Good morning to a future car-free Lake Washington Boulevard. It would be nice to have a few months of no cars in as many streets as possible. What street near you should go car-free?
I won’t link to the video. But if you’ve seen it you’ll recognize a moment where this dude-bro gets angry that he’s being recorded. Then tries to attack the person recording him before realizing that’ll get him arrested (and sued). Then there follows a moment where you see him recognize that he can’t avoid being recorded doing what he’s doing. So he shrugs, says “so what”, looks slightly ill, and continues doing it.
That’s his moment of reckoning, right there. His declaration of uncertainty that the bro-code is no longer in effect. That it’s now too late. He has no skill or experience in publicly admitting mistakes and failures. So he won’t face the camera, apologize for his mistake, and depart. Instead he shrugs, says “so what”, and leans into the bro-code that has always been there for him.
Until now.
It’s just normal, common, everyday consequences. Consequences now being faced by a few more people.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
I dunno. Red was not that dude’s color.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
Rioters murdered Brian Sicknick with a fire extinguisher!
Washington (CNN)The Justice Department on Tuesday abandoned the idea that pro-Trump rioters had used bear spray against US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick during the January 6 riot, a major change after implying for weeks that bear spray, not pepper spray, had been deployed.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
The Brown family attorney took pains to point out that the deceased’s hands were on the steering wheel when he was shot. Well, OK.
It seems, at least at the moment, that what Brown’s feet were doing at the time he was shot is more relevant than what his hands were doing.
The most plausible explanation for why video has not been released is that the video will show that it wasn’t a justifiable shooting.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Rudes got served this morning at his upper east side apt. by SDNY evidence team.
Multiple file boxes overflowing with strap-ons, dick pills, ball gags, and hair colorant were seen being hand-trucked out. Child porn charges are expected by the end of business today.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Prosecutor: Andrew Brown Jr.’s car struck deputies From Hiding Place in Darkened Fortified Bunker Taylor Fired Multiple Rounds From Vulcan Chain Gun before fatal shooting
Fake headlines are like fake “FB friends from CO”
Stay on the wrong side, Tara. It’s where the lighting really flatters your comb-over.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
@ 6
Talk to the judge. He refused to release the video.
Supper’s waitin’ at home, an’ I gotta get to it.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Need to point out here that even seeking a search warrant on a lawyer is a big deal in DOJ. “Big deal” as in an immense hassle, requiring multiple high levels of pre-approval, lots of corroborating substantial evidence to support it, and a ton of resources. Judges (being lawyers of course) are skeptical as fuck too. They recognize the sweeping power that feds have. And they resist granting them approval for intrusive fishing trips into the confidential files of attorneys, even when they are not attorneys for former presidents.
And if it’s approved the execution is a huge hassle as well. The team executing the search has to be kept sterile from the investigation itself. And in most cases a Special Master has to be involved to go through everything collected and filter it of any confidential work product or material not specifically responsive to the search specified in the warrant before anything is finally turned over to the investigation team.
So among other things, what this tells us is that SDNY has some serious shit on Rudes and they will either deal him, or send him down, depending on what their search uncovers. I’m betting on tons of Ukrainian child porn. But that will not be specified in the warrant. So only the Special Master will have to suffer that cringe.
“He was a lawyer of mine. One of many.”
Oh whither Mr. Safety School Esq. now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The New York Post’s walk-back was the second time in two days that a right-wing media outlet had to effectively retract a viral claim about the Biden administration.”
@2 Speaking of which, you don’t look all that great on a horse’s ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Rioters murdered Brian Sicknick with a fire extinguisher! Uh, false.”
And what was the source of that false report? The cops.
“Within hours of Sicknick’s death, the Capitol Police released a statement that Sicknick died ‘due to injuries sustained while on-duty’, when he was ‘physically engaging with protesters’ at the Capitol. Some media outlets, quoting sources in law enforcement, issued incorrect initial reports that Sicknick had died after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during the unrest.”
You’ll agree with me, G-clown. Dude woulda rocked a clingy lavender number contoured to emphasize his raging mooseknuckle. Red was hideous.
I hope he shaved his back for the evening.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Supper at 10 in the morning? Are you in Bangkok?
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
What happened?
Did they source the reporting from their “FB friends from CO”?
Really just another good, solid demonstration of how the Murican “conservative” mediasphere conjures up smears. It always starts with some random, photoshopped, fake Facebook or Twitter meme. Then some tabloid editor struggling to fill the daily ocean of white space puts it on a list and they’re off. Within 24 hrs it’s on Ingraham Angle. 24 hrs after that Carlson is interviewing an “expert”. And before 72 hrs have lapsed Josh Hawley is testifying on CSPAN in demand of an investigative committee.
It’s all but impossible to find parallels on the left. Real media are far from perfect. But they do not have a well established track record of elevating Shitlords/Edgelords into major news producers. This is like the eighth or ninth time this year that FOX, OAN have latched onto a fake news story that began as little more than a Pepe meme. Breitbart and Federalist do it that many times every day.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
@ 15
Wherein Dumbfuck trots out the “fleeing felon” defense …
And this time, the fleeing felon was shot in the back of the head …
After your embarrassment last time, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you perhaps want to be sure the dude wasn’t flooring it in reverse with a cop in his path at the time. ’cause if so he ain’t fleein’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Responsible gun owner, good guy with gun, guns keep us safe, etc. etc.
In which Yahoo Finance trolls Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Here’s when GE might increase its dividend from a penny
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
A tech-bro CEO heading into dinner at a luxury hotel encountered children in the patio area preparing to go in for their HS prom. One of the kids was wearing a red gown and posing for photos. He approached the kid and began to viciously mock and jeer because the kid’s appearance did not conform to his gender expectations. Naturally the people photographing immediately began to record.
Now he’s been detached from his former employer, is removed from the board, lost his options, lost his benefits, lost his car lease, lost his AMEX, and leaves without severance. Consequences.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
at 18 you’ll see Tara celebrating her freedom from consequences.
Which freedom also includes freedom from employment, board positions, grants of stock options, benefits, car lease, company AMEX, and dependable income (assuming we don’t count horse shit as income). FREEEEDUMB!!!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Juror says Chauvin guilty verdict “could have been done in 20 minutes” if one juror hadn’t needed the jury instructions explained.
@8 He doesn’t have a preemptive pardon, either, which makes things more interesting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 It’s a Murdoch rag, so what do you expect? Same people who see nothing wrong with employing and giving a mic to the guy telling Fox viewers to call the cops on kids wearing masks.
Really, anyone who does that should be prosecuted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “… flooring it in reverse with a cop in his path …”
We now know what you’re pinning your hopes on …
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
one juror hadn’t needed the jury instructions explained.
“A reasonable doubt is a doubt based upon reason and common sense. It does not mean a fanciful or capricious doubt, nor does it mean beyond all possibility of doubt.
In nine out of ten cases like these, it’s that one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Yawn. Not paying attention, escaped my notice. I’m busy counting dividend increases for stocks I own.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
SDNY is now telling NYT that they had sought the search warrant going all the way back to last summer, and Barr blocked them from making application.
Now assuming Rudes is not quite a colossally stupid as he often appears, he should have known this was coming months ago and had ample opportunity to cast the evidence into a volcano.
So I’m not really expecting much.
But Murican “conservative” #owngoals continue to surprise and delight me every single day.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
@ 30
I’m guessing definition of Murder Two was what was explained.
Seemed guilt was clear, and that the only question was the extent.
You’ve seen at least 10 other cases in which nationwide riots were explicitly threatened if the accused walks, have you, QoS McHillbilly?
’cause I only recall one. It was a federal case, that one.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
The Post’s shame is no greater than that of Adam Schiff.
That would be the same Adam Schiff who claimed on national TV to have seen proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
NYT, today:
The effort by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s office to obscure the pandemic death toll in New York nursing homes was far greater than previously known, with aides repeatedly overruling state health officials over a span of at least five months, according to interviews and newly unearthed documents. Mr. Cuomo’s most senior aides engaged in a sustained effort to prevent the state’s own health officials, including the commissioner, Howard Zucker, from releasing the true death toll to the public or sharing it with state lawmakers, these interviews and documents showed. A scientific paper, which incorporated the data, was never published. An audit of the numbers by a top Cuomo aide was finished months before it became publicly known. Two letters, drafted by the Health Department and meant for state legislators, were never sent.
During this time the Cuomo brothers played daily grab-ass with each other on CNN. The Love Guv then was awarded an Emmy.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’ve seen at least ten other cases where prosecutors faced political pressure to elevate charges and obtain convictions.
For once the evidence actually supported the elevated charges.
Maybe something has changed. I’d feel a whole lot better about it if your concern trolling over political pressure were not so selectively pro-“white, murder-bot, cop”.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The campaign delivered internal state level polling data to GRU/FSB and coordinated with the Russian services to identify which states to target.
That’s “collusion”.
It’s also treason.
You’re conflating all the bullshit you and your “FB friends from CO” make up to smear the other side, with all of the credibly sourced reporting you prefer to disbelieve. That’s why you and your “FB friends from CO” were forced to make up the DERP STATE!!! It was required in order to ignore all the mounds of PRISM capture and DNI reports that contain things that give you bad feeeeeels.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Rudes I’m guess will go down for Logan Act violations.
The searches will produce very little and are likely the culminating act in the drama, rather than the opening act. SDNY would not expect a target with more than eight months of prior notice to have retained implicating evidence. But they may have observed and recorded some efforts in the last eight months to destroy evidence or otherwise obstruct. So there may also be an additional, and potentially more serious charge of obstruction. Rudy is very definitely stupid enough to believe he could obstruct and get away with it. If Trump(s)/Barr/Mulvaney are lucky the obstruction will have succeeded in protecting them. We always knew Rudy was a patsy.
Isn’t it funny how this kind of news is so totally unremarkable now?
“Conservatives” in the US are now routinely being directly linked to Russian espionage operations. And we just shrug about it.
Because that’s who they are now. Obviously.
Isn’t it funny how this kind of news is so totally unremarkable now?
“Conservatives” in the US are now routinely being directly linked to Russian espionage operations. And we just shrug about it.
Because that’s who they are now. Obviously.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 It’s possible he’s as colossally stupid as he appears. Arrogance and overconfidence can breed that kind of stupidity. (See, e.g., Capitol rioters who posted videos of their crimes on social media.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 “You’ve seen at least 10 other cases in which nationwide riots were explicitly threatened if the accused walks, have you, QoS McHillbilly?”
Are you suggesting that influenced the jury more than the video of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for 9 min. 26 sec. with the indifferent stare of an Auschwitz guard watching Jews marching to the gas chambers? I don’t believe so. Even you can’t be that stupid. (Then again, maybe you can.)
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
Repukes that don’t like masks probably think that mask wearing is more of a joke now that the CDC says if your vaccinated and outdoors (unless in large groups) that you don’t have to wear a mask. They probably think, see you can’t get the virus! That’s probably how they interpret it.
No, it’s not that you can’t get it, it’s just that the risk is lower.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 What will he do when Trump’s checks bounce?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Put the 39% on a boat and send them to an island where they can govern themselves as they please. Pitcairn Island will do, because there won’t be more than one of them left 12 months later.
Concerned father arrested while peacefully testifying against Arkansas trans health care ban
He was arrested for going 30 seconds over his allotted two minutes to speak. The anti-LGBTQ hate group representative who spoke before him talked for 40 minutes.
>> republicans punch down.
Well, I think this is really the point. Trump doesn’t pay these guys. That isn’t how he works. He offers them access, opportunity, and “exposure”. He sells them. And they buy it, the way Cohen bought it.
So Rudes was given carte blanche to hustle as much of Oleg Deripaska’s money as Trump’s name and promise of access could conjure in exchange for pushing forward the Hunter Biden smear. And god knows Rudy needs it. He doesn’t appear to have any other paying clients. He just divorced his third wife. And he’s the subject of four different criminal probes. An easy patsy for sure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Is that the same Chris Attig who’s a Little Rock attorney who specializes in veteran’s disability claims and is an author and frequent speaker on that topic?
“Republicans punch down” on a veteran’s advocate. Why not? Their party leader despises our war dead and calls them “suckers and losers.”
If you see someone push over a legless veteran in a wheelchair for sport, he’s a Republican for sure.
Texas Senate is set to redefine supportive parents of trans kids as child abusers. One mother said she’s “terrified” to speak out against the bill because her kids could be taken away from her if it passes. Republicans were not swayed.
>> republicans punch down
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
God bless America and our beloved president.
And God Bless Steve!
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Manspews:
I’m sure this brings great pleasure to Bob…..seeing that he’s really never denounced it….has he?
It takes a 79 year old white guy to tell Boomers to fuck off with Reaganomics.
I thought Biden couldn’t speak a complete sentence? What happened? I know the last guy couldn’t. Apparently this is some kind of hologram that’s also on drugs.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
I’d just like to point out how right I was about anyone wanting a vaccine (and that is eligible to do so) will have received their two shots by mid-May.
Aside from giving a ton to charity, I’m right all of the time.
G Big Money giving $18 Charityspews:
Republicans are destroying democracy, the fascist pigs that they are.
They are destructive and bitter individuals that know of no principles and fake to be spiritually religious and pure.
They inbreed when not having sex with goats and horses.
“The announcement was made by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela S. Karlan of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Acting U.S. Attorney David Estes of the Southern District of Georgia, “
Regime change.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
It’s becoming difficult to identify HA’s biggest braggart these days. It used to be easy – Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bragged daily about his monetary gains (always at the expense of stoopid Rethuglican investors) until he shared several too many monetary details and his numbers began to be used against him. Because he shared so much and the numbers were run, it turns out that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is not a wise investor after all. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pretty much proved it with all of the data he shared – once he even posted his brokerage account balance. You will notice that he doesn’t do it, anymore. You’re welcome.
Nowadays, we have HA’s poster boy for unsafe homosexual sex, G-clown, who gives @ 55 a ton to charity. In $18 aliquots. Or claims he does, at least. Undoubtedly on his Schedule A, too. A ton. Yuuuuuge amounts, one might say. After all, it’s not like HA is gonna check him on his claim. Hell, even the IRS won’t ever check him on his claim. So there’s nothing to stop him from his bragging. Certainly not the shame for such behavior that his parents tried to teach him.
Small wonder G-clown’s parents have disowned him, and with frequency changed their identities and contact information, as well as their geographic locale, in an increasingly desperate effort to separate themselves from the genetic mistake they so badly wish they had never made. This is why G-clown hates breeders.
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
@ 60
The announcement wasn’t gonna be made locally.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Andrew Giuliani, a Walmart Gary Busey in an undersized mustard stained polo shirt, is the prefered GOP alternative to the equally disgraceful Andrew Cuomo.
This is how you destroy democracy.
Mitch McConnell contacted the white house to say he is ready to put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
“Local” arrests were only made two months after the murder was witnessed by millions.
Chauvin and three other MPD officers will be indicted on federal charges for their roles in the murder of George Floyd. Chauvin will face additional charges for beating up a 14-year-old in 2017.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
FBI apparently had tons of help from Giuliani’s Ukraine partners.
Among other things, several of them handed over the contents of their phones, email, and secure messaging. And then they were kind enough to go through each and every exchange involving Rudy to provide explanation, context, and corroborating documentation.
If the tech forensic team can show Giuliani deleting these coms after Barr tipped him off, they have him for obstruction – multiple counts. He may be in a lot more trouble than I first thought.
G Fucking Money Charity Giverspews:
@72 Bob’s friends destroying democracy. Pathetic unAmerican asshole that he is.
One can only hope Rudes commits suicide.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
I’m sure this is how we know you are getting to him.
Tara has devoted her time to defending the assaults against police by Trump incited terrorists probably more than anything else. Perhaps it’s subconscious, but on some level it really bothers her to now belong to team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
First Vegetable Joe Biden: Southern border? What southern border?
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
Not anymore it doesn’t. Not for more than 20 years.
New York Times Opinion
· Apr 27
“The Biden administration is dealing with a dizzying array of domestic and international problems,” writes @JohnBrennan. “But the Palestinian quest for statehood deserves the early engagement of his national security team.”
ROSS: My take is he wasn’t able to do a final deal. That it was – it required too much personal redefinition for him. That is not to say that he wasn’t a partner for peace. You know, sometimes you can’t reach a complete agreement, but you can set the stage for it. Arafat capable of doing limited deals with Israel because Arafat was the kind of guy who could never foreclose an option. What made it hard for him to accept what we were asking were three words – end the conflict. Well, for him, end the conflict meant end the grievance, end the struggle, end the claims. That, he wasn’t prepared to do.
No, he wasn’t. But the cocksucker was able to start a second intifada.
Bob loves this guy because he’s a LEO assaulter, can’t do what he wants without killing or assaulting a LEO
I’m sure this is how we know you are getting to him.
I don’t have an earring or a mink coat, nor do I have my own jet airplane, but this little faggot is a millionaire (at 56😉
He don’t like that either. Nor does PI.
Hey a little smiley wink. How did that happen? Cool!
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
“Oh, and let’s keep the aid to us flowing, too.”
ROSS: In the end, Arafat wasn’t prepared to move on anything. We made a proposal that, in a sense, we drew out of Barak, what was the kind of things that he could actually do. And Arafat doesn’t make a counterproposal, but he simply rejects it. He does – I will say he does go back to Gaza, and he goes back with the image that he defied Israel and the United States. The notion of defiance is very much a part of the historic Palestinian narrative. But at the same time that he is defying in public, he writes a letter in private saying, we’ve never achieved so much as we did at Camp David. Let’s have another summit.
Link @ 76
Bob is dog whistling.💩
I'm gonna stab the fuck outta you, bitch!spews:
@ 78
…this little faggot is a millionaire
Everyone’s a millionaire. Everyone except Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that is.
I remember a Seattle Times article from the late-ish ’90s. There were, at that time, 55,000 millionaires in the Puget Sound area.
Everyone’s a millionaire.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
There were, at that time, 55,000 millionaires in the Puget Sound area.
Now do Alabama.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
A lying, 25 year old white man still living in his mother’s apartment. Congratulations. You just found PI and his poor mother.
So tragic that your endless screeds about “the Wuhan” triggered the poor sap to murder an Asian-American. But that was the whole point of your doing it, wasn’t it? You want to inspire others to commit violence against those people.
Just like how you tried so hard to use these threads to inspire others to attempt to violently overthrow our Democratic government.
G Fucking Money Charity Giverspews:
Everyone’s a millionaire.
Everyone is pretty much a faggot too.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Giuliani: “Listen you guys, there’s nothing to worry about. I got rid of everything months ago.”
Dmitry Firtash: “Are you on speaker phone?”
Giuliani: I’m in my driveway on my cordless phone. What. Oh it went to speaker automatically. No listen Dmitry, it doesn’t matter. Everything will be fine because they have nothing. I printed out all those files months ago and ran them through the shredder!”
Now do Alabama.
In none of those locales would Robin Dumbfuck Rabbit be able to honestly call himself a millionaire.
What is your point?
Typical Republicans. No mention of all the good things that President Biden said that were right, just outraged that President Biden did not address their pet racist talking point of the week. What am I saying? If President Biden had addressed the Border they would complain about something else he didn’t talk about. There is no satisfying some people.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive Noble Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on Rapepublican "Losers and Suckers", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Speaking of which, they might want to see about a booking. A couple of the younger ones appear to be within Matt’s range.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@81 I’m guessing you’ve stashed a million pennies to pay your taxes and fees with. Like this guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 In all of those locales, you’d fit right in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, I suspect some folks in Sturgis do real well. They get a lot of tourists through there.
Number of children held in Border Patrol facilities drops 84% since peak last month.
This is good news. Guessing Fox News & Conservatives will completely ignore this, however.
Fox will run with “Biden Administration continues child detention program initiated by Obama”
Q was right about a child sex ring. The only thing is that he got the party wrong, probably on purpose, He was projecting his guilt of being one of the pervy perps.
The whole germ spreading GOP insurrectionist LEO assaulters and 👮♀️ Cop killers are the people Q was talking about.
NYC decreasing bigly! Not sure I agree, but NYC opens 100% on July 1 (planned).
Washington’s problems must be that they have a Horses mouth talking.
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Manspews:
So little news about the two deputies shot in NC……did a white dude do it?
Couldn’t be that a black dude did it and the GOP are going un noticed, as if whitey did it.
All I read is “Suspected gunman” No adjectives like Black, or Muslim, Wuhan person.
Just another Insurrectionist Cop killer, freind of Bob’s?
G Money Big Time Charity $18.00 Charity Manspews:
These Ultra Orthodox Jewish people seem to be a problem.
Germ spreaders and they don’t have any respect for other people and they are fanatical people. Bob, before you go and tell me that they’ve all been vaccinated – prior to the vaccine they were not abiding by social distancing nor wearing masks, especially here in NYC (Brooklyn), so save it. And they supported The FuckHumpster!
Today is Friday, my day off…..hope I get the opportunity to buy a lunch for a homeless person today. There will not be any horesplay here, if you know what I mean.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Number of children held in Border Patrol facilities drops 84% since peak last month.
Gosh. Whar’d dey go?*
This is truly sad news for Teh Dumbfuck. No more daily images of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™ to fuel his Spank Bank.
At least he’ll always have new images of unarmed Black men slaughtered by Murder-Bot Cops.
*It has to be admitted, they were right to come when they did. They are now safely reunited with family on this side of the border.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Remember the story that circulated about pardons being sold for $250,000?
Wingman has now provided the FBI with evidence showing that Roger Stone solicited a bitcoin payment of $250,000 for a Trump pardon.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Giuliani meltdown interview on FOX last night:
“I never, ever represented a foreign national. In fact, I have in my contracts a refusal to do it…”
Which means that if he offered to do so, and Parnas, Fruman, and Firtash have turned over their encrypted messaging proving that he did, then he just gave DOJ proof of “guilty mind” intent to violate.
Honestly, this is a hard element of the crime to prove. Plenty of lawyers providing all kinds of “consulting services” to foreign principals run afoul of FARA. But one of the reasons it’s so seldom prosecuted is that it can be very difficult to prove that the offer or provision of representation before the US government was more than incidental and an unintended consequence of the consulting work.
But here, not only is Rudy clearly declaring that he understood these contracts had FARA implications, but that any departure was not incidental or unintended. And any overt acts toward obstruction are by definition criminal in their intent.
So to recap, what we have is:
-Trump seeking a smear on what he correctly perceives to be the most dangerous Democratic political rival;
-Trump offering Giuliani the “opportunity” to exploit that effort for foreign contracts in Ukraine (early 2019);
-Parnas and Fruman approaching Giuliani with an offer to act as bagmen on behalf of Firtash (early summer 2019);
-Giuliani arranging for his associates Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing to represent Firtash (early summer 2019);
-Firtash, represented by DiGenova and Toensing, offering to produce the smear in exchange for dropping extradition and sanctions relief (summer 2019);
-Firtash producing the Shokin statement as a good faith offer and fanning out in Ukraine and the US to attempt to falsify evidence (late summer 2019);
-Parnas and Fruman arrest by SDNY (October 2019);
-Trump’s first impeachment delay;
-Dowd quits as attorney for Parnas and is replaced by Bondy;
-Bondy announced seeking cooperation agreement including offers to testify against Giuliani, Nunes, Firtash (Nov 2019);
-Barr attempts to block cooperation agreement via Berman (Dec 2019);
-Bondy seeks appointment of Special Counsel and recusal of Barr (Jan 2020);
-Bondy supplies audio tape to ABC of Trump meeting with Parnas in which Trump orders firing of US ambassador to Ukraine for interference in smear (Jan 2020);
-Barr fails in attempt to replace Berman with stooge (June 2020);
-Trump loses election and incites riot to burn the Capitol and impose authoritarian rule (Nov 2020 to Jan 2021).
Not “cancel”.
I won’t link to the video. But if you’ve seen it you’ll recognize a moment where this dude-bro gets angry that he’s being recorded. Then tries to attack the person recording him before realizing that’ll get him arrested (and sued). Then there follows a moment where you see him recognize that he can’t avoid being recorded doing what he’s doing. So he shrugs, says “so what”, looks slightly ill, and continues doing it.
That’s his moment of reckoning, right there. His declaration of uncertainty that the bro-code is no longer in effect. That it’s now too late. He has no skill or experience in publicly admitting mistakes and failures. So he won’t face the camera, apologize for his mistake, and depart. Instead he shrugs, says “so what”, and leans into the bro-code that has always been there for him.
Until now.
It’s just normal, common, everyday consequences. Consequences now being faced by a few more people.
I dunno. Red was not that dude’s color.
Rioters murdered Brian Sicknick with a fire extinguisher!
Uh, false.
Rioters murdered Brian Sicknick with bear spray!
Uh, false.
The Brown family attorney took pains to point out that the deceased’s hands were on the steering wheel when he was shot. Well, OK.
It seems, at least at the moment, that what Brown’s feet were doing at the time he was shot is more relevant than what his hands were doing.
Prosecutor: Andrew Brown Jr.’s car struck deputies before fatal shooting
The death certificate was signed by a guy who attended strip-mall university for his Associate’s degree:
The certificate, signed by a paramedic services instructor who serves as a local medical examiner, describes the death as a homicide.
The most plausible explanation for why video has not been released is that the video will show that it wasn’t a justifiable shooting.
Rudes got served this morning at his upper east side apt. by SDNY evidence team.
Multiple file boxes overflowing with strap-ons, dick pills, ball gags, and hair colorant were seen being hand-trucked out. Child porn charges are expected by the end of business today.
Fake headlines are like fake “FB friends from CO”
Stay on the wrong side, Tara. It’s where the lighting really flatters your comb-over.
@ 6
Talk to the judge. He refused to release the video.
Supper’s waitin’ at home, an’ I gotta get to it.
Need to point out here that even seeking a search warrant on a lawyer is a big deal in DOJ. “Big deal” as in an immense hassle, requiring multiple high levels of pre-approval, lots of corroborating substantial evidence to support it, and a ton of resources. Judges (being lawyers of course) are skeptical as fuck too. They recognize the sweeping power that feds have. And they resist granting them approval for intrusive fishing trips into the confidential files of attorneys, even when they are not attorneys for former presidents.
And if it’s approved the execution is a huge hassle as well. The team executing the search has to be kept sterile from the investigation itself. And in most cases a Special Master has to be involved to go through everything collected and filter it of any confidential work product or material not specifically responsive to the search specified in the warrant before anything is finally turned over to the investigation team.
So among other things, what this tells us is that SDNY has some serious shit on Rudes and they will either deal him, or send him down, depending on what their search uncovers. I’m betting on tons of Ukrainian child porn. But that will not be specified in the warrant. So only the Special Master will have to suffer that cringe.
“He was a lawyer of mine. One of many.”
Oh whither Mr. Safety School“The New York Post’s walk-back was the second time in two days that a right-wing media outlet had to effectively retract a viral claim about the Biden administration.”
The only surprise is they retracted it. When do Rs ever retract lies?
Letting go is so hard for some. Maybe it’ll take a restraining order.
@1 I hope it was worth his job to him.
@2 Speaking of which, you don’t look all that great on a horse’s ass.
@3 “Rioters murdered Brian Sicknick with a fire extinguisher! Uh, false.”
And what was the source of that false report? The cops.
“Within hours of Sicknick’s death, the Capitol Police released a statement that Sicknick died ‘due to injuries sustained while on-duty’, when he was ‘physically engaging with protesters’ at the Capitol. Some media outlets, quoting sources in law enforcement, issued incorrect initial reports that Sicknick had died after being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher during the unrest.”
And your friends were braining cops with fire extinguishers.
While looking for government leaders to hang.
R U sure you wanna defend these people?
@1 without having to watch the video – what happen?
@4 “It seems, at least at the moment, that what Brown’s feet were doing at the time he was shot is more relevant than what his hands were doing.”
Wherein Dumbfuck trots out the “fleeing felon” defense …
And this time, the fleeing felon was shot in the back of the head …
Nothing like having a relaxing day at work with people hugging and kissing you for like an hour or two non stop, then going home to suffer a stroke.
Nothing related to the two.
Heart attacks don’t happen on Monday’s.
Bob loves she cops die of a stroke after bein hugged and kissed
@4 “The death certificate was signed by a guy who attended strip-mall university for his Associate’s degree …”
In other words, as qualified as the Texas arson investigator who sent a probably innocent man to his death at the hands of the state, assisted by a crooked cop …
@ 14
You’ll agree with me, G-clown. Dude woulda rocked a clingy lavender number contoured to emphasize his raging mooseknuckle. Red was hideous.
I hope he shaved his back for the evening.
@7 Supper at 10 in the morning? Are you in Bangkok?
What happened?
Did they source the reporting from their “FB friends from CO”?
Really just another good, solid demonstration of how the Murican “conservative” mediasphere conjures up smears. It always starts with some random, photoshopped, fake Facebook or Twitter meme. Then some tabloid editor struggling to fill the daily ocean of white space puts it on a list and they’re off. Within 24 hrs it’s on Ingraham Angle. 24 hrs after that Carlson is interviewing an “expert”. And before 72 hrs have lapsed Josh Hawley is testifying on CSPAN in demand of an investigative committee.
It’s all but impossible to find parallels on the left. Real media are far from perfect. But they do not have a well established track record of elevating Shitlords/Edgelords into major news producers. This is like the eighth or ninth time this year that FOX, OAN have latched onto a fake news story that began as little more than a Pepe meme. Breitbart and Federalist do it that many times every day.
@ 15
Wherein Dumbfuck trots out the “fleeing felon” defense …
And this time, the fleeing felon was shot in the back of the head …
After your embarrassment last time, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you perhaps want to be sure the dude wasn’t flooring it in reverse with a cop in his path at the time. ’cause if so he ain’t fleein’.
Responsible gun owner, good guy with gun, guns keep us safe, etc. etc.
In which Yahoo Finance trolls Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Here’s when GE might increase its dividend from a penny
A tech-bro CEO heading into dinner at a luxury hotel encountered children in the patio area preparing to go in for their HS prom. One of the kids was wearing a red gown and posing for photos. He approached the kid and began to viciously mock and jeer because the kid’s appearance did not conform to his gender expectations. Naturally the people photographing immediately began to record.
Now he’s been detached from his former employer, is removed from the board, lost his options, lost his benefits, lost his car lease, lost his AMEX, and leaves without severance. Consequences.
at 18 you’ll see Tara celebrating her freedom from consequences.
Which freedom also includes freedom from employment, board positions, grants of stock options, benefits, car lease, company AMEX, and dependable income (assuming we don’t count horse shit as income). FREEEEDUMB!!!!!!!
Juror says Chauvin guilty verdict “could have been done in 20 minutes” if one juror hadn’t needed the jury instructions explained.
You mean he wasn’t killed by car exhaust?
@8 He doesn’t have a preemptive pardon, either, which makes things more interesting.
@20 It’s a Murdoch rag, so what do you expect? Same people who see nothing wrong with employing and giving a mic to the guy telling Fox viewers to call the cops on kids wearing masks.
Really, anyone who does that should be prosecuted.
@21 “… flooring it in reverse with a cop in his path …”
We now know what you’re pinning your hopes on …
“A reasonable doubt is a doubt based upon reason and common sense. It does not mean a fanciful or capricious doubt, nor does it mean beyond all possibility of doubt.
In nine out of ten cases like these, it’s that one.
@23 Yawn. Not paying attention, escaped my notice. I’m busy counting dividend increases for stocks I own.
SDNY is now telling NYT that they had sought the search warrant going all the way back to last summer, and Barr blocked them from making application.
Now assuming Rudes is not quite a colossally stupid as he often appears, he should have known this was coming months ago and had ample opportunity to cast the evidence into a volcano.
So I’m not really expecting much.
But Murican “conservative” #owngoals continue to surprise and delight me every single day.
@ 30
I’m guessing definition of Murder Two was what was explained.
Seemed guilt was clear, and that the only question was the extent.
You’ve seen at least 10 other cases in which nationwide riots were explicitly threatened if the accused walks, have you, QoS McHillbilly?
’cause I only recall one. It was a federal case, that one.
The Post’s shame is no greater than that of Adam Schiff.
That would be the same Adam Schiff who claimed on national TV to have seen proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia.
NYT, today:
During this time the Cuomo brothers played daily grab-ass with each other on CNN. The Love Guv then was awarded an Emmy.
I’ve seen at least ten other cases where prosecutors faced political pressure to elevate charges and obtain convictions.
For once the evidence actually supported the elevated charges.
Maybe something has changed. I’d feel a whole lot better about it if your concern trolling over political pressure were not so selectively pro-“white, murder-bot, cop”.
The campaign delivered internal state level polling data to GRU/FSB and coordinated with the Russian services to identify which states to target.
That’s “collusion”.
It’s also treason.
You’re conflating all the bullshit you and your “FB friends from CO” make up to smear the other side, with all of the credibly sourced reporting you prefer to disbelieve. That’s why you and your “FB friends from CO” were forced to make up the DERP STATE!!! It was required in order to ignore all the mounds of PRISM capture and DNI reports that contain things that give you bad feeeeeels.
Rudes I’m guess will go down for Logan Act violations.
The searches will produce very little and are likely the culminating act in the drama, rather than the opening act. SDNY would not expect a target with more than eight months of prior notice to have retained implicating evidence. But they may have observed and recorded some efforts in the last eight months to destroy evidence or otherwise obstruct. So there may also be an additional, and potentially more serious charge of obstruction. Rudy is very definitely stupid enough to believe he could obstruct and get away with it. If Trump(s)/Barr/Mulvaney are lucky the obstruction will have succeeded in protecting them. We always knew Rudy was a patsy.
America loves President Joe Biden.
Politico/Morning Consult 60% Approve 37% Disapprove
And in a stunning turnaround, Americans agree that President Biden has our nation headed in right direction again!
Politico/Morning Consult Right Track 51% Wrong track 49%
God bless America and our beloved president.
Yeah. Sometimes your Shitlord Pepe-meme sources are actual Russian spies:
Isn’t it funny how this kind of news is so totally unremarkable now?
“Conservatives” in the US are now routinely being directly linked to Russian espionage operations. And we just shrug about it.
Because that’s who they are now. Obviously.
Yeah. Sometimes your Shitlord Pepe-meme sources are actual Russian spies:
Isn’t it funny how this kind of news is so totally unremarkable now?
“Conservatives” in the US are now routinely being directly linked to Russian espionage operations. And we just shrug about it.
Because that’s who they are now. Obviously.
@32 It’s possible he’s as colossally stupid as he appears. Arrogance and overconfidence can breed that kind of stupidity. (See, e.g., Capitol rioters who posted videos of their crimes on social media.)
@33 “You’ve seen at least 10 other cases in which nationwide riots were explicitly threatened if the accused walks, have you, QoS McHillbilly?”
Are you suggesting that influenced the jury more than the video of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck for 9 min. 26 sec. with the indifferent stare of an Auschwitz guard watching Jews marching to the gas chambers? I don’t believe so. Even you can’t be that stupid. (Then again, maybe you can.)
Repukes that don’t like masks probably think that mask wearing is more of a joke now that the CDC says if your vaccinated and outdoors (unless in large groups) that you don’t have to wear a mask. They probably think, see you can’t get the virus! That’s probably how they interpret it.
No, it’s not that you can’t get it, it’s just that the risk is lower.
@38 What will he do when Trump’s checks bounce?
@39 Put the 39% on a boat and send them to an island where they can govern themselves as they please. Pitcairn Island will do, because there won’t be more than one of them left 12 months later.
Concerned father arrested while peacefully testifying against Arkansas trans health care ban
He was arrested for going 30 seconds over his allotted two minutes to speak. The anti-LGBTQ hate group representative who spoke before him talked for 40 minutes.
>> republicans punch down.
@44 Their kids can still get it, if they don’t shoot them first.
Well, I think this is really the point. Trump doesn’t pay these guys. That isn’t how he works. He offers them access, opportunity, and “exposure”. He sells them. And they buy it, the way Cohen bought it.
So Rudes was given carte blanche to hustle as much of Oleg Deripaska’s money as Trump’s name and promise of access could conjure in exchange for pushing forward the Hunter Biden smear. And god knows Rudy needs it. He doesn’t appear to have any other paying clients. He just divorced his third wife. And he’s the subject of four different criminal probes. An easy patsy for sure.
@47 Is that the same Chris Attig who’s a Little Rock attorney who specializes in veteran’s disability claims and is an author and frequent speaker on that topic?
“Republicans punch down” on a veteran’s advocate. Why not? Their party leader despises our war dead and calls them “suckers and losers.”
If you see someone push over a legless veteran in a wheelchair for sport, he’s a Republican for sure.
Texas Senate is set to redefine supportive parents of trans kids as child abusers. One mother said she’s “terrified” to speak out against the bill because her kids could be taken away from her if it passes. Republicans were not swayed.
>> republicans punch down
And God Bless Steve!
I’m sure this brings great pleasure to Bob…..seeing that he’s really never denounced it….has he?
Hugs and Kisses!
It takes a 79 year old white guy to tell Boomers to fuck off with Reaganomics.
I thought Biden couldn’t speak a complete sentence? What happened? I know the last guy couldn’t. Apparently this is some kind of hologram that’s also on drugs.
I’d just like to point out how right I was about anyone wanting a vaccine (and that is eligible to do so) will have received their two shots by mid-May.
Aside from giving a ton to charity, I’m right all of the time.
Republicans are destroying democracy, the fascist pigs that they are.
They are destructive and bitter individuals that know of no principles and fake to be spiritually religious and pure.
They inbreed when not having sex with goats and horses.
This fucker sold out his people.
This really has to stop….enough is enough. Cops are not protecting anyone, they are endangering all by causing a collapse in society’s law and order.
The GOP is destroying democracy, HIV boy proclaims @ 56.
He must be referring to the upcoming loss of electoral votes from some important blue states.
Or perhaps the largest number of votes cast, evah, in a just-held presidential election.
Whichever, the GOP is destroying democracy, ’cause G-clown says so.
“Three Georgia men were indicted today by a federal grand jury in the Southern District of Georgia and charged with hate crimes and the attempted kidnapping of Ahmaud Arbery. The indictment also charges two of the men with separate counts of using firearms during that crime of violence.”
“The announcement was made by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela S. Karlan of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Acting U.S. Attorney David Estes of the Southern District of Georgia, “
Regime change.
It’s becoming difficult to identify HA’s biggest braggart these days. It used to be easy – Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bragged daily about his monetary gains (always at the expense of stoopid Rethuglican investors) until he shared several too many monetary details and his numbers began to be used against him. Because he shared so much and the numbers were run, it turns out that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is not a wise investor after all. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pretty much proved it with all of the data he shared – once he even posted his brokerage account balance. You will notice that he doesn’t do it, anymore. You’re welcome.
Nowadays, we have HA’s poster boy for unsafe homosexual sex, G-clown, who gives @ 55 a ton to charity. In $18 aliquots. Or claims he does, at least. Undoubtedly on his Schedule A, too. A ton. Yuuuuuge amounts, one might say. After all, it’s not like HA is gonna check him on his claim. Hell, even the IRS won’t ever check him on his claim. So there’s nothing to stop him from his bragging. Certainly not the shame for such behavior that his parents tried to teach him.
Small wonder G-clown’s parents have disowned him, and with frequency changed their identities and contact information, as well as their geographic locale, in an increasingly desperate effort to separate themselves from the genetic mistake they so badly wish they had never made. This is why G-clown hates breeders.
@ 60
The announcement wasn’t gonna be made locally.
Andrew Giuliani, a Walmart Gary Busey in an undersized mustard stained polo shirt, is the prefered GOP alternative to the equally disgraceful Andrew Cuomo.
This is how you destroy democracy.
Mitch McConnell contacted the white house to say he is ready to put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court.
“Local” arrests were only made two months after the murder was witnessed by millions.
Steve was gleeful when he posted about a Tenderloin-living, deranged white guy who attacked two Asian-heritage people in SF.
Murder charges filed against Bothell stabbing suspect who claimed he was ‘attacked by anti-masker’
He won’t be so happy about this white boy ultra-lib getting caught murdering someone in The 425.
Steve, glad to help you out with your white-on-Asian violence info quest.
-GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
This is how you destroy democracy.
This is how you protect democracy.
Bob is a cop assaulter proponent. Destroying democracy as we know it. He sits by, idly, as the GOP destroys the Constitution and democracy!
Derby this weekend….I wonder if Bob is going to do anything special for his horse?
This is also how you protect democracy:
Chauvin and three other MPD officers will be indicted on federal charges for their roles in the murder of George Floyd. Chauvin will face additional charges for beating up a 14-year-old in 2017.
FBI apparently had tons of help from Giuliani’s Ukraine partners.
Among other things, several of them handed over the contents of their phones, email, and secure messaging. And then they were kind enough to go through each and every exchange involving Rudy to provide explanation, context, and corroborating documentation.
If the tech forensic team can show Giuliani deleting these coms after Barr tipped him off, they have him for obstruction – multiple counts. He may be in a lot more trouble than I first thought.
@72 Bob’s friends destroying democracy. Pathetic unAmerican asshole that he is.
One can only hope Rudes commits suicide.
I’m sure this is how we know you are getting to him.
Tara has devoted her time to defending the assaults against police by Trump incited terrorists probably more than anything else. Perhaps it’s subconscious, but on some level it really bothers her to now belong to team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN!!!
First Vegetable Joe Biden: Southern border? What southern border?
Not anymore it doesn’t. Not for more than 20 years.
Ask Dennis Ross.
No, he wasn’t. But the cocksucker was able to start a second intifada.
Bob loves this guy because he’s a LEO assaulter, can’t do what he wants without killing or assaulting a LEO
I don’t have an earring or a mink coat, nor do I have my own jet airplane, but this little faggot is a millionaire (at 56😉
He don’t like that either. Nor does PI.
Hey a little smiley wink. How did that happen? Cool!
“Oh, and let’s keep the aid to us flowing, too.”
Link @ 76
Bob is dog whistling.💩
@ 78
…this little faggot is a millionaire
Everyone’s a millionaire. Everyone except Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that is.
I remember a Seattle Times article from the late-ish ’90s. There were, at that time, 55,000 millionaires in the Puget Sound area.
Everyone’s a millionaire.
Now do Alabama.
You can be a millionaire too!
There’s still time to register for 2021!
A lying, 25 year old white man still living in his mother’s apartment. Congratulations. You just found PI and his poor mother.
So tragic that your endless screeds about “the Wuhan” triggered the poor sap to murder an Asian-American. But that was the whole point of your doing it, wasn’t it? You want to inspire others to commit violence against those people.
Just like how you tried so hard to use these threads to inspire others to attempt to violently overthrow our Democratic government.
Everyone is pretty much a faggot too.
Giuliani: “Listen you guys, there’s nothing to worry about. I got rid of everything months ago.”
Dmitry Firtash: “Are you on speaker phone?”
Giuliani: I’m in my driveway on my cordless phone. What. Oh it went to speaker automatically. No listen Dmitry, it doesn’t matter. Everything will be fine because they have nothing. I printed out all those files months ago and ran them through the shredder!”
(alarmingly loud sound of teeth grinding)
Giuliani: Dmitry? Dmitry?
@ 82
Now do Alabama.
In none of those locales would Robin Dumbfuck Rabbit be able to honestly call himself a millionaire.
What is your point?
Typical Republicans. No mention of all the good things that President Biden said that were right, just outraged that President Biden did not address their pet racist talking point of the week. What am I saying? If President Biden had addressed the Border they would complain about something else he didn’t talk about. There is no satisfying some people.
Now do Freeland.
Whuddubout the
Benghazi Death “FB friends from CO” Welcome PackageHamburger Rationing Panels©?It’s almost like you completely refuse to address these entirely made-up concerns?
The show they’ll put on will be both stupid and unsuitable for 17 year old girls, I’m sure.
Firebrand Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia are teaming up to start an “America First Tour” of rallies around the country.
My guess is something closer to the USA Freedom Kids.
Speaking of which, they might want to see about a booking. A couple of the younger ones appear to be within Matt’s range.
@81 I’m guessing you’ve stashed a million pennies to pay your taxes and fees with. Like this guy.
@87 In all of those locales, you’d fit right in.
Actually, I suspect some folks in Sturgis do real well. They get a lot of tourists through there.
Number of children held in Border Patrol facilities drops 84% since peak last month.
This is good news. Guessing Fox News & Conservatives will completely ignore this, however.
Fox will run with “Biden Administration continues child detention program initiated by Obama”
Q was right about a child sex ring. The only thing is that he got the party wrong, probably on purpose, He was projecting his guilt of being one of the pervy perps.
The whole germ spreading GOP insurrectionist LEO assaulters and 👮♀️ Cop killers are the people Q was talking about.
Bob failed at being a successful pro sports player and real Doctor, he settled on Horse ownership.
55,000 millionaires – all at age 56?
“Pacific Northwest faces shutdowns amid rising virus cases”
NYC decreasing bigly! Not sure I agree, but NYC opens 100% on July 1 (planned).
Washington’s problems must be that they have a Horses mouth talking.
So little news about the two deputies shot in NC……did a white dude do it?
Couldn’t be that a black dude did it and the GOP are going un noticed, as if whitey did it.
All I read is “Suspected gunman” No adjectives like Black, or Muslim, Wuhan person.
Just another Insurrectionist Cop killer, freind of Bob’s?
These Ultra Orthodox Jewish people seem to be a problem.
Germ spreaders and they don’t have any respect for other people and they are fanatical people. Bob, before you go and tell me that they’ve all been vaccinated – prior to the vaccine they were not abiding by social distancing nor wearing masks, especially here in NYC (Brooklyn), so save it. And they supported The FuckHumpster!
Today is Friday, my day off…..hope I get the opportunity to buy a lunch for a homeless person today. There will not be any horesplay here, if you know what I mean.
Gosh. Whar’d dey go?*
This is truly sad news for Teh Dumbfuck. No more daily images of Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™ to fuel his Spank Bank.
At least he’ll always have new images of unarmed Black men slaughtered by Murder-Bot Cops.
*It has to be admitted, they were right to come when they did. They are now safely reunited with family on this side of the border.
Remember the story that circulated about pardons being sold for $250,000?
Wingman has now provided the FBI with evidence showing that Roger Stone solicited a bitcoin payment of $250,000 for a Trump pardon.
Giuliani meltdown interview on FOX last night:
“I never, ever represented a foreign national. In fact, I have in my contracts a refusal to do it…”
Which means that if he offered to do so, and Parnas, Fruman, and Firtash have turned over their encrypted messaging proving that he did, then he just gave DOJ proof of “guilty mind” intent to violate.
Honestly, this is a hard element of the crime to prove. Plenty of lawyers providing all kinds of “consulting services” to foreign principals run afoul of FARA. But one of the reasons it’s so seldom prosecuted is that it can be very difficult to prove that the offer or provision of representation before the US government was more than incidental and an unintended consequence of the consulting work.
But here, not only is Rudy clearly declaring that he understood these contracts had FARA implications, but that any departure was not incidental or unintended. And any overt acts toward obstruction are by definition criminal in their intent.
So to recap, what we have is:
-Trump seeking a smear on what he correctly perceives to be the most dangerous Democratic political rival;
-Trump offering Giuliani the “opportunity” to exploit that effort for foreign contracts in Ukraine (early 2019);
-Parnas and Fruman approaching Giuliani with an offer to act as bagmen on behalf of Firtash (early summer 2019);
-Giuliani arranging for his associates Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing to represent Firtash (early summer 2019);
-Firtash, represented by DiGenova and Toensing, offering to produce the smear in exchange for dropping extradition and sanctions relief (summer 2019);
-Firtash producing the Shokin statement as a good faith offer and fanning out in Ukraine and the US to attempt to falsify evidence (late summer 2019);
-Parnas and Fruman arrest by SDNY (October 2019);
-Trump’s first impeachment delay;
-Dowd quits as attorney for Parnas and is replaced by Bondy;
-Bondy announced seeking cooperation agreement including offers to testify against Giuliani, Nunes, Firtash (Nov 2019);
-Barr attempts to block cooperation agreement via Berman (Dec 2019);
-Bondy seeks appointment of Special Counsel and recusal of Barr (Jan 2020);
-Bondy supplies audio tape to ABC of Trump meeting with Parnas in which Trump orders firing of US ambassador to Ukraine for interference in smear (Jan 2020);
-Barr fails in attempt to replace Berman with stooge (June 2020);
-Trump loses election and incites riot to burn the Capitol and impose authoritarian rule (Nov 2020 to Jan 2021).