Most jobs should not require a driver’s license. Like, if you aren’t driving, who cares? You get a wider pool, and also driving makes people nuts; I am on the bus right now and writing an incoherent post instead of being angry with the car in front of me.
All this to say, I am glad that a bill about it has passed the Washington House. No idea about its prospects in the Senate, but it sure would be nice.
Anyway, it’s a good day to contact your legislator or member of Congress. Maybe your US Senator on the budget.
Maybe a not-so-happy Wednesday to HA libbies who wish Death to Amerikkka:
DJT47 might not have brought down the price of eggs his first day on the job, but he DID bring down the rate of inflation his first month on the job.
Your reminder that the rate of inflation climbed in each of Bi-Done’s las four months on the job.
DJT47 ended that unhappy streak.
I look forward to the next 30 days of HA libbies warning me about inflation based on …
Well, on nothing much at all, it seems.
Japan Beer Maker Asahi Announces Investments and Jobs in Wisconsin..
Woweee.. Can we all spell FOX-CON????
GE Aerospace Announced $1 BILLION in US Manufacturing..
And we’ve come full circle now with dumfuck’s GE bleating and babbling. How long did it last?? 10 years?
US Housing Market Given Bleak Prediction
It will take more than seven years for the U.S. to solve the current housing affordability crisis and tariffs will raise price of new homes even further. For aspiring home buyers weighed down by rising home prices, this is a bleak prediction that relief won’t be coming. It is also bad news for Donald Trump, who had promised to lower the cost of housing and grow supply during the first years of his second administration.
Republicans did that.
the rate of inflation climbed…
Orange pants shitting dear leader tells us to STFU about eggs..
Next up stfu about prices of Bud Light and Diet Coke in aluminum cans. Bring back glass bottles – that’s the trick. Only transporting heavy bottles will guzzle more gas.. yawwwn..
Lowest Core Inflation in Four Years
Funee I remember when core inflation went down under Biden and dumbfuck whined about food and energy prices.
@ 3
Japan Beer Maker Asahi Announces Investments and Jobs in Wisconsin..
Woweee.. Can we all spell FOX-CON????
Welfare Queen YLB so fears of “Asians” that she views them as a single entity against which she increasingly openly discriminates.
HA’s increasingly anti-Asian racist unserious twat does not realize that Foxconn is Chinese, not Japanese.
Keep it up, girlfriend.
In Welfare Queen YLB’s defense, it will both Chinese-heritage and Japanese-heritage people who will outcompete her two fucked kids their entire miserable lives.
So her racism is understandable in that no matter which Asian-heritage population she wails over, it’s one whose members are eating her fucked kids’ lunches.
So bring that anti-Asian racism, Welfare Queen YLB. It’s not like the HA moderators are watching, and you’ve long ago dropped the mask.
@ 6
Funee I remember when core inflation went down under Biden…
In his last few minutes George Floyd’s serum fentanyl level was declining, too.
Foxconn is Chinese, not Japanese.
No shit sherlock.
How many billions for FOX-CON under low-life Walker?? And the people of WI get beer for their trouble.
Strong post dumbfuck. So desperate for a “win”..
The House vote to pass the CR was bipartisan.
Why are no Democrats claiming that if the Department of Education is shuttered, public school student performance will be even worse?
The weak beer of Fox-Con:
Orange pants shitter and Dana White have convinced dumbfuck to swill Bud Light.
Gavin Newsom is very hurriedly remaking himself as a moderate. One look at California and it’s hard to disagree with his rationale.
He’s got a podcast now, and just interviewed Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon. He even pretends to worry about the effects of DJT47 policies on the red states.
What will libbies do when they finally realize that they’re toast in 2028 without that Jew governor in one of the two ticket slots?
Why are no Democrats claiming that if the Department of Education is shuttered, public school student performance will be even worse?
Jimmy Carter started the Department keeping a promise to Teacher’s unions. But he was skeptical. Democratic Congress support was lukewarm but the NEA wanted it and that was that.
Veterans wanted a cabinet level head of the VA and that was that but bonzo made that happen and that was ok.
Federal involvement in public education overall meant improvement..
Desegregation closed the racial gap in student performance.
Disabled kids got help with services for their education.
An emphasis on testing (misguided) led to improved test scores in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Dumbya Bush supported stricter standands and so did Obama.
DoE involvment helps rural communities.
DoE won’t be totally “shuttered”. It takes an act of Congress to do that.
This isn’t insane to Boob. This is the sacrifice he is willing to make to be a supreme individual/class.
Killing the Jews wasn’t enough…. It actually never happened!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m looking ahead to the foreword of Friday’s Open Thread, in which HA’s own Carl Ballard will urge US Senate Democrats to shut down the federal government.
Because pink pussy hats won’t work this time.
Spoiler @ 17: Neither will shutting down the federal government.
that Jew
dumbfuck’s antisemitism is understandable.. it supports the Jews everywhere returning to Israel so they call all burn in the hellfire when Jeebus comes back and punishes them for rejecting Jeebus as the Messiah.
@ 15
Jimmy Carter started the Department keeping a promise to Teacher’s unions.
Joe Biden threw the 2024 election result by keeping a 2020 promise to black voters to name a black woman as his running mate.
There is no honor in buying the votes of a special interest group, Welfare Queen YLB.
White Incompetence. It’s the theme and culture of the Drumpf Administration.
both Chinese-heritage and Japanese-heritage people who will outcompete
To the Dean’s list at UW and 4 acceptances at pro schools acceptance whose acceptance rate averages under 20 percent.
Yawn. Dumbfuck tries and flayles.
Work or no work – shut it down!
It’s already been shut down and headed for collapse, why not help contribute – It’s a MANDATE!
@ 19
One man’s Jew governor is another woman’s Hindu wife, Welfare Queen YLB.
I’m just patterning my prose after yours. Hindu wife is how you described Usha Vance last summer, remember? You were just part of the liberal crowd:
Really, though, it’s that bitch’s own fault, being born with skin of color. Isn’t that what you meant when you othered her, Welfare Queen YLB?
BTW, thanks for taking the bait.
Joe Biden threw the 2024 election result by keeping a 2020 promise to black voters to name a black woman as his running mate.
And also kept a promise to elevate a black woman to the SCOTUS.
dumbfuck betrays its racist hatred of black voters and black people in general by implying that Joe should have thrown them under the bus.
That’s what white racist fucks like it do when the chips are down.
Oh, how sweet, Bob is talking about the poor Jews and the poor Hindus with such concern for what is right and wrong.
His sincerity is so touching.
Posts appear to have spiked this week following Vance’s nomination criticizing Vance for marrying someone who is non-white.
Yeah.. repukes don’t like that.
JD Vance’s wife faces racist online backlash from far-right social media posts..
Posts appear to have spiked this week following Vance’s nomination criticizing Vance for marrying someone who is non-white, expressing concerns about an influx of Indian immigrants as a result and the so-called Great Replacement conspiracy have garnered hundreds of thousands of views according to individual post engagement figures.
That’s your crowd dumbfuck.. Pants shitter voters.
Ohh wow, maybe it will shit out a crucifix.
For those having trouble keeping up with Welfare Queen YLB’s racist opposition to Usha Vance, here is what she wrote in mid-July:
Bias against a
• woman
• of color
• because of her religion
That’s the trifecta of liberal hypocrisy, Welfare Queen YLB. Well done!
But even that wasn’t enough for you. You were so weak that day that you even felt the need to claim, without any evidence at all other than her genetics, that she’s a fascist sympathizer. Because of her skin color.
Welfare Queen YLB, you made Darryl so proud that day.
I wonder if the Hindu wife smells like a NYC Taxi Cab driver
@29 what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.
Go fuck yourself. Does that sum it up. Fuck your feelings.
when you othered her
Sue me.. I don’t care for religious nationalism: Christian, Zionist, Islamist or Hindu..
The Modi regime of India is abhorrent.
Usha’s family may or may not be that..
You’re one to talk. You “othered” Kamala like a fiend on meth. What an asshole.
that she’s a fascist sympathizer. Because of her skin color.
Didn’t say a word about her “skin color”..
You did it here because it’s important to you.
“Hindu” is a religion, not a skin color.. I support secular government not fascist religious government which you’d happily support if it meant a tax cut for your stupid ass.
dumbfuck strikes out again.
Say, why have three Senate Democrats already called it quits? Isn’t it the midterm election when the minority party makes gains?
Dems’ own polling shows massive brand problem ahead of 2026
Well, this is the impression people get when liberals like Welfare Queen YLB are allowed to say that the well-off should be taxed at 90-91% rates so that she and her two fucked kids don’t have to work for a living.
@25 Oh silly me..
I left out black women.. dumbfuck HATES them.
Look how it went on a hate binge on Kamala. Disgusting.
@ 33
Didn’t say a word about her “skin color”..
That’s as convincing as the claim that Boxcheck Momala was the best-qualified DNC candidate for president last year, Welfare Queen YLB. You don’t have to mention skin color or gender for people to understand that there was no other logical reason for such a claim to be made.
Performative “resistance”. If he’s not speaking about HA’s unserious twat, he’s not addressing any Democrat.
So, 54 now.
the well-off should be taxed at 90-91%
top marginal rate.. like in the 1950’s under Ike..
That’s 91 percent of income OVER what’s today 3.4 million.
But the problem isn’t income inequality..
It’s wealth inequality. Gary Stevenson supports a wealth tax of 1 percent on asset holdings over 10 million, take your pick pounds, euros or dollars. That means rich assholes unload their assets to make them cheaper for the rest of us.
Assets like fucking HOUSES that are being bought up by Blackstone and their ilk..
Assets like business and public companies being acquired by Private Equity.
The Oligarchs are hollowing out the economy.. They’re bidding up the prices of assets by hoovering them up.. Ordinary people, especially younger people can’t own houses. Fewer and fewer of them own shares in public companies.
Dumbfuck loves this.. As it jerks off to the fantasy of being on “the other side of a line”..
dumfuck is a piece of shit. A piece of shit who babbles about immigrants and cheerleads Israel committing genocide and the setbacks of Democrats..
to avoid discussion of what really matters. The economy getting worse and worse over time for ordinary people as the top 0.01 percent makes it impossible for regular folks to get ahead.
It’s time for rational Democrats to tell Jayapal and AOC to sit down and STFU.
no other logical reason for such a claim to be made.
What if it came out today that Usha’s family is strong supporters of Modi?
There’s your reason.. Nothing about skin color..
dumbfuck strikes out again.. epic fayle..
You don’t have to mention skin color
so dumbfuck can jerk off at HA.. yawwn..
Manu Raju:
Libbie Democrats want all federal workers to miss a paycheck now because they’re afraid that some of them might miss a paycheck later.
It’s time for rational Democrats to tell Jayapal and AOC to sit down and STFU.
Yeah listen to dumbfuck, grease up and spread ’em wide for the orange mushroom.
Pramila Jayapal warning of a “backlash” for Senate Dems who vote for it.
Dems primarying their own. Like no one else does that.
@ 40
What if it came out today that Usha’s family is strong supporters of Modi?
It would not be news here, since you opined @ 29 it was “probably” true in July, Welfare Queen YLB.
What if it came out today that Goldy has been fucking his daughter for more than 20 years? See, I can make shit up without regard for the truth, too. Which is what you are trying to do WRT the Second Lady.
Welfare Queen YLB, are you going to stop trying to make people believe something for which you have absolutely no evidence, or do you plan to triple down on it?
Conmen usually come in the form of Heterosexuals.
What if it came out today that Goldy has been fucking his daughter for more than 20 years?
Oh you said that already. Or was it about “teh illegals” doing that?
That’s another one of your silly Seattle fantasies. Like that never happens in Memphis TN..
Senate Democrats will vote for cloture, vote against the bill when a simple majority is enough to pass it, and then claim they voted against it, all while allowing it to pass.
If there’s no GOP mandate as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims, what’s coming up is pretty fuckin’ close to one. The Democrat party is in freefall. See @ 34.
Bob is hilarious. Fret Liberals Fret – there is no future for Democrats. The future is fascism! It’s so disappointing that there is no future for Democrats, stop worrying! The hope lies with fascism and bread lines!
are you going to stop trying to make people believe something
Yawwn.. your silly gaslighting tricks don’t work on me dumfuck..
you’re a piece of shit who pretends it doesn’t stink
Behold the core Democrat strength.
@51.. Yep, Dems should have just “laid back and enjoyed it”..
that’s the dumbfuck prescription.. yawn.. next..
To get 5 percent on their assets Oligarchs are buying everything (property, companies) and hollowing out an economy that only grows 1 percent. All the rest of us wonder why we can’t get ahead.
Wealth tax NOW.
So younger people can buy a house with a family wage income. So they can buy shares of public companies..
How hard is that? Just demand it. Power concedes nothing without demands.
If your local representative babbles shit, replace it. Get someone who listens.
@ 53
I see. You want 90-91% federal income tax rate AND wealth tax.
Silly twat.
I see. You want 90-91% federal income tax rate AND wealth tax.
Progressive income tax like we had in the 1950s
a WEALTH tax on holdings over like 10 million to reverse the hollowing out of the economy by the people you spread your ass cheeks for.
How terrible is that.. So an ordinary young person can own a fucking house.
Get it now asshole?
btw dumbfuck you already pay a wealth tax. Haven’t you heard? It’s the property tax on your yellowstone cosplay hovel.
1 has strong energy of Biden White House in 2021 and 2022 insisting that the economy was performing well despite inflation.
That went well for them.
Young voters’ alternative was a not fascist who promised to give them $25,000 toward a down payment.
They chose the fascist. Because “Gaza”. And now it’s time for the finding out.
@ 55
You should look at down payments in the 1950s, Welfare Queen YLB.
Think more. Cherry-pick less.
@ 57
Young voters’ alternative was a not fascist who promised to give them $25,000 toward a down payment.
Why, surely. Without any effect on the resultant number of buyers bidding for a house, and without any effect on the resultant home sale price.
You’re quite the chicken-fucker, QoS McHillbilly.
You should look at down payments in the 1950
Exactly why we need more housing built numbnuts.. The “free market” has failed this country since 2008.
Bring back public housing for low income people. They call it “workforce” these days. Put higher tax revenues to work. What a concept.
In late December, when TSLA shares were doing well, somebody offered to pay me $94 per share for the right to purchase TSLA shares from me for $460 each, until August 15th.
I didn’t (and still don’t) own any TSLA shares at the time, but I said sure, I’ll agree to that. In exchange for said agreement the dude paid me $28,300. Up front.
Unless between now and mid-August shares of TSLA rise above $460 each, I keep the whole premium.
This is what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to as “gambling”.
This is how dumfuck “thinks”…
“Boxcheck Momala”…
“GE” (that’s ok now see #1)
“dumb cunt.. unserious twat”
rinse, repeat, ad nauseam..
And if ordinary people can’t get ahead, it’s because they’re lazy and don’t want to drive two hours on packed freeways from a house they can barely afford to go to the office..
Any words about what private equity and hedge funds are doing to make housing unaffordable and removing public companies from existence?
Nope.. dumbfuck’s gotta dumbfuck..
Welfare Queen YLB, = do you think that public housing @ 60 can be purchased individually by @ 55 young people? Wouldn’t that housing be private?
Welfare Queen YLB, do you think the federal government should build houses and then turn around and sell them to your two fucked kids, and do you think that $800 toilet seats make any more sense in a 3 BR 2 BA house than they do in a military jet?
Welfare Queen YLB, do you think before you spew?
Talk about hoovering up assets…
How much fucking farmland does Bill Gates own?
InfoWars personality Jaime White gunned down in horrific violence in Austin, TX
Police say it appears he interrupted two men burglarizing his car who then shot him.
That story is bullshit. Turns out he was about to go public with the rampant sex abuse of children committed by Kamala Harris staffer James Sperling that was happening in a San Antonio building owned by Willie Brown. They had him whacked
do you think that public housing @ 60 can be purchased individually by @ 55 young people?
yawnn.. I was talking about low income people. Public housing means affordable rents. Nominal really.
Affordable housing for the poorest of us, what a concept.. Geez with the money they save they might do something stupid like consume toys for their kids, otherwise spend their meager income and help grow the economy – instead of paying inflated rents to an asshole slumlord.
@ 62
Any words about what private equity and hedge funds are doing to make housing unaffordable and removing public companies from existence?
Welfare Queen YLB, any words about what 90-91% federal income tax rates AND annual wealth taxes do to the willingness of creators to place public companies into existence??
Welfare Queen YLB, what you are advocating is to choke off private investment and replace it instead with government doing everything for people, by creating huge disincentives for risk of capital and the creation of wealth.
What you are advocating is socialism, girlfriend. Now go ahead and make that the Democrat rallying cry in 2026. Please.
@ 66
Public housing means affordable rents. Nominal really.
Welfare Queen YLB gonna put y’all back in the projects.
Uh oh. Sailing might not be so smooth in 2028 for that Jew governor.
Shapiro’s office deleted emails relevant to sexual misconduct complaint
a San Antonio building owned by Willie Brown. They had him whacked
Funny just the other day I was reading about Seth Rich.. Didn’t really know that Rich’s family sued Faux Snooze and got a settlement out of them..
Too bad a lot of documents like e-mails were kept secret. And settlement was forced just before the family’s lawyers were going to depose Hannity and Dobbs.
Dobbs is burning in hell and I hope Hannity soon follows.
for that Jew governor.
Shapiro’s office deleted emails relevant to sexual misconduct complaint
dumbfuck’s antisemitism becomes even more evident. It only supports Israel because it hates people with funny last names even more and wants as many of them dead as possible.
dumbfuck babbling racist shit means it never talks about why it spreads its ass cheeks for oligarchs like elmo and peter thiel.
Sixteen point shift from positive to negative in the first month.
The 100 day plan is to get to negative 100.
Behold some of the ideas from the bestest and brightest on HA:
• $25,000 free money!
• More public housing and low rents! Nominal, really. So the “poorest of us” can “consume toys for their kids”.
• “Ordinary young person”s owning a fucking house!
• 90-91% federal income tax! (OK, that was earlier. But still.)
• Wealth tax on those with more than, say, $10M
Oh, and apparently @ 64 Bill Gates is the only person in America who owns untaxed real estate. Who knew?
I see Dumbfuck is trying to take a victory lap on the opening days of the recession.
Consumer spending…down.
First Time unemployment claims…up
But look at that tiny drop in demand for goods bringing inflation to heel!
Why would plane tickets cost less?
No worries though, Secretary ‘Real World’ is on it.
90-91% federal income tax rates AND annual wealth taxes do to the willingness of creators to place public companies into existence..
Wealth taxes kick in after a certain level.. How about 10 million? Or even higher.. Someone will do the math and get back to us.
90-91% is a top marginal rate which you are too stupid to understand..
It was done in the fifties.. When a third of the country was in a union and they were able to both buy property and support a family on one income..
What you are advocating is socialism
yawwwn.. and you advocate racism, misogyny and xenophobia – to avoid talking about things that really matter like WHY ordinary people can’t get ahead. And when you do, it’s to blame the victim – call them names like lazy, unintelligent, unserious.
it’s a gimmee that you’ll namecall anything I say anything you like.
It’s what you do.. You’re a dumbfuck frat boi. Brainwashed in teh bonzo daze.
$25,000 free money!
For a down payment on a house. But rich sugar producers in red states can keep their price supports.
Is tobacco still subidized? I remember Helms loved that shit.
• More public housing and low rents! Nominal, really. So the “poorest of us” can “consume toys for their kids”.
Poor people participating in the economy. Maybe even climbing the ladder of social mobility. Every hear of that? But can’t have that because so many of them are the wrong skin color.
• “Ordinary young person”s owning a fucking house!
I’ve seen a two bedroom in Seattle going for over a million. But short of a depression it’s a lock that will double and dumbfuck will still be a dumbfuck.
• 90-91% federal income tax! (OK, that was earlier. But still.)
Dumbuck still can’t comprehend marginal rates.
• Wealth tax on those with more than, say, $10M
Yep.. Rich fucks sell their assets (like Blackstone’s rental houses) to pay their taxes so the rest of us have a shot.
dumbfuck dumbfucking on steroids now. or meth..
Here Elon. This is $38B to get your car company going. Some of it is grants and some of it is loans at terms so good for you that no one else can get such a deal.
“Oh you were expecting thanks. Fuck you. I’m self made and and everything I have is because of my inventions! The unproductive 60% of the workforce has to go!”
@ 76
Yep.. Rich fucks sell their assets (like Blackstone’s rental houses) to pay their taxes so the rest of us have a shot.
Rich risk less capital on construction so the rest of you see fewer newly constructed houses, while your “free” $25,000 increases the number of buyers bidding on each of the few available dwelling. The combination of lower supply and greater demand will force selling prices upward. There’s even a law that describes this relationship; maybe you’ve heard of it.
Welfare Queen YLB, you need to stop gazing fondly at each and every socialist wet dream item without any realization of the effect it will have if it’s implemented.
Look at the attempted manipulation during the Great Recession. “Free money” for home purchases caused first-time buyers to buy into a still-falling market. Destruction of used cars intended to spur new car purchases instead caused used car prices to spike because demand became unbalanced by supply.
There are consequences, girlfriend. Ponder some of them once in awhile.
@ 75
…call them names like lazy, unintelligent, unserious.
If you don’t like being called unintelligent and unserious, Welfare Queen YLB, perhaps try demonstrating some intelligence and seriousness in your spews. Just once.
In his last few minutes George Floyd’s serum fentanyl level was declining, too.
As Chauvin ground Floyd’s neck into the ground with the knee..
After dumbfuck gets its tax cut, it will quietly lobby pants shitter to
“FREE DEREK! Stand up for white kops orange dear leader!”..
Rich fucks risk less capital on construction so the rest of you see fewer newly constructed houses, while your “free” $25,000 increases the number of buyers bidding on each of the few available dwelling.
Ok maybe there’ll finally be a shot for minority owned business. They’ll take the munee to building housing if “rich fucks” don’t. As it is rich fuck would rather buy exisiting houses to screw ordinary people with ruinous rents than build.
The combination of lower supply and greater demand will force selling prices upward. There’s even a law that describes this relationship; maybe you’ve heard of it.
Any excuse to do nothing will do for dumbfuck – do nothing dumbfuck..
you need
We all need to ignore dumbshits like you and cut off the oxygen from those who are screwing us. Even Buffet calls private equity a scam.
Look at the attempted manipulation during the Great Recession. “Free money” for home purchases caused first-time buyers to buy into a still-falling market. Destruction of used cars intended to spur new car purchases instead caused used car prices to spike because demand became unbalanced by supply.
Yawwn.. Obama turned out to be not serious.. Summers cut the stimulus off at the knees. Repukes would have been worse – they would have let Chrysler and GM “go through the process”.. Destroy an entire industial supply chain.. Just to bust the unions.
There are consequences..
Oh yeah we’ve heard this before.. Careful of what you wish for lefties. Tell that to lefties in Alaska, FL and other red states who raised their minimum wage. Dumbfuck had a good dumbfuck over that – they weren’t “that red”.. lmao..
try demonstrating some intelligence and seriousness
You’ll be celebrating 2 bedroom house prices rising to over a million and an economy that gets better only for rich fucks like elmo and thiel to your grave dumbfuck.
Your ass is owned.. seriously.. but there’s no intelligence involved.
the Nazi Dumbfuck is far gone enough that at this point he thinks his “arguments” are compelling.
Of course the problem is that his preferred “austerity” in which unlimited government spending goes to defense systems that nobody asked for and to provide limitless funding for oppressive paramilitary law enfrocement kicking down doors and shooting dogs and toddlers is a proven loser. And the targeted social spending that his fascist regime is now canceling unlawfully is all highly popular and actually produces sustainable economic growth.
Probably the bigger problem is that he comes here an lies so often, so frequently, and so aggressively that nobody pays any attention to him anymore. And he increasingly relies upon documented lie machine Twitter to support his claims.
Who cares?
All that matter is that Fat Hitler is destroying support for all of his false promises and “fixes” for government spending. By the time Fat Hitler is done support for massive tax increases on households with mid six figure incomes will be overwhelming. And there isn’t shit that the Nazi Dumbfuck can do to stop it.
@ 80
Ok maybe there’ll finally be a shot for minority owned business.
Well, surely. Wealthy black people love 90-91% tax rates and wealth taxes every bit as much as wealthy white people, so of course they’ll step up and build houses so that poor black people can pay nominal housing amounts.
Still waiting for intelligent and serious out of you, Welfare Queen YLB.