at only 38%.
His disapproval is well into the majority range at 53%.
I guess newly confirmed KBJ only helped him by getting Clyburn off his back.
Fuck around and find out.
This wasn’t twisting the arm of a mentally incapacitated shoplifter. This was a guy who knew better than to do what he tried to get away with doing.
There’s always civil action, libbie. A chance for even more people to laugh at your poor decision-making.
Oft-criticized Rasmussen has Biden’s support three points higher than CNBC does.
Just thought I’d point that out.
15. The “cower to authority or we will beat and kill you with immunity” argument.
As a republican, do you feel 11 year old girls who were raped and get an abortion should spend life in prison for murder or get the death penalty?
Again, to be clear, and to draw appropriate attention.
“What liberals are doing” as alleged by Ben Shapiro and now this pathetic Last Trumpalo Standing, is a complex, coordinated conspiracy among parents, educators, and physicians to secretly and coercively “re-gender” your kids.
Shapiro alleges these things because he’s an amoral con artist who actively monetizes the collective paranoia of older white people. But Degen, your Crayzy Uncle Liberty, and Every Republican You Know believes this idiocy because they have lost their fucking minds. They really believe it. That the local school board is working secretly with “Woke Leftist Parents” and “gender-affirming” outlaw pediatricians to take away Magnum P.I.
The point being that the debate here is stupid. But what is not stupid is the danger they represent. Because while the targeting of innocent kids is fairly new, the paranoia is not. And the rapid malleability and easy re-targeting of that paranoia is what weaponizes it. They can turn it on a dime. Eighteen months ago it was local election boards, election machinery and Hugo Chavez. Twelve months ago it was EXPIRED VACCINE POISON. Today it’s Ruby Bridges. Tomorrow who knows?
It’s the Putin Price Spike. Why in the world are you talking about all of those icky domestic influences? Just go with Putin.
LOL!!! Yours truly doesn’t take orders from degenerate klownservatics herr dicktor…
Yours truly strives to see the big picture – always…
Yes, dear greedee pucker hat.. Putin plays its part. Taking 5 million barrels of crude off the market so everyone else has leave to raise prices…
Putin takes Russia’s and Ukraine’s wheat off the market.. Last time something like that happened (from crop failure) people in the streets of the middle east rioted and we had the Arab spring.. Pootie didn’t like what happened to Qaddafi.. That’s why when Russians go to the streets, Pootie’s police thugs haul them off.
Everyone else then raises their prices. What farmer doesn’t like higher prices for their produce?
China’s cost of labor has risen like 15 times over the years.. China is no longer the lowest cost producer. China has the fastest aging population in the history of mankind. Like Japan, they’re gonna sunset..
Then there’s the icky domestic stuff you pooh pooh O slimeshit.. Massive monopoly power wielded by corporations aided and abetted by repukes starting with bonzo raygun (the originator of slimy anti-trust enforcement guidelines) and continuing with vichy Dems like Bill Clinton right through Dumbya and even teh black guy didn’t help matters.
Corps have had free reign to screw consumers for decades now.. Higher prices..
But Biden… He hired Lina Kahn and Jonathan Kanter…
Oh he’s a threat – to a greedee slime like you.. a kreepshit who believes heart and soul that…
greed is good…
I have made a career out of working across sectors in healthcare and can tell you there is presently effectively no enforcement of antitrust in US healthcare. And it shows because mega-conglomerates have run amok in consolidating, which is one issue with organizations that touch multiple areas in healthcare (like payers that are insurers, providers of third-party business services, and providers of healthcare). But the lack of enforcement has led even relatively monoline businesses, like hospital operators, to consolidate well beyond what a functioning market should tolerate…
it is relatively easy to conjure how a malicious operator spanning these functions might harm consumer outcomes.
Private equity and kreepshit sittin’ in a tree… babblin’ greed is good..
As a data point. My son raised by two dads is completely straight.
He was complaining jokingly about being forced to watch project runway as a kid and the grooming didn’t work. Still straight.
@ 19
Putin plays its part. Taking 5 million barrels of crude off the market so everyone else has leave to raise prices…
Girlfriend, you realize that it wasn’t Putin who took that crude out of the market, it was most of the rest of the world.
You do realize that, Precious, don’t you? Don’t you?.
If there was any doubt about the results of the current weaponizing of “conservative” delusional paranoia I offer this for your consideration:
Please understand, all of you, that Republicans are constantly A/B testing cruel, vicious, attacks in social media, in memes, in jokes, in mic-drop lines inserted into public speeches. Right now it’s our LGBTQ neighbors, family, friends, and fellow citizens being targeted. But this is an Overton Window that is constantly being levered against. And all of it is supported on a foundation of delusional paranoia that weaponizes a huge swath of mostly older, mostly white, mostly mega-church Xtians.
How much trouble is NH Senator Maggie Hassan in this year?
Enough to stand in front of the border wall and cut a video begging First Vegetable Joe Biden to step up and fill gaps to help out the Border Patrol.
All that’s missing is her MAGA cap and AR-15. Maybe she could borrow Gabbie Giffords’ AR.
@ 23
If there was any doubt about the results of the current weaponizing of “conservative” delusional paranoia I offer this for your consideration…
How moved would HA libbies be if I picked a topic and attached it to yesterday’s NYC subway shooter to “offer for your consideration”?
Most conservatives are not batshit crazy. Most liberals are not black nationalists.
QoS McHillbilly knows better, of course. The problem is, he also knows what’s coming in November, and it’s why he’s stooping to this level. He’s got nothing else.
YLB doesn’t know better, which is why she’s blaming @ 7 inflation on CARES fraud. The silly, unserious twat.
@ 21
My son raised by two dads is completely straight.
His disinterest in the taste of cock is far less of an issue than the fact that his two days have an average IQ < 100, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
With greatest respect, don’t engage these kinds of lies.
This is the equivalent of arguing with a paranoid schizophrenic about something the “voices” are telling him.
The voices are not real. We do not acknowledge what they say.
The basic tactic of these “conservative” attacks is to play upon some deep, systemic cultural prejudice and get everyone to simply concede to a flawed, delusionally paranoid premise born out of that prejudice. LGBTQ people are not “predators”. Parents are not “groomers”. And pediatricians and educators are not part of any secret cabal to “traffic” or “re-gender”.
I appreciate your data point. But I think we all know by now without it. Remember the same bullshit was trotted out twenty years ago in the battle over marriage equality. It’s settled. Don’t ever allow an asswipe like one of our shitstain trolls to make you defend what needs no defense. Instead confront them with their own delusional, paranoid lies. Make them defend.
There is no conspiracy. Don’t allow them to pretend there is.
All the current available evidence argues otherwise.
All Republicans, and all “conservatives”, with no exception for present company, insist that there is an extant, active, highly coordinated, secret conspiracy among parents, educators, and physicians to “re-gender” children against their will.
That is absolutely, pure, unadulterated batshit.
And perhaps the best evidence we have is that they refuse to confront their own claim. We are simply expected to concede the claim and move on to debating how “best” to “protect” the kids.
Fuck. That.
@1 “I emailed BLM’s national organization. They did not respond to questions.”
Because BLM doesn’t have a national organization. BLM is the idea that black people are human beings, too, and a label for a mass movement of people of all races who oppose wanton police violence against people of color. By inference, those opposed to BLM oppose that idea and support that violence. And I suspect you’re one of ’em.
@4 Heavy-duty racial profiling here. By Doctor Dumbfuck’s logic, Clarence Thomas is “one of ours,” too.
@5 “The grifters calling themselves national #BLM leaders misappropriated money”
Fyi, these people calling themselves “#BLM” doesn’t make them BLM any more than a phone scammer saying he’s with the electric company and your power will be cut off if you don’t mail a gift card to an address in North Korea makes him the electric company.
BLM is a movement, not an organization. It doesn’t have a headquarters. It doesn’t need one. BLM is people of all races pouring into the streets to protest police murders of black people.
Criminals use that as an opportunity to steal. Conservatives use it to perpetuate racism by spinning guilt-by-association, the oldest and slimiest trick in their playbook. You parrot their racist hate because you’re a dumbfuck. Your only saving grace is you’re too stupid to be a racist yourself.
@6 “Democrats believe that companies should just eat that price increase.”
Given the massive profits they make, they can afford to. But you and I hope they won’t, don’t we? (wink-wink)
To greedy capitalists like us, stock buybacks and dividend hikes are much more satisfying than raising workers’ wages or keeping consumer prices affordable.
In fact, companies have a legally enforceable fiduciary duty to maximize profits for their shareholders that requires them to raise prices as much as the market will allow.
In such a milieu, it’s much better to be a shareholder than a worker or consumer. So I accumulate as much stock as I can, don’t work, and only buy food and Barrons, neither of which is subject to sales tax.
@7 I don’t think greed is good. One of capitalism’s imperfections is that it fosters and encourages greed, and dresses it up as something good. Concomitantly, a greedy mental state is essential to succeeding under capitalism, and because capitalism is the only game in town, I’m forced to be greedy. In Doctor Dumbfuck’s case, it’s his natural inclination.
@7 I don’t think greed is good. One of capitalism’s imperfections is that it fosters and encourages greed, and dresses it up as something good. Concomitantly, a greedy mental state is essential to succeeding under capitalism, and because capitalism is the only game in town, I’m forced to be greedy. I see it as an aberration, alien to my ordinary way of thinking, imposed by the system I live under. In Doctor Dumbfuck’s case, it’s his natural inclination.
it wasn’t Putin
IT FUCKING WAS… Like a degenerate klownservatic, i.e YOU, the batshit dictator Putin doesn’t believe there’s consequences for its actions.
Ports in the Black Sea? Putin…
Do corps want to insure ships and cargoes to/from Black Sea ports. Putin..
Eastern Siberia.. It takes westerners to operate those platforms – Putin…
Now have a great day and gfy.. count your munee..
blaming @ 7 inflation on CARES fraud.
Heh… Such a lyin’ kreepshit..
Yours truly is blaming YOU for ignoring it.. and corporate collusion on taking advantage.. I’ve got WAY more examples of CEOs fucking bragging about their new found “pricing power”…
Which is the Biden policy for increasing inflation kreepshit?
Is it ARP?
You yourself blamed Biden for adding 3 percent to rate of inflation..
Subtract 2 percent for Fed policy on inflation, most OECD central banks for that matter.. What part of the one percent is ARP? Show your work…
You’re the type of “perception is reality” freak troll.. the kind that thought higher gas prices would deny Obama a second term..
How’d that work out?
@22 When Texas executed axe murderer Karla Faye Tucker, the husband of one of the victims answered objections to the state killing her as follows: “When she swung that axe, she killed herself.”
When Putin invaded Ukraine, he took 5 million bpd of oil off the market. The sanctions are no more responsible for loss of that oil than the executioner was for Tucker’s death. They’re simply the means of holding him accountable. Anyone who isn’t a dumbfuck would understand this.
@25 “Most conservatives are not batshit crazy.”
I’ll accept evil as an alternative explanation of their racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, violent impulses, and affinity for fascism and fondness of dictators.
Please see my response at 13.
The purchaser is a real estate agent with state business records indicating that she operates investment funds. I don’t know enough about her business to know if it would fall under specific state regulatory licensing for investments. I only know that she is licensed to list offer real estate for sale. I assume she has some business relationship with one of the thousands of individuals who have at one time or another attempted to create or list an identity with some variation of the name “Black Lives Matter”.
Beyond that, there is nothing in the public record to connect this person or the listed property with the murder of George Floyd by a violent mob of sport-murdering Minneapolis police. I notice nothing being offered here to connect.
Frankly the broad implication being offered by freaks like Degen and Pars that Floyd’s senseless murder by lawless blood-soaked robo-cops is somehow directly financially connected to this real estate transaction seems to me still further evidence of the paranoia they have descended to.
These people see “digital rain” and “bread crumbs”.
I just see some old white dudes yelling at clouds.
“Russia announces retaliatory sanctions on 398 members of US Congress.”
I think someone should investigate the rest to find out why Putin didn’t sanction them, too.
@39 It’s not paranoia. It’s a premeditated campaign to discredit the idea that “black lives matter” waged by people who want racism to flourish and police violence against black people to continue unabated.
The premeditation explains assholes like Shapiro, or Ron DeSantis.
But what explains rank and file Trumpists like our trolls, like the MAGA-Karens calling bomb threats to school boards, or the Republicans organizing book burnings is the same brand of runaway paranoia that overtook them in the early 1960s.
Only this time there’s no Ronald Reagan or Nelson Rockefeller to save them from themselves. It may not be The John Birch Society after all. But it’s the exact same bugfuck, Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper lunacy as before. That has always been there.
“Ice cream, Mandrake. Children’s ice cream.”
They’re all completely insane. It’s delusional.
And I’m pretty sure Degen denies women “his essence” too.
“Between 2014 and 2018, the 25 wealthiest Americans collectively earned $401bn, but paid just $13.6bn – about 3.4% of that – in taxes, according to a bombshell ProPublica investigation into the finances of the wealthiest Americans released on Wednesday.”
Sounds like those who live and make money in Washington can afford to pay a state capital gains tax.
The Russians sanctioned the congresspeople they did not own.
For Railfan
Not really. In another two years or less it will be required because the limited refrain on assault of black people will subside. Cops figured on a cools down. But that’s been on the uptick in the past couple of weeks. So the need will be there two years from now or sooner. In addition what a way to get people to vote for you by instigating an event (riots) that might turn off some voters to go vote Repuke.
Very nice little spin of fake news. HA has our own Baghdadi Bob, but he’s a Dumbfuck too that has no clue how to do math.
See now that’s intelligent
How does black make him “one of our own”.
There are black conservatives that hate people, like gay people and Chinese people… Herschel Walker.
And the dude owned a gun – just like a Putin loving Repuke,
Bob is a fuckwad.
Ohhhh and our dear friend Puffy. He was black, black, black.
We sure Puffy ain’t the shooter? Is that why he disappeared
Speaking of puffy, the shooter was kind of puffy
Bob you really are a Dumbfuck. The horse is even shaking it’s head at the astonishment of how stupid you are.
Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
Some even commies and fascist nazi bigots. Bobs kind of people!
God Bless President Joe Biden. Not A FuckHump fraud crook like the other fuck ass.
@ 43
Sounds like those who live and make money in Washington can afford to pay a state capital gains tax.
Sounds like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit fails to understand that ProPublica came up with that low percentage by dividing tax paid by wealth, not by earned income or capital gains income.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit fails to realize that unrealized gains wouldn’t generate an additional dime were they subject to capital gains taxation.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit fails to realize that he is advocating for a wealth tax. As he is not wealthy, he wants someone besides him to pay for things he wants.
Mississippi and Alabama, and Florida are shitholes, that’s for sure
Q poll has First Vegetable Joe Biden approval at his all-time low of 35%.
Independent approval of the corrupt old fuck is only 26%.
Hispanics approve of the corrupt old fuck at only 26% as well.
He’s incompetent, uncaring, corrupt, and his numbers will worsen as summer sets in and fuel prices increase further.
Bar shit crazy is good, let them keep it up.
Bob himself is bat shit crazy and a failure in life, bitter. Has no friends so he has to hang out here
Hispanics like bigotry too.
And as you have demonstrated time after time, gays can be bigoted as well
@52 Wages are always realized wealth, and capital gains seldom are. What a deal! On top of that, when capitals gains are taxed, if they’re taxed at all, they’re taxed at far lower rates than wages! An even better deal! Why anyone works for wages is baffling. Everyone should be a capitalist. After all, we’re a capitalist country.
We’re a country that overpays and undertaxes capitalists, underpays and overtaxes workers (like the San Francisco nurses who are upping-and-quitting), disrespects work, and treats workers like dirt on our shoes, to be wiped off and not brought into the mansion.
Fuck that! I don’t work, produce anything, or pay my fair share of taxes. Why should I, or anyone else, when workers are disrespected and mistreated? I’m a capitalist leech like doc. But even I have limits; I don’t complain like he does about how the Republican tax code mistreats millionaires like us, because I know a good thing when I see it.
44)They Might as well sanction Davey Jones, as the Ukrainians may have just sent the Moskva, which is Russian for Moscow, to Davey Jones’s Locker.
Why do you say that? Is it the Because of the Jew jokes that I like? Or was it my play with Puffballs? Or is because heteros are a bunch of Neanderthal violent thugs, causing all the problems in the world? Or because Repukes are a bunch of Nazis?
It’s a shame that transgender people exist, no? Monkey see, monkey BLOW?
Bob “retweet” of Black, black, black…..very loving!
The ignoring by all, of those that dislike and are bigoted towards gay and transgendered and it being a glue that binds a party together..again, ver loving.
Raphael Warnock is a deadbeat dad and doesn’t want voters to know it.
I dunno, maybe Warnock stiffing his kids is OK because he’s a minister and is doing it in the name of Christ.
WSJ editorial:
I guess this is because of CARES fraud two years previously. Ain’t that right @7, girlfriend?
Biden’s approval among 18-34 year-old voters is only 21%, according to yesterday’s Quinnipiac poll results. Young people know that First Vegetable Joe Biden has completely fucked their futures.
YLB’s kids might even know that.
Nothing stokes the enthusiasm of younger voters as much as an opportunity to vote for octagenarians, amirite?
With increasing frequency Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit doesn’t recall what he posted several hours previously in the same thread.
Colleagues worry Dianne Feinstein is now mentally unfit to serve, citing recent interactions
SF Chronicle won’t say about First Vegetable Joe Biden the things it feels free to say about DiFi.
Hillary Clinton hasn’t lost a step, but she’s unfit to serve. It’s not just age, people.
South Dakota’s attorney general is impeached over a fatal crash
The special investigative committee’s report argued Ravnsborg’s actions in the crash were unrelated to his official duties.
Ravnsborg ultimately pleaded no contest to two misdemeanors. His letter to lawmakers argued that if he were impeached for minor driving offenses, others in office could be, too.
So to take this to an extreme, this the republican position: “Yes, we know that the politician is routinely kidnapping, skinning and eating Latino children, but as long as the police only charge him with misdemeanors, it doesn’t interfere with his official duties so we do not recommend impeachment. ”
Republican values: Running down and killing pedestrians with your car is fine, so long as you are a powerful republican. 11 year old black girls who get abortions should be charges with murder. Social Security and Medicare, gay marriage and interracial marriages should be abolished. Only children of a republican president can leverage the family name to make over two billion dollars.
Nothing stokes the enthusiasm of younger voters as much as an opportunity to vote for octagenarians, amirite?
You have a point, and then republicans tip their hand and gleefully arrest a latino women for murder for getting an abortion, and openly scheme to get rid of social security and Medicare, and the choice is so much easier. The two parties are not the same.
Highest mortgage rates in over a decade. I hope YLB’s kids enjoy the ass-fucking that their mothers’ votes will cause them.
The nice thing about high inflation is that if you’ve locked your commercial mortgage rate for the next several years but your tenants are on a lease that adjusts annually, those rent bumps are virtually free money.
One of our tenants will pay an additional $480/mo base rent beginning in May. The other just extended for another five years at an additional $700/mo base rent.
The not-so-nice thing about high inflation is facing your future if you’re one of YLB’s kids. But hey, at least your mom can blame CARES fraud/Trump @ 7 for it.
“On April 6, as Tharp prepared to read “It’s Okay to Be a Unicorn!” to students the next day at an elementary school in the Buckeye Valley Local School District, north of Columbus, he got a call from the principal saying higher-ups didn’t want him reading the book.
“I just straight up asked him, ‘Does somebody think I made a gay book?’ ” Tharp said. “And he said, ‘Yes. … The concern is that you’re coming with an agenda to recruit kids to become gay.’ ”
Other titles by the author include It’s Okay to Smell Good, Bunny Will Not be Quiet, and Kindness is Cool – an SEL Coloring Book
Right now Every Republican You Know, including those phoning bomb threats to your local school board, believes in their heart-of-hearts that these are recruiting materials forming part of a vast, complex, interlocking global conspiracy to “re-gender” millions of children.
Teachers in the district were ordered to remove all children’s artwork featuring rainbows.
Because DANGER!
It’s important to recognize the level of depraved paranoia that is required to regard a child’s crayon drawing of a rainbow as part of a global, subversive agenda to destroy “manhood”.
These are all dangerously sick people. And it’s Every Republican You Know.
Buy Alcoa at about 14 bucks during the depths of the pandemic.
Watch shares rocket to about $90.
Transfer shares to charitable gift fund. Avoid $76 taxable capital gain. Take deduction for the $90, reducing federal tax bill by $22 or so. Multiply all values by number of shares.
Donate the money when it suits us, to a charity we choose. Stiff the federal treasury in the process.
All legal. Barack Obama could have done something about this, and didn’t.
Pentagon is saying that the Moskva isn’t in Davey Jones’s Locker yet. Using the Slava class CG in those waters was overkill anyway against a country with not much of a Navy. That particular ship had 16 SANDBOX anti ship missiles, and their launch tubes are exposed, forward facing, and mounted amidships. Right where an ASM might hit.
Seen some comparisons to the Belgrano. Difference there, was the Royal Navy didn’t use a missile, but three obsolete torpedoes, WWII vintage Mark VIIIs. HMS Conquerer was saving the Eire-guided torpedoes for the Destroyers.
“The fake news, big tech and blue state liberals stole the election from Donald Trump,”
The media have largely moved on from stories about The Big Lie.
But don’t let that fool you into thinking that Republicans have moved on. The bizarre and preposterous claim that a dead Venezuelan dictator conspired with George Soros, The Brotherhood of Rosicrucians, and election software makers to “change votes” lives on among Republican voters and elected officials alike. It’s now something they mostly share among themselves. But they believe it with all the heart and soul.
Texas keeping most truck inspections despite border gridlock
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday defied intensifying pressure over his new border policy that has gridlocked trucks entering the U.S. and shut down some of the world’s busiest trade bridges as the Mexican government, businesses and even some allies urge him to relent.
The standoff has stoked warnings by trade groups and experts that U.S. grocery shoppers could soon notice shortages on shelves and higher prices unless the normal flow of trucks resumes.
>> The line of traffic from the article photo is impressive.
Texas doing it’s part to keep prices for some goods as high as possible. I look forward to conservatives and the greed racist incel criticizing Abbot. But I won’t hold my breath. Abbot is a republican. Republicans do not hold republicans accountable.
QoS McHillbilly is secretly hoping that the Supremes overturn the Roe v. Wade decision.
No other stimulus has a chance to boost Democrat turnout this November.
QoS McHillbilly is willing to trade legalized abortion for two more years of a Democrat-controlled Senate.
Which is pretty fucking sad.
Destroying supply chains for partisan political gain.
Tens of thousands of Texans thrown out of work, warehouses shut down, freight depots empty, for a stunt
There are about fifty crossings from Mexico to the U.S.
About twenty truck crossings in Texas. This only needs to go on for about a week before Republicans destroy all those jobs permanently.
The funny, upbeat book with colorful unicorns (and a rainbow) lets kids know it’s OK to be themselves — which the book’s detractors apparently viewed as a subversive message.
Author Jason Tharp said a school principal told him last week that he could no longer read the book at a local school event as scheduled. A teacher said they were ordered to remove student artwork related to it from the walls.
Republicans want children to not dream and reject themselves. Cruelty is the point.
Degen has a brief moment of existential clarity realizing that nihilism is very bad politics.
Too late!
@73 but three obsolete torpedoes,
I wouldn’t say they were obsolete, they were obviously quite effective.
In a past life I worked on torpedoes for the US Navy N.U.W.C. Sometimes the old technology is just right for the situation. MK 46, MK 48, and MK 50 each had different technology and situational usage.
80) Our WWII Torpedo, the Mark 14 went from a disaster to a long serving one, once they made up for the improper pre-war testing. I toured the Blueback, in the Torpedo Room, they had a Mark 14, Mark 37, and an earlier version of the Mark48.
Conservatives, how much do you agree with the republican politician from Tennessee that Adolf Hitler is an example of inspiration and hope for the homeless?
In 2019, as Detroit Police Chief, James Craig personally helped raise the first rainbow LGBTQ flag in the city at a Pride event. In 2022, as a GOP gubernatorial candidate, Craig now wants a Don’t Say Gay law that’s “more aggressive” than Florida’s.
At a “community chat” for the Hotter Than July Black Pride festival in 2018, then-Chief Craig emphasized the need for local governments to make positive relationships with the LGBTQ community.
Conservatives, was he lying then, or is he lying now?
2 (white) residents of The Villages admit to voting twice in 2020 election
But if you are a black woman, you go to jail for 5 years. Two versions of justice. That is one of the reasons the Black Lives Matter movement came together. Rule of Law does not apply the same for white republicans. For example, running a democrat down with your car and driving away is just a misdemeanor for connected republicans.
Dem govs get It done: Gov. Tony Evers invests $15 million in mental health resources for kids
The funding to expand mental health resources in nearly every Wisconsin school district will provide direct mental health care, mental health first aid, and trauma-based care training. It will also help schools hire and support mental health navigators and provide family assistance programs.
Meanwhile Wisconsin GOP obstructs healthcare coverage, take over school boards to punish LGBTQ children, eliminate concealed firearm permits that require training and made sure the Wisconsin Republicans Who Posed as Electors in 2020 Will Not Be Sanctioned
The parties are not the same, Democrats are better for obvious reasons.
The women said Herbster groped them on their buttocks, outside of their clothes, during political events or beauty pageants. Each woman said she was grabbed, not inadvertently grazed, by Herbster.
A seventh woman said Herbster once cornered her privately and kissed her forcibly.
@ 86
The GOP has its own Bill Richardson, you mean.
@ 77
This only needs to go on for about a week before Republicans destroy all those jobs permanently.
Or until Abbott causes all of the Mexican governors to cave.
Abbott, Mexican governor reach agreement to secure part of Texas-Mexico border
This is why Hispanics are rapitdly shifting to support the GOP rather than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
This is why Beto wishes to be called Robert from now on.
As of twenty minutes ago per Abbott publicity stunt office:
Asked Thursday afternoon if Abbott has other meetings scheduled with Mexican governors, a spokeswoman said they had no details to share at this time.
Koch Bros and Lynde and Harry Bradley front, btw, with ties to Scotty Walker, Reince Preibus, ALEC and Wisconsin Club for Growth. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with it. Nothing factually inaccurate about the report. But the tone is decidedly misleading.
And hypocritical as fuck, coming from a “Republican” “pro-business” front group.
Part of the Firehose of Falsehood
Devin Nunes and Vicious Twat have something in common.
They both have to make up fake friends.
Vicious Twat
A low IQ vicious twat and a dumbfuck traitor.
And a fucking bore.
I guess this is because of CARES fraud…
CARES put free stuff into the economy.. Fraudulent free stuff even where all a criminal had to do was fill out phony paperwork. degenerate klownservatics say this is bad..
Now a degenerate kreepshit sez no big deal because CARES had an R next to its name..
It’s new “GE”.. awwww..
Has it answered the question? Which Biden policy led to ONE PERCENT more inflation?
Highest mortgage rates in over a decade.
kreepshit’s parents or aunt and uncles paid Volker’s mortgage rates..
the rates that bonzo raygun said was necessary sacrifice or some such…
memories that make their asses still smart… heh.
The not-so-nice thing about high inflation is facing your future if you’re one of YLB’s kids.
Inflation was high when kreepshit was a dorky shit who voted for Jimmy Carter
even AFTER the REAL miracle on ice.
Dang, look how it turned out…
My kids won’t turn out that way if I can help it. I’ll help them see the big picture instead of seeing them turn into degenerates.
YLB doesn’t know better,
Yours truly remembers when bonzo raygun said “stay the course”
before its first mid-term…
widbee kreepshit apparently doesn’t… plaques must be formin’ in teh shrinkin’ grey matter.. before it gets its first SS check even..
The GQP has its own Bill Richardson, you mean.
Oh the same Bill Richardson that was a friend of Epstein at its NM ranch and kreepshit was dem-curious about?
Yours truly remembers when kreepshit said yours truly “blew it” and it changed its mind about professing to HA its admiration for Richardson’s policies.
Awwww… missed opportunities..
@ 98
…professing to HA its admiration for Richardson’s policies.
Not his policies. His resume:
1. Congressman
2. Governor
3. Secretary of Energy
4. US Ambassador to the UN
Obama even nominated him to be Secretary of Commerce before the wheels started coming off the Richardson wagon.
He had far, far more experience than any DNC candidate in 2007-8. Despite this, Richardson never caught on with voters. I learned later that he apparently makes women uncomfortable when they are near him. Maybe that comes across on camera, too.
YLB, is that why you don’t like Bill Richardson? Does he make you uncomfortable, girlfriend? Do you squeeze your knees closer together when you think of him?
Not a day goes by:
Valorizing Adolf Hitler, WWII, and the Holocaust in order to support a bill making illegal to panhandle near highway exit ramps.
This is what Republicans under Trumpism stand for. This is who they are.
YLB, is that why you don’t like Bill Richardson?
Being a friend of Eppy and a guest at the nm lolita ranch would be enough, don’t you think?
Even for a degen like you.. heh. apparently not..
And that wouldn’t come out, taken advantage of by repukes?
Dang, kreepshit, he was a twofer for ya…
On the day that major Democrat donor, homosexual predator, and killer of homosexual men Ed Buck is sentenced to 30 years in prison, QoS McHillbilly scrambles for what his link @ 100 describes as “absurd”.
And absurd it is. But it didn’t kill two men like Ed Buck did.
Heh.. I saw that Elon did a big shit “Rodeo” or something at the opening of the factory in Austin..
It showed the model Y’s or whatever, that ugly truck and…
the telsa robot.. or for widbee kreepshit..
the rapebot.. Westworld is now just on teh horizon…
Dang, that news musta made kreepshit skip an affirm clinic appointment..
First Vegetable Joe Biden in September, about Border Patrol agents on horseback:
Fox News, today:
Brit Hume: Border Patrol Agents Accused Of “Whipping” Migrants, Of Course, Have Been Cleared Of All Wrongdoing
My president is a fucking imbecile.
This is who Democrats are.
Meanwhile Degen works overtime to defend a fellow Nazi fanboy.
This is who Republicans are.
Compare. Contrast.
The future is here today!
This is happening in GOP primary battles everywhere right now. Every single MAGAt freak who fails to qualify for the ballot is going to war against their own party.
Crank it up to “11” and you have some idea of what to expect from the RNC nominating convention in 2024.
Milwaukee will burn!
The corrupt cunt is running.
Smart Democrats won’t let her make it past the primary.
Will Democrats be smart?
My president is a fucking imbecile.
Degenerate klownservatics believe “their president” is an orange, lifelong con-man and sex predator… CONFESSED sex predator even.. they “believe” it won the 2020 election.
Last time I looked even the orange blob said it “lost the election”…
I agree “their president” is a pathologically lying, twice-impeached failure of a fucking imbecile.
From the fucking imbecile, today:
And from the unserious twat @ 7, the other 30% is due to fraud related to the CARES Act, so it’s Trump’s fault.
Ergo, zero percent of today’s inflation is First Vegetable Joe Biden’s fault.
Democrats need the voters to believe this in November.
the other 30% is due to fraud related to the CARES Act, so it’s Trump’s fault.
Notice that kreepshit has a new “GE”…
And it’s still unable to say which part of 1 PERCENT of the inflation rate.. can be blamed on Biden.
Geez I least I point out some of drumpf’s shitshow of handing out free stuff..
Still waiting kreepshit… just like we’re waiting for some indictment of Hillary… yawwnnn. such a fucking bore you are…
He’s a sore loser too.
Active member of a cult of shitty losers.
It’s why they love Putin.
Republicans of a feather GROOOOOM together:
Maybe if “the bitch” had dressed a little more like Eva Braun she might have gone into history.
Prosecutors are now three for three on Jan 6 jury trials winning convictions on every count charged.
Judge Walton went on a rampage following the verdict today, saying among other things that he believed the defendant was untruthful in his testimony which lead the judge to hold him in detention without bond pending his sentencing.
He’s fucked too.
Once enough of Trump’s pod-people rioters get jacked like this I’m willing to bet we’ll begin to see a bunch more guilty pleas. They should hurry though. Once they get the additional 70 AUSAs assigned and up to speed the bargaining will get a lot tougher.
Believe all @ 112 women. Except some @ 106 women.
And especially not those numerous women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment or rape/sexual assault.
That having been said, 13 women of both parties signing a letter is pretty damning. What if such a thing had happened to our sole HA woman, YLB? We’d have to stand up for her. Everyone but G-clown, who thinks YLB’s just another silly twat breeder.
In fewer than seven months YLB will be wailing, “Why are you here?” at me again.
I can wait.
Kentucky will be a test for Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood – Louisville Health Center
Louisville, KY · (317) 205-8088
Closed ⋅ Opens 8AM Fri
Planned Parenthood – Bluegrass Health Center
Lexington, KY · (317) 205-8088
Closed ⋅ Opens 8AM Fri
If PP isn’t just about abortion, they’ll stay put, amirite?
Free speech doesn’t mean another party is forced to listen to your inane commentary, ya douche.
In fewer than seven months YLB will be wailing, “Why are you here?” at me again.
Those were the “benefit of the doubt” days.. We know better now..
Just another degenerate ha klown troll… If “that certain day” comes, it will be gone..
Not too soon though.. It has to do its stupid dance over getting a SS check.. 2024? Dang.. a shitload can “happen” before then..
And especially not those numerous women [26] who have accused lyin’ orange blob of sexual harassment or rape/sexual assault.
It said it would sue all of them.. Heh.. Where’d that go?
@62 A “deadbeat dad … stiffing his kids” is someone who isn’t paying court-ordered child support. Lord knows there are many such dads, but there’s no inkling in your own freakin’ link that Warnock is one of those.
To the contrary, it appears this court battle is about his ex-wife coming back to court asking for more. How many family court judges see that? All of ’em. I call those calendars “Tin Cup” days.
Fling your “deadbeat dad” spitballs at those who deserve it, doc.*
* Show me an F-350 flying Trump flags and I’ll bet you there’s at least a 50-50 chance a genuine Deadbeat Dad is behind the wheel.
@63 How much did real weekly earnings fall during the last Republican presidency, doc? At least under Biden workers get to survive.
@65 What did I post about Feinstein in this thread? You’re right, I can’t remember. Can you?
@68 “Highest mortgage rates in over a decade.”
Boo-fucking-hoo. Those rates still look pretty damn good to most people who bought a house within the last 40 years.×678.png
Getting a little spoiled, are you?
@72 First you brag about dodging taxes on your capital gains, then you blame Obama for not preventing you from doing it.
Looks schizophrenic to me.
@74 It’s the Silly Season. The key phrase of that story is, “Gov. Kay Ivey finds herself in a crowded primary as she seeks a second term.” If you think of the Big Lie as shit and Trump voters as flies, you’ll understand why she’s knee-deep in this shit.
@75 Capitalist economic forces being what they are, I would guess that before long those trucks will go around Texas instead of through it, and then only Texas grocery shelves will be empty.
@87 “The GOP has its own Bill Richardson, you mean.”
Looks like the GOP has more than one, unless you want to argue that President Grab-Em-By-The-Pussy doesn’t count for some reason.
@103 Elon keeps giving me more reasons to never own a Tesla.
@109 Yeah, that’s just wrong. 50% is Trump’s Federal Reserve, 40% is Trump’s pandemic, and 10% is Putin’s war, give or take 5% either way.
It’s another stock scam.
Seems to be his thing. How very “innovative”.
Don’t overlook the long parade of twenty-something females left trailing out the back door of the west wing at the end of the last administration, nursing fractured jaws and ruptured orbital sockets clutching C&D letters from the lawyers with copies of their NDAs attached.
A month before they elected him, their president admitted very openly that he proudly bragged to a bus load of complete strangers that he had gotten away with multiple sexual assaults over many years.
The day he left the White House for the last time he moved in to a private sex club in Florida.
In two years he will be their nominee again.
Unless and until they repudiate that guy, remove him from leadership of their party, and begin to rebuild, there can be no comparison.
Senator Raphael Warnock and his ex-wife have asked a court to seal records of the legal custody proceedings following their divorce.
Leading Republican challenger and former professional sport ball player Hershel Walker has asked a court to seal records of his multiple attempts to blow his own head clean off.
Compare. Contrast.
Whatever it takes to win!
With the ancillary payoff that nobody is willing to serve on school boards or work in public education. It’s bad enough teachers have to take night jobs at convenience stores and raise money for classroom supplies. Now they have to worry about some PizzaGate Republican stuffing their family into a wood-chipper.
This is who they are.
@ 128
@103 Elon keeps giving me more reasons to never own a Tesla.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your clear inability to afford one is all the reason we need to know you’ll never own a Tesla.
Republican candidate for Governor of Mississippi wants to change state law to criminalize LGBTQ equal rights advocacy with a mandatory penalty of death by firing squad:
At the grassroots level it really is being manufactured.
Fewer than 100 attend the “Big” protest event at Disneyland yesterday. But every single major looney-tunes, cringe-grift media purveyor of outrage (Breitbart, Cernovic, Drudge, Praeger, Charlie Kirk, OAN, ) was there in force for the entire day, embedded with the demonstrators, live streaming, and building it up:
The real problem is that with about 70% of Republican voters being entirely unhinged, willing to buy into any false claim, however ridiculous, the dangerous, violent, bigotry spreads. Especially so since the regular media insist on treating this lunacy as if it deserves credibility.