Generally speaking, I believe 2 contradictory things. That we need more gun control, and that law enforcement needs a lighter touch.
So I am a bit pensive about the bill in the Washington State Legislature to ban open carry guns at the state Capitol and at demonstrations writ large. I am fine with the Capitol (and would be fine for a full open carry ban). But it seems like just demonstrations could be abused. I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking it.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Probably nothing to this.
All the author’s sources — “Soviets who defected, former CIA officers, FBI counter-intelligent agents, lawyers” — probably lied.
But even if Trump is a Kremlin mole, Ted Cruz wants him to be president again. Even though Trump said Cruz’s daddy killed Kennedy. Cruz didn’t like Kennedy anyway.
Nothing to that.
DHS just issued a nationwide terrorism alert. They didn’t mention the GOP by name, but it’s pretty clear who they’re talking about.
Just as it’s pretty clear who Trump is in bed with.
Here’s the deal being offered to Trumpsters:
You can Make America Racist Again provided you agree to being a subsidiary of Putin & Associates, Inc.
This is how it works with the feds.
They start with the two or three low level charges they are authorized to make on affidavit. Then they stack ’em up with the grand jury. Mr. Grider was arrested last Thursday and appeared for his initial arraignment the next day charged with unlawful entry, vandalism and disorderly conduct. He was held pending a detention hearing set for today. So yesterday prosecutors obtained four additional charges including an assault charge.
Now at his detention hearing the judge must consider the risk to public safety and what measures may be required to ensure that given the heightened seriousness of the charges. So much tougher release conditions are set, assuming he obtains release. Those conditions remain in effect until his trial. And at trial he’ll be looking at years, not months.
At his detention hearing today Mr. Grider will also learn that he is no longer entitled to a public defender at taxpayer expense. And that if he is struggling to pay for his legal bills he can always borrow some money against his estate winery, vineyard, and restaurant. Or he can take the plea deal, cooperate with investigators, earn a reduced sentencing rec, and do his time for trying to overthrow the government.
Travel alert for Snohomish County, it’s not safe to go there. If you need to travel between Seattle and Bellingham, go by boat or plane to avoid contact.
I am shocked, shocked, I tell you, to learn that the stock market has down days even when Democrats are president.
Imagine the shock G-clown must be experiencing.
I have to wonder how much money Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lost by shorting GameStop.
I’m sure his family is wondering, too. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s awful investment decisions have cost them so much already.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit certainly has treated his pitiful equity holdings as if they are part of a roulette game.
Elizabeth Warren and AOC slam Wall Streeters who criticize the GameStop rally, saying they treat the stock market like a ‘casino’
Gonna tell us about your super-model girlfriend who lives in Canada next?
You know what the research says. Goldy knows what it says.
Myth or Measurement: What Does the New Minimum Wage Research Say about Minimum Wages and Job Loss in the United States?
Goldy is paid by a billionaire to argue the opposite.
A commenter named Better isn’t around much on HA these days. Better learned a few things about theorized increases in the minimum wage and what they would do to employment in this country, when it was a topic during the Obama years. Better learned that job losses in response to an increase in the federal minimum wage were not a ‘corporate lie’. And he was a better man for it.
There’s a commonly cited CBO study from 2019 that estimated the effects of a federal minimum wage increase to $15/hr. What is most commonly reported is that it would cost 1.3 million jobs.
That’s not quite correct. 1.3 million jobs is the estimated median number of job losses. CBO has estimated that there is a two-thirds chance that the job losses in this country could be as great as 3.7 million.
That’s an awful lot of people out of work so pimply-faced teenagers working at Mickey Ds can walk around with more vaping money in their pockets.
Worst of all, Antifa would still be around, smashing shit.
The slave South enjoyed a “full employment” economy.
The also did “The Insurrection”.
And they lost too.
Trump Clap produced 22 million job losses.
When Tara decided to overlook the audio taped boasting about a long history of violent sexual assaults and just go ahead and vote for Trump anyway it satisfied her because it cost Hillary Clinton a job.
When Trump went to war with our single largest trading partner it also made Tara satisfied. Because it cost stupid farmers and warehouse workers a quarter of a million jobs.
@ 14
You’re right. Let’s ask CBO to re-do the $15 minimum wage estimates and see what it comes up with this time.
Response to the 9/11 terror attacks cost 2.5 million jobs.
Deregulation of the financial industry that turned the residential mortgage markets into a global casino produced 9 million job losses.
@7 I’m more interested in the shock you’re experiencing.
@8 “I have to wonder how much money Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lost by shorting GameStop.”
None, because I didn’t short Gamestop. You seem to know a lot about shorting Gamestop, though. Personal experience? Trying to make up for not shorting GE as I suggested?
My 3M stock was up $10.70 (6%) today. My General Dynamics and Lockheed stocks made gains, too.
I like powdered cocaine, not crack.
Worst of all, Antifa would still be around, smashing shit.
The damage done in Minneapolis and other places was no more antifa than the damage in the MLK disturbances in 68 were BLM..
Racist shit has consequences, eventually, straws breaking camels’ back and all. And silly dimfuk shivering in its widbee safespace can’t deal.
4 pinnochios dimfuk.. they suit you.
@ 17
Response to the 9/11 terror attacks cost 2.5 million jobs.
Biden didn’t get elected promising a devastating terror attack.
The Titanic passengers didn’t vote to hit the iceberg.
$15 minimum wage will be a own goal scored against millions of Americans.
Joe Biden: “My dementia got the better of me, and I ate all the Scabble tiles for the entire game.”
Kamala Harris: “Oh no, Joe! How are you now?”
Joe Biden: “I don’t know. My next trip to the bathroom could spell disaster!”
I guess turning vaccine distribution and administration over to the states wasn’t a very smart thing. At least in some blue states. Like ours.
Effective Friday, 1.29.2021:
ALL currently scheduled persons who have signed up with WhidbeyHealth to receive their first dose vaccine to date will have their appointments cancelled. This applies to the Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.
Effective Friday, 2.12.2021:
ALL currently scheduled persons who have signed up with WhidbeyHealth to receive their second dose of Pfizer BioNTech vaccine will have their appointments cancelled.
WhidbeyHealth is incredibly disappointed to be in this position. Three weeks ago we were asked by the State to ramp up our capacity to vaccinate community members, and we have done that. However, the State’s distribution plan for vaccines has now changed. Vaccine that has been directed to hospitals is being redirected to support state-run mass vaccination sites. Because this week’s and possible subsequent week’s allocations have been dramatically reduced we were unable to follow through with our initial plans.
…we believe the reallocation of vaccines away from hospitals and clinics with thousands of appointments already scheduled is short-sighted and harmful to the public’s trust in Washington State’s vaccine distribution system.
Not to mention the public’s trust in Jay Inslee.
Ending the war in Vietnam caused 2 million job losses.
You lost!
He’s old!
And he still kicked your fat asses!!!!!!!!!
Cry more, fascists!
@26 – I was around for that, and I don’t remember things happening the way you say they happened.
Over-speculation in the early stage internet produced 2 million job losses.
Apparently because we as a nation have done some stupid shit in the past and despite losses of millions of jobs we recovered, QoS McHillbilly thinks we shouldn’t worry about the massively stupid doubling of the federal minimum wage.
The cheap labor conservative is fear mongering the $15 an hour wage again. Watch him clutch his pearls and collapse on to the fainting couch while wailing “Won’t someone think of the children?”
If your business model doesn’t including paying a living wage, it’s a flawed business model, or you just really miss the institution of slavery.
To The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, discussing @ 12 a report issued by the CBO is @ 31 “fear mongering”.
I guess it’s easier to make that claim than to understand medians and standard distributions and shit. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron got through school alleging homophobia on every teacher who tried to tell him that 2+2 does not equal 5.
The Attorney General of Oklahoma has been saddled with trying to unload a $2 million dollar state stockpile of fish tank cleaner ordered by the governor last March.
Worried Oklahomans have been warned to prepare for the worst if the state is forced to dispose of the purchase at a loss.
There may be no Arm-Fishing Championship this summer.
I see @ 32 that The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has never owned a business.
He’s been an employee at a manscaping salon in The Castro his whole life.
Nex he gwine do da “inflation”.
Whelp. Looks like I was wrong.
He went with “anal beads” instead.
Biden: ‘I will not ban fracking. Period.’
Two weeks before the election.
Hey Steve, how much oversampling of Democrat poll respondents is there gonna be next time to keep Biden’s approval numbers in the majority?
Who distrusts Schumer more than Collins?
Which states just rose minimum wage again?
Oh yeah.. Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, FLORIDA, Missouri, Montana, SOUTH DAKOTA…
Careful what you wish for always wrong wingy dingies. Rapey dimfuk says you just scored an own goal.
(rolls eyes)
@ 31
“Won’t someone think of the children?”
The only time The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks of the children is at the NAMBLA mixers he hosts.
@ 40
States exercising self-determination, YLB. If it’s voters in a state or legislators accountable to the voters, it’s still a state decision. Much less problematic than applying a blanket new rate for every state in the country, without regard to individual economic realities.
A South Dakota – I chose this state because you listed it in all-caps – minimum wage of $9.45/hour is a far cry from $15, girlfriend.
You’re still not as stupid as The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, YLB. But you deserve points for making it close.
States exercising self-determination,
Exactly.. So relax rapey, According to USA Today 13.69 in WA State is still a ways from 15.00, the evil number that makes teh kreeper shiver in widbee.
Thanks for your support. And Washington’s unemployment rate atm is better than
Louisiana, Texas and Arizona
And you’re exactly where you always were, BENEATH the slime at the bottom of the troll barrel.. Wallow in it.
A South Dakota – I chose this state because you listed it in all-caps..
I chose SD cuz Kristi and her silly shotgun and being tight with Jarvanka can’t keep fewer people dying in her state from covid than Joe Biden in Delaware.
Blame the own goal.
What’s shocking is that you think I would be shocked. Nobody ever said you were smart or ever right, A broken clock is even right twice a day.
Lock him up. Unlike Hillary Clinton, he committed a crime.
@32 If you don’t pay a living wage, you’re mooching off taxpayers, because the government is subsidizing the cost of providing labor for your business.
Requiring employers to pay subsistence wages is a Taxpayer Protection Plan.
Nicely done.
I’ve haven’t seen Tara perform a backflip that fast since the last time she dismounted her Sybian before the motor broke.
It’s the Wuhan virus. Nothing wrong with calling it by its origin.
One year after the pandemic started, World Health Organization advisor Jamie Metzl wants China to come clean about the origins of the COVID-19 virus.
The Kansas City-born, New York-based Metzl, who served as Deputy Staff Director of the Foreign Relations Committee under then Senator Joe Biden (2001-2003) and before that on the National Security Council (1997-99) and the State Department (1999-01) under President Bill Clinton), theorizes it was most likely an accidental lab leak in Wuhan.
There’s also this fun part about China hiding stuff from the world just long enough to ensure a global pandemic.
Is it because this specifically started in China that we still don’t know how COVID-19 started?
If there had been an outbreak in Congo or some country in Africa and that country, in the earliest days of the pandemic, prevented World Health Organization investigators from going onto the scene of the outbreak, for nearly a month, the world would have gone berserk.
Do not trust China. China is asshole.
@49 Do not trust Trump, either. Trump is asshole, too.
It’s also The Trump virus. Nothing wrong with calling it that too, for its failure to make any attempt to contain it here in this country to any great degree.
Or call it The Repuke virus, for being the ones who loved to spread it around like their hate.
The Trump economy. The Trump virus.
Hey lookey there in the Job Loses column, forget about the traitors and the traitorous instruction that we failed at.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck whines about under sampling of Republicans in polls?
Tens of thousands of voters drop Republican affiliation after Capitol riot
Poll: President Biden’s first approval rating 63 percent
Must suck to be a stupid dumbfuck traitor.
State of Oklahoma Tries to Recover $2 Million Wasted on Hydroxychloroquine
Solution: Buy lots of fish tanks instead to breed even bigger catfish!
“The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck whines about under sampling of Republicans in polls?”
Read Sharyl Attkisson’s book “Slanted.” Available from Amazon for about $20. You might have a different perspective about polls.
Trump’s ‘radioactive’ properties in New York are plummeting in value, report claims.
The people who can afford to buy in Trump properties either can’t stand him or no longer can gain anything from him, the people who love him would never ever be able to afford a trump property
Now ask yourself: Is this a quote from one of the militants who carried pipe-bombs into DC and took over the Capitol?
Or your locally elected state GOP Chair?
The extremist danger is all of them.
What does Atkisson’s book have to do with public polling?
Have you read it? Or did you just read a Facebook post about it?
I think this has always been transactional in nature. Even if/when it wasn’t directly transaction with Trump himself, it was essentially transactional with his “brand identity”, his “following”, or name recognition.
Now most of that name recognition has gone negative, even among those who would still support him. They don’t see him as “a good president” or a “successful business person”. But they do see him as “that which The Libs hate”. And therefore they want more. But you wouldn’t let your daughter date him. And you wouldn’t want to live or have offices in one of his overpriced, Hooker Pee soaked properties. Not now that he is destined to become a symbol of treason, failure and regret.
Pizza delivery is twice as dangerous as being a cop.
But ironically, the educational requirements are about the same.
Found some more damn ANTIFA.
In case Tara ever needs service for her Rover look no further:
These are garden variety “conservatives”. They aren’t “lone wolf crazies” or “disturbed loners”. These are main street business owners and members of the local chamber of commerce. They just also happen to be “conservatives”.
Because, of course.
Marjorie Taylor Greene penned conspiracy theory that a laser beam from space started deadly 2018 California wildfire
@56 It’s true that polls have repeatedly understated Trump’s support, which is the same thing as saying pollsters continue to underestimate the stupidity and venality of the Americans occupying the lower half of the IQ bell curve.
I no longer care what their grievances are. If they can’t do any better than go around brandishing guns, making threats, plotting to kidnap and/or kill public officials, and trying to overthrow our democratically elected government, they’re not worth listening to, and let the National Guard and law enforcement deal with them.
@57 They can’t even afford free face masks.
@59 If you can get an HA troll to cite a source at all, they give you this kind of source. As one Amazon reviewer of her book put it: “Sharyl Attkison used to be a respectable journalist. She’s now a partisan hack peddling right wing conspiracies on the internet.”
Of course, that’s because if your opinions are crazy, the only sources supporting them are crazy, too.
@63 And she’s now on the House Education Committee. It could be worse. At least she’s not a superintendent of schools somewhere.
Every big city has its own fucking asshole liberal lawyer. A self-important asswipe who doesn’t know the law nearly as well as he thinks he does. Seattle’s version is, of course, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
This is Portland’s version:
Lawyer pepper-sprayed by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler: ‘I am remorseful’
The asshole lawyer has apologized to Wheeler and to his law partners at Brownstein Rask LLP.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, does need another contributor? ’cause I know of an attorney in PDX who may soon have some unexpected free time on his hands.
The name of the fucking asshole liberal lawyer in PDX is Cary Cadonau.
This POS tried to get a copy of the surveillance footage of the PDX mayor eating dinner in a restaurant and tried to get a copy of his meal receipt.
Nobody does asshole the way liberal lawyers do asshole.
Isn’t that right. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In a nice touch, the NBC News affiliate in PDX likened Cary Cardonau’s behavior to that of other disgusting leftists:
Cary Cardonau is a disgusting piece of shit. And hopefully this helps Google make it clear to anyone who tries to hire Cary Cardonau.
Anyone who has legal business before the city of Portland, Oregon should not retain the services of attorney Cary Cardonau.
Some people have too much money and should pay more taxes.
@69 If you think that’s something, you should see the doctor running around in the islands. Don’t let him near your dog.
@71 More business for the rest of us.
Sure. But her writing as far as I can tell has nothing at all to say about polling itself. She’s not remotely trained or qualified to comment on polling methodology or statistics. So she bitches about how some media company executives employ public polling, market research, and statistics.
I’ve personally never encountered corporate executives in the US who weren’t completely prepared to ignore the research if it didn’t serve their personal career objectives. I don’t see why media executives could be expected to be any different. And even though 24 hr news channels purport to be “journalism” the strictly limit the percentage of their programming that consists of “straight news”. And in the end, they are still media entertainment companies. So the complexity and overlapping of interests will be immense. Giant consumer companies tightly interwoven with the networks represented by advertising agencies billing hundreds of millions all being worked by PR firms, polling firms, elected officials, think tanks, and in more recent years independent grift hustlers peddling every form of idiocy from “War on Christmas” to “Lizard Men”.
Atkisson’s media criticism being almost entirely focused on the giant corporate media companies she worked for is akin to a minor tag-team wrestler you never heard of writing an expose of WWE. Pretty girl cheerleader wants to be a teevee star and gets butt hurtz. Yawn.
Every big city has its own fucking asshole liberal lawyer.
And a bunch of “fucking” always wrong wing assholes too:
I see a lot more R support than D from that law firm. Don’t be too sure about a lawyer who specializes in representing small business.
Look in the mirror for the kreepiest self-important asswipe of them all.
69 – 71,
Tara, you’re laboring under the common misapprehension that the “barriers to entry” into the legal profession are in any way similar or congruous with those in medicine. Getting through any one of our thousands of shitty law schools is just not that tough. And most are easy to get into. After that you can take the bar as many times as you like. Only have to pass it once. Shit, lawyers don’t even face any real professional discipline.
There is no shortage of crazed, incompetent, and emotionally disturbed lawyers in practice everywhere. There’s an entire genre of humorous anecdote devoted to the sharing of tales of infinite shock and wonder of attorney behavior at trial. You can’t imagine how bad depositions and settlement conferences can get.
@ 53
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck whines about under sampling of Republicans in polls?
No, Steve. Republicans were not undersampled in that poll. Independents were undersampled. And Democrats were oversampled. It’s what got you over the 50% hump.
Steve, you really should read the poll crosstabs before you post the RawStory version of poll results.
’cause you know the next time a poll is held Biden’s numbers will be lower. And that I’m gonna be there to remind you that his numbers were low during the last poll, but covered up by the poll methodology and parroted by gullible types such as yourself.
You used to bring game, Steve. Low T, maybe?
Tara went to “anal beads” and it isn’t even 3pm yet.
New record for a weekday by my reckoning.
Nice work, Steve.
@77 See, e.g.,
You really should check the links (both go to The Hill) before tugging on your anal beads.
I’ll cut you some slack, though. All this treason, insurrection and terrorism you’ve been up to of late must have fucked with your head.
OK, let’s review the bidding: it’s perfectly OK for,a bunch of snot-nosed hedge fund assholes to short the beejeepers out of GameStop, so much so that they drive the price to near zero. But when a bunch of ordinary people get wise to their scheme and start buying the stock to force a short-squeeze on those assholes, the world comes unglued. “How dare the little guy have the temerity to do the stuff we do and work against us!” these bastards are yelling.
Hey, you motherfucking Wall Street shit-for-brains, what goes around comes around. I, for one, hope every one of you that ran up the short interest to 140% of float gets destroyed financially and have to get real jobs somewhere else. You bastards should lose everything, and I really, really, really mean everything!
It’s actually pretty obvious from the way Tara used the term that she does not understand what undersampling means.
She’s referring to the n= counts for the Party ID variable as a subset of the data. I have no time or interest right now in determining the quality of the methodology in question. But it says right in the table that the n counts are weighted to be a “nationally representative sample”.
This is remarkable. AFAIK sample weighting in medical studies is normal. More importantly, I’m pretty sure patient studies frequently employ techniques of oversampling in order to compensate for data imbalances. I would have expected most doctors to understand the implication of that.
Not just a freak. Not just a treasonous freak. But an ignorant, lying, treasonous freak. In her devotion to Trump, Tara has rendered herself completely pointless.
Rabbit. They know he’s a Russian asset. They don’t care so long as the twice impeached loser gives them permission to hate and hurt.
Just a friendly reminder that if you make under $75k your taxes are going up beginning this year and will increase every two years. You can thank the twice impeached miserable failure and the republicans for this gift. They made the stepped increases part of the 2017 “tax cuts.”
Don’t hold your breath. This is who republicans are now.