The UK variant if COVID-19 was detected in the UW. So I am even more worried about reopening, especially indoors. Like we’re close. People have had both doses. Help is on the way for businesses.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Go ahead and try, Doctor.
Why QAnon Followers Think Donald Trump Will Be Sworn Back In as President on March 4
Wait a minute…
We’ve had more than a year of opportunity to eliminate the entrance of a virus into this country and we still can’t prevent it?
UK variant in the US? Despite all of this locking down, etc.?
It’s almost as if nothing could prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus. Which, now that a Democrat is in office, will be the preferred line used by MSM going forward.
This is akin to claiming there would be no Micah X. Johnson if not for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Totalitarian parties tend to attract totalitarian candidates.
It’s a feedback loop of sorts. And the ex-GOP legislator who said, “Right now there’s a lot of people in the middle that are defining conservative as crazy” just gave you about as good a forecast of the 2022 elections as anyone.
I don’t think Doc is crazy, though. He knows what he’s doing, and no judge would ever accept his insanity plea as credible. He’s culpable for every assault on decency and act of treason he’s committed.
@3 It’s not weak at all. There’s a principle of tort law called “proximate cause.” In determining whether an act was the proximate cause of a harm, the key issue is, “would the harm have occurred, but for the act?”
Thus, if you incite a riot, and someone dies in the riot by someone else’s hand, you may be held liable for a wrongful death claim, because the death wouldn’t have occurred if you hadn’t incited the riot.
I foresee — what’s the body count now? — up to 7 wrongful death claims against Trump stemming from the Jan. 6 riot.
Here’s the thing: Everyone knows there would have been no well funded primary campaign wiping out Herrera-Beutler without Tara twice voting for Trump in the first place. That’s the beginning and end of the story.
However, Trump could stand in the street and randomly shoot 7 people; and Lindsey Graham, a lawyer of sorts, wouldn’t find him guilty of a crime or civilly liable.
That’s why Graham is a senator from a shithole state, and not a judge or senator from a civilized state.
Trump will go down in history as America’s worst president, and Graham is earning a place as one of history’s worst senators.
In criminal cases of this nature (which this impeachment most certainly is not) demonstrating that a criminal act would have been committed even in the absence of the alleged incitement is a common affirmative defense.
The GOP defense is clearly not this.
Trump, the ultimate narcissist would never stand for it. And besides, he authored the event, organizing and planning the rally that brought the pipe bombs to Washington DC, assisted in the fund raising, approving the location, timing, and the order of speakers, right up to the very minute that he ordered the angry, violent crowd to turn and begin their riot/march to The Capitol. It’s inoperable as a defense for him.
The GOP defense to the GOP Senate jury is”: “So what”.
The closing argument is: “Vote the evidence and you lose your next election”.
The obvious risk the GOP runs here is that, by treating the violent, pipe-bomb attack against the US Capitol with such mocking irreverence and dismissiveness, they will essentially license the Biden/Harris DOJ to move forward with more aggressive and more particular federal criminal indictments and prosecutions targeting the organizers and funders of the mob, as well as GOP and White House officials who participated.
And Trump.
He’s just an old man in Florida now, with a violent criminal past. There’s no DOJ directive preventing anyone from bringing criminal charges against him anymore.
And Emmet Sullivan might like to retire in a blaze of glory.
@9 Who needs a defense when he’s got Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and 42 other traitors to cover his bloody back?
This isn’t a criminal trial. But the one he may face in Georgia will be, and Graham, Rubio & Co. won’t be on that jury.
That could be a problem for him.
I sure hope Graham and Rubio are his defense team for that one.
That would be an even bigger problem for him.
And the jury will be picked in Atlanta, not some redneck backwater like Greene’s district.
Schoen seems to be telegraphing this affirmative defense in his many media appearances. Which, aside from indicating what little interest he has in preparing an adequate defense, also indicates how professionally unprepared he is for this kind of work.
An affirmative defense to incitement that focuses on “inevitability” depends entirely on the circumstances and the evidence. Discussing it in the absence of context is meaningless posturing and buffoonery. Shoen can talk about it on teevee. But he dare not talk about it in trial.
Because what the evidence shows is that the people who came to DC on Jan 6th most intent on doing violence and attempting to accomplish an overthrowal of the Congress did so at Trump’s urging, according to them. These, his most ardent followers insist that it was all for Trump and because of Trump. Not a single one of them has suggested that they were independently moved to come to attack The Capitol.
These are lawyers with no real background in criminal defense riffing for the cameras and making it up as they go because they know it doesn’t really matter.
The principal digital organizer of Trump’s Pipe-Bomb rally, a former Fort Worth child prostitute, child trafficker, and child pornographer with multiple felony convictions, names at least three GOP members of Congress as his confederates in planning and executing the attacks. All three are Trump insiders.
@14 Seems kinda obvious his strategy is to present a defense so muddy and confusing it lcaves a reasonable doubt in its wake.
He doesn’t need this in the Senate, of course, where partisanship and cowardice ensure his client’s acquittal.
Who ever claimed that you could stop the spread? Obviously that is an impossibility when people don’t even try. But with a little, or any, leadership, if the leader even cared, could go a long way to slowing and controlling it, and to a point where maybe even variants would be less likely to emerge.
But hey, Forreeeeeeee!
@17 Dumbfuck throws so many red herrings into the sea the water looks like blood and if you cast a net the weight will drag you under and drown you.
If you’re really, really, really upset about covid restrictions, and need to ventilate, walk around until you come across a 91-year-old Asian man and then violently knock him down from behind.
Just don’t get caught.
Probably voted for Trump, too. There’s just something about Biden that doesn’t attract violent racist sociopaths.
Stock market closed at a high today but Boob didn’t celebrate with Pom poms
a former Fort Worth child prostitute, child trafficker, and child pornographer with multiple felony convictions
Heh. dimfuk knows who this is.. A grifting freak featured on countless always wrong websites – the fever swamps where dimfuk skinny dips daily.
Here’s the Trump voter Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit referred to @ 19
His name is Yahya Muslim. Black dude.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he fits the profile of a Trump voter. To be fair, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit isn’t any better at picking stocks.
A cops (LEO) life was of no value on Insurrection Day here in America by the American Taliban.
They wanted to kill cops that day. One cop dead that day and many injured, all in one day, not over the span of a year. Imagine what the American Taliban could do if they had two days, more cops would be dead.
They tossed fire extinguishers and banner pole projectiles at the cops.
Insurrection Day should be marked as a National Holiday – never forget Insurrection Day. Replace Independence Day with it.
&22 were they gay Asians? It could be a double whammy for you…..oh wait, my bad, you wouldn’t give a shit at that point.
“About 31 percent of Asian Americans said they have been subjected to discrimination since the coronavirus pandemic began, according to a Pew Research Center report released last July.”
““Based on the rhetoric we’re hearing, particularly linked to the coronavirus, to COVID, to still calling it the ‘Chinese Virus’ and things like that,” said O’Malley. “That fuels hate and it fuels aggression.””
Conservatives like the greedy racist incel keep referring to COVID-19 as the Wuhan virus, continuing to stir up anger toward Asians, and not surprisingly trump voters act out.
12% of black men voted for trump. Yahya Muslim probably did, drawn to the authoritarianism of trump. Yahya Muslim thought he personally got to hurt the right people, like trump promised.
@25 The greedy racist incel did not care about the Asian person, except that a black guy did it, so the greedy racist incel got to disparage black people.
Trump used the word ‘peacefully’ once during pre-Capitol riot speech. He said ‘fight’ 20 times, impeachment manager notes.
However Trump could confess his intent was to start a riot, that he feels no remorse, and is disappointed that none of them died a painful death – and Republicans would still vote to acquit. They know he’s guilty but they want jury nullification. They only see as far as their next election, and they realize the majority of their constituents are more loyal to Trump than to God or Country.
That’s the scary part. Republican voters who don’t care about this country, just their sense of grievance and fear.
You think if the staff had said they would work for $5 an hour it would have saved their jobs?
Now do Martin Gugino.
Question: Is Yahya Muslim on a public payroll anywhere?
Asking for a dumbfuck.
This is the essential conclusion of this trial. Not Trump’s guilt or innocence. That’s a foregone conclusion in the minds of every voter that depends almost entirely on their political affiliations.
The essential conclusion in the minds of every voter resulting from this trial will be that elected Republicans are incapable of setting aside partisan loyalty for the sake of protecting the republic. Swelling in the ranks of EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE soon to follow.
A sampling from the message boards hosted on the website Trump/StopTheSteal set up to organize the “rally”:
“How do you obtain a carry permit for DC?”
“How large of a knife is legal in The District of Columbia?”
“What kinds of concealed weapons are legal at The Capitol?”
“How to disguise a Molotov Cocktail.”
“What’s the most powerful kind of mace?”
“Group discounts on personal weapons.”
“Which states sell stun guns?”
Very “peaceful”. Very “patriotic”.
From reddit.
This is the defense in a nutshell:
1) “It’s unconstitutional/the process is illegitimate”
..None of them really believe this, it just gives Senators cover not to defend Trump. It would have been the GOP dream to drop the trial based on constitutionality and run away from reporters for the next few years.
2) “Trump didn’t yell ‘MINIONS..ATTACK!!’ on 1/6, therefore he couldn’t have incited violence.”
They are happy to ignore the fact that he lied to 74 million people that an election was stolen. Because they did it too. They are accomplices in this incitement, and they know it.
3) “I know this trial is about Trump and all, but have you ever thought about DEMOCRATS?”
There will undoubtedly be “counter video footage” of BLM protests and statements from politicians supporting them. Besides the litany of reasons this is a false equivalency and red herring, I think it’s important to point out that BLM protests were inspired by racial injustice. Find me one BLM protestor that claims they were there because of Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters statements. Meanwhile, every single person who participated in January 6th’s attacks were there because of one man – Donald J. Trump.
4) (As the title suggests) “Hold Trump accountable and unforeseen consequences await you. I guess divisive Democrats hate unity.”
Abuser logic. Either threatening Democrats with some sham impeachment down the road, or reminding Republican senators how rabid Trump supporters are if they dare cross them. All under the pretense that Democrats are aggressors here.
I mean.. this is the desperation you get when you defend the indefensible.
They are all on trial. Trump, the GOP, the deplorables and Doctor Dumbfuck. All of them are guilty.
@33 This is what Mark Adams (aka “Shortbus”) posted on Handbill.US this morning, in response to a post titled, “Trump impeachment lawyer argues conviction could incite a ‘civil war.’ So what if it does?”
For my response, go here:
I didn’t have to let readers of SJ’s blog see this. But as I said in my response, “I think it’s helpful for readers to know there are people like you out there and defending our democracy against them will require sustained effort by those of us who love this country, believe in its principles, and want it to survive.”
There’s nothing wrong with Biden’s call for “unity,” but everyone needs to understand it’s addressed to people who believe in this country, not those out to destroy it. You don’t negotiate with evil or seek compromise with those trying to destroy you. Our democracy has been attacked and our patriotic duty is to defend it.
For the first several months I ran SJ’s blog, I adopted a rules-based system of moderating comments (no libel, etc.), because I didn’t want to be a pudge or exclude opposing views like rightwing blogs do. Ultimately, that didn’t work, because the comment section was filling up with sludge. So I recently switched to a “letters to the editor” approach in which I publish comments I find to be “informative and useful to readers.” This doesn’t imply censorship or arbiting truth; it’s simply a demand for substance. Of course, I’m not recommending this model for HA. The troll-bashing here should stay just the way it is. HorsesAss is a different animal; it’s justice for slime like doc and all the disappeared trolls who’ve cut and run (Puddy now among them).
@22 A black guy can’t possibly be a Trumper, amirite?
Shortbus has grown neither more intelligent, more energetic in his willingness to study the issue, nor more articulate.
If anything Trump-worship has diminished him as it has diminished all who practice it. Which is the vast majority of Republican voters.
The Woo-pushing grifter, retired twink-hooker, and convicted felon who built Trump’s website for promoting and organizing the insurrection is “a black dude” I guess. I’m not really sure why this matters.
The fact that Tara leapt to that detail as conclusive proof speaks volumes about her crippling racism. And not much more.
@39 If a Democrat knocked an elderly person to the ground, he’d instantly become a pariah in Democratic circles. If a Republican did it, no problem.
No matter how hard Doc and Tom and other apologists try to pretend otherwise, Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same.
Of course, today’s Republicans aren’t Reagan or Bush conservatives.
Today, “Republican Party” is just a generic label for armed extremist and white supremacist militias who plot to kidnap and murder politicians and overthrow governments.
I assume you’re all aware of Seattle weather alert: Possibility of heavy snowfall in Puget Sound region this weekend, expecting 4-6 inches up to 8 inches on Friday and Saturday, drivers being advised to stay home and be ready to dig out.
Do not Gorilla-glue a plastic cup to your face.
But I suppose there’s worse. Like getting your dick stuck in a Coke bottle. Or a horse’s ass.
What if Doc put his head in the horse’s ass, and couldn’t pull it out?
Turns out the Capitol rioters are a bunch of deadbeats.
It’s starting to make sense. They admire Trump because he doesn’t pay his taxes or debts, either, and they want to know how he gets away with it, so they can get away with it, too. Trumpism is a kind of alt-sovereign citizen movement.
This morning in amended filings DC federal prosecutors provided evidence that one of the “Oath Keepers” insurrectionists was in contact with Trump, perhaps indirectly, in the days immediately before the assault on The Capitol.
At a related hearing for a different “Oath Keeper” prosecutors revealed their evidence that the group was arranging for boats to ferry “heavy weapons” across the Potomac River to be met on The Capitol side and distributed among the waiting insurrectionists to be used in their assault.
Here’s one of the “approved” light weapons recommended for “Oath Keepers” to bring with them that morning:
“Very Peaceful Patriots”
The Don of The Biden Crime Family on China, May 2019:
The Don of The Biden Crime Family on China, current:
Curious. Are you going to come up with a crime this time? I thought maybe I should ask, seeing as how you accused Hillary of being a crook 5,000 times and yet you never identified a single fucking crime.
Looks to me like our future includes four more years of the same kind of “lying shitbag” stupidity being posted by you.
“Former President Donald Trump’s condition after testing positive for Covid-19 became so concerning last October that there was talk of putting him on a ventilator, according to what Trump told one person at the time.
“The detail raises questions about whether the former President’s condition was worse than officials were willing to publicly acknowledge, a development first reported in detail by the New York Times Thursday.”
Of course it was. But they couldn’t allow Xi or Kim to know. Those guys might have heart attacks if anything happened to their pal and Pence took over.
Besides, Trump on a ventilator would have wrecked his “Reopen!” policy, and ruined “Beach Week!” and “Pool Party!”
Agreed. The point I was making that he disparage the black people….if it had been a gay asian it would have been a double whammy becuase he then could have killed two birds with one stone, by not caring and also disparage the black people, while pretending to care about the asian victim.
For fun, I listened to the opening of Fox News Primetime to hear how they would spin the impeachment trial. The talking head said it was lies and fake news. Then started picking at nits and since no politician died or got hurt, the twice impeached miserable failure should be held blames, given a mulligan and honestly how DARE the democrats keep pushing this, don’t they know this should be a time for unity?
I’m sure this will lead on CNN tonite. Particularly during Chris Cuomo’s show.
Cuomo aide admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out
Gee. I wonder why Trump would want to investigate how NY handled the pandemic.
@51. The Greedy Racist Incel ” Please god I don’t want to be exposed to the impeachment and how corrupt republicans are. I know, I’ll try to distract with a Whataboutism with Cuomo. Look Look, a Democrat did a bad thing, that absolves everything every republican ever did!”
The New York Post (sometimes abbreviated as NY Post) is a conservative-leaning daily tabloid newspaper in New York City.
“Last night I was on the phone for two straight hours with Xi Jinping… finger bangin’!
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Tara.
Trust the plan.
Guy Fieri is opening a delivery-only restaurant in Seattle, part of a chain. It will be in the Bucca di Beppo space in South Lake Union.
Bypasses servers – sorry, Goldy. Opens the 17th.
@38 The missus made me delete the comments linked @35. She’s afraid I’ll provoke him.
@45 Can any of these people afford a $54 tomahawk? See #44 above. They must have outside funding; follow the money.
@46 Gee, what other politicians have flip-flopped? Can you think of any? For starters, practically every Republican in Congress.
@51 But Cuomo didn’t have the whistleblower arrested in a predawn SWAT team raid, did he?
@54 Doctor Dumbfuck never misses an opportunity to celebrate another waitress losing her job.
Too bad he wasn’t here when Stefan Sharkansky, proprietor of the late “Sound Politics” blog, was accused of getting a single-mom waitress fired for telling his ADHD kid to be quiet and stop running around in a crowded restaurant.
Dumbfuck would’ve had an orgasm in his pants over that one.
Can someone explain the information being presented here. Can it be accurate? How can the US have administered 48,029,341 dose (2/11/21 6.25 PM EST) and it be 70.3% of the supply used.
Scroll just beyond the world map where each state is shown, and US summarized at top of the States.
I thought that 100 million doses of Pfizer vaccine was purchased not to mention the Moderna doses.
From the link @1:
QAnon followers “now believe that March 4 will be the day that Trump will still somehow be sworn in as president …
“Interest around the date re-emerged after it was revealed that prices to rent a room at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C on March 4 have been hiked to $1,331, more than double the $596 price for a guest room for most of that month and nearly triple the lowest cost.
“The hotel in the capital has previously raised its prices on dates that are significant to Trump’s supporters. On January 6, the date of the Capitol attack in which QAnon followers were a part of, it cost $8,000 to rent a room that night.”
Gotta hand it to Trump, he knows how to monetize his popularity with his followers. He’s probably the first despot in history to charge people money for the privilege of staging a failed coup on his behalf. Usually they expect profits only if the coup succeeds.
Looks like Puddy may have raptured for good this time.
The Party of Cop Killers. The Pary of Dumbfucks.
@63. It’s getting so that Republicans can’t hurt blacks as much as they used to so better pass laws to hurt lgbtq people. Republicans aren’t happy if they can’t hurt somebody.
@64. Bunch of angry fucks. Angry because they didn’t amount to anything in life, like our resident Dumbfuck horse cock sucker.
Rev Magdalen
Can we all agree that from now on we take it seriously when someone cheats to get into power, doesn’t have a real mandate from a majority of Americans, and owes their win to a hostile foreign adversary? Because people like that might stage a coup or let hundreds of thousands die.
Greedy racist incel. pay attention.
“The missus made me delete the comments linked @35. She’s afraid I’ll provoke him.”
Wise counsel. Should be applied to all “conservatives” at this point.
Given all that we have learned about the people who donned fur bikinis, armed themselves with “Zombie Killer” hatchets, loaded their backpacks with nail bombs, and went in search of lawmakers to slaughter at the urging of their GQP FailPresident and his enablers, none of them can be considered “safe” or “reasonable”.
Many of these people appeared superficially to be well-adjusted members of their communities who owned thriving businesses, or who had served in positions of leadership in private and civic life. Turns out the great majority of them had significant histories of financial failures, contentious divorces, legal disputes, and civil judgements which they held in secret while they lovingly nursed violent and misdirected revenge fantasies (sound familiar?).
Trump/Bannon recognized this hidden reserve of potential. And used it to bring focus and energy to American “conservatism” at a time when decades of lying and betrayal had left it dissipated and unsure. And finally when all other options for exploiting them to cling to power had been exhausted, turned them against democracy itself. They all now exist as a violently fundamentalist, schismatic, anti-democratic cancer within American society.
I don’t advocate that they all be hunted down and exterminated, even though that is precisely the fate they advocate for us and our elected leaders. But for our own wellbeing they must be disrupted, contained and avoided as their toxicity slowly remits with age, and irrelevance.
@67 Thanks for clarifying that for me.