What the actual fuck is going on in the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office? Like how do you combine all of that bullshit into one office? Like, weird COVID-19 garbage should be enough to keep him away from office, and it’s not even the height of his garbage. It’s really incredible. Just lawlessness. Terrible person, and terrible office.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Holy fuck Bob, I haven’t been paying attention but the DJIA almost getting close to 40,000 almost as if The FuckHump were still in office.
Biden is a fucking miracle worker. The real art of the deal kind of guy. Not s blow hard mother fucking Nazi fascist’
No, more like you fucked up and voted for a fucking Nazi con man, which makes you one too.
Fixed that for you!
Bob has no life. No productive value in life. Takes up space, water and air.
Breeding will not save him.
The great speculator loses again. Bob have you ever been right in life.
How anyone could trust you with reading a X-ray is beyond imagination
Bob…..did you learn anything? Or are your forever always going to be wrong.
How embarASSing.
Please do NOT breed, help save the world.
God Bless Elijah. Too funny.
I say exchange some of the FuckHumpsters for the Afghanis. They would be better faithful Americans.
And The FuckHumpsters would be perfectly fine living with their Brother Taliban
God bless Gman, a true American patriot.
Remember the days when the low IQ stupe traitor would dismiss all registered voter polls, especially those with low RV sampling?
Anyone care to guess what kind of poll the low IQ stupe traitor was trying to taunt us with yesterday?
Can anybody guess which poll is an outlier today?
If our low IQ dumbfuck traitor gets any more desperate, we’ll have to start a suicide watch. But only because we don’t want to deny the hangman any work.
This should cheer up our low IQ stupe.
Shocking video shows Louisiana cop beating Black man with flashlight while he yells ‘I’m not resisting!’
Of course, our dumbfuck traitor might have a sad because the bkack man wasn’t murdered.
This poll will definitely not cheer up our increasingly suicidal low IQ stupe traitor. My goodness, it’s a likely voter poll. too.
This has to really suck for our low IQ stupe.
DeathSantis will never be the low IQ stupe traitor’s president.
Time for a suicide watch? We don’t want to cheat the hangman.
Our low IQ stupe traitor’s fevered hopes that Americans will die in Afghanistan so he could post low IQ snide about their deaths on a local blog are diminishing.
About 1,500 American citizens still in Afghanistan, Secretary of State says
If no Americans die that’ll cinch it. Suicide watch!
Steve @7!would be like a prisoner swap.
It would be nice if the Hangman had a skirt and Pom Poms to dress him up in before hand
The peak is still more than a month away.
Remember in spring 2020, when Poor Bobby, worried about his insurrection leader’s incompetent performance was downplaying the death rate? Of the original virus?
Remember when we talked about “doubling rates”?
Now it’s Delta time. And the death rate is twice as high with the peak of this phase still more than a month away and the ICUs all closed.
There’s nothing in Klickitat County. No reason to go there. Just drive around it. Here’s a primer on totalitarian sheriffs:
I’ll bet Culp wishes he could be a sheriff.
I kid, if anything should happen to Bob, sincerely I would express sadness, that’s how much I really do care about people, even my enemies.
I don’t care if he couldn’t say the same thing for me. Fuck, he can’t even figure out my AGI, but he’s jealous of it I’m sure.
Sure we all have emotions but some for some of us the heart prevails.
Love, Peace and understanding.
@4 “How anyone could trust you with reading a X-ray is beyond imagination”
I know exactly how he ended up in a windowless basement office staring at x-rays: They didn’t want him to be a gynecologist.
@12, 15 Not to worry, Carl, there may be a new sheriff in town soon.
“Washington has no critical care beds available in hospitals across the state.”
“The state is currently caring for 1,460 Covid patients in its hospitals, an all-time high for the state.”
“In just the past month, 1,100 new Covid patients were hospitalized, and they are doubling every 18 or 19 days, state officials said.”
“An overwhelming majority, 95%, of Covid hospitalizations in the state from Feb. 1 to Aug. 3 were people that were not fully vaccinated.”
Should Sheriff Songer need hospitalization, triage procedures are in effect; and should he need an ICU bed, he’s SOL.
“There is no deadline on our work to help any remaining American citizens who decide they want to leave to do so, along with the many Afghans who have stood by us over these many years and want to leave and have been unable to do so. That effort will continue every day past August 31.”
“There are ‘very active efforts underway on the part of regional countries to see whether they can play a role in keeping the airport open once our military mission leaves or if necessary reopening it if it closes for some period of time,’ Blinken said Wednesday.”
The only thing that will end on Aug. 31 is the U.S. military occupation of Kabul airport. The only thing ever left behind was Bob’s brains when God handed them out.
@17 Bob isn’t an enemy. He’s an essential prop. Without him, we wouldn’t have a punching bag to exercise with.
It’s actually the low wage radiologist in India you would need to trust. The low IQ stupe traitor merely adds ineffective weasel words. That’s the key to understanding his hatred of attorneys. He always loses his malpractive lawsuits and his kneejerk, low IQ reaction is to blame them, never himself..
Just wait until that doubling period has dropped to three days.
This is honestly part of why the media have gone apeshit over KAAAABUUUUUUUULL!!!!!! It’s certainly got plenty to do with COVID fatigue. But it’s also got a lot to do with the horror ahead. There’s just no good way to report on it. No narrative frame that explains it or provides an audience with context.
These tens of thousands of people are going to die, and hundreds of thousands more are going to suffer permanent organ damage including sterility, impotence, and brain damage for the sake of “Owning the Libs”.
The charts are bad, but Island County (Whidbey and Camano islands) looks to be the worse.
“An Arkansas jail has been found to be prescribing an animal parasite medicine to inmates to treat COVID-19.
“A member of the Washington County Quorum Court, the local legislative body, said during a meeting on Tuesday that she learned about a doctor, Robert Karas, who had been giving the drug ivermectin to inmates at Karas Correctional.
“The member, Eva Madison, also said she learned of a county employee being prescribed the drug by the doctor after testing negative for COVID-19. Karas allegedly told her to pick up the medicine, which cost $76, at his pharmacy. …
“‘His primary care physician said, ‘You need to throw that in the trash.’ He’s out $76 because of Dr. Karas prescribing dewormer to a county employee for treatment of a condition that he didn’t have,’ Madison added.”
Perhaps Doctor Dumbfuck will enlighten us as to what should happen to this guy’s medical license?
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued an executive order on Wednesday banning any governmental entity in the state from requiring a COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of its approval status.
“The move comes just days after the Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech.”
Which proves GOP opposition to vaccine mandates is based on politics, not vaccine safety or efficacy.
Remember the militia plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer? The squirt who cooperated with the FBI and will testify against his buddies at their upcoming trial gets 6 years in federal prison. Imagine what his pals will get if they’re convicted.
Including this guy on the stage with Michigan’s own crazy rogue sheriff. Of course, he’s presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. After that, he’ll be toast.
I understand 82,000 have been evacuated from Afghanistan since Aug 14.
There’s maybe 1500 Americans left?
Enough to make an ha troll cry..
Here’s a doctor the dumbfuck’s tribe can relate to:
“A Florida hospital said it removed a local doctor who posted on social media that he would provide mask opt-out letters at a price of $50 each for parents who did not want their children to be required to comply with school mask mandates.”
The House January 6 investigation is looking into Trump’s mental health.
SIVs are Special Immigrant Visas. They’re issued to translators and other at-risk Afghans who worked with American forces. A mandatory part of the part of the SIV application process is an in-person interview.
The Trump administration conducted no SIV in-person interviews between March and December 2020.
Rapey boob went nutso over the bridge tragedy movie…
Anyone remember? Came and went.. Bye…
It will go nutso again..
Entertain us widbee nutjob…
Judge Parker’s orders in Michigan Kraken published tonight.
– All opposition fees and expenses for State of Michigan and the City of Detroit.
– They are each referred to face bar disciplinary suspension in every jurisdiction in which they are licensed.
– They are ordered to attend remedial night school. (No. Really. This is in the order.)
The order is filled with droll remonstrations for the despicable behavior of all of the assholes involved. But special attention is given to Lin Wood and Sidney Powell who are now well and truly done with the practice of law. The order is 110 pages long. So there’s plenty to delight all the senses. But the scathing treatment of those two is especially tight, relying entirely on their own words, particularly in sworn filings before hers and other courts, to hang them out to dry.
Since his last dose of Ivermectin he’s been “indisposed”.
@33 I doubt this will help his cause.
Lin Wood lashes out at ‘communist’ judge who opened the door to his disbarment
DeathSantis will never be the low IQ stupe traitor’s president.
Ron DeSantis boasts Florida has ‘great success’ at fighting COVID — as hospitalizations reach record levels
I’ve asked the Island County Sheriff’s office to do a wellness check on the low IQ stupe traitor.
Suicide watch!
Some attornies are destined to be judged by a higher court.
Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19: report
Proof, please.
‘My mother was a female’: Larry Elder explodes at news anchor after she asks about his ‘anti-women’ remarks
@38 Ordinarily you wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but what can you do for people who insist on tempting fate? If prayer can’t save them, neither can Doctor Dumbfuck, so I guess they’re screwed.
@39 “Women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events,”‘ Elder wrote at the time. The candidate became agitated as he told Tellez that his remarks had been taken out of context.
I think he probably should shut up, because I strongly suspect the more he tries to explain this, the worse it will get for him.
Hey she/her/they/them/it YLB….
What the hell with King County getting ready to sue the City of Seattle because apparently the city thinks it’s ok that judges, court employees, and jurors are less important than the scumbag homeless addicts surrounding the county courthouse?
Just remember…:…
YOU voted for that!!!
Average salary for construction scheduler: $75k per year
DeathSantis will never be the low IQ stupe traitor’s president.
Bodies Stacked to the Ceiling in Florida Funeral Homes as COVID Rages
“The family comes in and they say we would like to have the funeral on Friday and we have to tell them ‘I’m sorry we can’t accommodate a funeral on Friday because our schedule is full.”
@35 Let’s see, do I have the right rule here?
I have the right licensing authority.
And there’s no question about their jurisdiction over his conduct involving the Michigan federal court.
@42 Is that you, little Maxie? No, we didn’t. You’re delusional, nobody voted for that. Just because you like and vote for bad cops doesn’t mean we like and vote for bad homeless people. We don’t have your mentality.
@39. Larry Elder made my point. Less woman in jail than men. Gay men are like woman (other peoples point of view). Hence gay people less violent and less Neanderthal than men.
Breeding will not save civilization. Breeding will only kill everyone.
Jim Wright
MAGA: Biden must end COVID NOW!
Biden: Well, you won’t help and you fight the recommendations of the experts at every turn. Not only won’t you do even the simplest things like get vaccinated or wear a mask, you are deliberately and maliciously making the pandemic worse. So what do you want me to do? Wave a magic wand?
MAGA: Yes!
Biden: Fine
( He waves magic wand. Diseases cured. War ends. Prosperity for all. A chicken in every pot. God Bless America begins to play )
Covid. It started as a virus but mutated into an IQ test.
Larry Elder: “Women know less than men about political issues, economics, and current events,” Elder wrote at the time.
“My mother was a female,” he added. “I had her on my radio show every Friday for almost 10 years and it was the most popular of my shows. And by the way, my mother was a Democrat.”
He could say. “I was wrong then, and my opinions have changed.”
Instead, he says he hires women.
Therefore either he thinks that women, like his mom, know less than men, or given his mother, he was lying that women know less than men.
I doubt his base cares, but the rest of California should
Truly unfucking believable what’s going on in Florida.
But so long as Bob can point out that Coumo killed tens of thousands then it’s all good. Not learning from mistakes – American Exceptionalism!!!!
Breeding will not save the stupid.
It’s very helpful for whichever terrorist group has acted that the chaos Biden caused crammed so many people into the areas just outside the Kabul airport gates. Really helps boost the number of casualties.
All part of this glowing Biden success story. “You’ll be the first one I call.”
Above the fold or below the fold, QoS McHillbilly? This is Day Eight beyond the point that you said Americans would stop caring.
The only American who doesn’t care is First Vegetable Joe Biden.
I think that if the banner is running at the top of the web page, QoS McHillbilly, it’s above the fold.
Blast outside Kabul airport was at one of the entry gates and appears to be a suicide attack, US officials say. Watch CNN
Don’t you?
New modification necessary, given today’s events. “Hey, those soldiers caught in the explosion chose to enlist. That’s their business.”
Trump’s admin was less dismissive of illegal aliens than Biden’s administration is of American citizens.
Come to the airport.
Stay away from the airport.
Come to the airport, but YOYO while in transit.And hurry he fuck up, we about to close up shop.
Stay away from the airport.
It looks fairly certain now that Ron Johnson is just going to let his cratering image and poll numbers decide for him.
This is how a soon-to-be retiree spends his recess.
Anybody else concerned about the low IQ stupe traitor’s state of mind this morning?
More than 100,000 hospitalized by the blast!
Won’t somebody think of the children?
Maybe somebody who is supposed to be “pro-life”?
Shouldn’t Texas have been better prepared?
They had ample warning.
I fear that my calling the Island County Sheriff’s office and Adult Protective Services might have been a mistake. I probably should have called Homeland Security and the FBI and warned them about a pastey-white, out-of-shape, low IQ stupe with man-boobs wearing a bulky vest try to board the Clinton ferry this morning.
If the low IQ stupe traitor ends up above-the-fold this afternoon, I’m blaming Elijah for putting that idea in the low IQ stupe’s head.
@ 62
Having run out of excuses for First Vegetable Joe Biden’s inexcusable conduct in offices, oh-so-brave Moobs McScrote decides it’s time to call the authorities on the one person on HA who is pointing out Biden’s inexcusable conduct.
Steve is weakness, personified.
“South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) fired back at conservative podcaster and writer Matt Walsh on Wednesday over comments he made about her appearance that she described as ‘horrible misogyny.’ … ‘As far as I can tell that’s the only reason why she was ever looked at as some sort of 2024 potential front-runner,’ he added. ‘The hype and everything that she’s gotten from conservative media is entirely based on the fact that she’s an extremely attractive woman, which she is.’”
When you swim with sharks …
Up until now the US has been sending empty cargo planes to pick up evacuees from Kabul.
We’ll be sending planes larded with pallets of Benjamins from this point forward. It’s time to stop referring to stranded Americans and start referring to American hostages.
Above or below the fold, QoS McHillbilly?
@49 That’s funny. Very funny. Because it’s soooo fucking truuuue.
@50 Hires them to do what? Empty the wastebaskets?
@52 et seq.: It was a long wait, but Bob finally got his terrorist attack …
Can’t say I blame them.
The thing is, when Kinzinger and Cheney are out, there go your anti-Trump Republicans in the House, and the Democrats have gotten a LOT of mileage out of them. What then? Especially when Dems find themselves back in the minority, what then?
@61 Who’s paying for that 150-mile airlift? The hospital? Texas? Us?
@63 Now do every Republican you can think of. Trump, Abbott, DeathSantis, Johnson, Noem, etc.
The Revised Theory of Relativity says it doesn’t matter anymore how bad any Democrat is, because every Republican is worse.
And it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.
Curious: If NATO leaves the airport gates, where do they go instead?
The above from Politico. Fox News reporting “hundreds” of ISIS in the area.
May I remind everyone that the Suffolk/USA Today poll had 70+% of respondents answering that they expect Afghanistan to become a haven for terrorists intent on harming the US.
Didn’t take long, did it?
Plenty more Americans dying, needlessly, in this Country than in Afghanistan.
Bob and Repukes want you to try to forget that.
The FuckHumpster unleashed the Taliban to bolster the American Taliban.
I’ll just store this here for the next time y’all HA libbies frame redistricting as something that only the GOP does:
Bob obviously has never been in a war zone. He expects it to look like the line at a Starbucks.
@75 “redistricting is pretty much the ballgame”
Agree. There’s absolutely no excuse for any Republican to hold a House seat from Washington. Kennewick should be in the same district as Capitol Hill. I’m not, however, saying Columbia County wheat farmers should be represented in Congress by Kshama Sawant. There are other current Seattle City Council members to choose from.
Never one to miss a chance to make a buck from war and misery, mercenary/arms merchant Erik Prince is offering to fly people out of Kabul from $6,500 per seat; if you need bodyguards to get to the airport, he charges extra for that.
Four Marines dead. So far.
From WaPo’s Beirut bureau chief:
For HA libbies, the tragedy is how badly this hurts them in 2022 and 2024.
You voted for this incompetence. This idiocy. Biden has spent 47 years showing you exactly what it would be like. Obama warned you, explicitly. Own it, motherfuckers.
Now 10 Marines KIA, dozens wounded.
Asked for comment, First Vegetable Joe Biden exclaimed, “That was four, five hours ago!”
@80 We said the same thing about Bush43’s incompetence that killed literally thousands of Americans. He was re-elected.
People die in wars, dumbfuck. Over 116,000 in WW1, over 405,000 in WW2, over 36,000 in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam, almsot 4,500 in Iraq and over 2,200 in Afghanistan (so far).
Think about that before your next military adventure.
@80 We said the same thing about Bush43’s incompetence that killed literally thousands of Americans. He was re-elected.
People die in wars, dumbfuck. Over 116,000 in WW1, over 405,000 in WW2, over 36,000 in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam, almsot 4,500 in Iraq and over 2,200 in Afghanistan (so far).
Think about that before your next military adventure.
Never is Republican concern-trolling so hypocritical as when decrying American soldier deaths in combat zones during wars that Republicans started and couldn’t finish.
Tragic? Absolutely. What’s even more tragic is that anybody still votes for Republicans. The Marines who sadly just died would still be alive if George W. Bush had done his job. You probably voted for him, too.
I remember a time when this country rallied around flag, country, and “USA” when American troops died in service to our nation.
What we see today is Republican assholes attacking the commander-in-chief instead of rallying behind our military.
Is the GOP now a branch office of ISIS?
Doctor Dumbfuck salivated for this moment. His anticipation was palpable. He was on pins and needles. His hour has arrived.
How bad is it?
The questions are easily predictable, and the answers are even more embarrassing to the Biden adminisration.
Yeah, so best run and hide. YLB would be proud.
And Poor Bobby is in the wife’s closet, ball gag and butt plug securely inserted, one hand violently choking himself, and the other furiously fapping away, while Democrats like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer rail away with gusto on all his past glories and bygone youth.
@ 83
What we see today is Republican assholes attacking the commander-in-chief instead of rallying behind our military.
Y’all were laser-focused on concussions sustained by troops when Iran lashed out after Trump took out Soleimani.
I don’t remember much rallying goin’ on by your ilk back then, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It certainly does appear that Republicans like Poor Bobby are gleefully celebrating a terrorist bomb attack on U.S. Marines stationed overseas.
What would be a good word for that?
A dozen dead. One dead Marine for each scoop of ice cream First Vegetable Joe Biden has enjoyed so far this week.
Oh, and a third explosion.
Joe Scarborough yesterday, doing his best QoS McHillbilly imitation:
@88 I don’t think that word quite does the job.
And if Republicans aren’t dancing and laughing on the broken bodies of U.S. Marines they are proposing acts of genocide:
@ 88
The Democrat word for the past two weeks is SUCCESSFUL.
Wrong on both counts.
Having been in a war, I know what war is, so I’m not surprised. This evacuation was always going to be dangerous. U.S. intelligence has warned for days about an ISIS attack. Boob blasted our personnel managing the evacuations for telling Americans to shelter in place.
Meanwhile, Lindsey Graham wants our military to “retake” Bagram air base. Not from ISIS, but from the Taliban. That would restart the U.S.-Taliban war.
Apparently 2,200+ American dead from fighting the Taliban isn’t enough for him. His solution to casualties is more war.
Republicans truly are deplorable.
The polling period ended yesterday. As in before today’s blood bath.
A tale of two tweets:
Wasn’t Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit trying to tell us something earlier this week when he compared the Kabul evacuation to the Beirut explosion when Reagan was president?
I wonder if it is something that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit now wishes he could take back.
Graham argues Bagram is “more secure.” It’s 25 miles from Kabul, connected to Kabul by 2 roads. If we shift the evacuations there, evacuees have to navigate 25 miles of ambushes and roadside bombs to get to the planes. And not only ISIS, but also the entire Taliban fighting force, will be trying to stop them from getting through the gates.
This is why you don’t put JAG Corps reserve colonels in operational command slots.
The reflexive nihilism on the part of Republicans is understandable when you recall that their best hopes for flipping House seats next year are in states where more people are dying of COVID each day then can spell Afghanistan…
…or “Ivermectin”.
One airport bombing might not do the trick.
But there’s a pretty good chance that a second one will convince the average WE BUILD THE WALL kickstart donor that the “Muslim refugee” flights must be stopped immediately.
@96 What is there to take back?
Conducting military operations in a war zone involves taking casualties.
Apparently you’re just now learning this for the first time. I saw it firsthand when you were still in diapers.
Predicted it many days ago.. One american death, a stray bullet, a bomb..
And its gleeful BEEENNNGHAAAAZIIII!!1!! from kreepee trolls all over again…
Troll tears turn to joy in an instant.
the Beirut explosion when Bonzo was president?
Heh.. That was when “cut and run” was A OK…
Well, looks like I’m correct: Afghanistan was going to turn into a disaster no matter what. Today’s events confirm that. Biden might pay a political price, but it is well past time to leave this mess.
Let’s just get out of these quagmires and stay out. There is absolutely noting to be gained from getting involved in Afghanistan. Hopefully, we’ve finally realized this.
Yeah, so best run and hide.
So it says shiverin’ in it’s widbee safespace… where’s teh kreepin’ is too “good”…
Let’s review. The Taliban are letting us evacuate Americans through Kabul airport. That permission ends on Sunday.
Republicans want Biden to stay past Aug. 31. They want him to expand the airport perimeter, which would require more troops. What they want to do would result in more U.S. casualties. Way more.
They’re not in a position to bleat about “blood on Biden’s hands.” It’s Republicans who want to feed more American lives into the maw of this war.
I’m not saying we should or shouldn’t extend the evacuations. All I’m saying is let’s be honest about who’s gung-ho for spending more American blood in that black hole.
And Bob? He’s just an amateur rooftop sniper, with no particular objective in mind. He likes popping off for its own sake.
What the hell with King County getting ready to sue the City of Seattle..
Little maxpile is glued to the dorki maroon show even today from its scottsdale safespace..
Miserable in the heat.. poor liddle maxpile…
@103 Today’s events confirm that blood gets spilled on battlefields. Now tell us something we don’t already know.
First own 600,00 dead Americans and then you can get back to us on that.
How many more Afghan Airport Bombers would you like rescued to be resettled on your street?
Asking for a
friendDumbfuck.At this point, having gone full-retard, Republicans would officially like the U.S. to remain in Afghanistan until such time as a Democrat is no longer president.
And given the rapidly mounting COVID death count in red states and the empty Ivermectin shelves at the local feed supply, that probably works out to equal the heat death of the universe.
U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate
So, clearly there’s an explanation for this, right? A reporter misunderstood and it’s not the way it seems. Should be easy enough to clear up. Let’s just go ask.
In a First Family that includes Hunter Biden, the only thing that surprises me is that the handover of that list didn’t enrich anyone with the last name Biden. That we know of, anyway.
Hey she/her/they/them/it
little maxpile, you’re a simple dumbshit…
“it” suits you just fine..
So, clearly there’s an explanation for this, right?
Let’s substitute “military” with “LE” for the moment – something that shiverin’ in widbee dimfuk is for.. supports.., ya know, blue lives matter, support the troops, yadda, yadda..
dimfuk appears confused over where to point the finger.
Someone from “military” leaked to politico.. point the finger at the ivy league educated state department types if it make you feel better dimfuk, forget about the “joint” part.
forget about the leak and about the agenda of leaker – you’re good at that. yawwwnn..
Oh shit..
In a First Family that includes Hunter Biden,
Perfect place to point the finger.. when all else fails..
Back in the day, it was Billy Carter.. All things old are new again.
@108 Actually, they own our Afghanistan policy, too.
Politico is being bought by Germany’s version of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire.
That’ll do it.
Tonight on Ingraham Angle: “How hard would it be to sneak a bomb onto a Loadmaster?
Poor Bobby still hasn’t figured out that Defense does not want to leave – and are still looking for ways to force the civilian leadership to reverse the decision.
Such a rube.
So are millions of other Americans.
This will get worse.
@118 I see McMaster has joined the parade of Republicans who want to restart the war in Afghanistan and fight there for another 20 years. Doctor Dumbfuck is already on board.
Defense does not want to leave – and are still looking for ways to force the civilian leadership to reverse the decision.
I don’t see how that’s feasible. Jalalabad is freaking empty.. Richard Engle was filmed riding a bicycle down a runway a few weeks back. Almost nothing around him.
Maybe a few holdouts leaking to the press causing morons like dimfuk to have diarrhrea online, yes.
Today’s events are so serious that Kamala Harris decided not to play grab-ass with Gavin Newsom in public.
The Suffolk/USA Today poll released earlier this week had Cackling Kamala 19 points underwater, with only 35% favoring her and 54% finding her worse than nails on a chalkboard.
This is the current DNC standardbearer in 2024, libbies. 35% only seven months in.
@ 122
USA Today/Suffolk had Harris at +6 in mid-January.
That means the incompetent, unlikable Kamala, who was selected for her gender and skin color, has fallen by 25 points in seven months, using that poll’s methodology.
Hell, not even Hillary was that unliked.
Sounds good. They should begin running on it immediately.
I guess some Dumbfuck needs to tell Charles Koch.
Two more weeks of Biden performing this way and the best way out of this mess for the DNC will be to allege that Biden was fraudulently elected.
@ 124
I couldn’t find Charles Koch.
I did find Charles Cooke, who had this brief retort:
2022 and 2024 are going to be bloodbaths for the DNC.
@125 Here’s doc going full Josh Hawley … because he’s a dumbfuck.
dimfuk is dancing with glee over Biden having a bad day..
It should dance even happier over Larry Elder.
Datig provided POLITICO with a copy of the lengthy statement she said she gave to police, which alleges a series of humiliating incidents and abusive behavior. The former producer provided details of new incidents in her statement, including what she described as pressure from the talk show host to have an “open relationship” and “unwanted sexual activity,” which she said she rejected.
Elder would get high fives and elbow/fist bumps from even the most racist repukes. Waytogo Larry, you’re all right! You nailed the repuke vote.
Read it in Politico…
@126 “2022 and 2024 are going to be bloodbaths for the DNC”
Seems to me before that can happen the GOP needs to (a) organize their armed mobs into a functioning political party, and (b) scare up some candidates who aren’t currently under indictment for molesting children under age six.
The real reason righties wanted the identity of Lt. Mike Byrd, the Capitol Police officer who shot
Horst WesselAshli Babbitt, is because a black police officer using force against amaster racewhite perp just isn’t tenable in a proper apartheid political system.Go ahead, ask your House members to try impeaching them, I dare you.
Why we have rules (applies to mask rules, too).
@132. The parallels are lost to trumpers who want to own the libs even if it kills people and their kids and no amount of shaming or exposing their hypocrisy will change that.
R.I.P. #MeToo era.
Time’s UP got caught proving that Believe All Women is a lie when the accused is a Democrat.
Although Hillary Clinton already proved that, didn’t she?
See what I did there?
@ 128
Biden’s not having a bad day, girlfriend.
At minimum, he’s having a bad month. That’s two losses at the Supreme Court just this week.
Oh, yeah. A dozen of our guys are acutely dead because of his incompetence and disregard, too. I almost forgot because this is the 8th day that QoS McHillbilly said I should be forgetting about all the shit he caused in Afghanistan.
Oh, yeah. A dozen of our guys are acutely dead because of his incompetence and disregard, too.
38 died 10 years ago dimfuk.. Worse loss of elite US forces ever. Are you calling our military incompetent? The Black Guy didn’t plan the operation.
Guess what? Black guy still got re-elected.
Let’s see. This says 500 more want to leave.
You’re a klown dimfuk.. Americans don’t care about Afghanistan. Once we’re out, out of sight, out of mind.. It went on too long with nothing to show for it.
Came and went like your bridge tragedy movie. I’m laughing at you.. You really believe black light and inject bleach drumpf would have done this better.
Give my regards to your new black friend Larry Elder. Have him stand in for you when you want to trade up your horsey place on widbee. Pristine white Orcas awaits you.
Remember when the low IQ stupe traitor dismissed all RV polls, especially low sample-rate RV polls like Suffolk/USA?
Now they’re the low IQ stupe traitor’s fucking life jacket.
The low IQ stupe has been self-reduced to taunting us with his low IQ stupidity.
102)I remember vaguely hearing some remarks about Beirut from an Arizona Senator about why we were even in Beirut in 1983.
600,000 Americans are acutely dead because of the low IQ stupe traitor’s raging orange man-baby’s incompetence and disregard for the lives of American citizens.
How does the low IQ stupe traitor feel about the 600.000 dead Americans he left in his wake? What was it he said?
Yeah, you just gave us more proof that you’ve become a low IQ stupe of a traitor.
Unless you’re a low IQ stupe traitor like our dumbfuck who wanted to see our democracy end on 1/6, this man is an American hero.
Capitol cop who shot Ashli Babbitt defends his decision — and says he saved lives
DeathSantis will never be the low IQ stupe traitor’s president.
Florida COVID update: 901 added deaths, largest single-day increase in pandemic history
In all, Florida has recorded at least 3,151,909 confirmed COVID cases statewide and 43,632 deaths.
DeathSantis now admits to 223 per day. That’s a rolling seven day average, with a 613% increase over those seven days.
Remember last year when we talked about the doubling period?
Unchecked Delta with no social distancing in a “conservative” population of ant-VAX rubes will be much, much worse. He’ll be logging 1,000 per day before you know it.
And he’ll stand on that growing pile of rotting corpses and ask questions about KAAABUUUULLL!!!!!
@ 138
All of us are aware of your interest in poll methodology, Steve.
We are especially enamored with the one you shared, without criticism, last Fall. You know the one. It was the one that had Lindsey Graham losing, as long as an extra 6-7% of black voters was larded on to the polling sample in order to achieve equity or whatevs.
Kamala Harris is a walking disaster, Steve. Yesterday they yanked press access to her speech before troops in Hawaii. Cackling in front of the troops mere hours after your boss’ moronic decision-making caused the deaths of a dozen of their colleagues is not a good look.
Breyer disses concurring opinions. On page 5.
The minority is becoming an increasingly lonely place to be. If Breyer chose to blame Hillary for his predicament, I certainly would concur.
They are correct.
Most voters say Biden deserves blame for the attack at Kabul Airport
Now, Moobs McScrote would take issue with this poll because it is one asked of RVs. What Moobs won’t admit, and likely what he does not know, is that if it were a LV poll that number would be roughly 60%, not 56%.
Biden owns this disaster. It’s nearly unbelievable incompetence. The only thing that makes it believable is that Biden has such a long history of incompetence and stupidity.
Kamala Harris wants to be Commander in Chief. She just doesn’t want anyone to be allowed to see her doing it.
Reporters blocked from Kamala Harris remarks to troops at Pearl Harbor without explanation
As I recall, she pretty much quit her primary campaign without explanation, too. For those of us watching, of course, none was necessary.
I’ll bet none of these vets will vote Democrat from now on, so feel free to call them racist terrorists, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
US special operations vets carry out daring mission to save Afghan allies
Embarrassed by their Commander in Chief, a bunch of gun-lovin’ guys and some NGO types with balls took it upon themselves to do what Biden’s generals were forced to prevent the military from doing. These are the guys Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit hates more than anyone else, except for the small group of these guys who return from their military service and become LEO.
This from a guy who loved him some Michael Vick during the 2009-2013 seasons.
Joe Biden’s government didn’t do this.
When he is lucid, Joe Biden is a coward.
@147 Terrorists killed 13 Americans in Kabul on Biden’s watch. Terrorists killed over 3,000 Americans in New York City and Washington D.C. on Bush’s watch. The latter was far more negligent. Your faux outrage fails to impress.
You’re nothing more than a very small-time partisan hack, doc.
@149 It seems to have been a joint operation.
“As of Thursday morning, the group said it had brought as many as 500 Afghan special operators, assets and enablers and their families into the airport in Kabul overnight, handing them each over to the protective custody of the U.S. military. …
“After succeeding with helping dozens of Afghan commandos and interpreters get into the protective ring of the airport created by the 6,000 American troops President Joe Biden dispatched to the airfield after Kabul fell to the Taliban, the group initiated an ambitious ground operation this week aided by U.S. troops inside.”
Meanwhile Erik Prince, conservatives’ favorite mercenary, is offering to get people out of Kabul for $6,500 per person. If you can’t or won’t pay, you get left behind.
@151 “When he is lucid, Joe Biden is a coward.”
Babbling incoherence and draft-dodging cowardice has never stopped you from voting for somebody.
@151 “When he is lucid, Joe Biden is a coward.”
Babbling incoherence and draft-dodging cowardice has never stopped you from voting for somebody.