Happy first day of school to Seattle, and first week of school for much of the rest of the region. Are you confident in the mask and vaccine requirements as a student, parent, or school employee? Are you a teacher hoping that the last year and a half of distance learning didn’t leave students unprepared?
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you’re eligible.
Because of course they did.
Biden Administration Erased Afghan Weapons Reports From Federal Websites
It was a staggering amount of weaponry. It’s gonna be a fuckin’ huge swap meet for terrorists.
Ditzy blonde comes to the same realization the rest of us had last week.
In First Vegetable Joe Biden’s defense, this is what he was told to say. Or no ice cream later.
Ok Burka Bob, since all you do is criticize how poorly the withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled by Biden, tell us how you would have done it to make it less chaotic?
The thing is, you got nothing (again).
@ 3
Leaving enough troops there to avoid the chaos we just saw is an easy answer, Newt.
Or do you not recall that we had to rush 5,000 troops back into Afghanistan because the 1,000 +/- (remember Biden wanted it reduced to 600) weren’t enough to do the job? We wouldn’t have had to rush them back in had we not removed them before getting our citizens out.
Had we left more troops in we could have had Bagram and KIA. Had we left more troops in we would have turned fewer still-functional weapons over to the Taliban.
Newt, you know the Biden-Harris administration fucked this up, and bigly. It’s not that we left. It’s that we did it with such obvious incompetence, abandoned the UK and other allies that needed us to stay longer, and broke promises to so many people.
I know you want to move on. It’s easier to do that if you admit it was a massive fuck-up, and then move on.
@4 Sure, more troops but higher collateral damage trying to defend Bagram. Not such a simple answer as you think it is.
Sure, Biden/Harris could have done better, so could Trump and the previous POTUSs. I’ve never claimed Biden did a great job.
The one thing he did keep his word on was getting the US out of Afghanistan.
The American citizens were warned, why didn’t they leave when they had a chance? They knew Trump signed a deal and knew the end was coming. Apparently they were not students of history because there is ALWAYS a vacuum when an invading nation retreats/withdraws.
When will you admit it was a fuck-up to stay 20 years?
When will you admit it was a fuck-up to stay past the initial mission goal of post-9/11 action?
You are such a simpleton Burka Bob.
Some New Hampshire polling news:
1. Biden’s numbers are lower than Trump’s were last Fall.
2. Each of the four polls published so far this year has Hassan losing to Sununu.
Sununu has a net 30 point positive, and Hassan sounds like a drone strike target.
It’s early, but it’s not looking good for the Democrat incumbent should Sununu run.
“The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
@1. Greedily racist incel, since you are an expert on Afghanistan , please explain how the US troops should have taken back 21 years worth of weapons from the Afghan military and goverment, that the three previous administrations gifted them.
Show your work. I’ll wait.
Otherwise, shut the hell up.
drumpf babbled in 2016 that Iraq was a mistake. Obama in 2008 campaigned on the neglect of Afghanistan and when in office escalated.. drumpf made a deal with the Taliban (cutting out the Afghans) to leave last MAY.
What do you know, dimfuk preferred the black guy’s policies.
Wonders never cease.
THE PRESIDENT: It’s up to the people of Afghanistan to decide on what government they want, not us to impose the government on them.
Biden got the U.S. out of Afghanistan. No it wasn’t pretty. Withdrawal from Vietnam wasn’t pretty either.
2 trillion spent in a twenty year war that dimfuk, from its widbee safespace, would prefer to keep going, repeating talking points scribbled by keyboard “warriors”. On and on until “that certain day”.
Damn, all that munnee dumped into endless war is gonna f dimfuk’s “spawn” in the…
Remember when we were told the Taliban wouldn’t know how to operate the equipment we left behind?
Yeah. Another lie from the Biden-Harris administration.
Oh. They’ve got all of our Humvees, too. 1,179 of them, since 2019
They’ve got all of our Humvees, too.
zzzzzzZZZzzzz.. What are they going to do with them? Run a bus service?
They going to fuel them w/ cow dung? They’re notorious gas guzzlers.
Oh yeah they’ll convert them into duck boats and invade widbee!
That’s the ticket.
Poor Bobby would do withdrawal better by…
…not doing it at all.
Okay. We get it. The official position of the GQP on the Forever War that they foolishly started in the first place, is that it must go on forever.
As Poor Bobby likes to say, OWN IT.
Own your stupidity, conservatives.
abandoned the UK and other allies
zzzZZZzz.. UK combat operations in Afghanistan ended in 2014 dimfuk with the closing of Camp Bastion in Helmand province..
Allies like the UK are assumed to be adults and capable of assessing threats to their people (like from the total collapse of the Afghan “government”) and taking responsibility for getting their people out if need be.
More grownup than you’ll ever be, typing diarrhea from widbee.
“Oh. They’ve got all of our Humvees, too. 1,179 of them, since 2019”
It is a heavy-duty truck, even goat herders can drive those.
Besides, they don’t have spare parts (other than cannibalizing their new fleet of used vehicles.
What they really need is not trucks, but money. They will sell parts. Check ebay soon.
Out of curiosity, how much equipment was left in Somalia? Vietnam?
Had we left more troops in we’d still be there. Had we left troops in until no US citizens were left we’d still be there. Had we left troops in so long as any U.S. supplied weapons remained in the hands of Afghans we’d still be there.
And we’d be there forever.
There are U.S. citizens remaining. Many are dual citizens. At least one is a Trumpalo House Member with ambitions for a national profile. Some are diplomats. Some are with NGOs.
Republicans simply want the war to go on. Forever.
Right after having spent over $1 billion in campaign money to max out polling.
Step the fuck back, JEB! Here comes Poor Bobby!
This is actually not the way you swagger if you are confident in retaking the majority.
This is more like the way you threaten and plead when you are desperate and losing hope.
@ 19
This is actually not the way you swagger if you are confident in retaking the majority.
Reasons for GOP confidence in retaking the majority:
1. History
The president’s party loses an average of 25 House seats during the midterms. If the president’s approval is below 50%, make that 37 seats.
2. Census results
I’m going by memory but six EVs are expected to flip to red based on changes in population demographics over the last decade.
3. Redistricting
Republicans Won Almost Every Election Where Redistricting Was At Stake
4. The intangibles, like comments from congressional Democrat leaders about not wasting the opportunity to ram through spending massive amounts of money while they control the House, Senate, and White House. What’s the hurry, if 2022 is such a slam dunk for House Democrats?
Midterms are 14 months away. This idiocy is old and tired – saw it in 2010 and 2014 with y’all HA libbies – but not unexpected. I can wait.
Whether McCarthy becomes Speaker is far less clear.
I still have time to edit @ 20 but this deserves its own spew:
During a heavily anti-Trump 2020 election season the Democrats lost House seats. What the fuck do you think will happen during a heavily anti-Biden 2020 election season, QoS McHillbilly?
….GQP voters all dying of Covid because they’re low IQ stupes like you.
@1 The Taliban have a lot of American military equipment. So what? Who are they going to use it against? Iran? Pakistan? Hazaras and Tajiks? You care about that? Or are you worried that Taliban fighters will soon be driving U.S.-made APCs across the Golden Gate bridge and imposing Sharia law on Orange County? Idiot.
All HA libbies who truly believe that Dems will hold the House in 2022, raise your hands.
So far it’s Newt from several weeks ago, and QoS McHillbilly @ 19 today. And I know that the unserious twat YLB can’t respond until Goldy tells her how to respond, so I won’t wait on her.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Democrats Tom Perez and Kirsten Gillibrand for placing the word “fuck” and its derivations into mainstream political use.
For each of them this is their greatest political accomplishment, and I am in their debt.
@2 Now tell us how disappointed and disgusted she is about the 2,977 Americans Bush put in harm’s way on 9/11/01 and the 4,834 Americans he put in harm’s way in Iraq. Oh, she’s not? She’s just another partisan shill like you?
Wars are messy, dumbshit. If you don’t want that kind of mess, don’t get into wars. And yes, it was your side that got us into this mess. It was also your (and her) side that gave away Afghanistan to the Taliban.
Do you see what I’m doing here? Outrage loses its punch when it’s smothered by hypocrisy. It also doesn’t help when your side never, ever accepts responsibility for their mistakes and always tries to blame them on someone else.
At some point such people simply cease to have any credibility. She got there a long time ago.
@ 23
The Taliban have a lot of American military equipment. So what? Who are they going to use it against?
I’m more concerned about the question, “Which terrorist groups will they sell the weaponry to?” And I’m not referring to the Humvees.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you bloviating useless clown, mere days before the Kabul suicide bombing you were crowing that the withdrawal hadn’t had any deaths. Once in your life, just once, you might try to think beyond your next assisted bowel movement.
until Goldy…
Goldy tells dimfuk to not have John James or Larry Elder stand in for it if it wants to trade up to pristine white Orcas… “Goldy” doesn’t care if Larry Elder wants Stephen Miller for President.
Listen to “Goldy” dimfuk or no nookie for you.
The Dems will EASILY maintain control of the House in 2022.. drumpf will meet “that certain day” before 2024.
If those things happen. dimfuk will soon after follow to its own “certain day”.
My kids will know a better world.
The only person I see prematurely spiking the ball around these parts is a dickless low IQ dumbfuck traitor.
Too bad you failed to overthrow our democracy in January. If you had succeeded in doing so, in May you would have been celebrating your raging orange man-baby leaving Afghanistan while the 5.000 Taliban prisoners he released for absolutely nothing in return took a break from killing people to blow kisses and hand poppy flowers to our troops as they left.
Our dickless low IQ stupe traitor must have the lowest IQ on the entire fucking planet.
@ 26
And yes, it was your side that got us into this mess.
How many congressional Democrats voted against the AUMF authorizing the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
One in the House.
Zero in the Senate. Joe Biden voted for the AUMF. So did Hillary Clinton. And Chuck Schumer. And dovish Bernie Sanders.
Even Dennis “Department of Peace” Kucinich voted Yea.
You’re a fucking asshole, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 29
Moobs, is that white flag you raised supposed to be your hand, or not?
DeSantis will survive The Wuhan just as Biden thinks he will survive the Afghanistan humiliation.
Wealthy GOP donors flock to DeSantis as presidential speculation swirls
Apparently some rich folks agree.
Nobody flocked to Romney in 2012. Although it’s instructive that a bunch flocked to Jeb! in 2015 and he still got his clock cleaned.
“Which terrorist groups will they sell the weaponry to?”
Where dimfuk assumes the Taliban is as greedy for munnee as dimfuk..
On what and where are the Taliban going to spend their Euros, dollars, rupees, etc. dimfuk? Bureaucrat salaries? Yachts.. Mansions in Helmand or Kabul? Vacationing on the beach in Iran? Paying for cheap asian stuff to fill the Afghan equivalent of Walmart?
The laughs keep coming.
History – useless and unpersuasive in the absence of any electoral theory to both explain the phenomenon and to serve as the framework for strategy. There are two, competing and also complementary theories. Neither of which you appear to know.
One, has to do with coattails – the reasoning being that a president elected in a huge landslide drags lots of weak members across the line only to leave them falling short two years later. You and your collective brain trust spend the six months following last November proclaiming that Biden has no coattails. And admittedly, Biden’s win though convincing and profound, was still relatively narrow. And Dems lost House seats.
The other, sometimes called “presidential penalty” is nearer to current events in that it has to do with negative partisanship. Here the idea is that voters are lazy, disengaged, dumbfucks who only turn out to vote if/when they are “angry”. But you and the rest of team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN continue to do a fantastic job of keeping moderate voters scared out of their minds. Between the routine of performative white supremacy, assassination attempts, pipe bomb armies storming Congress to KILL KILL KILL KILL, and horse paste sucking lunatic governors shoveling bodies into mass graves, you’ve got their attention. You had it in 2018, when record midterm turnout was recorded and Dems pimped gerrymandered districts by expanding their 2016 margin by NINE points. That turns the theory on its head. Both theories, actually.
Dems picked up seats in 2018 not because complacent trailer trash stayed home to shoot cans and arm fish, but because, while both parties saw increased turnout, the Dems grew their faster and by more. Remember Bobby? You denied this throughout 2017 and 2018, claiming that Democratic registrations were falling behind Rape Heros and Kiddie Diddlers. You and Roy Moore were wrong then too.
Census Results This is an error of category. You are confusing increasing apportionment to certain states, with statewide election results. But House seats are not statewide elections. So whether one party has any advantage in winning these new seats will depend on where in each state the population grew, how those district lines are drawn, bearing in mind that they must be drawn with respect to population. Fastest growing county in Texas with the most new growth went for President Biden by 13 points.
“I can wait.”
So you say. And yet wait you do not. Nor does Kevin apparently.
You have consistently and repeatedly declared your Republican Party wins in advance for years now. You declared that you would grow your House majority in 2018. You declared that you would win every special. You declared that Trump was assured of FOUR MORE YEARS. You declared that Arizona and Georgia would hold. More than anyone else posting here, you claim clairvoyant powers and certainty of future events. And more than anyone else posting here, you are wrong.
I suspect this explains why you are so concerned about the prices of gasoline and fast food burgers. You really should just get a job. You appear to be going broke trying to predict the future.
A perfect example of what I’m talking about is the case of Michelle Manhart.
On April 17, 2015, some demonstrators protesting racism desecrated a U.S. flag. Manhart didn’t like that, and took the flag away from them. She refused to hand it over to police, and was arrested.
Now, I’m a veteran, and I’m against desecrating the flag, which is a symbol of, among other things, the sacrifices made by our troops in defending our nation from its foreign and domestic enemies. I would never do that.
The problem, though, is that (a) “flag desecration is free speech whether you like it or not,” and (b) the flag in question was private property that belonged to someone else, and she essentially stole it. (Which is why she was arrested for refusing to surrender it to the police, because they would have given it back to its rightful owners, as they’re required to do by law.)
Now, a lot of people initially sympathized with Manhart, despite the illegality of her actions. Her heart was in the right place, right? She was standing up for patriotism and respect, right?
All that sympathy evaporated when it turned out that Manhart was kicked out of the Air Force for desecrating the flag and getting paid for doing so.
Specifically, she draped an American flag over her butt-naked body, with a substantial portion of the flag lying on the floor, and sold the pictures to Playboy magazine.
Poof! went the force of her argument, gone in a smoky puff of self-righteous hypocrisy.
The moral of this story is that if you want to sell outrage as a marketable commodity, you’d better not be outrageous yourself. If you’re against flag desecration on Friday, April 17, 2015, then you’d better not be desecrating the flag for profit on your days off from your military job.
See what I mean?
Now apply this to, say, Doctor Dumbfuck want to leave an American POW behind in Afghanistan. Or Erik Prince offering to fly people out of Afghanistan for $6,500. Or Trump throwing paper towels at U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico.
Biden hasn’t done everything right. But Republicans are drowning in so much hypocrisy that no one can make out what they’re saying.
Soldiers vote, amirite?
@ 35
Now apply this to, say…
… say, John Kerry and his supposed commitment to fighting climate change while jetting around in his own private plane.
Or Gavin Newsom, who locks down California while dining maskless at The French Laundry.
The moral of this story is that if…
…you’re gonna talk the talk, you’d better walk the walk as well. Or be prepared for people to rightly call Bullshit on your bullshit.
Sorry, you dickless low IQ stupe traitor, but there was no hand raised and no white flag.
That said, your failure to refute anything that I wrote about your raging orange man-baby’s releasing 5,000 Taliban to kill again for nothing in return, and the absurdity that the May 1 complete troop withdrawal he had announced would have gone swimmingly is the same as waving a white flag at me, conceding everything. Or maybe you’re raising your hand to say, “Guilty as charged. I am a dickless low IQ stupe traitor.”
Nancy Pelosi telling her handlers to make sure First Vegetable Joe Biden shuts the fuck up.
It’s fake. But is it, really?
I do. Of course.
But I’m not saying it’s guaranteed, or preordained, like Poor Bobby.
The whole point of him responding to my post at 19 was to double down and get behind Kevin McCarthy and his threats. So both are making threats. And both are predicating their threats on the assumption of future triumph and power obtained from it. Remember when Poor Bobby used to issue warnings about overreach?
It’s wired into them now. They can’t help it. They can’t keep their base engaged without pissing off or frightening moderate voters. And they can’t keep the money donors in line without threats of retribution.
I don’t know of any Democrats at any level who are coasting in preparation for next year. The House agenda established this year speaks for itself. They are working much harder, more days, and longer hours than most of them ever have. Partly that’s to get the work done. But it’s also so they can spend more time campaigning and raising funds to hold their seats next year. But I’d sure be interested in hearing about it if any major Democratic Party leaders are issuing threats to industries and business donors.
your raging orange man-baby’s releasing 5,000 Taliban to kill again
Yes, this is true:
PolitiFact wondered about Romney’s claim regarding the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners.
Romney’s claim is correct. A February 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration called for the release of 5,000 Taliban members who were in Afghan prisons. Afghanistan’s government has said that the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. A Congressional Research Service report said the release was completed in September 2020.
The man who “understands [vulture] capitalism” said so and was fact-checked to be true.
Hey dimfuk, let’s hear about those 5 gitmo has beens that “returned to the battlefield” in exchange for Coast Guard washout and head case Bergdahl..
Let’s hear it.. Don’t be a “coward” now.. heh.
@36 The colonel is full of shit, which isn’t unusual for military officers, especially those who inject themselves into politics.
Our government hasn’t abandoned the Americans still in Afghanistan. The only thing that ended was the airlift from Kabul airport.
The Taliban cooperated with that airlift. They not only held their fire, they also helped Americans get to the airport. They may well have worked with our military to prevent ISIS attacks against our people. (They don’t like ISIS.)
That cooperation was only good through Aug. 31. If our forces stayed longer, they would become enemies, subject to being shot at and taken prisoner.
“[R]oughly 5,500 U.S. citizens … were airlifted out of the country” and “[t]he Biden administration believes between 100 and 200 Americans are still in Afghanistan who have ‘some intention to leave.'” So, they got most of them out, with the help of the Taliban, while that help lasted. They also airlifted out more than 120,000 Afghans.
The best option for getting the remaining Americans out is to keep channels open, which they’re doing, and keep the airport open, which they did, and work the problem.
Where the stupid colonel and you get it wrong is you both assume that military force is the only way to get them out. That’s likely to be the least successful way, and is sure to get some or a lot of them killed. You two have your heads up your asses, and should leave this to professionals who know what they’re doing.
@36 The colonel is full of shit, which isn’t unusual for military officers who inject themselves into politics.
Our government hasn’t abandoned the Americans still in Afghanistan. The only thing that ended was the airlift from Kabul airport.
The Taliban cooperated with that airlift. They not only held their fire, they escorted American citizens to the airport. They also may have worked with our military to prevent ISIS attacks against the evacuation.
But that cooperation was only good through Aug. 31. If our troops stayed longer, they would breach the truce agreement, and become enemies subject to being shot at and taken prisoner.
“[R]oughly 5,500 U.S. citizens … were airlifted out of the country” and “[t]he Biden administration believes between 100 and 200 Americans are still in Afghanistan who have ‘some intention to leave.'” So, they got most of them out, with the help of the Taliban, while that help lasted. They also airlifted out more than 120,000 Afghans.
The best option for getting the remaining Americans out is to keep channels open, which they’re doing, and keep the airport open, which they did, and work the problem.
Where the stupid colonel and you get it wrong is by assuming that military force is the only way to get them out. That’s the worst way, it’s likely to be the least successful way, and is sure to get some or a lot of them killed. You two have your heads up your asses, and should leave this to professionals who know what they’re doing.
And afterward, when they have, one of them will still be the Leader of the Free World overseeing the spending of TEN TRILLION DOLLARS a year, with his very own fleet of fully appointed 747s to fly him wherever he wants to go, and an entire division of U.S. Marine FORECON at his disposal.
And the other one will have a VIP pass to Disney World.
@37 Since when did I assume the identities and personhoods of Kerry and Newsom?
Of course they’re hypocrites. It cost them credibility. Your side learned nothing from it.
Did I call them out? No, because I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, so that’s not my role here. I leave that up to you. You seem capable enough.
Do you call out GOP hypocrites? No, because you’re a Republican hack and troll, so that’s not your role. You leave that up to us. And we’re capable.
I think we understand each other. We’re also more alike than different.
Link for quotes in @43: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/570229-biden-no-deadline-for-americans-still-in-afghanistan-who-want-to
Link for quotes in @43: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/570229-biden-no-deadline-for-americans-still-in-afghanistan-who-want-to
I see that in TexAss they think breeding is going to save them…bunch of Taliban fools.
Save a heartbeat and kill via COVID.
Someone wheel the cripple man off a cliff
Is that what they give to the loser of the 2022 Florida Governor’s election?
Florida starts turning on DeSantis
@47 Texass just disenfranchised their citizens, authorized rapists to sue their victims, and condemned the children of responsible parents to illness and death at the hands of irresponsible parents.
I suspect that job-rich tech industries may think twice about moving there in the future. It might become more difficult to get engineers and other educated people to move their families there in order to work for them.
The biggest difference, the low IQ stupe dumbfuck is a traitor. You’re neither a low IQ stupe nor a traitor.
I can’t say I’ve ever read anything posted by you where you’ve referred to a man as being your “girlfriend” either. Nor do you call women “twats” and “cunts”.
Really, Roger, you’re not like the low IQ stupe traitor much at all.
Speaking of a loser’s consolation trip to Disney World for DeathSantis…
Another poll shows Ron DeSantis’ favorability rating underwater
The survey shows he’d lose to Charlie Crist (or Nikki Fried).
Only a very low IQ stupe dumbfuck could believe DeathSantis is ever going to be his president.
Tell you what, “y’all”.
For the near term, it’s nothing but blue sky for plaintiff’s attorneys in Texas:
What got this started was he posted a photo to his Facebook of him hugging his wife on their wedding anniversary.
She’s white.
DeathSantis as president? It’s a bet only a low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor would make.
Gamblers losing confidence in Ron DeSantis ’24
“Ron DeSantis has been a very popular feature of our early 2024 betting, but in recent days we’re beginning to notice evidence that opinion is starting to turn. COVID-19 rates in Florida are trending in the wrong direction and with DeSantis eased out to 4/1 from 2/1, punters are now looking at Donald Trump as the most likely Republican candidate.”
Trump is a 6/4 favorite.
@50 In basic M.O., he’s what I am — a party hack and propagandist. But you’re absolutely right about the qualitative differences between our side and his side. We’re patriots, they’re traitors. We’re veterans, they’re draft dodgers. We’re peace lovers, they’re warmongers. We respect human life, they take it. We protect the environment, they destroy it. We defend, they offend. We’re for democracy, they’re for fascism. We’re honest and decent, they’re crooks and liars. We’re smart, they’re stupid. We’re Democrats and they’re Republicans, and the parties are not the same. So, in that respect, you’re right; there’s no comparison between them and us. He and I operate in somewhat the same mode, that’s all I said.
HA libbies know deep in their hearts that Matt Gaetz is guilty in the same way they know deep in their hearts that Hillary Clinton is innocent.
55 for once the greedy racist incel is right about something. Hillary is innocent. Gaetz is guilty.
Innocent of what? The crime you, a low IQ stupe dumbfuck, has never identified in all the thousands of times over the last five years you’ve been making this low IQ stupe accusation?
And how does that exonerate Gaetz? Explain yourself or this will be just another low IQ comment posted by a low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor.
Moobs McScrote is pushing Quinnipiac @ 53. Let’s look at that poll, shall we? It ended August 21.
First, DeSantis is rising in the state: From -11 to 2 in 13 months.
DeSantis is 2. First Vegetable Joe Biden is -13.
Second, Don’t Worry Be Happy is far better in Florida.
Third, it’s Rubio a third time, y’all.
Moobs McScrote haz a sad, and the only cure is…
OK, there isn’t one. Not for Moobs. Not for Kamala, either.
I’d like to personally thank Steve, HA’s Moobs McScrote, for so frequently spewing about polls without actually reading them first.
@58 is low IQ horseshit.
For what? For calling you out for what you are, a low IQ stupe dumbfuck traitor?
Still can’t name the crime Hillary committed, can you?
And you can’t explain why Gaetz is exonerated by Alford’s indictment, can you?
@ 57
And how does that exonerate Gaetz?
Same way Comey exonerated #CrookedHillary, Moobs.
If the DOJ can’t find a path to credible prosecution, Gaetz is innocent. That’s the standard y’all set with #CrookedHillary.
The DOJ’s witnesses against Gaetz are Greenberg and Alford. GLWT.
Of what? Name the crime, you low IQ stupe.
It’s the sex trafficker you support who needs some luck, not me, you low IQ stupe.
Hey She/her/they/them/it YLB…..wow! Another day and another shooting in the Seatown. Poor lady just out walk at green lake and BAM! Shot and robbed….
Record braking numbers…what a great place…
And guess what? YOU voted for that!
@58 “DeSantis is rising in the state”
It almost sounds like you somehow think it’s a good thing that a child killer is rising in the polls.
@64 And where, exactly, was the “good guy with a gun” when she needed him? It appears to me she was betrayed, abandoned, and left behind by the NRA.
Also, what kind of sick fuck laughs because someone got shot?
Record braking
Record “braking” is what little maxpile does when it spots a streetwalker in the miserable burgh where it now strokes its popgun after very carefully removing it from the gun safe.
Setting a record indeed. One minute max pile. One minute. One C note and the freek is gone.
@20 No congressman ever lost an election by showering federal money on his home district.
@27 I don’t know about you, but if I were a terrorist planning an attack in the U.S., instead of bringing a Humvee across the ocean from Afghanistan I’d just hijack a garbage truck.
The dumbfuck traitor isn’t even a competent terrorist.
Here’s something little max pile won’t talk about..
Seattle man shot and killed a suspect who attempted to rob him in the Capitol Hill neighborhood on Tuesday, one of three separate shootings that unfolded in a 24-hour period across the city, authorities said.
A Seattle man.. on Capitol Hill.. we all know that little max pile is not only too frightened to carry. We know it’s scared to death of “men” on Capitol Hill.
It turned tail and ran to Scottsdale.
Go ahead and congratulate the Capitol Hill man on his aim liddle maxpile. Are you scared? Of course you are.. You wouldn’t be missing a minute of the Dorki Maroon show if you weren’t.
When the low IQ stupe returns we’ll know how long it takes for the dumbfuck traitor to be ass-fucked by a couple of horses.
I’ll bet a testicle that Stephen Alford is never called as a witness in any federal criminal prosecution of Matt Gaetz.
I’ll bet the other one that Poor Bobby can’t find any federal government source to support that claim.
Why’s Poor Bobby so desperate to muddy up this story about Alford, Kent, and McGee? Because entirely unrelated to Gaetz lifestyle of paying teens to take drugs and fuck, and whether they can prove the extortion plot happened or not, what that investigation reveals regardless is that Gaetz and his father are both very weird, delusional, and ethically ambivalent human beings. Gullible as fuck too.
And Poor Bobby goes entirely out of his way to defend them.
Bearing in mind, at this point Gaetz denies the pedophilia, while pointedly ignoring all the rest of it. So if it turns out that a leading Trump superstar proxy and rising star in the House GOP paid groups of teen girls to smoke weed, take molly, snort coke and fuck, that’s just lifestylin’, baby!
Party of personal responsibility, moral virtue, fiscal responsibility, and sober judgement.
A big part of why the reconciliation bill has remained and will continue to remain a “framework” until it goes up for a series of floor votes.
Joe Rogan is on his own personal glide path to a ventilator.
I keep saying it. And it never stops being true.
We live in the best of times.
He admires Gaetz for having actually fucked someone of his own species, something the low IQ stupe can only dream about.
1 1/2 hours have passed and the low IQ stupe is still in the barn being ass-fucked by a horse.
Ballots in the CA recall are coming in at about the same rate as the 2020 presidential election. So far 3.8 million returned. At this point last October about 4 million ballots had come in. Party breaks as of Monday were 54% (D), 24% (R), and 22% (Whatever, Brah). The SurveyUSA outlier poll from early last month had up to 1 in 5 (D)s in favor of recall. But unfortunately for Poor Bobby and the rest of team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!! that signal disappeared from subsequent polls, including SurveyUSA polls.
If the ballot return rates and percentages hold up, Poor Bobby gets to be humiliated yet again.
If the ballot return rates and percentages hold up, Poor Bobby gets to be humiliated yet again.
Larry Elder better turn up its hopes meter for hatemonger Stephen Miller to 11. That’ll improve its chances, bigly.
You know, for some odd reason I simply assume this “gun safe” features DryShield™ technology, with “all-day comfort, guaranteed”.
@79 little max pile is a devoted fetishist.. bigly.. stroking its popgun gives it great comfort..
There’s really very little difference between the Taliban and Vanilla ISIS.
‘Vanilla ISIS’ white nationalists are starting to sound ‘very similar to the Taliban’: CNN national security analyst
Over two hours have passed and the low IQ stupe traitor is still being ass-fucked by the horse. The low IQ dumbfuck must have been triggered big-time.
Bob is a conspiracy theorist. The dude never was intelligent. He failed and is wrong about everything.
He even makes shit up now. Nor does he care if anything he posts is factual or not. His source is a tweet now.
Next Bob will be retweeting from the Babboon MTG.
@81 I think I coined the phrase “The American Taliban” about 4-5 years ago.
Puffy and Bob envy the Taliban.
the Babboon MTG.
It’s hard to argue against her lack of human-ness…
She’s a freak.
So, my wife just told me she’s going to donate to the ACLU to help them overturn the TX abortion law.
I told her I don’t think the ACLU is the group most likely to litigate this. And that I didn’t want to know anything about her donation – whatever she’s gonna do, she’s gonna do.
What entity is most likely to litigate for invalidation of the TX abortion law?
@86 Long live Mary Kay! I hope my kids get to meet her one day..
What entity is most likely to litigate for invalidation of the TX abortion law?
And you didn’t care to know where her money would do the most good, huh? Use teh google dumbass… Information about advocacy for women would be wasted on your misogynist ass anyway.. head lodged firmly… up…
@ 87
I’m thinking some RBG-affiliated legal powerhouse. Not PP. PP will bankroll it, of course…
@88 I have to admit you’re getting warm.. Try harder. sheesh..
Newt @5 – it’s almost like you’re a magician…. Bob disappearing after your comment….or maybe he couldn’t respond.
You think The FuckHump admin would have notified every American (much easier than assisting them to evacuate) and warned them to leave, but did he? Did they just not listen
An update on the KCS/Canadian National saga. Apparently, the 2 railroads bet on a narrow definition of a previously untested Public Interest Standard in Merger applications at the Surface Transportation Board. They bet wrong.
@75 I just read on CNN that he’s self-treating with ivermectin.
@77, 78 Five-Thirty-Eighty shows Keep/Remove tied in early August, beginning to diverge in mid-August, and Keep 51.3% – Remove 44.9% as of today. I suspect Larry Elder’s emergence as a misogynist low-life scumbag may have something to do with that.
Roberts joined the dissent. Making ACB a potentially weak link when it ripens.
Once again, I just want to offer my sincere gratitude to idiots like Poor Bobby, Kevin McCarthy, and Xristo-fascist Texans for guaranteeing that abortion becomes a campaign issue for a few dozen “moderate” blue state House Rapepublicans next year. Bravo. Very well done.
See Bobby? This. This right here is just one of a great many ways that your midterm dreams can turn to shit. Yes. We absolutely need a turnout bomb in 2022 to hold the majority.
Texas and The Five just gave it to us.
Right now every major media corp especially FOX, Newsmax, and OAN, are flying teams to fan out across Texas to get the human side. Who will be the first to get that story? And what will that story look like? The pregnant teen raped by her father? The developmentally disabled adult raped by a caretaker?
And since we are talking about team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!! we can be confident that there will be no restraint. Which Red state will next in line to copy-pasta Texas?
Whar Afghanistan now?
@94 What’s the turnaround time to prep the C-17s for their next refugee evacuation mission? When do the airlifts from Texas begin?
95)Some are comparing it to the Handmaid’s Tale. Ironic, in the book, and it’s sequel, Texas is not part of Gillead, but an independent republic that has fought Gillead to a draw, but is not reporting to the U. S. Government in Anchorage, or taking in escapees from Gillead.
If Texas did succeed, I would secure the DOE facility long enough to get everything there to Los Alamos.
I was thinking about Texas this afternoon. All the population growth is in the cities — Dallas, Houston. Lot of companies have moved there, bringing tech workers. Criminals and mentally ill people can openly carry guns. When their wives and daughters are raped, they’ll have to either support the rapist’s child or pay a bounty to the rapist and reimburse his legal expenses incurred contesting the abortion. They might even have to pay child support to the rapist.
They’ll be living in a state run by a rural Taliban who, although vastly outnumbered by city dwellers, can’t be voted out of office because city dwellers aren’t allowed to vote.
And before I forget, when highly educated and highly skilled tech workers move to Texas with their families and buy new homes, they won’t be able to sue the builder for construction defects. Should the ceilings disintegrate from leaking pipes, or the siding rot from mold, they must submit their claims to an arbitration board run by the builders association. State law requires the homebuyer to let the builder responsible for the defects make the repairs.
Now, this may just be my imagination running wild, but I wonder if maybe tech companies moving to Texas will have trouble recruiting highly educated, highly skilled tech workers because nobody wants to live in a place like that?
When a place gets a reputation, it takes a long time to recover. Some places never recover. Mississippi and Alabama, for example. Texas is getting quite a reputation.
I don’t think of Texas as part of the United States. I don’t think they do, either.
@96 Yeah, a nuclear-armed Texas is a bad idea.
Maybe Trump was right about the border wall, and just put it on the wrong border.
@86 It’s not an abortion law, it’s a civil cause of action law, which is a state matter.
99)Especially when we are trying to keep tithe mouth of Theocrats hands elsewhere. Pakistan’s nukes, I admit, scares me. They’ve avoided a major war with India, but the Taliban could get a hold of them.
The American Taliban.
An Oregon school board just fired its superintendent for complying with the governor’s mask mandate. For following the law.
Let’s see, back pay, lost earnings, damage to professional reputation, attorney’s fees, comes to …
A website for the Texican Taliban to rat on a teen who has been raped, is pregant, and is seeking an abortion.
Texas Right to Life sets up site asking for anonymous tips on people who get or offer abortions
You’re my inspiration for coming up with that one, Gman!
God bless you.
It’s too late. The action she should have taken was to never vote for The American Taliban Party. She should have been smarter.
Mitch and Gang are closeted Taliban. They even have their own ISIS-MTG terrorist.
It’s time to retire. As soon as I close on the new home in Delaware I’m done. House being built, starting in December last I heard, and take 4-5 months to build.
There after it’s sionara. I’m done!
In which a traitor who tried to incite the overthrow of our democracy and has since desperately denied that there was a violent insurrection on 1/6 tries to humanize himself.
“Wife” is just an unforunate name for a horse.
Eliminating girl’s sports should cover it.
@109 “‘Wife’ is just an unforunate name for a horse.”
Thanks for explaining that. I wondered what he was talking about when he mentioned “wife.” Although it should have been obvious.
@109 For him “wife” is short for “When/while I’m Fucking Equines”.
Makes perfect sense.
Headlines from today’s Seattle Times:
“Covid medical bills are about to get bigger”
“Amazon looks to hire 12,500 corporate and tech employees in Seattle”
“1 in 8 Seattle owners has been in current home 30-plus years”
“Portland protester sentenced to 15 months for arson”
Before reading this story, I didn’t realize FEMA disaster aid to southern hurricane victims was WHITES ONLY.
Waste, fraud, and abuse in government spending does happen.
“Wisconsin Republicans that announced they plan to spend up to $680,000 in taxpayer money on a review of the state’s presidential election results.”
That money could have been used to replace a bridge on a county road, or buy textbooks for middle schoolers.
But nope. Republicans have other priorities for your money, if you live in Wisconsin.
Geeezus. Scary stuff. Sounds like an absolute shitshow.
High salary jobs.
Stable, high value community asset ownership.
Crim J doing its job.
And trailer parks about to go into foreclosure and get redeveloped.
Maxwipe really has a point. You can literally see how it’s all falling apart around you guys. Yup. Sure can.
All of them.
A question like this belies any presumption that Poor Bobby even pays attention to whatever he’s been reading. I mean, sure he can spot the “triggers” and then performatively copy-pasta a comment with a link. But I think there’s a good chance he doesn’t have a fucking clue what’s really going on around him. Dementia? Stoopid? Indifferent is probably more like it.
I believe the Texas law will fairly rapidly unleash a court-clogging shitshow of vexatious litigation. As I write this thousands of out of state lawyers are filing their Texas ATLAS applications and downloading the Texas Law Component study materials to obtain reciprocal bar admission. In the last few years we’ve seen a cottage industry arise of lawyers and plaintiffs essentially throwing away good money and professional legal standing in order to cash in on the fame, notoriety, and media celebrity arising from frivolous lawsuits over controversial issues or personalities.
People like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and even Rudy Giuliani had significant practices and associated businesses with reputable and wealthy clients. But they saw something better and threw all that away to grab their slice. A shithead like Avenatti might have gone on like he was for decades more if he’d just stayed in his lane. And sad to say there is no shortage of other lawyers just like him out there.
Texas offers them all a nearly risk free path to Trumpaloompa fame and glory.
Of course they are going to take it. Thousands of them will. It’s a land rush for the last scraps of klownservitude debit card clicks and “warrior commentator” engagements. All over America these asshole graduates of bottom tier diploma mills are selling their Trans Ams, breaking their office leases, putting their “Divorced Dad” condos on AirBnB and heading to Austin. The local Walgreens had better order in extra Rogaine and dick pills.
And the best part is there’s no need for competition. Under this law you can sue anybody from anywhere. 100% risk free. All you need is a plaintiff with standing. You can choose your defendant almost at random. But the smarter ones will choose defendants based on their political identity – anything “left”.
The whole thing is obviously highly flawed. And likely to be destined for failure under the weight of those flaws. But not before it doles out a ton of very flagrant and politically compelling suffering upon some very vulnerable people.
Thank you for attending my TED Talk.
@117 It’s just a matter of time before Republicans start passing laws in shithole states with third-world economies empowering their citizens to sue in local courts against strangers they’ve never met who’ve never set foot in their states for the tort of existing. At some point this has to affect the insurance premiums we all pay.
Headlines from today’s KATU-TV in Portland:
“Portland restaurant owners say they are seeing more unruly customers due to mask mandate”
“Oregon hospitality industry offers help to businesses enforcing mask mandates”
“Some refuse to follow mask mandates at Oregon state fair”
I think it’s time to start treating mask refuseniks as the domestic terrorists they are. They should get prison sentences comparable to those being doled out for arson and assaulting cops, because they’re assaulting all of us.
Apparently “Men can get pregnant.” is now beginning to become a problem for the pro-abortion types in Texas.
Since men can get pregnant, it’s not an issue that affects only women.
Pffftt!!! Doctor Dumbfuck’s wet dream goes up in smoke.
“Fewer than 4 in 10 California voters support removing Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) from office in this month’s recall election, according to a new poll of likely voters released just over a week before ballots are due to be returned.
“Just 39 percent of likely voters told pollsters at the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) they would vote to recall Newsom, while 58 percent said they would vote against the recall.”
Pffftt!!! Doctor Dumbfuck’s wet dream goes up in smoke.
“Fewer than 4 in 10 California voters support removing Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) from office in this month’s recall election, according to a new poll of likely voters released just over a week before ballots are due to be returned.
“Just 39 percent of likely voters told pollsters at the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) they would vote to recall Newsom, while 58 percent said they would vote against the recall.”
Fun reddits
State employees are coddled pieces of shit.
Labor Day weekend ferry reservations shut down in Washington ahead of expected employee sickout
I’m not going anywhere this weekend so it doesn’t affect me. It will affect commerce on the islands served by ferries.
Some people are saying that Ted Cruz got his daughter pregnant and then flew her to Cancun for an abortion. I don’t know. Smart people are saying it.
124 if its not affecting the greedy racist incel but he will still bitch about it anyway.
@124 Well, well, rogue behavior of anti-vaxxers has trapped Doctor Dumbfuck on his island, and he doesn’t like it.
Don’t look at us. We’re not responsible for this. Those are your people, not ours.
@124 Well, well. Rogue behavior of anti-vaxxers has trapped Doctor Dumbfuck on his island, and he doesn’t like it.
Don’t look at us. We’re not responsible for this. Those are your people, not ours.
The low IQ stupe traitor doesn’t know there’s a bridge from Fidalgo to Whidbey Island.
The ferry system used to go on strike now and then. When I had a beach house on Vashon, I missed a Ray Charles concert in 1976 because of one. There was another strike in 1981, but I lived off-island at the time.
It’s fucktards like the low IQ stupe traitor who have ruined island life in this state. For anyone who wants to know what it used to be like, read Island in the Sound by Hazel Heckman.
Shit. Some of those are harrowing.
What the fuck is wrong with “conservatives”?
After reading some of those, who would you rather have living in a car on your street?
I’ll take addict over pastor any day.
Isn’t that just their problem?
I think that’s just their problem.
Welcome to the new federalism.
Shuttup and go get a job.
@129 Ever read the Grapes of Wrath? It’s been a long time but I remember early in the book about one of the characters relating his itinerant career as a preacher, ‘fillin’ folks with the holy sperit’ and then after the preaching taking out a young girl to the high grass..
Has to be the oldest scam going.
@128 It does affect him, he is just to stupid and simple minded to understand how it does.
Sure, if he never leaves his barn for the entire 3 days of the holiday weekend, he won’t see the direct effect of traffic and long ferry lines or clogged roads to/from the bridge. But higher prices on everything brought to the island will eventually hit him. Not to mention if businesses fail due to lack of customers/supplies/inventory, he will have to drive his big fucking truck further to get stuff.
So simple minded, he must think climate change is caused by everyone else and doesn’t have any tangible effect on him either.
So sad that his “wife” will pay the price for lack of ferry service.
My wife grew up in one of those families on one of those beaches on one of those islands. Feral summers spent swimming “to the spit” in 55 degree water, poking around on low tides, digging clams, picking salmon berries under the watchful eyes of aunts and grandmothers, while the dads and grandfathers pulled pots and smoked cigarettes. Beach campfires most nights. Potluck dinners.
A bunch of her family are still there, generations all in a row. We go back when we can. The feel is still maybe close, but not quite right. And I can’t bring myself to tell her, it’s really just another fucking suburb now.
The state bridges and state ferries. Welfare scam for developers, imho.
Aside from its enormous impact on fund raising, organizing, and turnout next year, the Texas Abortion Bounty law may have some more immediate impacts on The Court itself.
Roberts breaking with the conservative majority is certainly not without precedent. But the way in which this break unfolded has the potential to create a more enduring shift in Roberts himself. Whatever antipathy Roberts may have for Roe, it seems his antipathy toward this Texas Shitshow of a statute surpasses it. And despite the obvious and glaring flaws not only in the law itself, but the intent of the statute to defy the courts, none of his fellow “conservatives” were willing to consider the compromises he tried to broker.
He doesn’t come across as thin-skinned and fragile the way Thomas and Kavanaugh obviously do. And I don’t see him as having a chip on his shoulder. But he carves out a very clear path as far as how he thinks The Court’s deliberations should be conducted and how the reputation and legitimacy of The Court should be protected. This is a pretty crude challenge to that.
Yo She/her/they/them/it YLB
Aaaaaaaannnnddddd yet ANOTHER dead body turns up at Green Lake……wtf!
YOU voted for that!
Is roberts upset that texas Taliban law happened before the midterms threatening the conservative take over of the house?
@ 125
Some people are saying that Ted Cruz got his daughter pregnant and then flew her to Cancun for an abortion.
It would explain the quick down-and-back trip. Hmmm.
Didn’t John Edwards have a private plane? Why didn’t he do that when he had the chance?
AOC’s solution to the Texas abortion law is to
1. Nuke the filibuster.
2. Expand the Supreme Court.
She didn’t suggest which the genie should grant first, nor what she wants with her third wish.
My guess is eliminate the minimum age requirement of a US president.
Grab the nearest “conservative” pastor.
Would that be in Bonney Lake then?
I’m reminded that none of us would be talking about Roberts’ jurisprudence WRT the Texas abortion law had Steve not supported #CrookedHillary in 2016 despite all of those red flags.
Thank you, Steve. I’m sorry you missed the Ray Charles concert, but Ray himself would assure you that there wasn’t much to see.
Texas Abortion Bounty certainly moves the ball much closer toward the filibuster reform goal line. And that’s before the fun has really even gotten started.
Wait until a few months from now when NBC Dateline is airing a 2 hour special profiling DOG – The Abortion Bounty Hunter, and his lawsuit against 13-year-old Maria left in a permanently vegetative state following gang rape by Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
Should be very uplifting, etc.
“What is
AleppoAfghanistan?”Well, surely. California has Fro-Yo.
First Vegetable Joe Biden is underwater, bigly, in the Marist poll, 43-51.
I wonder if it has anything to do with Afghanistan.
if “conservatives” had any capacity to recognize the reality going on around them.
Here: have an abortion.
Sure, the cruelty and stupidity aren’t entirely pointless. This is what fuels “conservatism” these days. But this has never been how good, enduring law is made.
@ 141
Texas Abortion Bounty certainly moves the ball much closer toward the filibuster reform goal line.
Yes, because Joe Manchin is nothing if not pro-choice.
SCOTUS is forcing the issue to move through the lower courts. At regular speed, now that the emergency has ended. I chose not to put that word in quotes.
By the time it’s back to SCOTUS and decided, Democrats will no longer hold a Senate majority and the lat thing Democrats will want to see is an end to the filibuster in the Senate.
Both of us know you’re full of shit, QoS McHillbilly. Sorry, but it’s not just you who knows.
As I understand it, the takeaway from the recall issue in CA is that it’s now looking like it won’t matter if DiFi croaks real soon.
@ 144
But this has never been how good, enduring law is made.
Well, that offers a nice symmetry, doesn’t it? ’cause Roe v. Wade has never been a good, enduring decision.
Bullshit. Roe v. Wade has been a great decision.
If you and your ilk of religious zealots would actually let women control their own bodies, there wouldn’t be an issue.
You are the American Taliban for sure.
I was almost surprised you went there. Almost. Of course, what we have here is a dead blind black man and a low IQ snide racist.
It’s like winding up a zero IQ talking racist snide doll, then pushing its button to start it talking.
Wait until a few months from now when NBC Dateline is airing a 2 hour special profiling DOG – The Abortion Bounty Hunter, and his lawsuit against 13-year-old Maria left in a permanently vegetative state following gang rape by Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
Heh. Dateline NBC aka white male jerks exploiting and murdering their women.. And a very few white women handing it out in the other direction..
A show that triggers “I don’t have cable because it distract me from youporn” dimfuk. Bigly..
Aaaaaaaannnnddddd yet ANOTHER dead body turns up at Green Lake……wtf!
heh. A 20 year old kid who had a kayaking accident..
Keep your little popgun in the gun safe little max pile..
You don’t want to be another statistic. All that turnin’ tail and runnin’ would go to waste.
Of course, they’re quite situational about the “control your own bodies” thing. But seeing as how it’s them doing the Covid dying now, what the hell, I say let them control their own fucking bodies and let’s get the culling of the treasonous GQP herd the fuck over with. America will be so much better off for it.
I like living in places( because we have more than one) where people are shocked and grossed out if they happen to see a pile of human feces on the sidewalk.
However in seattle, it’s so normal and commonplace that nobody even takes a second look. Hell, you let drug lab/rape den RVs just dump their black water tanks into the street and again, nobody thinks twice about it. That’s where you live.
the lat thing Democrats will want to see is an end to the filibuster in the Senate.
Up until (and beyond?) Moscow Mitch making a little “carve out” for whatever it wants.
Its legacy before its imminent certain day.
@ 151
All that turnin’ tail and runnin’ would go to waste.
The oh-so-brave YLB counts on hiding behind Goldy to reduce the number of times she needs to turn tail and run and go hide.
I like living in places
where #gunfail is as common as a fender bender.
hiding behind Goldy
Not my cup of tea, dimfuk..
She’s your ilk.
Go fellate “the one” why don’t ya? The blow up doll you keep.
@140 This sounds more than a little akin to blaming the Jews for Hitler. (No Jews, no Hitler.) Who appointed those people to SCOTUS? Steve sure didn’t. You did more to bring that about than he did.
In fifty years you’ve watched as women became the majority of voters, as women turned out in higher percentages than men, and as women – all women – shifted decisively away from Republicans.
You got old, lost your hair, quit working, and ran off to hide.
And they gradually moved in and took over.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Porta Potties 4 Pastors NOW!
@142 Show me the “hundreds” of Americans “stranded” in Afghanistan.
“During a press briefing Thursday, press secretary Jen Psaki said that the number of Americans still in Afghanistan … is ‘closer to 100.'”
“President Biden acknowledged … there are Americans who have been left behind, but claimed that his administration has been warning those individuals ‘as far back as March.'”
“‘After we started the evacuation 17 days ago, we did initial outreach and analysis and identified around 5,000 Americans who had decided earlier to stay in Afghanistan but now wanted to leave,’ Biden explained, saying the mission was able to evacuate 5,500 Americans out of Afghanistan.”
“‘We believe that about 100 to 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan with some intention to leave,’ Biden said. ‘Most of those who remain are dual citizens, long-time residents, but earlier decided to stay because of their family roots in Afghanistan.'”
Full of shit, as always.
@148 The part of Roe v. Wade he hates most is the implied right of privacy. He hates that almost as much as he hates the expressed right to due process.
You got old, lost your hair, quit working, and ran off to hide.
But oh that SS check is coming.. So many years after Mary Kay.
Can’t wait to compare and contrast the two dates. One silly troll dance vs. the next.. too much fun.
Tell us, dimfuk. She got AT LEAST full SS benefits, amirite? The longer ya wait.. the fatter the check.. oh yeah, total benefits received assuming better than average longevity but who’s counting?
And we all know the ladies tend to live longer.
@153 Generally speaking, the same people have no problem with wading through fields of cow dung or running their fingers through piles of horse manure, so shit preferences seem to be mainly a cultural thing.
Poor Bobby hasn’t yet figured out that, thanks to this cowardly declination, California can now get around Heller.
For example.
@163 Actually, he’s probably going to be an actuarial net contributor to the trust fund.
@164 those people love them some tarps.
But isn’t that pretty reasonable and not have to be told that if your shit is getting wet and you don’t want it to be wet then you cover it?
I just watched this and not much of it was funny…..but the two mechanics getting close…..hmm.
Thanks to The FuckHump we have ISIS and the Taliban……well, we’ve always had the Taliban, the American Taliban. And fuck, we have ISIS-MTG too.
You voted for that. And you are that!
” … Donald Trump on Thursday gave Republican former football star Herschel Walker his ‘Complete and Total Endorsement’ in Georgia’s US Senate race, praising him as ‘a friend, a Patriot and an outstanding American who is going to be a GREAT United States Senator.'”
“A Texas woman told police in 2002 that Georgia US Senate candidate Herschel Walker had threatened and stalked her, according to a police report …. The woman, a friend of Walker’s ex-wife, told police that the football star had been following her, and had previously made ‘threats to her’ and had ‘her house watched.’ … Over the years, two other women — Walker’s ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend — have also accused him of making threats, telling authorities Walker claimed he would shoot them in the head.”
It’s almost like Republicans want to lose.
“US Capitol riot defendant and so-called ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley, who went viral for wearing a horned bearskin outfit during the attack, is set to plead guilty on Friday, according to court records. …
“The path charted by Mr. Chansley since January 6 has been a process, one which has involved pain, depression, solitary confinement, introspection, recognition of mental health vulnerabilities, and a coming to grips with the need for more self-work,’ [his attorney] said in a statement.”
“The path charted ….” Hmm. I imagine that’s a well-worn path by now.
A white unmarked Ford van with its exterior lights blacked out sped down a darkened Lake Street in Minneapolis, late at night in the vicinity of demonstrations, five days after the murder of George Floyd. As the van reached the intersection of 17th and Lake Street it veered toward a small group of people gathered just outside of a late night gas station convenience store. As the van drew near, without warning the side door slid open, the windows rolled down, and a hail of bullets descended on the gas station owner, his family, and a group of neighbors gathered there to dissuade looters. As those gathered dove for cover and rolled away one among them, an Army veteran named Jaleel Stallings who was legally armed with a small semi automatic pistol, returned fire. He deliberately aimed low, and toward the front of the van hoping to disable the vehicle.
Suddenly the van stopped and out of it poured a half dozen MPD swat team officers. Seeing that they were police, Stallings quickly dropped his weapon and lay face down on the pavement with his arms fully extended to either side and his palms facing up. He was beaten severely for over ten minutes with both eye sockets ruptured, broken teeth, a concussion, severe lacerations with profuse bleeding to his scalp, dozens of contusions to his torso, and two cracked ribs.
The Hennepin County Prosecutor charged Stallings with two counts of attempted second-degree intentional, non-premeditated murder, two counts of first-degree assault, deadly force against police officers, two counts of second-degree assault, use of a dangerous weapon, one count of second-degree rioting and one count of intentional discharge of a firearm.
Republicans and FOX News called him a “would-be cop killer”.
Stallings was acquitted on all charges in July.
Because of course the police lied about all of it.
They lied when they said their van was “marked”. They lied when they denied their own efforts to conceal their identity as police officers. They lied when they said they did not open fire unprovoked. They lied when they said they identified themselves before the shooting started. They lied when they said Stallings resisted arrest. They lied about how long or how severely they beat Stallings.
And the two hours of body cam video MPD tried first to destroy and then later to withhold proved that they were lying about all of it. The BWC proved that the attack on the gas station by MPD was planned. The BWC proved that MPD opened fire unprovoked and unannounced. And the BWC proved that Stallings never resisted arrest.
They are all still police. They were commanded to do it by senior unit commanders. They were told to target “the blacks”. They are all still SWAT. Nobody has been disciplined. There has been no investigation of their conduct by the MPD.
At trial Stallings said he opened fire to defend himself. He said he had heard reports, including one from Mayor Frye, of white supremacists from outside the city who had come into Minneapolis to hunt for African Americans. He said he believed that the police who were shooting at him from a darkened unmarked van were those white supremacists.
Turns out he was right.
What a fucking disaster.
It’s a good thing that Jill Biden can blame that aid organization. The slackers.
Today on Twitter, MSNBC legal analyst Ellie Mystal suggested that under Poor Bobby’s new Texas Bounty law all of us in “The Free Zone” are now empowered to file frivolous suit against every single registered Republican voter in the state of Texas without fear of legal consequence.
He’s not entirely wrong.
Biden’s at Walter Reed, trying to make up for his cowardly exit from Afghanistan.
Somebody is absolutely trying to “move on”.
But too little too late, I’m afraid.
Boycotts are spooling up, and “statements” are being prepared.
And a whole lot of Southwest flights are gonna have empty seats.
“What is
AleppoAfghanistan?”If there’s anyone who knows what dumb twat Bradley Manning is trying to prove, it’s YLB. Takes one to know one.
All Communications Between Myself and Chelsea Manning Since 2016: to Debunk Her Innuendo
Collins getting roasted at home in Maine for believing Kavanaugh when he told her during his confirmation that he considered Roe to be “settled law”.
Turns out he lied about that as well.
A July Hill-HarrisX poll found that 56 percent of registered Republican voters said they’d consider casting their ballots for Trump in the next GOP primary,
This is how
youPoor Bobby gets four more years of Trump.dumb twat Bradley Manning
Oh come on now dimfuk, I noticed you called “Bruce”, Caitlyn the other day..
You can’t stop talking about Mayor Pete, Caitlyn and Chelsea..
They’re in your head.. For a very long time..
Like drumpf said once upon a time, “we fell in love…” Awwwww, dimfuk’s smitten.
Add Greenwald to that list. Dimfuk is consumed by kreepee, bizarre fantasies. Who knew? Oh we all did.
Cops aim for the eyes to blind protesters.
As Elijah likes to say, cops don’t do what you think they do.
@175 If you don’t have anything better than Lara Logan, you’re losing the argument.
Meanwhile, DeathSantis is losing the mask wars.
“Investigators said on Thursday it was likely police fired the shots that killed an eight-year-old girl outside a high school football game near Philadelphia last week.
” … [I]nvestigators had determined shots were fired on the street outside the football stadium, with at least one fired in the direction of three Sharon Hill police officers who were monitoring the crowd as it left the football game … the officers returned fire, probably striking four members of the crowd.”
As Elijah often says, cops don’t do what you think they do.
Doctor Dumbfuck likes these cops, and claims I’m a cop-hater because I like good cops. He also likes the people who like the people who attacked the good cops defending the Capitol on Jan. 6.
COVID number 1 cop killer.
The American Taliban don’t care if you’re a cop and die, so long as a criminal didn’t kill them.
Bob is inciting violence. Tweeting non factual bullshit from traitors and Insurrectionist. The American Taliban.
People have responsibilities and are to be accountable to one another. Isn’t that really why Repukes get so uptight when it comes to them having to “Support” other people? But now they don’t want any responsibility or be held accountable for their duty in getting vaccinated. It’s like enlisting in the army and fighting for your country after all. It’s a patriotic act to get vaccinated.
But no! Freedom! So it’ too is a lazy persons freedom to not want to work….and fuck it the Repuke needs to pay for it!!!
Cops are such good shots they can hit a guy in the eye @ 182 and are such bad shots they kill innocent people @ 185.
This is the mindset of people who believe that it’s Trump’s fault that he got to nominate three SCOTUS justices and Hillary got to nominate none.
Gee, I sure miss Steve posting Biden approval polls.
That’s wrong. Nobody here says that.
It’s your fault.