something something Pudwhacker’s insane and has a new name for us to block in 3,2,1. . .
Distant Replayspews:
it’s fragile ego teeters on a razor’s edge of self loathing and tribal self identity. As such, one way or another, whatever name it chooses for itself will somehow always include “pud” – the origin of which I am sure is steeped in childhood trauma involving viciously strict potty training and cigarette burns.
So just be sure to use “pud” in your blocking text.
Distant Replayspews:
Fascinating to see that the Republican Presidential nominee is continuing to walk back his primary campaign commitments on immigration policy in order to curry favor with the party elites.
“Tailoring” the rhetoric to the audience is the new “straight shooter”.
Is Boob ready to come back to the party?
Would you call blocking the loon, “Pull the Pud?”
Thank you ladies and gentleman, tip your waitress, if you’re driving…take your car.
Ima Duncespews:
I don’t see how a presidential candidate can ask for African-American votes when he and his party have insulted, demeaned and slandered the first African- American president and his wife. I suppose he could start with an apology LOL.
Distant Replayspews:
I’ll tell you a secret: They aren’t really asking for African-American votes. They’re asking for white moderate “conservative” votes.
Trump is still a racist. Breitbart is still running his campaign. They still believe that African-Americans are part of a Marxist-cultural movement to destroy Real America. They just want a few more white people to feel “okay” about voting for somebody who sincerely believes that African-Americans aren’t “Real Americans”. After all, most of those white people kind of agree with him.
Distant Replayspews:
: the state of affairs when the bankster backing the Republican Presidential nominee at the precise moment that he is embracing amnesty, buys a series of attacks ads in a Senate Republican primary claiming the incumbent “betrayed us on amnesty”.
“The only people enthusiastic about her campaign are Hollywood celebrities, in many cases celebrities who aren’t very hot anymore,” Trump told the crowd in an off-script dig at a Wednesday rally in Tampa, Florida.
Presidential candidate with celebrity endorsers:
Underwear model and Soap star who played Handsome Guy #2 in the three stooges in 2012
Singer Guitarist who cracked the top 20 once in the 70s
Actor who spun off a beloved sit-com into one that was cancelled without a full season and hasn’t worked with any regularity since “Arrested Development” went off the air
Some guys who make duck calls whose show has been announced as cancelled after losing 40% of the audience in the last two years.
A Freak of Nature on the basketball court who hung up his shoes 20 years ago and now pals around (Hey Sarah Palin likes Trump too) with an Axis of Evil leader.
Azalia Banks, yeah I haven’t heard of her either but apparently she had an album in 2014 that cracked the top 30 for one week (#30 with a bullet) but has also been arrested for assault.
The lesser of the acting Wahlburg brothers.
Gary Busey, love that guy, no really. Love him. But I’m not taking life advice from THIS GUY!
Hulk Hogan. How does Bubba the Love Sponge feel about the Donald, inquiring minds want to know.
Funny how the Schiz doesn’t seem to understand that the people in charge of the Trump campaign, and the people that Trump is campaigning at, do not consider him to even be an American citizen in any way, shape or form.
After all, his ancestors weren’t.
You’re just obsolete farm machinery, Schiz. That wall you profess to love so much? These people are going to put you and everyone you know up against it if you won’t go on the other side of it.
PudTheMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Do you think that if it could truly be proven that the more severe weather of recent that has been causing people to shed tears was the direct result of Global Warming that anyone would care?
Earthquakes (in Oklahomosexual) are said to be caused by Fracking and no one really gives a shit. Why would they care if the sever weather is caused by Global Warming.
Teabagged Againspews:
Not sure what the difference is between donors to PAC’s (such as by the Cocaine Brothers) and donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Citizens United pretty much set the precedence for it to be ok. So Super PAC are not suppose to work directly for a particular candidate, but we know they do. So the Clinton Foundation is a little more transparent about it.
Teabagged Againspews:
ohhhh jeeze – chrome is acting up again. Goldy it is all your Fault!
“Just very inferior Americans.”
The loon isn’t called a self-loather for nothing.
“The low IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is consistent with their failure to make any of the advances of civilization.”
“No sub-Saharan Africans have made any significant discoveries in science, mathematics, or technology.”
“Her result convinced her that the low black IQ must have a genetic basis.”
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ e
I didn’t leave The Republican Party…
Politically Incorrectspews:
Holy crap!
I just watched Lawrence O’Donnell interview Glenn Beck over on MSNBC. The crazy part is that BOTH of them made sense!
Distant Replayspews:
Sure looks like they’ve left you.
Or will you be getting an Odin’s cross neck tattoo after all?
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 It’s clearly a celebration of Public Utility District. There is one or more in Whatcom County and one in Snohomish. It’s a very progressive thing that provides water and power. I like both and I think we should own these basic public utilities.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 And if Canada builds one, how will those threatening to defect to Canada (why not defect to Mexico-(or Quebec) afraid you will be deported, a little racist?) get there? If Trump is elected I can’t wait to see this great exodus. And the likely return of this new dysphoria in 6 to 12 months. Wonder if the Canadian border people will abandon their stations at Peace Arch on hearing of all these Americans approaching the border
for you Americans who can’t stay out of the noon day sun and insist on going to Iran get to know these folks and let your kin know to talk to these folks they will have the light on for you. (They will also politely tell you to go the fuck back to the US)
Foreign nationals may not contribute to a PAC.
501c organizations may not participate in political campaigns.
The Clinton Foundation is a 501c charitable foundation.
You are quite right to mention Citizens United. Efforts are now under way to challenge the political activity restrictions in section 501c based on the Citizens United decision. If they are successful it would open the door to direct and unlimited political spending by undisclosed foreign nationals on US elections. Court majorities matter.
Distant Replayspews:
once again, though, you have to marvel at the irony.
Of course we are more concerned about Sec. Clinton’s potential conflicts since she is far more likely to be the next President. But it defies all common sense for treasonous shitbag white supremacist Republicans to fall all over themselves pearl clutching and sofa fainting about Sec. Clinton’s charity foundation while simultaneously ignoring the billions of dollars of investments and loans in Trump scams by corrupt foreign officials and despots.
Distant Replayspews:
“No citizenship. Let me go a step further — they’ll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes, there’s no amnesty, as such, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them.
Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out. But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I’ve had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they’ve said, ‘Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who’s been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it’s so tough, Mr. Trump,’ I have it all the time. It’s a very, very hard thing.”
A few months ago, when he was busy convincing millions of angry illiterate whites to vote for him it wasn’t a hard thing at all. Something must have changed. I wonder what.
Oh. Riiiiight. Polls.
Hey all you “movement” Republicans! That thumping sound you’re hearing is the “professional political campaign” bus tires.
“once again, though, you have to marvel at the irony”
Irony with a dark purpose. You’re a draft dodging president who has invaded the wrong country and it’s going to hell in a hand basket? Wrap yourself in the flag while wearing a codpiece, clutch a Bible and attack your opponent’s three Purple Hearts.
@19 Not sure what the difference is between donors to PAC’s (such as by the Cocaine Brothers) and donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Donors to PACs are trying to buy elections. Donors to the Clinton Foundation are trying to improve the lives of millions.
“The foundation is made up of 11 non-profit groups that work on four major issues: global health and wellness, climate change, economic development and improving opportunities for girls and women.”
I’m beginning to think they may have finally pushed it all too far.
A lot of what establishment “conservatives” depended on to make those kinds of ironic lies work was a main stream media impulse to go along for the sake of “balance”. Starting with Cheeto Jesus’ steadfast Birferism right up to the recent formal unification between the Republican Party and the ultra-Nationalist, white supremacist alt-Right, I think a growing number of editors and other gate keepers have had more than enough of the bullshit. Andrew Breitbart was insane. Literally. Not “edgy”. Not “in your face”. Not “iconoclastic”. Just plain ol’ garden variety insane. He was a sincere believer in, and in a few cases the author of, what can only be described as deeeeeeeply unrealistic conspiracy theories. Ideas that certainly would qualify him as delusionally paranoid. And the “movement” he brought into the main stream is now in charge of the Republican Party.
It may have once been possible for a “journalist” to at least pass along obvious bullshit in service to “professional” impartiality. But nobody’s career in “journalism” is advanced by nodding ponderously and appearing quite serious while holding a microphone up to an un-medicated psychotic raving on the street corner while shitting his pants. And increasingly this season it’s been the people who refuse to go along and instead call them on the bullshit who are driving the millions of page views, re-tweets, and aggregated links.
Distant Replayspews:
This is A W E S O M E !
On the very day her paean to toadying hits the stores, Skelletor throws down an epic tweet storm ranting about the immigration betrayal of Cheeto Jesus.
They wonder why they’re called racists.
“‘I lost. The ni**er won’: Alabama GOP mayor gets racist on Facebook after losing to black candidate”
Your TeaBagger’s true response to being handily smoked like a cheap ham in a local election. Their general attitude after the last two Presidential elections was a little more circumspect, but the general paradigm is the same. Certainly the sentiments expressed were a teensey bit less harsh in tone, at least by the gibbering meat puppets on television and AM radio. But their listeners were certainly pulling no punches in the web forums in places like Breitbart.
Such things will be so much more “socially” acceptable, at least amongst the illiterati, flat-earthers and Christians when The Donald becomes King.
They wonder why they’re called racists.
“West Virginia AG Spokesperson Fired For Her Role in White Supremacist Video”
They don’t believe in knowledge, they only believe in belief. The basic premise of not being allowed to profess or convey false information is a big part of the reason why. They just cannot tell the truth about anything, and false information delivered through an institution of higher learning isn’t going to cure cancer or build the next generation fighter jet.
The Military recruits amongst University graduates, they often make very good officers. But the Military won’t accept Bachelors Degrees or even Masters Degrees from Bob Jones University for the simple reason that the “graduates” are so fucking stupid they can’t even do basic mathematics or understand logic paths when dealing with real-world emergent situations. They just don’t have the basic intellectual capacity for rational thought.
something something Pudwhacker’s insane and has a new name for us to block in 3,2,1. . .
it’s fragile ego teeters on a razor’s edge of self loathing and tribal self identity. As such, one way or another, whatever name it chooses for itself will somehow always include “pud” – the origin of which I am sure is steeped in childhood trauma involving viciously strict potty training and cigarette burns.
So just be sure to use “pud” in your blocking text.
Fascinating to see that the Republican Presidential nominee is continuing to walk back his primary campaign commitments on immigration policy in order to curry favor with the party elites.
“Tailoring” the rhetoric to the audience is the new “straight shooter”.
Is Boob ready to come back to the party?
Would you call blocking the loon, “Pull the Pud?”
Thank you ladies and gentleman, tip your waitress, if you’re driving…take your car.
I don’t see how a presidential candidate can ask for African-American votes when he and his party have insulted, demeaned and slandered the first African- American president and his wife. I suppose he could start with an apology LOL.
I’ll tell you a secret: They aren’t really asking for African-American votes. They’re asking for white moderate “conservative” votes.
Trump is still a racist. Breitbart is still running his campaign. They still believe that African-Americans are part of a Marxist-cultural movement to destroy Real America. They just want a few more white people to feel “okay” about voting for somebody who sincerely believes that African-Americans aren’t “Real Americans”. After all, most of those white people kind of agree with him.
: the state of affairs when the bankster backing the Republican Presidential nominee at the precise moment that he is embracing amnesty, buys a series of attacks ads in a Senate Republican primary claiming the incumbent “betrayed us on amnesty”.
Presidential candidate with celebrity endorsers:
Underwear model and Soap star who played Handsome Guy #2 in the three stooges in 2012
Singer Guitarist who cracked the top 20 once in the 70s
Actor who spun off a beloved sit-com into one that was cancelled without a full season and hasn’t worked with any regularity since “Arrested Development” went off the air
Some guys who make duck calls whose show has been announced as cancelled after losing 40% of the audience in the last two years.
A Freak of Nature on the basketball court who hung up his shoes 20 years ago and now pals around (Hey Sarah Palin likes Trump too) with an Axis of Evil leader.
Azalia Banks, yeah I haven’t heard of her either but apparently she had an album in 2014 that cracked the top 30 for one week (#30 with a bullet) but has also been arrested for assault.
The lesser of the acting Wahlburg brothers.
Gary Busey, love that guy, no really. Love him. But I’m not taking life advice from THIS GUY!
Hulk Hogan. How does Bubba the Love Sponge feel about the Donald, inquiring minds want to know.
HOLY SHIT, Wayne Newton is still alive?
Of course there’s This Girl
And Soem woman who has quite a resume and These Three and maybe a guy with the #1 song in the country right now and his his wife
Something lost on the Oregon moron… The wall is still going to be built!
So now we know nothing changes…
So now we know nothing changes…
@8 If Drumpf wins, Mexico will build it to keep Americans out.
Democratic PAC Founder Charged With Fraud, Turns To Lobbying
Funny how the Schiz doesn’t seem to understand that the people in charge of the Trump campaign, and the people that Trump is campaigning at, do not consider him to even be an American citizen in any way, shape or form.
After all, his ancestors weren’t.
You’re just obsolete farm machinery, Schiz. That wall you profess to love so much? These people are going to put you and everyone you know up against it if you won’t go on the other side of it.
Seems another friend of the Oregon moron went nutzo…
Of course the Oregon moron love it when these pieces of human filth act out on innocents!
The SHIT STORM continues… http://dailycallernewsfoundati.....democrats/
As Trump and the alt-Right see it “the Blacks” are Americans. Just very inferior Americans.
I think this is one of the reasons that Boob doesn’t want to support Mrs. Clinton…..because she doesn’t have any “hot” celebrities that support her.
Do you think that if it could truly be proven that the more severe weather of recent that has been causing people to shed tears was the direct result of Global Warming that anyone would care?
Earthquakes (in Oklahomosexual) are said to be caused by Fracking and no one really gives a shit. Why would they care if the sever weather is caused by Global Warming.
Not sure what the difference is between donors to PAC’s (such as by the Cocaine Brothers) and donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Citizens United pretty much set the precedence for it to be ok. So Super PAC are not suppose to work directly for a particular candidate, but we know they do. So the Clinton Foundation is a little more transparent about it.
ohhhh jeeze – chrome is acting up again. Goldy it is all your Fault!
“Just very inferior Americans.”
The loon isn’t called a self-loather for nothing.
“The low IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is consistent with their failure to make any of the advances of civilization.”
“No sub-Saharan Africans have made any significant discoveries in science, mathematics, or technology.”
“Her result convinced her that the low black IQ must have a genetic basis.”
@ e
I didn’t leave The Republican Party…
Holy crap!
I just watched Lawrence O’Donnell interview Glenn Beck over on MSNBC. The crazy part is that BOTH of them made sense!
Sure looks like they’ve left you.
Or will you be getting an Odin’s cross neck tattoo after all?
@2 It’s clearly a celebration of Public Utility District. There is one or more in Whatcom County and one in Snohomish. It’s a very progressive thing that provides water and power. I like both and I think we should own these basic public utilities.
@11 And if Canada builds one, how will those threatening to defect to Canada (why not defect to Mexico-(or Quebec) afraid you will be deported, a little racist?) get there? If Trump is elected I can’t wait to see this great exodus. And the likely return of this new dysphoria in 6 to 12 months. Wonder if the Canadian border people will abandon their stations at Peace Arch on hearing of all these Americans approaching the border
Travel warning to Iran:
for you Americans who can’t stay out of the noon day sun and insist on going to Iran get to know these folks and let your kin know to talk to these folks they will have the light on for you. (They will also politely tell you to go the fuck back to the US)
Foreign nationals may not contribute to a PAC.
501c organizations may not participate in political campaigns.
The Clinton Foundation is a 501c charitable foundation.
You are quite right to mention Citizens United. Efforts are now under way to challenge the political activity restrictions in section 501c based on the Citizens United decision. If they are successful it would open the door to direct and unlimited political spending by undisclosed foreign nationals on US elections. Court majorities matter.
once again, though, you have to marvel at the irony.
Of course we are more concerned about Sec. Clinton’s potential conflicts since she is far more likely to be the next President. But it defies all common sense for treasonous shitbag white supremacist Republicans to fall all over themselves pearl clutching and sofa fainting about Sec. Clinton’s charity foundation while simultaneously ignoring the billions of dollars of investments and loans in Trump scams by corrupt foreign officials and despots.
“No citizenship. Let me go a step further — they’ll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes, there’s no amnesty, as such, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them.
Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out. But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I’ve had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they’ve said, ‘Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who’s been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it’s so tough, Mr. Trump,’ I have it all the time. It’s a very, very hard thing.”
A few months ago, when he was busy convincing millions of angry illiterate whites to vote for him it wasn’t a hard thing at all. Something must have changed. I wonder what.
Oh. Riiiiight. Polls.
Hey all you “movement” Republicans! That thumping sound you’re hearing is the “professional political campaign” bus tires.
“once again, though, you have to marvel at the irony”
Irony with a dark purpose. You’re a draft dodging president who has invaded the wrong country and it’s going to hell in a hand basket? Wrap yourself in the flag while wearing a codpiece, clutch a Bible and attack your opponent’s three Purple Hearts.
@19 Not sure what the difference is between donors to PAC’s (such as by the Cocaine Brothers) and donors to the Clinton Foundation.
Donors to PACs are trying to buy elections. Donors to the Clinton Foundation are trying to improve the lives of millions.
“The foundation is made up of 11 non-profit groups that work on four major issues: global health and wellness, climate change, economic development and improving opportunities for girls and women.”
I’m beginning to think they may have finally pushed it all too far.
A lot of what establishment “conservatives” depended on to make those kinds of ironic lies work was a main stream media impulse to go along for the sake of “balance”. Starting with Cheeto Jesus’ steadfast Birferism right up to the recent formal unification between the Republican Party and the ultra-Nationalist, white supremacist alt-Right, I think a growing number of editors and other gate keepers have had more than enough of the bullshit. Andrew Breitbart was insane. Literally. Not “edgy”. Not “in your face”. Not “iconoclastic”. Just plain ol’ garden variety insane. He was a sincere believer in, and in a few cases the author of, what can only be described as deeeeeeeply unrealistic conspiracy theories. Ideas that certainly would qualify him as delusionally paranoid. And the “movement” he brought into the main stream is now in charge of the Republican Party.
It may have once been possible for a “journalist” to at least pass along obvious bullshit in service to “professional” impartiality. But nobody’s career in “journalism” is advanced by nodding ponderously and appearing quite serious while holding a microphone up to an un-medicated psychotic raving on the street corner while shitting his pants. And increasingly this season it’s been the people who refuse to go along and instead call them on the bullshit who are driving the millions of page views, re-tweets, and aggregated links.
This is A W E S O M E !
On the very day her paean to toadying hits the stores, Skelletor throws down an epic tweet storm ranting about the immigration betrayal of Cheeto Jesus.
They wonder why they’re called racists.
“‘I lost. The ni**er won’: Alabama GOP mayor gets racist on Facebook after losing to black candidate”
“The Nigger won”.
Your TeaBagger’s true response to being handily smoked like a cheap ham in a local election. Their general attitude after the last two Presidential elections was a little more circumspect, but the general paradigm is the same. Certainly the sentiments expressed were a teensey bit less harsh in tone, at least by the gibbering meat puppets on television and AM radio. But their listeners were certainly pulling no punches in the web forums in places like Breitbart.
Such things will be so much more “socially” acceptable, at least amongst the illiterati, flat-earthers and Christians when The Donald becomes King.
They wonder why they’re called racists.
“West Virginia AG Spokesperson Fired For Her Role in White Supremacist Video”
The problem wasn’t that she was racist, just that she got caught.
Damn you Steve.
Thphphpphphp. :̴ (Э
You Damn Illegals! Go Home!
I know the reason why there aren’t more Conservative University Professors.
There just flat out aren’t enough intelligent conservatives.
They don’t believe in knowledge, they only believe in belief. The basic premise of not being allowed to profess or convey false information is a big part of the reason why. They just cannot tell the truth about anything, and false information delivered through an institution of higher learning isn’t going to cure cancer or build the next generation fighter jet.
The Military recruits amongst University graduates, they often make very good officers. But the Military won’t accept Bachelors Degrees or even Masters Degrees from Bob Jones University for the simple reason that the “graduates” are so fucking stupid they can’t even do basic mathematics or understand logic paths when dealing with real-world emergent situations. They just don’t have the basic intellectual capacity for rational thought.
Aw, fuck.
Why did I read the comments?
And the Devil laughs at his little joke…
No sign of the babbling jackass with all the “softening” jokes out there.
That’s how DUMMOCRETINS roll… http://dailycallernewsfoundati.....-students/
Oh did the scumbag of HA DUMMOCRETINS leave a smelly fart @42?
“The Nigger won”.
Your TeaBagger’s true response
The way the vomit producer uses the n-word unapologetically on this blog it’s amazing that it doesn’t call itself a TeaBagger!
Looks like the loon escaped the asylum again.
LOL! So is hating HA Heroes the temporary “cure” for the “softening” of the babbling jackass???
Inquiring minds and all that! HAHAHAHAHA!
@ The Schiz @ 44
You didn’t even click the link, did you, you stupid ignorant lying fuck.
Moronic twit @47,
Shall Puddy place each and every time you used the term nigger on this blog? It’s quite a list! You use it indiscriminately here vomit producer!