When you have an intractable situation, how much do you blame people who are trying to work around it? In the case of an upside down tax system in Washington, how much should you blame Democrats? They have made significant changes to the tax code in recent years (after holding the Governor’s Mansion for decades, and a trifecta for years).
If Democrats could be confident that the state supreme court would allow a high earners income tax, the blame would go to Democrats for not trying. But in the actual working of state government, at least some blame has to go to the court. And to the earlier court that ended it.
Anyway, national publications aren’t going to have much nuance.
Anyway, anyway, please wash your hands right now. And don’t be a dipshit, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
YLB’s kids are 1.6% behind their earnings of last year, after accounting for inflation and fewer hours worked.
First Vegetable Joe Biden issued a statement this morning saying that wages are up.
Both of these are true.
Having succeeded in Virginia, Charles Koch is going to try to repeat the same scheme in various races next year. Which ones will be a little hard to predict, because Koch is unwilling to be drawn into Trumpworld in the way so many incumbent Republicans and Republican primary winners are.
But how he does it will be easy to predict. As in VA, he will recruit a suburban voter focused concern and then frame that concern in latent racism to trigger less educated white voters. In VA it was less educated white voters concerns about how American history is taught in schools.
These were latent racist concerns because these concerns focused on obscuring or hiding the systems of white supremacy and white privilege that defined most of that history. Whether it is the true nature of the practices of human slavery in the American south, or Jim Crow, these voters objected to teaching the truth about American history.
So Koch camouflaged the true nature of these less educated white voter concerns with “Critical Race Theory” – an advanced and somewhat esoteric, law school and graduate school theory about sociological constructs and the roles they play in systemic racial privileges and/or disadvantages. But while CRT is real, it’s role in public schools is pure, distilled bullshit.
Still, VA Democrats rose to the bait and debated the role of CRT in public education, rather than ignoring that stalking horse and going after the racists hiding behind it. And that gave Youngkin the small additional percentages of less educated white voters he needed at the polls. Giving those voters both the sense of legitimacy and purpose their latent racism essentially lacks drove them to the polls in greater numbers and drove them to Youngkin, who happily pandered to their racism.
In next year’s contests Democrats must respond better by responding with honesty, rather than with stridency. They must ignore the CRT bait and expose the latent racism it conceals. And they must challenge their Republican opponents to repudiate that racism by pledging to teach the truth about America’s history of slavery and Jim Crow. The CRT stalking horse, though it may be effective as a campaign tactic, is also immensely dangerous for those Republicans who wield it, especially in the wrong state or district. And that danger lies precisely in the vile racism it seeks to conceal. Democratic campaigns who exercise message discipline focused on exposing that racism will defeat their Republican opponents.
Hey, no prob! Once First Vegetable Joe Biden has bankrupted oil-producing and -refining companies, we won’t have to worry about the items at the top of the list!
@ 2
Having succeeded in Virginia, Charles Koch is going to try to repeat the same scheme in various races next year.
I’d bring up Soros in the same vein WRT other races, but QoS McHillbilly would call me an anti-Semite for merely mentioning his name.
Prosecution, questioning Rittenhouse:
Cool report released yesterday:
TLDR: OSC concludes that the White House and it’s employees are not subject to the Hatch Act.
IMHO the best way for Biden to play this is to continue being “the normal one” but to hand off the duties of Hatch Act violations to Vice President Harris. She can begin campaigning full time in targeted CDs and states at taxpayer expense using AF2 and the limo fleet to shuttle her campaign team between fundraisers and candidate events, even leveraging Secret Service for enhanced security at these events. And she should begin hosting exclusive, VIP gatherings at the White House whenever Biden is on the road.
@ 6
And she should begin hosting exclusive, VIP gatherings at the White House whenever Biden is on the road.
Speaking of Veep Harris and “exclusive, VIP gatherings”:
Scoop: Inside a Kamala Harris crisis dinner
I don’t think the strategizing helped much. This past weekend USA/Suffolk had Harris’ approval at 28%.
So please, QoS McHillbilly, tell us more about how Harris should use lots and lots of taxpayer dollars to try to improve her image. After all, it’s not like those dollars come out of the Coach knockoff purse of YLB.
YLB’s kids are 1.6% behind their earnings of last year, after accounting for inflation and fewer hours worked.
Nothing but blue skiiiiiess….
Per the “reasoning” of a “seriously” silly troll and the freedumb of “stupid drumpfers”.
One day it will be dimfuk’s turn and that day…
will be be GOOD for my kids.
Judge now raising his voice at the prosecutor, two straight sentences.
Judge raising his voice again. Judge to prosecutor: “That’s absolutely untrue!”
Oil declined amid a stronger dollar and after a U.S. government report showed a surprise increase in domestic crude stockpiles.
Futures in New York fell as much as 2% on Wednesday as a rising dollar weighed on commodities like oil priced in the currency. Domestic crude inventories increased 1 million barrels last week to the highest since August, according to an Energy Information Administration report.
The combination of a stronger dollar and less bullish inventory data is also contributing
Stronger dollar? hmmmm.. Nothin’ but bluuuueee skiiiiiees..
Supply increases next year from OPEC nations as well as U.S. drillers will ultimately pressure prices lower. The U.S. benchmark crude will fall below $80 a barrel by December and reach as low as $62 by the end of next year and its global counterpart Brent will average $72 a barrel in 2022, the Energy Information Administration said in its Short-Term Energy Outlook on Tuesday. U.S. pump prices will drop below $3 a gallon by February, the data show.
“We forecast that global oil stocks will begin building in 2022, driven by rising production from OPEC and the United States, along with slowing growth in global oil demand,” the EIA said.
Nothin’ but bluuuuue skiiiies…
Taxpayers have deep pockets and can’t say no.
Is there a Grocery Outlet on Whidbey Island?
Asking for a “FB friend in CO”.
Won’t be riding it on Day one, as I’ll be working. Also, would like to see the full schedule brought back, including 501 Seattle-Portland, and 516, midday departure Portland Union Station to Vancouver B.C. Probably waiting on new equipment for restoring suspended runs South of Seattle, but WSDoT is first in line, allegedly, for train sets ordered this year by Amtrak.
9, 10,
Funny thing about trial judges.
Yes, obviously and without reservation any criminal attorney prefers to draw a judge who will be, if not sympathetic to their client, at least disinterested. But you go to trial with the judge you draw, not the judge you want (unless you’re Stacy Koon).
But judges who get drawn into media trials and inject themselves into the trial and the case can have unpredictable effects on juries. A judge who interrupts lawyers and witnesses all the time and raises their voice during trial often produces frustration and antipathy toward the judge. And while no attorney minds seeing the other side get scolded, none of them likes ceding control of the jury to any judge.
Attended the Evanescence concert Sunday evening at the former Key Arena.
Parking $40 across the street and $30 two blocks away. We found street parking about six blocks away but missed the first three numbers by the warm-up band, all-woman Plush. The second band, Halestorm, was very forgettable. Plush worth a listen, tho.
The place was packed – about 95% full. Maybe 30-40% masked inside. My first time inside since the remodel – nicely done.
Fretting parking charges.
The universal indicator of having “arrived” at the “just barely capable of staying off public transit” phase of “conservatism”.
LPT: learn to appreciate the acts booked at the tribal casinos instead. Bad news: looks like Grand Funk is sold out.
Bravo to a man too naughty for a knighthood.
Now too naughty for Cambridge.
@ 17
Fretting parking charges.
There are various speeds at which wealth is accumulated. A swift walk promotes swifter accumulation. Truth be told, I prefer both. Side benefit: I get to hold my wife’s hand longer.
You just informed us that you are accumulating yours at a rate of $10 every 2-1/2 years.
I’ll let Roger take it from here.
@ 20
Believe what you wish. You’re “free as fuck” to do so.
The second band, Halestorm, was very forgettable.
Heh. IMO the headliner band is as forgettable or freakin’ boring as this:
Shit hurts the ears.
Carl: They also don’t mention that most of Washington outside Puget Sound is “red” or “purple,” Republicans have controlled at least one house of the state legislature at numerous times, and it’s these “red” elements in our state politics that have blocked tax reform.
@ 22
Two dead guys.
This is why I call you an unserious twat, YLB.
A different take on Evanescence.
Hope this doesn’t hurt your fragile feminine ears, YLB.
Troll triggered! Mission accomplished..
Band is as boooooring (and devoid of life) as your daily drivel.. Wouldn’t waste a penny on it.
Well said.
“The prosecution zeroed in on Kyle Rittenhouse’s AR-15 type rifle during cross-examination Wednesday.
‘Everybody that you shot at that night, you intended to kill, correct?,’ Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger asked him.
‘I didn’t intend to kill them, I intended to stop the people who were attacking me,’ Rittenhouse replied.
‘By killing them,’ Binger asked.
‘I did what I had to do to stop the person who was attacking me,’ Rittenhouse said.”
Either he’s been coached what to say by his attorneys, or he’s been reading articles in gun magazines about what to say in court after shooting somebody.
He shot Rosenbaum four times, including a head shot. He damn well did intend to kill him. It doesn’t take four rounds of .223 from an AR-15 at point-blank range to “stop” somebody.
What happens when waaaay too many boxes need to be checked.
@27 Well, we’ll see how a truck driver does. How much worse could he be than the average GOP career politician? That would be hard.
So the defense argument in both the Arbury and Rittenhouse trials is that if you point a gun at someone, and they try to grab the gun away from you or push the muzzle away, that makes them the aggressor and it’s “self-defense” to shoot them. Interesting theory.
@20 Doctor Dumbfuck paid, what, I’m guessing $70 for two tickets and missed half the concert to save $30 on parking. I’m thinking he could have saved the other $70 by staying home, but a dumbfuck would never think of that.
@20 Doctor Dumbfuck paid I’m guessing $180 for two tickets and missed half the concert to save $30 on parking. I’m thinking he could have saved the other $150 by missing the other half, but a dumbfuck would never think of that. He probably flips stocks after making a 4% profit, too.
He only “saved” $10.
And he bitched about it.
Hey, nobody should throw good money away on anything they don’t value. And financially secure people don’t get that way, and stay that way by paying too much, or more than they can afford for anything.
But when a person takes time out of their “successful” life to publicly bitch about a lousy $10 to people who honestly could not care less, I don’t care how much money they’ve made or saved.
That person is not living their best life. Not even close.
@33 c’mon Elijah… It said it got to hold Mary Kay’s hand…
the hand that signed so many checks to liberal causes.
How triggering to vacuous troll were those signatures? Heh.
@33 At the risk of belaboring something that isn’t worth belaboring (nor worth the effort), he said @16 and I quote:
“Parking $40 across the street and $30 two blocks away. We found street parking about six blocks away but missed the first three numbers …”
From this, I take it that he didn’t save $10 by paying $30 for parking and walking two blocks. He clearly seems to have said he saved $30 by walking six blocks instead of two blocks.
The “street” parking in the vicinity of Key Arena is metered, but last time I checked Seattle’s parking meters are free after 6 pm and I gather this was an evening concert.
So the dumbfuck missed “three numbers” he bought tickets to see and hear in order to get free parking. Made his wife walk 12 blocks, too, to save $40. But if he finally married the horse he’s been fucking, that wouldn’t bother the “wife,” would it?
The question is, why didn’t he ride the horse, and spur her to a gallop to get to the concert on time?
I stand corrected and bow to your greater attention to detail. Honestly in my defense my eyes glaze over whenever I try reading one of his comments like that one. The “sharing” kind. It’s like an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness comes over me like watching Bob Ross paint.
At least he didn’t blame a Rothschild for it.
Of course, he may fall back on that once he can’t blame Rittenhouse.
There are Democrats in Congress every bit as stupid as the worst Republicans in Congress.
Sen. Cortez Masto isn’t going to have a very easy path to re-election. Some of the rockiest territory is inhabited by members of her own party.
Out of an abundance of caution, each Sbarro’s location in Las Vegas will be closed on the night of the party. And every day during Hanukkah.
Clearest indication that Rittenhouse is gonna skate: The fix is in behind the bench.
“Fucking traitor. That’s what you are. You’re a fucking piece of shit traitor. I hope you die. I hope everyone in your fucking family dies. You fucking piece of shit trash motherfucker. Voted for dumbass fucking Biden. You’re stupider than he is and he can’t even complete a fucking sentence. You dumb motherfucker traitor, piece of shit motherfucker piece of trash. I hope you fucking die. I hope your fucking family dies. I hope everyone in your fucking staff dies.”
Anonymous Republican voter’s voice mail message left for Rep. Fred Upton (R) MI-06 who is now facing calls from his party leadership to strip him of his committees.
Because he voted for a bill to fix roads and bridges.
This is Republican “normal” now.
I’m thinking that quote could make a helluva billboard ad campaign next year.
Did you know that billboards are a lot more affordable than you might think?
Do you think the horse could have fit? If you rode the horse and got her in too you wouldn’t have had to look for the free parking and missed part of the warm up act
Scott Fairlamb is the first of the Jan 6th domestic terrorists to be sentenced for a violent offense. For punching a helmeted MPD officer once and then shoving him once from behind, resulting in no injuries to the officer, Fairlamb was sentenced today to spend 41 months in prison and pay $2000 in fines.
@ 42
There were mostly single empty seats, G-clown. Perfect for you, since you are always alone when you go to ballgames and stuff.
Fairlamb was sentenced today to spend 41 months in prison and pay $2000 in fines.
I understand the sentence under consideration for the qanon shaman klown is equally as harsh..
To my knowledge the shaman klown wasn’t violent towards kops but it did fuck with the functioning of our democracy and for that the book should be thrown at the freak and everyone else who shat all over the place.
Fuck ’em.
@ 43
Scott Fairlamb is the first of the Jan 6th domestic terrorists to be sentenced for a violent offense.
MSNBC – Federal judge reminds Jan. 6 rioter what ‘patriotism’ means
LA Times – Capitol rioter who punched police officer gets more than three …
CNN – US Capitol rioter who assaulted police officer gets 41 …
CBS News – First January 6 Capitol riot defendant to plead guilty to …
CNBC – Trump Capitol riot cases: Fairlamb sentenced, QAnon …
Nobody important is calling it insurrection or sedition. It was a fucking riot carried out by dumbfuck redneck rioters.
QoS McHillbilly calls him a terrorist, but if that is the definition than former WA Democrat legislator Laura Ruderman’s stepson is a terrorist as well.
Stepson of former Washington state rep out on bond, accused of smashing officer in head with bat
They charged him with assault in the first degree, attempted arson in the first degree, and reckless burning in the first degree.
A quack after herr dicktor dimfuk’s own heart:
A group of more than 350 doctors sent a letter to the Florida State Senate asking them to scrutinize Ladapo’s nomination amid professional concerns.
Since taking the job as Florida’s surgeon general, Ladapo has made headlines for his stance on school mask mandates and more recently for his refusal to wear a mask while meeting with a state senator who was later revealed to have been diagnosed with breast cancer. “As a physician, I’m honestly concerned that Dr. Ladapo’s actions around the pandemic thus far have been not just unhelpful, but dangerous,” said Bernard Ashby, a Miami cardiologist who signed the letter voicing his concern with Ladapo’s nomination.
This right wing hack also made an appearance with “America’s Frontline Doctors”, a group of drumpf-lovin’ quacks and grifters who ripped off countless gullible drumpf true believers to their shock and dismay.
heh. Dimfuk’s head exploded over yours truly calling them out as grifters. To dimfuk, wearing a white coat is adequate credentials. Where did dimfuk take the Hippocratic oath one wonders? A Halloween party? Hey! That was easy. Now dimfuk could make munee!
Ladapo is deathsantis approved. To vacuous troll, there can be no higher seal of approval.
Massively triggered.
Hey! He took part in a planned and coordinated mob attack that was intended by those who planned it to prevent a normal governmental function vital to the democratic process. It’s the very definition of terrorism. Even with the pipe bombs and gun caches there’s no way the mob could take over the Congress. The goal was to incite sufficient fear (terror) to cause a prolonged delay or even cancellation.
If Republicans and their pals don’t like being called domestic terrorists they should quit doing terrorism.
@37 “There are Democrats in Congress every bit as stupid as the worst Republicans in Congress.”
Yes, just not nearly as many. In the House, it’s something like 135 to 2 or 3. And the Republican stupidity tends to be more extreme, violent, and treasonous (see @40 for merely one small example). You, of course, vote for them like the rest of the dumbfucks.
@43 ” … spend 41 months in prison” plus 36 months of supervised release. Which means he’ll have to wait until 2028 before he can assault the Capitol again.
The military is moving with extreme slowness to purge its ranks of active-duty personnel who violated their oaths by attacking their own country.
At least 5 active-duty military personnel participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection, including 2 officers, and so far the only one who’s been kicked out of the service is the private with the Hitler mustache.
Rank has its privileges.
@46 “It was a fucking riot carried out by dumbfuck redneck rioters.”
No, it was sedition and insurrection, carried out not only by dumbfuck redneck rioters who overdosed on OAN and Trump rallies, but also by cops, firefighters, military officers and NCOs, organized militia gangs, and other people who can’t plead stupidity and deserve to have the motherfucking book thrown at them. They’re lucky to live in candyass America, because in most countries they’d face a firing squad.
They charged him with assault in the first degree, attempted arson in the first degree, and reckless burning in the first degree.
I guess this means you wish the “dumbfuck rednecks” who terrorized the folks we send to DC to make our democracy function the way it was set down over time..
you want those “dumbfuck rednecks” to be “fucked in the ass” in the joint just like you fap here for antifa and blm.
Heh. Better hope none of those “dumbfuck rednecks” read this, widbee cuckservative. Yawwwn.. you’re so boring.
@47 “ripped off countless gullible drumpf true believers”
That’s a victimless crime, not a societal problem that anybody needs to intervene in.
@53 They’re just down the road from him. He probably attends their meetings.
46 years ago today, the Coast Guard recieved a call from the S.S. Arthur M. Anderson reporting that they had lost all radio, radar, and visual contact with the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald. The 29 members of the crew of the Toledo Express were never found. Besides the song would never happen, if the Fitzgerald had not sunk, it would still be in service, as Lakers last along time. The Anderson proves that.
Keep telling yourself that it wasn’t an Insurrection. One day you too will be dead too from the results of that day.
The American Taliban…..Bob is one of them.
God Bless Steve.
Ansonia, CT man arrested for beating up and killing his 28 year old wife, in front of their 3 year old child.
Hetero Neanderthals will be Neanderthals. Heteros are a violent group of people.
Breeding will not save them.
Noteworthy after all is the fact that a couple dozen defendants pending trial all have indictments on charges that include terrorism enhancements. And the information accompanying the charges indicates the prosecution’s intention to bring those charges with terrorism enhancements.
It’s entirely possible that Bob just doesn’t recognize “terrorism” when it’s being carried out by a white guy.
For him, McVeigh was a misguided patriot.
The judge in the Rittenhouse trial seems to be doing everything but say “jury nullification” into the mike to the jury. “Come on folks, this fine white boy only murdered a black man and a liberal. Give him a pass. No jury in the land should convict him of that.”
I know it’s not ethical, but is it legal?
Breeding will only kill them.
Those who wonder why I call him The Even Bigger Fucking Moron need wonder @ 61 no more.
The principle of the thing. Japanese train operator suing over being docked 49 cents pay. In Japan, they are serious about timekeeping. Delays make the news, and some railroads apologize for trains being early.
62. Fascinating article on the island disappearing. It must be some varient of antivax fatigue but its hard to care anymore. The science shows their island is doomed. They are science deniers. Reality beats magical thinking.
63 you insulted me but didn’t answer the question.
Is it because you don’t know either or
You agree with the biased judge.
Not to burst anyone’s bubble.
But there are a lot of asshole judges. And judges yelling at attorneys in court and in chambers is much more common that it is ever portrayed on television or movies and more common than most people think.
Likewise for judges wasting the court’s time by meandering into long-winded digressions about irrelevant shit.
This is our legal system. Welcome to America.
Oh, and yes. It’s legal.
67. Well that sucks.
The last time i was in front of a judge was about 17 years when we adopted our son. She seemed very fair and impartial.
@ 67
But there are a lot of asshole judges. And judges yelling at attorneys in court and in chambers is much more common that it is ever portrayed on television or movies and more common than most people think.
What QoS McHillbilly fails to mention is that the yelling is because there are a lot of asshole attorneys.
Which is exactly what most people think.
@ 66
63 you insulted me but didn’t answer the question.
I’ll be kind this time around, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, by answering that in less than a week we will know that Rittenhouse has been found innocent of murder by a jury of his peers, in which case your question will be moot, as well as moronic.
I can wait.
Not having a state income tax is the best reason to live in this state. These measures up for consideration to “tax the rich” will turn into an income tax for the entire populace. When the federal income tax was passed back in 1913, it was only supposed to affect “the rich.”
And then what happened? Well, that asshole Woodrow Wilson engineered the US into World War I, and all that bullshit about “only affecting the rich” disappeared, and we all got royally screwed by government. The same thing will eventually happen in Washington if the liberal progressives, socialists, communists, ANTIFA idiots and Black Looting Marxists get their way.
Liberals would be wise to ponder this. In Virginia liberals took CRT and everything else way too far, and it was the minority electorate they alienated.
Had minorities voted for McAuliffe the way they voted for Biden a year earlier, McAuliffe would be governor-elect.
I know what to do.
He isn’t wrong.
He’s just too stupid to know that attorneys become judges.
As problematic as some aspects of this trial have been, something that is good about it has been that it has exposed the process better than it usually is. That’s partly due to public interest in the case and the politicization of the defendant by people intent on exploiting him. But it’s also simply because the local court rules allow for it to be televised.
Generally I think that has a beneficial effect on criminal justice in a few ways. But it also obviously exposes some judges (and attorneys) to public attention that they are not at all prepared for.
In the long run I hope that’s for the better. Because hopefully down the road, when voters are looking at a voter’s guide page with a dozen names of judges and candidates they’ve never heard of and reading statements that are entirely sanitized, they’ll have the opportunity to look back into the record of trials and hearings and get a real sense of how this person behaves when other people’s lives are at stake.
Right or wrong, and however the jury finds, this judge has treated the trial, and all the parties to the trial, with a lack of sobriety and frequently with considerable disrespect. And while it isn’t the judges fault that political conservatives have adopted the defendant as a cutout to represent some of their many imaginary aggrievements, the judge’s conduct has fed into that distorted political narrative.
dimfuk is hanging on every single moment of the magateen trial…
the prospect of a young white klownservatic killing 2 people with a military assault weapon, two people dimfuk hates and then paying for that by being “fucked in the ass” in prison?
that’s too much for vacuous troll to take…
White judge? In WI.. check.. White jury? No idea. Haven’t followed the trial. But if that’s the case – dimfuk shouldn’t worry too much.
This is not true.
Not even close to being true.
From the very first year the federal income tax applied to all income earners, including a 1% rate for all earners with incomes below $20,000, which was nearly everyone.
These are all easily discoverable facts that would only remain unknown to someone who was willfully and deliberately ignorant.
@ 75
Kenosha, WI is 87% white, girlfriend.
It’s the same skin color as the shooter, the two dead POS, the live POS, the defendant, the prosecutors, the defense attorneys, and the judge.
They’re all white.
The Unserious Twat has her race card, and nothing else, to share with us.
That card is now played. The Unserious Twat, YLB, is left with an empty purse.
@77 HAHAHA! Triggered…
No worries then dimfuk.. murderin’ magateen’s ass is safe..
woo boy but is dimfuk overheated in widbee…
kreepah might go kreepin… widbee “LE” if you’re listening…
What ought to be noted about the original income tax brackets from before 1916 and the higher brackets after 1916 is that the spread was much greater. The pre-Revenue Act top rate of 7% being seven times the bottom rate that nearly all income was subject to. And the post-Revenue Act top rate of 25% that was twelve and a half times the bottom rateof 2% impacting nearly all incomes.
Today the bottom rate is 10% and the top rate is 37% – only 3.7 times above the lowest rate – thanks entirely to the Republican Party and their dogged pursuit of Billionaire Welfare.
Conservatives lie about taxes in general. But when it comes to income taxes they outdo themselves.
White power man @77 doesn’t get it!
Heil Hitler
@ 76
From the very first year the federal income tax applied to all income earners, including a 1% rate for all earners with incomes below $20,000, which was nearly everyone.
Also not accurate.
Here is a two-page document, including the signed Joint Resolution know known as the 16th Amendment, and
the first page of the first-ever Form 1040.
I turn your attention to line 6, which reads
Nearly every household earned far less than these exempted amounts. As a result, federal income tax in 1913 was paid by a very, very small share of the country’s residents.
It didn’t remain that way.
You’re wrong, QoS McHillbilly. You’re also a smarmy fuck.
nothing else, to share with us.
Oh but that’s not true dimfuk. I “shared” one of your most favorite consequences for those who commit crimes or otherwise get your nuts in a twist…
“getting fucked in the ass”…
No appreciation for what you’ve brought to the table here now for years? Remember “ass-pounding”?
She/her/they/them/it YLB still suffers from splash-back when she pees.
In other news…..King Co has now implemented security escorts for people walking from King St station and the Coleman docks to their offices at the courthouse because
Of the crime and drug vagrants.
Yep, it’s that bad in seattle….
But hey! YOU voted for that!
@ 79
Today the bottom rate is 10% and the top rate is 37% – only 3.7 times above the lowest rate – thanks entirely to the Republican Party and their dogged pursuit of Billionaire Welfare.
For the second straight spew QoS McHillbilly intentially neglects to include exemptions and credits.
It is possible to earn zero dollars, file a 1040 return, and get a check from the government. QoS McHillbilly does not want you to know this.
Middle Age Riot
He’s not wrong.
Billionaire Welfare.
All they have to do is borrow against appreciating assets to fund a lavish lifestyle… Borrowed money is not income..
Use a good portion of that borrowed money to collect more appreciating assets. Keep rolling over the debt and the heirs get to continue the game with the estate tax breaks.
That’s what drumpf has always tried to do.. with varying success..
Leona Helmsley said taxes are for “little people”.. She knew what she was talking about.
Not going to follow up right now owing to time.
However, absent passage of the 16th, earlier income taxes were unconstitutional. After passage in 1909, the first 1040 filing was reporting only. No tax was collected. The 1913 1040 was not the first ever. Subsequent revenue acts imposed collection. 1916 Revenue Act imposed a 2% tax on all incomes. The standard exemptions appeared in both acts. 1918 Act lowered the exemptions but also eliminated lower brackets and lowered rates effectively lowering taxes on the majority incomes.
I think it’s very noteworthy that Desperately Poor Bobby remains laser focused on the impacts of income taxes on the people he calls “Gimmee-gimmees”. And no matter what is placed before him, he simply does not see radically declining taxes on the very wealthy and the decades of hard work he and other Republicans have devoted to bringing that about.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron muses about what would happen to Rittenhouse if he were black.
Fair enough. Let’s ask, though, what would happen to POS Rosenbaum if he was black, shall we?
What would happen to a black man in a black neighborhood if he anally raped five little black boys, who were only 9-11 years old at the time? ’cause that’s what POS Rosenbaum did when he was a younger man.
He would have received vigilante justice, and would have been killed by someone also with black skin color.
He would not have been around to force Rittenhouse to kill him.
Happy, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron?
@ 88
Start with estate taxation. Eliminate stepped-up basis treatment of inherited assets.
Go from there.
Cliff Mass is doing a book signing and dinner event next week. No word on whether they will sell seats for only one attendee, Cuomosexual G-clown. I’ve calculated your AGI, and you can’t afford dinner and a book, anyway.
Cam Newton is back with the Panthers.
Colin Kaepernick could not be reached for comment.
I don’t think he’s coming back.
Neither is Harris.
Another look at Elizabeth Warren, libbies? She’s as off-putting as fuck, but she’s also incredibly competent.
Prosecution trying really, really hard to demonstrate that the defense used some sort of enhanced program in its video exhibits. The reason for this is the prosecution has video or a photograph it wants introduced, enhanced imagery, and defense has objected, sustained by the judge.
I think that if prosecution can demonstrate that the defense used enhanced video, then the door is opened to re-attempting to use its own imagery.
So far, no dice. Not sure why the materials haven’t been shown to the judge in chambers.
Edit: Now the judge has asked to see the imagery, which is apparently enhanced imagery of Rittenhouse allegedly pointing his gun at someone before the chase began, in chambers.
@94. Because even the greedy racist incel can tell the judge is doing everything in his power to get magateen off.
@ 95
Judge allowed it, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
You continue to embarrass yourself.
On this, Veterans Day, I’d like to pay homage to all of our great negroes.
Not just the one First Vegetable Joe Biden referred to with this term.
It’s good that Desperately Poor Bobby is “larnin'” about how criminal trials work. Looks like next week he’ll find out about rebuttal.
Who needs an extra Republican?
Sen. Joe Manchin, speaking at Toyota event in W.Va., calls union-built EV tax credit ‘wrong’
A better argument is that any EV tax credit is wrong.
I think there should be a tax credit for RAM 1500 and 2500 purchases, and that it should be a retroactive credit applied to prior-year purchases.
Nobody has ever accused First Vegetable Joe Biden of possessing any sense of self-awareness.
I believe that will continue.
@69 “What QoS McHillbilly fails to mention is that the yelling is because there are a lot of asshole attorneys.”
There are a lot of asshole defendants, too, and whether or not he’s convicted Kyle Rittenhouse is one of ’em.
@71 It doesn’t bother you that poor people pay 6 times as much of their income to state and local taxes as affluent people do?
That Washington has the nation’s most inequitable state and local tax system?
No, I guess it doesn’t. For you, that’s a good reason to live here.
He’s not wrong.
Washington Democrat Adam Smith says that Chuck Schumer has his head up his ass on defense.
This is what The Squad an’ such have done to y’all HA libbies. Y’all more concerned about the correct pronoun than about Iran-backed militias invading our embassies and takin’ hostages.
@72 It’s hard to see how liberals “took CRT way too far” when it isn’t even taught in schools.
Of course, we’re talking about two different CRTs. There’s the elective subject of study in graduate schools. And then there’s the newest Republican racist dog-whistle.
It’s hard to get a handle on what, exactly, all the Republican hicks are screaming at school boards about, but from what GOP legislatures are passing laws against, and threatening teachers with felony prosecutions for, it appears to include saying anything to schoolkids suggesting that black people were ever mistreated in this country.
‘Cuz it might make fragile white kids feel bad about their racist great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents.
And yes, it’s impacting elections, because white supremacists still outnumber black voters in this country. Especially in states where blacks aren’t allowed to vote, and get prison for trying to vote (or passing a water bottle to a friend in the voting line).
None of which you criticize. You embrace it. Which says all anyone needs to know about your character.
@73 The best available policy option is to non-renew Powell (and find someone other than Lael Brainard to replace him with).
Wasn’t it conservative demigod Milton Friedman who said “inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon,” or words to that effect?
To choke it off, you usually have to eat a recession. First-term presidents with cooperative Fed chiefs normally prefer to do that in their first year, so the economy has time to recover before they have to stand for re-election.
But there’s a substantial number of voices in the financial community, perhaps most prominently but certainly not solely Cathie Wood, who argue the economy is deflationary and there’s a lot of logic behind that.
And nearly all economists consider deflation worse than inflation.
Inflation is also how you pare down the trillions of debt run up by Trump’s deficit-financed billionaire tax cut. You’re complaining about that? How about if we forego the inflation and raise their taxes to whittle down that debt? I’m game for that. You? And your party? Hypocrites as always.
@76 You don’t expect that idiot troll to fact-check, do you? He’s never right about anything. His arguments fall apart even before you get to his “logic” (there isn’t any) because he can’t keep basic facts straight.
@81 In early days, the federal government met its expenses by collecting duties on imports at customs houses. Would you like to go back to that? It’s fine with me if not a single container from China lands on our docks.
@83 “But hey! YOU voted for that!”
Actually, no. Seattle voters just elected a law-and-order mayor and a Trumper law-and-order city attorney. How you like them apples?
@89 “’cause that’s what POS Rosenbaum did when he was a younger man.”
Yes, he did. And he was indicted by a grand jury, entered a plea deal, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison and lifetime probation.
Perhaps that wasn’t enough. Clearly, it wasn’t enough for you, a big fan of “vigilante justice.” Never mind that’s not what Kyle Rittenhouse, who couldn’t possibly have known of Rosenbaum’s criminal record, was doing when he shot him.
But let’s take your concept of “vigilante justice” and extrapolate. Unless you’re willing to admit what everyone knows, which is that your embrace of “vigilante justice” is highly selection and only applies to people you don’t like, this concept necessarily implies that every Capitol insurrectionist, not just one of them, should’ve been gunned down in the Capitol corridors. Not protectively, but because they deserved it.
I can’t bring myself to endorse that. I’m a rule-of-law bunny. But if you want to unleash vigilante firepower on the next crowd of Trumpers who try to overthrow an election, I won’t try to stop you. Not my job.
Little maxpile been playin’ with its popgun again?
Mark me down as boooooorrreeeed…
@104 Are you telling us that with 213 Republicans in the House, you can’t find 5 Democrats to vote for defense spending?
Only he didn’t say that. He said when it comes to the process “I can’t argue with Senate Republicans”.
After being contacted by Rep. Smith’s media liason Ryan and Rachel will declare an official Politico Playbook “OOPSIE”. And then follow up by saying that the phrase was meant to read:
“Basically, Smith said he agreed with McConnell.” Which also is not true and did not happen. But it’s less of a fabrication than, for example, “FB friends in CO”.
It’s actually space filler reporting, re-booted from last week. Every relevant quote or statement from Smith at least is over a week old. And never included any of what Politico says. Even the quality of Bob’s bullshit is in steep decline.
Checking in on r/SeattleWA and r/seattlehobos and there appear to be no changes at all. Even at the beginning of the week while they were documenting the camp clearing going on in near Pioneer Square they were also documenting a precise mirror of encampments popping up on 8th Ave NW in Ballard.
You’re all about to spend about four times as much on police overtime with absolutely nothing to show for it other than “reports of great success” from whoever the fuck gets stuck being Chief. Promise me you won’t make me listen to the bitching when you figure it out. Mkay?
Blaine County Court, Arbury murder trial, def atty gets caught up in meandering motion to the court to limit the number (?), race (?), and/or celebrity profile (?), of any pastors admitted to sit with Arbury’s family during trial.
Oh yes. There are some real HUUUGE asshole attorneys.
@115 Yes, nice of him to agree to having the defense attorneys present (and maybe even the prosecutor) while the jury is in the room.
“The defense attorney for one of the men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery told a judge on Thursday that the presence of the Rev. Al Sharpton, who had been sitting with the victim’s family, could be ‘intimidating’ to the jury.
“Kevin Gough, who represents one of three white men on trial for murdering Arbery, an unarmed Black man, in Georgia last year, raised concerns about the presence of notable Black pastors in the courtroom.”
The judge properly ruled that (a) no motion was made [it was just an attorney’s digressive bitching], and (b) it’s a public courtroom and unless a spectator is disruptive he has a right to be there.
But the main point is that the fragility of white people is getting to be quite a thing.
116)Of course they would agree to have the Defense Attorneys present. Perhaps these guys think they can present their case over zoom?
@ 112
Are you telling us that with 213 Republicans in the House, you can’t find 5 Democrats to vote for defense spending?
I’m telling you that you’re a fucking clown, who didn’t read @ 104, and therefore does not comprehend that the House has already passed the bill with 316 votes in favor, and that Smith’s problem is that the bill is now stalled in the Senate. Which is why Smith is pissed at Schumer.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, so eager to see your written crap appear online that you care less and less about whether you make any sense.
More and more, you don’t.
Why, this simply cannot be. QoS McHillbilly said that we’d stop hearing about Afghanistan beginning several weeks ago.
US, Russia, China and Pakistan meet to discuss Afghanistan as humanitarian crisis deepens
ISIS-K is why Leon Panetta said that the US would have to go back into Afghanistan.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is a disaster for the world.
Chaser: Beyonce is the latest white supremacist.
CNN: Beyonce performs her new song ‘God Bless the USA’
Ah yes indeed. You betcha. That’s precisely what I said. Everyone here agrees with you and believes you…
…and your “FB friends from CO”.
Why on earth would we ever stop hearing about Afghanistan?
It’s ages ago and you people still prattle on about tan suits and Christmas tree cock rings, “whitey tapes”, finger bangs, lapel pins, Panther salutes, and swift boats. At the precise moment of the heat death of the universe some Republican somewhere will be shrieking into the frozen void about BENGHAAAAZIIIIII!!!!!! and emails.
@120 The judge cracks Asian jokes, too.
On the witness stand yesterday, as the tears flowed, Kyle Rittenhouse proved he’s a baby. And babies have no business taking AR-15s to protests to play pretend cop.
Virginia school board members call for public book burning of gay books
Conservatives Are Just Openly Endorsing Book Burning Now | Book burning, as in the thing Nazi were into
Book burnings are the symbolic destruction of ideas. When you have no defense for your beliefs, the way you protect them is not through debate, but the suppression of opposition.
It’s a small leap from symbolically destroying an idea to destroying those who believe in that idea.
Both sides are not the same.
I’m going to need some explanation here of what categorically defines a “gay” book.
This is a mob who are scared to death of equal protection.
Granting “rights” to the “others” is okay with them as far as that goes. But fully sharing of public and civic spaces with those “others” is intolerable to them because it triggers a sense of annihilation and a threat to their own existence as they perceive it.
And however crazy that may sound to us, they are not wrong in that. Not entirely.
Of course it is manifestly absurd to suggest that including true stories of non-white, non-gender normative, non-Christian lives somehow threatens the existence of whites, or heterosexuals, or Christians in any meaningful sense. Remember when licensing the marriages of same sex couples was deemed to “threaten” the existence of “traditional” marriage? Yup. Nobody could ever explain that either.
But something real is being threatened here.
And that something is the privileged and protected status afforded to whites, heterosexuals, and Christians in our culture and most importantly in our public and civic spaces. Everybody knows the white European mythology surrounding the federally recognized and legally mandated Thanksgiving holiday. Everyone knows it. And nearly all non-native people in America celebrate it openly and with gusto. Every American Jew you know is 100% aware of and conversant in the timing and meaning of the most significant Christian religious holy day celebrations. While most Christians believe Hanukkah to be the major Jewish holy day.
In moments like this, rather than criticize or mock these cultural norms and the unique privileges and protections they confer upon whites, heterosexuals, and Christians, Democrats are better off by far, and everyone is better off by far, to look for ways to remind the frightened mob about the fundamental dignity and respect we all owe to each other, however our lives may differ.
Seeing Pete and Chasten Buttigieg creating a loving, stable family and struggling with dignity to overcome the same challenges as any other loving family leads that mob to respect that effort and share space with it.