Well, if my email and Twitter feed are correct, the deadline for Give Big is midnight tonight. If you have a local charity that you like, your donation will go further today. I gave to a local food bank, but there are a lot of good causes.
And also, wash your hands and get vaccinated if you are eligible.
Facebook is going to continue the ban of Trump (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-ban-conservatives-facebook-break-up-big-tech). Good for them. The comments left on the Fox News site are hilarious. The sky is falling for conservatives because FB decided to not let the Nazi gasbag flamethrower Trump continue to spread his seditious lies.
Wait a minute, what ever happened to “build a better mousetrap and people will buy it?” If you are not happy with something, why not build a better app or start your own to compete. Isn’t that one of the foundations of free enterprise and capitalism? Republican, hypocrite much?
Fat Donny is trying to launch his new platform, but even he knows it is a money losing proposition in the end because there isn’t enough brain-dead, mouth-breathing conservatives to sustain his lavish lifestyle since most come from welfare states.
This is for you Dr. Dumbfuck, you might learn something about the rise and fall of GE: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/whatever-happened-to-six-sigma?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Immelt was an idiot.
Too bad you didn’t short the stock.
@2 I think the horse did him in. Probably got a hold of the shotgun with a hoof.
Maybe. So much winning by the R’s these days is probably too much for him.
My guess is he has had the crap kicked out of him on this blog in the last few weeks and he is probably doing a self-imposed radio silence to be able to come back and say that the number of comments are way down and this blog can’t survive without him.
Liz Cheney, of all people showing more courage in her little pinkie than Trump ever managed to muster in his entire presidency.
I once worked for a boss who was a Six Sigma belt of some type or color.
The projects that were developed and imposed upon us were simultaneously laughable and demoralizing.
From a management standpoint, it left me to conclude that all the bottom line benefits of a Six Sigma approach, especially in a larger organization, occur early on and are entirely the result of reorienting management and forcing them to perform actual, productive management work instead of the usual “networking”, “consensus building” and self-promotion. But it’s ultimately only a matter of time before the normal impulses of malign bureaucracy reassert themselves.
I think it took some courage for Trump to admit to that long history of violent sexual assaults.
And if you think about it, as an act of courage, it had a transformative effect on “conservatism” and the GOP.
I suppose he had good reasons to believe that Republican voters, party leaders, and elected officials were as feckless as they ultimately proved to be. But he must have had some doubts that they’d be this willing to destroy themselves simply in order to “own the Libs”. He saw them clearly before anyone else.
Yeah, I’ve done Six Sigma three or four times, TQM, Lean, and a few permutations of them. While there is some validity to the process, especially in manufacturing, applying it to software development is rather comical.
Your observation of management is certainly spot-on. Another huge stumbling block is the mantra, “but that is the way it has always been done.” The problem usually is the current manager(s) probably designed the system and implemented the process and deep down inside don’t want to acknowledge change is needed.
Another issue is forcing process change for the sake of process change and making process change a measurable metric. Nobody did Six Sigma on Six Sigma until it was too late. Managers were graded on if their direct reports were “certified” and that is why the projects morphed to pure BS and demoralized those forced to take something they knew they would never use.
“Fiumara recalled a county health investigator recently asking a resident who had been infected with Covid-19 whether they had been vaccinated. ‘And the response was they had not received the vaccination because doing so would have made them a Democrat,’ he said. ‘I’m really hoping that was said mostly in jest. But the main investigator really didn’t think that it was.'”
Take that, lefty commie-libs!!!
Every time a Republican refuses to take the Covid vaccine, I cry liberal tears.
See, even Trey Gowdy (R-Kewpie Doll) agrees with me: https://www.foxnews.com/media/facebook-trump-ban-conservatives-big-tech-censorship-gowdy
I’m surprised that particular Trump stooge had the guts to say it. I wonder if he will now get the Liz Cheney treatment by other conservatives.
I feel dirty posting two sources from the Nazi infotainment feed. I can’t believe Fox has stooped to posting counter-Trump narratives.
The airline should sue them for their cost of turning around and landing the plane, too.
Look, it’s time to stop screwing around with violent anti-maskers and insurrectionists. They’re criminals. If they did that in Saudi Arabia, they’d be beheaded in the public square. The Saudis, as I understand, don’t have this problem.
Carl, I’ve been donating to food banks since the pandemic began. I’m under the impression Doctor Dumbfuck regularly feeds a horse, but that seems more like compensation for services rendered. And since he likes employers paying minimum wage, the horse probably gets minimum oats.
@2 “Achieving Six Sigma means an organization tolerates just 3.4 defects per million steps, insisting that 99.99966% of its products or services are without flaws.”
What does 1 toddler death per 125,000 treadmills work out to?
I’m sure glad I bought my Precor-equipped gym before Peleton bought Precor. When a company with a reputation for high-quality products gets acquired, the reputation usually lasts longer than the quality does, which is why the M&A boys pay big bucks for reputation. Then they try to get their money back, and more, by cheapening the products and selling trash at premium prices until consumers wise up and abandon the brand name. I’ve seen it happen again and again.
@5 I differ with Cheney’s political positions, but she’s a far better man than her father was, and the kind of Republican I wish Democrats could compete against, instead of the tiki-torch mob that has taken over the Government Overthrow Party.
@6 If all your other strategies fail, you can burn the building down. That’s the approach Republicans take now.
@6, 8 – I’m sure glad I don’t have to work, or put up with workplace chickenshit, anymore. Nobody should work. Everyone should be a capitalist, become a millionaire, and live off other people’s work. Anyone can do it. Start investing when you’re young, reinvest the returns, and leverage your winnings with compounding. Then, like me, you won’t have to commute, have boss, and you’ll have seen your last TPS report or equivalent.
The workplace motto I’m most familiar with: “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”
@10 “Every time a Republican refuses to take the Covid vaccine, I cry liberal crocodile tears.” ftfy
@10 “Every time a Republican refuses to take the Covid vaccine, I cry liberal crocodile tears.” ftfy
America loves President Joe Biden!
Politico/Morning Consult 57% Approve 38% Disapprove
God bless America and our beloved president!
@ 20 God bless you too Steve!
and Roger toom, for his Service to America.
Where’s kreepee dimfook today? Have the repukes (see Arizona and teh “bamboo ballots”)..
Gotten too krazee for dimfook????
Nah… impossible.. Teh repuke pahtee is the kook asylum that is teh kulmination of teh widbee kreepah’s ENTIRE LIFE!
I’m actually concerned about Bob. I hope he’s ok. He usually doesn’t go two days without a comment.
Seriously, I hope he’s ok. And if ok, good for him for taking a break from the Troll life.
It will come from some sooner than others. But one way or another there is some difficult personal reflection and reassessment ahead for all “conservatives”. Most of the standard MAGA copes have ceased functioning for Bob by now.
@21 Thankew. I fought America’s enemies in Vietnam, and now I troll them on Whidbee island.
As I’ve said many times before, never, ever leave a child (or farm animal) with a Republican.
What happens a Kansas Republican state representative is a substitute teacher for the day?
Well, in a nutshell, he terrorizes the kids, threatens to put the wrath of God in them, questions them about masturbation, kicks a student in the balls and invites others in the class to do the same, and sends the kids screaming and running in fear crying for help.
@6 Republicans are bad people. We all love freedom. But with freedom comes responsibility, and they want freedom without responsibility. They see freedom as a license to behave badly. It’s not so much freedom they love as behaving licentiously. Freedom is just a means to get away with it.
“The South Carolina House voted Wednesday to add a firing squad to the state’s execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs ….”
This is right up Doc’s alley. He wants to attach a rider and lets the police decide guilt or innocence, based on whether they look suspicious, followed by immediate execution. Bonus points for black men, and double bonus points if they’re unarmed or under age 16.
In Doc’s world, life is so cheap it’s better to eliminate 60 or 70 years of it than ask a cop to risk a cut finger.
“Allies of Rudy Giuliani continue to call on former President Donald Trump and Republicans to … subsidize the mounting legal bills facing the former New York City mayor.
“Trump was recently informed directly by Giuliani associates of the increasing debts incurred by his onetime personal lawyer …. Giuliani’s attorney, Robert Costello, also raised the issue in recent days with lawyers for Trump. Asked if the former President’s legal team was responsive, Costello replied, ‘No comment.'”
Good. Fucking. Luck. getting Trump to pay the legal bills of his most loyal henchman, incurred on his behalf. Fool.
No doubt the conversation, at some point if it hasn’t already, will go like this: “I’ll sing like a canary if you don’t.” With Trump, everything is transactional; you need something to trade. What Rudy has is information, now for sale to the highest bidder.
Blue Lives Matter!
Legendary erstwhile Californian, publisher of Wonkette, and overlord of Commie Girl Industries, Inc. Rebecca Shoenkopf has won her lawsuit in Palm Beach County, FLA defeating universally shitty lawyer and all-around anthropomorphic toilet brush Larry Klayman.
Let the choir sing praise.
This turd of a performative SLAPP suit wound it’s way slowly toward a hearing this past March before Palm Beach Circuit Judge Gregory M. Keyser. Judge Keyser published his decision yesterday telling Larry Klayman to fuck off with that bullshit. Which is a good thing. Because people like Larry Klayman are garbage.
Anyone who strikes a blow against that shit bag Klayman is certainly worth supporting with a few bucks. So go to Wonkette right now, enjoy the reads, and click on the PayPal link to help pay the lawyers for the good guys. Skip the latte tomorrow morning and give to Wonkette instead. It’s the better value.
Fuck Larry Klayman.
Fuck the police.
It’s a story of cops behaving pretty much exactly the way cops behave. And in so doing, putting an innocent adolescent behind bars where he would be routinely beaten and raped for more than two years.
And we paid them to do it to him.
33 thats awful
Caitlyn Jenner is Running for Governor Because Her Private Jet-Flying Friends Are Sick of the Homelesss
Rigged elections!
Monday OT 4/12 with me: 117 comments
Monday OT 4/19 with me: 149 comments
Monday OT 4/26 with me: 104 comments
Monday OT 5/3 without me: 45 comments
You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.
@37 there you are. 😀.
The recovery time of being kicked in the nuts by a horse is 2-3 days, who knew!
What do you think Bob? 35,000? 35,000 good enough to take out the skirt and Pom Poms? Couple months ago would have been a good time to short the GE stock, no?
Welcome back buddy!
@37 while you were away, I got myself further into debt 💸.🥶. I bought a home in Delaware. Or I’m in contract for one.
Don’t plan on moving out of NYC, I plan on having two residences, but I am in the process of selling my studio apartment and then I’ll go back to renting here for a couple years or till I no longer can afford to do so.
By the way – it’s only been 3 days since the OT opened (technically probably less), compared to greater spans of the other OT’s. Once again, one of your apples to penis comparison.
Happy to report that the infection rate in NYC is still decreasing. Now down to .74!
Woooo hoooo!
What did I tell you…. Sure enough he is alive and claiming we need him. Man, what a huge ego.
@42 must be that the horse isn’t too impressed with him and gives him no love back.
Of course the horse gives no love back.
Nice to see Dr. Dumbfuck channel his inner Col Jessup. However he is really closer to Col Kurtz in his own mind, but we all see him as Col Klink.
Also fairly slow news cycle comparatively. No Trump close associates lighting themselves aflame or getting hog tied and hauled in for “involuntary commitment”. No leading Republicans spitting Klan oaths or mocking the disabled. No FOX personalities lapsing into incoherent rage-panic (although Carlson is close). Senate is in recess. House is in recess. etc.
Like many older “conservatives” Tara assumes the universe revolves around her. Thinks Rachel Madow can hear him when he yells at the television. Thinks the waitress at Cracker Barrel means it when she compliments his “Harley Davidson Edition” Carhart jacket. Feels a special thrill whenever Orange Daddy gazes in her direction.
As a child he was left in the car while the rest of the family visited Disneyland. They told him it was a dental appointment and he could just wait in the car and play with his Hot Wheels. He believed that too.
I’ve said several times here that I haven’t seen Nazis as stupid as the POS traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of GOP since the days of Hogan’s Heroes.
What I want is for traitors like you to swing from a fucking rope.
I don’t come here often but wasn’t there a troll on this thread even worse than “Dr” Bob, posting like several times daily?
The awful truth about having voted for a serial rapist no less than four times eventually become too much for the Pudiot.
Though it may pain him terribly to stand by idly and fail to come to the defense of the GOP, even he must admit that the party no longer represents his cherished ideals. After all, the party is now delighted to be tossing staunch “protectors of human life” aside in order to better serve Trump. If tomorrow Stephen Miller and Brad Parscale built a 2024 campaign DEATH STAR fueled by the corpses of pretty blond babies then Every Republican You Know would happily take up a shovel and begin stoking – including Teh Dumbfuck.
@36. It’s never wrong it it keeps Republicans in power. That is their mindset.
black birthing people = mothers
I guess using the same rationale,
cock-sucking cock-bearing people = gays
I’m glad she didn’t become a statistic. It’s allowed her to become an idiot instead.
@34 No, that’s routine, and will remain routine until the laws are changed so wrongly convicted children can sue the shit out of cops who deprive them of their constitutional rights.
P.S., having looked over the 9th Circuit’s opinion in the case, it does look to me like this 13-year-old gang member did participate in a different homicide the day before the one he was wrongly convicted of.
However, it’s a basic principle of law in this country that you’re only supposed to be convicted of the crimes you actually committed, no matter how badly the cops want to get you off the streets.
Doctor Dumbfuck, however, would change that — if he could — to allowing cops to shoot people on sight based on suspicion of criminal activity. Not reasonable suspicion, but bare suspicion; and in his tribe, black skin is automatically suspicious.
@35 We can only hope that some of them are camping on the sidewalk outside his/her/its house.
@43 Well, if you call a horseshoe in the nuts “love” …
… maybe it’s tough love.