Mayor Harrell gave his first State of the City address. Sweeps and hiring more police. Bidness! But also labor.
Anyway,please wash your hands. Right now! And for God’s sake, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet. Get boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Mayor Harrell gave his first State of the City address. Sweeps and hiring more police. Bidness! But also labor.
Anyway,please wash your hands. Right now! And for God’s sake, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet. Get boosted if you’re eligible.
OK, so it’s not a poll Darryl would use. Still:
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is gonna be droppin’ anti-Hispanic slurs with regularity any day now.
Applications now being accepted for three just-opened seats on the San Francisco School Board.
Unserious twats need not apply.
Are you one of the serious twats that will be applying?
01 only you fantasize about that. Why do feel that is?
Please try to be better. People might like you more or at all.
02. Just wondering. What do you call book burning bigots?
Serious twats?
Can you provide your definition(s) of “cunt” and a “twat”? What makes one a serious, or silly, or stupid?
I’m sure your medical background will come in handy here.
6 thats why he so desperately wants to paint rabbit as a racist. To deflect from himself.
I wonder if Puffy is spending most of his time performing Conversion Therapy on his NYC relatives.
Probably the only always wrong winger who actually had something close to a decent sense of humor..
Heavy emphasis on DECENT…
74 years old.. SS check… According to the seriously deranged greedee, misogynist, racist klownservatic nutcase who babbles here
good for my kids…
Trump has the best favorability spread of everyone on RCP’s list:
@10 Of course he does. The bottom half of the IQ curve making up the Republican demographic isn’t getting any smarter. Low IQ is a static, permanent, and incurable condition.
Gonna make it very difficult and expensive* to convince him to pass up the 2024 nom. And should Republicans be lucky enough to succeed how will they conjure up the needed turnout in November?
*Just imagine having to agree to add Richard Burr and Roy Blount to Putin’s collection of Republican pets just so DeSantis can lose by double digits.
Financial supporters of the Fucker Clownvoy took some premature solace in learning that the hack on Sunday of the incompetent Xtian alt-right crowd funding site GiveSendGo did not contain personally identifying information.
The hacker collective responsible for obtaining all the site data were faced with a dilemma. Many of the financial supporters of the Diesel Terrorists were likely to escape accountability.
So today the credit card information was released into the wild along with the site’s full source code, all their crypto processing details, the site’s full donor history for all campaigns containing about 170,000 accounts, including images of passports, driver’s licenses, and social security cards. None of it was redacted, encrypted, or protected before release.
That’s fucking dark.
For all intents and purposes GiveSendGo can now no longer operate. With all of their obviously flawed system security and source code now released into the wild no part of it can be trusted to ever be secured going forward. I doubt if they could ever secure a payment processing agreement, much less another donor.
I’m not sure how I really feel about the ethics of this.
What the Clownvoy Fuckers are essentially doing is a form of mass vandalism on a municipal scale, like poisoning a city water supply for attention. The response to GiveSendGo is at least comparable if perhaps disproportionate. But I’m not really sure it is disproportionate.
I don’t believe individual donors should have their credit histories destroyed or bank accounts hacked and stolen.
But I guess folks should be more careful who they choose to do business with. GiveSendGo was obviously a very, very bad choice.
While I agree that it feels like the Fucker Clownvoy deserved this</i, it is still wrong to blow up and ruin GiveSendGo in this manner.
Why? Because the people that did probably won't pay a price. I agree with you on your point that individual donors should not be destroyed in this manner.
This sort of shit is how we end up with people like Trump spewing constant nonsensical lies like he does. When they are not called out and held accountable, low IQ stupes then marginalize it and then it becomes acceptable and the new normal.
This is how we end up with people like Bob shilling for people like Trump.
14)Seems Americans are deluging some Canadian Senators telling them to stand up to Dictatorship. Well, they won’t be able to vote them out, First, would have to be a Canadian Citizen, doubt an American right winger would take an oath to QEII and all heirs and successors. Second, the Canadian Senate is a life appointment, unless the Senator turns 75. The appointment is made by the Governor General , on advice of the Prime Minister. Currently Trudeau appoints them without partisan affiliation. Only reform that couldn’t be done without amending the Constitution, and it’s high threshold.
Rep. llhan Omar has defended donors to the so-called Freedom Convoy truckers’ protest in Canada after their names were revealed in a data leak from fundraising site GiveSendGo.
If the right wing that hate her, thought at all, it would make their heads explode that their enemy has convictions and defends them. No apartheid republican has exhibited the reverse, and defended the people they want to oppress. Democrats are just better people.
Greedy racist incel, this is why I implore you to be a better person.
14, 15, 16,
Not sorry to see the site and its operators put out of business.
It’s very clear they were engaging in money laundering for arms smugglers, narco terrorists, organized criminals, and Russian oligarchs looking to get around sanctions.
How very Christian.
NYPD deleted tweet from yesterday:
This is what police do.
They can’t.
At least they couldn’t if that president had declined to use the unsecured smartphones issued to him by his Russian GRU handlers.
Gym’s hearings next year are going to feature some of the dumbest wrestler takes since Lex Lugar.
The most recent Q poll has First Vegetable Joe Biden at 35%. Which is a huge rebound from his 33% approval a month ago. Comeback!
OK, not so much.
Can’t wait to see his numbers when Ukraine becomes a southwestern province of Russia and Germany won’t shut down the pipeline that ol’ Joe approved back when he thought pipelines were only bad when they benefit America.
Our low IQ dumbfuck has had some truly spectacular low IQ flameouts recently, with Durham being just the latest.
But the traitor got to post some more pro-Putin hashtags, so at least the low IQ stupe has that going for him.
@ 13
What the Clownvoy Fuckers are essentially doing is a form of mass vandalism on a municipal scale, like poisoning a city water supply for attention.
It’s nothing like that. What happened in the Durkan Kill Zone was much more like that. There was a body count in the Durkan Kill Zone. There was lost sleep due to horn-honking in Ottowa.
@18 The cops seemed so proud they busted people for stealing baby products? Stealing is wrong, but this seems like a Tale of Two Cities story. ToTC was about a man who stole bread to live and was hunted for the rest of his life. In the grand scheme of things, is that the best use of their resources? I can think of law breakers that are way more destructive to society that should be arrested.
Why were people not able to afford to buy baby care products so they had to resort to shoplifting?
Did Capitalism fail?
Wonder if the police are also Forced Birthers?
I don’t speak conservative outrage. What’s the Durkan Kill Zone translate to in normal speak?
At least not from behind the rising wall of manure buzzing with flies, tucked away in the damp forests of Whidbeytucky.
The biggest difference is in the filing of police reports, as opposed to cooping and masturbating while on duty.
“Kill Zone” is anyplace Andy Ngo can gather together a small pile of discarded fast food wrappers, light them afire, and photograph the flames from a pavement-level angle using the “Days of Rage” filter on his iPhone 13 – preferably with a Starbucks in the background.
The cops seemed so proud they busted people for stealing baby products?
Dude on the left seems like he’d rather be somewhere else.
And that math checks out. It’s probably about 1 in 3 average cops who are not sociopathic bullies who routinely beat their spouses, lie on their sworn reports, and steal from crime victims when they aren’t too busy shooting family pets.
What has the republican party done for non-millionaires over the last 30 years.
The impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves is sending out 14 fundraising emails a day since Jan 1. Impressive.
“Harrison worked for 10 different law enforcement agencies in Florida and had a history of inappropriate behavior toward young women,” yet he was still a cop.
“He was forced to resign from both the sheriff’s office and the church in 1984 after some accusations were levied against him, although details of those were not available. He went on to continue to get jobs at other law enforcement agencies. During the cold case investigation, … they discovered questions about his interactions at those other agencies as well.”
Somebody did a really shitty job of background-checking this guy. Probably hired him to save money on training. Did police unions protect him, too? I’m curious about that.
@20 “Can’t wait to see his numbers when Ukraine becomes a southwestern province of Russia”
Sure looks like you’re beating the drum for World War 3. Are you hoping to be one of the survivors despite your physical proximity to Bangor, Whidbey Island NAS, and an aircraft carrier homeport?
Or, if sending American combat troops to defend Ukraine isn’t your intention, perhaps you’d like to explain what Biden isn’t doing that you think he should be doing? Because he’s doing everything else.
Always a dumbfuck.
@ 31
…an aircraft carrier homeport?
You’re twice as close as I am, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@22 “It’s nothing like that.”
It’s only lighting fires in the lobby of an apartment building and sealing the residents inside.
It’s only assaulting residents on public sidewalks for wearing masks.
It’s only halting $300 million a day of cross-border commerce and closing down auto factories.
But vandalism? Nah. Just a few broken windows and looted food banks.
And guns. Lots of stockpiled guns.
Always a dumbfuck.
@27 “when they aren’t too busy
shooting family petsabducting, raping, and murdering pre-pubescent girls” (see #30 for details)@28 Hand out Rockefeller dimes to working-class taxpayers?
@ 28
What has the republican party done for non-millionaires over the last 30 years.
Well, we’ve made Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit a laughingstock.
Oh, and one of us broke Steve. Here’s Steve in the latest meltdown. Such a pussy.
@32 Aren’t you forgetting the wind? The fallout blows in your direction, not mine. You also might want to take the Circular Error Probability into account. Theirs isn’t as good as ours.
@36 I “work” and “pay taxes” like a Republican, I just don’t vote like one, that’s all.
This really isn’t such a big deal when one considers the fraud perpetrated by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who spent an entire career in the public sector falsely claiming to be a trained attorney.
Georgia state official accused of faking 2 pregnancies
Dumbfuck Rabbit wasn’t outed until several years of post-retirement spews on a thinly read Seattle liberal blog proved conclusively that there’s no way he had received formal education in anything other than dumbfuckery.
“Preacher” was his other nickname.
Mostly he was known as “Aqualung”.
If we could dig into the case record of all the various terminations my guess is we’d find a history of sustained discipline for violations of specific employment codes of conduct.
“Aqualung” is no better as a way of removing a dirty cop than “Klan Kurious”. It’s far more common to negotiate a termination agreement based upon verifiable instances of violating written codes. If the command wants to get rid of someone, that’s what they look at. Chances are this turd was documented out of nine different LE agencies for things like failing to record time of arrest on his report, or failing to turn in report of damage to his assigned patrol vehicle. All the while he was skull-fucking children and dumping their bodies in wetlands.
And police unions fight aggressively to protect their member’s “rights” to be racist kid-touchers and to keep language specifically forbidding those things out of their CBAs.
Which if you think about it, tells you everything you need to know about the kinds of people who go into law enforcement.
Note for future reference comment at 36.
Another of multiple instances of Degen Bob agreeing that he is a member of the Republican Party.
For the next time he finds it obligatory to skulk out to the garage late and night, gently scrape the “W” decal off the back glass of his PT Cruiser, and begin hanging Lipton Tea bags from his trucker hat.
“Sen. Rand Paul threatened Thursday to block unanimous passage of a Senate resolution pledging support to Ukraine.”
Always the asshole.
@39 Somehow a fake pregnancy seems better than a fake doctor.
@41 I did notice he said “we” in reference to “Republicans” @36.
The GOP has so many awful senators I really can’t tell you who’s worst, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley, or Ron Johnson. It’s more or less a tie.
Is fake pregnancy worse than 150 counts of rape, including dog fucking, kid fucking, and feeding jizz cupcakes to an entire school?
Cops (and Republicans) are fucked up. It’s inescapable. I blame it all on the boredom.
Because despite television and the bullshit stats they themselves produce, most cops don’t do anything.
It’s not “a few bad apples”.
If anything, maybe it’s “a few okay apples” protecting all the rest.
“They talk about how they can’t trust doctors, or the media, or family members. All they have left is each other.”
Sounds like the Ivermectin Cult is full of lonely people.
And Joe Rogan apparently thinks he’s performing a public service by giving a soapbox and microphone to quacks when nobody else will.
@46 She took a plea deal and gets sentenced tomorrow.
Seems that the students, cannot be required to have any dress code. They cannot be forced to wear masks, or shoes, or pants or shirts.
Which of course is false. Republican do not follow any rule of law that doesn’t suit them. So if they want to say Masks are optional, but shoes are not, then that is what it is, because Rule of Law don’t matter, Rule of Power does.
Not that this matters. Democrats are better people. Democrats generally act like laws should apply to everyone. Republicans generally act like laws only apply to non republicans.
Tube sock?
Breeding will not save the Heteros….they’re even breeding more gay people.
Half are Puffy’s NYC relatives.
“As the youngest Americans slowly outnumber and replace the oldest, Gallup predicts the number of LGBTQ-identifying adults will only increase — and likely at a much faster rate than past generations.”
(visualize me with the palm of my hands raised to my cheeks and wtih my eyes wide open and my mouth open in agast). I always like to leave Bob a special for him to play with.
This can only improve America. The hetero kill rate will probably go down too.
@52 Which is why every republican book burner you know is doing everything in their power to get rid of every positive LGBTQ book in the library.
maybe the straights should consider to keep it in thier pants or take Truvada!
Won’t follow the rules? C’ya!
>> You could read this as, Chinese American voters got pissed that their more qualified kids had their prestigious education stolen from them, and given to underserving unqualified students.
Every slightly right leaning news source I read made sure that that they carefully mentioned that more qualified Asian students were being shut out so more African American and Latino students were put in those desks.
Every parent wants the best possible education for THEIR kids so this seemed inevitable. Few parents will sacrifice THEIR kids future so someone else’s kid does well in their place.
Let’s build and staff one good school out of hundreds and make kids compete to attend somehow does not seem like a great answer to me.
HuhrDuhrham filed a response yesterday in which he attested under oath that everything Degen Bob claimed about “spying” at the beginning of this week was a ridiculous lie.
In Alabama the First Amendment only protects Joe Rogan’s strategic use of the n-word:
Middle Age Riot
Trump has two weeks to turn over records and he and his children Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have 21 days from the date of Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron’s order to sit for a deposition.
At one point Trump’s attorney argued that the investigation was motivated by “racial animus” and that he was a member of a protected class: Orange Americans I guess.
Ah, but what if he’s incompetent?
When 3,000 people die in a day via airplanes, conservatives demanded we enter a 20 year invasion.
When 3,000 people die a day via COVID, conservatives demand we do nothing and fight mask mandates and vaccines because of “FREEDOM” and to own the libs and fuck everyone who isn’t them.
Democrats are just better people.
You don’t fix dirty police and dirty police departments with training.
Part of how you do it looks like this:
Jose Garza was elected in 2020 by a wave of turnout driven to the polls by literally years of police abuse in Austin. The Travis County District Attorney’s office undertook its own, independent thorough investigation relying on its own investigators into thousands of allegations of rampant police misconduct during street protests that year.
City leaders in Austin, including a “reform” new police chief, have closed ranks around the dirty cops, despite paying millions in settlements to innocent citizens attacked, beaten, and permanently injured and disfigured by violent, unhinged, dirty cops running wild in the streets out for blood. Widespread and indiscriminate use of “less lethal” weapons over the course of several days and nights specifically targeting peaceful observers is behind these initial indictments.